Rise of Thassilon (Inactive)

Game Master Tobaris

It has been millenia since Thassilon has ruled the Lost Coast. Has it been forgotten?

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I'm looking to run a modified run of the Rise of the Runelords AP
focused more on Magninmar and similar to Shattered Star in some aspects.
This game will be run in the same ongoing game world as my Kingmaker Campaign

Party size: 4-8 players

Posting Rate: 1 per day M-F minimum likely more, until I get consistent weekend access

classes: core and base classes from all pathfinder books. No 3pp please. 3.5 under review.

Races: core and APG only

XP and progression: I tend towards powerful games loot-wise and medium XP progression.

Focus The game will have a focus on Magnimar and the growth of the Varisian city states. Ultimate Campaign is suggested as I will be using it often.

Feel free to post concepts here and PM full applications to me.
Please don't clutter the recruitment thread with full character sheets unless in spoilers. Dice rolls on the thread are fine.
Please ask any questions here unless it needs to be sneaky. Mwahahahaha!

25 point buy?

Sure why not?

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16

So I'm thinking the perfect character would be an Urban Druid/Menhir Savant. Only problem is there are 2 abilities (Woodland Stride and Trackless step) that both Archetypes substitute. Would that be an issue?

It could potentially be an annoyance for you on a situational basis, but overall it's a minor one. I think Urban druid is the better choice for archetype personally.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16

I agree, the Menhir Savant part just works really well in a city like Magnimar. I'll get working on the character.

Character is complete in profile.

Amira Approved

I'd be interested as well. Will have to think on what to play, but maybe a sorcerer or a bard.

Will prior RotRL play be a problem? The game im in at the moment isnt even past level 2 yet, but I dont want to spoil either game by too much overlap.

Basically what im asking is, how much of the adventure will be the same?

If theres little overlap, sign me on as applying.

Dark Archive

definitely interested working on fluff now Witch

I'm very much interested. Considering an Ulfen Bard or possibly a Shoanti Barbarian. I shall go ahead and write them both up.

Two traits?

Background and details updated.

Would you allow a bard with the archeologist archtype?

I am thinking that later he would be a mentor or diplomate, a Merlin type woth out the magic if you will.

Garroth Seren wrote:

Basically what im asking is, how much of the adventure will be the same?

If theres little overlap, sign me on as applying.

It's inspired by RotRL but not the same. There will be relatively little overlap, expect suprises. We will be start in Magnimar for one.

Big OM wrote:
Would you allow a bard with the archeologist archtype?

I am allowing any reasonable archtypes.

Also Mr. Wombat I'm allowing 3 traits with a maximum of 2 drawbacks. So with drawbacks you could have up to 5.

Ah ok will add a third trait.

Here is Orlando.

Are we using standard starting gold per class?

Should on of the three traits be a campaign trait? And which adventur path should they be chosen from Rise of the Runelords or Shattered Star?

Dotting for interest. Should have my char done soon.

Silver Crusade

I am going to come up with something for this... I will get back to you once I think about it.

Doting for interest. I have a background set up. I will fill in the details tonight.

Tobaris wrote:
Amira Approved

Does this mean you are selecting applicants as they come? Meaning anyone who didn't get the same remark has been looked at and rejected?

Hegin Giantcutter Barbarian Extrodinaire looking for acceptance!

This is Aconyte's Character

None of the campaign traits are required. Though I would suggest Shattered Star traits.
To Garroth Seren, That is merely to clarify who has been approved, should I reject a character or should I want it changed in some way I will say so. I am currently reviewing the characters put up for application and I will respond to them soon one way or another.

Nidoran Duran wrote:
Are we using standard starting gold per class?

You may take average or roll for it up to you. Also anyone interested in a Mystery Box they will exist in the campaign as well, though in limited capacity.

For those who don't know the Mystery Box allows a d100 roll for some random gear customized by me for your character. The risk being that unfortunate rolls may land you with cursed or dangerous items

Dark Archive

Agatha is all done! hopefully the hex's and spells like ill omen debuffer witch carry over well to her past as a sabotaging courtesan.

Garroth Seren Approved. That brings us to two characters now.

Hegin Giantcutter Approved.

Tobaris wrote:
To Garroth Seren, That is merely to clarify who has been approved, should I reject a character or should I want it changed in some way I will say so. I am currently reviewing the characters put up for application and I will respond to them soon one way or another.

Ah roger. I've seen a fair few recruitment posts come through here, where the GM just scoops up the first people to apply on a first come first served basis, which I find hugely unappealing.



Mystery Box: 1d100 ⇒ 50

I usually don't roll anything if I can help it, but this is intriguingly vague lol.

All I ask is that I get to keep the Temple Sword.

About the Temple Sword, Garroth is going Monk for his second level, at which point he has proficiency in the sword...Would you be ok with him having proficiency at level 1?

Anyway, here goes!

DAT MYSTERY!!: 1d100 ⇒ 4

Oh....oh wow...

EDIT: Lol Hegin, your avatar looks like the dwarf from the Dungeons and Dragons movie...its so uncanny, the artist MUST have drawn him based upon it!

.... Wow. Umm yes you can keept the sword and take proficiency in it as it fits with your background. I'll PM you about your box.

i would be interested. Here is my character.

Agatha Tremaine Approved. Thats 4 players now.

Dark Archive


Ok I'm going to switch to mystery box.

Mystery Box: 1d100 ⇒ 41

Putting up Rhiannon Mableanbh, recently reskinned human bard off a game whose DM quit.

Elrawien Lantherion Approved.

Rhiannon Mableanbh approved, though I'm glad this can be typed because I think that name requires a mouth full of peanut butter to pronounce properly.

6 players now, 2 more spots open I will wait until wednesday to decide on the last two so consider it open until then.

Submitting Fae for consideration. (Character portrait to come tonight when I'm at home.)

Will also go for the box: 1d100 ⇒ 98

Dark Archive

noticed the girls chosen so far have a theme going in the back story :) lost riches!

Awesome. And yeah, sorry about that. Her name's a carryover from the first campaign I tried her in, which was very Fae-inspired and so the Gaelic-esque nonsense made sense. "Rhi" will suffice if that seems a bit too typey to write out repeatedly. I'll understand.

Ah what the hell. Mystery box 1d100 ⇒ 98

Orlando wouldn't be able to resist a Mystery Box.
1d100 ⇒ 87

Hello, presenting Zindelo Ezek, Varisan Scout/Guide and a just a guy handy to have around. Was made for another campaign that died almost at once. Looks like he'd fit well here, if there are any questions or changes desired please ask away. Has some political stuff that may or may not fit your plans, if not I'll delete it as not necessary to the character.

And he'd pick the lock of the mystery box to see what's inside.

1d100 ⇒ 34 Box of mystery.

Here is my updated submission. Please let me know if you want any changes.
The Mystery Box does sound like fun
1d100 ⇒ 27

lol figures

Bait here for submission.

EDIT: Also, I forgot to add something.

I TOO would like the mystery box please sir!
Mystery Box GO!!!: 1d100 ⇒ 23

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