Rise of the Runelords with a Twist

Game Master Shadow Bloodmoon

Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition with some Variant Rules in Play

Maps, etc.

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Female Human (Ulfen) HP 28/33 | AC +9 | T +4 | F +5 | CMD +10 | F +4 | R +9 | W +5 | Init +4 | Per +8 | Spell Points 1d6/1d6 | Arrows 1d12 | Martial Focus -> Yes

Caprice ties up the man, and takes him outside against her better judgment. She felt the safest place was alongside them, but well, it was better to work together than against each other on such a minor matter.

M Halfling Medium (Fiendkeeper) 5

If you have a method of carrying him, by all means, bring him along. But we're going to have to fight down there. The alternative, leaving him inside this house for the haunts to get ahold of seems a bad idea...

Savage Rifts RotRwT

Leaving the unconscious thug tied up and outside, you head towards the stairs that will lead you down to the basement. Creaking your way down, you come to the place where the rats have taken residence, but instead of being swarmed by them, you note that there are scorch marks on the walls and doors and crisped vermin corpses lying on the stone floor.

I put you guys in the basement, so we are on that slide now.

M Halfling Medium (Fiendkeeper) 5

Khamul whispers through the message spell "I guess they'll be in the basement lab or the complex below. I'm point, stay back 30 feet, come quietly." and then slips off stealthily on silent feet, eyes and ears wary...

following the dashed yellow line. Will peek into the lab before heading down to the lower complex.

Perception: 3d6 + 5 + 3 + 1 + 2 + 4 ⇒ (5, 4, 4) + 5 + 3 + 1 + 2 + 4 = 28
5 ranks +3 trained+1 Trait+2 spirit bonus+4 for detect danger

Stealth: 3d6 + 3 + 3 + 4 + 4 - 1 ⇒ (6, 1, 1) + 3 + 3 + 4 + 4 - 1 = 21
3 ranks +3 trained +4 dex +4 small -1 acp

Savage Rifts RotRwT

I am going to presume the other two are following.

You follow Khamul around the corner and through the open doors. He pauses on his way to the stairs that lead you further down into the caverns below. The lab looks as if a raging storm had hit it. The books are in a heap on the floor and several glass implements have been shattered, their shards peppering the workbenches and stonework. It seems that all the bandits were after were things of immediately recognizable value.

Moving on, you creep down the stairs to the hole that will lead you to the caverns below. Several ropes hang on pitons that trail into the darkness below. At the moment, all you hear are echoes of a scraping sound coming up from the opening.

M Halfling Medium (Fiendkeeper) 5

Khamul uses the message spell to report back from his point position:"Something is moving down below, and they have set up ropes to go down."

Then he sneaks forward to peek down into the pit. As he does so, he calls upon the power of his trapped fiend, enabling him to see in the dark

uses Dark Communion - Fiendish Form to get Darkvision
Charisma Check: 3d6 + 1 ⇒ (6, 5, 5) + 1 = 17 vs DC 10 or gain a point of influence

Perception: 3d6 + 5 + 3 + 1 + 2 + 4 ⇒ (1, 5, 3) + 5 + 3 + 1 + 2 + 4 = 24
5 ranks +3 trained+1 Trait+2 spirit bonus+4 for detect danger

Stealth: 3d6 + 3 + 3 + 4 + 4 - 1 ⇒ (2, 2, 2) + 3 + 3 + 4 + 4 - 1 = 19
3 ranks +3 trained +4 dex +4 small -1 acp

Female Human (Ulfen) HP 28/33 | AC +9 | T +4 | F +5 | CMD +10 | F +4 | R +9 | W +5 | Init +4 | Per +8 | Spell Points 1d6/1d6 | Arrows 1d12 | Martial Focus -> Yes

Caprice does her best to scout along with Khamul, keeping blade at hand and eyes out.

Perception, low light vision: 3d6 + 8 ⇒ (2, 2, 6) + 8 = 18
Stealth: 3d6 + 12 ⇒ (3, 6, 5) + 12 = 26

Savage Rifts RotRwT

As you peer down into the pit, you can see where they set up a small camp at the top of the broken stone stairs. A few sacks and some more rope lie in disarray around the top. As you watch, you spot two of the bandits coming back up the stairs to the campsite, carrying a few things in their hands. The candle one is holding barely gives off enough light, so they are walking slowly. One is muttering something to the other, but the the second seems to be ignoring him. When the reach the top of the stairs, they start unloading the things in their hands and sitting down to take a rest.

You can interrupt them at any time. Otherwise they will probably be here for a while.

M Halfling Medium (Fiendkeeper) 5

Khamul whispers to Caprice and Dora "Do you think they're dumb enough to try and climb up here and get me if there's only one halfling visible, slinging rocks at them?"

@ShadowBloodmoon - how far down is it?

Savage Rifts RotRwT

Same as last time, about 40 feet.

Female Human (Ulfen) HP 28/33 | AC +9 | T +4 | F +5 | CMD +10 | F +4 | R +9 | W +5 | Init +4 | Per +8 | Spell Points 1d6/1d6 | Arrows 1d12 | Martial Focus -> Yes

"Even if they aren't, it's still a good plan for you to get a few free shots off." Caprice nods and backs away from the hole, instead readying her blade for when the enemy tried to climb up, if they did.

M Halfling Medium (Fiendkeeper) 5

Well, I guess it's not that dumb of an idea...

Khamul steps up to the edge of the pit, and snaps a sling bullet down at one of the men. He announces "I'm up here, standing on your only way out. if you ever want out of that hole, you can come up here and try to kick my halfling butt!"

What I think is a standard action in a surprise round...
standard action - fire sling at a bandit
and I'm calling it a bluff check, because I'm trying to trick them into coming after me...

Bluff: 3d6 + 2 + 3 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (6, 3, 4) + 2 + 3 + 1 + 1 = 20
2 ranks +3 trained +1 Cha+1 Trait

To Hit: 3d6 + 3 + 4 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (1, 3, 1) + 3 + 4 + 1 + 1 = 14 vs flatfooted?
+3 bab +4 dex +1 size +1 bless
damage: 1d3 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
+1 str

Female NG Oracle (Spirit Guide with Life Spirit, Lore Mystery) 5 | Looks human but is an Aasimar; Outsider (Native) & Humanoid (human) | Darkvision 60ft | | HP 46/46 | Resistance 5 vs. Cold, Acid, Electr | Heavy horse HP 19/19 | Speed 30ft (50ft on horse) | AC 18 T 11 FF 17 | CMD 15 | F: +5*, R: +3*, W: +7* (* +1 vs. spells/spell-like ab./poison) | Init: +1 | Spells: 1st 3/8, 2nd 4/6 | Perc: +1, SM: +9, Dipl.: +13, Bluff: +13 | Active conditions:

initiative : 3d6 + 1 ⇒ (4, 4, 3) + 1 = 12

Dora is ready to jump into action.

Savage Rifts RotRwT

The slung insults and stone fly at near the same speed towards the bandits below. Khamul’s voice gives just enough of a warning that the one the stone was sailing towards narrowly moves out of the way (by one point). Looking towards the hole, they realize they are under attack and start reaching for nearby weapons.

”Go get help, I’ll hold them off from here!” Turning back towards the hole, he yells back. ”You’ll never be able to stop us all! Red Fist will be freed!”

The rest of you can roll initiative for the first full round. You will have to beat a 16 to go before they do.

M Halfling Medium (Fiendkeeper) 5

Init: 3d6 + 4 ⇒ (5, 1, 4) + 4 = 14
+4 dex

Female Human (Ulfen) HP 28/33 | AC +9 | T +4 | F +5 | CMD +10 | F +4 | R +9 | W +5 | Init +4 | Per +8 | Spell Points 1d6/1d6 | Arrows 1d12 | Martial Focus -> Yes

Init: 3d6 + 4 ⇒ (6, 2, 2) + 4 = 14

Savage Rifts RotRwT

One of the bandits takes off running down the spiral stairs, easily navigating the broken parts. The other starts chucking rocks at Khamul’s head. ”Come on down here and let’s see what you’re made of!”, he taunts.

@Khamul, DC 15 Defense or be hit with a rock for 7 points of damage. Then all of you are up!!

M Halfling Medium (Fiendkeeper) 5

Defense Roll: 3d6 + 4 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (5, 5, 1) + 4 + 4 + 1 = 20
+4 chain shirt +4 dex +1 small

M Halfling Medium (Fiendkeeper) 5

Khamul easily evades and ignores the thrown rock. Rather than fire back, he flips his sling over his shoulder and pulls flint and steel from his backpack. Then he bends to the ropes. He says "You boys should have both got up here to stop me. There's no way out down there except through this pit." He starts striking sparks to the ropes and continues "I burn these ropes, and you boys ain't getting up and out before dark. The house haunt will kill all y'all... So either you get up here and stop me, or y'all can bend over and kiss your ass goodbye. Heh-heh-huh..." His closing chuckle is distinctly mirthless.

Draw flint and steel as a move action due to handy haversack
standard - start lighting fires

Bluff: 3d6 + 2 + 3 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (6, 2, 5) + 2 + 3 + 1 + 1 = 20
2 ranks +3 trained +1 Cha+1 Trait
I'm trying to convince him to come up and fight...

Female Human (Ulfen) HP 28/33 | AC +9 | T +4 | F +5 | CMD +10 | F +4 | R +9 | W +5 | Init +4 | Per +8 | Spell Points 1d6/1d6 | Arrows 1d12 | Martial Focus -> Yes

Caprice's free hand strays to her bow, unsure if she should be prepared to fire missiles, but for now she stays ready to attack.

Savage Rifts RotRwT

Dora? Did you still want to try and go down or wait to see what happens with Khamul’s taunts?

The thug shakes his head as he looks for another rock to throw. ”W…we did find another way out! I will come up there and kick your scrawny tail myself though!”

Not an action, just a response to Khamul’s Bluff

M Halfling Medium (Fiendkeeper) 5
DM ShadowBloodmoon wrote:

The thug shakes his head as he looks for another rock to throw. ”W…we did find another way out! I will come up there and kick your scrawny tail myself though!”

"Gonna have to move sharpish if you want a chance a that too-tall!"

Female NG Oracle (Spirit Guide with Life Spirit, Lore Mystery) 5 | Looks human but is an Aasimar; Outsider (Native) & Humanoid (human) | Darkvision 60ft | | HP 46/46 | Resistance 5 vs. Cold, Acid, Electr | Heavy horse HP 19/19 | Speed 30ft (50ft on horse) | AC 18 T 11 FF 17 | CMD 15 | F: +5*, R: +3*, W: +7* (* +1 vs. spells/spell-like ab./poison) | Init: +1 | Spells: 1st 3/8, 2nd 4/6 | Perc: +1, SM: +9, Dipl.: +13, Bluff: +13 | Active conditions:

Dora just shouts.

“Please let’s not fight!! We can solve this by talking!!“

diplomacy : 3d6 + 13 ⇒ (5, 5, 1) + 13 = 24

Savage Rifts RotRwT

As the bandit starts to climb the rope, he hollers back, ”It’s a bit late for that little lady, but I’ll be sure to keep you around to talk later after I pound that half-pint into the ground.”

He climbs fast, but you still have a few seconds before he reaches you.

Your turn.

M Halfling Medium (Fiendkeeper) 5

Khamul shifts around the hole to allow Caprice a flank when the bandit climbs up. As he does he replies to the bandit "Give it your best shot!". He readies himself with his longpear; he will allow the bandit to get himself to the edge of the hole, and then attack to force the bandit out of the hole at Caprice's feet (I don't want to make him fall back down the hole, I want him up here and out of line of sight of the hole when the others get back; hopefully I can lure them up to us as well...)

Move action - circle around the hole to a flanking position
standard action - ready attack to force the bandit out of the hole into Idun

readied Attack:

To hit: 3d6 + 4 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (3, 3, 3) + 4 + 1 + 2 = 16 vs FF AC (climbing)
+4 bab+1 str + 2 higher ground

damage: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7
+1 str

Defence Rolls:

Defence roll A: 3d6 + 4 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (5, 3, 2) + 4 + 4 + 1 = 19 + possible higher ground defence bonus
+4 armor +4 dex +1 small

Defence Roll B: 3d6 + 4 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (2, 3, 5) + 4 + 4 + 1 = 19

defence roll C: 3d6 + 4 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (5, 4, 6) + 4 + 4 + 1 = 24

Female Human (Ulfen) HP 28/33 | AC +9 | T +4 | F +5 | CMD +10 | F +4 | R +9 | W +5 | Init +4 | Per +8 | Spell Points 1d6/1d6 | Arrows 1d12 | Martial Focus -> Yes

Readied Attack: 3d6 + 11 ⇒ (1, 2, 5) + 11 = 19
Damage: 1d10 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 8 = 17
Not sure if we're officially flanking, so did not add that bonus to roll.

Not sure what to make of the situation, Caprice does her best to follow Khamul's lead.

M Halfling Medium (Fiendkeeper) 5

Minor error in my post - I should only be getting a +1 to hit from higher ground, not a +2...

Savage Rifts RotRwT

Does Dora have an action or is she continuing to try and talk the bandit out of fighting?

Female NG Oracle (Spirit Guide with Life Spirit, Lore Mystery) 5 | Looks human but is an Aasimar; Outsider (Native) & Humanoid (human) | Darkvision 60ft | | HP 46/46 | Resistance 5 vs. Cold, Acid, Electr | Heavy horse HP 19/19 | Speed 30ft (50ft on horse) | AC 18 T 11 FF 17 | CMD 15 | F: +5*, R: +3*, W: +7* (* +1 vs. spells/spell-like ab./poison) | Init: +1 | Spells: 1st 3/8, 2nd 4/6 | Perc: +1, SM: +9, Dipl.: +13, Bluff: +13 | Active conditions:

Dora is not sure what to do.

She just casts bless on her team.

“Please stop the fighting. I don’t understand why you’re so aggressive!!“

+ - to hit.

Savage Rifts RotRwT

The bandit climbs as quickly as he can, and as he reaches the end of the rope, he leaps over the edge and stands next to Caprice, but not before he takes a jab in the leg from Khamul. As he turns to face Caprice, she stabs him in the chest with her rapier. He narrowly turns sideways, turning it from a fatal blow into a flesh wound. He then grabs at her sword arm…

26 damage taken on Bandit, @Caprice, I will need a Combat Maneuver Defense Roll over 21 or you are Grappled. Then another defense roll at DC 17 or he does 7 damage as he attempts to dislocate your arm. After all that, the party is up!

M Halfling Medium (Fiendkeeper) 5

"Knock him out?" suggests Khamul, and suits deed to word, trying to knock the bandit over the head with the butt-cap of his spear...

Attack the bandit with subdual damage (-4 to hit)

To Hit: 3d6 + 4 + 1 + 1 - 4 ⇒ (5, 3, 1) + 4 + 1 + 1 - 4 = 11 vs grappled target (-4 dex)
+4 bab+1 str + 1 bless -4 non-lethal strike
damage: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
+1 str

defence rolls:

Defence roll A: 19 from previous post
Defence Roll B: 19 from previous post
defence roll C: 24 from previous post

Female Human (Ulfen) HP 28/33 | AC +9 | T +4 | F +5 | CMD +10 | F +4 | R +9 | W +5 | Init +4 | Per +8 | Spell Points 1d6/1d6 | Arrows 1d12 | Martial Focus -> Yes

CMD Defense: 3d6 + 11 ⇒ (3, 6, 1) + 11 = 21
Regular Defense: 3d6 + 9 ⇒ (4, 1, 6) + 9 = 20

I will now ask whether over 21 was literal and I'm grappled, or if that was just a figure of speech and I'm ok with a 21.

Female NG Oracle (Spirit Guide with Life Spirit, Lore Mystery) 5 | Looks human but is an Aasimar; Outsider (Native) & Humanoid (human) | Darkvision 60ft | | HP 46/46 | Resistance 5 vs. Cold, Acid, Electr | Heavy horse HP 19/19 | Speed 30ft (50ft on horse) | AC 18 T 11 FF 17 | CMD 15 | F: +5*, R: +3*, W: +7* (* +1 vs. spells/spell-like ab./poison) | Init: +1 | Spells: 1st 3/8, 2nd 4/6 | Perc: +1, SM: +9, Dipl.: +13, Bluff: +13 | Active conditions:

Dora casts bless on the party!!

“These thugs don’t understand reason!!“

Savage Rifts RotRwT

Caprice is indeed grappled, but did not take damage. She might next round, he is trying to pull you towards the hole...

Dora's frustration with people not listening to reason drives her companions to end this fight with less blood, though the wounded bandit is still too quick for Khamul's spear end, narrowly ducking under it.

Dora's Bless is active, Caprice is up!

Female Human (Ulfen) HP 28/33 | AC +9 | T +4 | F +5 | CMD +10 | F +4 | R +9 | W +5 | Init +4 | Per +8 | Spell Points 1d6/1d6 | Arrows 1d12 | Martial Focus -> Yes

Escape Artist: 3d6 + 8 ⇒ (6, 2, 5) + 8 = 21
I've never tried to break a grapple with escape artist before, lemme know if there's any extra rules to it.

Too close for bladework now, Caprice tries to wriggle and shimmy her way free of the man's hands with unexpected movement.

M Halfling Medium (Fiendkeeper) 5
DM ShadowBloodmoon wrote:


The thug shakes his head as he looks for another rock to throw. ”W…we did find another way out! I will come up there and kick your scrawny tail myself though!”


A belated sense motive check against this; have they found another way out, or was he bluffing?

Sense Motive: 3d6 + 3 + 3 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (5, 5, 5) + 3 + 3 + 1 + 2 = 24
3 ranks +3 trained +1 Trait+2 spirit bonus

Savage Rifts RotRwT

No extra rules, just trying to roll a bit higher. These guys are really good at grappling.

Caprice does her best to escape the grip of the thug, but he is fast with his hands and puts her into an arm lock and pushes her towards the edge. "Drop your weapons and surrender, or she takes a nice trip down there."

While Khamul thinks he might have been unsure about there being another exit, he is not bluffing about dropping Caprice. You can also hear the yells of the rest of the crew that was summoned by the second thug.

He is ready to drop her as a free action if anyone attacks or otherwise doesn't surrender. If he does, Caprice will need to make a DC 15 Reflex save to catch herself or take 14 points of damage and be surrounded by bad guys below. You guys are up!

M Halfling Medium (Fiendkeeper) 5

Even before Khamul reverses the spear, Caprice can tell from the tightness around his eyes, that he sees no future in surrendering to these cultists... He uses his message cantrip to whisper to Dora

Dora or DC 25 to overhear:

"On my mark, drop your ball of fire trick down the shaft."

This time, it's the point of the spear that comes for the thug.
Attack the bandit

To Hit: 3d6 + 4 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (1, 3, 5) + 4 + 1 + 1 = 15 vs grappled target (-4 dex)
+4 bab+1 str + 1 bless
damage: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
+1 str

defense rolls:

Defense roll A: 19 from previous post
Defense Roll B: 19 from previous post
defense roll C: 24 from previous post

@ShadowBloodmoon - how long will it take the thugs below to climb up?

Female Human (Ulfen) HP 28/33 | AC +9 | T +4 | F +5 | CMD +10 | F +4 | R +9 | W +5 | Init +4 | Per +8 | Spell Points 1d6/1d6 | Arrows 1d12 | Martial Focus -> Yes

Khamul's stern glance is answered by a nod from Caprice, and she readies herself best she can. Reflex: 3d6 + 9 ⇒ (3, 5, 2) + 9 = 19

Savage Rifts RotRwT

2 rounds for them to climb up.

As Khamul’s spear comes for the thug, he lets Caprice go over the edge and turns to block the weapon. He was an instant to slow and its tip catches him in the chest. He looks at Khamul in disbelief.

Caprice’s fingers cling tightly to the edge of the hole, the ropes around her vibrating with the added weight of three more bandits climbing to accost your team. Her sword lies just out of reach on the floor above.

At least the now falling thug didn’t take it with him.


Female NG Oracle (Spirit Guide with Life Spirit, Lore Mystery) 5 | Looks human but is an Aasimar; Outsider (Native) & Humanoid (human) | Darkvision 60ft | | HP 46/46 | Resistance 5 vs. Cold, Acid, Electr | Heavy horse HP 19/19 | Speed 30ft (50ft on horse) | AC 18 T 11 FF 17 | CMD 15 | F: +5*, R: +3*, W: +7* (* +1 vs. spells/spell-like ab./poison) | Init: +1 | Spells: 1st 3/8, 2nd 4/6 | Perc: +1, SM: +9, Dipl.: +13, Bluff: +13 | Active conditions:

Dora listens and activates her spell to let a ball of fire drop down at the requested spot.

fire damage : 3d6 ⇒ (2, 6, 3) = 11
reflex roll for opponent dc 18 and modifiers to be added by GM: 3d6 ⇒ (1, 5, 5) = 11

Savage Rifts RotRwT

As they are climbing, the bandits have to dodge a ball of flame that goes past Caprice and is coming directly down the line at them. With little room to maneuver, they each get singed by the ball of flame lighting the way down.

11 damage to each. One round of climbing done. You guys are up!

M Halfling Medium (Fiendkeeper) 5

Not sure if they are in reach of my longspear yet, so you get conditionals... Also, @Shadowbloodmoon, have the ropes caught fire?

If they are out of reach:

Khamul looks down the hole and says "You should have given up, idiots"; as he does, he shifts his longspear to holding it in his left hand, with the butt on the floor. With his right hand, he pulls and throws a dagger down the shaft at one of the climbers... Then he takes his longspear up in both hands as he waits for them to come up.
Free action - one hand the longspear
move action - draw dagger
5' step to the edge of the hole
standard action - throw dagger
free action - take his longspear up in two hands

To Hit: 3d6 + 3 + 4 + 1 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (5, 3, 4) + 3 + 4 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 22 vs flatfooted? and a possible range penalty, depending on how far down they are, dagger has a range increment of 10'
+3 bab +4 dex +1 size +1 bless +1 pbs
damage: 1d3 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 + 1 = 3
+1 str +1 pbs

if they are in reach:

Khamul steps to the edge of the hole and says "Have some!" as he lunges downwards with his longspear...
5' step to the edge of the hole
attack with longspear

To Hit: 3d6 + 3 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (6, 4, 2) + 3 + 1 + 1 = 17vs flatfooted?
+3 bab+1 str + 1 bless
damage: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7
+1 str

Expected AoO on climbers:

To Hit: 3d6 + 3 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (4, 6, 2) + 3 + 1 + 1 = 17vs flatfooted?
+3 bab+1 str + 1 bless
damage: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7
+1 str

defense rolls:

Defense roll A: 19 from previous post
Defense Roll B: 19 from previous post
defense roll C: 24 from previous post

Female Human (Ulfen) HP 28/33 | AC +9 | T +4 | F +5 | CMD +10 | F +4 | R +9 | W +5 | Init +4 | Per +8 | Spell Points 1d6/1d6 | Arrows 1d12 | Martial Focus -> Yes

I forget, is there one singular rope or multiple?

M Halfling Medium (Fiendkeeper) 5
The Captivating Caprice! wrote:
I forget, is there one singular rope or multiple?

DM Shadowbloodmoon has consistently made reference to multiple ropes...

DM ShadowBloodmoon wrote:

... Several ropes hang on pitons that trail into the darkness below ...

Female Human (Ulfen) HP 28/33 | AC +9 | T +4 | F +5 | CMD +10 | F +4 | R +9 | W +5 | Init +4 | Per +8 | Spell Points 1d6/1d6 | Arrows 1d12 | Martial Focus -> Yes

Roger that! Thanks.

Caprice swings a little bit on the edge to build up momentum, before trying to leap onto one of the nearby ropes the foes are climbing up and grab on. If she's blocking the way up, that's at least one less enemy that can reach her friends.

Acrobatics: 3d6 + 12 ⇒ (1, 6, 1) + 12 = 20

Savage Rifts RotRwT

Not in reach yet, they will be at the end of this round.

Readying his dagger, Khamul waits until just the right moment as one of the bandits reaches the halfway point. Tossing the weapon in a low arc, it catches the climber in the shoulder, causing him to almost lose his grip. Gritting in determination, he keeps climbing. That is until Caprice performs a half flip and lands just above him, gripping the rope tightly. She knows that her hands will hurt after this, but the adrenaline in her system allows her to ignore it for the time being.

As she dangles there, the realizes that soon, if Dora leaves her flaming sphere there, just below the thugs, the ropes may eventually catch fire and hemp rope burns relatively quickly.

14 damage to the one below Caprice on the rope, 11 to the other two. Dora?

Savage Rifts RotRwT

Going to Bot Dora so we can move ahead.

Dora focuses on the flame, keeping it next to the bandits as they climb.
DoraBot Flaming Sphere: 3d6 + 8 ⇒ (2, 1, 1) + 8 = 12

Unfortunately, they have determined that staying near the fire is bad and have gained incentive to climb faster. Two reach the edge of the precipice, their fingers gaining purchase they scramble over the top. Khamul’s spear nearly stops one of them, but he is able to turn away from a lethal blow into a scrape along his ribs. 18 damage so far to that one. The last one, once it reaches her, attempts to pull Caprice down from above him.

@Caprice, I will need a CMD check from you or your are grappled and then he will try to pull you down. After that, the party is up!

M Halfling Medium (Fiendkeeper) 5

I don't see much I can do to help Caprice, so

Leaving Caprice to her own problems, Khamul works his spear...

attack with longspear, starting with the one I nearly got last round...

To Hit: 3d6 + 3 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (6, 5, 3) + 3 + 1 + 1 = 19 vs flatfooted?
+3 bab+1 str + 1 bless
damage: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7
+1 str

Possible AoO for getting out of the pit:

To Hit: 3d6 + 3 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (1, 5, 3) + 3 + 1 + 1 = 14 vs flatfooted?
+3 bab+1 str + 1 bless
damage: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6
+1 str

defense rolls:

Defense roll A: 3d6 + 4 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (1, 2, 1) + 4 + 4 + 1 = 13
+4 armor +4 dex +1 small

Defense Roll B: 3d6 + 4 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (5, 5, 1) + 4 + 4 + 1 = 20
defense roll C: 3d6 + 4 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (5, 3, 5) + 4 + 4 + 1 = 22

Female NG Oracle (Spirit Guide with Life Spirit, Lore Mystery) 5 | Looks human but is an Aasimar; Outsider (Native) & Humanoid (human) | Darkvision 60ft | | HP 46/46 | Resistance 5 vs. Cold, Acid, Electr | Heavy horse HP 19/19 | Speed 30ft (50ft on horse) | AC 18 T 11 FF 17 | CMD 15 | F: +5*, R: +3*, W: +7* (* +1 vs. spells/spell-like ab./poison) | Init: +1 | Spells: 1st 3/8, 2nd 4/6 | Perc: +1, SM: +9, Dipl.: +13, Bluff: +13 | Active conditions:

Dora moves and continues her spell to let a ball of fire drop down the nearest active opponent.

fire damage : 3d6 ⇒ (4, 5, 6) = 15
reflex roll for opponent dc 18 and modifiers to be added by GM: 3d6 ⇒ (5, 3, 1) = 9

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