Qstor's PFS #8-06 Reaping What We Sow (closed recruitment) (Inactive)

Game Master Qstor




Map 1

Swamp map

Liberty's Edge

Looking for 4 players

Sovereign Court

Let me sign up then. Not sure on the character as it depends if we are playing up or down.

Grand Lodge

Hsss... Sssurprissse partiesss isss bessst!

Different PC if we play up.

Signing up if it's low tier :) I wanted to play my Inquisitor.

I will play if it's low tier.

Liberty's Edge

There's only 3 spots sorry for any confusion if the party wants to run with 7 Tundran is in.

Closed for now.

Grand Lodge

I don't mind whatever number of PC's.

Got room for 5?

Liberty's Edge

It's closed for now.

Alrighty. Over and out ...

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