{PFS} {PBP} {LVL 11 - 13} Tide of Honor (Jade Regent book 5, sanctioned portion) (Inactive)

Game Master FiddlersGreen

Seinaru Heikiko


42 - GM reroll used

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Silver Crusade

Active Spells:
Aura of Good (Overwhelming) l Aura of Courage (10 ft) l Aura of Resolve (10 ft) | Aura of Faith (10 ft)
LG Male Dwarf Paladin (Stonelord) 16 | HP 182/182 | AC 43 | T 14 | FF 42 | CMB +16 | CMD 34 | Fort: +20 (+2 poison/drugs, +4 alcohol), Ref: +11, Will: +19 (+1 all saves FF/surprise rd) | 8/adamantine | SR 21 | Fortification 75% | Immune to Blood Drain, Charm, Fear, & Petrification | Perception: +25 (+2 unusual stonework)(darkvision 60 ft) | Init: +1 | Move 20' | LoH 11/11 | DS 38/38 |

So what do you say folks. Do we admit we have been bested and retreat? If we do retreat we need to grab Matamah. I'll be darned if we are going to leave a man behind.

Silver Crusade

Male halfling Fighter/Cavalier | hp 28/95 | AC 29, T 12, FF 28 | Fort +10, Ref +6, Will +2 (+6 vs. enchant) | Challenge 2/2 | Bluff +14, Diplom +17, Handle Animal +22, Percept +2 Halfling
Naala, wolf mount:
hp 21/76 | AC 24, T 16, FF 19 | Fort +10, Ref +12, Wil +5 | Speed 50 ft. | Acrobatics +8, Percept +10

I think it's about that time. I don't think we can possibly win against them.

Also, I thought I bought a pair of First Aid Gloves for Alden, but alas I didn't. :(

The Exchange

[dice=Null.Scimitar]1d20+13[/dice] [dice=damage]1d6+10[/dice]
Human Magus 14 | HP: 93/93 | Temp HP: 0/0 | 50% miss chance| DR 10/adamantine (140/140) 140 minutes| AC: 28/ FF 22/ T 15| Fort: +14 Ref: +14 Will: +14 | Perception: +10| Init: +5

Yep... i put my foot in my mouth. Oni are not demons. Was in a hurry to get to class. The closest word in English for them is Ogre.

The Exchange

”Rand” | Male LG Medium Human Unchained Monk 13 | Mythic Power Uses: 4 (4) | HP 4 (134) | AC 39; T 20; FF 33; +4 dodge bonus to AC vs. Koth | CMD 47 | F +14 R +17 W +17; +2 vs. Enchantments | Init +12 | Perc +24; Darkvision 60' | Speed 70 ft | Ki Pool: 10 (13) | Active Conditions: Barkskin; Shaken; Immune to Electricity and Poison, Resist 10 Acid, Cold, Fire

Ya, I would normally fight on if it were just me, but I don't want to see the rest of you get killed, so we should retreat.

Silver Crusade

Active Spells:
Aura of Good (Overwhelming) l Aura of Courage (10 ft) l Aura of Resolve (10 ft) | Aura of Faith (10 ft)
LG Male Dwarf Paladin (Stonelord) 16 | HP 182/182 | AC 43 | T 14 | FF 42 | CMB +16 | CMD 34 | Fort: +20 (+2 poison/drugs, +4 alcohol), Ref: +11, Will: +19 (+1 all saves FF/surprise rd) | 8/adamantine | SR 21 | Fortification 75% | Immune to Blood Drain, Charm, Fear, & Petrification | Perception: +25 (+2 unusual stonework)(darkvision 60 ft) | Init: +1 | Move 20' | LoH 11/11 | DS 38/38 |

Matamah do you still have any scrolls of dimension door left? Also if we are unable to safely retrieve you what would you prefer we do concerning your body?

Silver Crusade

Aasimar Bard 13 | HP 127/127 | AC 14 | T 11 | FF 13 | CMD 19 | F +15 | R +16 | W +15 | +4 vs. sonic/lang, +2 vs. charm/compulsion | Resist Acid/Cold/Elec 5 | Init +6 | Perc +4 (Blindsight 40 ft., Darkvision 60 ft.) | Sense Motive +27 | Spells: Level 1: 8/8, Level 2: 7/7, Level 3: 6/6, Level 4: 5/5, Level 5: 3/3 | Bardic Performance Rounds: 43/43 | Active Spells: None Yet

Matamah has one scroll left. The one he bought before starting off to this place.

I think he has prestige for the old body retrieval + Raise Dead if it comes to it. It's easier for high level characters. ;)

Scoured Stars Map

You may not need the raise dead.

Also, you guys have worked together for some time now. I'd say that 42 knows where you keep the scroll on your body in case of emergencies. With all his defences, he might be able to run out, grab the scroll off your body and use it while the others can escape via the secret tunnel. It's certainly gonna be dangerous though.

It's up to you and 42.

Scoured Stars Map

Well, that was an unfortunate end to the module.

I'll write up the aftermath over the weekend.

Plot summary would be that Exiel would need to round up some more seekers to storm and recapture Seinaru Heikiko, and potentially raise Hatsue and Jiro. However, the loss of the army at Seinaru Heikiko and the resources expanded in raising the two leaders of the rebellion would be a significant setback and significantly delay the final offensive against the Jade Regent.

Can't blame you though. I reckon if Itamar had not tried to tank the greater shadows back then, and had been around for the final fight, you'd have won. In retrospect, significant lack of burst healing and lack of ranged DPS against Nigankona was always going to end badly. At least one of those was needed to take down Nigankona, who also had a whopping 229hp. =(

Also, I don't know if you noticed, but the oni were regaining 5hp each round. They had regeneration. And several more fireballs to spare. And an oni that swings for 40-odd damage at +25 or 20-30+ damage at +30 to hit isn't fun for anybody.

Rhon - The good news is that your armor won't be that costly to fix. You'd need a CL9 make whole spell to put your shield back together, but after that Matamah's caster is high enough to fix both your shield and armor up the rest of the way with mending. Spellcasting services can be accessed at Sakakabe.

Rand - Ouch. Erm... the usual process for coming back from the dead.

Anything else you guys need to do in the aftermath?

Scoured Stars Map

Oh, one more thing. I've got a mate who's gonna run Reign of Winter book 5 after this game.

Thought I'd recruit from this table first.

Alden and 42, are you two still keen?

Rand, Rhon and Matamah, would you guys be interested in sending your characters back in time to kick Rasputin's ass? XD

I would be interested, but would probably play a different character. It's clear to me that Rand is a ftf character, not a pbp one...

What's the level range on that module, and do we have any confirmed characters? Just so I can look through my seekers and see what I have available.

The Exchange

[dice=Null.Scimitar]1d20+13[/dice] [dice=damage]1d6+10[/dice]
Human Magus 14 | HP: 93/93 | Temp HP: 0/0 | 50% miss chance| DR 10/adamantine (140/140) 140 minutes| AC: 28/ FF 22/ T 15| Fort: +14 Ref: +14 Will: +14 | Perception: +10| Init: +5

Yeah, 42 would be keen to feel like he's worth something again. :)

Wait... Was 42 the only one to take one of them down? Okay... he does feel like he did something but get smashed like a bug in the beginning.

Side note guys... As you know i am a game creator as well. I have just uploaded my first game Moonshine Run onto a card/board game simulator called Tabletopia. I want to do a live stream of me playing it with several people sometime in the future (1-3 weeks from now.) If you're interested, let me know.

Also, to know more about Moonshine Run check out my Facebook Page or my Twitter Page

Just looked through my characters and I have a fighter 12, a oracle 13, and a kineticist 15 (although I doubt the module will be that high level).

Silver Crusade

Aasimar Bard 13 | HP 127/127 | AC 14 | T 11 | FF 13 | CMD 19 | F +15 | R +16 | W +15 | +4 vs. sonic/lang, +2 vs. charm/compulsion | Resist Acid/Cold/Elec 5 | Init +6 | Perc +4 (Blindsight 40 ft., Darkvision 60 ft.) | Sense Motive +27 | Spells: Level 1: 8/8, Level 2: 7/7, Level 3: 6/6, Level 4: 5/5, Level 5: 3/3 | Bardic Performance Rounds: 43/43 | Active Spells: None Yet

Just wanted to let everyone know, I am heading on my journey back from Japan to the United States, so I will be in a state of travel/hotels for about the next 40-ish hours and probably super jetlagged after that. I will post when I can but just want people to be aware.

And sorry, no dice for Reign of Winter. I already have a monk who is getting ready to fight through Rasputin. ;)

Dude. Why didn't you tell me that you were here in Japan. We could have gone and got sushi.

Silver Crusade

Aasimar Bard 13 | HP 127/127 | AC 14 | T 11 | FF 13 | CMD 19 | F +15 | R +16 | W +15 | +4 vs. sonic/lang, +2 vs. charm/compulsion | Resist Acid/Cold/Elec 5 | Init +6 | Perc +4 (Blindsight 40 ft., Darkvision 60 ft.) | Sense Motive +27 | Spells: Level 1: 8/8, Level 2: 7/7, Level 3: 6/6, Level 4: 5/5, Level 5: 3/3 | Bardic Performance Rounds: 43/43 | Active Spells: None Yet

Well, sushi isn't my thing but there's a myriad of other things. I was in northern Japan for the most part (Misawa, for contract work). I am in Tokyo (Ginza) tonight though, but will need to head to Narita in the morning.

Scoured Stars Map
Vrog Skyreaver wrote:
Just looked through my characters and I have a fighter 12, a oracle 13, and a kineticist 15 (although I doubt the module will be that high level).

Rasputin Must Die is sanctioned for levels 13-15.

Confirmed yes: 42, maybe Vrog
Confirmed no: Matamah

Scarab Sages

Temp Claw as Dragon:
Elf Druid lvl 17| AC:30 T:23 FF:25|HP: 92/207|BaB: +12 /+7/+2|F/R/W19/16/22|Init:+8|CMB: +19|CMD: 36|SR (Fire) 20
Temp Bite as Dragon:

I also have Amsheagar who needs to be leveled to 14 i believe.

No... Amsheagar is 15... would be 16. So too high of a level for this one... Any good 16-20 games?

Scoured Stars Map

Both 42 and Amsheagar are within the level range. If Amsheagar is currently level 15, he is still within tier.

16-20, there's always part 6 of Reign of Winter (which is levels 15-17). Most of the book 5s and book 6s of the APs should be in that range too.

There's also the Moonscar and the Witchwar Legacy if you want standalone modules.

I'm a definite yes. Looks like I'll be playing either my oracle or kineticist.

My Kineticist is Ranged Death
My Oracle is a Tanky Spellcaster.

Either of which would be good to fill the holes in our previous group.

I'll leave it to the group. Let me know which one you'd rather see.

Scoured Stars Map

Exiel is also a tanky spellcaster, which Alden and 42 know well. Before Alden got hit with the nerfbat, Alden would protect 42 whilst Exiel would buff himself to ridiculous ACs. We were nigh-invulnerable to regular attacks, though AoEs were a pain, especially a particular pair of worms with breath weapons that also exploded upon death...

Since the errata/rules clarification that Alden needs to be threatening an enemy to use bodyguard, however, it's been harder for him to get good positioning. =( (Lunge feat might help with that?)

Anyway, Vrog, either of those look like they will fit well into the group. Between 42 and Exiel we should have a decent range of arcane spells, and I could see either a splash of divine magic or consistent ranged DPS being useful.

Okay, fair enough.

So our group would be:

Amshegear, A Druid 15,
Alden, helpful halfling 13?,
Exiel (not sure what he is)
and me, either an oracle or a kineticist.

I'm kinda leaning towards my kineticist, cause I enjoy playing him, but if we need a healer I can play my oracle.

Also, I thought I'd drop this in here: I'm going to be starting a PFS game of Iron Gods on the forums here in the very near future (specifically I am going to be doing part 1, since I promised that I would help one of our local players level up his first character). If any of you are interested, let me know and I'll save you a spot.

The Exchange

[dice=Null.Scimitar]1d20+13[/dice] [dice=damage]1d6+10[/dice]
Human Magus 14 | HP: 93/93 | Temp HP: 0/0 | 50% miss chance| DR 10/adamantine (140/140) 140 minutes| AC: 28/ FF 22/ T 15| Fort: +14 Ref: +14 Will: +14 | Perception: +10| Init: +5

Amsheagar would be 16
Subject - 42 would be 13

Silver Crusade

Male halfling Fighter/Cavalier | hp 28/95 | AC 29, T 12, FF 28 | Fort +10, Ref +6, Will +2 (+6 vs. enchant) | Challenge 2/2 | Bluff +14, Diplom +17, Handle Animal +22, Percept +2 Halfling
Naala, wolf mount:
hp 21/76 | AC 24, T 16, FF 19 | Fort +10, Ref +12, Wil +5 | Speed 50 ft. | Acrobatics +8, Percept +10

I don't think I'll continue on with Alden, I've kinda lost interest in his play style a bit, at least in the play-by-post style of play, and I've gotten much more busy with work and home life than I used to be. I think it's time to officially retire him.

Thank you for running all these scenarios, it's been great fun!!

Scoured Stars Map

No worries! Sad to see Alden go, but I do see how he works better in a live game, especially with him needing very precise positioning post-nerf.

Alright, looks like we have:
42 - Magus 13
Exiel - Sorradin 13
Vorg - Kineticist 15 or oracle 13

Rhon, will you be joining us?

I'll go with my kineticist, since a 3rd front liner would probably not be helpful.

Silver Crusade

Active Spells:
Aura of Good (Overwhelming) l Aura of Courage (10 ft) l Aura of Resolve (10 ft) | Aura of Faith (10 ft)
LG Male Dwarf Paladin (Stonelord) 16 | HP 182/182 | AC 43 | T 14 | FF 42 | CMB +16 | CMD 34 | Fort: +20 (+2 poison/drugs, +4 alcohol), Ref: +11, Will: +19 (+1 all saves FF/surprise rd) | 8/adamantine | SR 21 | Fortification 75% | Immune to Blood Drain, Charm, Fear, & Petrification | Perception: +25 (+2 unusual stonework)(darkvision 60 ft) | Init: +1 | Move 20' | LoH 11/11 | DS 38/38 |

I think Rhon could be talked into fighting tanks. I need to do a bit of work to get him back up to snuff but it should be entertaining.

Grand Lodge

Border of War map Reign of Winter map

I am the GM in question.

It looks like we have 4 players: 42, Exiel, Vrog's kineticist and Rhon.

This should be an interesting group.

I leave it to you if you want a 5th. 6 will be too many.

It looks like Fiddlersgreen is still not done wrapping up. Let me know when you are ready to start Rasputin.

I would be happy with some sort of healer. and Hey Aram, long time no see. :)

Scoured Stars Map

Hey guys, please post the following info here in this format:

Player's name:
PFS number:
Dayjob roll: (roll it here)
Starting XP:
Starting gold:
Chronicle number for this chronicle:

Once we get that done, I'll post links the chronicle sheets here, and those of us going after Rasputin will be able to jump proceed to the next game. =)

Let me talk to one of the people in my group and see if they want to join us. He's got a 14 oradin, so he could be a good 5th.

Player's name: Steven Johnson
PFS number: 26225-3
Faction: The Exchange
Dayjob roll: I don't roll dayjob.
Starting XP: 33
Starting gold: 942 gp
Purchases: raise dead -5500 gp; cleared 2 negative levels -4 pp; exchanged jingasa of the fortunate soldier for dusty rose prism ioun stone.
Chronicle number for this chronicle: 30

Silver Crusade

Active Spells:
Aura of Good (Overwhelming) l Aura of Courage (10 ft) l Aura of Resolve (10 ft) | Aura of Faith (10 ft)
LG Male Dwarf Paladin (Stonelord) 16 | HP 182/182 | AC 43 | T 14 | FF 42 | CMB +16 | CMD 34 | Fort: +20 (+2 poison/drugs, +4 alcohol), Ref: +11, Will: +19 (+1 all saves FF/surprise rd) | 8/adamantine | SR 21 | Fortification 75% | Immune to Blood Drain, Charm, Fear, & Petrification | Perception: +25 (+2 unusual stonework)(darkvision 60 ft) | Init: +1 | Move 20' | LoH 11/11 | DS 38/38 |

Player's name: Joe Peters
PFS number: 20941-3
Faction: Silver Crusade
Dayjob roll: Heal: Temple vanity: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (7) + 13 = 20
Starting XP: 33
Starting gold: 20,223.5 gp
Purchases: Upgrade Amulet of Natural Armor +1 to +2 =6000 gp
Upgrade +2 Deathless Full Plate to +3 =7000 gp
Upgrade +2 Heavy Steel Shield to +3 =5000 gp
Potion of Fly 750 gp
Potion of Haste 750 gp
Spellcasting Service: Make Whole (CL 9) to repair my shield =180 gp
Chronicle number for this chronicle: 33

The Exchange

[dice=Null.Scimitar]1d20+13[/dice] [dice=damage]1d6+10[/dice]
Human Magus 14 | HP: 93/93 | Temp HP: 0/0 | 50% miss chance| DR 10/adamantine (140/140) 140 minutes| AC: 28/ FF 22/ T 15| Fort: +14 Ref: +14 Will: +14 | Perception: +10| Init: +5

Player's name: Zack Ringler
PFS number:12395-4
Faction: The Exchange
Dayjob roll: Alchemy: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (5) + 15 = 20
Starting XP: 33
Starting gold: 46,908
Purchases:Ring of Wizardy 2: 40,000gp
Chronicle number for this chronicle: 33

Scoured Stars Map

Still need info from Matamah and Alden.

Silver Crusade

Aasimar Bard 13 | HP 127/127 | AC 14 | T 11 | FF 13 | CMD 19 | F +15 | R +16 | W +15 | +4 vs. sonic/lang, +2 vs. charm/compulsion | Resist Acid/Cold/Elec 5 | Init +6 | Perc +4 (Blindsight 40 ft., Darkvision 60 ft.) | Sense Motive +27 | Spells: Level 1: 8/8, Level 2: 7/7, Level 3: 6/6, Level 4: 5/5, Level 5: 3/3 | Bardic Performance Rounds: 43/43 | Active Spells: None Yet

Player's name: Andrew
PFS number: 43439-10
Faction: Silver Crusade
Dayjob roll: Perform (Percussion): 1d20 + 28 ⇒ (3) + 28 = 31
Starting XP: 33
Starting gold: 311 gp

  • 2,400 gp - Scrolls of Restoration (100 gp components) (x3)
  • 2 PA - Scrolls of Lesser Restoration (x5)
  • 450 gp - Scrolls of Darkvision (x3)
  • 700 gp - Scroll of Dimension Door
Chronicle number for this chronicle: 19

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Player's Name: Tyler Beck
Character Name: Alden Helpinghand
PFS#: 44004-6
Faction: Silver Crusade
Dayjob: Handle animal (from vanity purchase): 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (2) + 21 = 23
Starting XP: 33 (I think)
Starting gold: 54,481
Purcahses: none at the moment.

The Exchange

[dice=Null.Scimitar]1d20+13[/dice] [dice=damage]1d6+10[/dice]
Human Magus 14 | HP: 93/93 | Temp HP: 0/0 | 50% miss chance| DR 10/adamantine (140/140) 140 minutes| AC: 28/ FF 22/ T 15| Fort: +14 Ref: +14 Will: +14 | Perception: +10| Init: +5

Leveling up 42 to 13.... Very easy.. only thing he gets is Heavy armor, New Feat... and two new spells... very easy.

Was there any spell casters still alive that 42 could have scanned their books?

The Exchange

[dice=Null.Scimitar]1d20+13[/dice] [dice=damage]1d6+10[/dice]
Human Magus 14 | HP: 93/93 | Temp HP: 0/0 | 50% miss chance| DR 10/adamantine (140/140) 140 minutes| AC: 28/ FF 22/ T 15| Fort: +14 Ref: +14 Will: +14 | Perception: +10| Init: +5

4 level 3 (Fly) 375e T=1,500
4 level 3 (Water Breathing) 375e T=1,500
1 Level 4 (D-Door) T=700
Total 3,700g

Scoured Stars Map

Yugureda had this:

spellbook (contains all prepared spells, all 0-level spells,
plus animate dead, bull’s strength, cat’s grace, create
undead, finger of death, gentle repose, mage’s private
sanctum, permanency, programmed image, and water

Spells Prepared (CL 14th; concentration +19)
7th—greater shadow conjuration (DC 22), quickened
lightning bolt (DC 22), waves of exhaustion
6th—chain lightning (DC 21), silent cone of cold (DC 21),
shadow walk, summon monster VI
5th—silent enervation, interposing hand, magic jar (DC 21),
quickened magic missile, shadow evocation (DC 20)
4th—fear (DC 20), silent lightning bolt (DC 19),
phantasmal killer (DC 19), shadow conjuration (DC 19),
shout (DC 19), stoneskin
3rd—silent acid arrow, dispel magic, displacement, lightning
bolt (DC 18), ray of exhaustion (DC 19), vampiric touch
2nd—command undead (DC 18), darkness, false life, see
invisibility, silent magic missile, mirror image
1st—alarm, color spray (DC 16), mage armor, magic missile,
ray of enfeeblement (DC 17), shield, ventriloquism
0 (at will)—ghost sound (DC 15), message, read magic, touch
of fatigue (DC 16)

The Exchange

[dice=Null.Scimitar]1d20+13[/dice] [dice=damage]1d6+10[/dice]
Human Magus 14 | HP: 93/93 | Temp HP: 0/0 | 50% miss chance| DR 10/adamantine (140/140) 140 minutes| AC: 28/ FF 22/ T 15| Fort: +14 Ref: +14 Will: +14 | Perception: +10| Init: +5

I take it that the silent spells are through a feat and not written in his spell book on how to cast them. I'll be taking one spell from that list.

Interposing Hand
Spellcraft: 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (4) + 21 = 25

Scoured Stars Map

Hey guys, sorry for the delay. I was unwell this weekend and just getting back into the swing of things.

Should have the chronicles out by this weekend, if not before. I will post a link to download them from here.
Game has already been reported.

Ralph/Sean, feel free to start the next game in the meantime.

Grand Lodge

Border of War map Reign of Winter map


Gameplay thread for Rasputin.

Vrog you can direct your friend to that thread if he is joining us.
If not, we can just do 4 characters.

Just the intro so far.

Scoured Stars Map

Chronicles Link

Hey guys, thanks for your patience, and for playing (and for persevering though that damned maze made the game take soooo long).

Please make a post once you have downloaded your chronicle so I can archive the campaign. =)

The Exchange

”Rand” | Male LG Medium Human Unchained Monk 13 | Mythic Power Uses: 4 (4) | HP 4 (134) | AC 39; T 20; FF 33; +4 dodge bonus to AC vs. Koth | CMD 47 | F +14 R +17 W +17; +2 vs. Enchantments | Init +12 | Perc +24; Darkvision 60' | Speed 70 ft | Ki Pool: 10 (13) | Active Conditions: Barkskin; Shaken; Immune to Electricity and Poison, Resist 10 Acid, Cold, Fire

Downloaded and I am good to go there. Thank you!

Silver Crusade

Active Spells:
Aura of Good (Overwhelming) l Aura of Courage (10 ft) l Aura of Resolve (10 ft) | Aura of Faith (10 ft)
LG Male Dwarf Paladin (Stonelord) 16 | HP 182/182 | AC 43 | T 14 | FF 42 | CMB +16 | CMD 34 | Fort: +20 (+2 poison/drugs, +4 alcohol), Ref: +11, Will: +19 (+1 all saves FF/surprise rd) | 8/adamantine | SR 21 | Fortification 75% | Immune to Blood Drain, Charm, Fear, & Petrification | Perception: +25 (+2 unusual stonework)(darkvision 60 ft) | Init: +1 | Move 20' | LoH 11/11 | DS 38/38 |

Downloaded. Thank you for running a fun game FiddlersGreen.

The Exchange

[dice=Null.Scimitar]1d20+13[/dice] [dice=damage]1d6+10[/dice]
Human Magus 14 | HP: 93/93 | Temp HP: 0/0 | 50% miss chance| DR 10/adamantine (140/140) 140 minutes| AC: 28/ FF 22/ T 15| Fort: +14 Ref: +14 Will: +14 | Perception: +10| Init: +5

Thank you. I'll add it to my online file system.

Silver Crusade

Aasimar Bard 13 | HP 127/127 | AC 14 | T 11 | FF 13 | CMD 19 | F +15 | R +16 | W +15 | +4 vs. sonic/lang, +2 vs. charm/compulsion | Resist Acid/Cold/Elec 5 | Init +6 | Perc +4 (Blindsight 40 ft., Darkvision 60 ft.) | Sense Motive +27 | Spells: Level 1: 8/8, Level 2: 7/7, Level 3: 6/6, Level 4: 5/5, Level 5: 3/3 | Bardic Performance Rounds: 43/43 | Active Spells: None Yet

Added to my drive. Thanks much for running, it was a long and very enjoyable experience! (Honestly, I like it when we get beat up a little bit, especially at high levels. It's usually just a snooze fest at a lot of high level adventures.)

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Thanks so much!!

Scoured Stars Map

Thanks for playing guys. Archiving now.

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