PbP GameDay IV: PFS #6–97: Siege of Serpents - Tier 1-2 (Inactive)

Game Master Magabeus


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The Exchange

HP 33/33 | Ac 17 T 13 FF 14 | I+4 | Fort+3 Ref+9 Will +5 (+1 vs enchantments)| P+7 | Bluff +20 Diplo& Intimidate +16 Sense Mot +18 | BP 11/19 | Spells 4/6+1/4
Active Spells:
Heightenend Awareness, Heroism

Dimitra walks by, on her way to fight some other intruders

"Errr, why is Girzog savaging that dead beetle? I did not know that Tengu are carrion birds...."

Fiend series | Shackles

Five beetles down, one to go!

Inspire courage active! +1 to hit / damage and vs fear
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Kryas Azrin
Girzog - 4 damage

Grand Lodge

LN Tengu Fighter 3 | HP: 28/28| AC: 19 / T: 13 / FF: 16 | CMB: +4 / CMD: 17 | F:+5 / R: +4 / W: +2 | Init: +5 Perc: +5 | Speed: 30ft

Aww I forgot my inspire courage bonus :P

Silver Crusade

Human Battle Host 1/Grenadier 2; HP 9/18; AC 16, touch 10, FF 16; CMD 16; Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +0 Init +2, Perception +3, speed 20 ft (medium armor) Skills
craft: basket weaving +8, diplomacy +3, disable device +4 (+6 with MW thieves' tools), intimidate +2, knowledge (arcana, engineering, history, planes, religion) +8, linguistics +9, perception +3, sense motive +2

Balinor attacks the last beetle (green).

Greatsword: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13
Damage: 2d6 + 9 ⇒ (2, 3) + 9 = 14

Since Girzog's 13 hit earlier, I'm assuming mine does now.

Balinor finishes off the last of the beetles then instantly scans the area to ensure that all of his allies are alright.

"Lady Dimitra, are you alright? Do you require our assistance in your own battle?" he askes, nasty beetle juice still dripping from his massive blade.

Oops, might accidentally summon Beetlejuice. Dang it! No one say it again!

Grand Lodge

LN Tengu Fighter 3 | HP: 28/28| AC: 19 / T: 13 / FF: 16 | CMB: +4 / CMD: 17 | F:+5 / R: +4 / W: +2 | Init: +5 Perc: +5 | Speed: 30ft

Mmm beetle juice

*A terrasque falls from the sky*

Silver Crusade

Male Half Elf level 1 Expert

say what? Beetlejuice ?

The Exchange

Kitsune Swashbuckler(mouser) 1/Ninja 5/ Shadow dancer 2
HP 61/61, AC 17/ T 14/FF 13, F+5, R+12, W+4, Init +7, Speed 30ft, Darkvision 60ft, Low light Vision, CMB +4, CMD 18

Say it three times and he will appear.
Thomas moves west, but will have another get the kill.

Fiend series | Shackles

Balinor slays the last beetle

out of combat!

Grand Lodge

LN Tengu Fighter 3 | HP: 28/28| AC: 19 / T: 13 / FF: 16 | CMB: +4 / CMD: 17 | F:+5 / R: +4 / W: +2 | Init: +5 Perc: +5 | Speed: 30ft

Are you telling me a terrasque didn't really fall from the sky in a 1-2? Man, way to ruin everything.

Silver Crusade

Human Battle Host 1/Grenadier 2; HP 9/18; AC 16, touch 10, FF 16; CMD 16; Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +0 Init +2, Perception +3, speed 20 ft (medium armor) Skills
craft: basket weaving +8, diplomacy +3, disable device +4 (+6 with MW thieves' tools), intimidate +2, knowledge (arcana, engineering, history, planes, religion) +8, linguistics +9, perception +3, sense motive +2

"Is everyone all right?" Balinor asks.

Grand Lodge

LN Tengu Fighter 3 | HP: 28/28| AC: 19 / T: 13 / FF: 16 | CMB: +4 / CMD: 17 | F:+5 / R: +4 / W: +2 | Init: +5 Perc: +5 | Speed: 30ft

Calming down, and cleaning the innards from his beak and claws, Girzog responds

"I took a few cuts, and wouldn't mind some medicine if we have any, but I'm more concerned I may have swallowed some by mistake. I don't recommend trying it."

Silver Crusade

Human Battle Host 1/Grenadier 2; HP 9/18; AC 16, touch 10, FF 16; CMD 16; Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +0 Init +2, Perception +3, speed 20 ft (medium armor) Skills
craft: basket weaving +8, diplomacy +3, disable device +4 (+6 with MW thieves' tools), intimidate +2, knowledge (arcana, engineering, history, planes, religion) +8, linguistics +9, perception +3, sense motive +2

Balinor looks mildly grossed out by Girzog's statement, but maintains his composure and simply says, "[b]I'm glad you are well, friend Girzog. Are the rest of us well, and shall we move on to see where else our help is needed?[/b["

Silver Crusade

Male Half Elf level 1 Expert

if your injured i can help...healing magic, i learned from the fey the half elf offers

Grand Lodge

LN Tengu Fighter 3 | HP: 28/28| AC: 19 / T: 13 / FF: 16 | CMB: +4 / CMD: 17 | F:+5 / R: +4 / W: +2 | Init: +5 Perc: +5 | Speed: 30ft

"Thank you. I'll wait to see what awaits us before accepting your offer, elf. That was a minor scuffle, and we may need to be careful with our healing."

The Exchange

HP 33/33 | Ac 17 T 13 FF 14 | I+4 | Fort+3 Ref+9 Will +5 (+1 vs enchantments)| P+7 | Bluff +20 Diplo& Intimidate +16 Sense Mot +18 | BP 11/19 | Spells 4/6+1/4
Active Spells:
Heightenend Awareness, Heroism

Dimitra waves to Balinor "We are beating those Aspis senseless, thanks. I will see you later! and off she goes again.

Fiend series | Shackles

Another success for you guys.!

You use the moment of respite to heal your wounds and to contemplate where you will assist now. In the Northwestern sector you see that the
Pathfinder defenses are in disarray and the invaders are at large. In the Southern sector the Aspis forces and Pathfinder defenders are evenly matched.

You also remember that you liberated three potions from the Aspis agent.

You cleared all encounters in sector NE! And for that terrasque: unfortunately in PFS we are not to deviate from the scenario as written...

The Exchange

Kitsune Swashbuckler(mouser) 1/Ninja 5/ Shadow dancer 2
HP 61/61, AC 17/ T 14/FF 13, F+5, R+12, W+4, Init +7, Speed 30ft, Darkvision 60ft, Low light Vision, CMB +4, CMD 18

No, but we have space for creativity, as long as we stick to what needs to be done. :)

"Such big bugs i have not yet encountered before. At least not yet in my own town's direct surroundings.
Peculiar things, if not disgusting, neh?"

Dark Archive

GMG wrote:
You also remember that you liberated three potions from the Aspis agent.

The Ispector holds the glass vials in his hands and concentrates for 3 rounds.

Craft (alchemy) to identify potion #1: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 10
Craft (alchemy) to identify potion #2: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 28
Craft (alchemy) to identify potion #3: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22

Silver Crusade

Human Battle Host 1/Grenadier 2; HP 9/18; AC 16, touch 10, FF 16; CMD 16; Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +0 Init +2, Perception +3, speed 20 ft (medium armor) Skills
craft: basket weaving +8, diplomacy +3, disable device +4 (+6 with MW thieves' tools), intimidate +2, knowledge (arcana, engineering, history, planes, religion) +8, linguistics +9, perception +3, sense motive +2

Balinor stands protectively, sword at the ready, as the Inspector focuses intently on the three potions.

Fiend series | Shackles

Although the Inspector has difficulty identifying the first potion he easily identifies the other two as a potion of cure light wounds and a potion of invisibility.

Where to now? South or Northwest?

Silver Crusade

Human Battle Host 1/Grenadier 2; HP 9/18; AC 16, touch 10, FF 16; CMD 16; Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +0 Init +2, Perception +3, speed 20 ft (medium armor) Skills
craft: basket weaving +8, diplomacy +3, disable device +4 (+6 with MW thieves' tools), intimidate +2, knowledge (arcana, engineering, history, planes, religion) +8, linguistics +9, perception +3, sense motive +2

Balinor speaks up to offer the opinion that the most help is needed in the Northwest.

"Surely we cannot stand idly by while our allies are in need?"

Silver Crusade

Male Half Elf level 1 Expert

We need to consider the pro's and con's of both before making a decision. Our allies may be able to defend themselves for a short time while we handle surrounding areas.

Grand Lodge

LN Tengu Fighter 3 | HP: 28/28| AC: 19 / T: 13 / FF: 16 | CMB: +4 / CMD: 17 | F:+5 / R: +4 / W: +2 | Init: +5 Perc: +5 | Speed: 30ft

"Are there any locations or people of high importance to the south? Based on the tides of the battle, it looks like our friends to the west need our assistance more. However, they may need to wait if there is more reason to protect the south."

Fiend series | Shackles

Girzog: see slide 3 & 4 on the map

Sovereign Court

Female Elf Bard 2/Cleric of Calistria 4 | hp 37 | AC 16 T 12 FF 14 | CMD 16 | F +4 R +6 W +11 (+2 v ench, +4 v bardic) | Spd 30' | Init +2 | Kn(Arc, His, Loc, Nob, Pla, Rel) +7, KnOther +3, Perc +12 (low-light), SensM +14 (+16 hunch) | Chan 5/5 | Perf 8/8 | clw wand 34/50 |

"I think that while we are back this far in the grounds we should check Starhall and Center House. The crowds are no doubt pressing toward the gates no doubt sweeping many of the grounds defenders with them and away from their posts. Also if things get really bad to the south the city guard might decide to come in of their own accord."

The Exchange

Kitsune Swashbuckler(mouser) 1/Ninja 5/ Shadow dancer 2
HP 61/61, AC 17/ T 14/FF 13, F+5, R+12, W+4, Init +7, Speed 30ft, Darkvision 60ft, Low light Vision, CMB +4, CMD 18

"That sounds good to me.
With a little luck, there won't be another hostage situation."

Silver Crusade

Human Battle Host 1/Grenadier 2; HP 9/18; AC 16, touch 10, FF 16; CMD 16; Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +0 Init +2, Perception +3, speed 20 ft (medium armor) Skills
craft: basket weaving +8, diplomacy +3, disable device +4 (+6 with MW thieves' tools), intimidate +2, knowledge (arcana, engineering, history, planes, religion) +8, linguistics +9, perception +3, sense motive +2

I suggest we move at the speed of plot towards those scary owl things on the map.
Speaking of that map, Balinor, as meat shield and smashy guy, would have been closer to the door. The inspector, as more of a support character, probably would not. May we switch them?

Silver Crusade

Male Half Elf level 1 Expert

i'm fine with whatever is decided

The Exchange

Kitsune Swashbuckler(mouser) 1/Ninja 5/ Shadow dancer 2
HP 61/61, AC 17/ T 14/FF 13, F+5, R+12, W+4, Init +7, Speed 30ft, Darkvision 60ft, Low light Vision, CMB +4, CMD 18

GM, i saw the placement when they mentioned 'owl things'.
Thomas would avoid being up front as much as possible, preferring to let the muscle go in first.

Sovereign Court

Female Elf Bard 2/Cleric of Calistria 4 | hp 37 | AC 16 T 12 FF 14 | CMD 16 | F +4 R +6 W +11 (+2 v ench, +4 v bardic) | Spd 30' | Init +2 | Kn(Arc, His, Loc, Nob, Pla, Rel) +7, KnOther +3, Perc +12 (low-light), SensM +14 (+16 hunch) | Chan 5/5 | Perf 8/8 | clw wand 34/50 |

Careful, i-fine is probably a new copyrighted state of being in development at Apple. ;)

Fiend series | Shackles

The outside of this large keep was designed with Azlanti architecture in mind. Two wings extend from the center structure, with a domed tower at the end of the east wing a smaller patinated bronze dome over the center hall. Starhall serves as an observatory, library, and museum for otherworldly and extraplanar objects and lore.

Inside the main entrance is a library with several display cases of objects recovered from Numeria, as well as a curator’s desk and a staircase to the eastern tower.

You arrive there and open the door to see four owlfaced creatures going through the books and occasionally throwing them to the ground. Apparently they are searching for something. They each have a quarterstaff in one of their hands. One of the creatures is quick to react to the opening of the doors. It touches a red five pointed star symbol that it carries on its neck, casts a spell and moves out in the open. It assumes a combat stance.

Spellcraft DC16:
Divine Favor

Knowledge Religion DC10:
It is a holy symbol of Asmodeus[/dice]

Balinor: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 2 = 13
Inspector: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4
Girzog: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (8) + 0 = 8
Kryas Azrin: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (15) - 2 = 13
Thomas: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12
Rilia: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 2 = 17
Blue: 1d20 ⇒ 12
Green: 1d20 ⇒ 19
Red: 1d20 ⇒ 13
Yellow: 1d20 ⇒ 16

Entering initiative, no hostilities at the moment

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- - -
Kryas Azrin
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -

Silver Crusade

Human Battle Host 1/Grenadier 2; HP 9/18; AC 16, touch 10, FF 16; CMD 16; Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +0 Init +2, Perception +3, speed 20 ft (medium armor) Skills
craft: basket weaving +8, diplomacy +3, disable device +4 (+6 with MW thieves' tools), intimidate +2, knowledge (arcana, engineering, history, planes, religion) +8, linguistics +9, perception +3, sense motive +2

@GMG-So, moving characters?

Fiend series | Shackles

Sorry, you all ninja-ed me. Feel free to reposition outside of the door. Please put in a marching order on slide 2.

You can also attempt a Knowledge (Local) Check to identify these creatures

The Exchange

Kitsune Swashbuckler(mouser) 1/Ninja 5/ Shadow dancer 2
HP 61/61, AC 17/ T 14/FF 13, F+5, R+12, W+4, Init +7, Speed 30ft, Darkvision 60ft, Low light Vision, CMB +4, CMD 18

What can i say, GM-dono, it's a profession. :)

Sovereign Court

Female Elf Bard 2/Cleric of Calistria 4 | hp 37 | AC 16 T 12 FF 14 | CMD 16 | F +4 R +6 W +11 (+2 v ench, +4 v bardic) | Spd 30' | Init +2 | Kn(Arc, His, Loc, Nob, Pla, Rel) +7, KnOther +3, Perc +12 (low-light), SensM +14 (+16 hunch) | Chan 5/5 | Perf 8/8 | clw wand 34/50 |

Knowledge (religion): 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10

Knowledge (local): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16

sense motive (read situation): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16

"Hello there." If she knows what language the species commonly speaks and she speaks it, she uses that instead of Common. "Have you tried the card catalog? I'm sure the Master of Scrolls has put in some decimal-based system to help you find what you need. It would be the orderly thing to do."

She looks at the books tossed upon the floor and back at the leader with an air of disappointment.

Fiend series | Shackles

"If only you mammals would have done such a thing. It would make perfect sense indeed! But perhaps you can help. We are looking for astronomical star charts. Were are they?"

While not exactly friendly the creature seems exasperated that it can not find what it is looking for. It's frustration is getting the overhand and it seems ready to snap at someone or something that defies it.

As for what they are, Rilia thinks these might be Syrinxes, owl-like creatures that can obviously fly and have some resistances to mind-affecting effects. They can speak with all (animal or magical beast) birds. They are not found in the Inner Sea region, but she has read some texts describing that they are found in Arcadia. Far west of Absalom

Silver Crusade

Human Battle Host 1/Grenadier 2; HP 9/18; AC 16, touch 10, FF 16; CMD 16; Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +0 Init +2, Perception +3, speed 20 ft (medium armor) Skills
craft: basket weaving +8, diplomacy +3, disable device +4 (+6 with MW thieves' tools), intimidate +2, knowledge (arcana, engineering, history, planes, religion) +8, linguistics +9, perception +3, sense motive +2

Assuming that speaking was yellow's turn? If so, Balinor will delay to see if they turn aggressive and then will jump back in. If that's not yellow's turn, I'll revise my action after yellow acts

Fiend series | Shackles

Two of the birdlike creatures cast spells Yellow and Red while they wait for your reaction.

Kryas and Thomas!

Sovereign Court

Female Elf Bard 2/Cleric of Calistria 4 | hp 37 | AC 16 T 12 FF 14 | CMD 16 | F +4 R +6 W +11 (+2 v ench, +4 v bardic) | Spd 30' | Init +2 | Kn(Arc, His, Loc, Nob, Pla, Rel) +7, KnOther +3, Perc +12 (low-light), SensM +14 (+16 hunch) | Chan 5/5 | Perf 8/8 | clw wand 34/50 |

Ooo, they cast spells. (Can someone ID them?) We should just bar the doors and windows and come back in 20 minutes.

Does this look like the "Star Chart Room?"

The Exchange

Kitsune Swashbuckler(mouser) 1/Ninja 5/ Shadow dancer 2
HP 61/61, AC 17/ T 14/FF 13, F+5, R+12, W+4, Init +7, Speed 30ft, Darkvision 60ft, Low light Vision, CMB +4, CMD 18

"Are the tourists in these lands always so....easily on edge?"

Thomas 5ft steps out of sight of the owls, then draws his shortbow to be sure.

Silver Crusade

Male Half Elf level 1 Expert

we would rather not fight if it can be avoided, if you are just here for some star charts we can hep you find them but right now we are in the middle of a crisis.Would you perhaps be able to wait?

the young half elf smiles, subtle tones in his voice changing and his hands gesturing as he speaks. clearly in his element
diplomacy: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26

Dark Archive


Knowledge (local): 1d20 + 8 + 1d6 ⇒ (10) + 8 + (5) = 23
Knowledge (religion): 1d20 + 8 + 1d6 ⇒ (8) + 8 + (5) = 21

"Ah, yes, greetings. It is always pleasant to meet those who revere the Lord of Contracts. If only more of us "mammals" did. It goes without saying that we may trust you, if you agree to trust us? Yes? What is it you seek? And why?"

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 13 + 1d6 ⇒ (1) + 13 + (2) = 16

Dark Archive


Edit: I have the Tireless Logic trait. I will reroll that Int-based Diplomacy roll.

Diplomacy reroll: 1d20 + 13 + 1d6 ⇒ (5) + 13 + (1) = 19


Sovereign Court

Female Elf Bard 2/Cleric of Calistria 4 | hp 37 | AC 16 T 12 FF 14 | CMD 16 | F +4 R +6 W +11 (+2 v ench, +4 v bardic) | Spd 30' | Init +2 | Kn(Arc, His, Loc, Nob, Pla, Rel) +7, KnOther +3, Perc +12 (low-light), SensM +14 (+16 hunch) | Chan 5/5 | Perf 8/8 | clw wand 34/50 |

diplomacy (aid, +1 if they would be attracted to 'mammals'): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18

"What the good Inspector means to say is of course we'll help. It is the logical thing to do after all."

Fiend series | Shackles

Out of initiative

"The kingdom shall be his" the creature answers the Inspector "We need astronomical charts and books as I just said. As to why we need them; we have our reasons and that is all you need to know."

You can help searching for them by making Knowledge (geography), Knowledge (history) or Knowledge (nature) checks. Two per character please. Also give me an Appraise check and reposition your mini in the room to represent where you are looking.

The creatures start flipping through more books while they also keep an eye on you.

Rilia: you are not certain if star charts are to be found here. Only way to find out is to search for them

Sovereign Court

Female Elf Bard 2/Cleric of Calistria 4 | hp 37 | AC 16 T 12 FF 14 | CMD 16 | F +4 R +6 W +11 (+2 v ench, +4 v bardic) | Spd 30' | Init +2 | Kn(Arc, His, Loc, Nob, Pla, Rel) +7, KnOther +3, Perc +12 (low-light), SensM +14 (+16 hunch) | Chan 5/5 | Perf 8/8 | clw wand 34/50 |

Knowledge (history): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17
Knowledge (history): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13 (If I can't make the same check twice the total goes down by 4.)
Appraise: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 1 = 20

Fiend series | Shackles

Rilia moves into the library and takes out a book. She flips it open and finds dozens of star charts, tables describing the movement of start through the ages and lots of background information. While the book is expensive it is probably not very hard to replace if the Society were to loose it.

Dark Archive


Since all of my Knowledge checks use the same modifiers, I'll roll whichever one the party doesn't have.

Knowledge #1: 1d20 + 8 + 1d6 ⇒ (12) + 8 + (1) = 21
Knowledge #2: 1d20 + 8 + 1d6 ⇒ (9) + 8 + (2) = 19
Appraise, untrained: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10

"Since we have the information you request, and we're happy giving it to you, perhaps a mutual exchange could be in order? What do you know of the assault that is taking place just outside these walls?"

Fiend series | Shackles

The inspector finds two other books that deal with star positions and using that to determine one's own position on Golarion.

Your choice what you do with these books.

Dark Archive


I added to my post above and then noticed you posted.

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