Seeker's Legacy of Fire

Game Master seekerofshadowlight

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The Exchange

Mamood squares up with the spider that attacked him.
Claw 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26 Damage 1d4 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8
Claw 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24 Damage 1d4 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8

X moves back and fires a crossbow shot into one of the spiders not yet in melee.
Crossbow1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4 Damage 1d8 ⇒ 4

The summoned dog aids Mamood
Bite 1d20 ⇒ 18 Damage 1d4 ⇒ 3

If I have not had the time to cast two spells, X will spend this turn summoning rather than attacking.

Confirm Claw Crit 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18 Damage 1d4 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8

Male Goblin Fighter 1 / Rogue 4

fort 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 = 16

Female Gnome Paladin 5

Fort save

1d20 + 10 ⇒ (16) + 10 = 26

"Oww.....why you little" Celena brings the hammer round in a wide arc at the spiders head

1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24


1d6 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8

Male Goblin Fighter 1 / Rogue 4

not a new round yet, right?


Rest of the round. Xerx ya had a round before they showed up, so ya could summon fido

Mamood rips the spider attacking him apart as Xerx Fires his crossbow at the one attacking Vrealk. The dog, runs across to help the Priest. ayish's arcane bolts strike the spider attacking Celena as the Gnome smashes it's head-in, dropping the beast. N'Djamena tried and fails to hit the weaving spider

I moved the dog as the spider he was attacking was dead.2 left , new round



Your map

"Don't worry Vearlk Markhet will save you!" The tiny gnome shouts as she steers Larrs into battle

Attack:1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14Larrs attacks with guidance, charge, and gains a flank bonus
Damage1d6 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7
"Celena should save the priest," Markhet calls over her shoulder.

Markhet recasts guidance on Larrs

Female Suli Bard 3/ Wizard 2

Ayish fills her lungs and then raises her voice to inspire her companions.

Bard ability: Inspire courage. +1 to Attack rolls etc.

Male Human Cleric 5

N'Djamena smites again at the spider in front of him.

1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 201d8 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6
anyone want to give N'Djamena a flanking bonus?

The Exchange

There should be a summoned doggie attacking the one that's on you. From where I cast it, it may give you a flank bonus.

Male Goblin Fighter 1 / Rogue 4

Vrealk drops his bow to draw his dagger and lash out at the spider.

attack 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26
damage 1d3 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5

Vrealk wrote:

Vrealk drops his bow to draw his dagger and lash out at the spider.

attack 1d20+8
damage 1d3+2

Don't forget that you get a flank with Larrs and Markhet

Male Goblin Fighter 1 / Rogue 4

sorry; was looking at the older map. In that case ...

sneak attack damage 1d6 ⇒ 3


Vrealk drops his bow drawing his dagger, leaving himself open to the spider but he finds it off and swings wildly at it. The the spider bites at him, but fails to get though his armor. Meanwhile the other spider strikes at N'djamena but also fails to land a blow

Larrs charges the spider attacking Vrealk , killing the thing as ayish inspires the group with song. The summon dog bits into the spider as Mamood moves and claws it.N'Djamena finishes it off with a blow from tempest

Ok guys fights over, now what?

Note: Vrealk moved before market/larrs, so he gained no flanking. Larrs however did

The Exchange

Everyone take stock and let's move. I will send the dog ahead to keep Vrealk from getting hurt, unless he says otherwise.

Male Human Cleric 5

Anyone wounded?

The Exchange

Seeker, I just remembered the duration of that summons. It won't last long enough to use it as a scout... yet.

Male Goblin Fighter 1 / Rogue 4
N'Djamena wrote:
Anyone wounded?

I think Larrs got the worst of it. Vrealk is down about 3 hp.

Vrealk continues sticking his dagger into the spider long after it's dead. "Me hates spiders! They the worst of the dumb bugs. Nasty poison and fangs that hurt!"

After a moment or two, he composes himself; he then readies himself to head back into the shrine in his scouting capacity.

stealth 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (19) + 18 = 37
perception 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17

Male Human Cleric 5

N'Djamena channels some healing energy for the wounded.

1d6 ⇒ 6

Larrs didn't get hit this battle, he was just running around smashing things!


No ones really down more then 2 hp and that is only 3 people there really is no need to waste that channel. Also if I recall the summons are 1 round per level, but standard action for casting. So yeah not much help with the scouting yet. Do you guys plan to move into the last area or wait here as Vrealk explores deeper or what?



I am guessing your going deeper into the ruin.
Past the pillar room you find another room. Roughly 30 feet long and 60 feet wide, the room has no rough and is dust covered. What floor that may have been here is long gone and the walls are crumbling and blank. But an archway leads deeper still and Vrealk sensing no danger in this room ventures a bit deeper still.

A sense of restrained power premeates the air of this dusty room It is the only room within the ruins that the roof remains intact. One the walls carvings depict a radiant figure. At his mighty command legions of elementals build cities, raging seas calm and enemy's are brought to accord. Four falcon-headed statures guard the chamber to the west. Between them a a broad flagstone cats up into th air, a trap door no longer a secret.

Female Suli Bard 3/ Wizard 2

*Looks at the Goblins stealth check* What? Vrealk has gone scouting?

Male Goblin Fighter 1 / Rogue 4

Popping up as if from nowhere, Vrealk reports back to his friends. "Friend-N'Djamena, me thinks you will like to see what me found. Me saw no new creatures or traps, so me thinks we can all come in. Be quiet though! We don't wanna warn anything that might be still further than I went."

As they go in, Vrealk will quietly describe what he saw. (Check spoiler)


Am guessing you walk into the room

As you enter this chamber red silky curtains seems to shimmer into being on the doorways or this room.


As this is your god a check seems kinda redundant to me

The carving on the wall are clearly Nethys and his cloud like herald Arcanotheign

DC 18 Religion check

The carving on the wall seen to be Nethys and his cloud like herald Arcanotheign

The Exchange

Follow the lead of N'Djamena and Vrealk.

Female Suli Bard 3/ Wizard 2

Ayish follows along beside her brother Xerxzayas, a light skip in her step.

Female Gnome Paladin 5

Knowledge Religion

1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7

Celena is to busy trying to play catch up with the party to really look or think about what,s on the walls.


You guys plan to go down the door or look around or what?

Male Human Cleric 5
Keeper of Forbidden Lore wrote:
No ones really down more then 2 hp and that is only 3 people there really is no need to waste that channel.

Nevertheless, he'll still use it, just to be on the safe side.

Know: religion 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14

"These carvings are of Nethys -- praise be unto him! -- and that cloud is his herald, Arcanotheign. It fills my heart with gladness to see that this temple is relatively intact."

N'Djamena shines a light and sees where the trapdoor leads. Then he examines the mural and checks the room with Detect Magic, for good measure.


From above it seems to lead into some kind of chamber below. You can see there is light below and what looks to be some kind of Arcane markings along the walls and steps

Know arcana/religion DC 15


Theses seem to be basic building blocks of arcane theory. Mostly used in destructive spells, evocation mostly.

Aid other Knowledge: religion 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22

"Markhet doesn't know much about these gods," the gnome says as N'Djamena examines the writing, "but she thinks those look more like wizard words then priestly words. Does the priest's god cast destructive magics?"

Male Human Cleric 5

Know: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10

"Yes, Nethys is known in two aspects -- that of creative magic and that of destructive magic. But these symbols are unknown to me."


Why do I hear the Emperor from star wars going "Yessssssssssssss"

Your earlier roll combined with Markhet's aid other should be enough for the spoiler bit shouldn't it? I'm not sure why you're rolling again.

"Interesting," Markhet says, clearly trying to be polite, and clearly wanting to say more about N'Djamena's schizophrenic deity, but knowing to keep her mouth shut.

Male Human Cleric 5
Markhet wrote:
Your earlier roll combined with Markhet's aid other should be enough for the spoiler bit shouldn't it? I'm not sure why you're rolling again.

The first was a DC 18 check when we entered the room. The second was a DC 15 check when we looked into the trapdoor. Which one were you helping with?


You did not need the first check, as it was your god and all I thought it would be basic info for you. The 2nd spoiler was for everyone else it has the same info as yours. So you can use that roll as the one for the markings

Male Goblin Fighter 1 / Rogue 4

"Yes, all very nice. Too bad mighty Abagorae doesn't have a spot here, but oh well. Me will check out the room below."

Vrealk peers down through the trap door first, making sure there's a way down, and using his darkvision to see what's in there.

Perception 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (19) + 6 = 25

If it looks clear, he'll quietly head down.

stealth 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (15) + 18 = 33

The Exchange

"wait, vrealk. perhaps n'djamena should go first. this is a place holy to his god after all."

Male Human Cleric 5

First, N'Djamena is going to finish his survey of the room (using Detect Magic, and carefully examining the mural).


N'djamena looks around the room and Vrealk runs off down the stairs heedless of Xerxzayas's words


The carvings as well worn, left to long to the weather, but where once of the finest make, the detect magic just finds faint illusion magic on the curtains, which shimmer out of being as you watch, to flicker back and forth before vanishing for good. You think the magic may be old, and is simply failing



Ceramic lamps burning with cadaverous blue flame light this wide, high-ceilinged chamber. To the southwest, a baboonheaded figure crouches menacingly. A stern-looking pharaoh stares across at it from the northeast. Carved folds of well sculpted cloth enshroud the northwest statue, and in the southeast niche, the pharaoh is again depicted, his face scarred and twisted with anger. Three arches lead from the chamber, the fragments of shattered doors dangling on ancient hinges.
That be the one ya came though{east], south and west

Male Human Cleric 5

"How sad; there is an illusion put here -- no doubt by faithful believers -- that is dying out. What a pity. Hopefully it can be restored to its former glory. Now then, let's explore this tunnel."

N'Djamena keeps his detect magic spell going as he enters the trap door.

Female Suli Bard 3/ Wizard 2
N'Djamena wrote:
"How sad; there is an illusion put here -- no doubt by faithful believers -- that is dying out. What a pity. Hopefully it can be restored to its former glory. Now then, let's explore this tunnel."

As a practitioner of 'entertainment' type magics, Aish takes note of the illusion that has been pointed out by N'Djamena with an eye to, indeed, restoring the magics to its former glory.

Though she stays respectfully beside her brother.

"Markhet thinks it is a very nice ruin though," the gnome says as she stroke's Larrs' mane, "but Markhet likes the green way, when our followers leave you need to be very observant indeed to find the traces of our religious places. Markhet can understand people's needs to prove that they were here and that their god was important though. It is kind of touching really."

Male Goblin Fighter 1 / Rogue 4

Vrealk returns to the group, informing them of what he saw. (look at spoiler)

Female Suli Bard 3/ Wizard 2
Markhet wrote:
"Markhet thinks it is a very nice ruin though," the gnome says as she stroke's Larrs' mane, "but Markhet likes the green way, when our followers leave you need to be very observant indeed to find the traces of our religious places. Markhet can understand people's needs to prove that they were here and that their god was important though. It is kind of touching really."

Ayish smiles at the little Gnome comments.

"Well, your land of green sounds truly wonderful but we are in a Desert, a land of howling, shifting sanded wilderness so I do not begrudge people from trying to straighten things out with buildings and roads and other nice things for people to live."

At Vrealks description Ayish looks to N'Djamena. "Um, does that sound correct for your temples?" She asks, slight worry suddenly coming across her features. "A Monkey monster?" Ayish shifts a little closer to the strength her brother represents.

Ayishidaj -bintel-Quivarashidj wrote:

Ayish smiles at the little Gnome comments.

"Well, your land of green sounds truly wonderful but we are in a Desert, a land of howling, shifting sanded wilderness so I do not begrudge people from trying to straighten things out with buildings and roads and other nice things for people to live."

"That's what Markhet once thought as well," the small gnome says with a laugh, but then her demeanour instantly switches to that of a priestess, somehow instantly sounding aged and mature, "but the world need life more then we need roads and buildings. Although roads and builds are nice, Markhet does not begrudge their construction, but this desert with roads and buildings is no more habitable then without. What the desert needs is life. Life begets life. The Green faith is no more absent here then anywhere else. The life is here if you know where to look."

The Exchange

"indeed. it is the life of this area that has been giving us so much trouble."

Male Human Cleric 5

N'Djamena sighs in exasperation. "All right, Markhet -- if you think the gods are unimportant and you don't need their blessings, I'm sure that's fine with me."

"Now let's go and take a look at this shrouded pharaoh statue."

N'Djamena goes down, his Detect Magic spell still running.


Ya know the greenfaith is practiced by followers of two gods and it's teachings are often mangled with their teachings as much as druidism. So to say the Green faith does not follow any god is not wholly true

Ceramic lamps burning with cadaverous blue flame light this wide, high-ceilinged chamber. To the southwest, a baboonheaded figure crouches menacingly. A stern-looking pharaoh stares across at it from the northeast. Carved folds of well sculpted cloth enshroud the northwest statue, and in the southeast niche, the pharaoh is again depicted, his face scarred and twisted with anger. Three arches lead from the chamber, the fragments of shattered doors dangling on ancient hinges.


The statures seem to give off an evocation aura

Religion DC 18

The statues seem to be lesser sprites of Destructive magic

Male Human Cleric 5

"Be careful! These statues are radiating evocation magic, and they are religious symbols of destructive magic. That could mean that they are trapped in some way."

Know religion 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22



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