New England Frost Giant |

I need 4-5 players for the Reign of Winter adventure path due out mid February. I want a group ready to go a week or two after I receive the first installment, "The Snows of Summer."
[bold]Character creation[/bold]
[bold]Ability Scores:[/bold] 20 Point buy.
[bold]Race:[/bold] Any race from The Core Rulebook. Some races from the Advanced Race Guide will be considered if you can convince me it will work.
[bold]Class:[/bold] All classes from the Core Rulebook and Advanced Player Guide, except the Monk class.
[bold]Hit Points:[/bold] Max for your class at every level.
[bold]Skills:[/bold] I will be giving 2 extra skill points at first level to put into a Craft and a Profession. These are to help out the group in case you are away from civilization. Not so much to make money, but to be creative in the wilds.
[bold]Feats:[/bold] You may choose from any Pathfinder licensed material.
[bold]Spells:[/bold] Any spell may be used from any d20 resource. Please reference anything not in the Core Rulebook.
[bold]Starting Gold:[/bold] Max for your class.
[bold]Equipment:[/bold] Any mundane items can be purchased from all Pathfinder sourcebooks. Please reference anything not in the Core Rulebook.
I will be tracking time, money/items, rations/food, etc. When a group has formed we cane discuss this more. I'm just trying make this game have a real feel to it.
More additions may be added at a later date.

New England Frost Giant |

Oh Snap! Almost totally forgot. Please include a background for your character with things like home region, how you came to be in Heldren, family, etc. anything to help me place you somewhere in my Reign of Winter campaign.
Note: Heldren is located in southern Taldor just to the north of the most southern forest and west of Zimir.

New England Frost Giant |

I need 4-5 players for the Reign of Winter adventure path due out mid February. I want a group ready to go a week or two after I receive the first installment, "The Snows of Summer."
Character creation
Ability Scores: 20 Point buy.
Race: Any race from The Core Rulebook. Some races from the Advanced Race Guide will be considered if you can convince me it will work.
Class: All classes from the Core Rulebook and Advanced Player Guide, except the Monk class.
Hit Points: Max for your class at every level.
Skills: I will be giving 2 extra skill points at first level to put into a Craft and a Profession. These are to help out the group in case you are away from civilization. Not so much to make money, but to be creative in the wilds.
Feats: You may choose from any Pathfinder licensed material.
Spells: Any spell may be used from any d20 resource. Please reference anything not in the Core Rulebook.
Starting Gold: Max for your class.
Equipment: Any mundane items can be purchased from all Pathfinder sourcebooks. Please reference anything not in the Core Rulebook.
I will be tracking time, money/items, rations/food, etc. When a group has formed we cane discuss this more. I'm just trying make this game have a real feel to it.More additions may be added at a later date.

Dorvren |

Here is a Chameleon Rogue I had in a Jade Regent that barely got started. Obviously the backstory will not be quite the same. Also what about Traits?
I also have an Archaeologist Bard that I am a big fan of from another game that barely got anywhere. But I was really enjoy this character.
Thanks for doing this!

Dorvren |

Going to rework the background of Dorvren. But I have a strange idea. I am going to make him come from Qadira. I know the desert. He has traveled to Irrisen following something. I have not decided.
Not only is he shy and nervous, but COMPLETELY out of his element in the snows. I will go ahead and create a skeleton backstory that can be filled in more once the HOW players guide comes out.
EDIT: I think I am sticking with the orphan idea. I know that very few visit Irrisen, but I think that he hooked up with a caravan that is seeking wealth by trading with Irrisen (a very Qadiran thing). Dorvren attaches himself seeking his parents. Whom have some connection with Baba Yaga I think. Let me know if that is too far out there, but I think some kind of magic connection goes well with his uncanny ability to go unnoticed

pavaan |

not to bring you guys down. but while this is a nice idea, life happens and i have seen games fall apart in just a week because of that, and in three months or so i would think life would happen for most people making it so they cant play, or not as play as much as they thought.
just food for thought.

![]() |

There is truth there Pavaan. However it doesnt hurt to hope and try.
Dwarven Cleric of Torag-
Kilain Gravendak of Clan Quarrymaster of The Five Kings Mountains
Kilain, 3rd born in House Gravendak, of Clan Quarrymaster of the Hammer Halls, in The Five Kings Mountains. As is normal, The First born carries the Family Name as heir, 2nd goes in the military and 3rd goes to the church. Kilain went to the church. He has been training in his prayers to The Soul Forger and follows the tenents of the Dwarven Faith as close as possible. He is eager to serve the church and awaits their first assignment.
The Church Elders through divination have determined that a time of great danger is coming to The world. They cannot tell from where this danger will come...the only thing that they see again and again is the name of a Town in Southern Taldor, Heldren. So Per their instructions He has journeyed from The Hammer Halls to Southern Taldor, near the border Qadira, to See what role he can play in forestalling this great danger....
Traits would probably be Sacred Touch (Faith) and Guardian of The Forge (Religion) with Knowledge History being the given class skill bonus Both traits are in the APG
Half-Orc Paladin of Iomedae
Dorotian Andalar 'Doro'
The Bastard son of a Priestess of Iomedae Lucinda Andalar, Doro was born into this world with Fate lined up against him. Lucinda was part of a patrol In war torn Southern Belkzen, along the border with Lastwall. She was one among many servants of The Swordmaiden who were beset by a warband, cut off and all but annihilated. The Warband Leader, a brute of an Orc with a snapped off right tusk and a scar covering most of the right side of his face, even blinding his right eye, in a rage, raped the young Cleric. Fortunately support from a cavalry contingent from Vigil, kept the Priestess from being captured and taken back to the Orcs stronghold. Though the Warband Leader did escape.
Lucinda gave birth and raised the Half-Orc in the ways of the church...and Doro had to live down his heritage again and again proving himself. When he came of age, he wanted to go off after the heathen Orc who had lead the warband, and been his father to bring righteous retribution to him but his mother counselled temporance. She did not want to see her son throw his life away with vengeance. So instead he vowed to Live of righteous valor and protect the weak and the needy. He travels now doing what he can when he can until he feels he has proven that he is not like those who caused his mother harm, and feels he has earned the right to stand with those that bullied him in his youth as a protector of Lastwall.
His travels have lead him to a town along the southern border of Taldor, near Qadira, whether by divine guidance, or just plain luck....only time will tell.
Ease of Faith (faith) and Reactionary (combat) both APG

Grey, the Lady's dog |

I notice you are not allowing Classes from either Ultimate Magic or Ultimate Combat, how do you feel about Archetypes? I have a Halfling Synthesist Summoner, {Rudyard Kipling's 'Kim' meets Ben 10} character concept I have been trying to play for a while.
He is currently written up for a Serpent's Skull campaign I was attempting to get into, but would be fairly easy to adapt.

scranford |

Here are the basics for Horvath Snuckle, my fierce Ulfan Barbarian and one of the toughest cusses to ever walk the wastes.
Horvath Snuckle
Horvath Sknuckle
Male Human (Ulfen) Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager) 1
CG Medium Humanoid (human)
Init +1; Senses Perception +5
AC 17, touch 11, flat-footed 16 (+4 armor, +2 shield, +1 Dex)
hp 20 (1d12+7)
Fort +6, Ref +1, Will +1
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Heavy Shield Bash +3 (1d4+2/x2) and
. . Glaive +3 (1d10+3/x3) and
. . Light flail +3 (1d8+2/x2) and
. . Light pick +3 (1d4+2/x4)
Ranged Longbow +2 (1d8/x3)
Special Attacks rage (8 rounds/day)
Str 15, Dex 12, Con 19, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 8
Base Atk +1; CMB +3; CMD 14
Feats Raging Vitality, Toughness +3
Traits Highlander (hills or mountains), Iron Liver
Skills Acrobatics -4, Climb +1, Craft (shoes) +1, Escape Artist -4, Fly -4, Perception +5, Profession (miner) +2, Ride -4, Stealth +1 (+3 in hilly or rocky areas.), Survival +5, Swim -3 Modifiers highlander (hills or mountains)
Languages Common, Skald
Other Gear Hide armor, Heavy wooden shield, Arrows (40), Glaive, Light flail, Light pick, Longbow, Backpack (3 @ 17 lbs), Belt pouch (2 @ 0 lbs), Blanket, winter, Flint and steel, Rope, Signal whistle, Waterskin, 12 GP
Special Abilities
Highlander (hills or mountains) +1 to Stealth checks, Stealth is always a class skill for you. Double this in hilly or rocky areas.
Rage (8 rounds/day) (Ex) +4 Str, +4 Con, +2 to Will saves, -2 to AC when enraged.
Raging Vitality +2 CON while raging, Rage does not end if you become unconscious.
Hero Lab® and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at http://www.wolflair.com
Pathfinder® and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Publishing, LLC®, and are used under license.
Background to follow over the weekend.

New England Frost Giant |

not to bring you guys down. but while this is a nice idea, life happens and i have seen games fall apart in just a week because of that, and in three months or so i would think life would happen for most people making it so they cant play, or not as play as much as they thought.
just food for thought.
That's why I'm doing a pbp. Real life prevents me from having a weekend game night. I work third shift and that's when I get extra time to read. Posting via phone is an advantage as well.

scranford |

Whoops! I about forgot Horvath's Yak Gus!
N Large Animal
Init +0; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +8
AC 17, touch 9, flat-footed 17 (-1 size, +8 natural)
hp 42 (5d8+20)
Fort +8 (+4 vs. hot or cold environments and to resist damage from suffocation), Ref +4, Will +1
Speed 40 ft.
Melee Gore (Yak) +10 (2d6+12/x2) and
. . Trample (DC 20) (Yak) +10 (2d6+12)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks stampede
Str 27, Dex 10, Con 19, Int 2, Wis 11, Cha 4
Base Atk +3; CMB +12 (+14 Bull Rushing); CMD 22 (24 vs. Bull Rush, 26 vs. Trip)
Feats Endurance, Improved Bull Rush, Power Attack -1/+2
Skills Acrobatics +0 (+4 jump), Fly -2, Perception +8, Stealth -4, Swim +8 (+12 to resist nonlethal damage from exhaustion)
Other Gear Animal harness, Bedroll, Blanket, winter, Bucket (empty), Pack saddle, exotic, Sack (empty) (4), You have no money!
Special Abilities
Endurance +4 to a variety of skill checks. Sleep in L/M armor with no fatigue.
Improved Bull Rush You don't provoke attacks of opportunity when bull rushing.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in low light, distinguishing color and detail.
Power Attack -1/+2 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Scent (Ex) Detect opponents within 15+ feet by sense of smell.
Stampede (Ex) Trample improves with multiple tramplers.
Hero Lab® and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at http://www.wolflair.com
Pathfinder® and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Publishing, LLC®, and are used under license.
He did have a sledge he pulled but it fell into a crevice.

Dorvren |

Dorvren updated completely
And I have been in 4 games now that have died and another is about to. It is a bummer. I hae managed to keep two PbP's that I run going for several months now and am in another that has hit 2500 posts so there is hope!
NE Frosty will you be giving any feedback? and do you have an idea of when you will be closing recruitment?

New England Frost Giant |

I notice you are not allowing Classes from either Ultimate Magic or Ultimate Combat, how do you feel about Archetypes? I have a Halfling Synthesist Summoner, {Rudyard Kipling's 'Kim' meets Ben 10} character concept I have been trying to play for a while.
He is currently written up for a Serpent's Skull campaign I was attempting to get into, but would be fairly easy to adapt.
All my books are PDFs except the Core Rulebook so I didn't notice there were more. I will look at them Saturday on my way to New Hampshire.

Kylma |

OK ... done.
Not all the tribes of Numeria have given up the old ways. The Kellid of the Frostwolf following still held to the traditions, following the game and crafting fetishes, living the hard life that their people had lived for thousands of years.
Kylma was an unusual child, born with white hair and impossibly pale eyes. Despite the dire predictions of some of the tribe, she was not left to die in the snow. Nor did she grow up to be a witch, or to cause the land to wither and trap the world in endless winter, or drive the game away so the people starved. She grew up fierce and proud, and fought anyone who spoke ill of her or her family. She hunted and trapped from the time she could handle a bow, and learned to fight with sword and axe as she grew stronger.
Maybe she was cursed, or maybe it was just bad luck, but when she was in her teens, famine came. A series of hard winters drove the game away, and the clan grew desperate. At last the chief, in desperation, was convinced that they must try everything, including ridding themselves of the white child. On the banks of the Sellen, she was sold to a pirate Captain who thought the exotic-looking girl would bring a good price in the decadent markets of Cassomir.
The first night she was on the ship, one of the crew went to her. He came out bloody and beaten nearly to death. The next night, another went with a dagger. He came back without his dagger, beaten as badly as the first. The third night, the captain went to her. He did not attempt to force himself on her, but discussed her future with her. It was clear that she would not make a good concubine, and the scar the second pirate's knife had left across her face had ruined whatever value she may have had.
For five years, she sailed the rivers, fighting alongside the pirates. It was not so different from being part of a tribe. Though she would laugh when her shipmates teased her about the disfiguring scar, any remark about her white hair would earn a cold glare. A second remark was enough to earn her hatred.
A handsome bard hired the ship to take him to Cassomir, and he sang for the crew. Kylma heard his voice and fell in love instantly, fiercely. Still, it was several nights before she could bring herself to speak to him, and more nights before she could tell him how she felt. There had been much to drink that night, as they sailed through the Verduran Forest, and she was surprised above all by how easy it turned out to be. He didn't seem to mind the scar at all.
In the morning, though, he laughed and told her he had only done it out of pity, and so he could say he had had a white-haired Kellid. She left most of him in bed, but took his head with her so she could look at his face whenever she wanted, and remember never to love again. She knew the captain would have to kill her, for the payment was waiting in Cassomir for the bard. She slipped off the ship and swam to shore, wandering through the forest and into the warm scrub lands beyond, hunting and trapping and trading furs in the smaller villages she passed.
By the time she came to Heldrin, there was nothing left of her lover but his skull.

New England Frost Giant |

I would like everyone to create their character. Email me a copy. So I can print them and read them over. I will choose the characters names I like and post them one here. All others will be alternates should someone die and have no means of being brought back from the dead. Or if someone fails to post. Only one strike unless there is a good excuse. I am doing a pbp for this reason. We may have a short break as I am getting married June 1st, but the story shall resume.

Kylma |

not to bring you guys down. but while this is a nice idea, life happens and i have seen games fall apart in just a week because of that, and in three months or so i would think life would happen for most people making it so they cant play, or not as play as much as they thought.
just food for thought.
>Big Hug<
thanks for the snacks!