[PFS] Of Phantoms and Flora ♦ 7-05 School of Spirits ♦ Tier 1-2 (Inactive)

Game Master GM Red

School of Spirits Slides

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Liberty's Edge

Neutral Good Elf Ranger/1

Tanna stands in silence feeling some sympathy but perhaps not as much as her companions. Humans and their mistakes. Tanna resists shaking her head. Perhaps human children deserve more slack than adult humans.

Liberty's Edge

CG Human Male Swashbuckler (Inspired Blade)-1/Bard (Archaeologist)-3/Investigator (Sleuth)-1 | HP 15/40 | AC 25 / 14 T / 21 FF (uncanny dodge); DR5/silver; Resist Electricity 20| CMD 16 | Archaeologist's Luck +1 2/10 | Fort +5, Reflex +12, Will +6 | Init +3 | Perception +11, Darkvision/LLV, Sense Motive +4 | Speed 30 ft. | Conditions: ShakenBlessing of Ashava; height. awareness, barkskin, haste (hybrid)

"I, Gitano Frallino, just love a happy ending." He releases a long, slow sigh and winks at the somber elf. "Don't you?"

♪♫Little ghost, little ghost
One I'm scared of the most
Can you scare me up a little bit of love?
The White Stripes Little Ghost

"Cassiel, we will speak to your father and give him your message. It will ease his sadness and help heal his broken heart."


As the party heads back to the surface of the Tri-Towers Yard, Gitano clears his throat. "So, Grishan, about those notes in your journal... "

"Some of us are familiar with your brother, who is a prominent member of the Pathfinder Society. The secrets you gathered at his request could expose truths many might prefer remain buried, including J's mother, Lady Dacilane, and several senior figures within our Society, including your brother and other faction leaders."

Gitano lets the weight of that awesome burden sink in, as he meets the gaze of his friends.

"My advice is to leave the past in the past. We few know the truth. Let it remain that way. You and J have a bright future ahead of you, perhaps in the Pathfinder Society. What do you say, Grishan? J, what do you think?"

Sovereign Court

Ironfang Invasion | Loot/Provisions | Combat Map

"I have nothing here with me," Cassiel responds to Mort. "I'm sure my words will mean the world to dad. Come, children. It's our time to go. Junia, Grishan, I hope I see you again some day," she says as her spirit dissipates along with the two kids.

J and Grishan follow you out of the necropolis, and J's mood is lifted as she realizes her friend has really has finally been laid to rest. "Thank you for your company. I feel Cassiel will finally be at peace now. I'd love to follow in your footsteps and help other trapped spirits," she proclaims with a warm smile.

Grishan shrugs. "I don't disagree with you, Gitano, but I still think my brother should know..."

"Brother is here!" J cuts Grishan off, and he wooshes back into J's mind.

A man in a uniform similar to Junia's, but with more medals and polish, emerges from a side alley at a brisk pace. "Finally, I found you. I heard around the lodge that a team of Pathfinders was headed in to the Tri-Towers Yard." Colson bows his head. "My brother was one of many children who died when the earthquake hit. As a result, I take great interest in expeditions leading in to that cursed site. The last Pathfinder expedition seven years ago found his body, and as a result, my family was able to give him a proper burial. Those agents also found some..." Colson pauses, and then continues delicately, "reports about my brother's after-school activities that would have been quite embarrassing if made public. Did you, by chance, find any information about my brother?"

Liberty's Edge

CG Human Male Swashbuckler (Inspired Blade)-1/Bard (Archaeologist)-3/Investigator (Sleuth)-1 | HP 15/40 | AC 25 / 14 T / 21 FF (uncanny dodge); DR5/silver; Resist Electricity 20| CMD 16 | Archaeologist's Luck +1 2/10 | Fort +5, Reflex +12, Will +6 | Init +3 | Perception +11, Darkvision/LLV, Sense Motive +4 | Speed 30 ft. | Conditions: ShakenBlessing of Ashava; height. awareness, barkskin, haste (hybrid)

Liberty's Edge member Gitano bows to his faction leader. "Junia Dacilane, may I introduce Colson Maldris, Andoren Eagle Knight and Pathfinder Venture-Captain and leader of the Liberty's Edge faction."

"De oppresso liber, Cap'n! This is Junia Dacilane, the survivor of the earthquake that devastated the Tri-Towers Yard, the young girl rescued by Pathfinders seven years ago. She's a big fan of the Eagle Knights."

I've offered them my advice on the matter. Now it's up to J and Grishan to decide whether or not to reveal more.

Gitano would prefer to not reveal what was learned from Grishan's journal.

Silver Crusade

HP: 52/52 l AC: 17, T 11, FF 16 l CMD 18 l F +5, R +4, W +8, +10 vs. madness/confusion l Aging Touch (2/2), Knowledge of the Ages (3/4), Speed/Slow Time (1/1), Time Flicker (7/7 min), Time Hop (70/70 ft.) l L1: 5/7, L2: 5/7, L3: 2/5 l Init +5 l Senses: Perception +2
Diplomacy +10, Intimidate +15, Kn. History +8, Kn. Religion +7, Kn. Planes +13, Profession: Baker +12, Sense Motive +6, Spellcraft +7
Female Human Oracle (Dual-Cursed) 7 | Active Conditions:

Slightly Earlier

Corona ponders what Gitano says and then shrugs. "Most of that stuff in the notes New Friend Grishan made probably isn't even that important now since it's been so long."

Then she ponders a bit more. "Well, except maybe the parts about people contracting assassins and um, about Grishan's brother maybe. But maybe that last part is why Mister Colson decided to take up his cause like he has?"

She shakes her head. "This is confusing. I'll stand by whatever everyone else wants to do."

Assume this happens before Colson shows up. Corona is neutral on whether to share the information or keep it secret.

Sovereign Court

Ironfang Invasion | Loot/Provisions | Combat Map

"Ah, yes, Dreng had mentioned you would escorting Lady Dacilane's daughter. Pleased to meet you," he says, offering J a handshake. "And for your service to our faction, you have my thanks," he adds, looking at Gitano and Cadence.

Colson sizes Junia up. "Say, I don't believe you're an actual member of the Eagle Knights - trust me, I'd know - so why the outfit? I didn't realize we had such a fanbase," he says with a chuckle. J shifts her weight from one foot to another uncomfortably. "Um, yes, I'd really like to visit Andoran some day," she awkwardly mumbles, eyeing you to try to shift Colson's focus.

"Well? What of your investigation? Have you found anything on my brother?"

Liberty's Edge

CG Human Male Swashbuckler (Inspired Blade)-1/Bard (Archaeologist)-3/Investigator (Sleuth)-1 | HP 15/40 | AC 25 / 14 T / 21 FF (uncanny dodge); DR5/silver; Resist Electricity 20| CMD 16 | Archaeologist's Luck +1 2/10 | Fort +5, Reflex +12, Will +6 | Init +3 | Perception +11, Darkvision/LLV, Sense Motive +4 | Speed 30 ft. | Conditions: ShakenBlessing of Ashava; height. awareness, barkskin, haste (hybrid)

"We searched the Tri-Towers Yard, we have found nothing of his there," Gitano answers truthfully.

"We encountered spirits of some of the deceased children as well, some haunting the classroom and another in a chamber below, a former friend of Junia's, Cassiel Marlinchen, who blamed J for leaving her to die. We believe we've put her spirit to rest."

"Cap'n, did you ever try to contact your brother's spirit?"

Desna knows, the ghosts around here are a talkative bunch.

Sovereign Court

DEAD Human Slayer 3 HP 31/31 | AC 18, T 12, FF 17 | Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +2 (+2 vs Fear) | Init +1 | Perc +6 | SM +6 Effects:

Mort steps up and introduces himself with a firm handshake "Well met Colsin. I'm Mort, Mort Gloomhollow. Lots of strange things down there, so many sad child spirits. Hopefully we've helped them find their resting place."

Mort also avoids speaking of the journal, more than happy to let the man squirm. He's no fan of authority and he'd certainly score himself some points with such information.

Dark Archive

Male Tengu Shaman 2 | AC 15/12/13 | HP 17/17 | CMB +2 | CMD 14 | F+2,R+4,W+6 | Init. +2; Perception +5 | Low Light vision | Speed 40' |

Bukkah didn't care either way, so he didn't volunteer any information about the notes the group found. "Seems that all spirits are put to rest. Group had successful mission," he answers, trying to expertly dodge the man's questions.

Liberty's Edge

Neutral Good Elf Ranger/1

After much chatter between her companions and the NPCs, Tanna steps forward to talk.

”Ahh, Colson Maldris,” Tanna steps forward, standing tall: ”I have a small matter to bring to your attention. During our adventure, we came across an acidic rain that is corrupting a charming little mandragora named Pip and a ghoran. They are both in desperate need of healing and I believe if healed, their herbalism could assist Liberty’s Edge. They had a variety of plants that you may be interested in.” Tanna pulls out the walnut she pocketed earlier but never used. ”Due to the rain’s acidic corruption, they are both trapped, unable to move forward with their lives.” Tanna feels deep compassion for these plant-like creatures. "Perhaps you could grant us some small matter of assistance for these creatures in need?"

Sovereign Court

Ironfang Invasion | Loot/Provisions | Combat Map

"My brother's spirit?" Colson cocks his head at Gitano. "I'm afraid I don't know what you mean, or how I'd go about doing so. It sounds like something Zarta Dralneen would be more likely to do," he says sarcastically. "What of his spirit? Is there something I should know?"

In response to the details about the Arboretum, Pip, and the ghoran, Colson's face drops, and responds sternly. "If what I'm hearing is that their families are being held as slaves in Nex, then I will not stand for it. We strive to end tyranny in the Inner Sea, and that's just what we'll do whether it's a human, elf, ghoran - I don't care. I will dispatch a team to check on them immediately."

Will Cadence tell Colson about the notes, or will she also keep them a secret?

Liberty's Edge

Female Ifrit Fractured Mind Spiritualist 1 | HP 9/10 | AC 16, T 13, FF 13 | CMD 14 | F+3 R+3 W+1 (+4 vs Enchantment) | Init +3 | Per +0, SM -1 | Speed 30 ft | Spells 2/2 1st | Active Conditions: Ready to Rock

Before with Cassiel

Cadence had been quiet, thinking over Cassiel's sad history. "As hard as it is to die, it can also be hard sometimes being the one who lives and is left behind. My sister died before I was born, a fact that I can never forget. I love her, Cassiel, as I'm sure J loves you, and I miss her every day, even though her spirit comes with me."

Diplomacy Aid: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (10) + 10 = 20


Currently with Colson

Boo, what do I do? Cadence agonizes as she speaks with Boo over the telepathic bond they both share.

Boo's voice bounces in her head, blithe and happy. What do you do about what?

About Colson! He's a hypocrite. Listen to him talking about honor and freeing imprisoned people in Nex, and he's dirty... Grisham had a reason to collect that information. He wanted to hold his brother accountable for his crimes, right?

I think so...

Cadence feels like screaming, "Liar, liar!" at Colson, but she has to keep calm. Now is not the time for hystrionics. He should be held accountable, but we need him to commit to freeing Pip's family first.

Cadence keeps her face calm, and then offers a hand to Colson. "I don't believe that we've met. I'm rather new to Liberty's Edge. I'm Cadence."

Bluff: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19

She looks him in the eyes, trying to get the measure of the man, but she never was very good at reading people. Still, she's decided. This information will see the light of day. There is no way that she'll allow Colson to escape the consequences of his crimes.

Cadence votes to reveal the papers, but not to Colson.

Sovereign Court

Ironfang Invasion | Loot/Provisions | Combat Map

"Well met, Cadence, and thank you for your service," Colson says, returning the handshake. "Well, it's unfortunate you weren't able to find anything. I was really hoping to learn more about the rumors surrounding Grishan. I'll see to it that the corrupting rain is dealt with," Colson says, sighing. "If there's nothing else, please be on your way."

Liberty's Edge

Neutral Good Elf Ranger/1

(What's next? Is the module over?)

Silver Crusade

HP: 52/52 l AC: 17, T 11, FF 16 l CMD 18 l F +5, R +4, W +8, +10 vs. madness/confusion l Aging Touch (2/2), Knowledge of the Ages (3/4), Speed/Slow Time (1/1), Time Flicker (7/7 min), Time Hop (70/70 ft.) l L1: 5/7, L2: 5/7, L3: 2/5 l Init +5 l Senses: Perception +2
Diplomacy +10, Intimidate +15, Kn. History +8, Kn. Religion +7, Kn. Planes +13, Profession: Baker +12, Sense Motive +6, Spellcraft +7
Female Human Oracle (Dual-Cursed) 7 | Active Conditions:

"Okay Mister Maldris!" Corona responds cheerfully. "Thanks for promising to help New Friend Pip and the ghoran lady; I know Tanna was really, really worried about them!"

She waves goodbye to the Liberty's Edge leader and then turns to look at her companions. "Um...so I guess we need to take New Friend J back home, right?"

Liberty's Edge

Neutral Good Elf Ranger/1

Tanna is eager to complete the mission so she can return to what's left of her home in the forest. Pip reminded her of what she left behind in order to serve as a member of Liberty's Edge and the Pathfinder Society.

Tanna adjusts her weapon so the bow string resides across her chest and begins the walk back to J's home. "What do you want to do with your life now? Will you be content to follow in your mother's footsteps?" Or has this experience inspired you to want to be more? Tanja looks ahead as she speaks, but makes a few glances towards J.

Liberty's Edge

Female Ifrit Fractured Mind Spiritualist 1 | HP 9/10 | AC 16, T 13, FF 13 | CMD 14 | F+3 R+3 W+1 (+4 vs Enchantment) | Init +3 | Per +0, SM -1 | Speed 30 ft | Spells 2/2 1st | Active Conditions: Ready to Rock

Cadence takes J's hand. "You wear the proud garb of an Eagle Knight, and you've traveled with us side by side. Can you return home after this? There is another path. Have you considered being a Pathfinder? I think you'd be simply terrific!"

1d20 + 10 ⇒ (12) + 10 = 22

Liberty's Edge

820-13 "Busara Anakevo" | Female Kindness Phantom 1 (Spiritualist: Cadence Anakevo) | HP 6/6 | AC 14, T 12, FF 12 | CMD 14 | F+3 R+2 W+2 | Init +2 | Per +0, SM +0 | Speed 30 ft | Active Conditions: Incorporeal

"Ooh, and Grishan can come with us! We can be team GHOST and sneak through walls and stuff!" Boo claps her hands with excitement.

Diplomacy Aid Another: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24

Sovereign Court

Ironfang Invasion | Loot/Provisions | Combat Map

"I always wanted to be an Eagle Knight like Colson. He got his wings so young, and I wanted to follow him anywhere, and fight for freedom, no matter what." J mentions as you walk back to Dacilane Manor, then sighs, channeling Grishan. "Now everyone will know. Colson said he trusted me, but he lied. He hid our family from me."

"Grishan is upset about how his brother turned out, but I feel like we're much closer now."

When Cadence mentions joining the Pathfinder Society, Junia is ecstatic. "Oh, really?! I'd really like that, especially after seeing what you've done today. Would you sponsor me in doing so?"

"Oh, and will you be turning that intelligence in to the Society? Selling it? Destroying it? Grishan is curious."

Sovereign Court

DEAD Human Slayer 3 HP 31/31 | AC 18, T 12, FF 17 | Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +2 (+2 vs Fear) | Init +1 | Perc +6 | SM +6 Effects:

"Oh... I've got someone in mind who would be very intrigued with this information within the Society. I can't say for sure the information will get out, but I bet it'll just be some good leverage." Its going to be a good night to be Mort I bet... maybe a good week!" Mort chuckles a bit to himself, then pats J on the shoulder reassuringly.

Dark Archive

Male Tengu Shaman 2 | AC 15/12/13 | HP 17/17 | CMB +2 | CMD 14 | F+2,R+4,W+6 | Init. +2; Perception +5 | Low Light vision | Speed 40' |

Bukkah didn't really care about the girl ioining or not. But, if she wanted to, he supposed there would be no harm in it. The secrets likewise had nothing to do with Bukkah, so he had no real ooinion either way on whether to divulge them.

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
CG Human Male Swashbuckler (Inspired Blade)-1/Bard (Archaeologist)-3/Investigator (Sleuth)-1 | HP 15/40 | AC 25 / 14 T / 21 FF (uncanny dodge); DR5/silver; Resist Electricity 20| CMD 16 | Archaeologist's Luck +1 2/10 | Fort +5, Reflex +12, Will +6 | Init +3 | Perception +11, Darkvision/LLV, Sense Motive +4 | Speed 30 ft. | Conditions: ShakenBlessing of Ashava; height. awareness, barkskin, haste (hybrid)

Gitano observes Mort's pensive, calculating expression with sad foreboding and, with some remorse, J's naive, unwitting excitement at joining the Pathfinder Society.

I'll keep you my dirty little secret
(Dirty little secret)
Don't tell anyone or you'll be just another regret
(Just another regret, hope that you can keep it)
My dirty little secret
Dirty little secret
Dirty little secret

Who has to know
Who has to know

The All-American Rejects Dirty Little Secret

He pulls a thin braganza cigarillo from the pocket of his waistcoat, as he calls upon his Muse.

This tale will require significant abridgment before its telling at the Grog Pit.

Day Job - Perform (oratory): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15

Sovereign Court

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Ironfang Invasion | Loot/Provisions | Combat Map

Back at Dacilane Manor, Lady D greets you with a firm nod, satisfied that J won't be taking any trips to the Precipice Quarter from now on. Yet, much to her chagrin, as the newest member of the Pathfinder Society, J ensures her that she will be called upon often, and that it's time to loosen the parental handcuffs, whether or not she likes it. A shriek follows her annoyed scoff as Grishan peeks his ghostly green eyes out from J's forehead, whispering Boo!

In the days that follow, Mort informs Lady Gloriana Morilla of the Sovereign Court about the dossier and all of its incriminating contents. She decides not to spread it, but instead tells Gitano and Cadence to use it for an edge against their faction should the need arise.

Both Prestige obtained, and the New Recruit boon was also obtained. Liberty's Edge faction members additionally obtain the Liberty's Revolution boon.

And we're done! I will have your chronicles ready by tomorrow at the latest, likely sooner.

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