Poor Wandering GM |
Welcome please finalize char gen. Don't worry about getting something wrong we wouldn't be a comic book without at least a few ret-cons.
Another question to get things rolling.
For those of you based/living in Star City, Have you met any of the other Villains? Worked with them? Fought them?
For those new arrivals what have you heard about the others?
Poor Wandering One |
Race: Human
Traits, attributes 5pt. check.
Agility d10 (3pt) (d12 Super att)
Smarts d4
Spirit d4
Strength d6 (1pt)
Vigor d6 (1pt) (d10 Super att)
Traits, skills 15pt. *
Climbing (2pt) d6
Fighting (2pt) d6
Lockpicking (4pt) d10
Shooting (5pt) d12
Stealth (4pt) d10
Edges & Hindrances
Hindrances. **
Major, Habit Drug addiction
unknown, assuming Minor, Phobia - cats
Super Karma,
Free Edge
AB Superpowers 10 power points. check
-Intangibility (5pt)
-Toughness +2, Requires Activation (2pt)
-Super Attribute, Agility +1 (1pt)
-Super Attribute, Vigor +2 (2pt)
Human Edge, TOO MANY
Charisma 0
Pace 6”
Parry = Base (2) + fighting/2 (3) = 5
Toughness = Base (2) +Vigor/2 (5) + Arcane Background Toughness (2) = 7/9
Kevlar Vest $250
Dad’s old M1911A1 $200 (2d6+1, AP, semi-auto)
Lockpicks $200
Switchblade $10 (Str + d4)
Combat Drugs (Red Agility) x 10 = $200
50 bullets @ $40 x2 = $100
* You are overspent by 2 skill points on skills. It looks like you did not pay the point to get the d4. 1pt is a d4, 2 a d6, and so on until you ceiling at 5 for d12 assuming you stay at or under the governing stat.
** Habit drug addiction. What are you addicted to? Combat drugs are a good choice for the setting plus there is a combat drug derivative called "EZ" or "Easy" that is available. Combat or traditional drugs will run you $20/day for the habit. "Easy" is only $10. That is how it got it's name, it's easy to get.
Phobia. Why Cats? It was unclear weather you took this at Major or Minor level. I assumed Minor, was I correct?
Remaining Hindrances. You can take a second Minor hindrance if you choose. You don't have to but I wanted to highlight he opportunity.
Super Karma The NE setting allows you to take a second Major Hindrance at character creation in return for 5 power points. Again you do not have to, Major hindrances are nasty, but again highlighting the opportunity.
You have too many edges. You get one as a human. Your hindrances give you 3 hindrance points to spend and you could use 2 of them to get a second edge. Taking a second Minor hindrance would allow you to buy a third edge but that is the starting limit barring tings like odd races or the Super Edge power
Note Some tricky spots but a solid villain at the core. Looking forward to the final version.
Ira kroll |
audit:..Race: Human
Traits, attributes 5pt. check.Agility d10 (3pt) (d12 Super att)
Smarts d4
Spirit d4
Strength d6 (1pt)
Vigor d6 (1pt) (d10 Super att)Traits, skills 15pt. *
Climbing (2pt) d6
Fighting (2pt) d6
Lockpicking (4pt) d10
Shooting (5pt) d12
Stealth (4pt) d10Edges & Hindrances
Hindrances. **
Major, Habit Drug addiction
unknown, assuming Minor, Phobia - cats
Super Karma,Edges***
Free Edge
AB Superpowers 10 power points. check
-Intangibility (5pt)
-Toughness +2, Requires Activation (2pt)
-Super Attribute, Agility +1 (1pt)
-Super Attribute, Vigor +2 (2pt)Human Edge, TOO MANY
Charisma 0
Pace 6”
Parry = Base (2) + fighting/2 (3) = 5
Toughness = Base (2) +Vigor/2 (5) + Arcane Background Toughness (2) = 7/9Gear:
Kevlar Vest $250
Dad’s old M1911A1 $200 (2d6+1, AP, semi-auto)
Lockpicks $200
Switchblade $10 (Str + d4)
Combat Drugs (Red Agility) x 10 = $200
50 bullets @ $40 x2 = $100Questions
* You are overspent by 2 skill points on skills. It looks like you did not pay the point to get the d4. 1pt is a d4, 2 a d6, and so on until you ceiling at 5 for d12 assuming you stay at or under the governing stat.** Habit drug addiction. What are you addicted to? Combat drugs are a good choice for the setting plus there is a combat drug derivative called "EZ" or "Easy" that is available. Combat or traditional drugs will run you $20/day for the habit. "Easy" is only $10. That is how it got it's name, it's easy to get.
Phobia. Why Cats? It was unclear weather you took this at Major or Minor level. I assumed Minor, was I correct?
Remaining Hindrances. You can take a second Minor hindrance if you choose. You don't have to but I wanted to highlight he opportunity.
Super Karma The NE setting allows you to take a second Major Hindrance at character creation in return for 5 power points. Again you do not have to, Major hindrances are nasty, but again highlighting the opportunity.
You have too many edges. You get one as a human. Your hindrances give you 3 hindrance points to spend and you could use 2 of them to get a second edge. Taking a second Minor hindrance would allow you to buy a third edge but that is the starting limit barring tings like odd races or the Super Edge powerNote Some tricky spots but a solid villain at the core. Looking forward to the final version.
* Overspent on skill points: Drop shooting to a d8. That leave the character as a cat burglar, but not a gunslinger.
** Habit drug addiction: Combat Drugs $20/day
Cat phobia: Minor
*** Edges
I misunderstood. Thanks. I'll drop the Quick Edge.
Human ----- Gets a Free Edge
Agility (3 points) d10 (d12 see below)
Smarts d4
Spirit d4
Strength (1 point) d6
Vigor (1 point) d6 (d10, see below)
Habit (Major) Drug addiction (points 17)
Phobia (Minor) - cats (18)
Climbing (2 for 2/18) d6
Fighting (2 for 4/18) d6
Lockpicking (4 for 8/18) d10
Shooting (3 for 11/18) d8
Stealth (3 for 14/18) d10
Free Edge
Arcane Background (Superpowers 10 power points)
-- Intangibility (5 of 10 power points)
--Toughness - Requires Activation (7/10 power points) (base toughness +2)
-- Super Attribute (Agility - 1 point) up from d10 to d12 (8/10 power points)
-- Super Attribute (Vigor - 2) from d6 to d8 to d10 (10/10 power points)
Human free Edge
Trademark Weapon (16/18) (+1 to Shooting)
Thief (18/18) (+2 to Climbing, Lockpick, and Stealth)
Charisma 0
Pace 6”
Parry = Base (2) + fighting/2 (3) = 5
Toughness = Base (2) +Vigor/2 (5) + Arcane Background Toughness (2) = 9
Kevlar Vest $250
Dad’s old M1911A1 $200 (2d6+1, AP, semi-auto)
Lockpicks $200
Switchblade $10 (Str + d4)
Combat Drugs (Red Agility) x 10 = $200
50 bullets @ $40 x2 = $100
Irnk, Dead-Eye's Prodigal |
I'm going to go with Fulminara, I think. She is an Energy Projector; I. E. ranged, although to get her other effects in order, her ranged damage isn't that impressive just yet.
Classic 'science gone wrong', she was a military tester for a defense contractor when the project was one of the initial targets of the invasion. She survived, but was horribly transformed in the process. Now just a humanoid electromagnetic field, she blames both the invaders & the military-industrial complex for her current state.
Poor Wandering GM |
Race Human- see edges
Attributes 5 of 5 attribute points spent. check
Skills 15 of 15 skill points spent. check
Hindrances and edges
Major- Combat drug addiction, used for thief edge
Super Karma - NOT TAKEN
Minor- phobia cats. UNUSED
AB superpowers. free. 10 or 10 power points spent Check
Extraction - human free edge
Thief - from Major hindrance Habit
Trademark weapon- NO SOURCE
Derived stats
Pace 6
Parry 5
Toughness 7 or 9
Gear $935/$1000 spent
Kevlar Vest $250 8wt
Dad’s old M1911A1 $200 NE pricing has to be used here so cost is $250 5wt
Lockpicks $200 1wt
Switchblade $10 (Str + d4) 1wt
Combat Drugs (Red Agility) x 10 = $200 owt
50 bullets $25 5wt
$65 in cash
Comments and questions
There is still an issue with your edges.
I can see where 2 of the 3 edges you have listed came from. Extraction is racial and Thief is from your major hindrance.
Where is Trademark Weapon coming from?
You are also forgoing Super Karma and a second minor hindrance. Your call just wanted to highlight the option.
I also cannot see what your Phobia hindrance is being used for. It is worth either 1 skill point or $1000. If you took a second minor hindrance then you could combine it with the phobia and get an edge or an attribute point..
Also found some trivial things in your gear and fixed them.
Please let me know if I can be more helpful.
Irnk, Dead-Eye's Prodigal |
Fulminara (just the 'crunch')
Agility d10 Smarts d6 Spirit d6 Strength d6 Vigor d6
Climbing d6 Fighting d8 Notice d6 Persuasion d4 Streetwise d4 Shooting d10
Charisma: -4 Pace: 6 Parry: 14/8 Toughness: 4
Alien Form {Humanoid electromagnetic field (emphasis elctro)}(Major), Cautious {there is no such thing as 'too much intelligence'}(Minor), Small (Major), Heartless {No one cared about her, why should she care about anyone else?}(Minor)
Arcane Background (Super Powers), Power Points, 'Super Karma'
Ageless {She is nothing but electromagnetic energy now.} (1 PP), Altered Form {body is now an electromagnetic field (Fall Proof, Replenish in electrical fields)} (7 PP), 'Electromagnetic Control' {Energy Control (Elemental Trick: Electricity)} (4 PP), 'Field Subversion' {Electricity Immunity} (4 PP), (4 PP 'Banked')
Sapele Lalolagi |
Skills: Climbing (Str): d4
Fighting (Agi): d12 (d12+2)
Intimidation (Spi): d6
Notice (Sma): d4
Survival (Sma): d4
Throwing (Agi): d8
Derived Stats:
Charisma: -2; Pace: 6", Parry: 12, Toughness: 12
Hindrances: 2 x major, 2 x minor (points spent on Str and Agi)
Edges: Arcane Background (Super Powers), Power Points, 'Super Karma'
Growth Level 3: +3 to Size (including Toughness and Strength), Monster (-2 Charisma)
Parry Level 1: +3 to Parry
Super Strength Level 3: +3 to Strength
Super Vigor Level 2: +2 to Vigor
Super Skill - Fighting Level 1: +2 to Fighting
Toughness Level 1: +2 to Toughness
Attack, Melee Level 1: extra 1d6 to hand to hand damage
Leaping Level 2: 4" vertical distance, DFA at +2
Still need to pick the hindrances and gear - but the meaty mechanical bits are there.
Poor Wandering GM |
I'm going to go with Fulminara, I think. She is an Energy Projector; I. E. ranged, although to get her other effects in order, her ranged damage isn't that impressive just yet.
Classic 'science gone wrong', she was a military tester for a defense contractor when the project was one of the initial targets of the invasion. She survived, but was horribly transformed in the process. Now just a humanoid electromagnetic field, she blames both the invaders & the military-industrial complex for her current state.
Might be tiptoeing on the "you must have a body rule".
Can Fulminara be handcuffed with normal police cuffs or zip-ties?What happens when her powers are fully nullified?
Crunch note: You parry seems off. Where does the 14 come from?
Ira kroll |
** spoiler omitted **
Second Hindrance: Loyal (to his compatriots) (although because of circumstances that might exclude Imagine for a while)
That will pay for the trademark weapon.
Race Human- see edges
====== Attributes =======
Agility (3 points) d10 (d12 see below)
Smarts d4
Spirit d4
Strength (1 point) d6
Vigor (1 point) d6 (d10, see below)
===== Skills 15 of 15 skill points ===
Climbing (2 for 2/18) d6
Fighting (2 for 4/18) d6
Lockpicking (4 for 8/18) d10
Shooting (3 for 11/18) d8
Stealth (3 for 14/18) d10
===== Hindrances and edges =====
===== Hindrances =====
Major- Combat drug addiction, used for thief edge
Super Karma - NOT TAKEN
Minor- phobia cats.
Minor- Loyal
Together used for Trademark Weapon edge
===== Edges ======
(1) AB superpowers. free. 10 or 10 power points spent
=== Intangibility (5 of 10 power points)
=== Toughness - Requires Activation (7/10 power points) (base toughness +2)
=== Super Attribute (Agility - 1 point) up from d10 to d12 (8/10 power points)
=== Super Attribute (Vigor - 2) from d6 to d8 to d10 (10/10 power points)
(2) Extraction - human free edge
(3) Thief - from Major hindrance Habit
(4) Trademark weapon- Minor hindrances
Charisma 0
Pace 6”
Parry = Base (2) + fighting/2 (3) = 5
Toughness = Base (2) +Vigor/2 (5) + Arcane Background Toughness (2) = 7 or 9
$960/$1000 spent
Kevlar Vest $250 8wt
Dad’s old M1911A1 (2d6+1) $250 5wt
Lockpicks $200 1wt
Switchblade $10 (Str + d4) 1wt
Combat Drugs (Red Agility) x 10 = $200 owt
100 bullets =2*$25 10wt =50
$40 in cash
Irnk, Dead-Eye's Prodigal |
Might be tiptoeing on the "you must have a body rule".
Can Fulminara be handcuffed with normal police cuffs or zip-ties?
What happens when her powers are fully nullified?Crunch note: You parry seems off. Where does the 14 come from?
Honestly, I kind of figured she would be rather conflicted about that. In the interests of character survival, I thought the nullifiers actually wound up turning her back to human as long as they were active. Of course, if/when they get removed, they either short out completely so she can't use them that way any more, or possibly switching out the Small Hindrance for the Gimic Hindrance.
I cut/pasted the sheet from another & didn't thoroughly edit afterwards, pretty sure her parry should be notably lower.Imagine |
@ Ira: A voice echoes in your head
"Awwww. Why won't you trust me? I'd never do anything to harm you. The others are against you! I'm your only true friend...."
Poor Wandering GM |
Due to ammo costs, got rid of Artificial Gill (100) and bought 1 ammo (20) and 10 glue paper (it's simple, I figured a buck each. Let me know if that's off).
Good call. 20 doses should last a while.
Tell me of this 'glue paper', what is it?Oh and while you are here tell me about your dependent. Who is this person? How much do they know about you? When did you last see them? Why are they important to you?
Oh and one more thing please stat them up as a novice character, no AB's allowed. And you might consider the 'elderly' and or 'Terminal illness' hindrances.
Atlas2112 |
Price 1 sp; Weight —
This 1-foot-square piece of paper is coated on one side with a weak glue or sticky material such as tree sap or even honey. It is stored folded in half. If you apply glue paper to a window before you break it, the broken pieces stick to the glue rather than noisily falling to the ground. Glue paper is good for a single use.
Ag d4 Str d4 Vig d4 Smarts d10 Spirit (see notes)
Skills: (15 + 5 for Elderly)
Healing d10
Streetwise d10
Notice d8
Knowledge d10
Investigation d10
Fighting d4
Elderly(Major): Not sure how "-1 Str and Vigor" would affect d4. If that's not a legal play, then I burn 2 attribute points to keep them at d4. If it's not an issue, then Spirit -> d8
Edges: (1 for human, 2 more from Hindrances)
Healer: +2 to Healing
Alertness: +2 Notice
Hard to Kill: Ignore Wound penalty
Katy "Red" White-Angel was a career nurse, taking on the longest shifts in the toughest neighborhoods because she loved helping people. Naturally gifted at diagnosing and treating the most difficult ailments, she often received praise from patients for her kind bed manner and gentle hands.
Red rarely speaks of Imagine's father, and her story on how they met often changes. He's usually described as "charming" but little else is consistent (other than that Imagine has never met the man).
Talented at both listening and talking, Imagine tried to keep her "gifts" a secret, but Red has gotten secrets from tougher and more distant targets than her own daughter, and soon the truth came out. Far from being a liability, Red has been a strong influence on Imagine's development.
Poor Wandering GM |
** spoiler omitted **
** spoiler omitted **
Cool, thought that might have been what you meant. Note that trick will not work well with secure/safety glass.
Please add Red to a spoiler on your alias.
And the elderly hindrance taken at character gen does not require that the stats be bought up and then get knocked down. They are just d4 which is penalty enough.
Atlas2112 |
Hey guys, um, just point of interest, would you let me please reiterate how convenient it would be if we could all donate a point or a few to Lair? Having a common place where we all can live/retreat to would be great, not to mention how neat it would be if we added a few perks.
Irnk, I notice you have 4 PP banked. Would you consider throwing 2 at the Lair?
Jus' sayin'. =)
Poor Wandering GM |
1. I love the idea of a lair.
2. You do start out captured so will not have access to it immediately.
3. I am open to using either the NE lair or the SPC companion HQ rules as you choose. I do not have SPC2 so assume it does not exist.
Exceptions may be granted at my whim. with a convincing argument.
Sapele Lalolagi |
Buying a lair would be a post game start question in my book - especially if it's bought from pooled resources. There isn't any fluff based reason for us to have one that we've all invested in from the get go.
Let me know if there's any issues with Sapele PWGM... and as for gear I think I'm going to hit up on the Mus'ad problem. For a stupid unarmed and unarmored character there isn't much worth buying :P
Irnk, Dead-Eye's Prodigal |
Can Fulminara be handcuffed with normal police cuffs or zip-ties?
Really interested in this answer. Could go either way but I am really interested in how the fiction plays here.
Since the standard trope of 'pure energy' beings being able to ignore outright 'merely physical' bonds is actually incredibly bad science, yes, she is in fact susceptible to things like handcuffs. Especially now. Later, she might be able to pull off a kind of intangibility, but she's not there yet.
Zip ties would likely be preferable to cuffs for reasons which should be obvious.To the base idea, well right now I have at least three unspent PP's, so I'm not necessarily flat-out opposed, no.
Imagine |
*chuckle* Don't limit your imagination. Just because we pay the points and have it, doesn't mean we built it. ;-)
"Mr. Stargazer?" he said. "Alpha message."
A handsome man with rich brown hair stood up from his desk and took the envelope, leveling his gaze at Ralph. A familiar shiver crawled up his spine and he tried to not look away. Instead of eyes The Stargazer had the star-speckled inkiness of deep space.
"Thank you," formed in his head. He bowed and left.
The Stargazer contemplated the green envelope. This could only be opened in The Gentleman's office. He flew there with a speed that most swore was actually teleportation.
He beamed the door for entrance, and waited for it to dilate open. He walked into the large but sparse office.
"Yes?" said the man behind the desk when the door constricted and the safety protocols engaged.
The Stargazer opened the message. "There has been an Event in Star City. Several beings of Power have been captured, but their Fate is in flux."
The Gentleman, his gaze unreadable behind mirrored sunglasses, paused a moment in thought, digesting this new factor in the game. "We can not be seen to interfere," he said at last. "If they manage an escape, allow them use of house 7734. Give this assignment to number six."
"He has done this before and it will be no hardship." He bowed and left.
The face with sunglasses remained motionless, his hands still clasped tightly before his mouth.
Star City.
SEELE will need to know.
Carl, Phasing Addict |
@ Carl: A voice echoes in your head
"Awwww. Why won't you trust me? I'd never do anything to harm you. The others are against you! I'm your only true friend...."
I guess Imagine really does care about me. She probably doesn't think I'm expendable.
Poor Wandering GM |
** spoiler omitted **
Still need to pick the hindrances and gear - but the meaty mechanical bits are there.
Strength: d10 (d12+5), 3
Agility: d8, 2
Smarts: d4,
Spirit: d6, 1
Vigor: d6 (d10), 1
Skills: 17 of 15 pts spent
Climbing (Str): d4, 1pt
Fighting (Agi): d12 (d12+2), 9pt
Intimidation (Spi): d6, 2pt
Notice (Sma): d4, 1pt
Survival (Sma): d4, 1pt
Throwing (Agi): d8, 3pt
Derived Stats: Check
Super Karma,
Minor, (points spent on Str and Agi)
Edges: check
Powers: {10+5(power points edge)+5(Super Karma)}20. check
Still need to pick the hindrances and gear - but the meaty mechanical bits are there.
You are currently overspent on attributes and skills but I did not figure in the hindrances so I expect that will balance out once hindrances are finalized.
No swimming skill? Did you consider Hybrid atlantean (trading Power Points, novice for Aquatic and telepathy) or the free aquatic but must immerse in water daily option?
Poor Wandering GM |
..... and as for gear I think I'm going to hit up on the Mus'ad problem. For a stupid unarmed and unarmored character there isn't much worth buying :P
A Medstim costs $1000 and is small enough to have been hidden after you swiped one from a med/interrogation bay.
Just a suggestion.
Poor Wandering GM |
Well Broadcast will allow you to tap into local Wi-fi. Add Interface to tap landlines and the Codebreaker modifier to become a 1337 haxor. With the More Range mod to broadcast you have a satellite up-link in your head. Add the Manipulation mod to all this and pretty much any form of electronic device or communication is, quite simply, yours.
Or you could go with the Jack of all trades edge which removes the unskilled penalty for all smarts based skills.
With this trapping "can access internet with my brain" I would allow you to attach the "Very Old" modifier from the Ageless power to Broadcast or interface or even buy it naked if you go the JoT route.
Did that help?
Poor Wandering GM |
Yes, very much. Thank you.
Just remember that with this trapping you will be, at least sometimes, interfacing with the larger world. And when you look at 4/chan, 4/chan looks at you.
Basically there exists the possibility that you can be traced. It is far from automatic and someone has to be looking. Not telling you to shy away, I have played these kind of technomancers and they are a blast . Just letting you know what comes along with the trapping.
Also remember that skills like Kn. Computers, Kn. Electronics or even Kn. 733T Haxor will nicely support the Broadcast/Interface power set.
Sapele Lalolagi |
The attribute overspend is indeed from using the extra points from hindrances, so balances out.
Fighting should be 7 points? - 1 for d4, 1 for d6, 1 for d8, 2 for d10, 2 for d12 = 7 points.
No swimming skill, as while he grew up on the islands he wasn't much of a boatman - instead tilling the taro fields until his powers kicked in.
Sticking with human as it's easier for me to play and get my head round (plus adds 5 points of hammer time to the powers list ;)
Will finalize everything later today.
Poor Wandering GM |
The attribute overspend is indeed from using the extra points from hindrances, so balances out.
Fighting should be 7 points? - 1 for d4, 1 for d6, 1 for d8, 2 for d10, 2 for d12 = 7 points.
No swimming skill, as while he grew up on the islands he wasn't much of a boatman - instead tilling the taro fields until his powers kicked in.
Sticking with human as it's easier for me to play and get my head round (plus adds 5 points of hammer time to the powers list ;)
Will finalize everything later today.
oops you are right 7pts for fighting. Sorry about that.
I'll give it another look once you are finalized. And I will make sure the coffee has kicked in this time.