GM Tribute |

The kobold nods, somewhat skeptically. He repeats, "weapons sheathed"
"I will convey your request. Things are different here than at court, that is for sure. I will take my leave."
With a quick bow he departs. After a few minutes he returns.
He returns and nods and opens a door and you advance into a training room. Six young boys stop their sparring with rapiers and kukri knives as you enter. A beautiful red-headed woman sits on a throne watching and motions for them to stop as you enter--Rowyn herself is a beautiful human woman with long red hair tied back in a ponytail. Her eyes sparkle like chips of green jade, and she moves with an unsettling grace. On one shoulder she wears a tattoo of a lotus, while on the other is an intricate dragon tattoo, its tail coiling down around her arm. Standing to the side is a bright-eyed and hungry-looking monster, a dinosaur-like dragon with green scales and a bright yellowcrest on its head. The lady addresses them ...
"Welcome Lavinia's flunkies. You have destroyed most of what I had. How can I help you? I cancelled our private audience, as you seem to want to talk while armed. It will limit what information you can get, as I now require an audience."
A large goblinoid shambles by the far door. Its movements automatic and strange. When living, it was what was called a bugbear.

Malstei Alenuath |

"As my dwarven ally told your, Butler is he?
We are here for Vanthus Vanderboren and no other reason, we have no quarrel with you. Your men attacked us and we responded in kind, that your goods were damaged is the result of your own flunkies failing to engage in non-hostile negotiations".

GM Tribute |

The red-haired lady listens intently, careful to wait until everyone is done.
"Well, I am in a difficult position. I am what is called middle management--I report to others. At the moment, upper management may discover that my guild was raided, many strategic materials have been stolen, and the silk merchant I was tasked to handle is gone. They may have someone in my very midst making sure I am doing what they want. It could be a kobold with courtly graces surprisingly out of place."
She points to two boys with rapiers in turn. "It could be a boy who seems too quick with a weapon than you would expect in a novice or a recruit that is of richer blood that makes you wonder why they join us. Nevertheless, our discussion could reach the ears of my superiors."
"I will tell you where this Vanthus is and offer you positions working for me. If you accept, upper management may think you are working for our interests and allow you to operate uninterrupted. They may believe that I have quelled the obvious turmoil that will come from death of many guild members. You did pass the initiation we call the CRUCIBLE, a drowning maze that challenges all we put in there."
"If you decline, I may have to consider if my position is safe from the fate that befalls those unsuccessful. In that case, I would care little if you went after this Vanthus as independent agents, but I would think others may care."
"Consider my offer carefully, as you will have access to resources the rich and privileged Lavinia does not have if you accept. You will swear an oath to me if you accept, and I do not suffer oath-breakers casually. Talk among yourselves--this may be an important decision."
"I will need to know your answer before I give Vanthus' location. Your requirement to make this a public meeting has forced my hand."

GM Tribute |

The red head again waits for your responses.
"Well, I need to hand you letters from Vanthus so you can see how depraved he truly is. Vanthus and I are somewhat at odds. These letters are not to be shared with anyone. My history with him, not to be shared with anyone. His actions outside the Lotus Guild, those you may share. He is obviously headed to Kraken's Cove. You can bring him back in irons for me!!"
(Dated 3 days after the fire) “…It’s unbelievable! Sure, she’s the eldest sibling, but she knows nothing of life! She spent the last half of her childhood in Thenalar learning how to fold napkins and play the violin, for Hell’s sake! It just goes to show you how insane my parents really were… leaving everything in her care like that! Whatever. She’ll need the house to live off of, I suppose. Lavinia’s not a bad lass, really… I kind of miss our time together, to tell the truth. Think she’d be interested in joining the Lotus? I doubt it. And anyway, a second Vanderboren tragedy might get too many people curious. No, for now, whatever’s in the vault will have to do…”
(Dated two days ago) “…I really wish you could have been there, my little dragon, to see their faces before I closed the door! Lavinia’s never going to get anywhere hiring fools like them. I wonder if they’ve found Penkus yet? I hope they didn’t die too quickly.” “In any case, on to the purpose of this letter. Brissa’s in the other room, getting ready for a night out on the town, so I’ll have to be quick. Remember that thing she hinted about to me? About the pirates who were supposedly using Kraken’s Cove as a base for their smuggling operation? Turns out she wasn’t spinning tales—I’ve heard that they’ll be arriving within the week with a particularly rich cargo. I’ll bring her with me on the pretext of joining up with them, get their guard down, and when they’re not expecting it my men’ll light the ships on fire! It’ll be a simple task to pluck the treasure from the water once all those fools are dead. Should be more than enough to make up for what we lost when Lavinia inherited rather than me.” “I tell you… burning people to death on their own boats? It’s the best way to make money yet. Wish I’d thought of it years ago!”
The lady continues: "I, as you can guess, am Rowyn. Your first task for me is to find the silk merchant and bring him to me. Probably should collect a reward from him first. He will probably be in the Merchant's Quarter. Then you can bring me that Vanthus."

Mahath Kishion |

Mahath lingers longer than he needs to on the letters, using his keen mind to commit them to memory.
When Dain indicates they should go, Mahath follows the gruff dwarf.
Are we able to step where we can talk amongst ourselves, or is she expecting us to discuss and decide right in front of her? Or am I right in thinking that she'll know if we accept her offer if we bring Vanthus back in chains?

GM Tribute |

You consider your options.
"I think we can work together. Hand me over the silk merchant and Vanthus when you find him. I will send my 'Butler' to help you out some. He will guide you to where Vanthus is probably going to be staying."
The silk merchant may be not so thrilled about this plan.
Rowyn hands you a letter of credit for 500gp at a reputable bank in the merchant guild. Almost anyone will honor this in town, it is as good a money itself.
The kobold bows to Rowyn and falls in behind you.

Mahath Kishion |

Mahath looks down at the slumped merchant.
"I don't suppose you have a wheelbarrow we could borrow to haul him with us? And perhaps some canvas to cover him?"
Or maybe a holocaust cloak?

Malstei Alenuath |

Mal takes his other arm, as he walks back he comments out of earshot of the Kobold assuming he is with us! "You know, we could just rescue him again and claim another reward once we haul in this Vanthus fellow".