Lyosha Neverhome |

Notcing the human children Neverhome puts his sword away and holds out his hand, beckoning them over. "Percy, can you cast your spell of understanding?"

Percy Silvershaper |

Ya, got it. Percy does as requested.
He's dead. You're safe now. she says.

Lyosha Neverhome |

Neverhome nods along as Percy talks.

Your Benevolent Dictator |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

In a doctor's bag shoved under a bed, you find the following:
bandages of rapid recovery x5
bloodletting kukri
There are two children in the closet. The younger, a sickly-looking boy wearing a child-sized military uniform stands protectively in front of the older child - a petite brown-haired girl wearing a lacy white dress. He looks to be around 13 years old; she appears to be 17. The boy is the one who responds, fearful, but with great pride. <"We are Alexei and Anastasia Romanov, children to Tsar Nicholas, and heirs to the throne. Who are you?">

Percy Silvershaper |

Your salvation. Come, we need to find someplace safe for you.
Abrasax hurries forward to help the children.

Lyosha Neverhome |

♫Once upon a December...♫
”Strangers from strange land, but we are more than happy to help, son and daughter of Nicholas.” Neverhome offers with a kind smile.

'Silence' |

Oops i missed robot doctor combat >.<
He had stationed himself with Mule right outside the doorway, making sure that nothing came up by surprise while his friends took out the problem. He had no doubts that they could handle it.
perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (3) + 10 = 13
"Is it down? Still nothing out here looking yes yes... "
He called moving to the other corner of the building atop Mule, to check the opposite corner.

Hobbes 'Rat Trap' Bitterleaf |
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Hobbes is on the lookout as the party talks to the children. There may be albino bats lurking about or something worse.
Perception: 1d20 + 26 ⇒ (19) + 26 = 45

Your Benevolent Dictator |

No bats, I'm afraid. At least for now...
Alexei nods, thankfully. <"Anywhere is better than here, strange new friends."> Anastasia, meanwhile, appears dazed and confused but manages to mumble, <"Friend Grigori..."> before slumping over. Alexei catches her but struggles to hold her up. <"We've been trapped in here for days.">

Lyosha Neverhome |

Neverhome moves to offer carry the girl. "Do you require food? And how do you two know Grigori?"

Lyosha Neverhome |

Neverhome nods, feeling no need to press anything regarding Grigori right now. ”Are soldiers here and outside Bolsheviks or something else? Do you know where your mother might be being held?”

Percy Silvershaper |

And in what language did he pray? asks Percy to check if Baba's naughty boy was actually casting a spell.

'Silence' |

Seeing nothing paying attention to their presence he dismounted, took his helm off and made his way torwards the others inside after removing some of his rations in Mules saddle. He couldnt help but partially overhear the conversations after all he was listening for it. He didnt like the sound of this Boshieviks, they sounded bad.
"Who are these Boshieviks?"
He added along with Friend Neverhomes question. He offered the boy some of the dried cheese and nuts from the ration, hopefully to goad him into telling him more about the boshievikes

Your Benevolent Dictator |

Alexei chuckles at the gnome's question. <"In Russkiy, of course! How else would he pray?">[/b]
Alexei and Anastasia scarf down Silence's food gratefully. It's obvious they haven't eaten for quite some time. Alexei's voice grows stronger as he answers the caturai. <"Traitorous revolutionaries trying to seize power. They say all men are equal, of all things. Our right to rule comes from Bozhe himself, and has been passed down for generations! My sister and I are the rightful rulers of this great land. Our survival, and your rescuing us, proves it! Once Anna and I have regained our strength, Grigori says he'll help us crush the Bolshevik scum like the dogs they are. He's been recruiting loyal soldiers to aid us.">

Hobbes 'Rat Trap' Bitterleaf |

"Sigh. So young and so dumb." Hobbes sighes.

'Silence' |

He glanced at friend Hobbes in confusion for a moment.
"But not everyone is equal. It doesnt take a wise man to see that at all no no no. That being said, being a ruler takes much... Have you been studying how to lead your people? Wisely and just?"
He asked while he fished around for something more for them to nom on.
"Here you go princess."
He said handing her an apple while tossing her brother one as well.
"back home far far away in my lands I am well was... like a warrior for the lord of the land we are sent on."
He paused for a long moment his eyes growing slightly distressed for but a second.
"Yes yes well it is good that you are safe."
He finished gruffly his tail growing still.

Sigrun Jagrsdottir |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Sigrun listens to the exchange, keeping her thoughts to herself. Irrisen was also founded on ideas of some people being better than others and fit to rule those they considered less.....they'd personally killed quite a few who thought so recently as a matter of fact.

Lyosha Neverhome |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Neverhome stays silent as the boy boasts, he was a child after all, and if they were indeed royalty the ills of this world and suffering of the people were most likely kept from them. He hoped the sister would be more compassionate than Alexia, and that being exposed to all of this would change his opinion.
Then there was the fact that Grigori saved them and was at odds with these Bolsheviks. But he had also trapped them in here with this monster.
"World and everyone within is nyet equal, which is why you should do your best to make world so, your highness. Let me ask, which is more important to you, destroying your enemies... or protecting who you love?" Neverhome asked, admittedly on a bit of whimsy.

Percy Silvershaper |

Percy also remains quiet for now. She had her own views, of course. People made themselves more or less by their choices in life, but she wanted to hear the boy's response, then get them secure and move on to find Baba. The longer they stayed here the more likely that they'd have another run-in with her son.

Percy Silvershaper |

Percy frowns. Not always, little prince. Let's get a move on.

'Silence' |

"Unthinking rage filled enemies perhaps. But what if you took those enemies, and instead of battling them, you come to understand them, to make deflect their anger and turn hate into friendship. You eliminate the the threat while strengthening your lands. But friend Percy is correct yes yes, it is time to move before the Bosheivilkles find us."
He motioned Mule over and lifted first the princess, then the prince up onto his saddle.
"This is Mule, he is the most honorable warhorse you will ever meet. He will keep you safe yes yes."
He added patting the horses neck.

Hobbes 'Rat Trap' Bitterleaf |

Do either of the children know where Grigori is?

Hobbes 'Rat Trap' Bitterleaf |

I don't think we've been to F, so let's try that.

Your Benevolent Dictator |

You walked past it during your scouting run but didn't go inside. XD
On your way to your destination (after hiding from a Dirtling patrol), you see a steaming natural spring. Its waters unfrozen in the cold, it's framed by ancient stone arches enshrining weatherworn statues of veiled women and saintly men (area D5).
Perched on the stone lip of the spring is a beguiling female figure with flowing hair that dances unnaturally, her form constantly shifting and distorting. She is singing a hauntingly-beautiful song of love and loss. Seeing you, she beckons invitingly at you.
Percy's connection to the First World lets her recognize the woman as a rusalka. Will DC 27 to resist approaching her.

Percy Silvershaper |

will: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (3) + 12 = 15
Percy can't help but approach.

Hobbes 'Rat Trap' Bitterleaf |

will: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (3) + 12 = 15
Hobbes likewise approaches.

Hila the Orphan |

Will: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 8 = 17
Hila is also powerless against the Rusalka.

'Silence' |

will save: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18 mule will save: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 2 = 18
He blinks, he swallows he tries to think of the lovely... what... what was her name as he approaches the figure.
I know its Greta, dont worry, stupid will saves.

Sigrun Jagrsdottir |

Sigrun feels the pull of the Rusalka's call, her feet beginning to move forward before she realizes her actions.
Will: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (3) + 9 = 12

Lyosha Neverhome |

Will: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (14) + 11 = 25
Tilting his head back and forth to the tune of her song Neverhome approaches with the others. Sorry for holding things up, a bunch of my campaigns aren't showing the x new posts alert.

Your Benevolent Dictator |

Sorry about the delay; took a spur-of-the-moment trip for my wife's birthday.
The fey giggles flirtatiously at you as she plays with her hair seductively. "We don't get strangers around here too often - especially not good-looking ones like yourselves. Are you here for business of pleasure? Or maybe both?" She winks.

Percy Silvershaper |

Oh, definitely both. flirts Percy, though her definition of such things might not be the same as most people's.

Hobbes 'Rat Trap' Bitterleaf |

"Yea of course, why would we turn down help?"

Percy Silvershaper |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Finding the Eldest. Wanna tag along? Percy says.

Percy Silvershaper |

Well, that's not what the guy in the funny robe said. What was his name. Greg? Anyway, he said he had one in prison or something and we figured that was a super bad idea but also SUPER interesting and exciting and impressive, so we were looking for the prison to see if it was true!
bluff: 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (12) + 21 = 33

Percy Silvershaper |

Does my obvious marking by Imbrex garner any reaction?

Percy Silvershaper |

Upon hearing the fae's tone, Percy engages in one of the oldest and most irresistable methods of bonding among women: rival bashing.
Serafina. Can't say I've met her. Sends he was a fool to leave you here to act as receptionist though. She can't be all that.
diplo: 1d20 + 22 ⇒ (3) + 22 = 25