[PFS] PbP Gameday 3 - The Half Dead City - Table 2 (Inactive)

Game Master Luke_Parry

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Silver Crusade

Male Elf #135676-7 Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager) 2: HP:23/23 (27/27 on rage), Spd:30, Init:12, AC:21(19 on rage), T:14, FF:17, DR:1, Fort:4 (6 on rage), Ref:4, Will:0(2 on rage), Perc:4, Lowlight, Rages:7/7, (1 acid resistance on rage)

whether or not we pull out, I'll put this in dicussion. We would all get full credit. And I know that we probably did not defeat the boss yet as common sense, as anyone could tell you that. This game isn't hard, necessarily, I think we just had bad luck. And with a lot of us out of spells/resources and other things beating the game would be hard.

If one or two of us pull out, it would hurt the rest of the team, because that means everyone else is fighting while a few of us sit back. Another thing, I would like to add is that because this is a PFS game, it would be a lot harder than if you went through the game non-pfs style. For example, this dungeon is made for level 2 characters and we would have have approximately have 1000 gold to spend had this not been PFS. A lot of us were level 1 characters and doing this game without a lot of level 2's this game can be hard, you would not think that 1 level does not makes a difference, but it actually does, because we would have more powerful characters and more powerful equipment.

I started with a fresh level 1 character not knowing how hard it would be playing this game pfs style. If he was level 2, I would have him equipped with breastplate (might even be masterwork) and my weapon would be masterwork because in a pfs game, the average character has about 1500 gold to spend at level 2, including the gold the person already spent. My AC would be up by 2, but hp would be up by 7+con+favored class bonus, my attack bonus with the earthbreaker would be up by 2 (1 extra bab and masterwork), I would also have a rage power, and 2 extra rages. And that is just my character, not to mention how much powerful we would all be if we all went into this game level 2.

Okay, I'm done with my long explanation, if anyone else wants to give their imput, go ahead.

Liberty's Edge

full credit is nice and I understand what Max is saying about the difference in level strength. However, careful and smart can go a long way if were at full HP and Dex. That's the other issue, how much dex. damage is left from the poison after we succeed the fort. saves. If we are at a lower dex were done, if Dex and HP can be restored I think we could go on.

Scarab Sages

M Wayang Alchemist Male Wayang Alchemist 7|HP 60/45 |AC 22 /T 17/FF 17 F+7/R+11/W+3, +2 shadows | CMB +3 | CMD 19 |init +9 | Perc +14| condition:

If we cannot rest, then we cannot recover ability damage. Even if we ran back to town, the cost of restorations from a willing church will not be that cheap. We could end up spending all we made from the mod only to find the next encounter is harder than this one. I think Greyveil has 2, or maybe 3 bombs left. He is at -7 after that one bite and he might be below 3 dex at the moment.

Liberty's Edge

Thanks Greyveil, yeah if we don't recover ability damage until we've rested were done. Unless of course we rest here and now, eight hours, we still would be within the "1 day limit" we would just finish the "dungeon" and night. But that would have to be approved by Luke.

Scarab Sages

Female - Dex(-5) Dwarf Magus/2
HP 14/14 GN, AC=15, T=12 , FF=13 | CMD=16, CMB=4 | F=5 , R=3 , W=4 | Init +6 | Perc= +8 | (Battle Axe+4(-2 when casting)/1d8 + 2/20/X3, Short Bow +4/1d6 /20/x3) Speed 20

Yea I am hurting big time. I lost a lot of dex.

Sovereign Court

As I have privately communicated to Greyveil in response to a PM, the AP assumes that you are level two after finishing the the tomb.

However, the PFS adaptation gives you one chronicle sheet (with 3xp) for completing what, in a home games, would be *two* levels worth of encounters :-/

Given that you have been running through something meant for level two characters (with the assumption of appropriate WBL), you have actually done quite well.

It is worth noting that there is no 'boss fight' - there are a series of dangerous encounters, but no 'ultimate' one.

As I posted in the IC thread, you are getting full XP/Prestige/Gold, and if you pay a visit to B12 on the way out, you will receive access to the only remaining item on the chronicle that you have no thus far encountered.

Anything after that is additional risk, for nil additional reward.

Also, in order to recover all of your ability damage, it would take a lot longer than resting one day - you only recover 1 point of ability damage per day of rest.

Liberty's Edge

Thank you for the clarification

with everyones approval Eldlen will go back the door they came through then turning right to to B12 thinking that will be the fastest way out. In time he will remember the haunt and go back to the door Greyveil came in at B13, if that is unacceptable we just go straight to B13

Liberty's Edge

AC 19/23 (T 15, FF 14). HP 45/52, Fort +9/8, Ref +12/8, Will +8/4. Init +7, CMD/CMD 7/15, Speed 30ft/40ft
Fauchard +1 +8 1d10+5 18-20/x2, spiked gauntlet +7 1d4+3, sling +2 1d4+3 || AC Bite +11 1d8+6, 2 claws +10 1d6+6
Bluff +11, Diplomacy +14, Disguise +11, Fly +3, Handle Animal +15, Intimidate +10, Knowledge (all) +6, Knowledge Nobility +8, Perception +10, Spellcraft +8, Stealth +7, Use Magic Device +18

Thanks Luke for thinking with us. Lets grab that last item and scedaddle out of here :p

-Posted with Wayfinder

Liberty's Edge


A quick question regarding PFS protocol, Eldlen has both Wormpox and Filth Fever. When we leave this Campaign may we just assume he makes a successful recovery or do we handle it some other way.

Also, the game was lots of fun thanks for running it!

Sovereign Court

Hmmm... Well, at the end of the scenario, most diseases can be hand-waved, because generally, the only ones that can kill you are ones that cause Con damage.

Unfortunately, both Wormpox and Filth Fever cause Con damage :-/

Your choices are either to make Fort saves until you pass (or die), or pay for Remove Disease, which makes a caster level check (CL 5) versus the DC of the diseases currently affecting you to simply remove them.

Statistically, you are better off rolling Fort saves until your Con is equal to or less than 4 (since 4 is the maximum amount of Con damage that Filth Fever (1d3) + Wormpox (1) can do in one day.

Does that make sense?

Basically, roll a bunch of Fort saves, and we will see if we need to move on to Remove Disease (which costs 150gp or 1 PP per casting).

Liberty's Edge


day one: worm pox sets in con 11

wormpox 1d20 ⇒ 1
filth ferver1d20 ⇒ 7

day two: filth fever kicks in con 9

wormpox 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (18) - 1 = 17
filth ferver1d20 - 1 ⇒ (4) - 1 = 3

day three: con 7

wormpox 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (5) - 2 = 3
filth ferver1d20 - 2 ⇒ (14) - 2 = 12

day three: con 5

wormpox 1d20 - 3 ⇒ (10) - 3 = 7
filth ferver1d20 - 3 ⇒ (14) - 3 = 11

I think its safe to say we need to move on to Remove Disease (which costs 150gp or 1 PP per casting).

He will spend the 150 gp to pay for the remove disease :)

Sovereign Court

Fair enough.

Liberty's Edge

AC 19/23 (T 15, FF 14). HP 45/52, Fort +9/8, Ref +12/8, Will +8/4. Init +7, CMD/CMD 7/15, Speed 30ft/40ft
Fauchard +1 +8 1d10+5 18-20/x2, spiked gauntlet +7 1d4+3, sling +2 1d4+3 || AC Bite +11 1d8+6, 2 claws +10 1d6+6
Bluff +11, Diplomacy +14, Disguise +11, Fly +3, Handle Animal +15, Intimidate +10, Knowledge (all) +6, Knowledge Nobility +8, Perception +10, Spellcraft +8, Stealth +7, Use Magic Device +18

# 119407-10
Liberty's Edge
Delphine Tarrasquel
no dayjob :)

Thanks for running this Luke. Was tough in the end but fun.

Silver Crusade

Male Elf #135676-7 Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager) 2: HP:23/23 (27/27 on rage), Spd:30, Init:12, AC:21(19 on rage), T:14, FF:17, DR:1, Fort:4 (6 on rage), Ref:4, Will:0(2 on rage), Perc:4, Lowlight, Rages:7/7, (1 acid resistance on rage)

I'll be getting gold through the scenario, so I will spend 150 gold as well to remove filth fever.

Scarab Sages

M Wayang Alchemist Male Wayang Alchemist 7|HP 60/45 |AC 22 /T 17/FF 17 F+7/R+11/W+3, +2 shadows | CMB +3 | CMD 19 |init +9 | Perc +14| condition:

As these saves are being make as part of the module you can usually be assisted by another player with ranks in Heal. Do we have anyone well trained in the Heal skill?

Fort Save, filth ferver: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13

Fort Save, filth ferver: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19

Two saves, so I think I am good.

PFS number 3387-13
Scarab Sages
Day Job (Alchemy): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9 - if applicable. Dang I almost hope its not. lol.

Sovereign Court

Remove Disease - Max: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21. Works like a charm :-)

Scarab Sages

M Wayang Alchemist Male Wayang Alchemist 7|HP 60/45 |AC 22 /T 17/FF 17 F+7/R+11/W+3, +2 shadows | CMB +3 | CMD 19 |init +9 | Perc +14| condition:

Any chance of getting our certs soon? I have a chance to play in another game and would like to play the alchemist. Thanks!

Scarab Sages

Female - Dex(-5) Dwarf Magus/2
HP 14/14 GN, AC=15, T=12 , FF=13 | CMD=16, CMB=4 | F=5 , R=3 , W=4 | Init +6 | Perc= +8 | (Battle Axe+4(-2 when casting)/1d8 + 2/20/X3, Short Bow +4/1d6 /20/x3) Speed 20

No day job
Thanks for a great run!

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