Segang Expedition (Inactive)

Game Master Awenydd83

Combat Maps

Myantha [dice=Initiative]1d20+3[/dice]
Lorelei [dice=Initiative]1d20+7[/dice]
Muroi [dice=Initiative]1d20+2[/dice]
Uthraed [dice=Initiative]1d20+7[/dice]

Baron Rudyahm: 5
Count Matsanda: 1

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You all have been summoned to the Grand Lodge in Absalom by the ever well mustached Venture-Captain Ambrus Valsin. There, you are escorted to his office, “Ah, Falroun, these are the agents I was telling you about,”Ambrus Valsin says. “Pathfinders, welcome! May I introduce Count Falroun Matsanda of Alkenstar.” He gestures across his desk to a tall Garundi man with short black hair and goldrimmed spectacles.

Valsin’s guest stands and offers his hand in greeting as he speaks “It is a true pleasure to meet you. I have purchased several antiquities from your Society in the past, and I have always wondered about the people who acquire such treasures. I must say, you do not disappoint!”

Valsin smiles at the compliment before continuing, “Agents, your next mission will take you to the island of Jalmeray. We’ve received reports that the ruins of a previously unknown temple have been found in a part of the Segang Jungle known as the Urapangi Lowlands. From its location, I think this temple could be one of those abandoned by the legendary Maharaja Khiben- Sald when he left Jalmeray over four thousand years ago. A temple untouched since Khiben-Sald’s time would be a major find for the Society. Of course, getting to Jalmeray on such short notice poses some difficulties.”

“I believe that’s where I come in,” the count interjects,“I’m arranging a hunting expedition to Jalmeray for myself and my new father-in-law, Baron Bomande Rudyahm. Bomande was quite the sportsman in his day. However, some years ago he was wounded during a tiger hunt in the Segang Jungle. He’s been grumbling about getting revenge on the beast for so long that I thought taking him on a trip back to Segang might earn me some credit with the old man.”

Ambrus Valsin continues: “Falroun has graciously offered to provide transport to and from Jalmeray and to outfit us with everything we need for our journey into the jungle. In exchange, you’re going to help his father-in-law, the baron, with this tiger hunt and make sure he gets the better of the beast this time around, as it were. You’ll have time to discuss the details of the hunt during your voyage to Jalmeray.”

“A voyage for which I must make some final arrangements,”
adds Falroun, “I’m afraid I must depart. Once again, it is a pleasure to meet you. I look forward to our journey together.” With a nod, he exits the room.

As the count’s footsteps recede down the hall, Ambrus Valsin’s smile fades from his face. “Ordinarily, the Society would cover the costs of an expedition like this. However, our resources are stretched thin at the moment thanks to our campaigns in Varisia and the Worldwound. Until such time as those ventures pay off, we’re going to have to rely on people like Count Matsanda to cover some of our operating expenses. I’m trusting you with the Society’s reputation on this mission. Fulfill our end of this bargain by helping the baron bag his tiger, and try to make nice with at least one of these nobles. Now, unless you have any questions about this temple, go get your affairs in order. Your ship sails in the morning.”

Feel free to ask questions, as well you all have time to pack your gear and supply yourself. The boat leaves tomorrow.

Sovereign Court

Female Ifrit 1st level Bard | HP 9/9 | AC 16 | T 13 | FF 13 | CMD 13 | Fort +1 | Ref +5 | Will +1 | Init +7 | Perc +3 | Bardic Per: 8/8 | Spells: 1st - 2/2

Lorelei smiles broadly at the Garundi man when he compliments the group. She listens intently, interested in the prospect of potentially rubbing elbows with some of the Jalmeray nobles. She then addresses the Venture-Captain directly. "Do we know of anything specifically about the temple? Anything we should be concerned about? And worry not about Count Matsanda and Baron Rudyahm, I will make sure they are kept happy." She grins.

“One of the Vudran deities, certainly, but beyond that we don’t know. My contacts tell me the locals have several superstitions about monkeys. If that represents some leftover remnants of the temple’s faith, it could be dedicated to one of the monkey-faced deities, Ragdya and Lahkgya, or to Chamidu, the goddess of wild animals,” the Venture-Captain says, playing slightly with his mustache.

Liberty's Edge

Male Halfling Sorcerer (Starsoul) 2 - HP 14/14, AC 13, T 13, FF 11, F +3, R +4, W +5, Initiative +2, Perception +2, Concentration +5

Muroi keeps in silence trying to avoid any interaction right now. He is listening carefully about the mission. He had the same questions that Lorelei did. He is waiting for more info.

“Baron Bomande Rudyahm received his noble title as a rewardfor his service in the military. He’s something of a war hero, and was instrumental in defending Alkenstar from invasion by the Gorilla King in 2690 AR," the Venture Captain says glancing dow at some papers ,"Falroun Matsanda is the youngest son of one of Alkenstar’s wealthiest families, and his marriage to the baron’s daughter bought him a great deal of political support. He’s a serious up-and-comer in Alkenstar politics.”

"Any other questions, the boat leaves the docks tommorow on pier eight?"

Grand Lodge

Male Nagaji Paladin/ 3 (1 Neg Lvl) 21/21hp] [AC:18 T:13 FF:15] [F+6/R+5/W+5 (Immune Disease, +2 vs Mind effects, poison)] [CMB +5] [CMD 18] [SP 30FT] [INIT +1] [Perc +3]

Senach returns to his seat after greeting the noble, and listens carefully to the briefing. Once finished, he asks "Are there any other interessssstsssss whosssse claim we may need to refute??" the Nagaji Paladin asks. "Who elssssse knowsssss about thisssss?"

Grand Lodge

Male Nagaji Bloodrager 3: Hit Points 31; AC 18/11/17; Fort+6 Ref+4 Will+3 (+4); Init+1; Perc+7

"What can we expect of the Urupangi Lowlands?"

I shrug, happy for Ambrus to have no answer.

“Segang is hot and muggy this time of year. It’s a jungle, so expect dangerous plants and animals, venomous creatures, and disease. You may also encounter some looters at the temple, if you don’t get there fast enough,” the Venture-Captain says looking down at some papers strewn about his desk before suddenly looking around the room at the various agents, "I hope best you are all taking notes. I dislike finding someone's next of kin to tell them of their poor spouse or child whom has died because they forget the anti-venom. Pack well, is there anything else."

Pro-tip, take notes. Many times I've realized the introductions importance only too late XD

Dark Archive

Male Human Fighter 1/Wizard 1 HP: 14/14 AC: 19 TAC: 14 FF: 15 F:+2 R:+4 W:+2 Init; +7 Per: +5

Uthraed stands looking from his companions to the Venture Captain as they ask him about the task at hand. "Not more poisonous creatures, I am sick of falling ill every time I adventure with the Pathfinders" Uthraed thinks to himself as he recalls his past adventures. "Is there anywhere around town that we may pick up an antidote for some common poisons before we go?"

Really though is there for instance a cure poison potion I could buy before going I have been poisoned in 2 of my last 3 adventures?

"This Absalom, if you can't find it here, most likely wont find it anywhere," he says nonchalantly.

Boat leaves tomorrow The scenario is giving you added bonus time for your characters to retrieve gear suitable for a jungle expedition. This also Absalom and things like anti-venom, cure disease and all sorts of stuff should be available if you got the cash. Go nuts.

Grand Lodge

Male Nagaji Paladin/ 3 (1 Neg Lvl) 21/21hp] [AC:18 T:13 FF:15] [F+6/R+5/W+5 (Immune Disease, +2 vs Mind effects, poison)] [CMB +5] [CMD 18] [SP 30FT] [INIT +1] [Perc +3]

Yea, that sucks, Uthraed. I second that motion.. but a scroll of neutralize poison would about wipe out my funds. Is there anything cheaper? How does Antitoxin work? The description states it counteracts "a specific toxin".

This substance counteracts a specific toxin. If you drink a vial of antitoxin, you gain a +5 alchemical bonus on Fortitude saving throws against poison for 1 hour.

If you drink a vial of this foul-tasting, milky tonic, you gain a +5 alchemical bonus on Fortitude saving throws against disease for the next hour. If already infected, you may also make two saving throws (without the +5 bonus) that day and use the better result.

Top Antitoxin, bottom Anti Plague. Both price at 50Gp. It says for the toxin specific but it doesn't tell me exactly the variation so if you buy one, ill say it is for whatever you are afflicted by.

Grand Lodge

Male Nagaji Paladin/ 3 (1 Neg Lvl) 21/21hp] [AC:18 T:13 FF:15] [F+6/R+5/W+5 (Immune Disease, +2 vs Mind effects, poison)] [CMB +5] [CMD 18] [SP 30FT] [INIT +1] [Perc +3]

That was my interpretation as well, but the "Specific toxin" bit threw me. Thanks, GM. I will buy 3 please.

Sovereign Court

Female Ifrit 1st level Bard | HP 9/9 | AC 16 | T 13 | FF 13 | CMD 13 | Fort +1 | Ref +5 | Will +1 | Init +7 | Perc +3 | Bardic Per: 8/8 | Spells: 1st - 2/2

Lorelei does not have enough to buy anything at this point. Unfortunately, I'll just have to pray she doesn't get poisoned... Just FYI, she is not at all combat oriented, but rather a complete support character. I'll be using Inspire Courage cycling w/ Lingering Performance and then debuffing enemies with Intimidate. I can do heals also if folks have their own Wands of CLW. This is Lorelei's first mission, so I do not have one for her yet.

Knowledge: Geography: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21
Knowledge: Local: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20

"Are there any other precautions you may suggest? Any specific diseases we may encounter and their sources?"

The checks are to see if Lorelei knows of any other specific suggestions other than the expensive alchemy items. Bug nets for example.

Grand Lodge

Male Slyph (Native Outsider) HP 10/10 | AC:15 / T:15 / FF:13 / F: +3 / R: +4 / W: +5 | CMB +2 | CMD 17 | Speed 35

nope i don't have spare money atm so ill just have to risk it as well. Akal can fight melee but as a Zen archer monk fights better at range.

Akal flips a page oh his spare notebook wordlessly writing everything the venture captain had mentioned.

"Hmm, I doubt i will have the funds for this antivenom but i shant shy away from my duty just because of it."

Grand Lodge

Male Nagaji Bloodrager 3: Hit Points 31; AC 18/11/17; Fort+6 Ref+4 Will+3 (+4); Init+1; Perc+7

First adventure for this character. No cash for anything. Bit worrying.

Fentar shrugs, trying not to think about his near-empty purse.

Liberty's Edge

Male Halfling Sorcerer (Starsoul) 2 - HP 14/14, AC 13, T 13, FF 11, F +3, R +4, W +5, Initiative +2, Perception +2, Concentration +5

"Well, sir. If there is nothing else to be told, we should go to rest. Tomorrow will be another day and it will be busy, hot and humid." Muroi stays stand there for few seconds more, waiting for more info or instructions, before to leave and rest a little bit.

"No, that is all. Remember, we want to be in good graces with the two. You all are Pathfinders, you represent us. We might not get an opportunity at this sort of expedition in a long while, so make this count," he says with a stern face, "Now get out of my office and make sure you arrive on time tomorrow. The boat leaves first thing in the morning."

Ok folks, if you want to buy anything, now is the time. The next post will be the next day as you are at the docks and proceed onto the boat. Feel free to RP what you do in the mean time. I give bonuses to good RP. later on :D

Grand Lodge

Male Nagaji Paladin/ 3 (1 Neg Lvl) 21/21hp] [AC:18 T:13 FF:15] [F+6/R+5/W+5 (Immune Disease, +2 vs Mind effects, poison)] [CMB +5] [CMD 18] [SP 30FT] [INIT +1] [Perc +3]

I would also like to use 2 pp for a cure light wounds wand, please. I almost forgot about that! Also, seeing that so few have the funds for the antitoxin, I will add a 4th vial to my purchases. If those with the money buy a couple, we can share these out as needed to help the rest.

Senach stands and bows as the Venture Captain finishes his briefing. "We will not disssssappoint, ssssir." he hisses through reptilian lips. Once freed, he immediately moves to the market, searching through the vendors wares until he comes upon an alchemical shop. Stopping in, he purchases 4 vials of antitoxin before moving on in search of a Pathfinder friendly wizard.
K. Local: 1d20 ⇒ 1
Unfortunately, this leads to him getting completely lost in the town, and nearly ending up in the wrong hands once or twice. Shamed at his lack of direction and cursing human city planners, he makes his way back to the Lodge, where he by chance happens to find the wizard in residence. angered at the lost hours, he shows his reports from previous missions to the wizard, who gives him a simple wand of Cure Light Wounds at the expense of the Society. Frustrated, he turns in for the night.
The next morning dawns, and he heads towards the docks where he meets up with everyone else. Turning first to Lorelei, he offers his new wand and asks "My Lady, If you would be so kind as to keep track of thissss for me. Usssse it on whomever needs it, but it makessss more ssssensssse for it to be in your hands once battle begins."
Turning back to address the group, he says "I do not have many resourcessss but I puchasssssed ssssseveral vialsssss of Antitoxin. I will keep one, but we can ssssshare the resssst out. Did anyone elssssse happen to buy extra?"

Loerelei: use it as you need to for everyone, and just tell me how many charges to deduct. I will roll for my own uses, and RP that you were helping me out.

Sure. I'd also say just as a slight spoiler, 3 vials should be enough if it comes to that. You all are playing tier one, you should be okay.

Dark Archive

Male Human Fighter 1/Wizard 1 HP: 14/14 AC: 19 TAC: 14 FF: 15 F:+2 R:+4 W:+2 Init; +7 Per: +5

Uthraed follows Senach into the market but quickly looses him in the crowed only to bump into him purchasing the same thing as himself. He makes his way back to his companions purchasing a partially used wand of Cure Light Wounds on the way.

I would like to buy 1 anti Toxin and I have a wand of CLW CL3 that I found from another mission I'll PM you with the Character sheet and I have deducted the gold from what I am currently carrying.

Liberty's Edge

Male Halfling Sorcerer (Starsoul) 2 - HP 14/14, AC 13, T 13, FF 11, F +3, R +4, W +5, Initiative +2, Perception +2, Concentration +5

Muroi goes to bed early, really early, when the sun still shines. He wants to rest, even if he can't sleep from the beginning, he wants to rest. He wakes up early in the morning, really early, when darkness still hugs Absalom. He packs all his belongings and goes to the dock. On the way, he buys something to eat, he will eat while waiting for his fellows.

Grand Lodge

Male Nagaji Bloodrager 3: Hit Points 31; AC 18/11/17; Fort+6 Ref+4 Will+3 (+4); Init+1; Perc+7

Fentar goes for a drink with some friends, some more friends turn up... but he's young and vigorous enough to shake it off and arrive on time and ready to go. Only the slight air of alcohol on his breath gives him away.

He salutes the halflig sorcerer at the docks, "Good show. I can't eat by the docks: that old-fish smell just shuts me down" it's actually a bit much with a hangover as well.

Liberty's Edge

Male Halfling Sorcerer (Starsoul) 2 - HP 14/14, AC 13, T 13, FF 11, F +3, R +4, W +5, Initiative +2, Perception +2, Concentration +5

Muroi nods to Fentar. "It's easy, my fellow. I'm eating fresh breaded fish. It tastes awesome and smells even better. Do you want some?" Muroi extends the arm with some fish.

Grand Lodge

Male Nagaji Bloodrager 3: Hit Points 31; AC 18/11/17; Fort+6 Ref+4 Will+3 (+4); Init+1; Perc+7

"No, I'll um... no. It's fine. Thank you."

Fentar looks around for Falroun and the other Pathfinders, eager to be off.

Continuing onward if ready.

You all arrive at the docks early in the morning, arriving at a fine vessel flying Alkenstar colors. As you walk up the gangplank, a handsome, dark-skinned Garundi gentleman of advancing years, with a thick black mustache and graying hair at his temples greets you. He walks with a prominent limp, and carries a finely crafted walking cane to help him amble about.

"Hail to you agents of the Pathfinder Society, we have been expecting you," he smiles, with a polite nod of greeting, "I am Baron Bomande Rudyahm of Alkenstar, it is a pleasure to meet you all."

Grand Lodge

Male Nagaji Bloodrager 3: Hit Points 31; AC 18/11/17; Fort+6 Ref+4 Will+3 (+4); Init+1; Perc+7

Barons and Counts?! Being a Pathfinder really changes who you mix with...

"Aye, a pleasure indeed. Fine ship you have here. Will Falroun be joining us?"

Liberty's Edge

Male Halfling Sorcerer (Starsoul) 2 - HP 14/14, AC 13, T 13, FF 11, F +3, R +4, W +5, Initiative +2, Perception +2, Concentration +5

"Good morning, Baron. Nice to meet you." Muroi replies when he is boarding the ship.

Grand Lodge

Male Nagaji Paladin/ 3 (1 Neg Lvl) 21/21hp] [AC:18 T:13 FF:15] [F+6/R+5/W+5 (Immune Disease, +2 vs Mind effects, poison)] [CMB +5] [CMD 18] [SP 30FT] [INIT +1] [Perc +3]

Senach boards the ship, then bows to the Baron as he greets the Pathfinders. "The pleassssure issss ourssss, mi lord."

Sovereign Court

Female Ifrit 1st level Bard | HP 9/9 | AC 16 | T 13 | FF 13 | CMD 13 | Fort +1 | Ref +5 | Will +1 | Init +7 | Perc +3 | Bardic Per: 8/8 | Spells: 1st - 2/2

Lorelei gladly accepts the wand from Senach. "I will use it with pleasure, my dear." She spends her night dancing and meeting new folks before turning in late. Despite her late night, she arrives on time at the docks and looking entirely put together.

She offers a well-practiced curtsy for the baron and then offers her hand to him. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Baron Rudyahm. I am Lorelei Adelardi of House Adelardi of Taldor. I must say, milord, you are much more handsome in person than the rumors suggested." She offers a seductive smile.

Dark Archive

Male Human Fighter 1/Wizard 1 HP: 14/14 AC: 19 TAC: 14 FF: 15 F:+2 R:+4 W:+2 Init; +7 Per: +5

"It is a pleasure to meet you," Uthraed says with a bow. As he does his owl, perched on his shoulder, turns his head and looks at the Baron and then turns back away to tend to her feathers.

"The pleasure is mine to have members of the Society aiding in this hunt. You'll find it to be rather exciting. You are all welcome below deck to set up quarters, the crew will show you to them. Later, you are all invited to attend a dinner tonight, it shall be most wonderful," he says with a sincere smile, "I believe one more of your people have yet to arrive. Alert us when and we shall set sail."

He begins to walk towards starboard, limping slightly with aid of his cane.

Grand Lodge

Male Nagaji Paladin/ 3 (1 Neg Lvl) 21/21hp] [AC:18 T:13 FF:15] [F+6/R+5/W+5 (Immune Disease, +2 vs Mind effects, poison)] [CMB +5] [CMD 18] [SP 30FT] [INIT +1] [Perc +3]

With another bow, Senach withdraws from the conversation, heading towards the offered accommodations. He stows his gear and gets settled in his rack then passes the time before dinner walking the decks and familiarizing himself with the ship and her crew.

Grand Lodge

Male Slyph (Native Outsider) HP 10/10 | AC:15 / T:15 / FF:13 / F: +3 / R: +4 / W: +5 | CMB +2 | CMD 17 | Speed 35

Akal nods his thanks at the invitation to dinner and then proceeds to explore the ship while attempting to not bother the crew.

Ten minutes after the last of you arrive, the ship sets sail from the Absaloms harbor, guided out by the small vessels through the ship graveyard below the water. Once out of the inlet, the ship quickly begins to speed through the water while the city fades in the distance.

Later in the night, you sit down to dinner with the Baron, along with the count seated not too far away, "Please sit and relax, eat your fill," Rudyahm says from the head of the table.

"The Venture-Captain said very well of them," Count Matsanda adds.

The meal consists of various cuisines from the area around Alkenstar and Garundi, all excellently prepared by top-notch chefs aboard the vessel.

Grand Lodge

Male Nagaji Bloodrager 3: Hit Points 31; AC 18/11/17; Fort+6 Ref+4 Will+3 (+4); Init+1; Perc+7

"So, my Lord," Fentar pauses to allow the noble to correct him if he has the appellation of rank wrong, "What plans have you made for this hunt?"

“Tigers are territorial. If we find our way back to its hunting grounds, there’s a good chance we’ll run across it before too long,” he says sipping a glass of fine wine, " We'll have several guides and helpers as we push inward, along with elephant."

Liberty's Edge

Male Halfling Sorcerer (Starsoul) 2 - HP 14/14, AC 13, T 13, FF 11, F +3, R +4, W +5, Initiative +2, Perception +2, Concentration +5

Muroi descends to the quarters and rests in the morning to walk around the ship to know it and its crew. He avoids to distract them. For moments, he sits to observe the sea. "It is so calm, but so dangerous.

During the diner, Muroi keeps in silence trying to listen every conversation, trying to gather information about the place they are coming. He is eating a little of every plate cooked. He is happy tasting this new food. "What an experience."

Perception: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 2 = 17

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24

Perception and Sense motive to gather information about something suspicious in the ship and its crew.

You hear nothing of the sort except the rocking of the water on the boat and the clanging of dishes in the kitchen. Nothing out of the ordinary and everyone seems to be pretty okay. The Baron seems true on his words of hunting the Tiger, and is rather determined in voice.

Dark Archive

Male Human Fighter 1/Wizard 1 HP: 14/14 AC: 19 TAC: 14 FF: 15 F:+2 R:+4 W:+2 Init; +7 Per: +5

Uthraed sits and listens as he eats the food. After his previous adventures and eating primarily stale trail rations it is nice to get a warm meal in his stomach.

"I've read much on these elephant beasts but in my travels I have never been lucky enough to see one." Uthraed says then changing the subject he adds, "When we do come across this tiger how will you go about taking it down and what exactly would you like our role to be."

Grand Lodge

Male Nagaji Paladin/ 3 (1 Neg Lvl) 21/21hp] [AC:18 T:13 FF:15] [F+6/R+5/W+5 (Immune Disease, +2 vs Mind effects, poison)] [CMB +5] [CMD 18] [SP 30FT] [INIT +1] [Perc +3]

Senach quietly eats his meal and studies those around him. He doesn't have too much to say.. and is rather not a fan of sport hunting.. but he has a job to do and will do it as necessary. "Thissss food issss exquissssite" he sais during a pause in the conversation. "My complimentsssss to your chef."

When Uthraed brings up the elephant, he does, however, become intrigued despite himself. "How doessss one hunt from the back of one of thessssse beasssstsssss?" he hisses out.

Sovereign Court

Female Ifrit 1st level Bard | HP 9/9 | AC 16 | T 13 | FF 13 | CMD 13 | Fort +1 | Ref +5 | Will +1 | Init +7 | Perc +3 | Bardic Per: 8/8 | Spells: 1st - 2/2

Lorelei shows up to the dinner with a fairly low cut blouse, keeping her eyes upon the Baron during much at the time. 'He would be a perfect asset to acquire for the Court.' She thinks to herself...

"Yes, I must agree with Senach. Please pass along our compliments to your chefs, Milord. You clearly have some of the best from the Inner Sea in your employ." When talk changes to elephants she gasps. "An elephant?! That is amazing, I have never seen one before, but have heard stories! That alone would make this trip very much worthwhile."

"Milord, what other hazards should we expect to encounter during the hunting trip? Our Venture-Captain was unsure, however, such a well-traveled man such as yourself would be aware. Especially given that you have already been around the area once."

"You can get any other supplies at the lodge, any beasty that may be or sickness that maybe developed in the Segang is known there. I have experience with this Tiger. I've stumbled upon it before," Baron Rudyahm’s face grows stern as he recalls bygone events. "There were four of us on that trip, plus a half dozen porters or so. It was our seventh day in the bush. We’d had a bad day hunting on the trail, so we split off to the west to follow a little stream deeper into the jungle. The tiger came for us that night, despite our campfires. He must have been young to be so bold. I never saw most of the carnage. All I could hear were screams, gunshots, and men begging for help in the darkness.

"With the gun smoke and the darkness, I could barely see the end of my musket. Something took a right nasty bite out of my leg, but I wheeled and unloaded my gun in its direction. I must have only clipped it, yet that was enough to startle the beast. The only glimpse I caught was its striped haunch and tail bleeding as it ran off into the darkness. I managed to limp my way out of the jungle on my one good leg, and that was the end of it. Ah, but we’re going to catch that stripey bastard this time, eh? We’ll give him what for this time around."

Count Matsanda and some of the others around servers all sort of stay silent on the matter, pausing briefly to listen before continuing on.

Grand Lodge

Male Nagaji Bloodrager 3: Hit Points 31; AC 18/11/17; Fort+6 Ref+4 Will+3 (+4); Init+1; Perc+7

"Sounds like a real prize. I guess if s things worth catching it can't be easy.

Is this the cover, or the job?

Grand Lodge

Male Slyph (Native Outsider) HP 10/10 | AC:15 / T:15 / FF:13 / F: +3 / R: +4 / W: +5 | CMB +2 | CMD 17 | Speed 35

Akal stays silent during the dinner and the speech and nods appreciatively at the end of Baron Rudyahm's speech.

"The best things in life are the ones you put the most effort toward. know that we shall do all we can to aid you in your hunt this time and gods willing you will walk away this time victorious with the tiger as your trophy."

Sovereign Court

Female Ifrit 1st level Bard | HP 9/9 | AC 16 | T 13 | FF 13 | CMD 13 | Fort +1 | Ref +5 | Will +1 | Init +7 | Perc +3 | Bardic Per: 8/8 | Spells: 1st - 2/2

Diplomacy (Influence Attitude): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (13) + 8 = 21

Lorelei listens to the story with rapt attention, gasping at appropriate dramatic instances. "What a foul beast this tiger seems! You are right, milord, to want to hunt it down and end this menace once and for all! Might I be so bold, milord, to say that you are quite the storyteller! You could easily put to shame many of the bards I studied with in Opparra!"

The rest of the dinner is rather uneventful. The Count and the Baron trade some conversation that goes nowhere. You end the night with full bellies, but sadly such meals afterward seem oddly sporadic and unimportant.

After a few days travel you arrive at a small port village , your first stop in the Segang being at a local hunting lodge in the village ,where Count Matsanda hires an elephant, a mahout (elephant driver), and a dozen porters. The elephant seems well past its prime, but it’s the only suitable mount available at the lodge, so Matsanda takes it.

There is some downtime as the proper paper work is being finished before you go out. Here you may gather any more supplies or question and bother the local populace of the Jalmeray citizenry (Diplomacy or Knw.Local). On the outskirts of the jungle, you see the jungle beckoning.

Sovereign Court

Female Ifrit 1st level Bard | HP 9/9 | AC 16 | T 13 | FF 13 | CMD 13 | Fort +1 | Ref +5 | Will +1 | Init +7 | Perc +3 | Bardic Per: 8/8 | Spells: 1st - 2/2

Diplomacy (Gather Info): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 10

GM Only:
Lorilei would try to find sometime during the trip to catch the Baron alone and approach him discreetly about joining the Sovereign Court.

For Lorelei Eyes Only :D:
Go ahead. I'm also going to look up what you found out from the villagers real quick.

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