Kasatha Mouth Art?

General Discussion

I have yet to find an official, canonical illustration of a living kasathan mouth. The closest I have seen were the illustrations of kasatha skeletons in the first part of Iron Gods. Any other time, there is always at least a scarf.

Please show me what they look like!

Yeah this is one of those things starts off as a cool little cultural detail but doesn't make any sense when given a moment's thought.

Even if one assumes that every single kasatha adheres to tradition & keeps their mouths covered at all times while not in private, and that there aren't cultural rebels who walk around with bare faces specifically to buck the tradition, and that there isn't a market for kasatha pornography of bared faces, the wider Pact Worlds are still going to know what they look like simply because when a kasatha is killed, the face covering is coming off for the autopsy & those images are definitely going up online and in medical books & all sorts of other sources.

It's a cool design element but there's no reason to keep it secret as they seem dedicated to doing.

Scarab Sages Starfinder Design Lead

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If we ever do an illustration of a kasatha autopsy, we'll consider what that should look like. :)

We really *haven't* illustrated a kasatha in a situation where an uncovered face would be appropriate.

Grand Lodge

To me they are probably a species derived from deuterostomes, as such they do not have an anus and will eliminate waste via their mouth

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I dunno. Presumably people always knew what Tusken Raiders looked like under those masks, but the masks were cooler and more iconic than whatever they concealed. I feel that way about Kasatha, a little.

Scarab Sages

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There is a picture floating around of a Kasatha skeleton that reveals that they have human-like jaws and teeth. I assumed that it was just Kasatha tradition to cover all body orafaces (not just the neither regions) and that they will uncover for doctors or whatever. I don’t think it’s some great mystery, just, like, clothes for them

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In-universe it is not some great mystery, but as an artist myself who might want to make a kasatha zombie, or a kasatha NPC that eschews tradition (as much of a cultural outlier as that would be), I would like to have a canonical source to base it on.

Plus I am just curiOUS AS HELL

This isn't really Golarion canon, but in our home games we've always assumed Kasatha keep their reproductive bits on their face.

There are no dentists in Idari.

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They've all got 70's cop-show 'staches....

Shadow Lodge

If even the most counter-cultural kasatha doesn't want to breathe in any germs of other species, they could just wear face masks with the mouths of other species on them. Link them up to their personal devices, and change the mouth every hour!

Paizo Employee Starfinder Society Developer

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The number of times I have concerns about "establishing mouth canon" when developing art orders is too damn high!

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

A Kasatha wearing a mask with a mouth painted on it would likely be frowned upon in the same way as a woman wearing a shirt with mammaries painted on it, or a guy wearing pants with genital art over the groin.

Genital Art just might be the opening act for my Vesk soldier's all-Vesk speed metal band, the Velocity Raptors. Thanks, RD.

Ravingdork wrote:
A Kasatha wearing a mask with a mouth painted on it would likely be frowned upon in the same way as a woman wearing a shirt with mammaries painted on it, or a guy wearing pants with genital art over the groin.

Yeah but that would only really be an issue on the Idari and kasatha-majority settlements. Anywhere else and you might get some dirty looks from more conservative kasatha who may be around but you likely wouldn't be at risk of violating any public indecency laws.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

One race's nudity is another race's mouth.

Scarab Sages

Ravingdork wrote:
One race's nudity is another race's mouth.

To be fair, it’s the Kasatha’s mouth too, they just think you should keep such an oraface covered.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Makes me wonder about the Kasathan ship's mess hall in SFS 1-04. Are one's crewmmates considered close enough that you may show them your mouth without major embarrassment? How awkward is it when a new crewman comes aboard and must eat with a new group for the first time?

Or are there something resembling extra-tall GM screens you can put on the table to preserve privacy while you eat?

Scarab Sages Starfinder Design Lead

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Arutema wrote:

Makes me wonder about the Kasathan ship's mess hall in SFS 1-04. Are one's crewmmates considered close enough that you may show them your mouth without major embarrassment? How awkward is it when a new crewman comes aboard and must eat with a new group for the first time?

Or are there something resembling extra-tall GM screens you can put on the table to preserve privacy while you eat?

Neither, just a lot of straws. ;)

Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

“Emergency induction ports”

Scarab Sages

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Arutema wrote:

Makes me wonder about the Kasathan ship's mess hall in SFS 1-04. Are one's crewmmates considered close enough that you may show them your mouth without major embarrassment? How awkward is it when a new crewman comes aboard and must eat with a new group for the first time?

Or are there something resembling extra-tall GM screens you can put on the table to preserve privacy while you eat?

Uhhhh, you realize that there are real-life people who cover their mouths and eat in public, right? Most notably some observing women Muslims. Their headware just has a long strip of cloth covering their mouths, and they just put the food under there and eat. Boom, solved. It's not a big secret, people do it every day.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Uh, I'd rather have them never have art that shows the mouth. Mostly because if it turns out they have lips, they would look less cool than how I imagine them :P Plus its not mystery what they look like, its just cultural thing that gives them cool unified look.

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Owen K. C. Stephens wrote:
Arutema wrote:

Makes me wonder about the Kasathan ship's mess hall in SFS 1-04. Are one's crewmmates considered close enough that you may show them your mouth without major embarrassment? How awkward is it when a new crewman comes aboard and must eat with a new group for the first time?

Or are there something resembling extra-tall GM screens you can put on the table to preserve privacy while you eat?

Neither, just a lot of straws. ;)

My Kasatha Solarion that I played for a bit carried around a bunch of over the top silly straws for this reason :3

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