[PbP Gameday V][PFS]GM Zoomba's 4-06 The Green Market (Inactive)

Game Master Zoomba

Maps and Handouts

When an ally of the Society reports that her sister's business is being harassed by the Aspis Consortium in the Varisian city of Korvosa, a team of Pathfinder agents is dispatched to the Green Market to assist. What they find there is more than simple strong-arming and intimidation, however. What mysterious forces bring the popular market its unlikely success, and can the PCs stop the Aspis Consortium from gaining control of what could become a lucrative resource for the rival organization?

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The End Awakens | The Day the River Died

Gameplay thread

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Ranger-13 (DivineTracker)/Sanct Rogue-1 AC23/T16/F18/CMD21 |HP 121/121| Fort:+14;Ref:+17 Will+12| Evasion : Percept.+23| Init.+7 | { } {Blessings 0/9, Liberation 0/1 reroll 0/1 - { }


Grand Lodge

Male Sylph Swashbuckler (Inspired Blade) 1 / Investigator (Empiricist) 7 | HP 59/59 | AC:23 T:17 FF:17 CMD:23 | F+6 R+17 (+2 vs traps) W+9 (+4 vs illusions) | Init +8 | Perc +18 (Darkvision, +4 traps)


Scarab Sages

half-elf oracle 6/sorcerer (mongrel mage) 1/evangelist 1 HP: 64/64| AC: 20 (12 Tch, 18 Fl) | CMD: 14 | F: +4, R: +5, W: +6 (+2 vs. enchantments)| Init: +9 | Perc: +6 (low-light), SM: +4 | Oracle Spells 1st 2/8 - 2nd 3/7 - 3rd 3/5 - Sorc 1st 5/5 | Active: Mage Armor, Shield, Bless


Grand Lodge

Male Summoner 9 | HP 84/84| AC 19/18/12| F+10,R+7,W+10 (+5 mind affecting) | Init.+2| Perc.+1|
My Friend:
HP 48/48| AC 20/18/12| F+6,R+4,W+5| Init.+2| Perc.+28| Sense Motive +20


The End Awakens | The Day the River Died

PMs sent out to confirm players. Still set and excited to beign next week!

Grand Lodge

Male Sylph Swashbuckler (Inspired Blade) 1 / Investigator (Empiricist) 7 | HP 59/59 | AC:23 T:17 FF:17 CMD:23 | F+6 R+17 (+2 vs traps) W+9 (+4 vs illusions) | Init +8 | Perc +18 (Darkvision, +4 traps)

Confirming I'm still here and ready to start. Looking forward to playing this game!

A man with blueish skin and flowing white hair is also here, leaning against a bookshelf and quite taken by his current reading. He doesn't look old nor young, for his features aren't those of a human being, but of a sylph. He bears a finely-wrought rapier made of a strange metal at his side, and wears a mithral chain shirt, mostly hidden underneath loose clothing through which a soft breeze constantly flows. You cannot help but notice that at every newcomer's entrance, his piercing, inquisitive eyes leave the pages for an instant, carefully scanning the latest arrival before resuming his reading.

Closing his book, the strange sylph puts it back on the shelf and nods to all people currently present in the Venture-Captain's office. "Well met, I'm Anáil."

Grand Lodge

Male Summoner 9 | HP 84/84| AC 19/18/12| F+10,R+7,W+10 (+5 mind affecting) | Init.+2| Perc.+1|
My Friend:
HP 48/48| AC 20/18/12| F+6,R+4,W+5| Init.+2| Perc.+28| Sense Motive +20

A dark humanoid figure of indeterminate gender drifts quietly into the room. It's features are concealed behind layers of tattered black cloth that cover it from head to toe. The only feature of the creature visible is an alabaster white mask of a human face, staring impassively forward, partially concealed under a deep hood. It pulls out a chair and stands dutifully behind it as a dark haired gnome clambers up onto it. The gnome is dressed in light mail, and has dark bags under his eyes, as though he hasn't slept in several days. He sits nervously, constantly checking over his shoulder, as though expecting danger to leap out from every corner. The masked creature stares passively forward, evidently unconcerned with its ward's behaviour.

"Ah.... h-h-Hi there.... names Whitwood, glad to meet you all. Ummm this is....ah.... my friend. I call it my friend, anyway. You can call it my friend too. If you want." He wrings his hands together and looks back up at the impassive mask of the creature standing over him. "It doesn't talk much, umm...it says its nice to meet you as well, probably."

Grand Lodge

Nagaji Oracle of Battle 9 HP: 84/84 | AC: 30 T: 13 FF: 29 CMD: 24 (+10vsDisarm) | F+10 R+6 W+8 | Init +7 (Roll Twice) | Perception +14
Tracked Resources:
Wand of CLW 29/50 | Wand of Shield 45/50 | Wand of Faerie Fire 48/50 | Spells: 1st 7/7, 2nd 7/7, 3rd 6/6, 4th 4/4

From down the hall, you hear an incredible clanking noise. As experienced Pathfinders, you probably recognize the grinding cacophony of platemail. Accompanying the irritating noise is a voice: "I AM RASAMORO, GORUM'S CHOSEN! CLEAR THE WAY OR WE SHALL PRAY!"

The phrase repeats several times, each closer than the last, occasionally punctuated by the sound of what can only be somebody being "relocated" forcefully in the name of Gorum.

Finally, a large bull nagaji in spiked, black, platemail ducks under the doorway while screaming, "I AM RASAMORO, GORUM'S CHOSEN!"

As you brace yourselves for the next auditory assault, he adds in a shockingly normal volume, "This is where the Captain said to meet, yes?"

Grand Lodge

Male Summoner 9 | HP 84/84| AC 19/18/12| F+10,R+7,W+10 (+5 mind affecting) | Init.+2| Perc.+1|
My Friend:
HP 48/48| AC 20/18/12| F+6,R+4,W+5| Init.+2| Perc.+28| Sense Motive +20

Whitwood is noticeably pale and sweating by the time the cacophony that is Rasamoro reaches the door, and jumps half out of the chair as he crashes through the door. He grips the chair tightly and nods in response to Rasmoro's question.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Ranger-13 (DivineTracker)/Sanct Rogue-1 AC23/T16/F18/CMD21 |HP 121/121| Fort:+14;Ref:+17 Will+12| Evasion : Percept.+23| Init.+7 | { } {Blessings 0/9, Liberation 0/1 reroll 0/1 - { }

Standing silently off to the side, you see a tall, dark human man with a dark weathered cloak and a longbow and quiver on his back. He has a habit of observing conversations, studying the comments made as if unaccustomed to civilized gatherings. If he speaks at all, he speaks with a thick Varisian accent. He wears a holy symbol of Desna around his neck.

So zhis is zhe place? I have been out of zhe action so long, I almost forgot where it was to go. But I am here now. Greetings all. Roland is my name.

Grand Lodge

Nagaji Oracle of Battle 9 HP: 84/84 | AC: 30 T: 13 FF: 29 CMD: 24 (+10vsDisarm) | F+10 R+6 W+8 | Init +7 (Roll Twice) | Perception +14
Tracked Resources:
Wand of CLW 29/50 | Wand of Shield 45/50 | Wand of Faerie Fire 48/50 | Spells: 1st 7/7, 2nd 7/7, 3rd 6/6, 4th 4/4

"This is good, Rasamoro sit now." He says as he makes his way to the sturdiest looking bench.

Noticing mortified Whitwood, he leans in a little, "Rasamoro do not mean to fright you, but there is monster behind chair. Do you wish for Rasamoro to pray with it?"

The End Awakens | The Day the River Died

As the boat carrying each of you rounds the edge of Conqueror’s Bay in southern Varisia, the skyline of Korvosa rises into view in the distance over the calm water. As you approach the city, the missive you received form Venture-Captain Amara Li returns clearly to the forefront of your thoughts:


Recently the Society acquired a new ally in Absalom named Sendeli Foxglove. The girl is enthusiastic, and has been helping us finalize several business arrangements. Now however, she has made something of a personal request of us. Sendeli has a sister named Zeeva in Korvosa who owns a successful marketplace. A competing business interest is threatening Lady Foxglove, and her sister requests the Society investigate and intervene.

If you consider the matter pedestrian and more suited toward the local constabulary, I wouldn't blame you. Even so, there are extenuating circumstances. First, the competing business interest is the Aspis Consortium. It makes little sense for them to harass a local greengrocer, so there must be a deeper layer to this. Maintaining close ties to Sendeli Foxglove is an agenda the Society feels is worth pursuing in and of itself, but if we can assist Zeeva while also hampering the Aspis Consortium's efforts to gain influence in Korvosa, all the better.

There is smoke here, now find the fire. Extricate Zeeva Foxglove from this feud with the Consortium. If she's anything like her sister, she'll want to be an active part of this team-but you are not to let her put herself in danger. We've made that clear to her, and you're expected to abide by it and ensure she does as well. If this matter is simply crooked business, then just resolve it and continue on to Magnimar, where Venture-Captain Heidmarch will surely have more in store for you.

And thus this scenario brings back the grand tradition of the ‘Prior to the scenario Mission Briefing. You have all journeyed together to the city of Korvosa, and now as your ship pulls into its harbor you have your task: seek out Zeeva Foxglove and see if you can assist her with her Aspis problem.

Scarab Sages

half-elf oracle 6/sorcerer (mongrel mage) 1/evangelist 1 HP: 64/64| AC: 20 (12 Tch, 18 Fl) | CMD: 14 | F: +4, R: +5, W: +6 (+2 vs. enchantments)| Init: +9 | Perc: +6 (low-light), SM: +4 | Oracle Spells 1st 2/8 - 2nd 3/7 - 3rd 3/5 - Sorc 1st 5/5 | Active: Mage Armor, Shield, Bless

This is the favorite part of the journey for me. The anticipation is delightful.

Theriahm the half-elf stands on the leading edge of the boat as it maneuvers into the harbor. He scans the shores for activity, and breathes in the sea air. He leans heavy on his quarterstaff and as he shifts position to the quarterdeck in anticipation of landing, you are reminded of the significant limp he endures. Yet, a broad smile never leaves his face.

"Ah, I'm so keen on meeting Zeeva. I did just meet her sister just a few weeks ago. Wonderful girl, I wonder if she will be too. What a small world indeed."

Grand Lodge

Male Sylph Swashbuckler (Inspired Blade) 1 / Investigator (Empiricist) 7 | HP 59/59 | AC:23 T:17 FF:17 CMD:23 | F+6 R+17 (+2 vs traps) W+9 (+4 vs illusions) | Init +8 | Perc +18 (Darkvision, +4 traps)

The sylph remains lost in his thoughts, pondering what he's been told through and through.

"Right, we'll have to make do with the few information we have. As soon as we lay a foot on the docks, we should endeavor to harvest as much information as we can to know what the locals know."

Is there any knowledge/gather information roll we can attempt at this point?

The End Awakens | The Day the River Died

As your ship glides through the crowded bay and Ito port, the captain sees you off at the gangplank.

"Right lads: Korvosa. Just as promised. Now I don't know what exactly you're business is, but I wish you luck in it; you're the first set of you 'Finders I've given passage to that hasn't gotten us ambushed by a Kraken or pirates or Gozreh knows what."

As you disembark, you can Gather Information or Try to remember with Knowledge Local about both Zeeva and the Green Market itself (two separate checks)

Grand Lodge

Nagaji Oracle of Battle 9 HP: 84/84 | AC: 30 T: 13 FF: 29 CMD: 24 (+10vsDisarm) | F+10 R+6 W+8 | Init +7 (Roll Twice) | Perception +14
Tracked Resources:
Wand of CLW 29/50 | Wand of Shield 45/50 | Wand of Faerie Fire 48/50 | Spells: 1st 7/7, 2nd 7/7, 3rd 6/6, 4th 4/4

As the ship enters the harbor and docks, Rasamoro can be found at the furthest point of her bow greeting other ships and eventually the city of Korvosa: "I AM RASAMORO, GORUM'S CHOSEN! CLEAR THE WAY OR WE SHALL PRAY!"

The gangplank bends and moans severely as Rasamoro strides across. Shoulders slumped, he responds to the Captain: "Krakens and pirates? Why Gorum not bless Rasamoro with glory? Next time, Rasamoro pray more harder for glory on ship. Much luck on glory when you go home!"

He continues to the edge of the dock while he waits for the party to regroup after boarding. If people include him on their task to gather information, he will attempt to aid another.

Aid another (Gather Information): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17 Successful +2 bonus to whoever brings him along

Grand Lodge

Male Summoner 9 | HP 84/84| AC 19/18/12| F+10,R+7,W+10 (+5 mind affecting) | Init.+2| Perc.+1|
My Friend:
HP 48/48| AC 20/18/12| F+6,R+4,W+5| Init.+2| Perc.+28| Sense Motive +20

"Oh.... Okay. You're going to help me? Okay...... Thanks. Um. I suppose I could ask some people...

Diplomacy (Gather Information): 1d20 + 21 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 21 + 2 = 38

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Ranger-13 (DivineTracker)/Sanct Rogue-1 AC23/T16/F18/CMD21 |HP 121/121| Fort:+14;Ref:+17 Will+12| Evasion : Percept.+23| Init.+7 | { } {Blessings 0/9, Liberation 0/1 reroll 0/1 - { }

Roland, not being much for words, will add as little as possible, while keeping an eye open for strange behavior.

Any news would be most helpful

dipl-aid: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (2) - 1 = 1 Or not

Grand Lodge

Male Summoner 9 | HP 84/84| AC 19/18/12| F+10,R+7,W+10 (+5 mind affecting) | Init.+2| Perc.+1|
My Friend:
HP 48/48| AC 20/18/12| F+6,R+4,W+5| Init.+2| Perc.+28| Sense Motive +20

Oops, and for info on the green Market

Gather Information: 1d20 + 21 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 21 + 2 = 37

The End Awakens | The Day the River Died

As the group of you make your way off the docks, the crowded Korvosa streets prove a fertile group for asking for directions and news. Roland’s polite requests seem mostly ignored by the passerbys, but as Rasamoro gets their attention Whitwood’s honeyed words cause a strolling couple to chat amicably with you about the Green Market and its owner.

“Oh, you’re looking for the Green Market huh? ‘S over in the South Shore district. Hug the coast tight and you’ll find it: hit the Pantheon of the Many and you’ve gone too far!”

“Be sure to try some of the tomatoes there! Zeeva Foxglove’s kept the place as popular as ever after she reopened the Market when the first owner croaked ten years back out of the blue. I don’t think it’s ever failed to turn a profit, even in the leaner times.”

“I heard the Market’s lucky, got the touch about it. Well, I suppose not for the original owner – died quick he did from some strange wasting disease. But it never spread to no one else, so see: lucky!”

“Bah, you’re just saying that because the Green Market was built by one of those Shoanti sites. So what? The Grand Mastaba’s even more sacred and it doesn’t seem to help the stall owners there make up for their terrible business choices. You don’t need to attribute to luck what can be explained by Zeeva’s skills.”

“Suppose so. I’ll grant you she’s always given the community a fair shake too. Born down in Magnimar she was – nobility, along with her siblings! But when the parents died off tragically the trio was raised up here by a cousin. Heard the sis Senadeli’s over in the City at the Center of the World now, and the brother’s Aldern’s back in Magnimar (though they don’t get on much). Zeeva stayed and used her inheritance to buy up the Market, and even though it’s a nice bit of lucre to be made there she never puts on airs or claims any title here. Why, sometimes her help’s almost miraculous. There’s those who think she may be a witch! The good kind though, not the warty curse-y lot.”

“Oh, hush Jess. Rumors and hearsay, that’s all that that is.”

Following the pair’s directions, you stride through the twisting streets of Korvosa until you come across the exapnsive building that is the Green Market. A mostly wooden structure built like a massive barn, the marketplace stands on a flattened section of raised earth five feet higher than the surrounding street. The structure is only a single story, but the ceiling rises to twenty-five feet and has numerous glass skylights that can be opened and closed with extending poles and ladders for lighting and ventilation. To the south is the main entrance that has large iron gates which can be slid and chained shut. On the southeast and southwest sides are exterior docks with sliding bay doors, where farmers and merchants can unload the wares from their wagons directly into stalls or bring them into interior kiosks. Inside, the majority of the ground is hard-packed earth, except for the stalls, which have wood flooring. Only the four southeastern stalls carry goods other than produce. The southern-most stall has casks of wine, oils, and vinegar. The other stalls sell quality clothing, jewelry, and finished furniture. On the northeast side is an office that can be secured by another sliding iron gate. North of the office is the market's back entrance. Finally, in the center north is a park-like area with a large tree and flowered bushes kept alive by an open skylight above.

All about the open spaces mill dozens of customers bustling to and fro between stalls and carts as merchants hock their wares.

”Eggs, get your eggs here! 12 for a fiver!”

Best corn north of Egorian, get it while its fresh.

Hats, hats for sale!”

Theres a nice map of the market I will post as soon as I get home.

Grand Lodge

Nagaji Oracle of Battle 9 HP: 84/84 | AC: 30 T: 13 FF: 29 CMD: 24 (+10vsDisarm) | F+10 R+6 W+8 | Init +7 (Roll Twice) | Perception +14
Tracked Resources:
Wand of CLW 29/50 | Wand of Shield 45/50 | Wand of Faerie Fire 48/50 | Spells: 1st 7/7, 2nd 7/7, 3rd 6/6, 4th 4/4

Being a better wingman than leader when not on the field of battle, Rasamoro will follow little Whitwood's lead.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Ranger-13 (DivineTracker)/Sanct Rogue-1 AC23/T16/F18/CMD21 |HP 121/121| Fort:+14;Ref:+17 Will+12| Evasion : Percept.+23| Init.+7 | { } {Blessings 0/9, Liberation 0/1 reroll 0/1 - { }

Roland reserves comments but is interested in seeing this market. He recalls stories of the Foxgloves when he was growing up outside Sandpoint.

Musing to himself...

I did not realize zhere were Alderns also in Magnimar. Big family it seems.

Never a fan of big cities, he also watches for pickpockets or anyone trailing them.

perception: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (19) + 17 = 36

Grand Lodge

Male Summoner 9 | HP 84/84| AC 19/18/12| F+10,R+7,W+10 (+5 mind affecting) | Init.+2| Perc.+1|
My Friend:
HP 48/48| AC 20/18/12| F+6,R+4,W+5| Init.+2| Perc.+28| Sense Motive +20

"Oh...okay, ummm, Does anyone know what she look's like? I guess she might be at the office, if she runs the place. Right?"

Liberty's Edge

43870-1 | Human M (Garundi) Ranger 11 | Init +7 (+11 Urban)| AC 29* T 17* FF 21* | | HP 103/103| F +11 R +13 W +8 | Percp Survival +19; Sense Motive +17; HA (comp) +20; K Nature +16; Spellcraft, K (Geo, Dungeon) +15, Stealth 13; All other K. +4
Active on Ajax:
Life Bubble, Longstrider, Shield Companion, Mage Armor, HA, Barkskin (+4 AC)
Active on Ara:
Life Bubble, Mage Armor, Shield Companion, Longstrider, Barkskin +4 AC, Cat's Grace +4 Dex

Ajax had been mostly quiet on the travel on account having slept through most of it. When he was awake, his conversation mostly centered on time travel and Kreighton Shaine, nonsense to be sure.

Once back on dry land and in a city no less, Ajax seems to come alive. Favored Terrain +4 in Urban for both he and Ara

Ajax sends his hawk into the air to let it hunt the local birds, but keeps Ara by his side. Once in the market proper, Ajax's years with the Society tell him to expect trouble and he wands up Longstrider on myself, Shield Companion, Mage Armor (with someone's help) on Ara

The End Awakens | The Day the River Died

Looking around, Roland notices that many in the market - both customers and merchants alike - are giving extra warm greetings and deference to a beautiful woman with chin-length, strawberry blonde hair, wide brown eyes, and a generous smile. She strides through the market carrying no no weapons and wearing no armor. A sleek, black cat rubs itself against her ankle.

Breaking away form a conversation with a cabbage merchant, the woman sits and rests for a moment by a central fountain as she looks around the market.

Map added to my signature and up at the top of the page. Whitwood: is your eidolon out with you?

Liberty's Edge

43870-1 | Human M (Garundi) Ranger 11 | Init +7 (+11 Urban)| AC 29* T 17* FF 21* | | HP 103/103| F +11 R +13 W +8 | Percp Survival +19; Sense Motive +17; HA (comp) +20; K Nature +16; Spellcraft, K (Geo, Dungeon) +15, Stealth 13; All other K. +4
Active on Ajax:
Life Bubble, Longstrider, Shield Companion, Mage Armor, HA, Barkskin (+4 AC)
Active on Ara:
Life Bubble, Mage Armor, Shield Companion, Longstrider, Barkskin +4 AC, Cat's Grace +4 Dex

Ajax, always suspicious, eyes the woman warily, trying to make certain she is human and indeed the woman they are looking for.

K. Local (T10): 10 + 8 = 18

Grand Lodge

Male Summoner 9 | HP 84/84| AC 19/18/12| F+10,R+7,W+10 (+5 mind affecting) | Init.+2| Perc.+1|
My Friend:
HP 48/48| AC 20/18/12| F+6,R+4,W+5| Init.+2| Perc.+28| Sense Motive +20

Eidolon is indeed with Whitwood, keeping a watchful eye out. Closest picture I have been able to find to what I imagine it to look like below:


Whitwood will wander up and introduce himself and the group.

"Oh, uh, Hi there. Are you Lady Foxglove?

Grand Lodge

Male Sylph Swashbuckler (Inspired Blade) 1 / Investigator (Empiricist) 7 | HP 59/59 | AC:23 T:17 FF:17 CMD:23 | F+6 R+17 (+2 vs traps) W+9 (+4 vs illusions) | Init +8 | Perc +18 (Darkvision, +4 traps)

Anail leaves the pleasantries to Whitewood, preferring to keep his eyes peeled for anything out of the usual. Perception : 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (2) + 17 = 19

He also remains vigilant about the woman, not certain yet she's as trustworthy as the briefing described.
Sense Motive : 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (10) + 17 = 27

-Posted with Wayfinder

Scarab Sages

half-elf oracle 6/sorcerer (mongrel mage) 1/evangelist 1 HP: 64/64| AC: 20 (12 Tch, 18 Fl) | CMD: 14 | F: +4, R: +5, W: +6 (+2 vs. enchantments)| Init: +9 | Perc: +6 (low-light), SM: +4 | Oracle Spells 1st 2/8 - 2nd 3/7 - 3rd 3/5 - Sorc 1st 5/5 | Active: Mage Armor, Shield, Bless

What a beautiful place this is.

Theriahm moves to the woman, trying to discern if there is any resemblance to her sister. He steps in behind the summoner and smiles broadly to punctuate Whitwood's question.

The End Awakens | The Day the River Died

Theriahm sees that the woman's appearance is quite different from that of Sendeli: a more pronounced nose, tighter shoulders, a slightly lighter shade of hair. But her eyes, her eyes are the same piercing brown as her sibling's.

"Yes, I am Zeeva." she says politely as Whitwood approaches. As he begins to explain their purpose, her expression brightens. "Oh, so you are the Pathfinders Sendeli wrote about! Thank you so much for coming. I can't tell you how much this means to me. I've complained to the city, but it's as if the Aspis Consortium has bribed everyone or the authorities just don't care."

"I'm happy to pay for your lodging while you're helping me. Come, walk with me and let me show you the market. I'm not sure how much your bosses told you, but I"d be happy to answer any questions."

Grand Lodge

Male Summoner 9 | HP 84/84| AC 19/18/12| F+10,R+7,W+10 (+5 mind affecting) | Init.+2| Perc.+1|
My Friend:
HP 48/48| AC 20/18/12| F+6,R+4,W+5| Init.+2| Perc.+28| Sense Motive +20

"Oh, right yes. The aspis. Do you think they're still around. It's just that, umm... well we have some history. I'm pretty sure we all have some history. I mean, I disrupted their operations at bloodcove, and they never really got over that. So I keep an eye out for them. So does My Friend. It watches out for me. But it also knows when I'm going to die. Apparently. Ummm.... I tend to get distracted when I'm scared. Or when something distrating happens. I'm going to breathe for a moment. Did anyone else have any questions?"

Scarab Sages

half-elf oracle 6/sorcerer (mongrel mage) 1/evangelist 1 HP: 64/64| AC: 20 (12 Tch, 18 Fl) | CMD: 14 | F: +4, R: +5, W: +6 (+2 vs. enchantments)| Init: +9 | Perc: +6 (low-light), SM: +4 | Oracle Spells 1st 2/8 - 2nd 3/7 - 3rd 3/5 - Sorc 1st 5/5 | Active: Mage Armor, Shield, Bless

"Greetings Zeeva. I am Theriahm, favored of Desna, and yes, we are the Pathfinder team your sister has requested. Now what exactly is the problem here, just idle Aspis threats, or something more sinister?" He intones with a wry smile.

Grand Lodge

Nagaji Oracle of Battle 9 HP: 84/84 | AC: 30 T: 13 FF: 29 CMD: 24 (+10vsDisarm) | F+10 R+6 W+8 | Init +7 (Roll Twice) | Perception +14
Tracked Resources:
Wand of CLW 29/50 | Wand of Shield 45/50 | Wand of Faerie Fire 48/50 | Spells: 1st 7/7, 2nd 7/7, 3rd 6/6, 4th 4/4

When Zeeva mentions that she will be paying for their lodging, Rasamoro's mind starts to wander as he thinks about all the wonderful things he plans on having that night.

He quickly comes refocuses as the group begins walking, pushing to the front. If any of the pedestrians are too slow to clear a path, he bellows his usual challenge at them.

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Summoner 9 | HP 84/84| AC 19/18/12| F+10,R+7,W+10 (+5 mind affecting) | Init.+2| Perc.+1|
My Friend:
HP 48/48| AC 20/18/12| F+6,R+4,W+5| Init.+2| Perc.+28| Sense Motive +20

"Oh, ummmmm...., thank you Rasamoro, for umm very enthusiastically clearing a way through the streets. Maybe don't yell at the.... never mind. Sorry Ma'am. Erm, okay. So, ummm. We were told you were having some trouble with your business. We kind of specialise in problem solving. Just like Rasamaro specialises in removing obstacles. Like that man he just shoved. Oh, um he doesn't look too happy about that."

Grand Lodge

Nagaji Oracle of Battle 9 HP: 84/84 | AC: 30 T: 13 FF: 29 CMD: 24 (+10vsDisarm) | F+10 R+6 W+8 | Init +7 (Roll Twice) | Perception +14
Tracked Resources:
Wand of CLW 29/50 | Wand of Shield 45/50 | Wand of Faerie Fire 48/50 | Spells: 1st 7/7, 2nd 7/7, 3rd 6/6, 4th 4/4

I swear to Gorum, if anybody challenges Rasamoro, I will roll initiative ;)

Grand Lodge

Male Sylph Swashbuckler (Inspired Blade) 1 / Investigator (Empiricist) 7 | HP 59/59 | AC:23 T:17 FF:17 CMD:23 | F+6 R+17 (+2 vs traps) W+9 (+4 vs illusions) | Init +8 | Perc +18 (Darkvision, +4 traps)

Anail chimes in, asking a slew of questions in a staccato rythme, never failing to keep his matter of fact tone.

"I do, actually. Firstly, what can you tell us about the Aspis' presence? Do you have knowledge of agents in particular that are involved in this matter? What is their modus operandi?"

"Secondly, could you be very specific about what you expect us to do, and what you expect us not to do? It would seem paramount not to disrupt your current affairs here of course, but what is the extent of the leeway we have?"

-Posted with Wayfinder

The End Awakens | The Day the River Died

"Well I can't speak to your dealings with the Aspis in the past," Zeeva says as she guides you through the Marketplace. "But here I was initially approached by them with an offer to buy the Green Market. I wasn't interested of course. It's been very success l and, though I never thought I'd find myself saying this, I love what I do. Then they wanted to lease space inside of it, but when I found out what they wanted to sell - Weapons, armor, and magic goods - I declined. Those things have their place, but my customers are not adventurers. They are people looking for food and goods they need to survive. The Green Market is a community-based business, not an armory."

"They didn't seem to like that answer. Initially they just sent over pompous businessmen to convince me an alliance would benefit us both. I repeatedly declined their advances, so they started sending around thugs to 'persuade' me. Till now, I've run to the city guard or otherwise eluded the Aspis thugs, but it's only a matter of time be re their methods of intimidation get too dangerous for me to refuse."

"That said, these may be worse than most, but I've had to deal with bullies before. If the Aspis Consortium sees that I have protectors of the likes of you Pathfinders, I hope they'll leave me alone. Stick around the market and see what they do. With luck, simply your presence could dissuade them. It's only a matter of time until they come back to try and strong-arm me again."

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Ranger-13 (DivineTracker)/Sanct Rogue-1 AC23/T16/F18/CMD21 |HP 121/121| Fort:+14;Ref:+17 Will+12| Evasion : Percept.+23| Init.+7 | { } {Blessings 0/9, Liberation 0/1 reroll 0/1 - { }

Roland considers her plight.

And what of zhe city guards? Have zhey made no arrests or driven zhe Aspis from the area?
Do zhe Aspis have a leader or known base of zheir operations?
Maybe we can persuade zhem to stop harassing you.

Grand Lodge

Nagaji Oracle of Battle 9 HP: 84/84 | AC: 30 T: 13 FF: 29 CMD: 24 (+10vsDisarm) | F+10 R+6 W+8 | Init +7 (Roll Twice) | Perception +14
Tracked Resources:
Wand of CLW 29/50 | Wand of Shield 45/50 | Wand of Faerie Fire 48/50 | Spells: 1st 7/7, 2nd 7/7, 3rd 6/6, 4th 4/4

After hearing how much she supports her community and the good intentions she has, Rasamoro stops and immediately does a 180.

"Rasamoro protect Zeeva. Rasamoro will pray with Aspis."

Zeeva not warrior, but warrior need things she have too. Gorum pleased when Rasamoro protect Zeeva and market.

Then he resumes walking and leading them the only way he knows how.

Liberty's Edge

43870-1 | Human M (Garundi) Ranger 11 | Init +7 (+11 Urban)| AC 29* T 17* FF 21* | | HP 103/103| F +11 R +13 W +8 | Percp Survival +19; Sense Motive +17; HA (comp) +20; K Nature +16; Spellcraft, K (Geo, Dungeon) +15, Stealth 13; All other K. +4
Active on Ajax:
Life Bubble, Longstrider, Shield Companion, Mage Armor, HA, Barkskin (+4 AC)
Active on Ara:
Life Bubble, Mage Armor, Shield Companion, Longstrider, Barkskin +4 AC, Cat's Grace +4 Dex

Listening to what Zeeva says, Ajax speaks to the group. "Perhaps we should try to blend in and hide in the crowd, waiting for the Aspis to show?"

The End Awakens | The Day the River Died

"Oh, I've let the guards know," Zeeva says to Roland. "But so far its only been threats. Less and less veiled of course, but I suspect the Aspis may have some friends in the city. Either way, they have not been much help."

"And I'm afraid I don't know where the Aspis are. Korvosa is a big place - the largest and best city in Varisia!" Zeeva says with pride. "Unfortunately, in this case that is a slight disadvantage, and I have been kept busy running the market."

"Still, their presence is almost daily at this point. I'm sure there is a good chance you will be able to see them before too long."

If you would like, you may place yourselves around the market.

Liberty's Edge

43870-1 | Human M (Garundi) Ranger 11 | Init +7 (+11 Urban)| AC 29* T 17* FF 21* | | HP 103/103| F +11 R +13 W +8 | Percp Survival +19; Sense Motive +17; HA (comp) +20; K Nature +16; Spellcraft, K (Geo, Dungeon) +15, Stealth 13; All other K. +4
Active on Ajax:
Life Bubble, Longstrider, Shield Companion, Mage Armor, HA, Barkskin (+4 AC)
Active on Ara:
Life Bubble, Mage Armor, Shield Companion, Longstrider, Barkskin +4 AC, Cat's Grace +4 Dex

Ajax states the obvious, "Apparently Zeeva thinks we should wait and the Aspis will show themselves. Probably best if we pair up and split up."

Ajax, using his woodland stride ability moves inside the large bush on top of the platform, commanding Ara to hid in the branches next to him.

Stealth Ajax (T10): 10 + 14 = 24

Stealth Ara( T10): 10 + 11 = 21

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Ranger-13 (DivineTracker)/Sanct Rogue-1 AC23/T16/F18/CMD21 |HP 121/121| Fort:+14;Ref:+17 Will+12| Evasion : Percept.+23| Init.+7 | { } {Blessings 0/9, Liberation 0/1 reroll 0/1 - { }

Roland will do likewise, trying to cover other entrances and exit routes from the market opposite Ajax.

Grand Lodge

Nagaji Oracle of Battle 9 HP: 84/84 | AC: 30 T: 13 FF: 29 CMD: 24 (+10vsDisarm) | F+10 R+6 W+8 | Init +7 (Roll Twice) | Perception +14
Tracked Resources:
Wand of CLW 29/50 | Wand of Shield 45/50 | Wand of Faerie Fire 48/50 | Spells: 1st 7/7, 2nd 7/7, 3rd 6/6, 4th 4/4

Unless someone suggests otherwise, Rasamoro will remain be Zeeva's side.

Rasamoro make sure Aspis don't hurt Zeeva form here.

Hearing that we are waiting now, Rasamoro stops shouting and just scans the crowd for possible Aspis agents. Perception take 10 for 23. FYI GM Zoomba, I roll twice on initiative and always act in the surprise round. Presumably the Aspis come at variable times? If they come at a consistent time, I'd like to cast Shield of Faith on Zeeva and myself a minute or two before they should show up.

The End Awakens | The Day the River Died

Several of you slip away to hidden positions around the Green Market while Zeeva continues to make her rounds. The crowded marketplace makes it difficult to discern who might be an Aspis agent as opposed to just an ordinary shopper, but the more keen eyed of you notice a robed man staring directly at your hostess just before he steps out in front of her. The Yellow one on the map.

"Why hello again Zeeva my dear!" he says with a sharp smile towards Ms. Foxglove. "A lovely day isn't it? Now I know you've spoken to a few of my fellows before, but our associates are beginning to get a bit offended at your ducking of our calls. Why don't you take a walk we me and my friends? We can talk in private; I would hate to cause a scene in such a serene setting as the Green Market."

As the man mentions his 'friends' you notice three tough looking men stand straighter and begin to step forward. their movement causes their cloaks to billow slightly, revealing armored scale beneath their coverings and hands resting lightly on the hilts of concealed greatswords. Zeeva stares the smiling man down, but her gaze titches towards you as she nods her head ever so slightly.

Map updated. The main people of note are outlined in Yellow, Green Red and Blue, but there are also many other shoppers and merchants milling about that I kept off the map for purposes of clarity.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Ranger-13 (DivineTracker)/Sanct Rogue-1 AC23/T16/F18/CMD21 |HP 121/121| Fort:+14;Ref:+17 Will+12| Evasion : Percept.+23| Init.+7 | { } {Blessings 0/9, Liberation 0/1 reroll 0/1 - { }

Since Rasamoro said he would stay at her side, moved him on the map

Roland observes the thugs and leader approach their hostess at her stand.
Until hostilities break out,
he is trying to keep a low profile to ensure he has spotted any others.

He quitely grips his bow and bestows a holy blessing (divine tracker blessing) within it.

Grand Lodge

Male Summoner 9 | HP 84/84| AC 19/18/12| F+10,R+7,W+10 (+5 mind affecting) | Init.+2| Perc.+1|
My Friend:
HP 48/48| AC 20/18/12| F+6,R+4,W+5| Init.+2| Perc.+28| Sense Motive +20

"Oh, Hi there. My name is Whitwood, I'm a friend of Lady Foxglove. Perhaps we could join you for this chat, if that's okay. And perhaps we could have it here, I'm not as fast as you tall folk, I sometime's get left behind when people decide to walk and talk."

Grand Lodge

Male Sylph Swashbuckler (Inspired Blade) 1 / Investigator (Empiricist) 7 | HP 59/59 | AC:23 T:17 FF:17 CMD:23 | F+6 R+17 (+2 vs traps) W+9 (+4 vs illusions) | Init +8 | Perc +18 (Darkvision, +4 traps)

Anáil steps in front of Zeeva in a protective manner. While he hasn't unsheathed his finely-wrought rapier yet, his hand remains on the handle, ready to do so. Wisps of air whisk away some of his hair, revealing a tense face glaring at the Aspis.

"I think you will find that Ms. Foxglove has declined your invitation, for now and all eternity, actually. I'm Anáil Stormbringer, and I've dealt with your ilk before. There are two ways we can do this. The first has you running away like a good lapdog and report to your masters that the Green Market is off-limits to the Consortium, while the other one will send the same message, but with a way more dramatic - and untimely, I might add - end for you all. However, there is no need to resort to violence if you don't want to get hurt. What will it be?" dares the swashbuckler.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (16) + 17 = 33

The End Awakens | The Day the River Died

The talkative man frowns as Whitwood stands up for Zeeva, but starts when Anail steps forwards. The man glares at the wayfinder hanging from the sylph's belt, the his eyes go up again to stare at Zeeva and those of you surrounding her. "So, you called in the Pathfinders to come and stop us? Clearly you've misunderstood what we can offer you, and what they can't"

He calls out to his companions. "Let's get her for a chat boys! Take out the compass freaks if you have to."

The nearby shoppers and merchants start to run for cover as the other thugs begin moving towards you.

Whitwood Init: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9
’friend’ wood Init: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22
Anail Init: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 10
Theriahm Init: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (4) + 9 = 13
Rasamoro Init: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22
Rasamoro 2 Init: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22
Roland Init: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (15) + 6 = 21
Ajax Init: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14

Yellow: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10
Red: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17
Blue: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5
Green: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7
Zeeva: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 = 16

Whitwood's 'friend'

Red thug
Ajax & Ara
Green thug
Blue thug

BOLD are up. Order does not mater.

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