Redelia's Ironfang Invasion (Inactive)

Game Master Redelia

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Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

Alaka's channel heals 9 of the rangers completely. (these are the ones that look like they were still in training to be rangers). Her channel also heals the four normal rangers most of the way. Cobb still looks badly injured. Trinket then uses 9 charges from her healing wand to make everyone all better.

Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

Harik hears Xakroo's hiss, and appears frightened for a moment, but then straightens up. "I don't know of any particular weaknesses, but I do know the place where he ordered us to stash the dragon hunting weapons that we found here."

HP 53/53 | AC 21 t15 f17 | F+8, R+10, W+4 | Init +4, Perc +15 | Bombs 6/11 | Toxin 10/11 | Goblin Alchemist 7
1st: [-- ] [adhes spittle] [htn aware] [targ bomb adm] [shield] | 2nd:[--][alchem alloc] [vomit swarm] [barkskin] [bead] | 3rd:[--] [vomit twin] | Vial:shield + barkskin

"Worried Poxy was hoping it was just an extra giant kobold like how Mr Friendly Hobogobo was extra giant hobogobo. Hows many charsnardo stragers and us does it take to kill it now?"

Map Female Goblin Cleric 13 | HP 80/80 | AC 17 / T 13 / FF 15 | Fort +8 / Ref +6 / Will +14 | CMB 10 / CMD 24 | Initiative +4 | Perception +27/+31 (hidden) | Channel 7d6 8/8 | Darkvision: 60 feet | Resist Fire 20 | Active Effects:

Alaka high-fives Trinket for good team healing.

After Harik comments about the weapons, she responds:

Perfect Harik! Dragon hunting weapons are going to come in handy. I've never fought a dragon before, but Sarenrae will help us do this. Do you want to help us, or would you rather not? No pressure. I know the dragon might be your friend or something.

Male Kobold Ranger 14 |Init + 6 (+12 underground, +8 in forest, +8 mount)| HP 119/119 | AC 24 (26 w ring of force) | touch 18 | ff 18 (20 w ring of force)| Fort +10 | Ref +15 | Will +8 | +2 vs fear effects|Perception +18 (+24 underground, +20 in forest, +20m)

Xakroo looks at Harik with immense hope. Can you show us where they are? he asked with big eyes, Anything to help take down a dragon will be more then helpful.

Kobold Sorcerer 9 | 50/50 HP | AC 24 T 19 FF 17 CMD 21 | Fort +6 Ref +11 Will +7 (+2 vs. disease) | Initiative +7 | Perception +14, +18 vs. traps (darkvision 60')

"Is there anything which stops acid? Shields or armor I guess. We don't want to end up melted like those rangers did. And, y'now, made for people who aren't twice as tall as us, or three times as tall as me." Jynnjun worries.

Sovereign Court

Female DRAGON! Kobold. Humor her.
Sor6/DD10|HP 178/178|AC:39/T: 21/FF:33|F:+19/R:+15/W:+16|CMB:+14|CMD: 34/28FF|BAB:+10|Init:+9|Blf:+12|Apr:+18|Dip/Fly/K:Arc/Per:+20|Spcft:+21|UMD :+22

"I can provide some arcane support to resist an acidic attack, but it'll cut into my offensive capabilities. Let's say, two folks who want to be able to resist acid?" the dragonette offers helpfully.

Chaotic Good Kobold Fighter 8 (Sheet) | HP: 80/80 | AC: 28 (19 T, 21 F) | CMD: 25 | F: 11, R: 11, W: 8 | Init: 7 | Perc: 11 | Speed 30

Feeling a certain kinship to black dragons Kryptyk was more hesitant. He looks down, kicking at a rock in the courtyard as he speaks.

"Black dragons aren't all that bad. Sure, they are territorial. But usually they attack those who invade their space and do not pay them proper tribute. It's likely there was a misunderstanding with their business arrangement. If that's the case, shouldn't we try to smooth things over rather than just try to kill it?

Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

Harik looks at all of you. "This dragon enjoys hurting just to hurt. I will help you, if you will show me how I can not feel like I'm doing things I shouldn't. I don't know what this is about, but I've been starting to think the Legion is not doing what it should, and want to learn a different way."

Sovereign Court

Female DRAGON! Kobold. Humor her.
Sor6/DD10|HP 178/178|AC:39/T: 21/FF:33|F:+19/R:+15/W:+16|CMB:+14|CMD: 34/28FF|BAB:+10|Init:+9|Blf:+12|Apr:+18|Dip/Fly/K:Arc/Per:+20|Spcft:+21|UMD :+22

It almost sounds like some of the snarls I've tried to fit in with, and why I had to keep moving because they didn't 'feel right'.

Harik gets a squinty look from Petrahk for a moment, then a sage nod and a toothy smile.

"I know that taste all too well. It took some bad choices and mistakes to make me learn a different way, and I don't think you want to go through THOSE, so let's try to help you. And what do you mean, 'the Legion is not doing what it should'?"

Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

"Well, they're hurting lots of people, and that doesn't seem somehow like something they should do."

Harik is clearly struggling with concepts and feelings that he's never really been given language to express.

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Male Kobold Ranger 14 |Init + 6 (+12 underground, +8 in forest, +8 mount)| HP 119/119 | AC 24 (26 w ring of force) | touch 18 | ff 18 (20 w ring of force)| Fort +10 | Ref +15 | Will +8 | +2 vs fear effects|Perception +18 (+24 underground, +20 in forest, +20m)

Xakroo nods, and grabs Harik's hand and shakes it, Believe me, I've felt the exact same way about my old clan. That's why I left-I knew I didn't belong there because of what they did and were doing. If you want, you're welcome to join us! Right guys?

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Map Female Goblin Cleric 13 | HP 80/80 | AC 17 / T 13 / FF 15 | Fort +8 / Ref +6 / Will +14 | CMB 10 / CMD 24 | Initiative +4 | Perception +27/+31 (hidden) | Channel 7d6 8/8 | Darkvision: 60 feet | Resist Fire 20 | Active Effects:

Right. I learned it about fire. I love setting fires, but it felt bad when I made people hurt and sad, and then a human told me about a beautiful fire god named Sarenrae who loves fire TOO.

Alaka grins.

Anyway, she is a good god, so she blesses me with fire so I can help people instead. And it feels so much better than hurting people. You should stay with us and try it.

Hmm, Kryptyk, you could be right about them not being bad overall, but Harik says this one likes to hurt people, so if it won't go away, I think we have to kill it. We can't let it hurt our friends. We'll let you talk to it first if you want to.

Goblin Bard (arcane duelist) 9 | HP: 64/64 AC 25 (T 16, FF 20) | CMB: +6 CMD: 21 | F:+5 R:+12 W:+7 (+5 vs. continuing FX) | Init +5 | Perc +2 (+0 w/ sight), SM -2, Bluff +2, Diplomacy +13, Intimidate +6 | Speed 30 ft. | Spells: 3rd: 0/3, 2nd: 3/5, 1st: 4/6 | Bardic Perf: 12/22 | Advantageous Distraction: 1/1, Arcane Bond: 1/1 | Active Conditions: Lucky Number (1)

Trinket returns Alaka's high five, then does a victory Hero's Healers Dance!

Perform Dance: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (7) + 9 = 16

Suddenly she stops. "Whoah! A dragon! Only the BEST heroes get to kill THOSE!" She prances in place in excitement. "I AM SO EXCITED!"

She seems unconcerned about the danger...

Focusing on Harik she offers him a handshake. "Welcome to the team, Repentant Villain Harik! You'll be a Hero, yet! I can feel it!"

With a wink and a wide grin she adds, "And trust me, Hero-ing feels great!"

Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

So what are you guys going to do now?

Map Female Goblin Cleric 13 | HP 80/80 | AC 17 / T 13 / FF 15 | Fort +8 / Ref +6 / Will +14 | CMB 10 / CMD 24 | Initiative +4 | Perception +27/+31 (hidden) | Channel 7d6 8/8 | Darkvision: 60 feet | Resist Fire 20 | Active Effects:

Alaka tells Harik First, lead us to the dragon-fighting weapons. Then we'll see about the beast itself.

Goblin Bard (arcane duelist) 9 | HP: 64/64 AC 25 (T 16, FF 20) | CMB: +6 CMD: 21 | F:+5 R:+12 W:+7 (+5 vs. continuing FX) | Init +5 | Perc +2 (+0 w/ sight), SM -2, Bluff +2, Diplomacy +13, Intimidate +6 | Speed 30 ft. | Spells: 3rd: 0/3, 2nd: 3/5, 1st: 4/6 | Bardic Perf: 12/22 | Advantageous Distraction: 1/1, Arcane Bond: 1/1 | Active Conditions: Lucky Number (1)

Trinket nods enthusiastically, making her purple wig flop around top her head.

Sovereign Court

Female DRAGON! Kobold. Humor her.
Sor6/DD10|HP 178/178|AC:39/T: 21/FF:33|F:+19/R:+15/W:+16|CMB:+14|CMD: 34/28FF|BAB:+10|Init:+9|Blf:+12|Apr:+18|Dip/Fly/K:Arc/Per:+20|Spcft:+21|UMD :+22

"We also need to make sure that this Ranger cadre is preserved. Right now, it's the only major force I've run into in this neck of the woods, and if there's more attacks, e need to have a unit capable of handling the defense of the region, right?" Petrahk offers after a few moments of consideration. No, we can't use them as fodder for the dragon's attentions...

Male Kobold Ranger 14 |Init + 6 (+12 underground, +8 in forest, +8 mount)| HP 119/119 | AC 24 (26 w ring of force) | touch 18 | ff 18 (20 w ring of force)| Fort +10 | Ref +15 | Will +8 | +2 vs fear effects|Perception +18 (+24 underground, +20 in forest, +20m)

First, we need to get rid of the dragon, and the rest of the hobgoblins, Xakroo started, Then we can start looking for allies to help preserve this fort.

Kobold Sorcerer 9 | 50/50 HP | AC 24 T 19 FF 17 CMD 21 | Fort +6 Ref +11 Will +7 (+2 vs. disease) | Initiative +7 | Perception +14, +18 vs. traps (darkvision 60')

"The hobgoblins we've fought so far haven't been a big problem - sorry Harik - but they could have some better fighters somewhere. I think we need to find those fighters first so they don't attack while we're all looking at the dragon." She shivers. "When it comes to the dragon we might want to try some of those tricks where we mix ice and fire, right Alaka?"

Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

Harik leads you back outside and to the door of an old armory. He opens the door and pushes aside some empty weapon racks, revealing a small chest. He opens it and takes out 10 arrows (+1 dragonbane arrows), one melee weapon (You guys need to agree on one melee weapon you want to be dragonbane) and one magic wand. "These are the things that Ibzarik told us to hide where no one would ever find them."

Map Female Goblin Cleric 13 | HP 80/80 | AC 17 / T 13 / FF 15 | Fort +8 / Ref +6 / Will +14 | CMB 10 / CMD 24 | Initiative +4 | Perception +27/+31 (hidden) | Channel 7d6 8/8 | Darkvision: 60 feet | Resist Fire 20 | Active Effects:

Alake responds to Jynnjun Maybe, but what if the dragon is immune to fire or something? Aren't a lot of them?

Regarding weapons, Alaka doesn't have a preference. Maybe something for the person who can hit hardest?

Kobold Sorcerer 9 | 50/50 HP | AC 24 T 19 FF 17 CMD 21 | Fort +6 Ref +11 Will +7 (+2 vs. disease) | Initiative +7 | Perception +14, +18 vs. traps (darkvision 60')

"Ah, but ice and fire mixed make a big bang, not like fire on its own. It should work." Jynnjun makes sure she looks certain.

Ice spell + fire spell + elemental commixture = nonlethal but otherwise untyped damage. The dragonbane melee weapon could be a starknife for Kryptyk (if throwable counts as melee) or a rapier for Trinket. Since it won't be returning or distance I think it'd be most use as the rapier, but I'm open to being corrected here.

Goblin Bard (arcane duelist) 9 | HP: 64/64 AC 25 (T 16, FF 20) | CMB: +6 CMD: 21 | F:+5 R:+12 W:+7 (+5 vs. continuing FX) | Init +5 | Perc +2 (+0 w/ sight), SM -2, Bluff +2, Diplomacy +13, Intimidate +6 | Speed 30 ft. | Spells: 3rd: 0/3, 2nd: 3/5, 1st: 4/6 | Bardic Perf: 12/22 | Advantageous Distraction: 1/1, Arcane Bond: 1/1 | Active Conditions: Lucky Number (1)

Trinket poses dramatically and laughs.

"Never fear! Heroes are here! We will put these to good use against the evil, and foul, and terribly dangerous dragon!"

She seems very excited about it.

Is anyone other than Trinket going to want to fight in melee against a dragon? Cause that sounds a little reckless... Haha.

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Map Female Goblin Cleric 13 | HP 80/80 | AC 17 / T 13 / FF 15 | Fort +8 / Ref +6 / Will +14 | CMB 10 / CMD 24 | Initiative +4 | Perception +27/+31 (hidden) | Channel 7d6 8/8 | Darkvision: 60 feet | Resist Fire 20 | Active Effects:

Trinket=Reckless :)

Sovereign Court

Female DRAGON! Kobold. Humor her.
Sor6/DD10|HP 178/178|AC:39/T: 21/FF:33|F:+19/R:+15/W:+16|CMB:+14|CMD: 34/28FF|BAB:+10|Init:+9|Blf:+12|Apr:+18|Dip/Fly/K:Arc/Per:+20|Spcft:+21|UMD :+22

"Does anyone mind if I take a look at the wand and try to puzzle it out a bit? I'm not much of a weapon user, either in ranged or melee combat, and knowing that it's a dragon that's probably immune to my signature is a bit of an issue. Not that I don't have a means of getting around it, just trying to make sure that we have all the options covered?" Petrahk offers after a few moments of thoughtful examination of the 'hidden armory'.

If Trinket gets a shiny rapier, Trinket is getting a Resist Energy(Acid). Just sayin'. :P

Male Kobold Ranger 14 |Init + 6 (+12 underground, +8 in forest, +8 mount)| HP 119/119 | AC 24 (26 w ring of force) | touch 18 | ff 18 (20 w ring of force)| Fort +10 | Ref +15 | Will +8 | +2 vs fear effects|Perception +18 (+24 underground, +20 in forest, +20m)

Xakroo eyes the dragonbane arrows, and his smile just grows and grows. These...will definitely help, he croaked joyfully. Zarvak nuzzles him and his smile fades. What about Zarvak? I...I can't risk losing her to a dragon. She's great against hobgoblins but a dragon... His voice begins to trail off.

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Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

Petrahk, Alaka, Jynjunn:
The wand is a partial wand of resist energy.

Kobold Sorcerer 9 | 50/50 HP | AC 24 T 19 FF 17 CMD 21 | Fort +6 Ref +11 Will +7 (+2 vs. disease) | Initiative +7 | Perception +14, +18 vs. traps (darkvision 60')

Jynnjun pats Xakroo's shoulder, "if hobbogobbos that we don't find now show up when the dragon does I'm sure she'll give a good account of herself there, which should keep her away from the dragon. Anyways, the rest of us should look like better targets - just don't bunch up! It's not just the breath, dragons have ways of making that hurt.

"So, Harik, where do those best fighters or their leader hang out? I really don't want to fight a dragon on the one side, a swordmaster on the other at the same time."

If Kryptyk is too busy being one with the shadows, Schrödinger's weapon must be a rapier with 'Fat Chance' inscribed on it, formerly owned by a halfling IMO.

Sovereign Court

Female DRAGON! Kobold. Humor her.
Sor6/DD10|HP 178/178|AC:39/T: 21/FF:33|F:+19/R:+15/W:+16|CMB:+14|CMD: 34/28FF|BAB:+10|Init:+9|Blf:+12|Apr:+18|Dip/Fly/K:Arc/Per:+20|Spcft:+21|UMD :+22

The dragonette brightens up a bit when she looks at the wand. "Well, that's a thing. Don't have to tax my own resources. Who doesn't want to get dragon drool on them, and if so, mitigate the effects a bit?"

Goblin Bard (arcane duelist) 9 | HP: 64/64 AC 25 (T 16, FF 20) | CMB: +6 CMD: 21 | F:+5 R:+12 W:+7 (+5 vs. continuing FX) | Init +5 | Perc +2 (+0 w/ sight), SM -2, Bluff +2, Diplomacy +13, Intimidate +6 | Speed 30 ft. | Spells: 3rd: 0/3, 2nd: 3/5, 1st: 4/6 | Bardic Perf: 12/22 | Advantageous Distraction: 1/1, Arcane Bond: 1/1 | Active Conditions: Lucky Number (1)

Trinket happily takes a fancy rapier in her hands and waves it around. "This is going to be great for stabbing dragons! Hero's TRIUMPH!"

She then proceeds to do a victory dance while the others chat about arrows and wands.

Safe to assume its +1 dragonbane?

Trinket nods her head at Jynnjun's words. He hat and wig flop around wildly. "Yeah! Where are the great warriors? After we defeat them, we can challenge the villainous dragon!" She smiles widely. "This is going to be the best day EVER!"

Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

"No one will come into the tower unless they have been summoned; they are afraid of the dragon. You will see the best remaining fighters as you climb the tower," Harik explains.

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HP 53/53 | AC 21 t15 f17 | F+8, R+10, W+4 | Init +4, Perc +15 | Bombs 6/11 | Toxin 10/11 | Goblin Alchemist 7
1st: [-- ] [adhes spittle] [htn aware] [targ bomb adm] [shield] | 2nd:[--][alchem alloc] [vomit swarm] [barkskin] [bead] | 3rd:[--] [vomit twin] | Vial:shield + barkskin

"Dragon drool?! Interested Poxy wants some! Everyones waits just a minute!" Poxy excitedly rummages through his bags and produces a bunch of empty vials. He tries to hand one to each member of the party. "Ifs dragon drools its drool on you, puts it in the jar and clever Poxy will have the drool for later!"

Sovereign Court

Female DRAGON! Kobold. Humor her.
Sor6/DD10|HP 178/178|AC:39/T: 21/FF:33|F:+19/R:+15/W:+16|CMB:+14|CMD: 34/28FF|BAB:+10|Init:+9|Blf:+12|Apr:+18|Dip/Fly/K:Arc/Per:+20|Spcft:+21|UMD :+22

The dragonette squints at Poxy for a few moments, then raises her right eyeridge in a learned befuddled fashion.

"I suspect folks will not want it burning through all their gear. I could be mistaken, of course."

Petrahk is willing to hit folks with the Resist Energy:Acid when we get closer to the dragon, now that we know we have 'Elite mooks' to fight through.

Map Female Goblin Cleric 13 | HP 80/80 | AC 17 / T 13 / FF 15 | Fort +8 / Ref +6 / Will +14 | CMB 10 / CMD 24 | Initiative +4 | Perception +27/+31 (hidden) | Channel 7d6 8/8 | Darkvision: 60 feet | Resist Fire 20 | Active Effects:

Alaka takes one of the vials from Poxy, looking at it dubiously.

Are you sure this will hold it? ... I don't think I want to get that close, but I will take one just in case.

Chaotic Good Kobold Fighter 8 (Sheet) | HP: 80/80 | AC: 28 (19 T, 21 F) | CMD: 25 | F: 11, R: 11, W: 8 | Init: 7 | Perc: 11 | Speed 30

Normally I'd say stick behind me, but with dragons, that's rarely a wise tactic. Best to stay spread out and try to surround it. Black dragons can be tricky, but maybe this one has gotten a bit overconfident.

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Goblin Bard (arcane duelist) 9 | HP: 64/64 AC 25 (T 16, FF 20) | CMB: +6 CMD: 21 | F:+5 R:+12 W:+7 (+5 vs. continuing FX) | Init +5 | Perc +2 (+0 w/ sight), SM -2, Bluff +2, Diplomacy +13, Intimidate +6 | Speed 30 ft. | Spells: 3rd: 0/3, 2nd: 3/5, 1st: 4/6 | Bardic Perf: 12/22 | Advantageous Distraction: 1/1, Arcane Bond: 1/1 | Active Conditions: Lucky Number (1)

Trinket takes the vial from Poxy and nods. "Never fear! Great Hero Trinket will get you dragon drool! SIDE QUEST! YAY!"

Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

Are you guys ready to start climbing the tower?

Map Female Goblin Cleric 13 | HP 80/80 | AC 17 / T 13 / FF 15 | Fort +8 / Ref +6 / Will +14 | CMB 10 / CMD 24 | Initiative +4 | Perception +27/+31 (hidden) | Channel 7d6 8/8 | Darkvision: 60 feet | Resist Fire 20 | Active Effects:

Time to go.

I think whoever is most heroic should lead the way up the stairs.

Kobold Sorcerer 9 | 50/50 HP | AC 24 T 19 FF 17 CMD 21 | Fort +6 Ref +11 Will +7 (+2 vs. disease) | Initiative +7 | Perception +14, +18 vs. traps (darkvision 60')

Jynnjun gets out of Trinket's way quickly.

"They must know that something's up by now, so keep an eye out for counter-ambushes, kay?" she suggests.

Sovereign Court

Female DRAGON! Kobold. Humor her.
Sor6/DD10|HP 178/178|AC:39/T: 21/FF:33|F:+19/R:+15/W:+16|CMB:+14|CMD: 34/28FF|BAB:+10|Init:+9|Blf:+12|Apr:+18|Dip/Fly/K:Arc/Per:+20|Spcft:+21|UMD :+22

Really? We're going to do it this way? Well, it could be worse. At least none of the dragons on our team are dead-set on worshiping the big one upstairs... I hope!

The dragonette nods to the rest of the diminutive team, but holds back a bit, glancing to Harik.

"Look, if you don't feel comfortable doing this and want to hold back a bit, I don't think any of us would fault you? You've already done a lot for us and risked a tremendous amount..."

Just giving him a chance to back out if he wants to. Petrahk wouldn't stand in front of his freedom to choose. Otherwise, she'd be no better than the bulk of other kobolds she's encountered -- current party not included in that assessment. Also, ready to get going!

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Goblin Bard (arcane duelist) 9 | HP: 64/64 AC 25 (T 16, FF 20) | CMB: +6 CMD: 21 | F:+5 R:+12 W:+7 (+5 vs. continuing FX) | Init +5 | Perc +2 (+0 w/ sight), SM -2, Bluff +2, Diplomacy +13, Intimidate +6 | Speed 30 ft. | Spells: 3rd: 0/3, 2nd: 3/5, 1st: 4/6 | Bardic Perf: 12/22 | Advantageous Distraction: 1/1, Arcane Bond: 1/1 | Active Conditions: Lucky Number (1)

Trinket happily dashes into the lead. "Follow me, fellow Heroes! Onward! TO VICTORY!"

Trinket casts biting words on herself, holds her rapier in her hand, and then is ready to go!

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Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

Harik gives Petrahk a frank look. "I'm already a traitor to them. They win, I die in ways I'd prefer not to think about. You win, I live until another day and might learn how to not feel so lousy about what I do."

Sovereign Court

Female DRAGON! Kobold. Humor her.
Sor6/DD10|HP 178/178|AC:39/T: 21/FF:33|F:+19/R:+15/W:+16|CMB:+14|CMD: 34/28FF|BAB:+10|Init:+9|Blf:+12|Apr:+18|Dip/Fly/K:Arc/Per:+20|Spcft:+21|UMD :+22

"Fair enough. Alright folks, we do everything in our power to keep Harik alive! The stakes for him are higher than the rest of us, we'd probably just be slaves..." the dragonette states, giving the hobgoblin a firm look in return.

Good on ya, guy. Let's make sure you get a chance to figure this all out.

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Chaotic Good Kobold Fighter 8 (Sheet) | HP: 80/80 | AC: 28 (19 T, 21 F) | CMD: 25 | F: 11, R: 11, W: 8 | Init: 7 | Perc: 11 | Speed 30

"No one makes a slave out of any of us if I have anything to say about it."

Kryptyk keeps moving, he won't argue with Trinket about who is best suited to going in first, but he'll follow in case he needs to keep the goblin out of trouble.

Map Female Goblin Cleric 13 | HP 80/80 | AC 17 / T 13 / FF 15 | Fort +8 / Ref +6 / Will +14 | CMB 10 / CMD 24 | Initiative +4 | Perception +27/+31 (hidden) | Channel 7d6 8/8 | Darkvision: 60 feet | Resist Fire 20 | Active Effects:

Alaka goes up with Harik, hoping she has enough healing for whatever happens next.

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Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

OK, everyone, I've moved the map of the next level of the tower to the top. The yellow arrow shows how you arrive. Please place yourselves on the map, on or near the stairs. After you all do this, I will describe what you see. You also should place Harik and Zarvik where you want them to be.

Kobold Sorcerer 9 | 50/50 HP | AC 24 T 19 FF 17 CMD 21 | Fort +6 Ref +11 Will +7 (+2 vs. disease) | Initiative +7 | Perception +14, +18 vs. traps (darkvision 60')

Jynnjun scurries across the landing and crouches by the pool there. Ick. Still, the dripping noise should cover my breathing.

Goblin Bard (arcane duelist) 9 | HP: 64/64 AC 25 (T 16, FF 20) | CMB: +6 CMD: 21 | F:+5 R:+12 W:+7 (+5 vs. continuing FX) | Init +5 | Perc +2 (+0 w/ sight), SM -2, Bluff +2, Diplomacy +13, Intimidate +6 | Speed 30 ft. | Spells: 3rd: 0/3, 2nd: 3/5, 1st: 4/6 | Bardic Perf: 12/22 | Advantageous Distraction: 1/1, Arcane Bond: 1/1 | Active Conditions: Lucky Number (1)

Trinket prances into the room and points her rapier to the ceiling!

HP 53/53 | AC 21 t15 f17 | F+8, R+10, W+4 | Init +4, Perc +15 | Bombs 6/11 | Toxin 10/11 | Goblin Alchemist 7
1st: [-- ] [adhes spittle] [htn aware] [targ bomb adm] [shield] | 2nd:[--][alchem alloc] [vomit swarm] [barkskin] [bead] | 3rd:[--] [vomit twin] | Vial:shield + barkskin

Poxy follows Jynnjun to the other side.

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