Scepter Tower of Spellgard - Rev's version

Game Master Rev Rosey

WoTC's Scepter Tower of Spellguard (whatever did you expect?)
It lead to a series of spinoffs.

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M Goliath Cleric 14 / Storm Speaker / Druid

"Brujo, Leo -- leave the Shar-damned things alone and take cover!"


Female Genasi Firesoul Wizard 7

I'm at a conference and will be in meeting all day tomorrow, so I'll post early. Perigia moves to S10 and casts Ray of Frost at D2. 1d20+5=23 vs. Reflex, 1d6+4=7 damage and target is slowed until the end of Perigia's next turn.

Thanks Perigia. I'll add your action into the mix once Fairwind and Caine tell me what they're doing.

Fairwind is up

Male Half Elf Paladin 6th
Cronin wrote:

"Brujo, Leo -- leave the Shar-damned things alone and take cover!"


"Good luck I've been trying to persuade him out of this ever since Perigia went to fetch you guys!" Leo mutters back gritting his teeth from the pain of the construct's attack.

Caine slashes happily at the ratswarm as it heaves past him. With a happy battle song on his lips, the finishes the last of the rodents and turns his attention to other matters.

Caine's OA v ratswarm: (1d20 9=27)
Damage to ratswarm: (1d10 4=8)

This is just to clear up Caine's OA - and incidentally the ratswarm as well. It is no more. Not enough left to use as cushion filling.

F Half-elf Ranger 4 (multiclass - Rogue)

move to L15. Unleash the power of Sudden Strike!
Shortsword attack (1d20+7=22)
Damage (1d6=1)
Shift 1 square as part of the power to L16
Longsword (1d20+7=25)
Longsword (2d8+3=18)
The arabalester is now weakened until the end of my next turn.

Fairwind vaults through the combat, stabbing the crossbow construct, rolling to the side and bringing her longsword in rapid slash as she comes out of the roll!

F Half-elf Ranger 4 (multiclass - Rogue)

Rat save (1d20=20)

Perigia's ray produces the worst sounds yet from Defender 2. The thing is almost disintegrating before your eyes.

Fairwind's attack causes unpleasant mechanical noises to emerge from the Arbalaster. Some random cogwheels fall to the ground and roll towards the kobolds.

Caine sighs. "If you must play with the toys, at least let an expert show you how to do it." Caine moves to P12.

Cronin - is up - delayed action

M Goliath Cleric 14 / Storm Speaker / Druid

Cronin continues to delay in the hopes that it's about time for a map update

It's yours.

MAP at end of all moves bar Cronin's.

Fairwind is bloodied. The rest of you are in good shape, except Caine who has taken some damage. If you want to act, go for it. If not, the init order is as follows:-

Defender 1
Defender 2

I will update again after the monsters do their thing.

M Goliath Cleric 14 / Storm Speaker / Druid

Cronin, seeing his advice go unheeded, hurries to Fairwind's aid.

Thanks for the map. Double-run to P14

Quick and dirty fix to map applied.

MAP: all together: Round 10 start

Leo is up
Defender 1
Defender 2 etc as above.

Male Half Elf Paladin 6th
Rev DM wrote:

Quick and dirty fix to map applied.

MAP: all together: Round 10 start
Leo is up
Defender 1
Defender 2 etc as above.

Leo sidesteps so he's flanking it with Brujo then cuts loose as his sword gives off its signature silvery glimmer that passes through the construct.

(Shift to O-9 and then cut loose with a holy Strike on D-2 roll a 16+9 for 25 to hit or 27 if flanking attempt works doing 1d8+6 damage if it hits which would do 7pts of damage)

Leo's attack is too much for Defender 2. With a final screech of tortured metal, it collapses in a heap. The kobolds ease back behind the wall out of each of the Arbalaster and cheer.

"See. Told you they were even better at killing things than sneaky kobolds." Snaggletooth comments smugly to Kneebiter.

The Cobra and the remaining Defender ease forward. The snake's hood flares again. In retaliation for her multiple attacks, the weakened Arbalaster slams into Fairwind, adding to the half-elf's bruises and scuttles away, affording the deft woman another chance to hit it as it goes.

Weakened Arbalaster slams into Fairwind: (1d20+11=23, 1d4+2=5). Half damage only, so 2hp to Fairwind who also gets an OA on the Arbalaster.

Map:- round 10 after monster moves

Fairwind - OA on Arbalaster

F Half-elf Ranger 4 (multiclass - Rogue)

Longsword OA (1d20+7=22)
Longsword damage (1d8+3=6)

Move to J13
Twinstrike (1d20+7=8, 1d20+7=22)
Shortsword (1d6+3=5)

Fairwind snarls and chases after the juddery thing.

Seeing the appraoch of the iron cobra, Brujo jusmp back abit.

Shift to N12. Lightning Lure cobra 1d20+6=22; Damage 1d6+6=9 lightning damage. Drag cobra to M11.

Folks. Please note that Cronin has connection issues and will try to get back into circulation by Monday evening. I'll run him for now.

Fairwind hacks another chunk out of the Arbalaster which now looks a little the worse for wear. Arbalaster is bloodied.

Brujo unleashes his now familiar lightning chain and hauls the cobra towards him. Immediately, Defender 1's head swings around.

Fairwind is up

F Half-elf Ranger 4 (multiclass - Rogue)

That was my OA and my attack in the last post, so I've already gone.

Ah - misread you. In that case -
Perigia is up

M Goliath Cleric 14 / Storm Speaker / Druid

Cronin steps forward to put himself in range of Fairwind (and, not incidentally, adjacent to the dead creeper) and invokes Selune's sacred flame on the arbalester.

Sacred Flame on A (1d20 6=26, 1d6 6=12) Sacred Flame crit damage (1d6=5)

Connection working at the moment. Move to N14. Total damage to Arbalester 17, and Fairwind gets 2 temporary hp.

The arbalaster disintegrates. Crossbow bolts spill out from the mechanism with a sad clatter of weaponry.

Note that it won't officially do so until after both Perigia and Caine's actions, but it is beyond hope.

Female Genasi Firesoul Wizard 7

Perigia moves to O11 and casts Magic Missile at the cobra, missing it completely. 1d20+5=6

Caine moves up to L12 and attack the Arbalaster at L11.

Activating Guarding Strike (1d20+5=20, 2d10+3=10)

"Stand firm!"

+3 Power Bonus to AC to anyone adjacent to Caine or the Arbalaster.

My apologies for the delay. Been smitten by some kind of bug. What joy.

The collapse of Defender 2 and the Arbalaster make little difference to the cobra and the remaining Defender. Even as the companions start to ease themselves into flanking positions, the snake's hood flares once again and the Defender's jaw drops open revealing rows of damaging iron teeth.

Note that the pink stone will allow you to score a crit on a natural 19 or 20 - the arcane infused power of Spellgard at work.

MAP round 11 start

Leo is up
Defender 1

Male Half Elf Paladin 6th
Rev DM wrote:

My apologies for the delay. Been smitten by some kind of bug. What joy.

The collapse of Defender 2 and the Arbalaster make little difference to the cobra and the remaining Defender. Even as the companions start to ease themselves into flanking positions, the snake's hood flares once again and the Defender's jaw drops open revealing rows of damaging iron teeth.

Note that the pink stone will allow you to score a crit on a natural 19 or 20 - the arcane infused power of Spellgard at work.

MAP round 11 start

Leo is up
Defender 1

Leo shifts from O-4 to N-5 and directly challenges the cobra before cutting loose with a Holy Strike rolling a natural 20 doing maximum damage +1 all radiant due to the divine challenge which is 1d8+6 for 14 damage plus 2d6 from the long sword and implement for a total of 20 damage (I believe I roll the 2d6 for the critical hit bonus)

Leo shifts closer to the cobra flanking it on the opposite side to Commander Caine.

"I challenge you!" Leo yells at it as his sword glimmers silver once but this time there is almighty crack almost like thunder as the Cobra shudders under the might of the paladin's blow...

Leo, those actions are fine, and you can do exactly what you said you were doing, except that your co-ordinates are wrong. I had you at O9 before your move. If you shift to N10, you can indeed flank with Caine and that is where I am placing you on the map. If your intentions were different, can you let me know. Photobucket can be a chancy beast and sometimes sends you to the wrong map.

Leo's holy fervour hacks into the iron body, visibly damaging the construct. The snake's hood opens wide and the head lashes down, sinking venmous teeth into the paladin, before shifting back towards the pillar. The Defender also tries to bite him, but fails to connect.

Cobra attack on Leo (on hit 5 ongoing poison damage): (1d20 11=23, 1d8 3=7). 7hp damage to Leo, with an additional 5 poison damage. The poison damage is ongoing (save ends). No OAs on snake as it moves. It used its slithering shift power to shift 3 squares.

Note also that Fairwind got two temp hp from Cronin and may no longer be bloodied.

MAP - Round 11 after Leo and monster moves

Brujo is up

"You're not getting away", Brujo vanishes only to appear infront of the run away cobra.

Fey Step to I8. Chilling Blow 1d20+8=23; Damage 1d8+5=8, the target takes 2 points cold damage each time it attacks until the start of my next turn.

The cobra's eyes swirl as it attempts to take over part of Brujo's mind. The eladrin sways as his will is sapped. Frost forms over the snake's body as it takes further damage from Brujo's chilling wound.

Poison the mind (v Will) on Brujo: (1d20 8=17). Brujo you are dazed and slowed. The dazing means you can only take one action until you save. Slowing means that if that one action is a move, it can only be two squares (unless you teleport again, which isn't affected).

Male Half Elf Paladin 6th
Rev DM wrote:
Leo, those actions are fine, and you can do exactly what you said you were doing, except that your co-ordinates are wrong. I had you at O9 before your move. If you shift to N10, you can indeed flank with Caine and that is where I am placing you on the map. If your intentions were different, can you let me know. Photobucket can be a chancy beast and sometimes sends you to the wrong map.

Sorry I misread the map so yes I was going to flank the construct opposite Commander Caine

Leo's holy fervour hacks into the iron body, visibly damaging the construct. The snake's hood opens wide and the head lashes down, sinking venmous teeth into the paladin, before shifting back towards the pillar. The Defender also tries to bite him, but fails to connect.

Cobra attack on Leo (on hit 5 ongoing poison damage): (1d20 11=23, 1d8 3=7). 7hp damage to Leo, with an additional 5 poison damage. The poison damage is ongoing (save ends). No OAs on snake as it moves. It used its slithering shift power to shift 3 squares.

Note also that Fairwind got two temp hp from Cronin and may no longer be bloodied.

MAP - Round 11 after Leo and monster moves

Brujo is up

Leo - it's not a problem. I bog up all the time. As long as nobody feels they've been cheated, we're good.

Fairwind is up

Move to K10 (avoiding threat zone of Defender)
Basic longsword attack (1d20+7=20)
damage (1d8+3=11)

Fairwind runs through the melee and stabs to the 'heart' of the cobra.

Fairwind's blow is damaging, but like Brujo before her, she makes the fatal error of looking into the snake's eyes. Like him, she is also dazed and slowed.

Poison the Mind on Fairwind (v Will): (1d20 8=13). Dazed (one action only until you save) and slowed (so if your one action is a move it cannot be more than 2 squares). Save ends.

It's the last mistake the metal snake makes. Brujo's frosty wound opens a little wider and whatever is powering the thing simply stops working. With a final writhe, the cobra collapses.

The combination of Fairwind and the ongoing damage on attack from Brujo's Chill Strike kills the cobra.

Perigia is up

Note that the only enemy around is Defender 1, at M10

Paging Perigia. If Caine or Cronin are around and feel like posting, go ahead. I can patchwork things together as needed.

Female Genasi Firesoul Wizard 7

Sorry, I'm having connection problems. Proceed without me for a few days.

No problem. Thanks for letting us know. Hope you get back online soon.

Perigia casually blasts howitzer force magic missiles at Defender 1.

Perigia's magic missile attack on Defender 1 (v Ref): (1d20 4=16, 2d4 3=8)

Caine is up

M Goliath Cleric 14 / Storm Speaker / Druid

Cronin stands here he is, evoking Selune's sacred flame on the defender.

Sacred Flame vs Ref (1d20 6=16, 1d6 6=7) If that hits, Fairwind gets two more temp HP (and hopefully looks less like a kraken).

Cronin wrote:

Cronin stands here he is, evoking Selune's sacred flame on the defender.

Sacred Flame vs Ref (1d20 6=16, 1d6 6=7) If that hits, Fairwind gets two more temp HP (and hopefully looks less like a kraken).

The Defender creaks as Cronin's shaft of divine flame clouts it. Some of Fairwind's wounds close over as Selune's mercy washes over the half elf.

F Half-elf Ranger 4 (multiclass - Rogue)

I don't believe that temp hp stack. They just replace one another, so it would be a waste as I already have 2 temp hp, which will disappear now the combat is over.

M Goliath Cleric 14 / Storm Speaker / Druid
Geleri Fairwind wrote:
I don't believe that temp hp stack. They just replace one another, so it would be a waste as I already have 2 temp hp, which will disappear now the combat is over.

I think you're half-right -- the temp hp don't stack, so the 2 should go to somebody else down; but I'm not sure I agree the combat is over.

Rev DM wrote:

No problem. Thanks for letting us know. Hope you get back online soon.

Perigia casually blasts howitzer force magic missiles at Defender 1.

Perigia's magic missile attack on Defender 1 (v Ref): (1d20 4=16, 2d4 3=8)

Caine is up

Caine goes to K11 then L10 and launches attacks on Defender 1. Spends an action point to get an extra attack.

Atk; Dmg (1d20+9=27, 1d10+4=8, 1d20+9=28, 1d10+4=9)

"Fall! Damn you!" Shouts Caine as he makes huge arcing slashes at the enemy.

Geleri Fairwind wrote:
I don't believe that temp hp stack. They just replace one another, so it would be a waste as I already have 2 temp hp, which will disappear now the combat is over.

You can also use the bonus as a +2 on a saving throw, which as you are slowed and dazed might be handy.

Caine's shower of blows demolish large sections of the Defender. It's still standing, but it is looking a lot the worse for wear. The kobolds realising they are reasonably safe, scuttle towards the body of the creeper. Snaggletooth catches Cronin's eye "Just checking it is dead. Don't want it sneakily attacking you." he explains.

MAP - Round 12 start

Leo is up
Defender 1 - is bloodied
Brujo - is dazed and slowed and

flaring again - the old ongoing devil just stuck. Fairwind will be making a perception check.

Fairwind - is possibly bloodied, dazed and slowed and
please make a perception check DC20 as soon as you are able to.


Fairwind and Brujo can take one action only this round. If that action is a move, they may move only two squares. Same applies until they make a save versus the ongoing effects.

F Half-elf Ranger 4 (multiclass - Rogue)

Oops, for some reason I thought I saw a reference to the Defender being destroyed. Apologies.



Glancing behind you, you notice that Brujo's arm and face are flaring with an irridescent blue flame. He is doing his darndest to hide this from you. You recognise the blue flame as a spellscar.

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7
Rev DM wrote:
Geleri Fairwind wrote:
I don't believe that temp hp stack. They just replace one another, so it would be a waste as I already have 2 temp hp, which will disappear now the combat is over.
You can also use the bonus as a +2 on a saving throw, which as you are slowed and dazed might be handy.

Actually, you use it for a free saving throw on Cronin's turn

Male Half Elf Paladin 6th
Rev DM wrote:

Caine's shower of blows demolish large sections of the Defender. It's still standing, but it is looking a lot the worse for wear. The kobolds realising they are reasonably safe, scuttle towards the body of the creeper. Snaggletooth catches Cronin's eye "Just checking it is dead. Don't want it sneakily attacking you." he explains.

MAP - Round 12 start
Leo is up
Defender 1 - is bloodied
Brujo - is dazed and slowed and ** spoiler omitted **
Fairwind - is possibly bloodied, dazed and slowed and ** spoiler omitted **

Fairwind and Brujo can take one action only this round. If that action is a move, they may move only two squares. Same applies until they make a save versus the ongoing effects.

Leo shifts from o-9 to n-10 and repeats the attack from last round except the holy strike rolls a 15+9+2 for flanking for a total of 26 to hit doing 1d8+6 damage rolling an 8 for a total of 14 damage

Leo moves again to match the fleeing Defender and calls upon his training.
"Kelemvor guide my arm!" he intones as a silver glimmer passes through his arm and up his sword slamming into his opponent.

Kelemvor answers Leo's prayers and his weapon takes out a large chunk of the Defender's mechanism. Although horribly damaged, it manages to open its jaw and engulf Leo's free arm, biting down hard.

Bite attack on Leo (v AC): (1d20 8=25, 1d8 3=5). Defender 1 stays put at M11.

Brujo is up and

is busted as a spellscarred. Fairwind rolled 25 on her perception. Up to her how she handles that bit of information.
- remember you are dazed and slowed and will need to make a save at the end of your turn.
Fairwind - also dazed and slowed

"What should I do? Run...fight...but...", Paranoia creeps over Brujo, as thoughts begin rushing into his head. "They did save me earlier, but that's no guarantee that they'll help me now..."

Droping his blade, he pulls his cloak closer to his skin, and moves away from battle.

Brujo moves to G6, and goes defensive. Save 1d20=9 :(

Brujo - can you roll a save v daze/slow please

Fairwind is up - dazed and slowed unless she made the save on Cronin's previous go and

in case you missed it earlier, aware that Brujo is spellscarred and that his scar is flaring wildly

Post in any order you please, as and when you are around to do so.

Female Genasi Firesoul Wizard 7

"Release my friend," Perigia shouts as she lobs a magic missile at D1. 1d20+5=16 vs. Ref to hit. 2d4+4=8 damage.

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