Grandmaster TOZ |
Feel free to introduce characters here, I suspect we will get started in the next day or two, once party comp is settled.
"Lucky" Hennet Starstrike |
Arriving first, Lucky sighs and tries to shield himself from the brunt of the rain by leaning against the wall of a building, using the roof overhang for cover. His newly acquired magical pack makes it a little difficult, though Handy Haversack, I need to update his purchases from his last two chronicles onto his online profile. His stats are all correct, just he has some gear additions that need to be put down. so after a little rearranging, he's finally able to achieve some semblance of not being rained on. He gives the pack a stern look, almost a "I just bought you, why are you trying to make my life difficult already" type stare, and checks his wayfinder. Smiling at the purple ioun stone inside, he closes it with a quick "click" and pulls his traveling jacket close to himself, waiting for the others to arrive.
His blonde hair is cut short, almost shaved on the sides, and a bit longer on the top, allowing for a slight "comb back" on his bangs, giving him what could almost be considered a very small pompadour. His clothes are very finely made yet sturdy, an adventuring outfit consisting of a leather traveling jacket over a fine cloth shirt, and peeking from underneath that is a fine chain shirt. His breeches are leather, and a wide belt covered in pouches completes his ensemble. His chest is crossed by two bandoliers, both chock full of flasks, potions, wands, and other adventuring items. The rapier on his hip is the most extravagant of all, though, the blade a gleaming silver, and the bell guard stylized into a giant butterfly, with antiqued design on the wings. A large amethyst adorns the pommel, a matching gem to the holy symbol proudly attached to his right bandolier.
He leans against the wall of the building lackadaisicaly, giving the rain soaked streets around him a casual look while he waits for the other to arrive.
Fixed it. Of course we're in the rain. Does mean Dreng is giving us the assignment? ;)
Grandmaster TOZ |
Should have mentioned, you are waiting on a street corner, in the rain. Because of course you are. :) Probably best not to drop gear in the puddles.
Baphos I |
Baphos is standing, for more than an hour now, under a ceiling that protects a wooden door and, in this case, to him. He is looking at the floor, lost in his own thoughts, remembering his last missions and waiting for a sign that let him start a new job for the Pathfinders. He uses his new black cloak to get warm in this cold day.
Draklor Ribiera |
Draklor holds a tattered banner over his head as he walks speedily through the rain. He does not want to get his fur wet, nor does he want to change into his human form. His worries are assuaged, however, when he notices the meeting point is under a roof. The fox-man strides up to the shiny halfling and asks, "I assume you, too, received word to be here, now? It seems Pathfinders come in many shapes, sizes, and colors."
Grandmaster TOZ |
Fixed it. Of course we're in the rain. Does mean Dreng is giving us the assignment? ;)
I'm sure I don't know what you are talking about. Oh, here he comes. ;)
The fall rains have come early this year, and a chill wind blows off the waters of Absalom’s harbor, bringing with it the smell of a storm somewhere far off at sea. Venture-Captain Drandle Dreng hurries down the street in a most unusual outfit for the aging Venture-Captain: some sort of blue military uniform complete with a green sash displaying a pair of ornate medals and a black umbrella.
“Ah, there you all are,” he half-mutters to himself. “Is everyone here?” Without waiting for an answer, he turns on his heels and heads off at a brisk pace, occasionally turning around to make sure everyone is keeping up.
Hardly pausing to keep the party in earshot, Dreng continues. "You’re probably wondering where I’m dragging you, eh? Seven years ago I sent young agents much like yourselves on a preliminary exploration of the necropolis below the Drownyard in the Precipice Quarter. The Drownyard is the name that was given to the old Tri-Towers School, once home to some of Absalom’s wealthiest progeny. It was destroyed in the great earthquake of 4698 AR, and we thought that all of the children, teachers, and staff had perished.”
“But let me back up a bit. Eight years ago, the Society discovered an ancient necropolis under the Drownyard. It dates back to the third century AR, and if you know anything about Absalom’s history, you’ll know that we know almost nothing about those early years. It took me almost an entire year of negotiating with the parents of the children who died in the Tri-Towers Yard to convince them to grant us access to the site, and when we did, what did we find? A lot of spooky stuff: undead, haunts, and some nasty bugs. But we also found something completely unexpected: a survivor. A little slip of a girl named Junia Dacilane somehow survived in a death-like state for 10 years. The only thing that kept her alive was a ring of sustenance that she had found among the crypts. Junia’s mother, Lady Miranda Dacilane, was of course beside herself when we pulled her living daughter from the ruins and she vowed to not only give the Society full access to the property, but personally underwrite our archaeological efforts there. Soon thereafter I set up an archaeological dig at the Drownyard, and we’ve been pulling out fascinating fragments from Absalom’s early history ever since. Every year I visit Lady Dacilane to renew our contract to maintain the dig, but this year it seems that she wants us to jump through an additional hoop. She wants us, or rather you, to escort her daughter back to the Drownyard. It seems that Junia’s become a bit obsessed with her alma mater, and since the Precipice Quarter is no place for pampered young noblewomen, she needs an escort. Think you can manage that?”
Without giving the PCs a chance to interrupt him, he quickly adds, “Oh, and don’t forget to call the Drownyard the Tri-Towers Yard while we’re at Dacilane Manor. No one who lost children in the earthquake likes to be reminded of that tragedy...even the ones who got their child back.”
Baphos I |
Baphos stops looking at the floor and staring to Draklor "Yes... Sorry for my manners furry fellow, my name is Baphos. I am here to work whit you... I guess so.
Baphos follows the group, covering his body with the cloak. He listens carefully to Dreng and when he finished to talk. "Well, sir. Somehow, it seems to be interesting to visit that place. Is there anything else we should know before we start the mission?
"Lucky" Hennet Starstrike |
Hennet smiles at Draklor and extends his hand for a shake.
Ah! A fox folk! It's been a while since I've had the pleasure of working alongside one of your kind. He was a fun fellow, that's for sure! Well met, I'm Hennet, but most just call me Lucky. A pleasure to meet you!
When his greeting is crashed by our favorite *cough cough* Venture Captain.
Ah, so that's why I'm here. I was on the expedition that found her. We were shocked, to say the least. Well, before we go in I'm picking up some more holy water. Last time I was there, we needed it by the bucket!
He gestures to one of the wands in the bandoliers while addressing the party as they walk.
I picked this up just in case I ever had to head down there again, I can't use it but it's one of those wizard spell doo-hickeys that hurts undead. Wand of Disrupt Undead- 30 Charges If one of you can use it, be my guest.
So, Dreng, I'm assuming we're doing it like last time. Go to the lady's house, kiss her butt to make her happy, and then we head down into the festering pit of ghosts, zombies, and other nasty things of the already-but-not-really-dead variety, and hope we make it out alive? Sounds good to me!
He starts humming a merry tune to himself, and hurries along beside the Venture Captain, one hand on his rapier and the other catching raindrops.
Know Local: 1d20 ⇒ 10
Henrikuaxian |
A tiny gnome, with purple hair so dark as to almost be black, comes skipping down the road; he makes no attempt to cover up from the rain, and appears to almost be dancing in it, as he makes his way over to the group. Dressed in some sturdy adventurers clothing, you can make out several wizarding tools underneath his layers of clothing.
Arriving somewhat later than the others, he comes in just as the Venture Captain begins talking, and listens quietly to the description of the task.
Know(Local): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24
Know(Local): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25
Once he finishes talking, the gnome finally has a chance to introduce himself. "Hi there, my name is Henrikuaxian, I've been sent to participate in this mission as well. I've never been an escort before, this should be fun!" Thinking for a second, he adds "I've heard something of this place, though. Supposed to be haunted, and the ghosts have become ever more restless lately. We should definitely prepare ourselves to fight such spirits if necessary."
Turning to the halfling, Henrik says "I am capable of using that wand, if you'd like. I'd be more than happy to direct it against our foes!"
Draklor Ribiera |
Knowledge (history): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11
Knowledge (nobility): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (13) + 3 = 16
"Why're you wearin' Taldan army gear?" Draklor inquires, finally relenting and morphing into a human as they walk. It always makes him feel raw, naked, for a while, but it beat wet fur. "Bit of a step up, dress-wise. Or is this about impressing th' old lady?"
"And Lucky, you've been in the Society for seven years? Quite the stretch." He has bowed in greeting to both halflings, and repeats the gesture when the gnome comes running up. "Pleasure to meet you too, Henry...Quack-Son?" The kitsune becomes distracted at the thought of duck, and his mouth/muzzle begins to water.
Henrikuaxian |
"Hen-Rick-You-Axe-Ian. Most people end up shortening it" he says, with just a hint of irritation, "though I've never understood the difficulty. To each his own, I suppose. Are you a kitsune? I've heard of your kind before, of course, but never had the pleasure of meeting one. Fascinating! Nice to meet you! So you can just switch forms back and forth? How fantastic!"
Turning to their leader, he says "Before we head out, I definitely need to make a few purchases, knowing what we are up against. Will that be alright?"
5x Holy Water @ 25GP each, 125GP total
Scroll of 5x Command Undead for 2PP (normally 750GP)
Grandmaster TOZ |
Dreng walks backwards as he answers the Pathfinders questions, oblivious to the few other pedestrians on the street that have to scoot out of his path. "Like last time? Oh, are you one of the previous expedition? Splendid! So good of them to pick someone experienced with the matter. It is so hard to keep experienced personnel on hand, what with the bulette maulings and Consortium attacks." He paused, consternation on his face before he continued. "But certainly none of that here! I can't say for certain what you will find, but undead are always possible in a haunted necropolis!"
Daklor's question summons the consternation back to the venture captain's face, creasing his already wrinkled skin. "Did they not tell you to dress formally? The upper crust of Absalom is rather impressed with this sort of pomp and ceremony, so I thought it best to look impressive! I'm almost certain the Lady Dacilane will not be too concerned about your attire as field operatives however."
"Purchases will have to wait until after our appointment. It simply will not do to be late!" At that, he whirled on one heel and continued the march through the falling rain.
There is plenty of time for purchases before heading off to the mission, so feel free to note them now. I'll give our last couple players some time to post before we go on to the noble estate.
Ashara Lethani |
"Sorry I'm late!" says a melodious voice belonging to a tall woman with long dark hair the colour of raven feathers.
"I'm Ashara. I was asked to take part in this expedition by a fellow agent who's otherwise occupied but remembers miss Junia fondly and wishes to help her... so he asked me as he knows I'm quite good at dealing with undeads..." she finishes.
Etna Luul |
They would begin to hear singing as a halfing begins to walk down the street, a umbrella over her head and jig to her step. She had fiery red hair pulled back into short pigtails. Her dark green eyes would suddenly shoot up as she spots the group of pathfinders in the rain. Looking closer they would see the design of a butterfly over the umbrella as she spotted the group of pathfinders. Under the chain shirt she wore was a simple leather outfit, shorts and a cotton shirt to help her quick steps. She quickly stops her dance and rushes forward to catch up with them all. "Sorry I'm late! My sense of time has been thrown off ever since the whole incident with the sky key. Still trying to get my senses back in order. I don't have to much experience with them, but I have found that this darn rapier is a bit weak against them. The name is Etna by the way. Etna Luul. Sounds like it's going to be a super spooky place we are heading. I'll have to pick up a wand to heal myself now that I got a favor. If some one here would be nice enough to use it on me."
She would give everyone a big smile, hoping for the hope as they walk.
She will spend two pp to pick up a wand of cure light wounds with 50 charges.
Baphos I |
Baphos opens widely his eyes when Etna approaches to them. "WOW, she is so beautiful. Is she coming with us? I hope so."
The face of Baphos turns into red. Nervous he answers. He-he-hello Etna, my na-a-ame is Baphos. Breathing deeply. I can help you with the wand, if you want it. It's a pleasure to help you. "WOW, it was hard, look at the floor, you don't want she notices that you like her." Baphos looks at the floor and tries to cover part of his face with the cloak.
Grandmaster TOZ |
"AH! Etna, was it? Yes yes, that was who I was supposed to give this to." Dreng whirls and produces a slim white baton and offers it to the diminutive lady. "Ambrus said to come back alive, which I thought rather dreary, and that this would help in that mission. Quite thoughtful of him!" He stopped his backwards stride and looked up and back down the street the party has been traveling. "Oh, there's where we are headed. Quickly now!" He begins walking back down the street to stop before an imposing manor home.
Dacilane Manor is an imposing four-story townhouse of heavy masonry with a parapet roof that is festooned with numerous leering, demonic gargoyles. After knocking on the door, a middle-aged halfling woman in a large apron answers it. “Please come in. My lady will join you momentarily in the drawing room.” She smiles widely at Baphos and Etna while giving the rest of the party a polite nod. The inside is just as impressive as the outside, with a grand staircase curving along the wall to the second floor. You notice heavy black drapery blocking the windows from permitting light to intrude, leaving the foyer rather gloomy. As the older halfling leads you all through the open double doors by the stairs, the theme of furniture in the house is obviously gothic, all of it impressively sized and valued.
Henrikuaxian |
Henrik gazes up at the imposing home with an impressed look on his face. Once they are out of the rain, he promptly takes a few seconds to clean his clothes using some minor magic (prestidigitation, my old friend), so that by the time the door is answered he is clean and dry and as presentable as his adventuring gear will allow him to be. "This place sure is lovely!"
Ashara Lethani |
"Indeed" Ashara nods at Henrik's words.
"The wealthy always like to spend money in such frivolities instead of making a difference" Ashara mutters under her breath while keeping a polite smile painted on her face.
Draklor Ribiera |
"Certainly, a very nice place," Draklor notes, turning back into a fox and shaking water droplets all around the antechamber. He then pulls out a sewing kit, and begins to stitch up his ragged banner. "I came from a very minor noble family, but nothing this nice back home. An extra room to our house, perhaps, and no servants. Kitsune rarely have 'em."
While he is thinking about servants and slaves, he sends a message to the halfling as she leaves the room. "Are you kept here against your will? Paid, at the very least?"
Grandmaster TOZ |
The halfling servant jumps slightly at the sudden change in Draklor's appearance. "Don't you worry about old Bettina, mister fox. I'm quite happily employed here and proud to serve the family." She then busies herself mopping up the errant waterspots.
Cutting off further commentary, a tall, stern-looking yet attractive Chelaxian woman enters the drawing room. Her face is sharply featured, of fair complexion, with black hair accented with gray and white. Her black floor-length gown emphasizes her statuesque appearance and is clearly of high quality. Her only adornment is a plain silver pentagram necklace. Dreng immediately leaps to greet her with a formal bow, gentlemanly kissing her hand. "Lady Dacilane, may I introduce my esteemed Pathfinders Baphos, Draklor, and Henrikuaxian, loremasters and students of the arcane and occult, Etna, and Hennet, martial experts, and Ashara, divine conduit." The venture captain then launches into a speech extolling the appreciable results of the Dacilane's support of the Society's efforts in the Tri-Towers Yard as well as a number of significant artifacts recovered. After a few perfuctionary inquiries of Dreng, the lady turns to all of you.
“As I am sure Master Dreng has already informed you, I have a particular request of the Pathfinder Society this year. My daughter Junia has recently celebrated her eighteenth birthday, but she maintains a certain obsession with the traumatic events that befell her at the Tri-Towers Yard so many years ago. I have stopped her from sneaking out of the manor and visiting that place several times, and I feel that her past is keeping her from fully embracing her future. I would ask that you accompany her to the gods-forsaken Precipice Quarter and let her see her fill of the decay and misery. Perhaps those sights will cure her of her unnatural obsessions." She turns to face Hennet directly and adds. "Hennet Starstrike. I thank you again for returning my daughter to me safely, and hope that your luck preserves her once more."
Feel free to ask questions, I will be out at a gameday after work tonight, so responses will be rather late if not delayed until tomorrow.
Baphos I |
Before to enter in the manor, Baphos shakes his cloak trying to disturb no one.
After Dreng introduces Baphos, he just gave a little bow to Lady Dacilane. "It is better to keep in silence in this kind of things."
Just for curiosity. Baphos wants to recognize what the pentagram represents.
Knowledge (Arcana): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20
Knowledge (Planes): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24
Grandmaster TOZ |
Baphos and anyone else who beats DC10 are fairly sure that the Lady Dacilane holds faith in Asmodeus, as good Chelaxian nobles do.
Etna Luul |
Etna will smile at Baphos before shacking his hand. "Well thank you very much. It's a pleasure to meet you as well. I like the face paint as well. Skeletons always tickle my funny bone." After thank Dreng and handing over the wand she will stay in step with the group. With s quick handshake to the hafling women who opened the door she would be unable to help herself as she looked around. "Very swanky. Always liked these old style houses myself."
Etna will give a bow to the women but seems slightly uncomfortable around her.
"I promise to protect your daugher with my life. I would be unable to live with myself if I allowed her to fall to harm Ma'am." She says, doing her best to remain professional in the women's company.
"Lucky" Hennet Starstrike |
Hennet bows to the Lady.
It was the bravery and teamwork of the society that managed to bring your daughter back last time, milady. You have naught to worry over this time either, though I assure you that the safety of Lady Junia will be my main concern. You have my word as a priest of Desna.
He then smiles at her.
Well, there were a few times I got us out of a tight pickle, but those are stories for another time.
Ashara Lethani |
"I'm Ashara and I'm here on the behest of Rogar of House Valertis. He asked me to convey his regrets for not being able to help lady Junia in this particular occasion, for he remembers her fondly and wishes her well since the day he helped pull her out of the ruins of Tri-Towers Yard. For my part I assure you I will do everything in my power to help your child grow into the woman she deserves to be. On my honor this I swear" says Ashara politely finishing her speech with a gracious bow to Lady Dacilane.
Draklor Ribiera |
"I will likewise lay down my life to keep her out of harm's way, should it come to such," Draklor gives the lady the courtesy of a deep head-bow and continues by asking, "Has your daughter expressed what exactly she wants to see? Any particular part of the Quarter, or just the Drow- er, the Tri-Towers Yard?"
Grandmaster TOZ |
"That is what I expect of you and your Society. You saved her once before, and I trust you will not fail her this time as well. Convey my thanks to Rogar when you can." Lady Dacilane turns to Draklor's question. "She has not shared such information with me. Escort her wherever she wishes, within reason. The Precipice Quarter is dangerous at any hour, so I am trusting you to use your best judgement. While I hope she will tire of it sooner, bring her home by nightfall tomorrow night."
Any further questions? If not, I will post the next part soon.
Grandmaster TOZ |
Lady Dacilane pauses a moment, her stern expression softening slightly with some underlying trouble. “Junia’s experiences during and after the earthquake were terrible, and they have left lasting mental scars. Despite my efforts and those of some of Absalom’s best healers, I have been unable to truly help her." Her explanation finished, the stern resolve returns to her highborn features. "Nevertheless, it is time for her to put her childhood experiences behind her and face her adult responsibilities. Junia, come down and meet your escorts!"
It is only moments after her mothers call before the sound of rapid footfalls can be heard on the stairs. A young woman with the same sharp features and black hair as her mother practically bounds into the room, coming to stop in front of Lady Dacilane and clicking her heels together as she straightens to her full height. The similarity to her parent end with those qualities, as her hair is cut short and practical while her garb consists of grey breeches, knee-high leather boots, a white cotton shirt, and blue riding coat with tails. A golden eagle pin is affixed to her lapel and fine mithral chain links are visible under her coat. Mischief is evident in the grin on her face.
The Lady Dacilane is clearly not amused. "How dare you present yourself in such a ridiculous outfit in front of our guests? We shall have a talk about your conduct when you return, young lady!" With a frustrated toss of her hands, she sweeps furiously out of the room.
Turning to you, the girl offers a handshake to each of you. "Nice to meet you, my name's J., like the letter." As she gets to Hennet, her excitement is even more evident. "Hennet Starstrike! I'm so glad to meet you while I'm awake! You really are lucky, aren't you?"
Rubbing his hand from Junia's vigorous shaking, Dreng turns to you all. "I'll leave this mission in your hands now. Need back and the lodge and all, venture captain work you understand." He draws a large iron key from another of his volumnious pockets. "This will get you through the gates of the Tri-Towers Yard." He leans in as you take the key and mutters further. "The necropolis is clear of the restless dead, but do be careful around the surface structure. A particularly strong haunt manifests there, and has resisted all our attempts to eliminate it. Check the supply closet if you must go in there, might be something useful to you." He then dodders on his way out the door.
Junia, or J. as she says, picks up a backpack from a stool in the corner, pulling a curved dagger from one pouch and belting it to her hip. "Well, shall we go? I'm ready when you are!" She pauses and seems to recall something, holding up one finger as she darts into a side room. After a brief moment accompanied by the sound of rummaging, she returns with an armload of books. "Sorry, NOW I'm ready."
Baphos I |
Baphos shares a smile with the girl when they shaked their hands. "It is a pleasure, J."
Baphos stays stand waiting for the rest of the group to leave the house and start this adventure.
When they are on the way to the Tri-Towers Yard. "Good fellows, remember, there is a haunt around the surface structure and something useful in the supply closet. This could be fun."
"Lucky" Hennet Starstrike |
Hennet greets J with a hug around her waist.
A pleasure to see you awake! We were worried when we found you but you recovered just fine. Don't worry about your safety on this trip. I'm personally here to make sure you're safe on the journey.
He leans against the wall casually after the stodgy old lady leaves.
Well, I'm ready to set off when you guys do.
Ashara Lethani |
As she sees the girl Ashara bows sligtly and advances toesrds her:"Well met, Junia. I'm Ashara. A common acquaintance asked to give you this" so saying she produces an evenlope with the letters J. D. engraved and a sigil resembling an eagle and a dragon holding a sword vertical between themselves.
Then she arches her eyebrows:"What are you doing with all those tomes? I don't believe you'll have time to read while we explore the Tri-Towers Yard..." she finishes, smiling.
I've never been one for words, so I'll keep this brief.
When we found you, 7 years ago, at first we all thought you were dead. Then you emerged from that sarcophagus, weak, emaciated but alive and proved us all wrong.
My point is this: yes, you had your magical ring but alone that would have never been enough to keep you alive and sane in that place. Not with all the horrible creatures infesting it. A lot of other people would have succumbed to madness or found a way to get themselves eaten. Not you. You survived. And you did that because deep down you are a fighter. You don't give up. You fight!
That's what I thought when you emerged from that grave and I must admit the memory makes me proud to this day.
Exploring the Drownyard was my first mission for the Society and I shall never forget how happy I was when we finally completed it. Not because we've found some moldy old relics but because we have saved you.
As I understand you are getting back to the Drownyard. I regret not being able to be there to help you. Unfortunately I was informed while travelling towards the Mwangi Expanse for a different mission and as you receive this I should be braving its jungles, and more importantly its bloody mosquitos. I asked my friend Ashara to help you. She's good hearted and kind, you can trust her to protect you.
But besides that remember the lessons you already learned down there, trust your friends and never stop fighting. Do these things and you'll be just fine.
I know you will,
Your friend,
Rogar Valertis Alastoris"
Grandmaster TOZ |
"A letter? For me?" Junia almost snatches it from Ashara's hand but remembers her manners just in time to take it politely. She then carefully tears at the seal to open it and begins reading intently. "Rogar wrote ME? This is amazing!" she exclaims, before quickly hurrying through the rest of the letter. "Thank you for bringing it, ma'am." She beams warmly at Ashara as she opens one of the books, placing the letter inside next to a worn bookmark. Before she closes it and moves to replace it in the side room, Ashara is able to note that the tome appears to be a bound copy of the Pathfinder Chronicles, and the chapter opened was penned by one Rogar Valertis Alastoris. "Well, that's a lighter load for me! So, uh, how do you want to head over to the Precipice Quarter? I'm fine for walking."
Henrikuaxian |
Know(Local): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25
Turning to the girl, Henrik says "Hello J, my name is Henrikuaxian; it is a pleasure to meet you. Are you a member of the Eagle Knights of Andoran? I recognize the outfit and the pin, but I'm afraid I don't know too much about the group beyond that. I am fine walking, but I will need to stop and gather some supplies on the way."
Grandmaster TOZ |
The mischievous grin returned to Junia's face. "I'm not, at least not yet. Mother doesn't like the outfit or the idea." She rubs the the cloth of her coat ruefully. "I had to collect the pieces separately, so it doesn't look very real, but I like it!"
Henrikuaxian |
"Oh I think it looks lovely, and from what I understand the ideals of the group are certainly good things to strive for. Even when you put a look together piecemeal, the key to making it look right is in presentation; if you sell it right, people will tend to see what they expect to see. It is the same way with illusions."
Bluff: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11
Suddenly, Henrik's eyes grow wide as he looks right behind J. "Look out!" He begins to cast a spell, and suddenly there is a sound of a sword coming loose from a scabbard, directly behind J.
Almost immediately, the sound goes away and Henrik grins a big goofy grin. "You see? It's all in the presentation!"
Draklor Ribiera |
Draklor laughs heartily, sizing J up. "Have you trained yourself to fight behind her back too? It wouldn't surprise me, and you seem to know how to handle that dagger."
Grandmaster TOZ |
Junia grinned right back at Henrikuaxian, not even flinching at the noise. "Well you're going to have to work on it a bit more, I'm pretty sharp for my age!" Draklor's comment turns her smile a little more embarrassed. "Oh, not all that much. Just reenacting storybook duels. And actually, uh..." Turning back to Hennet, she pulls one book free and proffers it to the halfling. "Mister Starstrike? Would you mind signing this for me?" Yet another Pathfinder Chronicle, this collection very easily recognizable as having Hennet's contribution somewhere in the pages.
Baphos I |
"Lady J, can we keep going? I am sure there will be plenty of time for autographs when we come back. Sorry, sorry, I want to start this mission and I am nervous, I usually get nervous when the life of someone else is my responsibility. Please, let's start this."
Etna Luul |
Etna would do a bit of a theatrical bow to her before shaking her hand. "It's a pleasure to meet ya Miss. The name is Etna. I promise that you will have a good time. As long as you make sure to follow our instructions and to play things safe you should not have to worry about anything. Though to be honest if their is a haunt I am not going to me of much help. In the mean time though I think I have a story for ya. It's not written down but how would you like hearing about the time a couple of buddies and I almost got smashed by Earthfall."
"Lucky" Hennet Starstrike |
Hennet beams at Junia and takes the Chronicle.
I remember writing this one! It was a nasty little mission, involving a magic lantern and a frozen ship! Crazy enough, it all ended with a marriage that made everyone happy and kept a group of warriors from the north from going on a rampage...
Hennet excitedly talks to her about some of the things that happened on that particular mission (that didn't make it into the Chronicle due to length, and printing costs) while he signs the book.
To Junia. May your luck hold out for you throughout your life like it did before I found you. Remember, you can be whatever you wish in your life. You aren't bound by the constraints of family history or society. The true joy of being alive is the journey, not the destination. Your friend, Hennet Starstrike.
Afterward, he turns toward the door.
Well, this adventure isn't going to discover itself. Are we ready to be off?
Grandmaster TOZ |
The chronicles signed, Junia replaces them with the rest and joins the party in exiting the manor. In the bright light of day, your charge sighs in obvious relief. "Sorry about that. I don't get to go out too much anymore." With a glance up and down the street, she frowns slightly. "I guess we can head to the Drownyard first? I'm not sure what the best way to walk there is anymore."
As local Absalomites, you know that the straightest route is through the Coins and along the edge of the Merchant's District. The longer way around runs through the Foreign Quarter before passing through the Docks.
Henrikuaxian |
Know(Local): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 8 = 17
"Going through the Coins is the straightest route, but today is Market Day, so Coins will be packed and will slow things down. Even though it isn't the most direct route, going through the Foreign Quarter and the Docks would be fastest. The Docks is somewhat rougher, though. It would be unfortunate if we ran into trouble before even reaching the Tri-Towers Yard." He pauses for a moment, thinking. (We are trying to guard the girl, might not want to run directly into danger...) "Unless haste is needed for some reason, it might be better to play it safe and go through Coins."
Etna Luul |
"Oh is Market Day today? That sounds exciting! Maybe we can get some snacks! You know that their is always something tasty to be found over at the Market. Sure it might take a little longer but are we really on that much of a time crunch? I'm sure it won't take us that long to go through everything that she wants to see."
It was obvious by the way she was bouncing from foot to foot that she wanted to go and check out the Market herself as well.