Jym Withawye |

"Let's go! I'm excited!"

Kirth Gersen |

Shefton, at least, isn't lying about the climb; it's a fairly easy one, even for the people who are less athletically-inclined. It leads to a clearing in the middle of the island; Shefton walks to the south end of the clearing, checks his bearings, and says "What'd I tell youse? Right here!" Moving some plants aside, he reveals a stone trap door, hidden among some boulders, which he pulls open. Inside, there's a 5-ft. wide shaft descending into the darkness, with a rope hanging from an iron ring set near the top.
"Okay, this is where I get off this roller coaster. I'll be in Shadowshore; if you send up some smoke or somethin', I'll see it and come get youse. Or, like yer fishy-looking friend sez, it's probably not too bad a swim, unless the current gets youse. Happy hunting!"

Korynne the Well Read |

Spells prepared:
0: Detect Magic, Light, Read Magic
1: Detect Secret Doors*D, Bless
As Shefton leaves, Korynne casts a spell, touching the inside of the shaft and leaving a bright spot of light to see what the means of descent are, looking for ladders and such.
"I suppose we should head down. Let's keep an eye out for traps and whatnot. We did ask Shefton to take us to the lair of a rotten thief, after all. After you, my fine fellows," she concludes, gesturing politely toward the entrance in a way that says, "I'm not walking face first into a metal snake this time, thank you very much."

Jym Withawye |

"Why don't we send one or two of us down there, first, verify that this isn't a pit that goes nowhere, and then the others can follow? If someone removes this rope while we're all down there, we might not be able to come back out this way.
"It's kind of like eating a pie, really."

Jym Withawye |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Jym casts message on Uro, explaining that he can merely whisper any message to him for the next 10 minutes, assuming that there's not too much earth or rock between them to disrupt the spell. Jym will stay by the trapdoor.
"How so?"
"Pie is my go-to metaphor for most things, but usually when I'm hungry.
"Oh, hey! Seed cakes!" Jym pulls the seed cakes he borrowed from the Vanderboren estate the day before out of his pockets and shares them with Korynne and Gwlybwr, if they want.

Kirth Gersen |

The shaft seems to be about 30 feet deep -- Korynne's light spell is enough to leave the bottom shrouded in dim light. Uro's skill is hardly needed, as the rope is knotted for easy climbing (DC 5 Athletics); he makes it to the bottom without any noticeable effort.

Korynne the Well Read |

Korynne takes a seed cake and nibbles on it. "If the coast is clear," she says quietly between bites, "we should head down there and group up. Don't want Uro to get caught alone or anything."
With that, Korynne finishes her snack and carefully makes her way down. Once at the bottom, she draws and loads her crossbow.
Taking 10 should be sufficient.

Gwlybwr |

While Uro descends, Gwlywbwr buries his ratty satchel at the base of a nearby tree, wrapping it in his cloak and covering it with the loamy soil. He pushes the bushes at the tree's base back into position and wipes his hands on his filthy trousers. He looks around to make certain that Shefton isn't hanging around to steal it, then jumps into the pit after Korynne.
Take 20 on Stealth to hide satchel = 25
Perception vs. Shefton: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (14) + 9 = 23
As he plummets down the shaft, instead of crashing, he briefly assumes a meditative pose and afterwards falls so slowly that he lands softly at the bottom (feather fall). Once there, he wields his spear warily, and inspects slimy room, going so far as to lick the mossy walls.

Kirth Gersen |

Gwlybwr's keeps one fish-eye on Shefton, who by all appearances has turned his back and begun walking back towards the beach.
In the tunnels below, he can hear echoes of the waves, and can smell the ocean -- he's pretty sure there's an opening to the sea somewhere lower in the tunnels (which is only logical, if they were at one time a smugglers' hideout).
Jym -- are you staying above or joining the others? Remember that anyone out of the room and around the corner will be effectively behind a foot of stone, blocking direct message transmissions to that person.

Jym Withawye |

Sorry, I was trying to decide if we should follow Shefton to see where he goes, but it's not worth the effort.
Jym gracelessly scrambles down Uro's rope.
Climb skill: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21

Korynne the Well Read |

"After you, my fine burly friends," Korynne graciously offers at a whisper, gesturing for Uro and Gwlybwr to go first around the corner. "Once Jym and I need it, I'll put up a light. Unless you'd like to do the honors, Jym."

Gwlybwr |

In the diminished light of the room, Gwlybwr opens his eyes for the first time since meeting the group. They open unnervingly wide, taking a full quarter of his face, but they excel at gathering in the available light.
He cautiously approaches the corner of the tunnel and peers around.

Kirth Gersen |

Gwlybwr snarls as he sees another right-angle bend, 15 feet or so ahead. Someone went to a great deal of trouble to block direct lines of sight and magical message transmissions -- installing what amounts to a an "S" bend in an otherwise straight corridor.
As Gwylbwyr peers ahead, a voice calls out from above, "This is for messing around with my sister -- say hi to Penkus for me!" The voice is cruel and has a slightly insane edge to it. It is not Shefton's. Those in the room see this guy; sneering, he seizes the trapdoor lid.
DM Gripe (warning: contains minor module spoilers):
In this alternative universe, Vanthus assassinates Shefton after he leaves the clearing, and then takes a full-round move past the body, into the clearing, and over to the entrance.

Kirth Gersen |

Looks like he's ready to, but if you're fast enough you might get the drop on him.
There's only so much he can do in one round: move into the clearing and over to the edge as a full-round, then yell down as a free action. (Grabbing the edge of the door is analogous drawing a weapon; you can do it as part of a move action with BAB +1 or higher.) But he doesn't have time to actually heave the trapdoor closed that same round. Since you're bound to hear and/or see him doing it, he can't resist taunting you beforehand.

Uro Taraka |

If this is possible: Initiative: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (16) - 1 = 15
Uro snarls as he pulls a hand axe and hurls it at the edge of the trap door.
Handaxe: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7
The idea here is to stick a hand axe into the lip of the trap door. That way Vanthus would have to wrench the axe out of the wood before he could shut it.
Edit: I'm sure that's a fail. If this seems like a plausible plan, I'll spend a hero point to reroll.
Hero Point: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17

Gwlybwr |

Initiative: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 1 = 20
"Keep him up top," Gwlybwr hisses at his companions. "I will catch him outs-side."
Knowing the sea has to be accessable from somewhere in the tunnels in front of him, Gwlybwr sets down them, hoping Vanthus will misjudge his swimming abilities.
Move up to the other corner and look, then move again if nothing threatening presents itself. Trying to move towards the smell of the sea and the sound of waves. Take 10 on Perception if possible = 19

Korynne the Well Read |

Initiative + surprise: 1d20 + 5 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 5 + 1 = 20
Korynne reloads with a muttered curse before turning toward Vanthus with a scowl. "You're the one who stole from your own sister! Now hold still so I can plant a bolt in your head."

Jym Withawye |

Jym casts his ghost sound (check +10) cantrip to make it sound like there are footsteps from multiple sources in the dirt behind Vanthus.

Jym Withawye |

The knotted rope hanging down the trap door entrance is still there, right?

Kirth Gersen |

Vanthus, hurriedly looking over his shoulder at the sound behind him, slams the lid. This splinters the handle of Uro's hand axe -- but the axe head still keeps a gap open, and a thin sliver of sunlight still makes it down into the room you're in (dim light conditions).
Uro feels a surge of pride as he recalls adding a bit of extra spin to the throw at the last second, not sure why he was doing so but trusting his own instincts -- without it the axe would have bounced off the rim instead of sticking there.
Jym notes that the rope is still in place.
Gwlybwr edges around the corner --

Jym Withawye |

"Uro, CLIMB!"
"I'd give you a boost, but when was the last time you cleaned those boots? Seriously!"

Gwlybwr |

K. Planes: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16
Staring uneasily at the approaching men, Gwlybwr calls back to his companions, while he tries to place the drowned horrors in his mind.
"There are some drowned men down here. They look hungry, like they've been feeding."
He sets his spear and readies to attack if the shamble-men close.
Spear: 1d20 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 4 + 1 = 19 for 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4 piercing damage

Kirth Gersen |

The first zombie takes a spear to the face, but it doesn't seem to have any effect on him -- he's already dead, after all. The other two shamble forward as well. Luckily, it seems like they're too clumsy to rush you; they just move into position, and it's their obvious intention to bite you, but they're slow to get into position. One of them moans eerily, and further off in the tunnels, you can hear others doing the same.

Jym Withawye |

Are we still waiting on Round 2 to start? When that happens...
Looking frantically back and forth between the rope and Gwlybwr's direction, Jym casts magic stone.

Kirth Gersen |

Round 1:
20 - Korynne shoots crossbow, Gwlybwr leaves the room;
15 - Uro throws hand axe;
7 - Vanthus slams trapdoor;
0 (no initiative check) - Jym casts ghost sound, tells Uro to climb.
Round 2:
20 - Korynne reloads, yells at Vanthus; Gwlybwr stabs an approaching zombie, asks for help, probably has time to stab again or disengage;
15 - (Uro's turn next)
7 - Who knows what Vanthus is up to?
0 - Jym casts magic stone; zombies keep coming.

Uro Taraka |

Uro's eyes widen as he hears the panic in Gwlybwr's voice. As much as he wants to tear into Vanthus, the safety of his companions is more important. The massive orc holds his great axe high over his shoulder, ready to come down on the head of whatever he meets.
Once he sees the undead horrors: "Get back Gwlybwr!! Up the rope!"
If space and actions permit, Uro will power attack one of the zombies.
Power Attack: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13
Damage: 2d8 + 9 ⇒ (4, 5) + 9 = 18

Korynne the Well Read |

Round 3
"Drowned men?!" Korynne asks, the question both rhetorical and horrified. With a shiver she scrambles for her holy symbol, muttering prayers to the laughing rogue. "Keep them off me!"
At level 1, it takes me until next turn to finish my channel energy, right?

Kirth Gersen |

At level 1, it takes me until next turn to finish my channel energy, right?
OK, reloading is a move action, and spellcasting and channeling are full attack actions, so, yeah. I'm working on a system that will reduce everything to partial, immediate, and free actions as the only types, and you'll just spend them on stuff as you see fit, but it's not quite ready yet.

Jym Withawye |

Sorry about forgetting my initiative roll, but since I'm last, can I see what Gwlybwr is doing before deciding my action? In my 2E games, we had to declare an action at the beginning of the round and stick with it, but in my 3.x and later games, it was more adaptable. Not sure how that works in KF.

Kirth Gersen |

Sorry about forgetting my initiative roll, but since I'm last, can I see what Gwlybwr is doing before deciding my action? In my 2E games, we had to declare an action at the beginning of the round and stick with it, but in my 3.x and later games, it was more adaptable. Not sure how that works in KF.
You can declare after you see what's going on -- since you missed the roll, I just assumed you were delaying until you saw how things stood.

Jym Withawye |

You always assume the best of me. It really helps to cover my mistakes, so thanks!

Kirth Gersen |

Uro and Gwlybwyr are each assaulted by one of the remaining zombies:
Uro: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 201d6 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9
Wil: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 61d6 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4
Uro takes a nasty bite, and what's worse, the zombie sets its jaws and hangs on, chewing! hit of 20 > CMD of 19; Uro is grappled.
Round 3 is just about to begin.
Round 2 Summary:
20 - Korynne reloaded, yelled at Vanthus, started channeling
20 - Gwlybwr stabbed an approaching zombie, called for help
15 - Uro demolished 1 zombie
7 - Who knows what Vanthus was up to?
0 - Jym cast magic stone
0 - Zombies attacked, bit Uro, missed Wil.
Round 3:
20 - Korynne (finishes channeling)
20 - Gwlybwr
15 - Uro
7 - Vanthus
0 - Jym
0 - Zombies hopefully defeated by then?

Korynne the Well Read |

I didn't realize I had enough actions to do both those things in round 2. Neat!
Korynne averts her eyes as the corpse bites into Uro with a sickened sound. She summons back her nerve and finishes her prayer, sending a wave of energy through the air that tears at the zombie flesh and adds to the damp hole's musk a faint smell of wine.
Channel positive energy to harm: 1d6 ⇒ 2
DC 12 Will for half.

Kirth Gersen |

Sorry! That's part of what I'm trying to put together:

Gwlybwr |

Round 3
Wil stabs ferociously at the zombie that bit Uro, then moves back into the room carefully.
Full Attack:Two-weapon fighting with monk weapon, -4/-4 since spear is 1H, +2 from flanking (Aid Another), followed by a half move (15 ft)
Flurry of Stabs: 1d20 + 4 - 4 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 4 - 4 + 2 = 181d8 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6
1d20 + 4 - 4 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 4 - 4 + 2 = 211d8 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8
Acrobatics: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14
"They don't s-seem to mind being s-stabbed. Do you have another axe, Uro? Or s-something I could cut them with? Jym, do you?"

Kirth Gersen |

Will saves: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 41d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21
Gwlybwr deals another 4 hp to the one that took the brunt of the positive energy; with each stab a little of the weapon's effect gets through the thing's sodden, undead flesh. It's down to 10 hp! Woot! The other zombie seems none the worse for wear, but at least Uro is loose, and, standing shoulder-to-shoulder with Gwlybwr, the two are able to assist one another to some degree.

Kirth Gersen |

As Jym is about to act, there is a terrifically loud crash from the trapdoor, which is now sagged almost entirely closed except where the axe head is propping an inch gap. It almost seems as if some dastard dislodged a boulder down onto it.
You're down to the little light reaching the bottom from Korynne's spell, which means characters without low-light vision or darkvision have miss chances.