[PFS PbP Gameday V] #7-00 The Sky Key Solution (tier 5-6) (Inactive)

Game Master SwampTing

Overseer thread

Battle map
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Aid available? No

Aid Tokens:

Aid Tokens
Once per encounter, any character at a table can use an Aid Token to assist the group in one of five ways described below. Once a table uses an Aid Token, the token grants no further benefit until the end of the encounter, at which point one of the players can pass the Aid Token to a neighboring table for them to use. It is very important that the players remember that there are a limited number of Aid Tokens, and hoarding one means that somebody else doesn’t get to use it. An Aid Token’s benefits can take one of the following five forms.

Aid Another: Ralph gives advice via a sending spell to help you solve a puzzle, disable a trap, or accomplish some other task as if performing the aid another action for a PC. The bonus for this aid is +3.
Allied Offensive: Ralph happens to be in a battle nearby and spares a moment to direct a long-range magical attack on a creature at the same time as the PC, increasing the damage dealt by one attack by 2d8 points. In addition, after the attack, the target is momentarily disoriented and anyone attacking the target is considered to be flanking it until the beginning of the attacker’s next turn.
Burst of Healing: Ralph asks a nearby cleric to send a burst of positive energy through the token. This heals all of the PCs of 3d6 points of damage. Alternatively, Ralph can send one of these spells thorugh the token to one of you: neutralize poison, remove curse, or remove disease with a caster level of 6.
Spellcasting Synergy: Ralph sends a surge of magical energy through the token as you cast a spell increasing the save DC and caster level of the PC’s spell by 1.
Timely Inspiration: Ralph broadcasts the effects of a bard’s inspire courage bardic performance for 3 rounds. The competence bonus is +2.

Table successes: 22
The beast rider
Research Encounter: The sacred pools
The Serpentfolk guards
The Scales of Ydersius
Research Encounter: Festival Preparations
Temple attendants
Research Encounter: Words of a Dead God
Beasts of a Civilised Age
Scions of the Serpent God
Research Encounter: An Azlanti Perspective (double success)
Guardian Idols
Finding the Vault
Fate's Anchor: Gad Gemple
Fate's Anchor: Binui Skostravalus
Fate's Anchor: Romnus Vagarti
Fate's Anchor: Alrule Shahan
The Many Arodeths x 4
The Operations Center

251 to 300 of 628 << first < prev | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | next > last >>
The Exchange

M Gnome Arcanist 6 - HP 38/38 - AC 16/T: 15/FF: 13 - Perception: +1; Darkvision 60 ft. - Fort: +6, Ref: +7, Will: +6 (+2 vs. Illusions) - CMB: +2, CMD 15 - Speed 20 ft. - Init. +3

Van also decides to figure out what these things are before committing to any action.

Knowledge (planes): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13

I'm assuming that's not enough, but I'll see wait to see what Twitter figures out.

The Exchange

HP: 21/21 | AC:16 /T:16/FF: 14/CMD: 6 | Fort:2 Ref:3 Will:8 | Perc: +6 | Init: +4

Come on, dude, you know the usual. =p
1. Order of saves from highest to lowest
2. Resistances and immunities
3. Special attacks

Grand Lodge

Border of War map Reign of Winter map

I invented 'the usual', but I also vary it if I have a strategic need. Here you go:
1. High reflex, fort and will tied for second.
2. DR 5/magic; Immune mind-affecting effects, paralysis, poison; Resist acid 10, cold 10, electricity 10, fire 10; SR 17
3. Poisonous bite, Smite Good, Spell-Like Abilities 3/day—darkness 1/day—blur, desecrate, mirror image, suggestion, unholy blight

Dark Archive

0 init:0 perp:+9 hp: 83/83 dr 3; 17\18 rounds of rage ac16 cmd 20 saves fort: +10 reflex +3 will +3 reroll 1\1.

wand: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10 wand: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8
wand: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7
Blanmieux sighs. "Are we have some thing to fight this darkness or will i have to drink my potion of darkvison? "

Dark Archive

Male Dwarf Wizard (Earth) 11- [HP 76/79][AC (16):T 12:F (15)][Fort +6:Ref +5:Will +9] [CMD 19][Init +1][Per +12]
Active Effects:
Mage Armor (22 hours); Deathwatch (constant); Overland Flight (7/9 hours); See Invisibility (75/220 minutes), Ring of Blinking

Know Planes: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (19) + 10 = 29

1. Class Levels?
I'll leave other questions to GM discretion.

Torrag will cast Shield and grab a wand from his haversack. Wand of Magic Missile

The Exchange

HP: 21/21 | AC:16 /T:16/FF: 14/CMD: 6 | Fort:2 Ref:3 Will:8 | Perc: +6 | Init: +4

"Well, that's an annoying combination," Twitter scowls as she identifies their long list of immunities and resistances. Then she notices that these things use their wings to fly...

"Hey Blan, if you go stand below one of them, I'll see about sending one of them down to you, whaddya say?" Twitter asks.

Delay till after Blan. If Blan moves under one of them, Twitter will fly onto his shoulder and ready an action to spit. If Blan does not do that, then Twitter will stay with Hakime and ready an action to spit if either of those things fly down to attack her.

Grand Lodge

Border of War map Reign of Winter map

You cannot discern class levels using a knowledge check. I'll give you his AC, movement speeds and senses.
1. AC 22, touch 17, flat-footed 16
2. Movement: 30 ft., fly 60 ft. (good)
3. Senses darkvision 60 ft., scent

What are Torrag's, Blan's and Van's actions?

Dark Archive

Male Dwarf Wizard (Earth) 11- [HP 76/79][AC (16):T 12:F (15)][Fort +6:Ref +5:Will +9] [CMD 19][Init +1][Per +12]
Active Effects:
Mage Armor (22 hours); Deathwatch (constant); Overland Flight (7/9 hours); See Invisibility (75/220 minutes), Ring of Blinking

Torrag casts Shield and pulls a wand from his haversack.

The Exchange

M Gnome Arcanist 6 - HP 38/38 - AC 16/T: 15/FF: 13 - Perception: +1; Darkvision 60 ft. - Fort: +6, Ref: +7, Will: +6 (+2 vs. Illusions) - CMB: +2, CMD 15 - Speed 20 ft. - Init. +3

I think we should go ahead and use our aid token now to get it moving. I'd suggest the bard version for the attack and damage bonuses, unless we want to wait until we start getting hurt and then use the heal. Is that an action for anyone? Before we pull the trigger, I'd like to hear everyone's opinion.

Van fires his Magic Missile wand at one of the serpentfolk, but does not overcome the creature's spell resistance.

SR Check: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2

Dark Archive

0 init:0 perp:+9 hp: 83/83 dr 3; 17\18 rounds of rage ac16 cmd 20 saves fort: +10 reflex +3 will +3 reroll 1\1.

Blanmieux takes a potion of darkvision. Sorry, twitter. There a too big chance for this spell being cast.

"After I drink this potion"

-Posted with Wayfinder

Grand Lodge

Border of War map Reign of Winter map

Torrag raises a magical shield and Twitter readies an action. Van fires his wand at one of the serpentfolk, but the missile fades into nothing before it hits its target. Hakime fires two arrows at the nearer serpentfolk, but one misses and the other bounces off his tough scales. Blan gulps down a potion in anticipation of the serpentfolk using their darkness ability.

From their vantage point in the air, the serpentfolk hiss mockingly as they fly around to get a a better view of you. Seeing that you are all clustered together, they unleash an unholy blight upon you.

If you are good:

You take 2d8 ⇒ (1, 7) = 8 damage and are sickened for 1d4 ⇒ 1 rounds as the unholy magic ravages your spirit. A DC18 will save halves the damage and negates the sickness.

After that, you take another 2d8 ⇒ (7, 4) = 11 and are sickened for 1d4 ⇒ 4 rounds from the second blight. A DC18 will save halves the damage and negates the sickness.

If you failed both saves, you are nauseated for 1 round and then sickened for the remaining 3 rounds.

If you are neutral:

You take 4 damage and then 5 damage from the two waves of unholy energy. A DC18 will save halves each instance of damage.

Round 2
SE1 (flying 30ft, potioned)
SE2 (flying 30ft, potioned)
Torrag (shield)
Twitter (readied action)
Van () -
Hakime ()-1hp
Blanmieux -16hp (darkvision)

Each of you needs to make 2 will saves.

If you are not good-aligned or are good aligned but make both will saves, you can post actions for round 2.

Dark Archive

0 init:0 perp:+9 hp: 83/83 dr 3; 17\18 rounds of rage ac16 cmd 20 saves fort: +10 reflex +3 will +3 reroll 1\1.

Dm.. I did heal myself.

will: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22
will: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11

Blanmieux takes a rage a this.

"Are you still ok mister the bird? The plan is always right?
if yes, Blanmieux will go under the one who is hurt.
If not, he will drink the potion of fly. Time to be serious. By the way... boot of the cat. Either way. Raging time.

The librarian looks at the very polylingual Azlantis.

Don't worry, old man. We will save you!

The Exchange

HP: 21/21 | AC:16 /T:16/FF: 14/CMD: 6 | Fort:2 Ref:3 Will:8 | Perc: +6 | Init: +4

Ah, will save. Thank goodness it wasn't fortitude! XD

will save: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19
will save: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24

Twitter chirps in anger as she resists most of the evil mojo, but keeps her courage as she knows that the snake-people can only do that once per day.
"Yeah? That all ya got? I ain't impressed, buster! Why don't you come over here and do that to Blan's face?"

And a PM to the GM.

Edit:Doesn't look like either of the snakeguys are hurt, so I'll go ahead and move Blan on the map since my action depends on his...

Taking a deep breath, Twitter flies alongside Blan as he moves up, and spits a sticky stream of spittle at the winged snakeman. She tries to aim for his wings especially. Same as tanglefoot bag, no attack roll required, DC16

"Use the scythe, Blan! Use the scythe!"

You still have a standard action, Blan. If he falls, go for the slicey-dicey!

Silver Crusade

hp 36/36; AC19 17t 18ff; saves F 9 refl 7 will 13; bab 5 melee 7 ranged 10 (12 flurry); cmb 7, cmd 24; init 1; loh 4/4; ki 6/6; folio reroll 0/1 | qlippoth spawn tiefling paladin (divine hunter) 2 | monk (zen archer) 4 | -5 * | image
Acro 5 (9 jump) Climb 6, Diplo 7, Escape 7, Handle Animal 6, Intim 6, Know hist +3, Know rel +4, Perc +11, Perf oratory 6, Prof soldier 8, SM 8, Stealth 5, Surv 6

will save dc 18: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (16) + 12 = 28

will save dc 18: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (9) + 12 = 21

Hakime fires at the flyer directly south of her.

to hit: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (3) + 9 = 12
dmg if hits: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4

to hit: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (14) + 9 = 23
dmg if hits: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6

Grand Lodge

Border of War map Reign of Winter map

Blan, I have applied your healing now. You still take 7 damage from the unholy blight spells.

ref: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (2) + 10 = 12
falling damage: 3d6 ⇒ (2, 4, 2) = 8

Twitter flies up to the serpentfolk, and down he goes as his wings are snared by the sticky fluids and entangled for 2d4 ⇒ (3, 4) = 7 rounds. As he looks up, he sees Blan running to him with his scythe at the ready.

Trusting the two of them to fight the serpentfolk to the West, Hakime shoots at the serpentfolk to the east. Once again, her first shot misses, and her second arrow barely scratches the serpentfolk, though this time is draws a little bit of blood.

The very eloquent captive on the altar yells out in Hallit and Elven.

"I will be grateful for that, but only if you do it before this serpent finishes his ritual! Hurry! We can talk later!"

"What? Who is this? Like the serpents you speak without being seen to speak. But I hear you with my ears instead of my mind, and I have never heard the serpents use the elven tongue before! But it matters not - get me out of here before this serpent finishes his ritual! We can talk later!"

Round 2
SE1 (flying 30ft, potioned, entangled 7, wings stuck, prone) -8hp
SE2 (flying 30ft, potioned) -1hp
Torrag (shield)
Twitter ()
Van () -
Hakime ()-10hp
Blanmieux (darkvision)-7hp

Hakime, is your bow magical?

Blan, you still have a standard action. You can retrieve your potion while moving and drink it with your standard action, OR you can go and hit the serpentfolk while it is down, or do something else with your standard action.

Torrag and Van still need to make 2 will saves each, and then give me actions.

The Exchange

M Gnome Arcanist 6 - HP 38/38 - AC 16/T: 15/FF: 13 - Perception: +1; Darkvision 60 ft. - Fort: +6, Ref: +7, Will: +6 (+2 vs. Illusions) - CMB: +2, CMD 15 - Speed 20 ft. - Init. +3

Will Save 1: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10
Will Save 2: 1d20 + 5 - 2 ⇒ (16) + 5 - 2 = 19

Putting his faith in the barbarian and the paladin to defeat the creatures without the need for heavy, but not certain to work, magic, Van fires another magic missile at the serpentfolk still in the air. After his spell fizzles and hearing the man speak in Hallit about saving him before the ritual ends, however, he appears to be reconsidering his decision.

SR check: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7

Grand Lodge

Border of War map Reign of Winter map

Van is sickened by the first wave of evil energy, but the experience helps him to steel himself against the second. His magic missile fizzles in mid air.

Round 2
SE1 (potioned, entangled 7, wings stuck, prone) -8hp
SE2 (flying 30ft, potioned) -1hp
Torrag (shield)
Twitter ()
Van () -13hp
Hakime ()-10hp
Blanmieux (darkvision)-7hp

Hakime, is your bow magical?

Blan, you still have a standard action. You can retrieve your potion while moving and drink it with your standard action, OR you can go and hit the serpentfolk while it is down, or do something else with your standard action.

Torrag stills need to make 2 will saves, and then give me actions for this round.

Dark Archive

Male Dwarf Wizard (Earth) 11- [HP 76/79][AC (16):T 12:F (15)][Fort +6:Ref +5:Will +9] [CMD 19][Init +1][Per +12]
Active Effects:
Mage Armor (22 hours); Deathwatch (constant); Overland Flight (7/9 hours); See Invisibility (75/220 minutes), Ring of Blinking

Will 1: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27
Will 2: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22

Torrag curses at the serpentfolk and casts Magic Missile from the wand.

SR Check: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7

Silver Crusade

hp 36/36; AC19 17t 18ff; saves F 9 refl 7 will 13; bab 5 melee 7 ranged 10 (12 flurry); cmb 7, cmd 24; init 1; loh 4/4; ki 6/6; folio reroll 0/1 | qlippoth spawn tiefling paladin (divine hunter) 2 | monk (zen archer) 4 | -5 * | image
Acro 5 (9 jump) Climb 6, Diplo 7, Escape 7, Handle Animal 6, Intim 6, Know hist +3, Know rel +4, Perc +11, Perf oratory 6, Prof soldier 8, SM 8, Stealth 5, Surv 6

unfortunately not yet.. but soon... maybe after this chronicle if she survives! Oh, but she does have a magical arrow.. might need to use, sigh... edit: never mind... until she gets to 6th lvl, the legacy arrow even though detecting as magic, acts as masterwork arrow only... sigh again

Dark Archive

0 init:0 perp:+9 hp: 83/83 dr 3; 17\18 rounds of rage ac16 cmd 20 saves fort: +10 reflex +3 will +3 reroll 1\1.

Hakime.. Yes, there the smite evil you have.

Librarian attack pw: 1d20 + 11 - 2 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 11 - 2 + 2 = 14
Librarian damage!: 2d4 + 16 ⇒ (3, 2) + 16 = 21

Next round, now we could use the token for the inspire courage.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Grand Lodge

Border of War map Reign of Winter map

Torrag endures the evil assault without much trouble at all, but his magic missile also fizzles out before it strikes the serpentfolk.

Blan tries to cut down the serpentfolk, but tries too hard to deliver a powerful blow and ends up only tearing a deep groove in the floor as the serpentfolk rolls out of the way. He hears a voice speaking in his head in a harsh, chilling, but foreign tongue he does not understand. SE1 gets to his feet (provoking from Blan), takes a 5ft step back and 2d4 ⇒ (1, 3) = 4 duplicates of himself step out from him. They duck and weave into each other for a moment, and soon it is impossible to tell which is the real one.

SE2 sees that Hakime, Van and Torrage are having trouble hurting him and confidently flies over above Van to threaten all three of them at once. Since Hakime actually managed to scratch him, he goes for Hakime first.
bite: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (11) + 13 = 24
pain: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5 And fort save
He hisses mockingly as his fangs sink into Hakime's shoulder, pumping venom into her veins.

Round 3
SE1 (potioned, entangled 6, wings stuck, 4 images) -8hp
SE2 (flying 10ft, potioned) -1hp
Torrag (shield) -4hp
Twitter () -4hp
Van () -13hp
Hakime ()-15hp
Blanmieux (darkvision)-7hp

Blan gets to take an AoO against SE1.

Hakime needs to make a fort save

Everyone give me actions for round 3.

Dark Archive

0 init:0 perp:+9 hp: 83/83 dr 3; 17\18 rounds of rage ac16 cmd 20 saves fort: +10 reflex +3 will +3 reroll 1\1.

Need to hit him! ooc: 1d20 + 11 - 2 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 11 - 2 + 2 = 24
damage: 2d4 + 16 ⇒ (2, 2) + 16 = 20

I will activate the inspire courage aid token.

Oh. Collective power of the society! Lend us your mighty power for accomplishing your holy mission of studing history by destroying those who are opposing us. RALPH, LISTEN TO OUR PRAYERS!Shoot Blanmieux.

The librarian swigns the scythe.

attack one power attack!: 1d20 + 11 - 2 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 11 - 2 + 2 + 2 = 22
damage: 2d4 + 18 ⇒ (4, 2) + 18 = 24

Attack 2 pw: 1d20 + 11 - 2 + 2 + 2 - 5 ⇒ (19) + 11 - 2 + 2 + 2 - 5 = 27
damage: 2d4 + 18 ⇒ (2, 2) + 18 = 22

I will wait if the others attack the images before rolling for them They can activate the token before me for an another thing if they want. I was just finding this funny.

The Exchange

Male Human Spell Sage 14 | HP:100/100| AC: 16/ FF 12/ T 14 |CMD: 17| Fort: +12 Ref: +12 Will: +13 | Perception: +18| Init: +3 [|] Uses Ring of Invisibility


Because GMs need their fun too.

When Blan calls out to Ralph for aid, there is a sudden flash of light behind the force field, and the archmage appears surrounded by a crackling numbus of arcane energy.

"I cannot be caged!" Ralph snarls angrily.

The serpentfolk priestess behind the wall of force stops her chanting and prepares herself for her own battle.

This fight will not affect your own battle in any way. It happens in the background.


Ralph's appearance gives Blan a surge of adrenaline that guides his arm as he takes another attack on SE1. His strike rips a wound across SE1's chest, leaving a trail of blood.

Round 3 (Inspire courage. 3rds)
SE1 (potioned, entangled 6, wings stuck, 4 images) -28hp
SE2 (flying 10ft, potioned) -1hp
Torrag (shield) -4hp
Twitter () -4hp
Van () -13hp
Hakime ()-15hp
Blanmieux (darkvision)-7hp

The aid token has been activated, giving all of you +2 to hit and damage for 3 rounds. It will last for rounds 3, 4 and 5. Make it count.

Hakime needs to make a fort save

Hakime, Twitter, Van and Torrag give me actions for round 3.

The Exchange

M Gnome Arcanist 6 - HP 38/38 - AC 16/T: 15/FF: 13 - Perception: +1; Darkvision 60 ft. - Fort: +6, Ref: +7, Will: +6 (+2 vs. Illusions) - CMB: +2, CMD 15 - Speed 20 ft. - Init. +3

Van dimensional slides out of the serpentfolk sandwich, then casts Haste on the group.

Haste: +1 attack, +1 AC, +1 Reflex, +1 additional attack at full BaB if full attack, +30 speed (+20 if small).

Spent 1 Arcane reservoir point to dimensional slide.

Dark Archive

0 init:0 perp:+9 hp: 83/83 dr 3; 17\18 rounds of rage ac16 cmd 20 saves fort: +10 reflex +3 will +3 reroll 1\1.

third attack!: 1d20 + 11 - 2 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 11 - 2 + 2 + 1 = 23
damge: 2d4 + 18 ⇒ (1, 1) + 18 = 20

"I don't why you have wings serpent, but i am like a red bull!"

-Posted with Wayfinder

The Exchange

HP: 21/21 | AC:16 /T:16/FF: 14/CMD: 6 | Fort:2 Ref:3 Will:8 | Perc: +6 | Init: +4

2 questions: Firstly, you rolled 2d4+0 for the images. Was this an error? Secondly, if he's resistant to acid, but I hit an image with acid splash, do I still remove an image?

If the answer is yes, Twitter will cast acid splash to try to remove an image.

attack roll: 1d20 + 9 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 9 + 1 + 2 = 17 Damage not relevant.

Silver Crusade

hp 36/36; AC19 17t 18ff; saves F 9 refl 7 will 13; bab 5 melee 7 ranged 10 (12 flurry); cmb 7, cmd 24; init 1; loh 4/4; ki 6/6; folio reroll 0/1 | qlippoth spawn tiefling paladin (divine hunter) 2 | monk (zen archer) 4 | -5 * | image
Acro 5 (9 jump) Climb 6, Diplo 7, Escape 7, Handle Animal 6, Intim 6, Know hist +3, Know rel +4, Perc +11, Perf oratory 6, Prof soldier 8, SM 8, Stealth 5, Surv 6

fort save, dc ?: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (4) + 9 = 13

"I WILL shoot you down, creature. Your evil will be eradicated!" She declares smite against the serpentfolk...

to hit: 1d20 + 9 + 2 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 9 + 2 + 3 = 26
dmg if hits, no dr applies: 1d8 + 2 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 + 2 + 2 = 10

to hit: 1d20 + 9 + 2 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 9 + 2 + 3 = 34
dmg if hits, no dr applies: 1d8 + 2 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 + 2 + 2 = 9

to confirm crit: 1d20 + 9 + 2 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 9 + 2 + 3 = 29
extra dmg if crits, no dr applies: 2d8 + 4 + 4 + 4 ⇒ (3, 8) + 4 + 4 + 4 = 23

to hit, haste attack: 1d20 + 9 + 2 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 9 + 2 + 3 = 32
dmg if hits, no dr applies: 1d8 + 2 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 + 2 + 2 = 11

Grand Lodge

Border of War map Reign of Winter map

Yes, it should have been 1d4+1. He has only 2 images. You only need to hit.
1d3 ⇒ 3

Van transports himself to safety and casts a spell to speed up his allies. Twitter's acid ray destroys one of SE1's images, allowing Blan to cleave through the remaining two with his hasted strikes. Finally, Hakime fills the last serpentfolk with arrows, causing him so much pain he blacks out from it and falls to the ground unconscious.

I was expecting that to take longer. Twitter removing one more image means that Blan will certainly hit SE1 at least twice and kill him. Hakime does just enough damage to put SE2 at -2hp.


The serpentfolk priest behind the wall of force casts a spell at Ralph, causing the archmage to reel for a moment as he clutches his head, but the moment passes and he glares at the serpentfolk even angrier than before.

"I cannot be controlled."

Ralph casts a spell that shoots a dark purple ray at the serpentfolk priest.

"Understand this as you die, ever pathetic, ever fool!"

Bloodied by Ralph's spells, the serpentfolk charges Ralph with a clumsy attack. Ralph makes little effort to dodge, but the serpentfolk suddenly spits out another incantation, and then they are both gone. The wall of force disappears along with them.


Combat over.

Round 3
Torrag (shield) -4hp
Twitter () -4hp
Van () -13hp
Hakime ()-15hp
Blanmieux (darkvision)-7hp

You are all a little wounded and can roll for healing.

You think that the Pathfinder Society will be interested in these serpentfolks' religious iconography and rituals, as well as the unique physiology of these strange acolytes you just defeated.
You can roll a Appraise, Craft (armor, clothing, or jewelry), Disguise, Knowledge (nobility or religion), Perception, Profession (clerk, merchant, or scribe) for the first check.
You can roll a Heal, Knowledge (dungeoneering, planes, or religion), Profession (scribe), or Survival for the second check.

Next person to post also gets to decide which table to pass the aid token to. It cannot be table 1.

Dark Archive

0 init:0 perp:+9 hp: 83/83 dr 3; 17\18 rounds of rage ac16 cmd 20 saves fort: +10 reflex +3 will +3 reroll 1\1.

clw: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9

Blanmieux will search the bodies and liberate the Aslantis.

perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (13) + 9 = 22

survival: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20

You know, you are the first Aslantis I have meet in my entire life. I am Blanmieux. A librarian employed by the pathfinder society.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Silver Crusade

hp 36/36; AC19 17t 18ff; saves F 9 refl 7 will 13; bab 5 melee 7 ranged 10 (12 flurry); cmb 7, cmd 24; init 1; loh 4/4; ki 6/6; folio reroll 0/1 | qlippoth spawn tiefling paladin (divine hunter) 2 | monk (zen archer) 4 | -5 * | image
Acro 5 (9 jump) Climb 6, Diplo 7, Escape 7, Handle Animal 6, Intim 6, Know hist +3, Know rel +4, Perc +11, Perf oratory 6, Prof soldier 8, SM 8, Stealth 5, Surv 6

clw: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
clw: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7
clw: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6

Hakime uses 3 charges from her wand to heal herself and would be happy to use their wands on anyone who needs it, or her own if recipient doesn't have one... just let me know how many charges from Hakime's wand if you need to use it.

perception: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (5) + 12 = 17
survival: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6

The Exchange

M Gnome Arcanist 6 - HP 38/38 - AC 16/T: 15/FF: 13 - Perception: +1; Darkvision 60 ft. - Fort: +6, Ref: +7, Will: +6 (+2 vs. Illusions) - CMB: +2, CMD 15 - Speed 20 ft. - Init. +3

Lucky Table: 1d34 ⇒ 14

"Dang, looks like I should have held on to that speed spell. Them the breaks."

Van uses two charges of his wand of Infernal Healing over two minutes to heal himself completely.

He then turns his attention contemporary serpentfolk archaeology.

Knowledge (religion): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22
Knowledge (planes): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 10

Silver Crusade

hp 36/36; AC19 17t 18ff; saves F 9 refl 7 will 13; bab 5 melee 7 ranged 10 (12 flurry); cmb 7, cmd 24; init 1; loh 4/4; ki 6/6; folio reroll 0/1 | qlippoth spawn tiefling paladin (divine hunter) 2 | monk (zen archer) 4 | -5 * | image
Acro 5 (9 jump) Climb 6, Diplo 7, Escape 7, Handle Animal 6, Intim 6, Know hist +3, Know rel +4, Perc +11, Perf oratory 6, Prof soldier 8, SM 8, Stealth 5, Surv 6

van, Blan posted first and he said table 33 already

Dark Archive

0 init:0 perp:+9 hp: 83/83 dr 3; 17\18 rounds of rage ac16 cmd 20 saves fort: +10 reflex +3 will +3 reroll 1\1.

I just proposed. There nothing forcing us to do what I said.

Grand Lodge

Border of War map Reign of Winter map

Blan appears to have edited his post. To make it quick, I'll send the token to table 14.

You are able to make useful notes about the serpentfolk and their religious stuff.

Hallit and elven:
"I apologise, but I have never heard of your Society before. But I thank you for my rescue. I am General Krahnaliara Lac Suhn, though perhaps you already knew that and that was why you came to rescue me. But I will need to excuse myself to rally my troops. They are waiting for me to lead them against our serpentine overlords this day!"

The Azlanti speaks in Hallit first, then for some reason repeats himself in elven. Despite his dutiful words, he appears somewhat curious about you, and reluctant to leave without finding out more about you. Perhaps an attempt at diplomacy or a good bluff will make him stay to speak awhile? The opportunity to interview an Azlanti general from pre-historic times is precisely the sort of thing the Pathfinder is using the Sky Key to enable!

The Exchange

M Gnome Arcanist 6 - HP 38/38 - AC 16/T: 15/FF: 13 - Perception: +1; Darkvision 60 ft. - Fort: +6, Ref: +7, Will: +6 (+2 vs. Illusions) - CMB: +2, CMD 15 - Speed 20 ft. - Init. +3

Yeah, he must of edited after I saw his post. I was wondering why no one was posting anything about it.

Van translates the man's words from Hallit to Common, then speaks to the man in Hallit, "We are explorers here from another world. If we could talk to you for a little bit and learn from each other, then it could benefit both of our people. We can tell you what we've learned about the evil serpentfolk."

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23

Silver Crusade

hp 36/36; AC19 17t 18ff; saves F 9 refl 7 will 13; bab 5 melee 7 ranged 10 (12 flurry); cmb 7, cmd 24; init 1; loh 4/4; ki 6/6; folio reroll 0/1 | qlippoth spawn tiefling paladin (divine hunter) 2 | monk (zen archer) 4 | -5 * | image
Acro 5 (9 jump) Climb 6, Diplo 7, Escape 7, Handle Animal 6, Intim 6, Know hist +3, Know rel +4, Perc +11, Perf oratory 6, Prof soldier 8, SM 8, Stealth 5, Surv 6

Hakime nods to Van. "Thanks for the translation.. I'm afraid I speak neither of his languages."

The Exchange

HP: 21/21 | AC:16 /T:16/FF: 14/CMD: 6 | Fort:2 Ref:3 Will:8 | Perc: +6 | Init: +4

Wowie, so much happened in two hours!

I'm going to guess a bird is going to make a relatively unimpressive diplomat, so I'm gonna use a couple of little tricks. ;)

A faintly glowing, vaguely humanoid shape emerges from Hakime's pouch, and a short moment later you each hear a voice whispering to you in elven (and translated to common).

"Greetings. I am... Twitter Knott Swiftwing. As my friend here says, we are explorers from another, well, perhaps another time would be more accurate. But please, be at ease. If you could speak with us for a moment, we would be much obliged. There is so much we could learn from each other, your people, your culture, your plight under these horrible horrible snakes!"

diplomacy: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (17) + 18 = 35

Is he hurt? I still have those spare ritual-things from before. Also, we should probably drink those soon, before they run out. How long before they run out, GM?

Grand Lodge

Border of War map Reign of Winter map

Ok, stop posting for a few minutes. I have not even finished my post in response to Van, and then Twitter posts... I will post his words normally since you have translators, but you will need to speak one of his languages to roll.

Twitter's choice of appearance actually startles and unnerves Lac Suhn a little, but her skillful use of words quickly makes him comfortable once more. I will impose a -2 to diplomacy and a +2 to intimidate as circumstance modifiers, but that diplomacy roll smashes the DC easily.

"I suppose I can stick around to chat for awhile. It is the least I could do for my rescuers after all..."

He is a little hurt, and will thank you if you offer him one of the temporary healing potions. You estimate that they will only last another minute before they lose their potency anyway. He seats himself on the edge of the lowest ring of the spiral stairs and takes a deep breath.

“Our culture and people, you say? Well, how about we start with food? I have always loved my grandmother’s ittho bread. Only used the honey from her own bees, and only fed them blossoms her grandmother brought back from the Western Colonies. Nothing ever tastes the same now.”

He sighs. "“Sorry. I start to get nostalgic around Peacock’s Dusk. These damn family holidays. They always remind me I still haven’t taken my boys to the Western Colonies. They love their little-folk nanny, and I thought they’d like to see one of the cities her people built. You know, it has also been many years since we heard from my great-grandmother’s descendants, but I sometimes imagine that when I gaze into the sky and see the red planet, they can hear my prayers for the health of them and our empire’s colony.”

He laughs a little as talk of his family starts to put him at even greater ease. “My wife is always trying to tie my chiton like an imperator, not like a general. See how it goes over, around, then under?" He indicates his own garments as he speaks. "I ask if she wants her husband flogged, and she just says she’d rather have her husband sit on the senate. Not a… not a subtle lady. Hearing you speak in the Kellid tongue reminds me of her. Gods, I miss her. Her name’s Vanaschen. I know, I know—am I crazy to have married a woman of the Eastern Colonies? I thought mother was mad when she arranged the marriage. I shouted out the garden blessing, I was so damn mad. But I suppose we’re all like that at that age. Once my whiskers came in and I stopped thinking of myself, I saw her for who she was: this fiery, passionate woman who didn’t need any of my excuses. Her father and my mother still argue over whose family officially joined whose—if we’re still Azlanti or perhaps tainted by Kellid blood. I swear Vanaschen would conquer both peoples just to quiet them, if she didn’t find it so damn funny. The way she pushes me to step up into mother’s senate seat, I think we’re still Azlanti.”

So you probably guessed that Twitter's roll got you all the information you can get through diplomacy. But I don't think she's as good at other social checks, and there are more checks you can make for information. You think that you could goad the general into boasting about military conquests with Intimidate, or trick him into revealing state secrets with Bluff. However, these are delicate attempts, and you should only make the attempt if you are confident, lest you offend the General and make him clam up.

The Exchange

HP: 21/21 | AC:16 /T:16/FF: 14/CMD: 6 | Fort:2 Ref:3 Will:8 | Perc: +6 | Init: +4

Actually, I'm not too bad at bluff either, and my ring gives me a bonus on bluff and intimidate too. Let's try that first.

"Heh heh, I think your wife was on to something. Generals have power, and power speaks in political circles. I think you have more clout than I suspect you think you have. I mean, just think about what you know of the inner-workings of your country. You'll see what I mean."

Bluff: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (20) + 11 = 31 Make that: I am very good at bluff too! ;)

I'm not that good at intimidate though. Anyone have a modifier higher than 7 for intimidate?

Grand Lodge

Border of War map Reign of Winter map

I would be surprised at your luck if you were not so lucky with dice in real life too.

Lac Suhn sighs deeply. “I am well aware of the clout I have, but it comes as such a cost! I never do get to see the wife and kids anymore. Marrying into a colonial family may have helped avert a war, but these years of separation are a heavy burden on anyone’s shoulders. Imperator Emalliandra was right about the political dissent rising in the colonies. Drunkard or not, she’s got twice the political insight her father ever did. I don’t care if his great-great-great-whatever grandfather gave us ioun stones or water itself ! Imperator Illsmus is a headstrong fool, and his notions about raising mankind to godhood will end in embarrassment, at best.”

“And as if that were not enough, I lost my brother Urterre to the Silent Servitors, those agents who watch outside and within for threats to the empire. He ran coded messages between the colonies and the homeland, but was never quite the same after his ship was lost at sea for three weeks. His body healed just fine, but his eyes… they always seemed so distant and afraid after that. In the end, Urterre died in my arms. The dagger was warm in his back. Passed along the documents to me, but the only words he could muster were ‘Minister Erodel wears the veil. Amaznen save the senate.’ Whatever that was supposed to mean. Perhaps nothing. He seemed half-mad by then. We buried him at our family's private villa. It had a good view, peaceful too. South from the Mierani forests, hugging the coast east for four days and then a shot southeast from the southern cape. The waters there, pristine. And when the sun hits the water in the evenings... Ah, how I do miss home...”

DC24 Knowledge (geography or history) or Profession (sailor) check:
You estimate that Lac Suhn’s villa was somewhere off the coast of Nidal.

You're in remarkable form so far. Are one of you going to try to intimidate him to goad him into boasting about his military victories?

Dark Archive

0 init:0 perp:+9 hp: 83/83 dr 3; 17\18 rounds of rage ac16 cmd 20 saves fort: +10 reflex +3 will +3 reroll 1\1.

You know... we have a elexir of comprend language... we could give it to him. Says Blanmieux while taking the notes.

I have no idea what this man is saying except that the Aslanti was mixing blood with the kellid.

"By the way old Man, our organisation have already met with rebels and the numbers we have on our side is suffisant enough for that you wait for a few minutes.

We even have a représentative of a strange race called dwarves. They follow a good god name Torag. Pointing Torrag.

aid intimidation: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22

Just a +4 but you should have win the thing and I think we can aid another. For your information... The dwarves haven't start their quest for the sky yet.

The Exchange

HP: 21/21 | AC:16 /T:16/FF: 14/CMD: 6 | Fort:2 Ref:3 Will:8 | Perc: +6 | Init: +4

Sure, I'll take that.

intimidate with aid: 1d20 + 7 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 7 + 2 = 28

"I mean, sure, you guys got caught by the snake-people, but this time you've got us to back you up. Or you guys can just back us up. I mean, we won't be here too long, but long enough to turn the tide of this fight in your favour, you know. Everybody needs help now and then," Twitter says teasingly.

knowledge geography: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (15) + 6 = 21
knowledge history: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7

Psst. Torrag. Wanna try that knowledge check? I think my luck's run out. XD

The Exchange

M Gnome Arcanist 6 - HP 38/38 - AC 16/T: 15/FF: 13 - Perception: +1; Darkvision 60 ft. - Fort: +6, Ref: +7, Will: +6 (+2 vs. Illusions) - CMB: +2, CMD 15 - Speed 20 ft. - Init. +3

Knowledge (history): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12

Van just translates and takes notes as the man tells a good deal of his life story.

Dark Archive

0 init:0 perp:+9 hp: 83/83 dr 3; 17\18 rounds of rage ac16 cmd 20 saves fort: +10 reflex +3 will +3 reroll 1\1.

aid history: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 1 = 12

"I think I have read a book about it. No... I have this book. There!"

Grand Lodge

Border of War map Reign of Winter map

That will be a clean sweep of the social encounter, except for the knowledge check, but that does not affect your outcome. This is the only encounter where you can score a double-success. To do that, you needed to score at least 28 on two of the checks. You did all three. I am actually quite amazed. Well done!

Lac Suhn scowls a little at Twitter's taunt.

“My warriors can hold their own. They are no cowards! It's not as it they surrendered in the field! If these snakes hadn’t taken their sikkar—their coiled knives—they never would’ve let themselves be taken alive.”

Feeling a need to defend his men, Lac Suhn carries on talking, seeking to defend his soldier's capabilities and explain the circumstances leading to the capture of him and his men.

“We had separated into two regiments, with shield walls, and I sent the left flank wide to take the serpentfolk from behind. We’d been clashing near the mouth of the Ilssele for years, trying to push the colonies’ eastern borders. You see, the key to battling serpent-men is the night battle, or making your main thrust at dusk. Then the fatigue of battle hits the same time as the cold reaches their hearts. Slows them down. That was General Akorian’s secret to victory at Esrogas, when they tried to land on the homeland itself, and it still works all these years later.”

“Their war-beasts are indeed fearsome, but it was nothing we could not handle. Make no mistake, we did not lose in skill of arms. We did not fall for want of courage! Subterfuge was what tore our lines down. Their low, dishonorable machinations caused misinformation spread among the ranks; dissenters and the magically compelled turning on their own brothers. I’ve fought human opponents, and loath as I am to spill another man’s blood, I’d take that clean death over the slow, strangling suffocation these monsters mete out.”

“They took the lines at Ilssele. Broke our backs and killed most of my men. Olhas was perhaps a day’s march beyond. I doubt very much it’s still there. Once we are free of this place, that will be my first stop. If it still stands, we will defend it or retake it, and if it is no longer there, then we sure as the abyss are going to defend it!”

As he speaks about his men, Lac Suhn again begins to think about rejoining them.

"Thank you once again for the rescue, and perhaps it was good to talk. Spending some time to think of and speak of my home, and my country, and my men has helped me to recenter myself after my long capture. But I should be going now. A leader's place is with his men, and I should be down there leading them in their fight. I wish you well, travelers of time and worlds. Would that you could visit my family's villa some day and I could properly thank you. Perhaps some day. Until then, safe travels."

Having said his farewells to you, Lac Suhn begins heading up the stairs to rejoin his men.

I will give Torrag some time to catch up and roll the last knowledge check if he wants.

From here, you will once again need to decide where you want to go. There is still the fighting in the temple plaza and the slave pens to do, and the post-combat encounter in the slave pens.

Silver Crusade

hp 36/36; AC19 17t 18ff; saves F 9 refl 7 will 13; bab 5 melee 7 ranged 10 (12 flurry); cmb 7, cmd 24; init 1; loh 4/4; ki 6/6; folio reroll 0/1 | qlippoth spawn tiefling paladin (divine hunter) 2 | monk (zen archer) 4 | -5 * | image
Acro 5 (9 jump) Climb 6, Diplo 7, Escape 7, Handle Animal 6, Intim 6, Know hist +3, Know rel +4, Perc +11, Perf oratory 6, Prof soldier 8, SM 8, Stealth 5, Surv 6

Hakime listens blankly to the man talk on, and tunes him out as Van translates for those who don't understand, like herself. She watches him walk out to rejoin his men, and gives him a 'modern' (for Golarion) military salute as he leaves. She wishes him "Good fortune to you and your men, Sir." though she knows he doesn't understand her.

She tries to place all these things he's spoken of in her knowledge of the past...

know history: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6

.. but sadly, her lessons in history were meager in relation to the distant past, and none of it correlates to what she knows.

The Exchange

HP: 21/21 | AC:16 /T:16/FF: 14/CMD: 6 | Fort:2 Ref:3 Will:8 | Perc: +6 | Init: +4

Twitter lets the light show fade out once the Azlanti general is out of view and ear-shot, and hops out of the pouch once more.

"Ok, guys, when all of this gets quoted in the Pathfinder Chronicles, I want it to be quoted as "Krahnaliara Lac Suhn's Twitter Account." XD

"My only regret is that it will be centuries before it is finally revealed that the one who out-foxed the great Azlanti general was a bird! AHAHAHAHA! Geddit? Out-foxed-hahahaha-by-a-bird-hahahahaha-'cos usually foxes eat birds? Hahahahaha. But this time the bird was the fox? AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

You all have the novel experience of seeing a bird rolling on the floor laughing as her little bird-feet kick in the air.

When the crazy little bird finally recovers herself, she gets to the issue at hand.

"Ahem. So..... Where to now? If there's still fighting outside the temple, I think we should probably go help. Maybe Mr General Talks-a-lot and his troops will need our help?"

GM also mentioned we are almost out of time on those healing potions, so maybe we should drink those. Twitter will drink her's now.

healing!: 2d8 + 3 ⇒ (5, 6) + 3 = 14

Dark Archive

Male Dwarf Wizard (Earth) 11- [HP 76/79][AC (16):T 12:F (15)][Fort +6:Ref +5:Will +9] [CMD 19][Init +1][Per +12]
Active Effects:
Mage Armor (22 hours); Deathwatch (constant); Overland Flight (7/9 hours); See Invisibility (75/220 minutes), Ring of Blinking

Sorry, I was completely laid up sick yesterday. Apparently I missed something in the last several hours.

Know History: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (8) + 9 = 17

Torrag will ask the Paladin to heal his wounds with his wand.
CLW: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
CLW: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9

The Exchange

HP: 21/21 | AC:16 /T:16/FF: 14/CMD: 6 | Fort:2 Ref:3 Will:8 | Perc: +6 | Init: +4

We used the aid token and defeated the flying snake-people, and saved some Azlanti general. Twitter reveals she has some mad social skills and smashes some DCs, and then goes a little crazy in the aftermath. We effectively got three 'successes' in this place.
Also, GM told us that our free potions from the ritual earlier are about to expire, so use 'em or lose 'em. =)
And now we need to decide where to go next. Twitter suggests the area outside the temple ('cos it's just there).

I think that's kind of a fair summary?

Dark Archive

Male Dwarf Wizard (Earth) 11- [HP 76/79][AC (16):T 12:F (15)][Fort +6:Ref +5:Will +9] [CMD 19][Init +1][Per +12]
Active Effects:
Mage Armor (22 hours); Deathwatch (constant); Overland Flight (7/9 hours); See Invisibility (75/220 minutes), Ring of Blinking

Thanks for the summary. I did read through the posts again. If it's ok, I'd like to drink my temporary potion instead of expending wand charges.

As the group goes back outside the temple, Torrag will get out a wand. Wand of Shield

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