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I need test players for my new game system. The setting isn't all that important and am willing to use either a generic fantasy, scifi, or a specific one I am familier with such as Mass Effect, Kingdom hearts, etc. Am open to suggestions on that count.
What I want from players, is honest feedback, what they like and hate, suggestions, and help in making setting specific material (don't worry about not knowing what is alright or not, that can always be fixed and anything that draws questions is highly desired. It helps find out what needs clarified and tells me how clear I am explaining the rules.)
The system is roughly compatible with d20, though the d20 has been replaced with three dice, the luck die a d12, an attribute die size based on your attribute, and a skill die based on your skill level. This is also a classless system with skills replacing bab and such. Feats are much like dnd, and abilities are like feats except improvable and cover those things that get better.
I call it Roads and Ruins, however be warned that much has changed since I last posted anything on the paizo forums about it.
If I get interest I'll post the complete rules.
I am looking for plenty of players 6-10 however to reduce the slowdown from large groups, I will not be useing initiative (except special cases) instead everyone will post their actions for the round and I will inform how it comes out and make intelligent use of a pc should their action not be valid (which is unlikely to happen by my way of thinking, even if two players attack the same enemy and only one attack is needed, it would come out as a simokill, of course posting contingencies doesn't hurt) each round will be given 24 hours, weekends will depend on the players involved. I want a larger group for more input and because larger groups are generally more active, however if only a few sign up thats fine too.

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I am glad to see some interest, I'll give till wed night before choosing setting. That's also when I'll make a thread for the full rules.
I do have a setting of my own creation already that includes magic and technology, however they interfere with each other. The tech level includes electronics up to basic computers, and more efficient electric motors, but doesn't have any contained e plosives tech (I.E. combustion engines, guns, etc). There are vehicles, advanced materials like graphite and such.
It is a possibility since scifi is being called for so far.
And I have no good idea for what exactly cyberpunk is other then being a scifi subgenre. Would that be something like shadowrun without magic?

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I have one vote for Mass Effect, one for low fantasy or near future scifi, and two for cyber punk, but everyone seems supportive of my setting. If I misunderstood someone's vote please let me know.
I have the following nine players so far and you are all in,
Felrisa Vex, voted cyberpunk
Browman, voted low fantasy or near future scifi
Bearded Ben,
Masumi - UfD,
Havocprince, vote cyberpunk
Lareg,vote my setting suggestion
G.Blade, vote Mass Effect
I've created the campaign and will be posting the rules in the campaign description. That may take me a while though as not all of it is electronic yet.

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Icehawk333, you are player ten, welcome.
The rules and mechanics are being posted slowly but surely in the campaign description, though, given I locked up on it I may just make a real thread and string the segments out among multiple posts.
If anyone else is interested I am fine with lurkers discussing the rules in the rules discussion but only ten get to actually play PCs.

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Ouch. My nook can't scroll the entire edit window for some reason, so the segments are out of order. My wishlist includes a real computer, but I keep getting told to stop dreaming.
I have posted the basics, I will post some more stuff (like different sized creatures) later. Please ask any questions, and if you decide to leave please let me know why so I can refine it or at least prepare future players for it.