TOZ's School of Spirits (Inactive)

Game Master TriOmegaZero

Organized Play scenario 7-05 Standard Campaign

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Grand Lodge

F Halfling cavalier (honor guard) 1/swashbuckler (mouser) 1 | Hp4/19| AC 20 Tc 15 Flat 16 | F+4 R+7 W+2 +2 vs Fear | CMB +0 CMD 14 | Perc +6 | Init +4 | Panache 3 of 3

Etna would lean in closer to the strange plant creature before giving a shrug. "Well, I got plenty of it. Long as it doesn't try to eat the rest of my finger it can give me a prick. Long as it gets us closer to the red lion."
With that Etna would step forward and present her finger to the creature.
"Also, what's the beard made of? Looks great on you."

Table Maps | Passing the Torch

"Why thank you, ma'am. I have been cultivating this colony for some time, I am happy to hear it suits me." The mandragora shivers a little bit, either in pleasure from the compliment or the blood sample Etna allows him to take.

Same as Draklor, one point of damage, nothing else obvious happens.

Scarab Sages

Male Halfling Haunted Oracle of the Dark Tapestry /3 - HP 23/23, AC 18, T 14, FF 15, F +5, R +5, W +5, Initiative +6, Perception +7 (+9 with Tanbaru), Concentration +9

Baphos is the next on the line to donate blood. He presents his hand to the plant creature and smile nervously.

Silver Crusade

Female Human Oracle of Life 06 HP 45/45 AC 23 T 13 FF 21 Cmb +4 Cmd 16 F +5 R +5 W +7 Perc +6 In +2 Channel Energy 08/08

"This is foolish..." mutters Ashara pointing her index dinger at the mandragora

"Very well! Wo your thing but know now that I won't forgive any treachery on your part!" she exclaims allowing the creature to extract her blood.

Silver Crusade

Male Halfling Warpriest (Desna) 3 Fervor: 3/3 Blessings: 4/4 Luck: 3/3 HP:23 AC:19 T:14 FF:16 Init+3 Fort:+5 Ref:+4 Will:+5 M. Rapier +7, 1d4+7, 18-20x2 Battle Aspergillum +6 1d4 20x2 Shortbow +6, 1d4, 20x3
Diplomacy:8 Knowledge-Religion:6 Perception:11

Hennet shrugs and allows the drop of blood to be taken, but warily keeps his eye on the Mandragora.

Scarab Sages

Male Gnome Chaotic Good Wizard 4 | HP 26/26 | AC 17 T 13 FF 15 | F+2 R+3 W+4 (+2 vs illusions, +2 vs fear and despair) | Perception +8 | Init +6 | CMB -1 | CMD 11

The gnome shrugs as well, and his face seems to go back and forth between apprehension and a deep curiosity, as he extends his hand to the plant creature.

Table Maps | Passing the Torch

The mandragora takes samples from the remaining Pathfinders, and even Junia acquiesces afterwards. Grishan has disappeared, seeming to have melded into Junia when the majordomo announced himself. "Very good, paid in full, let us proceed." The upbeat words clash slightly with his calmer tone as he leads the way out of the chamber through the western door. The passage beyond is dark, the light spilling through the doorway revealing cracked and uneven floors under vine choked walls. "Watch your step, good folk." The majordomo admonishes you all, marching through the room to the far side, the room turning north. You see him open another door and march into the room beyond.

Assuming the party follows:
You see a collapsed sign next to the doorway that reads "Flowering Shrubs of Eastern Taldor". Plants once grew in the large, ceramic planters that still hug the southern wall. Dozens of branches clinging to decaying leaves emerge from the wooden door to the north. To the east, a room with healthy trees and shrubs is visible through a glass door set in a wrought iron frame. "The first exhibit on our tour, a fine collection of life thriving despite the late unpleasantness. Would you like an explanation of their properties at this time?"

Grand Lodge

F Halfling cavalier (honor guard) 1/swashbuckler (mouser) 1 | Hp4/19| AC 20 Tc 15 Flat 16 | F+4 R+7 W+2 +2 vs Fear | CMB +0 CMD 14 | Perc +6 | Init +4 | Panache 3 of 3

Etna will game at the living plants that seem so out of place in the area. So far this was a lot less dangerous then what she had been expecting. "Yes please, how did they manage to stay alive?"

Table Maps | Passing the Torch

"Our gardeners have some magical talents in husbandry of plants, ma'am." Pip responds, pushing open the door to the room and leading the way inside. Dozens of healthy plants with vibrant and colorful leaves, fruit, and flowers emerge from the decay in this small greenhouse, spilling out of the pots and berths that once contained them. "In light of our reduced staff, I have done my best to maintain their upkeep. This walnut plant has gained an ability to grant luck for a short while to those who consume its seeds. Our ivy here has been observed to cause sticky fingers when chewed. The cherry plant and watermelons have developed size altering properties as well." The mandragora puffs out his chest a little as he speaks.

Scarab Sages

Male Halfling Haunted Oracle of the Dark Tapestry /3 - HP 23/23, AC 18, T 14, FF 15, F +5, R +5, W +5, Initiative +6, Perception +7 (+9 with Tanbaru), Concentration +9

Baphos listens carefully to Pip while looks around trying to find the red lion.

Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11

Silver Crusade

Female Human Oracle of Life 06 HP 45/45 AC 23 T 13 FF 21 Cmb +4 Cmd 16 F +5 R +5 W +7 Perc +6 In +2 Channel Energy 08/08

Ashara keeps near Junia and follows the others silently observing their escort...

Sense motive check: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6

Oook... Ashara trusts the mandragora implicitly... XD

Table Maps | Passing the Torch

The Majordomo is the very model of an official tour guide! :) Baphos does not see a red lion statue at the moment. More to follow this afternoon.

Silver Crusade

Male Halfling Warpriest (Desna) 3 Fervor: 3/3 Blessings: 4/4 Luck: 3/3 HP:23 AC:19 T:14 FF:16 Init+3 Fort:+5 Ref:+4 Will:+5 M. Rapier +7, 1d4+7, 18-20x2 Battle Aspergillum +6 1d4 20x2 Shortbow +6, 1d4, 20x3
Diplomacy:8 Knowledge-Religion:6 Perception:11

Lucky tilts his head for a second and then exclaims
So the plants here all exhibit effects similar to transmutation spells? How did you manage that?!

Liberty's Edge

LN Male Kitsune Bard (Flame Dancer) 7 | HP 59/59 | AC 17/13/14 | CMD 17 | F +4, R +8, W +6 (+4 vs performance, sonic, language-dependent) | Init +5 | Perc +4 | BP 17/19 | Conditions:

"Very interesting," Draklor comments, scribbling down some notes as they walk. "You don't suppose we could take any samples? We are an organization of exploration and learning, and like to gather interesting information whenever possible."

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26
Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14

Table Maps | Passing the Torch

"Unfortunately, I am not able to explain the methods involved, sir. I am a caretaker, not an arcanist. The Master Gardener may be able to offer you that information." The plant man bowed to Hennet in supplication. "As for samples. This is an unusual request.' One stumpy limp pawed at its mossy beard in a semblance of contemplation. "So long as the plants are not damaged, there should be no issues. Please be careful in your harvesting."

DC14 Knowledge Nature or DC18 Spellcraft:
You are able to identify the sections needed to be removed. Two walnuts that each provide shield of faith. Ivy that provides spider climb. Two cherries that provide reduce person. Two watermelons that provide enlarge person. All are minimum caster level and are treated as potions.

Silver Crusade

Female Human Oracle of Life 06 HP 45/45 AC 23 T 13 FF 21 Cmb +4 Cmd 16 F +5 R +5 W +7 Perc +6 In +2 Channel Energy 08/08

"These could come in handy! Good find Lucky!" says Ashara congratulating her fellow halfling agent.

Scarab Sages

Male Halfling Haunted Oracle of the Dark Tapestry /3 - HP 23/23, AC 18, T 14, FF 15, F +5, R +5, W +5, Initiative +6, Perception +7 (+9 with Tanbaru), Concentration +9

Spellcraft: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19

"Let me do the job, Pip. I will take care of these plants.

Baphos takes it's time to get everything useful with no harm.

I just will take these two walnuts, this Ivy, these two cherries and finally these two watermelons. Thanks, Pip!"

Baphos puts everything in his backpack, waiting to give them to his fellows for a better use.

Table Maps | Passing the Torch

"Very well, ladies and gentlemen. Let us proceed onward, if you are ready." Exiting the magical greenhouse, Majordomo Pip leads onward through the branch-wrapped door to the north. The party is led through a number of corridors and galleries mostly devoid of life, up to the entrance of another fairly intact greenhouse. A wooden plaque outside reads “Plants of Eastern Garund: Please proceed with caution, as some are poisonous”.

Unlike the dead and warped growth in most of the Arboretum, the plants growing in this greenhouse seem to be relatively young and healthy. Several raised beds of earth host strange- looking plants with long, sinuous vines, and a small, gently flowing fountain with a red lion statue at its center sits near the middle of the chamber. Against the wall stands a worktable and chair covered in gardening tools.

A humanoid figure stands before the beds, a green shell wreathing a face made of flower petals. As she sees the party, the expression darkens. "Stand back, all of you! Gardeners, from Quantium, come to harvest us? You'll not have an easy time of it!"

DC12 Knowledge Nature:
This creature is a ghoran, an evolved plant creature originally grown as a food supply that formed humanoid shape as a defense against its original design.

DC12 Sense Motive:
Something about the creature suggests an imbalanced consciousness.

DC15 Knowledge Nature or Arcana:
The creature may be suffering corruption from the rains within the Arboretum.

Grand Lodge

F Halfling cavalier (honor guard) 1/swashbuckler (mouser) 1 | Hp4/19| AC 20 Tc 15 Flat 16 | F+4 R+7 W+2 +2 vs Fear | CMB +0 CMD 14 | Perc +6 | Init +4 | Panache 3 of 3

"Oh wow, this is all amazing! It sounds like you really do have a amazing gardener here. It sounds like you do a lot to help as well. A drop of blood was a small price to pay for something this neat!"
She will look at the food a bit hungrily as Baphos slips them into his bag. She was curious to see what enlarging watermelon tasted like...
Once inside the new area though Etna will immediately raise her hands up, still keeping herself between the man and Junia.
"No no no friend, were not anything like that. Were just friendly tour guides who decided to take one of our own. Your garden is amazing! Why would we ever want to do anything to harm it?"
diplomacy: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13

Scarab Sages

Male Halfling Haunted Oracle of the Dark Tapestry /3 - HP 23/23, AC 18, T 14, FF 15, F +5, R +5, W +5, Initiative +6, Perception +7 (+9 with Tanbaru), Concentration +9

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8

Knowledge Arcana: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11

Well, that sucks.

Baphos keeps quiet waiting for the approach his fellows will take. I just want to check out that red lion, take what we are looking for and leave. But, If we must fight, I am ready.

Scarab Sages

Male Gnome Chaotic Good Wizard 4 | HP 26/26 | AC 17 T 13 FF 15 | F+2 R+3 W+4 (+2 vs illusions, +2 vs fear and despair) | Perception +8 | Init +6 | CMB -1 | CMD 11

Know(Nature): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21
Know(Arcana): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (18) + 10 = 28

"Whoa, there, easy friend, we are not here to harvest anyone. You are a ghoran, right? I've heard of your species before, but never had the opportunity to meet one! What is your name? My name is Henrikuaxian."

Table Maps | Passing the Torch

"Heard of me? From who? Who sent you?" The questions come rapidly, falling over each query. The petals of her face rustle with each word.

Silver Crusade

Female Human Oracle of Life 06 HP 45/45 AC 23 T 13 FF 21 Cmb +4 Cmd 16 F +5 R +5 W +7 Perc +6 In +2 Channel Energy 08/08

Sense Motive check: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22

"This is not looking good... Something is not right with this creature"

Scarab Sages

Male Gnome Chaotic Good Wizard 4 | HP 26/26 | AC 17 T 13 FF 15 | F+2 R+3 W+4 (+2 vs illusions, +2 vs fear and despair) | Perception +8 | Init +6 | CMB -1 | CMD 11

The gnome holds his hands up in a calming fashion. "Nobody sent us, we are just here admiring your facilities."

Glancing at Pip, Henrik says "Is she always like this? Is there anything we can do to help?"

Table Maps | Passing the Torch

The mandragora was no longer leading the party into the room. Looking back, you can see the short creature trundling back towards the entrance to the Arboretum, disappearing around the corner.

Liberty's Edge

LN Male Kitsune Bard (Flame Dancer) 7 | HP 59/59 | AC 17/13/14 | CMD 17 | F +4, R +8, W +6 (+4 vs performance, sonic, language-dependent) | Init +5 | Perc +4 | BP 17/19 | Conditions:

"This doesn't seem right..." Draklor murmurs, his hand pulling out his whip almost as if it had an agenda of it's own. "Pip? Pip! If this isn't your trap, at least tell us to run!"

Sense Motive: 1d20 ⇒ 9

Silver Crusade

Female Human Oracle of Life 06 HP 45/45 AC 23 T 13 FF 21 Cmb +4 Cmd 16 F +5 R +5 W +7 Perc +6 In +2 Channel Energy 08/08

"Look, we don't want to fight you. We just need to retrieve something that was left here before the district collapsed. You let us do that we'll soon be on our way out of here and no harm will come to you or your garden" says Ashara in a conciliatory tone.

Diplomacy check: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (5) + 10 = 15

Table Maps | Passing the Torch

Retrieve?! Retrieve WHAT?!" The plant woman's voice rose in shrillness. "I will not be tricked! I WILL protect my family!" The dark spaces that seemed to be her eyes were fixed on Draklor now.

Going to give Hennet a chance to respond before progressing further. Gameday starts today, so any further responses will come in late evening or early morning until Monday.

Silver Crusade

Male Halfling Warpriest (Desna) 3 Fervor: 3/3 Blessings: 4/4 Luck: 3/3 HP:23 AC:19 T:14 FF:16 Init+3 Fort:+5 Ref:+4 Will:+5 M. Rapier +7, 1d4+7, 18-20x2 Battle Aspergillum +6 1d4 20x2 Shortbow +6, 1d4, 20x3
Diplomacy:8 Knowledge-Religion:6 Perception:11

Hennet sighs, and let's a little bit of purple energy coalesce around the purple gem on his rapier, before absorbing the energy with his hand. His eyes glow purple for just the briefest of seconds before he speaks in a kind tone.
We aren't here to harm your family. Quite the opposite, actually. We're here because something bad has been happening, and we're to stop it.

He motions for the plant woman to look at him before continuing.
We're here to help anyone and anything we possibly can. Tell me, do your or your family need assistance?

Diplomacy With Halfling Luck: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (3) + 12 = 15
Diplomacy Luck Blessing Reroll: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (14) + 12 = 26

Table Maps | Passing the Torch

The ghoran shivers, the leaves of her face settling into a calmer expression. "You're really here to help? Not to harvest?" Her hands smooth the wrinkles of her dress as she stares at Hennet. "My family is growing here." She waves her hand towards the planters. "Do not disturb them, and you can look for...whatever you are seeking..." Her demeanor is far more relaxed, but she still watches the party carefully.

Silver Crusade

Male Halfling Warpriest (Desna) 3 Fervor: 3/3 Blessings: 4/4 Luck: 3/3 HP:23 AC:19 T:14 FF:16 Init+3 Fort:+5 Ref:+4 Will:+5 M. Rapier +7, 1d4+7, 18-20x2 Battle Aspergillum +6 1d4 20x2 Shortbow +6, 1d4, 20x3
Diplomacy:8 Knowledge-Religion:6 Perception:11

Hennet smiles comfortingly.
No, we aren't here to harvest anything. We're just here to find whatever it is that's making this place... have troubles.

He points over at the lion statue.
It might be related to that statue. Can you tell us anything about it?

Table Maps | Passing the Torch

Looking to the statue, her face is that one someone seeing something for the first time. "I...cannot. It has been there for as long as we have. You may look at it, if you desire." She tilts her head to one side, then the other, turning back to Hennet. "I am Khaya."

The Red Statue:
Examining the statue, you find it can easily be carefully tipped over to reveal a hollow interior. Inside, a packed of wrapped wax paper contains many pages of notes. A quick perusal turns up a number of interesting entries.

Grishan's Notes I wrote:

Case M7 In progress, expect updates after Stilonius’s birthday party.

Case D4 Lady Miranda Dacilane is rumored to have committed numerous amorous indiscretions during her youth. The most outrageous was that she was the mistress of Orias Deckland, a scandalous member of Absalom’s upper classes, and bore him a child. She is also rumored to have belonged to a secret society known as the Harbingers of Fate. Rumors come from a drunken but reliable source.
Case A1 Badru let slip that his sister is heading to Osirion to participate in a secretive excavation of a tomb from the time of the Pharaoh of Forgotten Plagues.
Grishan's Notes II wrote:

Case M12 It is well known that the Morilla family runs the Guild of Wonders, Absalom’s most prestigious espionage and assassination organization. What is less well known is that the Aspis Consortium, a Chelish band of fortune-hunters, hired the Guild of Wonders many times to spy on the Pathfinder Society and the Blakros family. I successfully created a diversion for the servant’s attention, and was able make copies of several documents that prove that Lady Annasendra personally oversaw contracts to assassinate members of the Pathfinder Society. If the number of events I am invited to is any indication, they haven’t caught on yet, but I ’m afraid to dig deeper in to this situation.

Case N4 After hours of searching and days of asking subtle questions, I ’ve turned up absolutely nothing of interest. Surely people this boring must be hiding something.
Case L3 The servant in charge of the kitchens has a penchant for gossip.
Grishan's Notes III wrote:

Information Broker I read in a diary that that an information broker lives in Absalom named Torch. I hear he’s well worth his coin, but is not to be trusted, because he’ll sell information to anyone.

Case Maldris 8 To my shame I have learned that my own father, Merrin, is a charlatan who used the chaos of the Andoran’s People’s Revolt to change his name from Vanoecker. I later learned that the Vanoeckers were an Andoren noble family with a tyrannical reputation. The worst part was that I discovered that my brother knew about this all along. So much for his glorious, egalitarian ideals and Andoren purity. We’re just as guilty as the rest of them!
Case T3: There’s some big ceremony coming up at the temple of Asmodeus in a few months. People were muttering about a great fire to honor him, but I couldn’t hear many details. I can’t shake the though that those devil boot- lickers are planning to burn slaves in that pyre. I must investigate further.

DC15 Appraise of the Statue's contents:
This information is potentially damaging in the right hands, even so many years after the fact. It could likely be sold to the right buyer as well for several hundred gold.

Back in the saddle. Let me know how you want to handle this situation.

Liberty's Edge

LN Male Kitsune Bard (Flame Dancer) 7 | HP 59/59 | AC 17/13/14 | CMD 17 | F +4, R +8, W +6 (+4 vs performance, sonic, language-dependent) | Init +5 | Perc +4 | BP 17/19 | Conditions:

"What...what is all this?" Draklor marvels, leafing through the notes. "Grishan, did you write these? I recognize some of these names. Miranda Dacilane, Morilla, Maldris, Torch...What is going on?"

Scarab Sages

Male Halfling Haunted Oracle of the Dark Tapestry /3 - HP 23/23, AC 18, T 14, FF 15, F +5, R +5, W +5, Initiative +6, Perception +7 (+9 with Tanbaru), Concentration +9

"Calm down, fellow Draklor. We don't know whether this information is true or false. We should give this papers to the Society. They will know what to do with this. I think we should leave now and continue with our mission." Baphos seems to be surprised with this information and winks to his fellows.

"Thank you, Khaya. By the way, my name is Baphos. Sorry, if we caused any trouble to you and your family... I think we should keep going, now."

Table Maps | Passing the Torch

Junia looks over Draklor's shoulder as he addresses Grishan. After a few moments, she turns away. "I think Mister Baphos is right. There's still other work to be done."

Grishan himself manifests, staring at the pages before the party. "I don't..." He stops, looking at Junia with worry. "I know I wrote that, but I don't remember it. I wouldn't write down untruths, absolutely not."

The ghoran nods. "You are...welcome." Baphos gets the feeling she isn't used to peaceful contact.

Grand Lodge

F Halfling cavalier (honor guard) 1/swashbuckler (mouser) 1 | Hp4/19| AC 20 Tc 15 Flat 16 | F+4 R+7 W+2 +2 vs Fear | CMB +0 CMD 14 | Perc +6 | Init +4 | Panache 3 of 3

Etna would begin jumping up trying to get a look at the writing on the notes. "Well looks like some people have been acting rather naughty. Looks like we stumbled onto some secrets. You don't think were going to end up in black bags with stone shoes at the bottom of the ocean do you?" She would laugh at her joke, a little nervous as she turns back to Khaya.
"Sorry for the scare again. Once your family blooms you should consider getting out of this place and coming to the society. I'm sure they would be interested in meeting you, and you could earn some money to help fix up your garden. I'm sure your family would appreciate fixing this place up a little."

Scarab Sages

Male Gnome Chaotic Good Wizard 4 | HP 26/26 | AC 17 T 13 FF 15 | F+2 R+3 W+4 (+2 vs illusions, +2 vs fear and despair) | Perception +8 | Init +6 | CMB -1 | CMD 11

Appraise: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22

"We must be very careful with these notes. Even so many years removed, they could cause significant damage, whether they are true or not. Regardless, I agree we should move along."

Silver Crusade

Male Halfling Warpriest (Desna) 3 Fervor: 3/3 Blessings: 4/4 Luck: 3/3 HP:23 AC:19 T:14 FF:16 Init+3 Fort:+5 Ref:+4 Will:+5 M. Rapier +7, 1d4+7, 18-20x2 Battle Aspergillum +6 1d4 20x2 Shortbow +6, 1d4, 20x3
Diplomacy:8 Knowledge-Religion:6 Perception:11

Hennet smiles at Khaya and extends his hand to shake.
I am glad to meet you Khaya. I'm also glad that everyone here was able to get along. Hopefully we can figure this mess out and help you and your family with all this strange nonsense going on down here.

GM, is there actually a way for us to stop the rains?

Table Maps | Passing the Torch

From your knowledge of the area, there is no quick fix. It would require extensive study of the original magics used and further effort to unwarp the damaged wards.

Silver Crusade

Male Halfling Warpriest (Desna) 3 Fervor: 3/3 Blessings: 4/4 Luck: 3/3 HP:23 AC:19 T:14 FF:16 Init+3 Fort:+5 Ref:+4 Will:+5 M. Rapier +7, 1d4+7, 18-20x2 Battle Aspergillum +6 1d4 20x2 Shortbow +6, 1d4, 20x3
Diplomacy:8 Knowledge-Religion:6 Perception:11

In that case Hennet fully intends on informing the Society of the plight of these sentient creatures and seeing about getting it fixed.

Silver Crusade

Female Human Oracle of Life 06 HP 45/45 AC 23 T 13 FF 21 Cmb +4 Cmd 16 F +5 R +5 W +7 Perc +6 In +2 Channel Energy 08/08

"Nice meeting you Khaya and goodbye" Ashara bows then turns on her heels and moves out of the building.

Once ouside she adresses her companions:"We did well but the contents of those notes worry me. More than a few of the people involved play an important role in the Society of today"

Then she adds:"We'll consider our options later. There's still a mission to complete. Where next, young Junia?"

Liberty's Edge

LN Male Kitsune Bard (Flame Dancer) 7 | HP 59/59 | AC 17/13/14 | CMD 17 | F +4, R +8, W +6 (+4 vs performance, sonic, language-dependent) | Init +5 | Perc +4 | BP 17/19 | Conditions:

"Grishan, I assume we are all somewhat interested in these papers and their significance. It seems as if we know some of the figures involved, or, in your case, took the notes in question. But J, you said there was still work to be done, did you have a destination in mind?"

Table Maps | Passing the Torch

"...yes. Yes, I do!" Junia answers slowly, then with more firm conviction. "Something is waiting for me in the necropolis. We need to go there." The young noblewoman leads the way out of the Arboretum. (Majordomo Pip appears to have made himself scarce in the meantime.)

The return to the Drownyard is quick and uneventful as well. The entrance to the buried necropolis yawns open, dark tunnels beneath the earth. As the party descends, the reek of death chokes the narrow stone corridor, where a trio of corpses slowly rots into the stone.

DC15 Heal:
The bodies have moldered at least two months here, but only one shows any sign of the injury that slew him.

The unfortunate thieves wear leather armor and have short swords close at hands. Checking over their equipment turns up a number of potions and scrolls, as well as wands and excavation gear. The magical items are marked with the Glyph of the Open Road.

DC16 Spellcraft:
3 oils of magic weapon, 2 potions of cure light wounds, wand of protection from evil (18 charges).

DC17 Spellcraft:
Wand of lesser restoration (6 charges)

DC23 Spellcraft or Read Magic:
Scroll of remove disease

Scarab Sages

Male Halfling Haunted Oracle of the Dark Tapestry /3 - HP 23/23, AC 18, T 14, FF 15, F +5, R +5, W +5, Initiative +6, Perception +7 (+9 with Tanbaru), Concentration +9

When we all leave the Arboretum. "Wait a minute, fellows. I have some things useful for some of you. I got two walnuts that each provide shield of faith, an ivy that provides spider climb, two cherries that provide reduce person and two watermelons that provide enlarge person. I want to give these comestibles to those that think will use them."

Spellcraft: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8

Baphos can't determine the magical properties of this equipment, so he casts Read Magic and determine the properties of the scroll. "Fellows, this will be useful to remove disease. It seems we will face a fight or some fights soon, very soon. It is better to be ready." Baphos is not surprised for the bodies.

Scarab Sages

Male Gnome Chaotic Good Wizard 4 | HP 26/26 | AC 17 T 13 FF 15 | F+2 R+3 W+4 (+2 vs illusions, +2 vs fear and despair) | Perception +8 | Init +6 | CMB -1 | CMD 11

Heal: 1d20 ⇒ 8
Taking 10 on the spellcraft check(s), giving me a 19 result

"These gents had some nice toys, not that it did them much good. Hopefully it works out better for us!" He goes through each of the items and explains what they are. Too lazy to give detailed descriptions, figured everyone could just look at the spoilers above...

"I can't make use of most of this, but wouldn't mind making use of this one" he says, holding up the wand of protection from evil, "if nobody else wants it. Could come in very handy here, I think!"

Table Maps | Passing the Torch

"Who are they?" Junia seems fairly undisturbed by the grisly remains. "Another Pathfinder team?" Grishan looks on silently.

Silver Crusade

Female Human Oracle of Life 06 HP 45/45 AC 23 T 13 FF 21 Cmb +4 Cmd 16 F +5 R +5 W +7 Perc +6 In +2 Channel Energy 08/08

Heal check: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9

Spellcraft check: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20

"Who knows? Whoever they were they are dead now. Their equipment could help us avoid such a grisly fate though..." so saying Ashara explains the properties of the various magic items the two were carrying with them.

Liberty's Edge

LN Male Kitsune Bard (Flame Dancer) 7 | HP 59/59 | AC 17/13/14 | CMD 17 | F +4, R +8, W +6 (+4 vs performance, sonic, language-dependent) | Init +5 | Perc +4 | BP 17/19 | Conditions:

Heal: 1d20 ⇒ 7

"I'm not sure. Drandle Dreng sends teams of Pathfinders here on occasion, with your mother's consent. These could be the remains of one, but one would think their deaths would have been noticed..."

Grand Lodge

F Halfling cavalier (honor guard) 1/swashbuckler (mouser) 1 | Hp4/19| AC 20 Tc 15 Flat 16 | F+4 R+7 W+2 +2 vs Fear | CMB +0 CMD 14 | Perc +6 | Init +4 | Panache 3 of 3

"Well I doubt they taste good together but I could do for one of those walnuts and a cherry. Anything that will make the bad guys struggle to get a hit on me is good in my book. Hopefully I won't get to small after I eat it though"
Etna would pocket the food before looking over the bodies. She would offer them a prayer before making a mental note of where they were. "Well lets make sure to try and get these bodies brought back for a proper burial once the mission is complete. I don't know who they are but the least we can do is to them being put to rest."

Scarab Sages

Male Gnome Chaotic Good Wizard 4 | HP 26/26 | AC 17 T 13 FF 15 | F+2 R+3 W+4 (+2 vs illusions, +2 vs fear and despair) | Perception +8 | Init +6 | CMB -1 | CMD 11

"I wouldn't mind one of those cherries myself, actually. Might be fun to be tiny!"

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