PFS PbP Gameday IV Curaigh's Upper Tier Traitor's Lodge (Inactive)

Game Master Curaigh

Traitor's Lodge Map
PbP Gameday IV

Core Helms ! Wizards Wanted Gameday X


Grand Lodge

AC21, FF19, T15 HP26/26 Bite+6 1d3-4(attach) F: +2, R: +4, W: +3
53/53 HP, AC: 19, T: 12, FF: 17, CMD: 20, F: +9, R: +9, W: +10, Init +4, Pereption +10, CN Male Aasmar Druid 7, Spear/Club: +8, 1d8+4/1d6+4, x2)
AC26 ,FF21, T15 DR 5 Evil HP53/53 Talonsx2+8 1d8+4/8, Bite+8 1d6+4/8, Claw +8 1d4+4/8 F: +9, R: +8, W: +3


Core Helms ! Wizards Wanted Gameday X

This should be set up for a reply to make it easier for you (deleting everything above). Make sure to add the appropriate modifier and the final closed bracket (])to the die rolls.
RL name:
PFS number:
e-mail: for game day prize support. PM me if you are uncomfortable posting it here.
Faction:(should flood in, but just in case)
Re-Roll:Y/N Most likely use:
Typical combat action:
Day Job:
[dice=default combat action]1d20+ [/dice
[dice=damage]+ [/dice
[dice=attack of opportunity]1d20+ [/dice
[dice=damage]+ [/dice

Also: Please note Gunnar has decided he is too busy. I have two folks locally who might be interested, but please let me know what pregen you would like me to play if they do not.

The Exchange

N Dwarf Ranger 9

Name: Aaron
PFS# 84637-1
Faction: Exchange
Day Job: Survival: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (16) + 11 = 27

No reroll

Silver Crusade

59/59 HP, AC: 24. FF: 18, T: 16, CMD: 23, (Dodge/Mobility, +2 vs Evil), Fort: +7, Refl: +6, Will: +7 (+2 vs Evil) , Perc: +14, (Scent, +22), Init: +8, Sense Motive +12, NG Human Inquisitor of Sarenrae 8, +12/+7 Att, 1d6+6, (15/x2)

DM Beckett
Silver Crusade
Typically, I would try to talk or negotiate, unless that isn't really an option. I've included my basic attack in the quick combat stats underneather my avatar if needed, and I can also heal if needed (1d8+5 or 2d8+6).
Day Job Heal (temple): 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (14) + 13 = 27

Reroll: Yes, (+3), and most likely either after a failed Will Save or "crucial" Diplomacy check.

Based on the party so far, I'm thinking likely either the Sorcerer or Wizard. But, it doesn't matter too much to me.

[dice=Scimitar Attack]1d20+9[/dice
[dice=Damage]1d6+5[/dice It kept messing up my Day Job roll

Dark Archive

Tide of Morning The Confirmation Table The Confirmation Table 2

DM Snider
No day job
supports when can. cant transform till next level if bbeg shilely and attack with club flanking with raptor as much as possible

Reroll:Yes (+2) most likly on failed save or key attack roll





Silver Crusade

59/59 HP, AC: 24. FF: 18, T: 16, CMD: 23, (Dodge/Mobility, +2 vs Evil), Fort: +7, Refl: +6, Will: +7 (+2 vs Evil) , Perc: +14, (Scent, +22), Init: +8, Sense Motive +12, NG Human Inquisitor of Sarenrae 8, +12/+7 Att, 1d6+6, (15/x2)
Venture Teller Play b'Post wrote:

About that box...?

About that door...? The elderly gentleman with a white beard and a cane asks. or is it a female halfling? :)

Sorry, I meant for the game. For some reason, I mistook Theo's response as your's.

Theo Rosevale wrote:

I'm not fussy... though surprised we couldn't find a 4th. Guess people have already committed to the glut of pbp for Gameday =)

Something arcanish works I reckon.
Garinol wrote:
Was meant to say: I can ask around if you like. I think so many are focused on the specials, or not sure what games are really open, its hard to navigate.

Core Helms ! Wizards Wanted Gameday X

Sure, ask around :)

Grand Lodge

AC21, FF19, T15 HP26/26 Bite+6 1d3-4(attach) F: +2, R: +4, W: +3
53/53 HP, AC: 19, T: 12, FF: 17, CMD: 20, F: +9, R: +9, W: +10, Init +4, Pereption +10, CN Male Aasmar Druid 7, Spear/Club: +8, 1d8+4/1d6+4, x2)
AC26 ,FF21, T15 DR 5 Evil HP53/53 Talonsx2+8 1d8+4/8, Bite+8 1d6+4/8, Claw +8 1d4+4/8 F: +9, R: +8, W: +3

Something i did forget to mention is that the weasle rides on the raptor and provides telepathic link on the raptor sees. If we ever send someone to scout ahead i send the weasle with them, or if we need just the weasle lol

The Exchange

N Dwarf Ranger 9

Aren't you only allowed to have one 'animal' that actually does stuff in PFS?

And do we have a map yet? All the ones linked are labeled for a different scenario... so am a little confused. =)

Grand Lodge

AC21, FF19, T15 HP26/26 Bite+6 1d3-4(attach) F: +2, R: +4, W: +3
53/53 HP, AC: 19, T: 12, FF: 17, CMD: 20, F: +9, R: +9, W: +10, Init +4, Pereption +10, CN Male Aasmar Druid 7, Spear/Club: +8, 1d8+4/1d6+4, x2)
AC26 ,FF21, T15 DR 5 Evil HP53/53 Talonsx2+8 1d8+4/8, Bite+8 1d6+4/8, Claw +8 1d4+4/8 F: +9, R: +8, W: +3

No you allowed 1 combat animal (companion, mount, or edion) ANDas many non combat animals (familiar and few others)... I will post link when i get back home. More than 1 non combat can be disruptive.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Grand Lodge

AC21, FF19, T15 HP26/26 Bite+6 1d3-4(attach) F: +2, R: +4, W: +3
53/53 HP, AC: 19, T: 12, FF: 17, CMD: 20, F: +9, R: +9, W: +10, Init +4, Pereption +10, CN Male Aasmar Druid 7, Spear/Club: +8, 1d8+4/1d6+4, x2)
AC26 ,FF21, T15 DR 5 Evil HP53/53 Talonsx2+8 1d8+4/8, Bite+8 1d6+4/8, Claw +8 1d4+4/8 F: +9, R: +8, W: +3


Character and Class Questions

How many animals can I have at any given time?

During the course of a scenario, you may have one combat animal and as many noncombat animals as you like. Noncombat animals (ponies, horses, pet dogs, and so on) cannot participate in combat at all. If you have so many noncombat animals that their presence is slowing a session down, the GM has the right to ask you to select one noncombat animal and leave the rest behind. A summoner's eidolon is considered an animal companion for the purposes of counting combat and noncombat animals. If you have more than one class-granted animal companion (or eidolon), you must choose which will be considered the combat animal at the start of the scenario. In general, a mount, a familiar or mundane pet, and your class-granted animal(s) are acceptable, but more than that can be disruptive.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Grand Lodge

AC21, FF19, T15 HP26/26 Bite+6 1d3-4(attach) F: +2, R: +4, W: +3
53/53 HP, AC: 19, T: 12, FF: 17, CMD: 20, F: +9, R: +9, W: +10, Init +4, Pereption +10, CN Male Aasmar Druid 7, Spear/Club: +8, 1d8+4/1d6+4, x2)
AC26 ,FF21, T15 DR 5 Evil HP53/53 Talonsx2+8 1d8+4/8, Bite+8 1d6+4/8, Claw +8 1d4+4/8 F: +9, R: +8, W: +3

Weasle makes no combat rolls just sits on raptor and keeps me informed i dont have it attack but ride around and fill me in

-Posted with Wayfinder

Dark Archive

Tide of Morning The Confirmation Table The Confirmation Table 2

GM If i use the weasle like that on my raptor i dont care to have it make saves for spells or area affects as it would still be there just not actually participating... kind of like when we escort people or have named NPCs with us. They dont attack but are still subject to area affects and such.

Core Helms ! Wizards Wanted Gameday X

I think everyone has experience with PbP, but I wanted to offer to answer any questions just in case. Please ask :)

Even if you have experience with PbP, you might be new to Gameday, for which prize support is offered. I added a link in the info page, and here it is again: PbP Gameday IV. One interesting thing happening this time 'round is a character creation contest. To coincide with the Year of the Serpent everyone who wants to can create a Joe. (Yup, they want more GI Joes to counter the cobra, serpents Aspis's rise. Check it out.

Core Helms ! Wizards Wanted Gameday X
Theo Rosevale wrote:
And do we have a map yet? All the ones linked are labeled for a different scenario... so am a little confused. =)

Title of the google doc is from a previous game. I am reusing the link. I will change the document's name.

Savage 1 wrote:
No you allowed 1 combat animal (companion, mount, or edion) ANDas many non combat animals (familiar and few others)... I will post link when i get back home. More than 1 non combat can be disruptive.

I know this is an area of table variation, so this is my variant. I am of the opinion that scouting is a combat role and the empathic link ability is an effective scouting option. I think you meant empathic link not telepathic link, right? For example, tactics for fighting an ogre are different than they are for fighting a goblin. Knowing that an ogre is in the next room can affect those tactics (BUFF BUFF BUFF!) Similarly knowing there are four goblins in a room instead of one, or twenty can change actions (let me dig through my pack for a potion of fire resistance before we open the door...).

I am also of the opinion that if you make a Reflex save by only two points, the weasel has performed a combat role.

Finally I am also of the opinion that the intent of the one companion rule is more important than the writing of it. Play it as you want to, but please don't abuse it. :)

Grand Lodge

AC21, FF19, T15 HP26/26 Bite+6 1d3-4(attach) F: +2, R: +4, W: +3
53/53 HP, AC: 19, T: 12, FF: 17, CMD: 20, F: +9, R: +9, W: +10, Init +4, Pereption +10, CN Male Aasmar Druid 7, Spear/Club: +8, 1d8+4/1d6+4, x2)
AC26 ,FF21, T15 DR 5 Evil HP53/53 Talonsx2+8 1d8+4/8, Bite+8 1d6+4/8, Claw +8 1d4+4/8 F: +9, R: +8, W: +3

I like it lol

-Posted with Wayfinder

Core Helms ! Wizards Wanted Gameday X
Garinol wrote:

If I can, I'll take 20 for a 33 total. If not:

[dice=Disable Device with Guidance]1d20+13

FFR: Failing to disable a trap "carries a penalty" so taking 20 is not an option. Guidance is only good on a single roll, so also can't help when Taking 20. :)

Silver Crusade

59/59 HP, AC: 24. FF: 18, T: 16, CMD: 23, (Dodge/Mobility, +2 vs Evil), Fort: +7, Refl: +6, Will: +7 (+2 vs Evil) , Perc: +14, (Scent, +22), Init: +8, Sense Motive +12, NG Human Inquisitor of Sarenrae 8, +12/+7 Att, 1d6+6, (15/x2)

No worries. I've seen people handle it different ways for PbP. That's why I did both. The idea being that, in PbP, usually they just want to speed things along.

As for Guidance, Taking 20 takes 20 times as long as normal, so the idea would be to basically cast it 20 times for each roll. Since a Nat 1 isn't an automatic failure, it's possible, though unlikely that a 14 total might succeed. But again, not a big deal.

Not trying to cause an issue or cheat, just offering options I've seen handled different ways.

Core Helms ! Wizards Wanted Gameday X

Cool, I didn't assume you were arguing, but one never knows who else it at the table so I was treating it as a teaching moment. :)

I guess I can see attempting guidance multiple times, but since both are standard actions I think it would require tag-team. ETV on that.

You've seen people allow taking 20 to disarm a trap? Finding a trap OK, Disable Device in general, sure, but disarming a trap shouldn't have any table variance. Taking 20 specifically mentions 'when opening locks' in regards to Disable Device. Taking 10 should work as long as there is no immediate danger or distractions. Taking 10 presumes a single roll.

Taking 20 wrote:

When you have plenty of time, you are faced with no threats or distractions, and the skill being attempted carries no penalties for failure, you can take 20.

Since taking 20 assumes that your character will fail many times before succeeding, your character would automatically incur any penalties for failure before he or she could complete the task
Disable Device wrote:
The DC depends on how tricky the device is. If the check succeeds, you disable the device. If it fails by 4 or less, you have failed but can try again. If you fail by 5 or more, something goes wrong. If the device is a trap, you trigger it.

My emphasis.

Silver Crusade

59/59 HP, AC: 24. FF: 18, T: 16, CMD: 23, (Dodge/Mobility, +2 vs Evil), Fort: +7, Refl: +6, Will: +7 (+2 vs Evil) , Perc: +14, (Scent, +22), Init: +8, Sense Motive +12, NG Human Inquisitor of Sarenrae 8, +12/+7 Att, 1d6+6, (15/x2)

It's more of a time saver than "allowing it" per se, and it's possible I am mixing up more of the Open Lock aspect, in all honesty.

To be completely honest, I wish that Disable Device was removed from the game, and all traps either required story elements to disarm or a simply Ability check that anyone could attempt.

Barring that, I partially wish they would go off, just because that's more interesting/fun to me than trap finding in play.


Core Helms ! Wizards Wanted Gameday X

Session #218

Silver Crusade

59/59 HP, AC: 24. FF: 18, T: 16, CMD: 23, (Dodge/Mobility, +2 vs Evil), Fort: +7, Refl: +6, Will: +7 (+2 vs Evil) , Perc: +14, (Scent, +22), Init: +8, Sense Motive +12, NG Human Inquisitor of Sarenrae 8, +12/+7 Att, 1d6+6, (15/x2)

Just wanted to give the final heads up. I'll be leaving for deployment now in under 24 hours. I'm going to try to get another post in before hand, but between the weather and final packing, I may not be able to. I expect to be away for 1-7 days.

Please feel free to run my character so I do not hold anything up. I trust everyone here, and while it kind of sucks, as this one is pretty plot heavy, I will catch up.

Core Helms ! Wizards Wanted Gameday X

Welcome back Garinol. We need to retcon any action's you want to make in the previous two rooms (larva & writing rooms).

About Ini: as long as you post an action when you roll higher than me, no one will be waiting on anyone for actions. If you can post more than one a day, feel free to have your critters roll their own initiative. For every other reason, post the actions together. Note: some critters require an action on the player's part making their first action a delay any way. I am OK with a ready action in most of these cases.

Critters are in the cauldron itself, I'll get the map updated when I can.

The Exchange

N Dwarf Ranger 9

If you roll higher then us... then we're waiting on you waiting on all of us to roll.

Its just generally easier, I've noticed, to have the GM do it.
But I check often enough it works either way for me.

Yes, a map update would be helpful... there location in the cauldron is relevant to if I can reach them or not.

Silver Crusade

59/59 HP, AC: 24. FF: 18, T: 16, CMD: 23, (Dodge/Mobility, +2 vs Evil), Fort: +7, Refl: +6, Will: +7 (+2 vs Evil) , Perc: +14, (Scent, +22), Init: +8, Sense Motive +12, NG Human Inquisitor of Sarenrae 8, +12/+7 Att, 1d6+6, (15/x2)

I should be able to check in pretty regularly now, though I should note that I'm on a slightly different time frame than most in the US.

On need to retcon, I'm good, and I trust you guys/gals.

Core Helms ! Wizards Wanted Gameday X
Garinol wrote:
On need to retcon, I'm good, and I trust you guys/gals.

Not so much a matter of trust. Theo was leaving the stuff specifically to you, (Savage never mentioned either way) & as a GM pre-gen I won't suggest courses of action. Let me know your good, Retcon isn't a problem. :)

The Exchange

N Dwarf Ranger 9

Huh... I just noticed that Garinol has mithril mountain pattern armor...
I thought Theo was the only one that had that =)

Nice to see others branching out to other armor types!

The Exchange

N Dwarf Ranger 9

Ha... midair grappling! Not sure how one is supposed to rule that.

For the record, the axe beak weighs about 500 pounds, if that plays into it at all.

Not sure what happens when you apply that to the imp's carrying capacity... but I suspect it will be way above its weight limit =)

Silver Crusade

59/59 HP, AC: 24. FF: 18, T: 16, CMD: 23, (Dodge/Mobility, +2 vs Evil), Fort: +7, Refl: +6, Will: +7 (+2 vs Evil) , Perc: +14, (Scent, +22), Init: +8, Sense Motive +12, NG Human Inquisitor of Sarenrae 8, +12/+7 Att, 1d6+6, (15/x2)
Theo Rosevale wrote:

Huh... I just noticed that Garinol has mithril mountain pattern armor...

I thought Theo was the only one that had that =)

Nice to see others branching out to other armor types!


Core Helms ! Wizards Wanted Gameday X
Garinol wrote:

I did roll Spellcraft checks to try to identify above. I do have Read Magic as well, (sorry I assumed it went without saying).
Garinol wrote:

Spellcraft (Scroll 1): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (8) + 9 = 17
Spellcraft (Scroll 2): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (17) + 9 = 26
Spellcraft (Scroll 3): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (11) + 9 = 20

Spellcraft (Dust): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (9) + 9 = 18

I didn't see a potion. :P


Right. Those are all standard actions, as is Theo applying an oil (the mentioned potion) to the axebeak. That is why I needed clarification: that you would rather pursue her than look at the scrolls. Applying the oil is a standard, which put Theo one move behind everyone.

Theo: I also saw a move of 20 ft. not 30 ft. on Theo. If you would like to have been running instead of double moving, you will be 20 ft. farther. I noticed the halfing has a move of 30 so I gave her a similar bonus to speed on the map.

Garinol: again, if the size of the creatures changes your tactics please do so.

I have sent a PM, but if anyone has other contact with Savage give him a bump. :)

I hope that clarifies everything.

The Exchange

N Dwarf Ranger 9

Oh, Theo has had Longstrider up from when we entered... is currently moving at a 30' due to that.

As to the scrolls and dust stuff... I would have assumed we found those early on in the 10 minutes of investigating (given detect magic)... not right at the end, when everything went to pot, so identifying them would have been possible.

/shrug, not a big deal.

Grand Lodge

AC21, FF19, T15 HP26/26 Bite+6 1d3-4(attach) F: +2, R: +4, W: +3
53/53 HP, AC: 19, T: 12, FF: 17, CMD: 20, F: +9, R: +9, W: +10, Init +4, Pereption +10, CN Male Aasmar Druid 7, Spear/Club: +8, 1d8+4/1d6+4, x2)
AC26 ,FF21, T15 DR 5 Evil HP53/53 Talonsx2+8 1d8+4/8, Bite+8 1d6+4/8, Claw +8 1d4+4/8 F: +9, R: +8, W: +3

Sorry for delayed posting... I have been busy all week and not around my computer... I have been catching up on everything today

-Posted with Wayfinder

The Exchange

N Dwarf Ranger 9

So, Gameday4 ends on the 20th (aka in 11 days).
Are we going to finish this by then? Not sure how much is left.

Core Helms ! Wizards Wanted Gameday X

I think so.

Silver Crusade

59/59 HP, AC: 24. FF: 18, T: 16, CMD: 23, (Dodge/Mobility, +2 vs Evil), Fort: +7, Refl: +6, Will: +7 (+2 vs Evil) , Perc: +14, (Scent, +22), Init: +8, Sense Motive +12, NG Human Inquisitor of Sarenrae 8, +12/+7 Att, 1d6+6, (15/x2)

Please, feel free to bot me as needed just in case I have any further issues. Internet here is pretty terrible, and I can not predict when it will go down. But I will certainly do as much as I can.

I have played, and I believe run for all of you, so I trust you all. :P

The Exchange

N Dwarf Ranger 9

Just an fyi...

I've been tasked to GM this particular scenario this weekend at my local game store.

So I'll probably download it when I get home from work tonight.
This will unfortunately spoil any remaining surprises for myself =)

Hopefully there's not too much left to worry about. I'll keep the OOC knowledge to myself.

Core Helms ! Wizards Wanted Gameday X

Thanks for the heads up. The last encounter will be a spoiler, but I think it should make some things more clear. I think it will be easier tabletop, but let me know if you have any questions. :)

Core Helms ! Wizards Wanted Gameday X

I am curios how it went for you as GM Theo.

1 and 20 are good for the players:
Garinol 1d20 ⇒ 9
Theo Littlefoot 1d20 ⇒ 12
Savage 1d20 ⇒ 7
VT 1d20 ⇒ 12

The Exchange

N Dwarf Ranger 9
Venture Teller Play b'Post wrote:
I am curios how it went for you as GM Theo.

To be honest, it was one of the most fun GMing experiences I've had to date in PFS... (and that's now 2 scenarios short of 3 stars).

Significant Long-Winded Spoilery info on the scenario we just played!:

Part of that was the players (had 5 of them, none of them power gamers of any sort... we were in the lower tier), and part was just the fun build up of all the descriptive stuff on the way in, with no fighting at all for the longest time, though everyone was expecting it at every turn. Then the even more fun descriptive stuff as everything goes to pot when the Glabrezu starts to come.

Our group here didn't have a lot of knowledge skills (or at least were not rolling them), so was a fair bit of background we never learned (Like for instance that Valais never was a VC, but was instead another pathfinder sent to investigate Thurl's research before he ambushed her and experimented on her). My group had lots of knowledgeable sorts, so I got to reveal a fair bit of info to help build the suspense of what was going on.

The initial encounter with Valais almost came to blows (not sure how she hides in that tiny room), but calmer heads prevailed before that.
I had lots of fun RPing her tri-split personality... though got a few odd looks from the next table over whenever she did her 'almost yelling' kalavakas voice. Though the kill-them-all-in-their-sleep whispering voice of the babau personality I think worked best on the players. They kept waiting for her to stab them in the back, cause she kept talking to herself about doing just that sort of thing.

Two of them gave their names to the statue, which was fun, the delay between telling it your name, and it messaging the information on and opening the way was great, as they were not sure it worked, so a 2nd person tried. And describing the 'whisper' if they make the perception check had one guy really worried. I'd be tempted to let someone auto succeed on that perception in the future.

The bugs in the first room were awesome... as they slowly followed them through the complex as they opened up doors for them to access new areas.
They were all paranoid about the insects, as I described more and more of them filing into whichever room they were in at the time... seemingly innocuous.

They ignored the water on the trip in (like we did), so skipped that bit, and also didn't really take the bait in the room with the writing, so no interactions with the Night Hag either (like us)... asking around, no one has reported players interacting with the hag... wonder if its supposed to be rare, or just not written in such a way as to draw players into attempting it.

The room with the larvae made for some interesting discussions as I tried to explain what they were...

The two imp eidolon things in the cauldron was a bit of a let down.... our encounter here was more fun, with the grapple and all. Tactics say the try to break the chain to drop the cauldron if people go below... but I can't for the life of me figure out how they'd do it, given a typical chains hardness.... I had one busily trying, to get them all worried, before they finished it off. One of the players was a blood kineticest ... so he was overjoyed to find a cauldron filled with (admitedly boiling) blood and how that interacted with his powers. Made for some fun RP descriptive stuff. Hell, half the rooms were covered in blood (the surgery room was great to describe too).

In the last room, when the shoe finally dropped, they were all properly panicky and had no intention of sticking around.
The bugs vacating the room en mass especially... and the books burning around the edges... and I added some abyssal runes forming on the walls as they moved through the halls (kinda like how some modern lights go on as you walk past them) ... made them afraid to turn around at that point.

The two stitched guys in the vats were a fun fight, mostly because of the descriptions of the creatures. I started with just the succubus one with all the dretch faces stitched to its head out, kinda going berserk beating on the stairwell. They ran in to stop it (thinking it was trying to destroy their way out), then the other tank burst open and the marilith one burst out (which also allowed the shattering glass to hit a couple of folks)
The look when the rogue tried to flank the succubus and I described its all-around vision ability as the little dretch faces stitched to the back of her head opening eyes to stare behind was priceless. Luckily he didn't feel totally hosed when he was able to flank the marilith one just fine.
I thought it was cool that there were two of the same monsters that both felt completely different just by the way they were described and the modifications they had due to being eidolons.

I missed the bit where it says they can no longer explore once the Demon is triggered, so allowed them a brief detour into the room with the elf with the bloated belly. Unfortunately, they knew they were in a rush, so two of them started shoveling papers at random into a bag, while a third grabbed the 'sick' elf. It of course promptly exploded into glorious tentacled wormy negative energy getting all of them! They all couldn't stop laughing, since they knew it was their own fault.

One was about to open the door to the meat locker, but when I described the handle as 'very cold' and with the added urgency of the incoming demon, they decided to leave it and head up.
Unfortunately, this meant they missed the wand, which was a significant portion of the treasure for the scenario... so if the players choose the wrong direction in the very first room, they're likely to get hosed on the reward... which seemed unfair. I think in the future I might try to subtly encourage them to go west first instead of east, to avoid that issue... and besides, the exploding elf was fun.

The minotaur fight worried me alot. And I could see it easily destroying entire groups if the GM wants to be a jerk about it. Alot of people do incorporeal creatures wrong. Also, allowing it to see through the illusionary walls is a recipe for a tpk... as it has a 10' reach, and can attack players without penalty and they'd never have a chance to attack back.
It seemed like would be very important to get the players informed about the nature of the place ... but my players (much like us here) treated it just like it was all real... which can spell doom if the GM runs the mino mean.
The guy who got lured into the labyrinth was at the back of the party, and they didn't notice him wander off right away. He got attacked by the minotaur (had described it like it was doing its bull rush/gore attack, but instead passed right through the player, and all the corrupting touch goodness that came with that) ... The fact the player was not able to retrace his steps worried him alot, but luckly the map put a circular route there that lead back to where the other players were, and the mino's size and the narrow corridor there had him poking out once side or the other where they could spot him... so I just got to knock him negative, but still alive before they came to his rescue.
Low tier, he has no cleric levels, and everyone had magic weapons, so he didn't get much chance to hit and run before going down. High tier, he could theoretically heal himself quite a bit (with spontaneous inflict spells and the channeling) so could be very deadly if the GM really guns for the players.

They got both 2-point exploration point rooms, but missed the one in the water, and the one for interacting with the Hag. They also got two points for returning Valais safely to the lodge... which gave them 6, and got them both prestige... but the Grand Lodge boon on the chronicle required they get 7!

So given they scooped up alot of books in the Surgery room (without looking), I gave them a 50/50 chance of having grabbed the right stuff... and they got it... and then made the appropriate check to find the info for one more point. So the Grand Lodge guy got his boon as well.

Probably way more detail then you were looking for... but I had fun running it, so was memorable.

All the players had a blast.

Core Helms ! Wizards Wanted Gameday X

Nope I appreciated the details, Thanks :)

Woo Hoo! Here be the Chronicles. Let me know if I got something wrong (especially Dayjobs, I was going from memory). Let me know when you get them, as I will turn the access off. I will keep an electronic copy so if something happens that you need a new one contact me. :)

Thank you for being a part of the last game needed for my 3rd Star! :)

Thanks everyone for playing. :)

Core Helms ! Wizards Wanted Gameday X

'Tis been a week since i linked the chronicles. The scenarios show up on my sessions. I hope everyone has their chronicle, but I will leave the documents up for another week. Follow the link above. I am marking the session inactive. If you need yours after that time, pm or email me :)

Prosperous New Year all.

Silver Crusade

59/59 HP, AC: 24. FF: 18, T: 16, CMD: 23, (Dodge/Mobility, +2 vs Evil), Fort: +7, Refl: +6, Will: +7 (+2 vs Evil) , Perc: +14, (Scent, +22), Init: +8, Sense Motive +12, NG Human Inquisitor of Sarenrae 8, +12/+7 Att, 1d6+6, (15/x2)

No worries. Thanks for running. It was interesting. And happy new year as well.

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