Full Name |
Lavinia Q. Vanderboren |
Race |
Human |
Classes/Levels |
Aristocrat 3/Fighter 1 |
Gender |
Female |
Size |
Medium |
Age |
22 |
Alignment |
NG |
Location |
Sasserine (Merchants District) |
Languages |
Common, Elven, Halfling |
Occupation |
Head of Household |
Strength |
10 |
Dexterity |
14 |
Constitution |
12 |
Intelligence |
14 |
Wisdom |
8 |
Charisma |
15 |
About Lavinia Q. Vanderboren
The death of Lavinia's parents (successful adventurers and members of the Seekers' Lodge) has dropped her suddenly into a desperate struggle to maintain an estate that appears to be in far worse condition than she was raised to believe. With no help from her absent brother Vanthus, she has employed two teams of adventurers -- the PCs and the late "Jade Ravens" -- to perform a variety of quasi-legal tasks geared towards salvaging her family's legacy.
Init +2; Senses Perception +3
AC 16, touch 14, flat-footed 14 (+1 Dex, +1 dodge, +2 insight, +2 armor)
hp 22 (4 HD; LW 11/HW 5)
Resist Bravery (1 step)
Saves Fort +4, Ref +5, Int +0, Will +5
Spd 30 ft.
Melee masterwork rapier +6 (1d6/18-20)
Ranged masterwork hand crossbow +3 (1d4+1/19-20)
Base Atk +3; CMB +5; CMD 15
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 4th)
1/day--stormrunner's wardSW
3/day--command (DC 13)
Feats Canny Defense*, Combat Expertise*, Dodge*, Skill Focus (Bluff, Diplomacy), Weapon Finesse
Skills Athletics* (1/+4), Bluff (4/+12), Concentration (4/+9), Diplomacy (4/+12), Endurance* (1/+5), Perception (1/+3), Profession* (admin) (4/+9), Profession (sailing) (4/+6), Spellcraft (2/+8), Streetwise (3/+5), Survival (1/+3)