Ryuko |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Hello eveyone, your friendly DM Ryuko here, finding himself with enough time for one more game so who wants to play some Kingmaker?
Most Paizo Splatbooks Allowed (___ of Golarion, Adventurer's Armory, Others with DM Approval)
Third Party Material subject to DM Approval. (Super Genius is pretty good if you wanna check them out.)
20 Point Buy
4 Characters
2 Traits (1 Campaign)
1 Backstory
2 Plot Hooks for Later
1 Reason your character absolutely can't or won't go home
1 Extra Noncombat Feat (Any +2 to two skills feats, Endurance, DMs call on Noncombat Feats)
Wild Rager Archetype
Pounce Allows One Attack Per Limb
Rage Cycling (Barbarians, even those immune to fatigue, must wait twice as long as they were in rage to enter it again)
Synthesist Archetype
Master Summoner Archetype
Antagonize Feat
Clustered Shots
Combat Maneuvers provoke Attacks of Opportunity only with a failure, not with the attempt.
Vital Strike is a single feat that scales.
Weapon Finesse/Agile Manuevers are Options of Finessable Weapons and no longer feats.
Dervish Dance is replaced by Expert Strikes. Expert Strikes is a feat requiring a BAB of +4 which allows you to add your DEX bonus instead of STR bonus to damage for Finessable Weapons.
Weapon Proficiency is a trait. Using a Feat on Weapon Proficiency gains you Proficiency in 2 weapons.
And that's all. If that doesn't scare you off, then submit a character. I will be closing submissions Wednesday night at 10 PM Central Time (~51 hours from now) and will choose four heroes then.
Happy Gaming!!

Retsiji |

If you're good with someone who's already running a KM campaign, the profile for this posting is from the character that I was playing in that KM campaign before the GM disappeared and I took it over. He's a divinations specialist wizard built on 15 points, but I can upgrade him if need be.
Plot hooks: Someone in the River Kingdoms might well remember him, and there may be other survivors from his uncle's family. He obviously can't go back to Galt, and he should probably avoid parts of the River Kingdoms.

Samedi |

Liam/Tiberiu Valholme
Neutral Good Halfling Bard
Deity: Cayden Cailean
Liam was able to escape a life of servitude in Cheliax and prosper as a grifter. After several years, Liam had a change of heart and joined an abolitionist movement in the River Kingdoms. Liam now hopes to found a land to serve as a threshold for freedom against the tyranny of slavery.
Plot Hooks:
Liam left behind his family during his escape, and is still wracked with guilt over 'abandoning' them.
Liam angered some powerful figures, primarily Chelaxian and Brevian aristocrats, both as a conman and as an abolitionist.
He has no real home, and is terrified of being recaptured.
I will post the sheet proper later.

Ryuko |

@CC: I'm Good with a first timer, in fact that'll win you some points, I like showing newbies the ropes.
Those of you who are playing or running another KM game you'll lose a couple points, but you won't be disqualified.
Posting Expectations will be at least once per day, with bonus points for having free weekends, since I'm off all weekend and only off late on weekdays.
Looks good Retsiji, update him to 20 pt buy and extra feat and you're good to go.

Dwuręczny Wążdrań |

An orphan of the battlefield, Vash'thuel the Bastard learned the cruelty of war and the duality of a man's soul. He learned that to survive in this world, he needed to be just as dual-natured in battle as in the rest of life. Learning to blend the arcane might and martial prowess, Vash'thuel searches for his place in Golarian.
Vash'thuel the Bastard, half-elf magus (not dervish dancer)

Samedi |

Then I would like to point out that I am also a first timer! And can post frequently, especially in the afternoon.
Liam/Tiberiu Valholme
Dex: 17 (Even for a halfling, Liam has always been incredibly quick on his feet.)
Con: 12 (Liam is in good shape, and has decent pain tolerance.)
Int: 14 (Liam has a keen memory and a sharp wit. He often read through texts he stole before he pawned them off.)
Wis: 7 (Liam is prone to alternating fits of melancholy and blind passion. On top of that, Liam is easily manipulated by sweet words.)
Cha: 16 (Despite looking fairly plain, Liam has a way with words and a winning smile.)
Point Blank Shot
Acrobatics: 1 Rank
Bluff: 1 Rank
Diplomacy: 2 Ranks
Knowledge (Nature): 1 Rank
Knowledge (Nobility) : 1 Rank
Perform (Oratory) 2 Ranks
How should we do starting wealth?

tonyz |

I'm currently GMing a Kingmaker game for my real life group, but I would like to try some online play and see how it goes; I'm a newbie at that. (Probably leaves me at +/-0 GM points :))
Arkady Medvyed
Youngest son of a youngest son of a youngest son... by the time you get that far from the main family line in Brevoy, there isn't much to tell a noble from a peasant, except the pride and the weapon. Arkady had his full share of the one, and a father and four older brothers who made sure that he never slacked in the others. After all, his only chance of fortune would be in his sword arm, since inheritance there would be none.
The nobles of Brevoy learn to ride, to shoot, and to tell the truth. It was the last that got Arkady in trouble, when he started spending time with the villagers. Truth to them about what his cousins were doing with their time and rents (partying instead of protecting the villagers); truth to the family about what was going on in the village (which his brothers didn't like). That he preferred the quiet sensibility of Erastil's local huntsman to the loud clangings of the family's chaplain of Gorum didn't help. Getting embroiled with one of his brothers over the favors of a village sweetheart ended up with a lot of bruises.
On his name-day, his father gave him a sword, newly forged. His mother gave him an embroided cover for his shield and an amulet said to protect against the vile charms of the children of the forest. His brothers gave him an ultimatum: get out or fight.
He chose to ride away rather than kill. He'd always known that he would have to earn his fortune beyond the fields he knew. Several of the villagers gave him advice, and food. One girl gave him a saddlecloth for his horse, and a wreath of flowers. And one old man who had ridden in half a dozen battles gave him a captain's name in Restov.
In the forest to the south, night came on, and sleep. He dreamed of a white stag moving among the trees, bugling, warning of danger and darkness, and the need for light and hunters. He dreamed of village after village, led astray by dark enchantment, lost to bandits, sacked by rampaging soldiers, taxed into penury by greedy nobles.
He followed the stag, first on horse, and then when the horse died, on foot, stumbling, exhausted, but knowing that he was called to stand between. "Endurance Overcomes All," the family motto; he endured, stumbling after the stag into fight after fight, against desperate odds, again and again, barely in time. He followed, and in the last battle the stag bore him on its back.
He woke, exhausted and empowered. He knew the darkness of which the stag had given warning; he could, with effort, sense that some men were beasts and worse than beasts, and Old Deadeye's blessing was on him when he rode against them in battle. He saved three merchants from bandits on his ride south, and rescued a young lass from a black-armored knight, and stood between two brawlers in a wayside tavern when knives were drawn.
And now he has come to Restov, and the old man's captain was one of the Swordlords, who told him of a venture south beyond the borders, to keep safe the lands and make them ripe for settlement. He dreamed again of the stag, bearing him southward as the sun begun to rise, and returned the next morning to sign up.
Stats and stuff:
Plot hook the first: The black knight he faced on the road to Restov is likely to seek revenge; Arkady never learned his family (and frankly never asked, being concerned to get the girl to safety before the other woke), but he suspects that someone who wore such fine armor isn't likely to enjoy being thwarted in his lusts, and might seek revenge.
Plot hook the second: Arkady left a maiden behind in his home village, no longer protected from his brothers. He had to leave, for bloodshed between kin is unforgivable, but he wishes that he dared ask Irena to come with him, wishes that he might promise her a home.
Arkady Medvyed
LG human paladin of Erastil (shining knight archetype; yes it's more of an Iomedae feel, but Arkady was trained to lance and sword and riding, and he does what he's good at)
Why he won't go back: Four older brothers to split an already-too-small-inheritance between, some bad blood with them
Noble Born (Medvyed) - +2 Diplomacy vs fey, +1 Will saves vs. fey
Poverty-stricken (+1 to Survival, and it's a class skill)
S18 D12 C14 I8 W8 Ch15 -- yeah, typical Brevoy noble
Skills: Ride 1 rank, Diplomacy 1 rank
Feats: Mounted Combat, Cleave (I am assuming that since Power Attack is a technique, we can take feats requiring it as a prerequisite if we otherwise qualify)
Bonus noncombat feat: Endurance (family motto) or Animal Affinity (+2 Ride/+2 Handle Animal), haven't decided yet

Kata Medvyed |

Any chance Arkady Medvyed might have a distant half-elven cousin a little closer in relation to Lord Medvyed? A bit of a black sheep because of the nature of her birth and what has happened since. Perhaps she was even caught by a certain black-armored knight on her way to Restov though I suspect she neglected to tell her savior exactly who she is. Want to check with you and Ryuko if its ok before seeing about weaving that into the Kata's backstory.
Probably going with one of the +2 feats. Shall I assume that feats such as Toughness and Witch Knife would be considered combat-ish feats and off limits.

tonyz |

Entirely possible, I would think, to have a distant cousin -- the Medvyeds are one of the big noble families of Brevoy. There are a LOT of cousins... how distant is up to you (and Ryuko).
If you want to be the one I rescued, fine with me. That gives us a little extra private backstory and reason to stick together.
How does one set up an alias to post appropriately in-character?

![]() |

Hi, just posting to express my interest, I'll put up a character in a little while. Was wondering if you'd mind a Spellslinger wizard (Ultimate Combat, Wizard Archetype with a gun). Thought I'd ask before I do up a character since some people aren't a fan of guns in their fantasy.

Kata Medvyed |

How does one set up an alias to post appropriately in-character?
Glad you're game. To set up an alias go to My Account and login. You'll see a section called Messageboard Aliases in about the fourth panel down the page. You'll have an option to Create a New Messageboard Alias. Click that and you can set the name and the Avatar Image. Once you've saved those, click your new alias on the My Account page and you can set up the profile with all of your info.

Ridge |

Ok. I'm pretty new to Pathfinder but I hear the Kingmaker Adventure Path is not to be missed so I'd be crazy not to try it.
Here's Bydar Lebeda, cleric of Shelyn
Male Human (Taldan) Cleric 1
NG Medium Humanoid (Human)
Init +1; Senses Perception +3
AC 16, touch 11, flat-footed 15. . (+5 armor, +1 Dex)
hp 9 (1d8+1)
Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +6
Resist Resistant Touch (6/day)
Spd 20 ft.
Melee Gauntlet (from Armor) +1 (1d3+1/20/x2) and
. . Glaive +1 (1d10+1/20/x3) and
. . Unarmed Strike +1 (1d3+1/20/x2)
Ranged Crossbow, Light +1 (1d8/19-20/x2)
Spell-Like Abilities Resistant Touch (6/day), Touch of Good (6/day)
Cleric Spells Known (CL 1, 1 melee touch, 1 ranged touch):
1 (2/day) Protection from Evil (DC 14), Bless, Cure Light Wounds (DC 14)
0 (at will) Light, Create Water, Stabilize
Str 12, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 17, Cha 14
Base Atk +0; CMB +1; CMD 12
Feats Extra Channel, Persuasive, Skill Focus: Craft (Sculpture)
Traits Charming, Noble Born - Lebeda
Skills Acrobatics -3, Climb -3, Craft (Sculpture) +4, Diplomacy +8, Escape Artist -3, Fly -3, Heal +7, Intimidate +4, Knowledge (Nobility) +5, Knowledge (Religion) +5, Ride -3, Sense Motive +7, Stealth -3, Swim -3
Languages Celestial, Common, Elven
SQ Aura (Ex), Channel Positive Energy 1d6 (7/day) (DC 12) (Su), Cleric Domain: Good, Cleric Domain: Protection, Spontaneous Casting
Combat Gear Bolts, Crossbow (10), Crossbow, Light, Glaive, Scale Mail; Other Gear Artisan's tools: Craft (Sculpture), Backpack (empty), Bedroll, Holy symbol, wooden: Shelyn
Aura (Ex) The Cleric has an aura corresponding to his deity's alignment.
Channel Positive Energy 1d6 (7/day) (DC 12) (Su) A good cleric can channel positive energy to heal the living and injure the undead; an evil cleric can channel negative energy to injure the living and heal the undead.
Charming +1 Bluff/Diplomacy/save DC for a language-dependent spell vs. targets who could be sexually attracted to you.
Cleric Domain: Good Granted Powers: You have pledged your life and soul to goodness and purity.
Cleric Domain: Protection Granted Powers: Your faith is your greatest source of protection, and you can use that faith to defend others. In addition, you receive a +1 resistance bonus on saving throws. This bonus increases by 1 for every 5 levels you possess.
Resistant Touch (6/day) (Sp) May donate Protection Domain's Resistance bonus to ally by touch for 1 minute.
Spontaneous Casting The Cleric can convert stored spells into Cure or Inflict spells.
Touch of Good (6/day) (Sp) Grant +1 to skill checks, ability checks and saving throws for 1r.
One of three minor sons of a lower branch of House Lebeda ("Success Through Grace"), Bydar found himself gently "pushed" towards a clerical life. After all, what ever religion he joined, there would be some measure of station in it eventually. That, and it was cheap for the family and might even eventually make them some contacts with a powerful church.
Bydar WAS drawn to a life of faith, but the religion that called to him wasn't a powerful one, or at least it wasn't terribly respected in Brevoy. He found himself drawn to Shelyn, the goddess of love, beauty, art and music. He even found some small talent for sculpting. Yes, he would be happy with this faith, even if his parents not-so secretly wished he'd found a more prominent church to partake in.
Of course, a man with an appreciation of love and beauty would not be adverse to seeking it out in a companion. For Bydar, it was found in Adula Orlovsky. Another minor noble, she had little to offer in dowry, but her beauty was something to behold. Her eyes sparkled like starlight, and her hair was as dark and intriguing as the night. Her voice was that of an angel...
or so it seemed to the very besmitten Bydar.
Adula enjoyed his company. No surprise, as Bydar was a likable and handsome young man. It seemed even his goddess thought so, for soon his training was complete, and he was raised to the status of cleric.
He returned, hoping to propose to Adula now that he was at least respectable. But while his interest had not dimmed, Adula had fallen in love with one of his brothers!
Brayton was only a little older than he, and truth to tell, a good man and he seemed to love Adula mightily. But though Bydar tried to accept Adula's choice with grace, it gnawed inside him over the weeks as the wedding approached.
Thus it was, on the night before the wedding, that Bydar watched the two dance, and laugh... and they were happy. His faith told him he should be joyous for them, but later that night, the cold grip of envy engulfed Bydar. His brother had gotten more than a little tipsy, and trusting his younger brother for help, was going down the lonely steps outside the back of the estates.
Then Bydar deliberately tripped the drunk and confused Brayton down the steps. Down his sibling tumbled, until he fell with a horid crack, and blood flowed from Brayton's skull.
And Bydar suddenly came to his senses. He had betrayed not just his brother, who had always treated him kindly, but Adula, for Brayton was HER heart. Lastly, he had betrayed Shelyn. He had turned on love with jealousy.
Racing down the steps, he found the power of his goddess seeming to leave him, unable to heal what he had done. Begging his goddess for forgiveness, not for his own sake, but the sake of Brayton and Adula's love... his plea was answered, and the wound healed itself.
Brayton did not recall being pushed. Rather, when he came to, he thanked his brother and over for 'saving' his life. Bydar felt the shame rise in his belly the whole time and tried to stave off any further thanks, but that merely made him seem modest in the eyes of his kinsfolk and Adula herself.
Bydar watched the wedding...and then? Then he fled. He had to get away. The shame cut too deep. He could never face either of them again. How could he?
His goddess, to judge by the spells he regained, had forgiven him. But Bydar is not sure he can ever forgive himself.
Reason he can't or won't go home: Bydar sees Adula, and he feels longing for her, and shame for the fratricide he almost commited. At this point, he'd rather move to Devil infested Cheliax than stay in Brevoy proper. Compared to that, the River Kingdoms , wild as they are, seem like a haven.
Possible Plot hooks for later:
1) Shelyn isn't heavily worshiped in Brevoy. She is even less so in the wilder lands to the south. That being the case, it may fall on Bydar to prosteltyze to spread her word. He may even want to build a temple to her one day, though at this point he has doubts about his worthiness for the same.
2) Bydar realizes how closely he came to falling under the sway of Zon-Kuthon by his actions. What he doesn't know is that agents of Zon-Kuthon maybe aware of it, or even had a hand of it. Perhaps one of the noble guests for the wedding was a cleric of that dark god, and seeing his weakness, exploited with magic, or poisoned words to drive him deeper into despair. If Bydar heading to the wildlands to help others establish order becomes known, said Cleric may decide that's not a bad idea, but better to start a strong hold for Zon-Kuthon that his weak half sister. In short, Bydar may have a dark rival he is unaware of.

Loriel Cherenkov |

Alrighty, I've put in my background and hooks, hopefully you enjoy them and I hope they're not too succinct. If you'd rather I expand on them let me know and I'll do my best to provide some additional information. It's my first time making a Spellslinger so I'm probably not the most cutting edge character but I think it'll be fun to play. Anyway, should stop rambling and thanks for the consideration.

Ryuko |

Ok, In order.
I like Cedrica and Kheldor, but you need backstories.
Arkady, I'm not a huge fan of more than one dump stat so if you're keeping an 8 INT and WIS you'd better play it to the hilt.
Kata, Sounds fine, I'll work with it if you're both chosen.
Rianorix and Bydax both look good.
Loriel Cherenkov looks good and don't worry, I don't mind guns in my fantasy at all.
Kyle: yes, I'm only looking for four. I usually expand past that but I'm intending for this game to be a bit gritty and harsh and thus will be only taking 4, with alternates if the original four characters don't survive.

Cedrica Einkill |

Cedrica Einkill, Gunslinger extrodinaire!
Unfortunatly, his dealings also included those in the seedy underworld, and powerful enemies whose power and money rivaled his own. They saw him as a threat to their growing merchant empire; and all threats must be removed.
During this time, Cedrica had taken a fancy at this new blackpowder technology, and convinced her father to let her learn more about "the better to take care of my virtue." she said in a convincing manner. He agreed and hired a bodyguard to protect her and to train her in the blackpowder arts.
her training dabbled in the pistol, but her tutor discovered that she had a keen eye with the musket, so he trained her for the single shot aspect, using one bullet and making it count.
But, since such proximity between a man and woman can only bring feelings for each other, they both started having feelins for each other, and soon training started happening in the stables on the family property.
Cedrica's father, upon finding out about this, and not wishing the world to know about her virtue being soiled, banished the man away from his employ and Magnimar all together. Cedrica was heartbroken, but her pain was just starting.
that same week, unknown assailants in strange face masks broke into the family house and killed the entire household. Father, mother, maids, servants, pets, livestock, and any airable land was sown with salt, to never allow anyone to prosper on this place. it is by pure happen stance that Cedrica was out attending a masked ball that allowed her to be spared. Upon arriving home to her ruined house, she quickly guaged that whoemever did this was powerful, to powerful for her to even think about taking on. she had to flee, she had to leave. she was able to secure a few things from the ruins, a battered musket, some old clothes, some coin, and went straight to the dock. finding the first ship out of the harbor was paramount to her survival, so she purchased passage on a ship bound for the Stolen lands.
plot hook 2: gossip on the dock was that cedrica's tutor and lover took the same boat and headed to the same destination not 6 months prior. while she wishes and hopes to find him, she is a realist, and only holds to the idea as a fantasy.

tonyz |

Planning on playing it to the hilt - Arkady is a typical Brevoy noble, long on courage and beating face, short on wits and graces. Being chosen as a paladin is something new and a bit unusual for him, and I was planning on playing up the opposition between the two sides of his personality. (Eventually he will probably figure out that he needs a Wise Counselor...)
Alternately, I could reduce strength a bit and up intelligence. Frankly, I'd probably feel more comfortable with a couple more skill points anyway, so if you prefer I'll just do that.

Ryuko |

Sounds good Arkady, either way works for me.
Osuracnaes: I play pretty off from the book. Some parts I will follow perfectly, others will be pretty different, so don't expect a RAW game lol.
Tessara looks good once you update.
Lances Do not deal double damage on a charge, only +5 damage.
Characters gains 1 point buy every level, replacing the one attribute point every 4 levels. Points beyond 18 cost an amount of points equal to the resulting modifier (19 = 4, 20-21=5, 22-23=6 etc.)
1: I'm a bit fast and loose on the rules when they don't exactly cover something (such as climbing on a larger monster or attempting a "Cannonball Special").
2: I hate short, nondescriptive posts. I never want to hear that you just attack him again. I want something worthwhile and detailed. Your fluff text won't affect the crunch but I want it all the same. If you describe your greatsword attack as a distraction with the blade before striking with the pommel that's fine. Or as you stepping back and kicking something from the ground at the enemy. Or knocking him backward with a mighty strike. All of these will do 2d6+1.5 STR damage but I like the variety.
The example means the same as "I charge him." but it's much cooler to read.

Arkady Medvyed |

Once the battle is over, Arkady grabs the trap and pulls, straining every thew, holding it open till Bendis can extract his mangled leg. Bending over the groaning cripple, he removes his gantlets, then lays his hand along the ripped flesh. When he removes them, the skin is unmarred, though Bendis' hands and Arkady's palms are still stained with blood.
"Next time, watch where you put your feet."

Loriel Cherenkov |

I'd add something to the scene but I don't want to be a follower :P
Seeing Arkady tend to Bednis' wounds Loriel stands up from behind the overturned table she'd been taking cover behind and opens fire on the bandit’s allies crowding the taverns entrance. The crash of the pistol being fired echoes out throughout the tavern and an alchemical stink floods the room as the lead bandit coming to reinforce his companions collapses.
Damn peer pressure...

Arkady Medvyed |

Arkady, thinking the fight was over, had dropped his sword to free his friend. But no trained warrior is ever weaponless; he draws the pick from his thigh, bellows to attract attention away from his cousin, and throws himself into the doorway to block any more bandits from coming through. With a series of quick, chopping swings he holds the bandits back.
(Move, drawing weapon, to the doorway; attack the nearest bandit he can reach while fighting defensively. And why a pick? Because you can dig with it, if necessary. And because if you have to put down a wounded ox, you need something that can get through its skull.)

Ryuko |

Explanation for the fact that my houserules are scattered over the page: I apologize for this. The simple fact is that I have developed my houserules over about 3 years of recently GMing and it's occasionally difficult to remember which are my house rules and which aren't. Case in point iterative attacks.
Characters with a +6 BAB get an option to make skewed or balanced attacks. Skewed Attacks are the current standard full attack. No changes.
Balanced Attacks are two attacks, made as a full-attack action, which use your BAB -2 as the BAB for the attacks. This penalty lessens to -1 at +11 BAB, and disappears at +16 BAB. Balanced attacks decrease the time to take turns, gets rid of "throwaway attacks" and actually increases overall damage from Martial Classes. Of course characters are still allowed Skewed Attacks if you think you can crush many smaller opponents.
Also, loving the descriptions. Very amusingly awesome.

Ryuko |

All right, before I go to bed I'm going to sort out who needs what. Anything written beside your name is what you still need. Approval does not mean you are chosen, only that you are officially in the running when I choose tomorrow night.
Retsiji: Approved!
Liam: Approved!
Bydar: Approved!
Vash'thuel: Crunch, Plot Hooks, Reason not to Return
Kheldor: Hooks (Ninja'd)
Cedrica: Approved!
Kata: Backstory, Hooks, Reason
Rianorix: Approved!
Loriel: Approved!
Tessara: Hooks
Aerandir: Approved!
Arkady: Approved!
Tell me if I missed anything or anyone please, I wouldn't want to leave so meone out.