Ama |

Hi! StephNyan here, checking in with Ama.
I'm not yet sure how I want to play her, which is why she doesn't have a background and all that yet. Though I have some general ideas on how I want her to be, and I'll be working those out.
Ama's a first folk, meaning she's the representation of a fey on this material plane. She can be rather mischievous, like many fey. Ama's a time thief, a class I've been wanting to play since forever. I think this also matches her chaotic/mischievous side very well.
The 'Seeming' ability of the first folk allows Ama to look like an elf. This Seeming always looks the same, and Ama's going to pretend that's what she really looks like. At least for now. (She also speaks Elven.)
of a specific Small or Medium humanoid. The
majority of First folk choose an elf seeming, but any
humanoid form can be chosen. The appearance of this
form is chosen at character creation and cannot be
changed. This is a polymorph effect that only changes
physical appearance and does not modify ability
scores or confer any abilities. The caster level for this
ability is equal to the first folk’s character level. This
ability has an effective spell level of 1st.
Ama is by the way not my character's 'true' name, but that's how she'll call herself in the material plane. (Fey being complicated and all that.)
I'll make an official gameplay introduction with Ama later. I first want to work her appearance, personality and background out some more :)

Ama |

I just noticed that the person I sent the last invite to hasn't posted in about two weeks. So I will search for someone else. Do you guys know anyone who might want to join?
See PM!

Fish Silverscale |

Wasn't planning on going the evil route. Though less common non evil kobolds aren't as rare as non evil drow. I think Fish is ready to go if you wanted to take a look at back story and stats. I put bloodraging stats in ( ) in my quick stats to save time.

Dinuci |

3 heads up:
- I removed the 75% rule, after a lengthy discussion I decided that it was imbalanced.
- If your character is ready you may introduce yourself, doesn't matter that not everyone is ready yet. It makes more sense to get in one by one than as a complete group. I will hold a slow introduction pace until everyone is complete and ready.
- Still working and the last group member. I may open recruitment if this lasts.

Almalik Fezana |

Hey this is Barvo with a Keleshite Arcanist. Still tweaking, but basic crunch and character concept is there.

Don Jon Dux |

Greetings, all. Someone poked me and suggested I stick my nose in here. The concept looks interesting, doubly so if it affords an opportunity to experiment. GM Dinuci, are you open to fairly off-the-wall concepts... a Blue Vitalist, for example? That would mostly cover the medic role and, with a Kobold on the team, adding a goblinoid might be a nice bit of additional chaos. :o)
One concern would be how rigid you are on the once-a-day minimum. I don't disappear for weeks on end, but there are times when I miss a day. I'm currently starting my second game with Ama and I've played several games under Fish, so perhaps one of them can speak to my level of involvement and participation. I'm readily admit I'm far from perfect, but I believe I do a pretty good job of matching the pace of each game.
As for roleplaying, that's why I PbP :o) and I'll let my games speak for themselves. I'm not ashamed of any of them, but The Scorched Lands has some of my deepest roleplay.
Thanks for your time!

Dinuci |

Looks very interesting and will also be a good addition to the party. Although I don't want any evil characters, would be hard to make him evil as a vitalist though. I have to admit I was a bit worried about the healing part of the group ^^
The 'once per day' rule is only in place so a pace can be kept in the game. I trust you on your word that you can match the pace of the game, so I wouldn't worry about that.
As for the roleplaying! I assume everyone plays for the roleplaying. But I've encountered several people who simply follow a group and don't add anything to it, that's a real waste!
So I would say welcome to the party!
We now have a complete party! As soon as everyone has made their introductions in the gameplay thread we will start our new adventure(s). Do you think you can finish your characters by Sunday?
Goblin, Kobold and fey... and a human. This will be chaos all round won't it?

Don Jon Dux |

I'm not really into running evil characters. The only one I ever labeled that way, his father was scapegoated in a kangaroo court trial and executed to cover up the dirty dealings of a minor official. That severely warped the PC, and from that moment on he was all about revenge. Angry, bitter, antisocial, and with his own overriding agenda... but the GM I was playing under said the guy wasn't really evil (though he let me keep the alignment designation).
That said, crafting an evil Vitalist is really easy. There's a Sadist archetype for one thing (gains power from hurting people), and a Soulthief method (draining health from others to the benefit of the party). A wickedly dangerous (well, at higher levels) Vitalist could easily be built, with the mechanics nicely fitting the evil paradigm. And healing would happen not because he cares about his teammates, but because they're tools to be used to achieve his goals.
The angry guy I mentioned before is a Sadist, though marginally so; he "links" to an enemy the group is going to kill anyway, and then uses the temporary boost he gets from that to buff or heal his compatriots. I'm considering making the Blue a Soulthief for the same kind of action (but haven't decided yet).
Everyone should be aware that a Vitalist initially lags behind a Cleric in terms of healing power. I may have difficulty keeping up with serious incoming damage at first. Conversely, they're very flexible and bring lots of other benefits to the party over time -- like mental comms and even battle HUDs -- so it balances out. I tend to think of Vitalists less as primary healers (certainly not healbots) but more like a party member who can heal.
Blues are very structured (typically Lawful Evil) and aren't going to be very tolerant of nonconformists. I figure someone who didn't want to kill/maim/raid/steal/etc. and had nobler thoughts would either be killed as an aberration, or exiled from the tribe.
Which is a perfect justification for, "So this Blue walks into a bar..." Though I'm hopeful he won't turn out to be a bad joke. ;o)
Goblin, Kobold and fey... and a human. This will be chaos all round won't it?
Gotta love it! :o) Though I kinda feel sorry for the poor human. :op
The Blue is just a concept so I have no crunch and very little fluff. I'll get him (her?) started this evening. Sunday shouldn't be a problem.

Dinuci |

I saw that at the start they are very limited in their healing, though later on they get way better at it. With the idea of the vitalist I didn't think it possible to be evil, but if you look at it like that I understand ^^
Considering the goblin kind nature of blue it would fit very well to make him a Soulthief :) I also really like the idea of using other peoples health to gain health yourself. It makes more sense than simply 'healing'.
Looking forward to your build ^^ And yes, poor human xD

Ama |

Woohoo! Ama's ready for play! :)
This has to be one of the weirdest characters I've ever created. Certainly the one with the weirdest background :P

Nagbur Damnstink |

Well, Nagbur's profile is in shambles -- I only did a quick copy/paste -- but I can't pass up this opportunity for a grand entrance so I went ahead and posted. PC design is completed in Hero Lab; I'll get the profile corrected and completed tomorrow. (And yes, I promise to include the "quick stats" line.)

Nagbur Damnstink |

"Ha ha! You smaller than me! Uglier too!"
Nothing personal there, Fish. :o) Goblinoids just gotta be goblinoids.

Nagbur Damnstink |

I'll review Nagbur's profile when it's ready...
I'll be doing a bit of fine-tuning over time, and I still need to write up Nagbur's backstory. But, his profile's essentially ready to go. Let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

GM Dinuci |

Nice. Looked at all your profiles and it all looks good!
So I think we are ready to go then :) I'm very excited to finally start these missions, and I hope you guys are too.
Changed profiles, my wayfinder app wouldn't let me use my original character >_>

Nagbur Damnstink |

Having read your most recent post, Almalik, I have an observation.
Given the constituents of this group, you're going to be hard-pressed to maintain any degree of pomp or decorum.
But it's going to be fun watching you try. :o)
In fact I think this whole game's gonna be a hoot!

Nagbur Damnstink |

Ama puts as much bread in her mouth as she can. A while later she starts making panicked sounds while pointing at her mouth.
See? Eating like a goblin takes skill and talent! :o)
You should've gotten your pointers from someone other than Nagbur. :op
(Plus someone needs to explain about chewing and swallowing...)

Almalik Fezana |

That's part of the intention. Besides, if all four characters were zany then zaniness would have no meaning. One guy who takes himself seriously will let your personalities 'pop' more.

GM Dinuci |

We have a map for the mines now. Click on 'The mines' below my name to view it.
For those of you who haven't used Ditzie before, this is how to use it:
1) Drag your picture to another spot.
2) Hit Enter to create a new link/url.
3) Copy the new link/url and provide it as a link in your new post.
I will draw most map like this, so excuse my 'drawing skills'. :D

Nagbur Damnstink |

GM Dinuci, just to clarify: Vaara is saying that dwarves couldn't see in the darkness that descended?

GM Dinuci |

My mistake! Last time I played this with humans only... I didn't calculate the darkvision in, and I got confused by two spells. They were able to see and were still scared witless.

Nagbur Damnstink |

Okay, thanks. Whew! I was worried about "Deeper Darkness" or something similar. That would imply higher-level opponents than we could probably handle!
I'm gonna hold back on posting so some others can react to Vaara's story first. (Also, I usually can't post from work Tuesdays through Fridays, so look for my updates in the evenings or very early in the mornings those days.)
Hey Almalik, great -- and funny -- dig with the "nobody's as dumb as he looks" line. :o) Keep it up!

Ama |

Ama will first have to learn what her nodachi is actually for, but rest assured: if no one will tell her ahead of time, she'll figure that out during the very first combat phase ;)

Nagbur Damnstink |

I thought we'd determined it's for slicing bread? :o)
Now at the mine... "Wait, Nogbur, what are you doing?!"
Noticing that Nogbur had been talking about a link, Almalik turns on the goblin, clearly about to lose his temper. "What precisely is this link? And why do I want to allow it?"
I'm not sure how to best handle this. I'd pictured the link discussion at the breakfast table (Nagbur was eating, plus GM Dinuci stated, "After the rp part we're in the mines"). Especially with the unknown new people, Nagbur would set up the healing collective before departing; waiting to the last moment would be too risky.
Almalik, I'll wait to see if you modify your post before the edit window closes. Otherwise I guess a decision's needed on which way to retcon this. (I.E., did it happen in the guild hall, or at the mines?)
For the record, normally my vitalists would go into patient, caring detail about how all this functions, offering lots of assurances and a pleasant "bedside manner." But Nagbur's mind doesn't work that way. :o) The way he looks at it, there's urgency to the mine situation, he's going to help you out of the goodness of his heart, and "longshanks be crazy" so you wouldn't understand it anyway. ;o)

Nagbur Damnstink |

And Fish has declared he's heading for the entrance, so I'll just play it as it lies. :o) I'll make it work.
You're perfectly right to "WTF!" Nagbur. I certainly wouldn't let some ugly little blue guy I didn't know root around in my head without a better explanation. And no harm done if you don't agree to it right off, he just won't be able to heal you from a distance or buff you. Roleplay it however it works best for your character.
The snarky reaction is, as before, nothing personal. :o)

Fish Silverscale |

I noticed a little goof in my stat block. When I copied it over from herolab I had the rage stats on. So I fixed the stats to show Fish when he is not raging and his quick stats should make more sense now.

Nagbur Damnstink |

As I was typing the "credit where credit's due" thing, it occurred to me that we lucked into what seems to be a nicely balanced "classic" party.
We have Fish, who is something of a Rogue type with a Barbarianesque splash. Once she figures out which end of a nodachi to hold :o) Ama looks to be competent in a fighter role, as well as covering some mystical angles. Almalik has arcane magic well in hand. And Nagbur is handling the healer/buffing role with a bit of battlefield control on the side.
Considering it wasn't coordinated, we have pretty good coverage!
A bit of expansion on how the vitalist collective thing works. First, nobody's "trapped"; you can drop from the collective any time you'd like -- as a Free Action, if in melee. (It's different for an unwilling participant, but Nagbur doesn't have the ability to force-link anyone yet; that's a couple levels away.)
Second, at this point he's limited to Medium range; a collective member who moves more than 110' feet away will automatically drop out as the range limit is reached. Coming back in range does not automatically re-add the person to the collective, so that's another way you can "escape," haha.
(That said, I'll assume anyone who has agreed to be in the collective won't resist him re-establishing the link when they're again line-of-sight.)

GM Dinuci |

You are correct :) Now all that remains is to see if the teamwork works out good too ^^

Ama |

For those of you who (want to) play PFS, I’m looking for people who’d like to play in my PbP Game Day games. They’ll all be tier 1-2. If you’re interested, here are the links to the recruitment pages:

GM Dinuci |

I won't be available this evening for posting (European time)! I will post first thing in the morning again.

Nagbur Damnstink |

Wow, the dice sure turned! :o)
Looks like the second spider will be long dead before Nagbur's turn comes 'round, so I'll wait with any action post until the existing damage is resolved.

Nagbur Damnstink |

GM, do we have Magic/Psionic transparency? Nagbur has Clairsentient Talent which acts like minimal but constant Detect Psionics in his square. If we have transparency he's going to move over to, and check, the various items for auras.

GM Dinuci |

Yes we will have transparancy. If I read it correctly you would have a constant detect magic in your square?
-Posted with Wayfinder

Nagbur Damnstink |

Yes, but only to the level of essentially a "hunch" unless he concentrates on it. And it only works when he's focused (which he normally will be; it's at the end of his second status line.)
Okay, I'll put in a post to poke around. Thanks.

Almalik Fezana |

Worry not! Group cohesion is my first goal in all things. Almalik is short-tempered and prone to complaints, so I hope he makes things more fun than less.

GM Dinuci |

When you encounter 'enemies' you don't always need to engage them. Some of the scenario's have encounters where the creatures might be neutral towards you or don't bother with you if you don't bother them. This might be a big hint now... but I wanted you guys to know it :)