New England Frost Giant |

New England Frost Giant wrote:Give me till Thursday morning to post the cast(s)I had some time to look through the 8 I received thus far and the AP group will be:
-Kylma human rogue
-Dorvren human rogue
-Kjell human fighter
-Kilain dwarf cleric
-Grey halfling summonerAlternate group
-Horvath human barbarian
-Shoah elf cleric
-Valeska half-elf witch
Sorry Kylma. She's a ranger all lol

New England Frost Giant |

Good luck to the main (AP) group! What is the idea behind the alternate group?
Not positive yet, but I would like to run something parallel to the AP. maybe a second group sent out on other quest that somehow relate to the original AP. you will all start out in Heldren, but go in separate directions. I need to get info on the town construction before we can go anywhere.

Grey, the Lady's dog |

Would it be overly forward of me to suggest perhaps the characters selected for Reign of Winter & the GM might make posts to Discussion or better yet Gameplay so that it will be easier to locate the thread again?
Discussion might also serve to get the players & GM together for better ideas as to how the characters might be acquainted with each other?

Kjell Carlufsen |

I hail from far to the Northwest in the isles off the coast, but I heard tell of the Royals of Taldor hiring out Ulfen bodyguards. So I am stopping here on my way to Oppara.
He crosses his arms and leans against the building's interior wall.
I fear not much of anything, but certainly not the cold and snow, no matter how unusual.

New England Frost Giant |

I would like to do things individually with each pc to get them integrated into the AP. I wish there was some info on the town to give us some background and some NPCs to work with.
Also Kjell, your backstory is enough to get you to Heldren I just need to get all of you integrated in the town.
People who are in the second group, you will be in a separate campaign I will set up. The groups may see each other on occasion, but that will be worked out later.
Anyone with suggestions on the town, please throw me some options out there. Maybe we can create our own town so it will be ours to call home.

Kylma |

If we're going to go ahead and use Heldren as it appears in the AP, then I think we don't want to do too much actually in the town. Unless we want to treat it is Generic Fantasy RPG Base Town #2745.
On the other hand, if we get the chance to run a couple of encounters together, we'll learn a bit about how we work as a group, maybe run through a mini-adventure or something.
It's been a while since I looked at everyone's background, but perhaps we could agree to have met in West Heldren, an even smaller town a few miles away, before we set off for the big city. Or small town.

![]() |

choices as I see it.
A) do nothing for 8 weeks or so. (danger of folks drifting away as 2 months is a long time)
B) Make up Heldrin and adopt what is made up to what reality is when it comes out. (probably too much work to make it a go)
C) start the party in Demgazi (population 1220 per inner sea guide) or Golsifar (population 2144 per inner sea guide) Not much is written on either of these places so you could place your own homebrew town that you are familiar with there and just change a name or two. Use this as a rally point for the party. Demgazi is a river town and Golisfar is a port.
D) make up a small hamlet and have that be the rally point near Heldrin.
In all of these cases some rping and maybe 1-2 small encounters to kick things off.

Grey, the Lady's dog |

I picked up the Taldor Player's Companion. It's an OGL 3.5 product & the map is old enough it doesn't have Heldren listed, but I believe I remember James Jacobs posting that it was near the Taldor/Qadira border. I think he said it was on the northern edge of the Border Wood, almost directly across from Demgazi.
In retrospect it doesn't surprise me Heldren isn't on the maps, James Jacobs also said they intended it to be sufficiently 'generic' it could be placed anywhere in Avistan if the GM wanted.
@Kylma: if I am correct, there is a city named Zimar no more than 30 miles to the East on the map. There are also the coastal towns/cities of Golsifar & Merciful Bay no more than 120 miles to the West. There is also Demgazi, but I suspect it is a contested city between Taldor & Qadira. I will read up on them & post info if people would like.
Well, reading up on Zimar I can tell you one thing about any of the cities or towns we choose. They are all going to be hostile border states. That part of Taldor is still in a state of perpetual readiness for war to break out with Qadira again. Also Zimar itself is basically the linchpin for any Taldor/Qadira conflict that might arrive.
As the most heavily fortified city in Taldor, Zimar exists as a southern buffer against the threat of Qadiran invasion.

Grey, the Lady's dog |

Only problem is that Dorvren is a Qadiran, only in Taldor with a Trade caravan
There are still plenty of Qadiran's around. You just get watched a lot. Think of it like being Latino in New Mexico. You will get watched & harassed & if the guard starts asking us questions, (s)he will automatically assume you are up to no good, but as long as the rest of us stick with you & one of us can give a good enough story they will likely let you off with a warning.
Or we all get tossed in the hoosegow.
No pressure ;P

Dorvren |

O i just meant that Dorvren is not going to want to start a war lol thats all. Definitely want to do something though. Take down a minor thieves guild perhaps? Maybe no XP provided so we dont mess up the AP, just gain a little bit of loot, or XP gained and DMFG just boosts the first encounters or whatever.

New England Frost Giant |

I have no problem starting something up before hand. I just gotta get through the holidays. But I have the PDF of Taldor and will read up and see what I can do with it. I wont give out XP before the AP, but not oppose to loot. Won't be anything substantial, but something. Also in the spirit of the holidays I would like to present a gift to each of you. So add a mount to your character sheets. For medium size characters add a riding horse with the necessary riding gear. For the halfling, a riding dog with the necessary riding gear. Saddlebags cost you extra! :p Happy Holidays everyone stay sober or don't drive. If anyone's gonna die it will be your characters.
Note on Obsidian Portal that I posted the Taldor map and placed Heldren on it.