Pixie Rogue's Shadowed Keep

Game Master Pixie Rogue

Shadowed Keep on the Borderlands

Map of the keep

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Acrobatics check to get through the door quietly; Perception check once you are in the room.

Male Elf Rogue (1) [HP 9/9 | Fort +0, Ref +4, Will +1 | AC 15/12/13 | Perc +7 | Stealth +5 | Init +4]

Elwin slowly opens the door and tries to move through quietly.

Acrobatics: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17 -> Get through door quietly
Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24 -> Sensing anything in the room

Female Human Witch (1) [HP 7/7 | Fort +0, Ref +3, Will +3 | AC 13/13/10 | Perc +1 | Init +5]

As the others make their way in to the room, Ashia, looking to be the forth person to enter, tries to move quietly in to the room.

Acrobatics: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17 -> Entering room quietly
Perception: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7 -> Sensing anything in room

Male Elf Magus (Bladebound) [HP 38, Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +5, CMD 19/16, Init +3, AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13, Perc +8]

Lalandar will try to follow the group as stealthily as they have.

Acrobatics: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22 Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (13) + 3 = 16

Female Elf Oracle [HP 9, Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +4; CMD 11, AC 13, touch 11, Init +1, flat-footed 12, Perc +5]

Talaledar is not very smooth one her feet and she's going to pause outside the door and wait to see what the group says before trying to cross the threshold.

Acrobat: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8 Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22

You find yourselves in an L-shaped room (the stairway occupies the corner of an otherwise rectangular space) with three doors. The floor is quite dusty, indicating no one has passed this way for some time.

Everyone successfully passes through the doorway and all but Lalandar hear the sound of someone sobbing.

Male Elf Rogue (1) [HP 9/9 | Fort +0, Ref +4, Will +1 | AC 15/12/13 | Perc +7 | Stealth +5 | Init +4]

Elwin approaches the closest door checking for traps and trying to be quiet. He is also listening to see if the sound of sobbing is coming from within the room attached to the door he is at. His sword in hand.

Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8 -> Locating sobbing
Perception (Trapfinding): 1d20 + 7 + 1 ⇒ (15) + 7 + 1 = 23 -> Checking for traps
Stealth: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17 -> Moving quietly to 1st door

Female Human Witch (1) [HP 7/7 | Fort +0, Ref +3, Will +3 | AC 13/13/10 | Perc +1 | Init +5]

Not knowing what to make of sobbing in a place like like this, that seems to not be well traveled unnerves Ashia. She stands still not moving and after a few seconds realizes she is holding her breath as she tries to locate the sound of the sobbing with her hearing.

Perception: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 1 = 17

Elwin finds no cause for concern (he sees no traps or triggers for such), but as he moves into the room concentrating on his foot placement, he loses track of the sobbing. Stopping to listen for it again, he finds he can no longer hear it at all. Looking over his shoulder to see what the others are doing, he can see that Ashia is focusing on something, so it appears that she can still hear it. Odd.

Despite her efforts, however, she's no closer it identifying the location of the source.

Slayer 1 [ HP 11/11 | AC 18 Tch 13 FF 15 | Fort +2* Ref +5* Will +1* | CMD 18 | Init +7 | Perc +7, darkvision | Effects: ]

Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20

Stealth: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12

As Elwin slips in and right, Tyhal nods and slips to the left, but his efforts at stealth are for naught. Going clockwise, the first two doors are in the corner of the L. Listening at the first, he shakes his head and moves to the second. And runs out of actions.

Male Elf Magus (Bladebound) [HP 38, Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +5, CMD 19/16, Init +3, AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13, Perc +8]

Moving in to the room, Lalandar doesn't here the sobbing so he begins going towards the doors and prepares to open them. He notices everyones confusion but doesn't have the time to ponder it.
You didn't mean to say Talaledar didn't hear did you? I'm just guessing because of what the rest of the commentary is so far. If so, then we may have to ignore this post and let me make another.

Only Lalandar missed the check to hear the sobbing as he entered the room. He is free to make another Perception check as he moves into the room - he might pick it up or, like Elwin, might lose it. Echoes are a funny thing.

Female Elf Oracle [HP 9, Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +4; CMD 11, AC 13, touch 11, Init +1, flat-footed 12, Perc +5]

Being the last to enter the room, she turns her head trying to locate this sound.

Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8

She will cast detect magic because of the sneaky suspicion that the cry may not be real.

Unfortunately, as she steps into the room, the acoustics fool her ear or the sobbing stops. She no longer hears it.

She detects no magic auras in her first round of study. I assume you would position yourself to include the three doors in your initial examination.

The six heroes have entered the anteroom off the stairs and are making their various attempts to pinpoint the source of the sound that most of them heard.

I modified the map because my description had completely confused our mapmaker. Hopefully, you received an update and can see (and edit) the map. I've added comments to cells where I think there is something of interest that you have noticed.

Male Elf Magus (Bladebound) [HP 38, Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +5, CMD 19/16, Init +3, AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13, Perc +8]

are we waiting on me to say something on here because I'm not sure what needs to be said. I've checked this off and on so I just want to make sure that I didn't miss something. Also, I'm not sure I got the link to the map whenever/wherever it was shared

I posted and waited for the two of you to rejoin me. I figured when no one responded in a month, it was a lost cause. My availability pretty much doomed the story.

We can move forward if you wish. I have not reached out to Sofreyr.

We will be using this thread as a trial for some prospective new PBP players. SoFreyr, if you see this and are interested, you are always welcome to join us. *Casts resurrect thread*

The villagers of Swallowfeld go about their day as they have gone about the previous hundred and as they will no doubt go about the next hundred. Backbreaking work, eking a living from the soil or from the mine, watching out for their neighbors, and being mindful of the dangers of the nearby forest. There's not much excitement in Swallowfeld, and most agree that's a good thing. Excitement tends to come in the form of shadow wolves from the forest, building fires, and lost children. "If that's excitement, none for me, thank you very much!"

It's been a few weeks since the strangers came stumbling out of the woods along the North Road. They were following Taran's Run. Everyone knows nothing good comes down that river. All manner of monsters and creatures inhabit its headwaters and that's where they should stay. "What if they'd led the monsters to the village!"

Some folks said they'd seen some of them before, just passing through, but the general agreement was that Swallowfeld had no need of them and the sooner they saw them gone, the better. "Send them to Wolverton, Lord Locher will know what to do with 'em."

Three elves (some folks swear there were four), a half-blood, a red-haired human, and three human children. "Who in their right mind goes into the woods with children? Really!"

"The redhead didn't seem very motherly to the kids, to be honest, but no one wanted to be the one to ask. She was the only human in the lot, must have been her kids, aye? It was agreed to let the bailiff sort it out, and sort it out she did. Miz Teague, she took them all aside and got their story. Didn't share it, mind you, but she was satisfied with it and that's good enough for us. Gave them some provisions and pointed them down the road to Wolverton, just as we thought she should. She's a good 'un, Miz Teague, and she's pretty fair with a sword, too, for a woman!"

"It's been a few weeks they've been gone, and good riddance. Been some rumors about Valentin's Folly going around. More fools coming to town, spending their coin at Tryfena's, and heading to their deaths among the trees. Saw two dwarves and two humans head up the North Road yesterday. Probably already dead, fools on a fool's errand - the keep doesn't exist and there's no grand treasure in it, everyone knows that."

Welcome to Swallowfeld on the Lonely Coast. You are among those that have heard the rumors of a legendary abandoned keep that might not be as legendary or as abandoned as once thought.

Rumors in Wolvertone have it that a group of elves rescued several kids from it a few weeks back, but they didn't find the treasure. Maybe that's why you're here. Maybe you're here because of the tales of goblins and the like. And maybe you're just here because it sounded more interesting than wherever you were before.

Welcome to Swallowfeld on the Lonely Coast. There's one inn in the village. The sign outside reads The Wolf's Head, and you find yourself in the common room listening to the locals.

It's not long after noon, so the inn is quiet. A tall, thin man, apparently the proprietor, calls out to "Please, have a seat. Let's see what we can do to cut the road dust for you! What's your pleasure?"

Male Elf Magus (Bladebound) [HP 38, Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +5, CMD 19/16, Init +3, AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13, Perc +8]

Lalandar wiggles around and keeps his head down but responds to the barman. "I'll just have whatever you have on tap. Just something to wash the dirt out of my mouth. Still have a ways to go."

After getting his drink, he will turn away and look around the room very carefully.

"Truth be told, yer kin generally prefer the wine to the tap, but I'm happy to accommodate." He draws a mug from a keg behind the bar and hands it to you.

After a long pause, he asks, "I'm pretty good with faces. You're one of that lot that came down the Run with those kids, 'bout a month ago, aren't you? Were you able to get them back home?"

Lalandar, you have a private message.

@Lalandar: The common room, where you find yourself, is empty other than yourself and the barkeep. It appears that he was in the process of cleaning up from the previous night's business when you came in, but there are a couple of tables that are clear near the bar. The bar has been cleaned and there are barstools along its length.

The barkeep tries again, "M' name's Maban. M' wife n' I own The Wolf's Head. I only ask 'cause we were prayin' you'd be able t' find their way home. We got problems 'round here with children going missing, the woods being what they are, and it does my heart good to see that maybe some that were lost got found again, you know?"

Male Elf Magus (Bladebound) [HP 38, Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +5, CMD 19/16, Init +3, AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13, Perc +8]

"I was under the impression last time I was through that your town didn't like any visitors. Lalandar is obviously uncomfortable. He doesn't enjoy sitting still. "I am sorry that I seem.. a little uncomfortable. My sister, one of the elves that was with me, decided to return to her sisters and the church but I felt called back. Something about the area has made me want to return. I didn't realize other children had been missing. We were able to return them to where they came from. Have you seen anyone else wander out of the forest since we came through? There was a man up there, a wizard of some sort that held off the trouble behind us.

Lalandar takes a sip of the beer and realizes the barkeep was correct, he should have taken the wine. Trying to hide his discomfort, he smiles and keeps sipping at the drink.

"Wait.. did you say other kids have gone missing? I don't remember anyone mentioning this last time we were through. Can you tell me more about that situation? Maybe that's why I was drawn back here."

As he's finishing this statement, he takes another sip and then turns his head a little, gives a frown and mumbles something that sounds like you were right but you can't tell for sure.

Maban frowns and leans back against the counter behind him. ”A wizard, you say? Can’t say as anyone claiming to be a wizard has been through. Hard to tell, though - if he hadn’t wanted it known, he could pass as a merchant. But no one’s said anything about another stranger coming down the North Road like you lot. That would be news.”

”Our town has had children go missing for as long as I can remember. Runaways, kidnapped by travelers, attacked by wild animals, lost playing in the woods, fallen into the sea, you name it. Some are never found. Not being blessed with children, it does me good to know you took these home. I didn’t say at the time, but I recognized the boy. Little rascal was traveling with a small merchant caravan going west a week or so before you showed up here. How he got north of Swallowfeld where you found him, I can’t say.”

Reaching under the bar he brings up a bottle of wine and a glass. ”The ale’s an acquired taste. Try this.”

”To keep the peace - we have a superstitious group here, but their caution keeps them alive; to keep the peace, I pressed for them to leave you be and let you move on. It was the best way as the kids weren’t from here and reasoning with some folk can be like teaching a pig to sing. They’ve all cooled down since nothing followed you out of the woods. You should be fine, if not welcomed with open arms.” He grins, ”Except here! Your money is good, you’re welcome to stay as long as you can afford my very reasonable rates.”

Male Elf Magus (Bladebound) [HP 38, Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +5, CMD 19/16, Init +3, AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13, Perc +8]

"Well I appreciate your hospitality. So are there any new people hanging around town? Maybe someone else saw him on the road and I can go ask them." Taking a quick sip of the wine, a true smile crosses his face. "That is appreciated. Also, what is this superstition that the people follow? I've heard many stories and a few of them are actually based off something, they've just exaggerated it beyond the common belief.'

Anyone else can join me in this bar whenever. That is, unless our DM has a different plan for us all to meet up.

Male Elf Magus (Bladebound) [HP 38, Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +5, CMD 19/16, Init +3, AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13, Perc +8]

As the conversation goes along, every once in awhile, Lalandar's face will go semi-blank and he will nod or shake his head slightly, maybe even subconsciously.

Since we got past level 3, I'm assuming that my blade has awoken. Therefore, that is what I'm going to absentmindedly try to reference every once in awhile.

Lalandar wrote:

"Also, what is this superstition that the people follow?."

"It's not something they 'follow' like religion. It's more a belief in omens and signs. The woods near here have killed many good folks. Locals avoid going into the woods very far, especially if they are alone. But we have a few exceptional hunters that venture successfully into the woods and return with game to share with their neighbors. In this case, someone coming out of the woods was seen as one of two things - a threat in and of themselves, or bait for a serious threat that follows them out of town. Thankfully, you were neither."

Yes, my expectation is that the newly-created characters will arrive in town alone and make their way to the iconic watering hole to get the lay of the land.

Your black blade has awakened. It can speak to you telepathically, so I can see it distracting you from a conversation, but you will get used to it and not need to physically respond. For now, it seems natural to do so. I will play the part of the black blade, so you know. Does it have a name yet? When I looked at your character sheet earlier, you appeared to be missing any second-level spells - is that intentional?

Male Elf Magus (Bladebound) [HP 38, Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +5, CMD 19/16, Init +3, AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13, Perc +8]

I updated the spell list just now. I couldn't figure out my spellbook until earlier tonight lol. I haven't picked memorized spells yet but I will once we get all ready to play. I hadn't named it. Can I just choose anything? Any recommendations? Like name types.

"Well I'm glad they don't shoot on sight" Chuckles to himself, shakes his head a bit and continues sipping at the wine. He drops into a pensive silence, possibly praying but every once in awhile his mouth moves.

The barkeep takes up a bar towel. ”I have some cleanup to do. If you need a room, let me know.”

He proceeds to give you some space for your prayers.

Male Elf Magus (Bladebound) [HP 38, Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +5, CMD 19/16, Init +3, AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13, Perc +8]

As Lalandar sits, he begins thinking about his mission. The keep, they had barely covered it and they killed a few of the goblins, but where did those come from? A secret door? That's always a possibility. What about that weird crying that we all discussed. I never heard it but the others were sure it was coming from somewhere. The barkeep mentioned more kids. Maybe that's what you heard. I feel drawn back here. Do you think it's the keep that brings us both together? My mission is my own. We will discuss it more as we get closer

It would be real nice to start a conversation with someone else. Kyle, you have your character, feel free to jump in. We talked a few ways for you to jump in. Feel free to try something.

A young man, presumably local because he carries no pack or traveling necessities that Lalandar can see, comes into the common room. Spotting the stranger at the bar, he pauses. Spotting Maban, he heads over for a quiet conversation. Apparently satisfied, he straightens up. Waving cordially to the elf, he heads around the end of the bar and into what you surmise is the kitchen from the occasion clatter of dishes.

Male Elf Magus (Bladebound) [HP 38, Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +5, CMD 19/16, Init +3, AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13, Perc +8]

"Sorry, I got caught into my thinking again. There are some new ideas that have been put in my head," A little chuckle "but who was that young man? I'm only asking because you said you have had issue holding on to your young ones yet he didn't seem to much older than a child. Of course, to an elf, it's hard to judge human age so my apologies if I misjudged him." He starts to go for a drink and then realizes that his glass is a little low. "Can I have a refill? I think I can have one more glass before finding a place to rest my eyes and finish my conversing to the great Elhonna"

"Petrok?" He chuckles, "I won't let him know you thought he's just a child. He's been working in the smithy for, I don't know, several years now. He's a man by our standards." He chuckles again, but then he straightens up from his task, his face darkening.

"By children, I mean," he holds a hand up parallel to the floor, hovering between three and four feet in the air, "little ones. Not more than ten winters. Sorry, I shouldn't have mentioned it - no reason to trouble yourself with our problems."

A familiar voice, warmly female, comes into your mind, Tragic, but another suffers endlessly. The world has many problems. This is not ours to solve.

Male Elf cleric of Iluvitar /4

Jaonos made his way through town, careful to keep his hood up so the townsfolk wouldn't recognizehim as an elf. Towns made him uncomfortable but he couldn't leave the area in good conscience without investigating the dark aura he felt. His prayers were flooded by its presence. The Father of the Elves was bringing him here for a reason. As he walked, he recognized a bar. Secrets are often traded as much as money in bars. He slowly made his way in to the room where a barkeep stood in front of an elf. Although he was excited to see another elf, Joanos refrained from calling out and instead made for a stool a little ways off.

Male Elf Magus (Bladebound) [HP 38, Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +5, CMD 19/16, Init +3, AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13, Perc +8]

Lalandar jumps a little and then looks around. Seeing the new elf walk in, he pauses a second then waves at the elf as he sits. "Hello there. I haven't seen many elves on my way here. My name is Lalandar. What brings you to the area?"

Being a little wary, Lalandar will keep an eye on the elf

Sense Motive:
I know this isn't necessary but it's something I would do if I didn't know who the character was Sense Motive: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

You’ll be glad to learn that it’s been at least three weeks since the last xenophobic mob ran an elf out of town. Seriously, the reactions you have seen on the street have been neutral, not hostile or threatening.

The bartender looks up from where he wipes down a table. The room is empty other him and the elf at the bar. There are sounds from what you presume is a door to a kitchen on the far wall, the rattle of dishes and such.

Standing, the keep says, ”Ah, another visitor! Are you looking for lodging, sir, or just a brief stop along your way? We have ale, but the wine might be more to your liking. And, of course, I should offer our house brew, but while it is popular with the locals, it seems to be an acquired taste.” He seems completely at ease with your being an elf (I am assuming you lowered your hood when you came in).

Male Elf Magus (Bladebound) [HP 38, Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +5, CMD 19/16, Init +3, AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13, Perc +8]

I still got a negative feeling last time I was in town so I will continue to be wary. Not to mention, being pulled back toward this town/area, I feel in the right to be wary lol.

Male Elf Magus (Bladebound) [HP 38, Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +5, CMD 19/16, Init +3, AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13, Perc +8]

"Let him have the wine, on me." As he says this, he'll drop the coin for his own drink and for the new guy in the bar. "While you're at it, I think I'm going to need a room here. It's a little late for me to be continuing my adventure."

After saying this, he turns his head to the side and his mouth moves a little and you hear something that sounds like right?

Then he turns back and smiles a little bemusedly.

I neglected to state the time previously, but it is roughly 4 in the afternoon now. Definitely too late to reach the next town in either direction before dark and probably too late to start a foray into the woods.

"You" refers to who? There are only two in the room, but there are still two in the room. If you are speaking to the unseen third, the answer is "Needing rest does not sound fun."

"You are most welcome to stay, of course! Did you come on horseback or wagon? As you probably noticed, we can take care of your horses for the night, as well."

"The flask of wine (I neglected to read things closely enough, so your initial wine purchase was sufficient for more than one glass' worth of vino; let's say three glasses) is two silver, sir. We have a few rooms available yet, only one spoken for. You are welcome to peer within and choose for yourself. The larger rooms are five silver for the night, the smaller rooms are but two. If you are staying the week or more, we can work something out to bring that down."

Lalandar: Maban directs you to a hall that leads from the side of the common room. There are eight doors, one of which is closed. The remaining seven stand open revealing four simple rooms, each with two cots, a small table, and a series of hooks on the wall perhaps for hanging cloaks and such. The other three rooms are larger and contain a pair of beds with stuffed mattresses, a desk and chair, and a large wardrobe.

Male Elf cleric of Iluvitar /4

How much money do I have?

I thank you for your kindness Lalandar. My name is Jaonos. I must admit my travels have been difficult so please forgive my shyness

Turning to the barkeep Jaonos smiled and said

I have grown accustomed to sleeping in the forest, your smallest room will feel grand to me.

Jaonos placed two silvers on the bar before returning his attention to Lalandar.

May the gods bless our meeting

Nodding, the innkeeper says, "Name's Maban, always happy to serve. You're welcome to your pick of the rooms down the hall, long as it's one of the small ones." I interpreted your payment for a room, yes?

M Elf 4 Rogue

Bose's entrance to town:
Bose was used to traveling through the countryside after spending most of his life in larger settlements. He wasn't in any hurry to attract attention so he kept just off of the road on his way. Coming across the small settlement, he scaled one of the taller trees and found a perch to see what he could learn about his new environment.

Disguise: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12

The road from Wolverton, known as the Cliffway, is far from abandoned, but it's not very heavily traveled, either, so it's pretty straightforward for Bose to avoid notice along the road. There are places where the road is cut through a bank to ascend or descend more gradually, but he is able to time his traversal of those slopes and avoid meeting anyone on the road.

As he descends the last slope before the village below, he sees that the last significant trees - or cover, for that matter - before the village are on the near side of the river. He finds a likely candidate upslope for an even better vantage point for a bit of a reconnoiter and shimmies up.

Climb check: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11

With the altitude, he can tell a number of things. Two rivers meet in town, one from the northeast, one from the west, and they turn south to quickly meet the sea. Many modest homes, many shacks, really, line the three or four streets in town, surrounded by small outbuildings, planted crops, and small flocks (herds?) of farm animals. The only buildings that don't fit this pattern are clustered around the intersection of two roads near the confluence of the rivers. A two-story structure, likely an inn, occupies the space between the intersection and the rivers. It's not exactly a bustling metropolis, but once you cross the nearest bridge into the village, there are a number of people along the streets of town or working around their homes. Proceeding further unseen in the daylight will be a challenge and crossing the river without using the bridge will have to come somewhere upstream - it's relatively wide here and seems to be flowing quickly.

A very quick geography of the village of Swallowfeld that you would have seen as you approach from Wolverton. The road you came in on is referred to as the Cliffway as it follows the cliffs of the seacoast. The coast is far from flat and the road undulates quite a bit as it proceeds.

The village itself was established at the confluence of two rivers which join and make a short run to the nearby sea, as one would expect. The Cliffway crosses the first, takes a quick left turn, and crosses the second river. In both cases, an apparently well-made bridge spans the waterway. Two roads come into town from the interior - one roughly from the northeast follows the first river for a time (Lalandar is familiar with this road from his earlier travels in the area) while the other road roughly parallels the Cliffway as it passes west-northwest out of town. Each of these roads meets the Cliffway where that road turns, forming a relatively large four-way intersection near the two bridges. A two-story structure - rare in the village - sits in the small area of land between the intersection of the roads and the confluence of the rivers. This establishment is know as The Wolf's Head and the signboard hanging from the front wall proudly states the fact.

Feel free to ask for more details about the village. I did not assume that you looked around much, so I don't think anyone really has a complete map of the area in their heads yet. I will attempt to generate a usable sketch and share it with you, but it should not be a big factor at this time. Metagame information: The initial adventure lies north of town, in the Tangled Woods.

I intend to give you guys a couple days to read through what’s been posted, ask questions, and let me know what your character plans to do between now (~4:00 pm) and tomorrow morning (in game time). If I don’t hear anything from a character before I post Tuesday, I may make a decision on your behalf. Nothing life-or-death, I promise.

Male Elf Druid 4

After watching the town through the day, Bose will come down from the tree at dusk and make his way to the Wolf's head as quietly as possible.
Upon coming to the door of the Wolf's head, Bose will enter and scan the room for an empty table, preferably one near a wall.

As the day wears on, Bose sees the workers in the fields gradually completing their tasks. Some head to their homes, some head into town. He also sees a fair number of laborers coming into town from somewhere to the south. With few exceptions, those that headed into town were men and they were headed to the Wolf's Head. As a result, it is no surprise to him to hear a low roar of voices and laughter as he approaches the establishment.

Upon entering, he finds it surprisingly clean for a country inn with a good number of folks in various groups. The main activities appears to be talking and eating - no games of chance are obvious at the moment and no fights appear to be imminent.

His entrance is ignored by most. He catches the eye of a man that squints at him a bit before turning away. Another smiles and nods before returning to his conversation. Most are human with a few elves, dwarves, and halflings scattered among them. Most seem to have nothing but the clothes on their back, but two elves can be seen at a table looking somewhat conspicuous due to their packs and weapons.

All of the tables have at least two people at them. The apparent travelers have a table to themselves.

Lalandar & Jaonos:
I'm going to assume that over the course of the hour or so you have the taproom to yourselves, you at least introduce yourselves and when the locals start flooding in toward the late afternoon and early evening, you move from the bar to a table near a wall to continue your conversation. Note: Many of the locals come in and order a simple supper, if your characters are feeling a bit peckish.

M Elf 4 Rogue

Bose will go to the bar, careful to not pay too much obvious attention to the patrons. If possible, he will move to within earshot of the table of the 2 travelers

To the bartender Evening ser. It's been a long day of travel. I would very much like a meal and something to drink. What do you recommend?

"Good evening to you, sir. We have a nice stew tonight or I can bring you a plate of roast chicken. As for drinks, we have standard ale, some local brew, or a nice wine. The wine seems to go well with the chicken, if that's your fancy."

You see platters and bowls aplenty around the room, so it would appear that both the stew and the chicken have had some takers this evening. There are available seats at most of the tables near the travelers and those occupying the tables give you room without any fuss but with differing reactions.

@Bose: If you wish to listen to them and not let them know you are listening to them, a bluff check would be appropriate.

@Lalandar or Jaonos: A perception check and a sense motive from you if you are concerned about the crowd around you in the common room.

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