Jym Withawye |

Initiative: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 20
Knowledge (lore) or Spellcraft roll to identify the metal snake: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8

Jym Withawye |

Was that Jym's only action? I mean, it's an awesome action, but it was a free action, right?

Jym Withawye |

Jym casts magic stone on three of his sling stones.

Kirth Gersen |

The snake, reacting before Korynne can get away, continues its mindless assault:
1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 221d6 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
Korynne is at -3 hp; roll an Endurance check to stabilize.
Also, roll another save vs. poison (this one at -3 due to your heavy wound before being hit).

Korynne the Well Read |

G'night, folks. Endurance as the skill, right? I don't have any ranks, so I didn't note what my bonus is, but I'm guessing it's just a straight Constitution check for me.
Endurance: 1d20 ⇒ 11
Fort: 1d20 - 3 ⇒ (12) - 3 = 9

Kirth Gersen |

Korynne is on the floor, bleeding profusely. (An untrained Endurance check is, indeed, a Con check.)
In addition, the edges of the new bite wound appear to be blackened, as if gangrenous. 1d2 ⇒ 2 Korynne takes 2 points of Con damage (which means another -1 to your Endurance check to stabilize next round). She'll need to save again each round until (a) she succeeds once, or (b) 6 rounds have elapsed, whichever comes first.
Uro is up.

Uro Taraka |

Sorry, busiest time of the year for me at work. I'll try to keep up.
Feelings of embarrassment at having missed the snake so badly redden the orcs cheeks. As he sees Korynne drop, the feelings turn to anger and the massive orc lets out a maddened howl as he lashes out with his great axe.
Power Attack: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17
Damage: 2d8 + 10 ⇒ (2, 8) + 10 = 20

Kirth Gersen |

The metal snake isn't quite fast enough to get out of the way of Uro's axe. Its metal chassis dents and buckles under his blow, although Uro fails to actually breach it.
Back to Jym, then the snake again...
Sorry, I missed Uro's pre-emptive post above -- my fault, so you get to keep the better of the two results.

Jym Withawye |

Whoah, are we talking about DR here, or did Uro not hit the AC?

Kirth Gersen |

Whoah, are we talking about DR here, or did Uro not hit the AC?
According to Paizo, he should have missed, but I'm using mostly the 3.5 stats, so DR soaked up some of the damage -- the dent indicates that a fair amount of damage got through, too. Your PCs are new to DR, so you're not quite sure what to make of it yet, but after this fight (assuming you all survive), you'll recognize it when you hit something.

Jym Withawye |

Genuinely frightened at what the snake did to Korynne, Jym makes sure he's positioned so that the snake has to get past Uro to attack him before hurling one of his magic stones at it.
Attack: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10
Damage: 1d6 - 1 ⇒ (5) - 1 = 4
"We must have missed some sort of mechanism or safe zone after we came in!"

Kirth Gersen |

Uro, unfazed by his lack of initial success, is emboldened by the snake's miss. Heaving an enormous breath, he lifts the axe and swings it down in a massive slash, connecting squarely with the metal snake and breaking its back. The metal buckles apart this time, spilling some sort of unpleasant-looking liquid on the floor, and the construct lies still. You can almost imagine smoke coming out of the defunct wreckage.
Korynne appears to be in very bad shape. She has lost more blood, and, worse, the poison continues to act on her. If someone doesn't help her soon she'll die. Yes to both. The Con damage is now starting to take a toll -- it was already hard to resist in your wounded state (and remains so), but with ongoing Con damage it gets harder and harder. It's a "double-whammy" on stabilizing, because the check is Con-based, and the DC is based on how many negative hp you have, so if you're taking ongoing Con damage and are already bleeding out, you tend to start auto-failing checks and die, and it happens faster because you're losing hp from both blood loss and from Con damage.

Korynne the Well Read |

Well, I haven't spent any of the gold gold that Lady V paid us yet. If no one else has any means of healing my damage or or curing my poison, can I spend my daily Hero Point from my racial Defiant Luck ability to retroactively have picked up 2 potions of Cure Light Wounds? I don't remember what the going rate for antitoxin is.

Kirth Gersen |

can I spend my daily Hero Point from my racial Defiant Luck ability to retroactively have picked up 2 potions of Cure Light Wounds?
That's a perfect use for a hero point. Antitoxin is also 50 gp, so with 200 gp available, it's totally legit to use a hero point to say that, last night, on a whim you "just happened" to spend that on 2 doses of each, for example.

Korynne the Well Read |

Let's go ahead and say I did that, then!
As Korynne lies bleeding on the floor, several recent lucky purchases spill out of her bag: two potions of cure light wounds and two vials of antitoxin, all clearly labeled.

Jym Withawye |

Let's use one of Jym's hero points for that. I started the conversation about buying healing items, learned that my options were more than I originally thought, and then dropped the ball on actually buying anyhing.
Jym rummages through Korynne's belongings for the appropriate potions, finds a vial of antitoxin and another of a minor healing liquid, and pours them both down her gullet.
"This is the first time I've had to hold someone's hair out of the way while they're unconscious and a liquid is going IN their mouth!" he says brightly.

Korynne the Well Read |

I didn't realize we missed each other's posts by just a couple of minutes. Very well, we'll use yours, and I'll hold on to mine in case I need a re-roll against this poison.
Cure Light Wounds: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
Cure Light Wounds: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
...Well...that's interesting...
Fort with antitoxin: 1d20 - 4 + 5 ⇒ (15) - 4 + 5 = 16
Korynne's bleeding stops and the antitoxin does the trick, but she's still unconscious.

Uro Taraka |

Uro catches his breath and waits for Korynne to stir, but it doesn't happen. "Well it looks as though her bleeding has stopped anyway." We haven't traveled far, let's take her back into town and let her rest up. Perhaps we can hire a cleric to heal her. Meanwhile, we can buy some extra healing potions too. Seems as though we'll need them."
Uro can easily carry Korynne back into town, if that's what we agree too.

Lavinia Q. Vanderboren |

Lavinia is aghast.
"I had no idea that... thing was in here," she stammers. "I mean, I knew there might be a trap, but not what it would be. I'm pretty sure that's all, though -- we just need to open the vault itself now. With the money inside, I'll be able to afford much more potent cures for Lady Korynne."

Jym Withawye |

Lavinia is aghast.
"I had no idea that... thing was in here," she stammers. "I mean, I knew there might be a trap, but not what it would be. I'm pretty sure that's all, though -- we just need to open the vault itself now. With the money inside, I'll be able to afford much more potent cures for Lady Korynne."
"M'lady, you probably have more knowledge of this vault than any of us, but if you didn't know that the snake was here, why are you so sure that there aren't other traps? Wouldn't that make for the best trap: One that we wouldn't be expecting? It reminds me of my Uncle Cubscutt Finchclitt back in Greenfields and his wandering eye, if you know what I mean! You see, he--"
Jym wills his story short when he take another look at Korynne's bloodstained clothes.
"Anyway, as much as I'd love to understand how your parents would have bypassed the snake, I think delaying one more day to get Korynne back on her feet and a to purchase a few more healing draughts would be the safer course of action."

Lavinia Q. Vanderboren |

Jym Diplomacy: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26
Lavinia Diplomacy: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18
Lavinia takes a deep breath, then nods, convinced by Jym's arguments. In a few minutes, she has called a stretcher for Korynne and closed the outer vault door behind her, explaining to the keepers that she'll return in a day or two.

Jym Withawye |

Streetwise: Nearest reputable divine healer: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (13) + 8 = 21
Jym advises that they take Korynne to the nearest reputable divine healer that he knows of. Jym will pay the cost of one CLW spell, or two if mechaPoet rolls another 1. >:(

Kirth Gersen |

Jym thinks fast, his encyclopaedic knowledge of the city again coming to the fore. The most reputable healers in this part of the world are at the big Azure Cathedral -- but that's over in another district entirely. Likewise, the temples to St. Cuthbert are over in the Cudgel District. You're now in the Noble District, whose district patron deity is Wee Jas -- a goddess of death and magic -- and there's no point in tempting her with someone so close to passing over!
However, there's a small shrine about two streets over, that you once spotted because it's between two excellent brunch establishments. It's marked by a clay statue showing a woman holding a jug. Knowledge (religion) to identify. Once, when one of the nearby eatery's noble patrons passed out after a surfeiture of exceptionally potent rum and became unresponsive, it was speculated that he was about to die of alcohol poisoning and he was taken there -- the priestess of the shrine healed him at no cost.

Jym Withawye |

I learn that lesson all the time!

Jym Withawye |

However, there's a small shrine about two streets over, that you once spotted because it's between two excellent brunch establishments. It's marked by a clay statue showing a woman holding a jug. Knowledge (religion) to identify. Once, when one of the nearby eatery's noble patrons passed out after a surfeiture of exceptionally potent rum and became unresponsive, it was speculated that he was about to die of alcohol poisoning and he was taken there -- the priestess of the shrine healed him at no cost.
Jym advises that they take Korynne there. And if there's some place nearby that still serving brunch....

Jym Withawye |

Korynne's unconscious and bloody body does its best to foil Jym's appetite - at least until the librarian is awake enough to brunch with her fellow retainers.
Because of this comment, I *almost* posted that Jym tells Uro to take Korynne to the shrine while Jym reserves a table.
Jym and his loyal companions try to identify someone who tends the srhine. Assuming they do so, he'll speak to them.
"Hello! We need magical healing services! Well, not 'we,' but 'she.' The unconscious woman here with all of the blood all over her!"

Jym Withawye |

"For healing!"

Kirth Gersen |

Her expression doesn't change at all. "I would recommend the Cudgel District. Any of the temples of Cuthbert will perform that service, for no more than a few coppers or the promise of a conversion. So, please go -- lest this woman's bodily fluids profane the pure waters of this shrine."

Kirth Gersen |

She says, "Through her priestesses, the Lady Geshtai brings forth water when there is drought; she purifies the wells when there is pestilence. She heals the carp with blighted gills, or the otter caught in a hunter's trap, or the duck with a broken wing. So, yes, she can heal -- but none of those include humans damaged in war."

Jym Withawye |

"Korynne was bitten by a snake! We didn't know it was there. I guess it thought we were trespassing. This wasn't an act of war!"

Uro Taraka |

"Our friend is poisoned and you will not help her?" Uro's tusks begin to poke over the edge of his lower lip and his cheeks brighten and his breathing gets heavier. " You will heal an otter... or a duck.. or a FISH?!" The orc stretches an arm toward Korynne. "But not our her?!" his is chest heaving now, anger near boiling over.
Intimidate: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (13) + 8 = 21

Kirth Gersen |

Will save: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16
The priestess begins to stammer. "I... no one mentioned a snake. The goddess hates poison! She hates it like, well, like poison. I am oathbound as a priestess of Geshtai to cure those afflicted by it."
She sticks her head into the shrine. "Please prepare a bed and bring clean water. There is the goddess' work to do!"
Stepping aside -- very warily, lest Uro slay her -- she timidly says, "Please bring her inside."

Gwlybwr |

The sound of wet feet slapping on bare stone carries from the small shrine and the tip of a well-oiled spear pokes out from the entrance. The voice of the spear-holder burbles, sounding like water poured too swiftly from a bottle.
"Is-s there s-some troub-b-ble, mis-s-tres-ss? Who would b-b-bring s-such anger to this-s s-shrine?"
Moving fully into view, the pale blue man looks fresh from the river, with fine black hair slicked smoothly back along his neck and wide, white eyes squinting in the gentle sunlight. He looks from the enraged orc to the jovial halfling to the prostate woman on the stretcher. He gives a protective glance to the priestess, then looks back to the orc.
"This-s is-s no plac-ce for violenc-ce. S-she can help your friend, but I w-w-will not let you harm Ges-shtai's-s s-servant. If you wis-sh to help, then carry her ins-side. Els-se, s-stand here and b-be s-silent."

Jym Withawye |


Kirth Gersen |

There's a well in the center of the shrine, sort of where an altar would normally be. "The well is very deep," she says to the eerie fish-guy. "A shallow well yields only the brine of the sea, but if you dig past that, there is pure water below it."
She dips water out of it with a ladle, sprinkles it over Korynne's unconscious form, chanting all the while. As you watch, the water seems to wash the wounds away, as well as the blood. Eventually, the priestess seems satisfied with her efforts; taking another ladle of well water, she throws it into Korynne's face. Korynne opens her eyes, gasps, and sits up, heaving breaths. The priestess nods and turns to Jym and Uro.
"Her system had already rejected the poison, so there was little effort needed there. Her wounds were much more serious, though -- I don't think she would have bled to death, but it would be some time before she recovered, if she'd been left untreated.
"I require no payment for discharging this duty," she continues, "but there now exists an imbalance between you and the goddess, that needs to be righted. I would like to send my acolyte here with you, to observe that the obligation is discharged."