Psilacetin's Solo Spectacle

Game Master Psilacetin

Provision Points: 28
Special - Aubrin the Green, Jett, Oreld (unconscious)
Commoners - 7
Warriors - 0
Experts - 0
Aristocrats - 1
Adepts - 2

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I'd simply love to run this back in reality but haven't the time or the manpower. I came here to look for a single player (to keep matters as manageable as possible) who relishes getting slaughtered a challenge. Naturally our lone wolf would get some type of power boost to compensate, but the going would still be brutal, especially in the beginning. Finally, this game would emphasize the player character's story above all else. If you choose to derail the plot train, you will suffer the consequences but you won't be forced back on. Thoughts?

I've never played a solo game but I'm open to trying.

I would be interested.

This sounds interesting.

My idea would be for an Aeriekin (Were-raptor Skinwalker from the Bestiary of Trial of the Hunted). He'd trace his heritage to an owl-like wereraptor and be a follower of Tanagaar. He'd be an Inquisitor using the Sacred Huntmaster and Green Faith Marshall archetypes.

Or how about... Ya know... A normal run of it? :D

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

This sounds interesting. Do you have an idea yet of the character creation guidelines/

Normalcy just ain't in vogue, at least in my book. Also, like I said I'd like to really load the story onto a single character. For character creation, I had in mind something like:

  • Gestalt, possibly even tristalt.
  • 30 point buy regular or maybe 20 on a point by point basis.
  • Max HP every level.
  • Feat every level.
  • Background skills or perhaps just bonus skill points.
  • Starting level 2, or even 1 if you're a purist.
  • 2 campaign traits in addition to the 2 normal traits.
Honestly, if anyone wants to pitch me their own set of character creation guidelines I'd be willing to tweak them/work with that.

I could be very interested in this. I've been thinking in terms of solo games for a while now, I'd love to try it.

I had a character that would do good for this. He has 3rd party material but can be updated. He was a throwback to fighter/mage/thief I used to have. (This is his alias)

For a solo game meant for 4 PC's I like the gestalt/tristalt idea. The rest looks good. I'd suggest using feat tax rules so power attack etc are moved to combat options.

Ah yes, let's roll with these feat tax adjustments. I'm also open to third party, but will review anything before I allow it.

Edit: I did more googling and found these feat changes as well. A lot more bonus feats, but a bit more bookkeeping. Once again, feel free to pitch your preferred rules.

I was thinking something like a 30-point buy gestalt situation would work.

Falcon Gray was just a kid when his parents died of sickness. With little in the way of worldly possessions, he left Phaendar to see the world...and nobody noticed. He hadn't traveled far before he was robbed of what little he had, and found himself taking shelter in an abandoned shrine of Erastil. For days, he foraged on berries, unaware he was being watched the whole time, and judged. Eventually, the hound archon who had taken up residence in the shrine revealed himself, and took the young boy in, training him in the ways of Erastil, how to defend himself, and how to watch out for others. As he trained, he learned that animals from Erastil's realm would appear to him, and that he could communicate with them, after a fashion. With his training complete, Falcon returned home, intending to establish himself as his village's guardian...and again, nobody noticed.

Falcon Gray is a human gestalt paladin/summoner. He possesses a strong personality, but he hasn't yet found it. He is introverted and shy, and very loyal to a town that had forgotten his existence five minutes after he left.

Build ideas:
I'd like to use the holy guide and warrior of the holy
Light paladin archetypes (they exchange mercies for favoured terrains and spells for extra lay on hands and other combat related effects). I'd also like to use the master summoner and synthesis archetypes (not quite legal as they both effect the eidolon, but in a way that can be complementary), or perhaps the celestial commander from Rite Publishing if you don't mind some 3pp. Falcon fights with long sword and shield.

Would you allow the Warlord? From what I've heard of the AP, it seems fitting.


This is a character that I would love to be able to do a playthrough of that with. He's currently a Barbarian (mad dog), and I would update him to gestalt with the Unchained Rogue (bruiser, if 3rd party is allowed)

Backstory is completely done, and I can do anything else per request. Thanks for looking!

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

I'll work on a character tomorrow. I'm thinking since there is no party dynamic to worry about, I might try a necromancy character. I wrote a magus archetype for Fat Goblin Games called the Battlefield Defiler that I've been itching to actually play... combined with a martial gestalt it could be awesome. I can send you the class PDF if you'd like.

Yes to all the homebrew so far. I checked out a review of the Battlefield Defiler and that looks decent as well.

What about spheres of power?

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

What kind of moneys should we plan to start with? Would it make sense to have starting gold equal to a full 4-person party?

Addi Quillicus wrote:

This is a character that I would love to be able to do a playthrough of that with. He's currently a Barbarian (mad dog), and I would update him to gestalt with the Unchained Rogue (bruiser, if 3rd party is allowed)

Backstory is completely done, and I can do anything else per request. Thanks for looking!

I just noticed that the backstory wasn't accessible for some reason. Just lettin you know that it's now fixed

How would you feel about a natural lycanthrope in terms of power up instead of starting lvl 2? So start at 1 but with the template.

I'd go for the wereraptor (as in bird, not dinosaur) as seen in the bestiary of the first part of the AP. It would be eagle based.

The basic idea behind it is that the character is part of a family of hunters, all wereraptors, who live a small distance from Phaendar and come to the town to trade. My character would be the only current inhabitant of the home. When he was old enough to leave the "nest" his parents instead left the territory to him and went their separate ways.

Here's the bones of Cartmanbeck's character, with a bit of backstory. She's a magus (the Battlefield Defiler archetype is listed in a spoiler in her profile, BTW) and a vigilante as well, with TWO social personas (thanks to the Guise of Undead social talent). One of her social personas is a beautiful young human girl who the town loves and appreciates, and the other is an evil vampire who shows up to terrorize the locals every so often. Ulmah keeps her REAL self hidden from the locals for the most part, spending any of her alone time researching undead-creation techniques.

Spheres of power: yes. Lycanthrope: yes. Wealth is TBD at the moment.

In other news, with all of these characters rolling in, I guess this thread has officially moved from interest check to recruitment.

Would you allow animal companions to use Wisdom for skills?

Deep in the woods, a half orc strides with three warcats. He moves like them, he has fangs like them, he smells like them. He runs through the moonlight to face what he has heard is there. The goblinoids who slew his tribe.


Half-orc barbarian (hateful rager, mad dog) 2, sphere druid 2, shifter (pack master) 2
N Medium humanoid (human, orc)
Hero Points 2
Init +2; Senses darkvision 120 ft., low-light vision; Perception +7
AC 17, touch 12, flat-footed 15 (+4 armor, +2 Dex, +1 natural)
hp 30 (2d12+6)
Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +7
Defensive Abilities sacred tattoo[APG]
Weaknesses limited protection, lycanthropic, focus casting
Speed 40 ft.
Melee bite +7 (1d4+4 [+6 only attack]) PA: +6 1d4+6/+9
. . 2 claws +7 (1d4+4) PA: +6 1d4+6
Caster Level 2; MSB 2; MSD 13; Concentration +5
Spell Points 12
Range 480, 120, 35;
Alteration - CL 2; DC 14; Duration 2 minutes;
. . Alteration: Animalistic Transformation You can give your shapeshift target the quadruped form
. . Alteration: Bestial Reflexes You can give your shapeshift target several bestial traits
. . Alteration: Shapeshifting (1 trait) You can bestow the Blank Form
Fate - CL 2; DC 14; Duration 2 minutes;
. . Fate: Bless Allow target to make a roll twice and use the better result
. . Fate: Hallow +1 Grant target bonuses vs. opposed alignment and immunity to mind control
. . Fate: Serendipity Nearby allies gain luck bonuses
Life - CL 2; DC 14; Duration 2 minutes;
. . Life: Cure 1d8+2 Heal a target for 1d8+2 hit points
. . Life: Invigorate (Up to 2 temp HP) Grant up to 2 temporary HP to an injured target
. . Life: Restore Heal a target's ability damage and remove negative conditions
. . Life: Revitalize Cure can grant the target Fast Healing instead of healing normally
Nature - CL 2; DC 14; Duration 2 minutes;
. . Nature: Entangle Cause plants to grow rapidly, entangling creatures in an area
. . Nature: Geomancing (Plantlife) You may command terrain and natural effects to act on your behalf
. . Nature: Growth Cause plants to grow food instantly
. . Nature: Pummel Cause a tree to attack enemies
Str 18, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 8
Base Atk +2; CMB +6; CMD 18
Feats Combat Expertise, Deadly Aim, Ironhide[APG], Power Attack, Razortusk[APG], Weapon Focus (natural weapons)
Traits beastkin, blackthorn rancher (lambreth), ironfang survivor, unbreakable survivor
Skills Acrobatics +6 (+10 to jump), Climb +8, Handle Animal +5, Heal +7, Knowledge (geography) +6, Knowledge (local) +2, Knowledge (nature) +7, Perception +7, Sense Motive +4, Stealth +6, Survival +10, Swim +8
Languages Common, Druidic, Goblin, Orc
SQ animal companion, animalistic transformation, bestial reflexes, bestial trait (claws), casting, dusksight, hero points, nature bond, orc blood, pack tactics, shapeshifter, shapeshifting, wild empathy, woodland stride
Other Gear darkleaf cloth lamellar (leather) armor[UC], backpack, belt pouch, blanket[APG], feed (per day) (5), flint and steel, holly and mistletoe, mess kit[UE], pot, soap, spell component pouch, torch (10), trail rations (5), waterskin, 176 gp
Special Abilities
Agile Maneuvers Use DEX instead of STR for CMB
Animal Companion Link (Ex) Handle or push Animal Companion faster, +4 to checks vs. them.
Casting (CL 2, Wisdom, DC 13) You can cast sphere effects.
Combat Expertise +/-1 Bonus to AC in exchange for an equal penalty to attack.
Darkvision (120 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Deadly Aim -1/+2 Trade a penalty to ranged attacks for a bonus to ranged damage.
Dusksight Ranged attacks vs. foes with concealment, roll miss chance twice (choose best).
Fast Movement +10 (Ex) +10 feet to speed, unless heavily loaded.
Favored Enemy (goblinoids) +2 +2 bonus on attacks/damage/skills vs goblinoids
Hero Points Hero Points can be spent at any time to grant a variety of bonuses.
Ironhide Your skin is thicker and more resilient than that of most of your people.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in dim light, distinguishing color and detail.
Nature Sense (Ex) A druid gains a +2 bonus on Knowledge (nature) and Survival checks.
Orc Blood Half-orcs count as both humans and orcs for any effect related to race.
Pack Tactics (Ex) Both master and war beast gain +4 when flanking with each other.
Point-Blank Shot +1 to attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at up to 30 feet.
Power Attack -1/+2 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Sacred Tattoo +1 to all saves.
Wild Empathy +2 (Ex) Improve the attitude of an animal, as if using Diplomacy.
Woodland Stride (Ex) Move through undergrowth at normal speed.


Ikesh, Koreva, Mogra
Warcat of rull
N Medium animal
Init +2; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +4
AC 18, touch 12, flat-footed 16 (+2 Dex, +6 natural)
hp 33 (3d8+9)
Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +1
Speed 40 ft.
Melee bite +4 (1d6+2), 2 claws +4 (1d4+2)
Str 15, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 2, Wis 11, Cha 5
Base Atk +2; CMB +4; CMD 16
Feats Combat Expertise, Deadly Aim, Improved Natural Armor, Improved Natural Armor, Power Attack
Tricks Attack, Attack, Attack Any Target, Down, Fetch, Heel, Hunting, Seek, Track
Skills Acrobatics +2 (+6 to jump), Perception +4, Stealth +6, Survival +1
SQ attack any target, hunting
Special Abilities
Agile Maneuvers Use DEX instead of STR for CMB
Attack Any Target [Trick] The animal will attack any creature on command.
Combat Expertise +/-1 Bonus to AC in exchange for an equal penalty to attack.
Deadly Aim -1/+2 Trade a penalty to ranged attacks for a bonus to ranged damage.
Hunting [Trick] The animal has been trained for hunting.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in dim light, distinguishing color and detail.
Point-Blank Shot +1 to attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at up to 30 feet.
Power Attack -1/+2 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Scent (Ex) Detect opponents within 15+ feet by sense of smell.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Oh, I built mine gestalt, should I be doing tristalt? That'd be fun haha.

Went ahead and updated Ulmah to tristalt with the Ranger to get full BAB, which lets me switch my vigilante specialization to Stalker and get hidden strike. :-D

Nazard's character, Falcon Gray. I went ahead and made him tristalt as well, adding a slayer class to help with the nature-related skills and abilities.

Okay, I'm thinking of a character... Oracle as one side of the gestalt, maybe Bloodrager as the other half. Play up the oracle half as being a new development for the character and make it a necromancer, sort of a "The Hobgoblins invade, I barely survive but find I have a skill bestowed upon me that can even the odds, but... at what cost?" sort of thing. I can imagine his dialogue with an NPC questioning his actions of raising the dead going like this.

"We don't stand a chance if we don't use everything to our advantage. I hate this too, but its the only way! Think of them as tools for now. Just... Just tools."

I have always liked the non-consensual part of being an oracle and I think iron fang, especially going solo, would be a great place to show of the side of oracle you rarely see. The side that doesn't WANT the power, that gets a version of the class they think is ghastly or cruel, but has to use it to survive.

Yeah. I think I'll try making that.

Tristalt was option that I offered to those who felt inclined, but it's all completely optional. I purposely didn't set any hard and fast rules to character creation to allow for more freedom on the sole adventurer.

Edit: Wisdom for animal companion skills I'd allow at the cost of a feat from the character - call it the "Skilled Companion" feat on your sheet (or something else if you can think of a more creative name)

derpdidruid wrote:

Okay, I'm thinking of a character... Oracle as one side of the gestalt, maybe Bloodrager as the other half. Play up the oracle half as being a new development for the character and make it a necromancer, sort of a "The Hobgoblins invade, I barely survive but find I have a skill bestowed upon me that can even the odds, but... at what cost?" sort of thing. I can imagine his dialogue with an NPC questioning his actions of raising the dead going like this.

"We don't stand a chance if we don't use everything to our advantage. I hate this too, but its the only way! Think of them as tools for now. Just... Just tools."

I have always liked the non-consensual part of being an oracle and I think iron fang, especially going solo, would be a great place to show of the side of oracle you rarely see. The side that doesn't WANT the power, that gets a version of the class they think is ghastly or cruel, but has to use it to survive.

Yeah. I think I'll try making that.

This is a lot like this alias I'm using in a Wrath of the Righteous game. Barbarian (spirit totem)/Oracle (haunted curse). He's dead, but he carries all of the rest of his tribe around. Before he was mythic, he would sort of space out when he cast spells.

So if you do go with tis concept, I'm going to need a 10% royalty of all xp and treasure. :)

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Looking at a Dwarven Cleric (Crusader of Erastil)/Ranger (Falconer)/ Warder (Hawkguard)with an owl companion.

Wanted to make sure the Hawkguard Warder is ok.

Theran, Clan Silverlight wrote:
derpdidruid wrote:

Okay, I'm thinking of a character... Oracle as one side of the gestalt, maybe Bloodrager as the other half. Play up the oracle half as being a new development for the character and make it a necromancer, sort of a "The Hobgoblins invade, I barely survive but find I have a skill bestowed upon me that can even the odds, but... at what cost?" sort of thing. I can imagine his dialogue with an NPC questioning his actions of raising the dead going like this.

"We don't stand a chance if we don't use everything to our advantage. I hate this too, but its the only way! Think of them as tools for now. Just... Just tools."

I have always liked the non-consensual part of being an oracle and I think iron fang, especially going solo, would be a great place to show of the side of oracle you rarely see. The side that doesn't WANT the power, that gets a version of the class they think is ghastly or cruel, but has to use it to survive.

Yeah. I think I'll try making that.

This is a lot like this alias I'm using in a Wrath of the Righteous game. Barbarian (spirit totem)/Oracle (haunted curse). He's dead, but he carries all of the rest of his tribe around. Before he was mythic, he would sort of space out when he cast spells.

So if you do go with tis concept, I'm going to need a 10% royalty of all xp and treasure. :)

Man, and here I was thinking I was being modestly original... Oh well. I will however contact you upon receiving any amount of any resource should I be selected in this game. Pinky promise.

For all those asking: anything from Path of War is on the table.

Any changes to wealth by level?

Liberty's Edge

Awe man I need a good background tie in but a monk/paladin champion of irori would be so fun. Gestalt is perfect for that feel of mastery. Afterwards id have to think of what best fit the character.

Cleric wizard into mystic theurge/ martial l class, probably an elf would be hella exciting.

Liberty's Edge

Without access to a proper keyboard at the moment I'm always interested to see i should write up everything without some indication of being considered.

Don't bother with wealth at the moment, I'll work that out with whoever I end up choosing.

Blashimov, there's no need for a full statblock and backstory, just enough of a blurb for me to get a feel for the character.

Liberty's Edge

Alcantha is a half elven woman cleric of and wizard. She loves the quiet woods, the free spirits of the people. Her elven father moved on many years ago, but her aging mother still resides in town, cared for by Alcantha. She feels somewhat not good enough for her absent father and took up wizardry as a way to quietly convince any doubters ( including herself) that she was worthy. Of what specifically ...she didn't get that far. While these feelings have faded, she's had too great a taste Of the wonders and satisfaction of arcane magical learning to stop now.

I'll actually have some more time in a bit to write more.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

How do you feel about RGG's Talented Monk class?

The Exchange

I'll toss Tyrek into the mix here - just going to give fluff for now since you seem very willing to discuss character creation rules in a flexible way. Provisionally though I'd like to play a fighter/mindblade magus for the most ultimate two-weapon-fighting ever...

Tyrek Archaos
Tyrek was born a human on the island of Mediogalti, home of the Red Mantis Assassins and was, for many years a devout follower and assassin for Achaekek, the Mantis God. A consumate professional, he was greatly aided by the ability to pull blades from thin air which lead to his signature assassination - killing his target in the most public place possible without ever being seen to wield a weapon. Rising swiftly through the assassin ranks Tyrek, or at that time Tyra, became one of the Vernai - hailed by her acolytes as 'the White Mantis'.

Unfortunately success within the Red Mantis can be a dangerous thing and, during her meteoric rise Tyra earned the emnity of Blood Mistress Jakalyn, the ultimate authority and expression of Achaekek's bloody will. At her instigation Tyra was ambushed on a contract, dragged before the Blood Mistress and had her throat ripped out by the Mistress's sabre. Her death did not last long however.

About a week after Tyra's murder a dwarf man, wearing the White Mantis mask that was Tyra's trademark entered the Crimson Keep and, entering the throne room, declared Jakalyn deposed by the will of Achaekek. He proceeded to pull weapons from mid-air as Tyra had always done and attempted to carry out the sentence there and then. Captured and tortured he swore, with the dedication of a fanatic that he was Tyra - reborn by will of the Mantis. Jakalyn, unshaken by this announcement, had the madman executed and thought nothing of it.

So it has been for six lives that Tyra, upon every death, has reincarnated, each time as a new person, but also fiercely convinced of Achaekek's will and plan for her. Each death however sapped her of her power and Jakalyn and the Vernai have never spared any effort to hunt down and eradicate The White Mantis whose very and continued existence presented a dangerous threat to the orthodoxy of the Red Mantis church, whatever incarnation it might be found in.

Reborn five years ago as a man, and tired of the constant battles Tyrek chose the path of least resistance. Walking until he could walk no more he arrived in the small town of Phaendar and, finding the people friendly and not overly disposed to ask questions, settled there for the first time doubting the will of the Mantis God.

For the past five years Tyrek has made a quiet but stable living in Phaendar, working mostly as town constable, a role in which he has become known for a strict adherence to the law and has garnered a reputation for fairness, if not kindness.

Now in his seventh incarnation Tyrek is, both physically and spiritually a wreck of what he once was. Although capable of remembering each of his previous lives he has lost much of his hard won skill and, as his subsequent lives have tended to be short and brutal, has never really had the chance to regain the skills he once possessed.

His faith, likewise, is complicated. He has come to see the Red Mantis as a corruption of Achaekek's teaching - their insistence on payment and willingness to slay almost anyone without compunction makes them organised serial killers rather than assassins in his view. For Tyrek Achaekek is the necessary evil of existence, the monster who keeps other monsters down. Although his past lives have proved that the Red Mantis Church is not going to fall easily his own continued presence in this world reassures Tyrek in his darkest moments that the Mantis God has not forgotten him. His time will come.

Liberty's Edge

acantha crunch outline:

38 yr old Female Half Elven Wizard (Conjurer-Teleportation opposition school evocation, necromancy) / Cleric of Ketephys (feather and growth)
str 14
dex 16
con 14
int 16
wis 14
cha 10
feat: Toughness, scribe scroll (b)
traits: fate's favored, reactionary

skills: spellcraft, know arcana, know religion, diplomacy, sense motive
background skills: linguistics and sleight of hand
HP: 14
INIT: 5 or 7 surprise round
Perc: +4 (7 dim or dark) llv, darkvision
AC: 17 (mage armor)
saves: fort +4 re +3 will +7
longspear +2 1d8+3
bow: +3 1d8

Racial features; llv, blended view (darkvision), keen senses, elven immunities, dual minded (+2 will saves).
class features:
Familiar: Owl

Shift (Su): At 1st level, you can teleport to a nearby space as a swift action as if using dimension door. This movement does not provoke an attack of opportunity. You must be able to see the space that you are moving into. You cannot take other creatures with you when you use this ability (except for familiars). You can move 5 feet for every two wizard levels you possess (minimum 5 feet). You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Intelligence modifier.
Summoner’s Charm (Su)

Whenever you cast a conjuration (summoning) spell, increase the duration by a number of rounds equal to 1/2 your wizard level (minimum 1). This increase is not doubled by Extend Spell. At 20th level, you can change the duration of all summon monster spells to permanent. You can have no more than one summon monster spell made permanent in this way at one time. If you designate another summon monster spell as permanent, the previous spell immediately ends.

Enlarge (Su): As a swift action you can enlarge yourself for 1 round, as if you were the target of the enlarge person spell. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.

Eyes of the Hawk (Ex): You gain a racial bonus on Perception checks equal to 1/2 your cleric level (minimum +1). In addition, if you can act during a surprise round, you receive a +2 racial bonus on your Initiative check.

Add Fly to your list of class skills. In addition, whenever you cast a spell that grants you a fly speed, your maneuverability increases by one step (up to perfect).

calm animals (domain), divine favor, protection from evil
wizard: mage armor (school), expeditious retreat, sleep.

Liberty's Edge

Psilacetin did you have an idea of when you'd make a decision? Thanks! As usual looks like a hard decision.

Recruitment closes Friday morning. Fully built characters are not necessary.

Reckless wrote:
How do you feel about RGG's Talented Monk class?


Here you go, I pushed in tristalt vigilante with the serial killer archatype because I want this character to a broken, angry man who just wants it all to stop. Bad luck follows him everywhere he goes and there's seemingly nothing he can do about it. His identity being evil let's him do some really messy stuff in the name of getting things back to normal. getting renown in the groups of people he kills means that he'sgoing to be feared among the hobgoblins. A good thing to be in a war.

Most of his stuff should be good to go. So yeah, heres my entry.

I am very familiar with the encounters in Ironfang Invasion... A single player's going to get annihilated.

Have fun!

rungok wrote:

I am very familiar with the encounters in Ironfang Invasion... A single player's going to get annihilated.

Have fun!

You just have to get creative. Of course if you try to go head to head you'll be annihilated, that's why I have craft traps and am going to get raise dead. Probably going to pick up summon monster to, still probably going to die but... I think a shot is had.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

The character I'm working on is pretty self-sufficient. Of course, action economy being what it is, there are dangers aplenty to be had.

Versatility is a key factor, of course. Being able to heal myself for 5d8+1 and to pugwampi enemies' attacks for 5 rounds each 7 times a day helps to keep the survivability factor up.

I'm working on the fluff, but I think the build for my character is about done. I gotta admit, I went all over the place before deciding on classes (and went back and forth between darf and half-orc before setting on half-orc.)

She's a half-orc Mage Knight/Stalker (Soul Hunter)/Talented Monk.

Now to work on making her story pop.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

How long until recruitment ends?

Tomorrow morning.

I had a slight change of mind and instead of running a wereraptor I'll be going for a Halfling Werejackal using the Switchback Jackal as the base animal.

He is a local from Phaendar where he is known as a smuggler with skills beyond compare, as long as he can carry what he is supposed to smuggle. He even crosses the border into Molthune without any issue whatsoever.
What they don't know is that he does that by changing into his animal form. Nobody pays attention to a lone jackal crossing the border.

I'd preferably make him tristalt but normal gestalt could also work, though he'd pack far less of a punch. The first two classes would be Ranger, using the Transporter archetype, and Investigator, using the Cipher archetype. The third class would be either Psychic or Witch using the Jinx Witch archetype. The latter would mean I have to find a way to cast spells in his animal form though. Perhaps I'll make him a Sphere Witch as well.

As for the character's approach to doing this all solo, subtlety is the key word. He'd be trying to single out targets or even set targets up against each other.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Presenting Kessidy Alanda:

Kessidy Alanda


Half-orc Tristalt (mageknight/stalker (soul hunter)/monk (talented)) 2
LN Medium humanoid (human, orc)
Init +3; Senses blindsense 30 ft., darkvision 120 ft, scent; Perception +9

AC 17, touch 17, flat-footed 14 (+2 Dex, +4 Wis, +1 Dodge)
hp 26 (2d10+6)
Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +7; +1 vs magic
Defensive Abilities dodge bonus, orc ferocity, resist magic +1
Weaknesses magical signs, regenerate

Speed 30 ft.
unarmed strike +6 (1d3+2) or
. . unarmed strike flurry of blows +4/+4 (1d3+2)
composite longbow (+2 Str) +6 (1d8+2) or
….. composite longbow flurry of blows(+2 Str) +4/+4 (1d8+2)
Special Attacks flurry of blows, 1 body of the night, 1 stance of the piercing rays, soulburning +1d6
Manuevers curving ray shot, dimensional strike, horizon wind lancet, inner sense, leaping dragon, solar sting, steady hand

Str 14, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 18, Cha 10
Base Atk +2; CMB +4; CMD 20
Feats Fast Learner[ARG], Improvisation[ARG]
”Tax Exempt” Free Feats Call Out, Combat Advice, Combat Expertise, Deadly Aim, Death from Above, Mounted Combat, Point Blank Shot, Power Attack
Traits ambush training, frontier healer, lasting ferociousness, unbreakable survivor

Acrobatics +7, 2 Rank 2 Dex 3 Class
Appraise +4, 2 Imprv 2 Int
Artistry (Improvised) +4, 2 Imprv 2 Int
Bluff +2, 2 Imprv
Climb +4, 2 Imprv 2 Str
Craft (Improvised) +4, 2 Imprv 2 Int
Craft (bows) +7, 2 Rank 2 Int 3 Class
Diplomacy +9, 2 Rank 3 Class 4 Wis*
Disable Device +7, 2 Rank 2 Dex 3 Class
Disguise +2, 2 Imprv
Escape Artist +7, 2 Rank 2 Dex 3 Class
Fly +4, 2 Imprv 2 Dex
Handle Animal +2, 2 Imprv
Heal +10, 2 Rank 4 Wis 3 Class 1 Trait
Intimidate +2, 2 Imprv
Knowledge (Improvised) +6, 2 Imprv 4 Wis*
Knowledge (local) +8, 2 Imprv 4 Wis* 2 Racial Trait
Knowledge (nature) +7, 2 Impr 4 Wis* 1 Trait
Linguistics +9, 2 Rank 4 Wis* 3 Class
Lore (Improvised) +4, 2 Imprv 2 Int
Perception +9, 2 Rank 4 Wis 3 Class
Perform (Improvised) +2, 2 Imprv
Profession (Improvised) +6, 2 Imprv 4 Wis
Ride +8, 1 Rank 2 Dex 3 Class
Sense Motive +8, 1 Rank 4 Wis 3 Class
Sleight of Hand +4, 2 Imprv 2 Dex
Spellcraft +4, 2 Imprv 2 Int
Stealth +9, 2 Rank 2 Dex 3 Class 2 Body of Night
Survival +9 (+13 to track Claimed targets), 2 Rank 4 Wis 3 Class
Swim +4, 2 Imprv 2 Str
Use Magic Device +2 2 Imprv
Racial Modifiers +2 Knowledge (local)
* Learned from Talented Monk substitutes Wis for Int for these Skills

Languages Common, Draconic, Goblin, Orc, Sylvan, Undercommon

SQ casting, cure, fighting style (unarmed strikes), invigorate, ki pool, magic skill bonus, magic skill defense, monk edges (flurry of blows, insightful strike, learned, unfettered kata), monk talents (adaptive style, blindsense, flowing dodge, fuse style), mystic combat ability (penetrating blow), orc blood, restore, restore health, restore movement, restore senses, restore soul, soul claiming, stalker art (combat precognition), stalker maneuver recovery

Build Notes
I built Kessidy with an eye towards versatility, growth, and capability.

The Tax Exempt Feats documents would have me get Improvisation at 3rd level for taking Fast Learner at first, but I wanted Kessidy to have it right away to give her the maximum versatility. Maybe she gets Improved Improvisation at 3rd?

Using the talented monk fuse style ability, my intention is to be able to enter two martial discipline stances at once. It says you can enter two stances at once (but is referring to style feat stances.)

Background Notes
Kessidy was born seven short months after an unfortunate encounter between her mother and an the Orc Champion Kelzled Dragonborn in the Hold of Belkzen. Tamara Alanda was supported through the suffering and sleepless nights leading up to Kessidy’s birth by her husband Drellin, held together by the bonds of love for each other and for their young son Allin.

Kessidy’s premature birth heralded something of her growth cycle, and young Kessidy soon grew bigger and stronger than her older brother Allin. Drellin and Tamara, for their part, tried to show equal love to both of Tamara’s children, but only with some success. Kessidy was a constant reminder for Tamara of the horrors she witnessed -and bore- in Belkzen, and although she bonded early on with her child, the years of repressing those memories broke when Kessidy turned 10 and began the hormonal changes that came with teenage years for humans. Tamara began drinking heavily in an effort to dull the pain of the memories.

Drellin, dealing with essentially two teenagers and a drunken wife, found it easier and easier to slip into overworking -spending most of his time at the local mill instead of attending to his family at home.

The tension in the household spilled over into arguments, and almost broke into violence on several occasions.

After two years of declining family life, Allin, resentful of his parents’ declining marriage and Kessidy’s strength and growth, ran from home. Shortly after this, Tamara ended her own life. Drellin bitterly accused Kessidy of the destruction of everything he had ever loved, yelling at her to leave and never look back. Kessidy, a mere 12 years old, asked him ”But, papa, aren’t I someone you love, too?”

Drellin laughed bitterly, saying that if he had ever loved her, he should do as his beloved wife had done, and rip out his heart for ever hurting him with such an evil thing as the love of a bastard born of savagery.

Kessidy wandered for several years after that, finally finding some solace in contemplation with the monks of the small Steady Hand Temple of Erastil in Tamran. Brother Forthe Winson helped her to find her center, move past the pain of her father’s words, and see them for the pain within him that they represented. Convinced that she needed to reconnect to her family, but not knowing how to repair the gulf with Drellin, she instead sought out Allin, finding him in Phaendar.

Through considerable effort and using up almost all of the patience the monks had taught her, Kessidy eventually broke through Allin’s anger and fear. The siblings made a home for themselves in Phaendar, Allin working as a woodcutter and Kessidy taking whatever odd jobs she could manage to help those in the community needing an extra pair of hands.
Kessidy favored working for those whose needs were simple and direct, and avoided any long-term engagements. Proving strong, capable, and efficient, she was favored by many of her neighbors when they needed a job done right and right away. Many of her fellow villagers still consider her a bit odd, and perhaps a bit repressed. She is not shy around men per se, but quickly becomes embarrassed and withdraws if favored with any romantic interest. In truth, she has never gotten over her mother’s suicide nor her father’s last words to her, and is afraid to get involved with anyone for fear of similar pain.

She continues to meditate daily and strives to improve herself. The path of the Steady Hand taught her to become one with the arrow, feeling the target, sensing the path needed to take one to ones goals . She takes the direct, efficient route in her dealings with those around her and the tasks set before her.

The attack on Phaendar separates her from her brother and awakens something new in her. Light and dark struggle for dominance as she tries to find balance, help her people, find her brother, and stop the invaders. She finds herself capable of impossible deeds and following an inescapable destiny.

Description and Personality Notes
Kessidy is a 5’10” half-orc woman of 17 years age. Her green skin bares an almost scaly pattern and her eyes are lizard-like and yellow and red in color. She is muscular and trim, both body and mind disciplined and ready for what comes. She tends to dress in earthy colors, favoring a wolf pelt cloak given to her by her brother as a birthday gift last year.

She tends towards forthright conversation peppered with sayings learned from her time in the monastery. She worships Erastil, but finds her present situation to be at odds with some of his teachings, likely struggling with her faith during the campaign as it progresses. As someone who had lived in Phaendar going on three years, she is likely to have at least passing knowledge of any survivors, and their safety and finding her brother or what happened to him will be her highest priorities at the campaign’s start. Family and community are at the center of her faith, and the destruction of her town and loss of her brother are sure to shake her to her core. What roads this will take her down is the journey of the campaign.

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