PFS Gameday #4 - 7-01 Between the Lines (Inactive)

Game Master eddv

Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for levels 1–5.

Rival explorers have beaten the Pathfinders to a valuable site in Katapesh, but fortunately most of the riches—including the obscure text the Society sought in the first place—have ended up in the capitol’s extensive bazaars. What is at first a routine shopping trip spirals out of control as the PCs uncovers the writing’s secret past—and secret messages.

Written by Sean McGowan.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for levels 1–5.

Rival explorers have beaten the Pathfinders to a valuable site in Katapesh, but fortunately most of the riches—including the obscure text the Society sought in the first place—have ended up in the capitol’s extensive bazaars. What is at first a routine shopping trip spirals out of control as the PCs uncovers the writing’s secret past—and secret messages.

Written by Sean McGowan.

Hoping to get started on Septemeber 19


First come, first served.

I have a level 2 skald or a level 2 tengu-ninja available if this is low tier.

i have a lvl 1 magus

Scarab Sages

1. (GM Aarvid)- level 2 skald
2. (mcridill) - level 1 Magus

Still need two more to be legal.

I'll bring over my wizard, Jaquilin Leroung. I just need to update her as she's now 2nd level.

Silver Crusade

Still working up the details, but I have a new "holy blaster" that I would like to bring to the table.

Scarab Sages

1. (GM Aarvid)- level 2 skald
2. (mcridill) - level 1 Magus
3. Jaquillin - level 2 Wizard
4. (Brother Max) - level 1 "Holy" character

Hi Eddv,
I'm potentially interested but had a few questions first:

  • What sort of posting speed are you expecting from us and what sort of posting speed should we be expecting of you?
  • How do you plan on doing maps?
  • (And for some levity) Who's your favorite Iconic?
  • Any particular quirks in how you want things done?

Grand Lodge

Need some melee? I'm your man!

Silver Crusade

I'd love a spot, DM.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

If you still have a spot, I'd like to bring in my BRAND NEW Calistrian Mesmerist (with the assumption that some specific stuff from Dirty Tactics Toolbook is made PFS-legal... if not, I have plenty of other level 1 character options. :)

Scarab Sages

1. (GM Aarvid)- level 2 skald
2. (mcridill) - level 1 Magus
3. Jaquillin - level 2 Wizard
4. (Brother Max) - level 1 "Holy" character
5. (Pirate Rob) - if he wants it
6. Thaco Ulgar - level 1 Brawler


Reesa - level 2 Sorcerer

I will be looking for a posting speed of at least once a day.

I will be doing screenshots of roll 20 for the map.

Favorite Iconic is probably Ezren who is like basically a badass

I just ask that you respect the time that everyone puts into this. I understand that stuff comes up but if you're going to idle, a quick post in the discussion topic telling us you're going to idle and to put you on auto-play would go a very long way.

Scarab Sages

And if either of you alts are still lfg, I have a completely empty game of Siege of Serpents that I can field.

Silver Crusade

I've got a spot in a SoS game, DM, so that one will not work for me... thanks for the offer, though.

I'm actually much more concerned with a game going too slow than too fast. I'm available to post multiple times a day most day.

As I'd likely be bringing a level 4/5 character I'll go ahead and pass rather than unbalance the table.

Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions though, I appreciate it.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

I also have a spot in Siege of Serpents (with my favorite GM, Kludde, no less!) but thank you! I'll be watching this one to see if someone drops, and also watching for other tables of it. :)

Scarab Sages

1. (GM Aarvid)- level 2 skald
2. (mcridill) - level 1 Magus
3. Jaquillin - level 2 Wizard
4. (Brother Max) - level 1 "Holy" character
5. Reesa - level 2 Sorerer
6. Thaco Ulgar - level 1 Brawler

Ok, that's probably

Grand Lodge

How about opening up the gameplay thread so I can dot the hell out of it?

Silver Crusade

DM, Reesa has to drop from the game. My apologies, but I had already signed up to play this scenario with another character. This always happens to me on the rush of a gameday. I am sorry for the mix up and hope you can fill the last slot rather easily.

Thanks for the consideration, anyway.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Ooh, that puts me only one more drop away from playing!

Dark Archive

There we go, updated her :D

Scarab Sages

You're in cartman!

1. (GM Aarvid)- level 2 skald
2. (mcridill) - level 1 Magus
3. Jaquillin - level 2 Wizard
4. (Brother Max) - level 1 "Holy" character
5. (cartmanbeck)
6. Thaco Ulgar - level 1 Brawler

Gameplay and discussion thread going up momentarily.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Sweet! I'll have to make her alias, and she's not going to be technically legal until I make sure that the Wasp Familiar feat from the new Dirty Tactics Toolbox book is PFS-legal, but we've still got plenty of time.

Dark Archive

Cartmanbeck here with my new character, Emdaleen!

Grand Lodge

Where's that gameplay thread I keep hearing about? Need to dot so my campaign page tracks it!

Dotted to follow (already played the scenario but considering playing online in the future)

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