Razor Coast Texas Style!
Game Master
Razor Coast, a devil’s paradise, where a man’s fortune can bleed out quicker than a spitted pig, and where the dawn sky blazes across endless oceans. Oceans that for centuries hid a lost people of whom legend whisper were born into these wild reaches as the sons of sharks. Here, within in the kraken’s clutches, law means little while gold breaks all boundaries and blood, pearls, and rum pay for all sin.
The Veiled Isle
Roll20 Map Site
How about a Keneticist (overwhelming soul)? That could supply a significant amount of boom. The concept is a little weird though. He can't speak because of a birth defect. He can make noises but no articulation. Because of this he has used to music to express himself and, as part of the fluff, plays his guitar to use air kenetic blasts. He keeps a chalkboard to communicate and knows sign language so someone could spend a skill point for Lingustics to communicate with him. And I saw this great idea to have some signs ready and hold them up like Wile E. Coyote.
Oro-Tu wrote: Versatility isn't bad, but we do get into a lot of fights and when physical damage won't help leialoha usually would pick up the slack (he had the class features to swap damage types and specialized in fireballs I think).
So while a pure blaster isn't required in my opinion, we definitely need that ability to do damage to creatures I can't just beat to death.
Group has changed a bit though, might be worth checking out the current lineup.
I did look at the group: three damage dealers, a bard to send them into overdrive, a cleric to buff and heal, a fair bit of party face...
I assumed utility and battlefield control with a bit of buffing would be what was needed.
What kind of encounters have you had trouble with?
Okay! I'll work on some sort of Psychic, then. Maybe a Psychic Duelist? They're great at arcane utility and area debuffs, (with less AoE damage or friendly buffs than a wizard) but really excel at damaging creatures that aren't hit easily by normal weapons.
EDIT: Re-read psychic duelist. Being able to summon imaginary creatures that attack people's minds directly seems like a pretty neat thing to focus on.
Should I plan to build a human, or are Tulita a broader culture?
thunderbeard wrote: Okay! I'll work on some sort of Psychic, then. Maybe a Psychic Duelist? They're great at arcane utility and area debuffs, (with less AoE damage or friendly buffs than a wizard) but really excel at damaging creatures that aren't hit easily by normal weapons.
EDIT: Re-read psychic duelist. Being able to summon imaginary creatures that attack people's minds directly seems like a pretty neat thing to focus on.
Should I plan to build a human, or are Tulita a broader culture?
Under Campaign Info it says only core classes plus alchemist, swashbuckler and inquisitor.
Oh! I missed that there was campaign info relevant to character creation. I'll uh... probably back off then.
Problem with Psychic is you reduce our versatility as at the moment I can grab any spell up to Level 3 that any of our other casters have learnt and get another use out of it potentially. Can't do that with psychic as it's not a spell to 'steal'.
Don't remember the encounters exactly (we took a summer break) but we just went through a couple of high DR adamantine type enemies. Like i said I don't think we need a pure blaster, I am a huge fan of Batman, but for those instances where magic is the answer we have pretty much nothing right now :)
Silas can steal spells and basically help be a blaster in those instances, which is why I don't think a pure one is needed. But as long as you can memorize some decent blasts it won't really matter. Which any good wizard can do on the side lol
At level 8 wealth shouldn't I just be casting enlarge person, heroism, haste and magic weapon on someone with an adamantine weapon?
Well, the guy who got the +2 adamantine great sword traded it in for a +1 cutlass and then left the game. I gave the party the gold value, but you can't just buy adamantine in my game. Need to find it.
Ah, well that changes things rather a lot.
Any horrible colonials and/or Dajobas worshippers with an adamantine weapon?
Honestly, I'm still keen, the group seems cool and I like Razor Ciast, but don't really have the pathfinder-fu to build an effective blaster.
Actually blasters are simple. They are boring and often ineffective, but simple. High dex max int get all knowledges that identify monsters. For sorcere go halfling pick point blank and precise shot, go scorching ray, ray of engeeb. And enervation and fireball magic missle and reduce person.
I will work up a concept if this is still on going recruitment. Looking over campaign info now.
Leialoha was anything but ineffective. He was effective as our fighters or better! Robert is botting him for now so we are set.
In our pen and paper campaign we had a sorcerer blaster. Council of thieves. Our blaster did less damage per evening than our fighter per round. Myself played a halfling wizard in kalamar and was deadly. It needs creativity system knowledge and focus.
Yes, just because you are a blaster does not in itself mean that you are good or bad. You need to have the know how to do it. I have played more than a few good blasters in my time.
Looks like we need a new 9th level barbarian for our Razor Coast game.
I'd be interested, would a bloodrager be an acceptable alternative, or is barbarian a must?
Zayne Iwatani wrote: How about a Keneticist (overwhelming soul)? That could supply a significant amount of boom. The concept is a little weird though. He can't speak because of a birth defect. He can make noises but no articulation. Because of this he has used to music to express himself and, as part of the fluff, plays his guitar to use air kenetic blasts. He keeps a chalkboard to communicate and knows sign language so someone could spend a skill point for Lingustics to communicate with him. And I saw this great idea to have some signs ready and hold them up like Wile E. Coyote.
I'd like to play in this game. I've played with the GM before. I can play most standard classes, but prefer Rangers
Howdy do. This was the one we were talking about the other day, right?
I wanna try out an Eldritch Knight. I may take a novel approach to it.
At the moment we really need a mage. Our former blaster is gone.
I was advised of such when brv brought it up.
My eldritch knight can drop the hammer.
Silas, these are both players from my home game so I can recommend them. Paletress is a unrepented powergamer though. can help with clerical support as Aurora is more of a fighting cleric.
Well as a Sandman I'm very keen to get people I can appropriate spells from.
Yeah, that's a useful ability to have, like a force multiplier for spellcasting.
Question: can that ability snarf up metamagicked spells?
Anyway, I'm thinking the following: Wiz 5 (admixture) / Gunslinger 1 (musket master) / Eldritch Knight 3
With permission for the gunslinger business, and maybe a primer on the razor coast gunpowder rules. He'll be an elf, and yes I recall the ramifications of that... I might be reprising a certain piratey caster I did before, but without all the obnoxious sleep hexes. I can do something other than gunslinger for the martial class I need, but gunslinger just seems the most entertaining... and I ain't gonna go spellslinger wizard.
That's just crazy talk.
Does my character concept pass muster? Need to know if I can start revving the character up, and what the starting wealth is.
Fine with me, I'm good with whatever caster Silas needs haha.
I think EK will be good
Gunslingers need 5 levels to come online. I just think it's the best idea. And you need dex con int wis. That hurts badly
Gunslingers need 5 levels to come online. I just don't think it's the best idea.
And you need dex con int wis. That hurts badly
If going ranged can reduce con and focus on Dex and int. Lvl5 gives Dex to dmg but you could skip. Is there a way to arcane archer type rider on bullets? And not depend on flat dmg.
Or do 3 lvls of trench fighter but that's a lot of lost spellcasting.
Unfort gunpowder weapons are pretty short ranged for Touch Ac.
Upon further research, maybe spellslinger ain't so crazy after all.
As for the stats, those are pretty exclusively the best stats for a wiz, and eldritch knight makes no requirements about what kind of fighter type one might be.
Granted, this is all moot if Brv says nope.
So Brv sez it's up to Silas. Spellslinger/Musketmaster/EK good? Figure Silas can handle the utility spells while I blow things up muchly and enable Silas to blow things up muchly as well.
And some happy fun sniping...
Sure. You'll be two caster levels down but that's not that bad for blaster, and plenty of stealable spells. Silas thoughts?
The two caster levels can be partially addressed with a trait bonus. I'll only have the spell selection of a 7th level caster, but those spells will hit like I'm 9th.
I don't know if Silas is reading this but I say go for it.
There we go. Got the nitty-gritty stuff outta the way. Will fill in background information later. Need to rest now. Think I came down with what Brv might've had.
Yeah sorry was in London and didn't get chance to look in.
I made a 9th level wizard, Look him over and see if I can play. If not, no hard feelings either way.
Please take a look at Lanlass for possible inclusion.
Any idea on personality or background?
Looks good except background etc like Silas mentioned. Also why +2 longsword and quarterstaff? Would probably be better spent on pearls of power or something. Or at least longbow and sword instead of two melee weapons?
Old school elven wizard. You want ranged you use spells!
Still, could memorize greater magic weapon and buy pearls of power for less than one of the +2 melee weapons lol.
Or skip them both and buy enough to refresh half the spells to blast with.
Background synopsis: Kidnapped by slaves when very young of elf, finally escaped after one of the slavers and mentioned that his family was dead. (This was the threat that kept him for escaping earlier.) He was schooled as a wizard to help the slavers keep the other slaves in line. This why is spells are sort of a mishmash he never had any formal training in magic.
He's a bit self-centered and thinks of himself first unless he happens to like owe you a favor or thinks you'll keep him alive if he helps out. once Lanlass is your friend he will do all he can to hlp you.
Good enough for me. Though I'd still strongly suggest dropping a melee weapon +2 for other stuff.
Anyone interested in restarting this or one of my other campaigns let me know. Or could start a new campaign in the Dark Tower.
I’d be interested in of the frog god games stuff you’ve run (except rappan athuk I don’t feel like a dungeon craw). You might get more interest if you started a new recruitment. I’ve poke around your alias a bit and looks like you are using pathfinder rules and not swords & wizardry correct?
Possibly interested if you’ll have me. It’s only been 10 or so years…