Pixie Rogue |

Initiative Chart, Second Round
25 Ashia => Moved, Readied action to cast spell
21 Goblin archer => Fire at Yurbin, provoke AoO
20 Dolral => Shoots, misses
13 Talaledar =>
10 Tyhal =>
10 Gaelreth =>
09+Goblin archers =>
09 Eildrim =>
09-Rhasadinar =>
07 Elwin =>
06 Lalandar =>
02 Yurbin =>
Talaledar is up! All told, you are farthest from the goblins at about 40' from the nearest.
With me tracking the initiative this way, I think you should be able to post in any order and I will put them in order. If you think someone else's action will change yours, feel free to give alternatives. If I don't understand, I will ask for clarification. Spoilers might help me keep everything straight.

Talaledar |

I don't think it's my turn yet but I'm going to put my idea up based on what I think is going on. I'm also going to put two different things just in case I've been misunderstanding the situation.
Attack at goblin who sighted Lalandar: 1d20 ⇒ 20

Lalandar |

Realizing he was seen, Lalandar will give up his attempt at stealth and try to approach quickly. He will use Magic Missile to try and hit as many of the goblins as possible, aiming for the biggest bunch If there isn't a bunch then he will aim for the one who spotted him first. Also, since I know there is little control over the magic missile, he will aim to put his sister out of range of the shot no matter what. Magic Missile: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

Talaledar |

I put the attack roll in the Spoiler. I guess I didn't put damage. I will reroll attack but I know that I won't get the 20 this time. I'll add damage this time

Talaledar |

I was actually trying to get ahead. It wasn't about being cross posted. I just didn't know when my turn would come up so I was actually trying to do what you were implying (put a post out of order to keep us going). So I just was being proactive in the game.

Pixie Rogue |

Magic Missile is the ultimate fire-and-forget attack. There is no risk to anyone accidentally getting hit with fancy magic that might rebound it. He need not worry about his sister getting hit. The number of missiles is determined by your level. At your current level, you only get one. As you get more missiles, then the remark about them being within so many feet applies. I will apply it to the one that spotted you.
Taleladar's natural 20 is a crit threat, so she needed to roll again to confirm the crit. A 10 won't do it, unfortunately. I will apply the damage to the same goblin if he is still up on her turn.

Pixie Rogue |

On Talaledar's turn, is she going to move?
Tyhal moves forward, drawing a dagger, letting it fly as he comes to a stop. His target is the one just struck by the angered dwarf.
Dagger throw: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 191d4 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5
As the dagger connects solidly, he says matter-of-factly, "Good. Hold that for me, scum."
The spellcaster elf moves around his shielding ally and points at one of the goblin. With a word, a glob of green liquid flies across the campsite.
DM: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 121d3 ⇒ 2
The goblin shrieks, dropping his bow and grabbing at his face where the acid hit him.

Pixie Rogue |

Initiative Chart, Second Round
25 Ashia => Moved, Readied action to cast spell
21 Goblin archer (#1) => Fire at Yurbin, provoke AoO
20 Dolral => Shoots, misses
13 Talaledar => Slings a stone, hitting her target (#4) squarely
10 Tyhal => Moves forward and flings a dagger, dropping a goblin (#1)
10 Gaelreth => Moves slightly and flings acid, striking a goblin (#5)
09+Goblin archers =>
09 Eildrim =>
09-Rhasadinar =>
07 Elwin =>
06 Lalandar => Plans to move forward and MM a goblin (#4, if he survives)
02 Yurbin =>
Goblin archers up next!

Pixie Rogue |

Talaledar's target (#4), breaks and runs straight away from the enraged dwarf. He ends up exactly 15' due north of Lalandar because the trees slow his movement.
A second goblin (#3), seeing an unarmed Tyhal closing in on him, turns and fires his shortbow, hitting the elf. "You're next," is all the black-clad hunter says.
A third goblin (#2), fires at the magic-man hiding behind the archer, but he fails to hit his target as it glances off the other man's armor instead.
The last goblin, recently acidized, charges into the clearing to attack the magic-man that burned him directly. He drops his shortbow for a short sword as he charges. In his haste, he badly misjudges his attack and misses completely.
Eildrim, the archer, smirks at the goblin's terrible attack and says, "I'm sure you can manage that one, brother." He steps away, maintaining a position between the remaining two goblin archers and his sibling, draws back, and fires at #3, but the foliage spoils his aim and the two uninjured goblins giggle and taunt him.

Pixie Rogue |

Initiative Chart, Second Round
25 Ashia => Moved, Readied action to cast spell
21 Goblin archer (#1) => Fire at Yurbin, provoke AoO
20 Dolral => Shoots, misses
13 Talaledar => Slings a stone, hitting her target (#4) squarely
10 Tyhal => Moves forward and flings a dagger, dropping a goblin (#1)
10 Gaelreth => Moves slightly and flings acid, striking a goblin (#5)
09+Goblin archers => Flee, Fire, Fire, and Charge
09 Eildrim => Fires and misses
09-Rhasadinar => Double move
07 Elwin =>
06 Lalandar => Plans to move forward and MM a goblin (#4, if he survives)
02 Yurbin =>
Elwin is up! (If you announced your plans, I've forgotten, please refresh my memory.)

Elwin Sarxina |

1) If possible to get to flank in 15' he will try to stealth into position.
2) If he can get to flanking position, but it takes move the 15' move, he will come out of stealth avoiding any creature's AoO, and get into a flanking position on the nearest goblin using acrobatics to help avoid AoO if needed. He will use a double move action if needed (30' movement speed).
3) If he can get a flank in a single move action he will attack.
4) If not able to flank at all, and the Goblin is farther than 15', he will maintain his stealth while moving to get closer to flanking a goblin.
Acrobatics: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6 -> Avoid AoO if needed for 30' move.
Stealth: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17 -> 15' move action if within 15' of Goblin
Rapier Attack: 1d20 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 + 2 = 11 -> Attack Goblin (flat footed if stealthed)
Rapier Damage: 1d6 ⇒ 6 +Sneak Attack: 1d6 ⇒ 1
Stealth: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20 -> 15' move action
Stealth: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25 -> 15' move action

Talaledar |

Just to keep my characters ready, here is Talaledar's next attempt when her turn comes back around. Assuming all our enemies aren't dead yet
Talaledar is impressed by her first shot, smirks.

Pixie Rogue |

Elwin: So many options! I will have to check the map, but you might be able to reach the same one Lalandar can reach with a normal double move, but that would incur a penalty to your stealth checks because you are 'rushing' to get there. That would give you a flank next round (if the goblin holds that position) and Lalandar one this round, if he moves up to engage the goblin..
So - Lalandar can engage in melee this round with Taleladar's target with a single move action, possibly with a flanking partner he does not recognize. Does he still want to cast his spell?

Lalandar |

If I can get within striking range without giving an Attack of Opportunity, then yes, that will be the option. I didn't realize I was that close to any target. Just go with option 2 from my rolls above

Pixie Rogue |

Elwin sees one of the wretched goblins flee to the east and decides to give chase. Through skill and dexterity (and the fortuitous location of a game trail), he is able to leave his poor partner the witch far behind and come up alongside the goblin, ready to deliver a killing blow. Double move required, no further actions.

Pixie Rogue |

Likewise, the young magus pursues the same goblin and is somewhat surprised to see yet another elf, weapon in hand, approaching the goblin from the other side. Determining that they share the same intent, Lalandar adjusts his approach slightly to put the goblin between the two of them and drive his rapier through the hapless creature and withdraw it just as quickly, as he was taught.

Pixie Rogue |

The enraged dwarf suddenly has no enemies in his immediate vicinity and seems almost confused. He turns toward one of the fallen goblins and makes sure it doesn't wake back up.
Steps into the bushes adjacent to a fallen goblin and coup d'grace.
He shouts, "Dolral, ye'd better not be hiding in the bushes lookin' fer the easy kill again! Say, elf, I didn't see you there before - nice dagger toss." Tyhal smirks and salutes as reaches for another blade.
Initiative Chart, Second Round
25 Ashia => Moved, Readied action to cast spell
21 Goblin archer (#1) => Fire at Yurbin, provoke AoO
20 Dolral => Shoots, misses
13 Talaledar => Slings a stone, hitting her target (#4) squarely
10 Tyhal => Moves forward and flings a dagger, dropping a goblin (#1)
10 Gaelreth => Moves slightly and flings acid, striking a goblin (#5)
09+Goblin archers => Flee, Fire, Fire, and Charge
09 Eildrim => Fires and misses
09-Rhasadinar => Double move
07 Elwin => Double move to provide flank
06 Lalandar => Move and attack flanked goblin (#4)
02 Yurbin => Step and CDG goblin #1
Ashia is up to start round three!

Lalandar |

To keep ahead
Lalandar stares down at the goblin that he's already pierced once and decides to use his spell combat to do more damage to those around him.
Magic Missile I assume it is still a concentration check even if I have Spell combat Concentration roll: 1d20 + 1 + 4 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 1 + 4 + 4 = 20
Lalandar looks to see if anyone is targeting his sister first, he has this instinctive issue with trying to protect her.
If no one is currently attacking his sister, the magic missile will be aimed at one of the archers if I can see them. If no other targets are near, just add two to my target roll and ignore my spell combat ability this time

Pixie Rogue |

A concentration check is necessary if you want to cast defensively. You can take a penalty on your attack rolls to get a bonus on your concentration check, if you wish. I can tell you it's not necessary this time. You could also provoke the AoO and make a concentration check if they hit you to see if you lose the spell. Different risk, different odds.

Loegare |

Does it have to do with the fact that it is an ability? I had just figured that with me being in battle that this would become a natural thing to add to avoid AoO or any other deceitful thing the villainous hordes could throw at me. I guess that's part of the reason I got the combat casting, I was expecting to have to deal with this penalty every time I was in battle. Will that not be the case?

Ashia Autumn |

Having lost sight of Elwin, she suddenly feels alone with battle commencing all around her. Out of nowhere, she sees Elwin dart out and work his way to the back side of a goblin.
Seeing him take up a position opposite that of another elf, she darts forward to help.
1) If within 55' of the flanked goblin, she will to be 25' from the goblin, while also move as far from the battle as possible to a max of her 30' move action, keeping trees between her and the rest of the battle. She will then cast "Command" (Will DC 17) on the goblin, and yell "Halt".
2) If not within 55', she will take two move actions at 15' each while stealthing to move in the direction of Elwin's combat.
Stealth: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16 -> (MA) 15' movement
Stealth: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21 -> (SA) 15' movement

Pixie Rogue |

why is it not necessary? I assumed if I was in battle, that I'd have to in order to do the battle.
Sorry for the lack of clarity - we are using different antecedents for the pronoun. To be more clearn, your option to take a penalty to your attack to get a bonus for your concentration check is not necessary because your roll was more than sufficient. I was just trying to point out an option you have and also say you didn't need it this time.
The choice of Combat Casting was a wise one, especially at lower levels. Eventually, it will be a bit redundant, but if you don't survive long enough to reach that point, you'll wish you had it, I'm thinking.

Pixie Rogue |

Ashia negotiates the same animal track as Elwin and comes just close enough to the goblin to use her spell. Her focus on Elwin is almost enough that she overlooks the dwarf hiding in the brush, but not quite. He looks over at her, his expression lost in the mass of beard covering the lower half of his face. He looks her up and down and nods once before looking back toward the battle.
At her shout, he stops in mid-stride and looks over toward the important human.
The goblin archer at init 21 no longer walks, runs, or crawls upon this mortal coil.
The mysterious dwarf takes his shortbow in his left hand and draws a battleaxe with his right as he moves directly south toward the fray, stopping short of the Dancingbrook siblings.
Talaledar: Your target last round is currently flanked by your brother and the new elf from the north side of the campsite (Elwin). Firing at him will require a -4 penalty for firing into melee. The other two are behind the Dancingbrook siblings and several trees. Shooting right now is a low-probability option for any of the targets you can see. Do you want to ready the staff and move toward your brother?

Talaledar |

Lacking a clear shot and seeing that her brother has assistance in olace, she moves towards the fray and prepares her staff to get a close encounter with these fiendish foes. we will move as far as possible without incurring an AoO

Lalandar |

On Lalandar's turn Aggravated by the continued assault going on with the goblin, he will once again attempt his spell combat ability.
Lalandar, seeing his sister move towards the other groups, he will aim the an acid splash towards the nearest enemy in that group to her Ranged Touch Attack: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (13) + 3 = 16 Damage from the Acid if necessary: 1d3 ⇒ 2
Still not sure but I guess I won't do a concentration check unless I'm informed otherwise.

Pixie Rogue |

You've already posted for Lalandar for this round. I can use this one if it's still applicable for next round.
I will let you know when concentration checks are necessary. The main situation will be if you are threatened when you cast the spell (if you are already in melee, you are threatened, of course). You can always opt out of the concentration check, anyway - it's never required, ever.

Tyhal Dancingbrook |

Tyhal moves forward, drawing his sword as he goes, and attacks the goblin on the right (#3), but he misjudges the shorter creature's speed and is avoided easily.
Attack: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9
Damage: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9

Pixie Rogue |

The spellcaster from the campsite draws his sword and side-steps, setting the archer up with a potential flank and making a half-hearted stab at the creature. From the look on his face, he's quite surprised when he pierces the creature's chest and it drops to the ground, dying.
Attack: 1d20 ⇒ 19
Damage: 1d6 ⇒ 5
The ensorceled goblin (#4) stares dumbly at Ashia.
The remaining pair both attack the elf that rushed them. Fortunately for Tyhal, the goblin he attacked lacks the foresight to step away first and the young elf is able to drop the creature before it can bring it's bow to bear. The second goblin fires, missing badly, and realizing that he's alone, tries to flee through the campsite.
AoO: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 201d8 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10
Attack: 1d20 ⇒ 41d20 ⇒ 5
Damage: 1d4 ⇒ 31d4 ⇒ 1
The archer spins on his heel and fires at the fleeing goblin, but rushes the shot and puts his arrow somewhere in the trees. (Ashia hears it fly well over her head.)
Attack and damage: 1d20 ⇒ 51d8 ⇒ 1

Rhasadinar Dancingbrook |

A spell ready on her lips, Rhasadinar realizes the battle has changed to the point that the spell is no longer appropriate. She rushes forward to the clearing, "We cannot let him return to their nest!"
She casts a simple cantrip, flinging a handful of green-gray water at the fleeing creature, but it falls short. The ground sizzles where the water falls, lending further speed to the panicked little monster.
Attack and damage: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 81d3 ⇒ 2

Pixie Rogue |

Elwin, you have a flanking partner and, conveniently enough, a flanked goblin between the two of you. Whatever shall you do?
I'm going to try to keep the initiative chart on the campaign tab, at the top of this page or here. Let me know what you think.

Elwin Sarxina |

Elwin times his attack as the goblin next to him looks at the other elf and tries to hit him where it hurts.
Rapier Attack: 1d20 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 + 2 = 5 -> (+2 str; +2 flank)
Rapier Damage: 1d6 ⇒ 4
Sneak Attack: 1d6 ⇒ 4
Rapier Attack: 1d20 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 + 2 = 7 -> Crit Fail (if you require)
Including in case needed if goblin provokes to leave.
Rapier Attack: 1d20 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 + 2 = 21 -> (+2 str; +2 flank)
Rapier Damage: 1d6 ⇒ 4