[PFS] GM Skipper's Echoes of the Everwar series (Inactive)

Game Master SkipperD

Buff overview

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The Exchange

LN Half Ef Cleric 10 Init +2/4 if there is a surprise round | HP 83/83 | AC29, T14, FF28 | Fort +13, Ref +7, Will +13 | CMD 24 | Perception +31
Temp Buffs:
Shield of Faith, Barkskin

Torvald begins to grumble. What, I wonder, is behind door number 3?

He will keep casting guidance on Shel as well as checking for traps himself, taking 10 for 41

The Exchange

1 person marked this as a favorite.
N/N Male Human Magus (Bladebound)/12| HP: 111/111 (0 nonlethal) | AC/Tch/FF: 32/17/27 28/17/23 | CMB: +8, CMD: 25 | F/R/W: +15/13/11 +15/13/11 | Init: +11(7) | Speed 30 ft | Acrobatics+14, DDev+4, Escape Artist +15, Fly+16, Kn Arcana+11, Kn Dung+11, Kn Geog+11, Kn Planes+11, Perc+13, Ride+7, SoHand +11, Spellcraft+21, Stealth+16 | Active Conditions: Ablative Barrier (50/50)

Bauble goes back and plays with the city, using carrots and other various foodstuffs as figurines.

Sovereign Court

Ranger 2/Rogue 10 | HP 85/99| AC 29/ 22(23) touch/23(24)flatfooted | Sneak Attack +5d6 | Resiliency 1/day F+16,R+22,W+13 ((1/day can reroll Will save)| Init. +10(+12)| Perc +19/24*(+21/26)| Evasion | Trap Sense +4 | Improved Uncanny Dodge

"Now, this is just starting to make me mad," Shel grumbles, as she heads to the next hall.

Perception vs traps with Guidance 1d20 + 21 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 21 + 1 = 29

Scarab Sages

CG male Elf Witch 15
|AC 18, T 18, FF 15|HP: 85/85|F+9, R+12, W+13 (+4 vs death,+2 vs gaz/poi/elc/chm/cmp,+1 vs Tran/fea/cnf/aci/cld/fir/glyph)|Init +7, Per +26|CMB +7 CMD 20 (+2 vs grp)|15/15 Fly, 1/1 Lev, 1/1 Spx, 1/1 SoR, 3/3 Blt, 1/1 Wng

Vladek and Qadathra look at each other, shrug, and join Bauble until further notice.

Third time is seemingly the charm, as this door reveals an actual hallway and no traps. A winding, downward slope enters a 15-foot-by-30-foot hall. To the west, two lines of upright sarcophagi face one another along the north and south walls. To the east lies a diamondshaped table of black basalt, bearing six ornate masks of gold decorated with semiprecious stones.

Perception DC 25:
A secret door lies hidden in the northeast corner.

The Exchange

LN Half Ef Cleric 10 Init +2/4 if there is a surprise round | HP 83/83 | AC29, T14, FF28 | Fort +13, Ref +7, Will +13 | CMD 24 | Perception +31
Temp Buffs:
Shield of Faith, Barkskin

Torvald enters the chambers and sans the area.

Perception: 1d20 + 31 ⇒ (11) + 31 = 42

It all looks clear, you can move down. Looks like there is another secret door in here.

He also scans the room with detect magic.

Ka will remain in the starting room, it looks a bit too narrow down here for large creatures.

Sovereign Court

Ranger 2/Rogue 10 | HP 85/99| AC 29/ 22(23) touch/23(24)flatfooted | Sneak Attack +5d6 | Resiliency 1/day F+16,R+22,W+13 ((1/day can reroll Will save)| Init. +10(+12)| Perc +19/24*(+21/26)| Evasion | Trap Sense +4 | Improved Uncanny Dodge

Shel looks at the secret door, checking for traps.

Perception traps 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (19) + 21 = 40

If no traps are found, Shel will open the door when the others get arranged as they prefer.

The Exchange

N/N Male Human Magus (Bladebound)/12| HP: 111/111 (0 nonlethal) | AC/Tch/FF: 32/17/27 28/17/23 | CMB: +8, CMD: 25 | F/R/W: +15/13/11 +15/13/11 | Init: +11(7) | Speed 30 ft | Acrobatics+14, DDev+4, Escape Artist +15, Fly+16, Kn Arcana+11, Kn Dung+11, Kn Geog+11, Kn Planes+11, Perc+13, Ride+7, SoHand +11, Spellcraft+21, Stealth+16 | Active Conditions: Ablative Barrier (50/50)

Bauble is irresistibly drawn to the masks. Though tempted to try them on, he is content with the one he is currently wearing. He does, however touch a couple of them.

Liberty's Edge

hp 68/76 Ac 24 T 15 FF 19 (incl +3 from Barkskin)| Init +9 (+4 in forest / +2 underground) | F+10 R+15 W+6 (+2 vs enchantments +3 vs evil outsiders, evasion)| Perception +16 (+4 in forest, +2 underground, +2 vs humans&undead, +6 vs evil outsiders) | Reroll 1/1

Eolowyn moves into the room, careful not to touch anything

"Bauble, please don't do that, you never know if they are trapped"

The Exchange

N/N Male Human Magus (Bladebound)/12| HP: 111/111 (0 nonlethal) | AC/Tch/FF: 32/17/27 28/17/23 | CMB: +8, CMD: 25 | F/R/W: +15/13/11 +15/13/11 | Init: +11(7) | Speed 30 ft | Acrobatics+14, DDev+4, Escape Artist +15, Fly+16, Kn Arcana+11, Kn Dung+11, Kn Geog+11, Kn Planes+11, Perc+13, Ride+7, SoHand +11, Spellcraft+21, Stealth+16 | Active Conditions: Ablative Barrier (50/50)

Bauble smacks his hand and withdraws it.

"Bad Bauble."

There are no magical auras in the room, nor are there any traps. The masks are (surprisingly) worthless.

The Exchange

LN Half Ef Cleric 10 Init +2/4 if there is a surprise round | HP 83/83 | AC29, T14, FF28 | Fort +13, Ref +7, Will +13 | CMD 24 | Perception +31
Temp Buffs:
Shield of Faith, Barkskin

Seeing the room has little to offer Torvald will move to the secret door and slide it open, assuming t looks safe.

Prepare yourselves people, this has been too easy so far.

Take 10 for 41 to check the door, if all s safe I open it

Silver Crusade

Elf Wizard (Evoker/Admixture) 10/Sorcerer (Crossblooded/Orc/Brass) 1 | AC 13 | T 13 | FF 10 | HP: (86)74/(90)78 | CMD 15 | Fort +11 | Ref +12 | Will +13 | Init +14 | Perception +23

Nuar will cast Mage Armor on himself then use his wand of Heightened Awareness which he will discharge if it comes up.

"You are both highly skilled to the point that it merely seems easy."

Behind the secret door lies a winding corridor containing several dark alcoves. On the floor between them lie six black-garbed figures, surrounded by scattered weapons and a pool of blood.

Perception DC 15:
One of the robed figures still lives.

Scarab Sages

CG male Elf Witch 15
|AC 18, T 18, FF 15|HP: 85/85|F+9, R+12, W+13 (+4 vs death,+2 vs gaz/poi/elc/chm/cmp,+1 vs Tran/fea/cnf/aci/cld/fir/glyph)|Init +7, Per +26|CMB +7 CMD 20 (+2 vs grp)|15/15 Fly, 1/1 Lev, 1/1 Spx, 1/1 SoR, 3/3 Blt, 1/1 Wng

Automatic success by a wide margin.

Vladek's eyes widen at the sight.

"That one's still alive!"

The Exchange

N/N Male Human Magus (Bladebound)/12| HP: 111/111 (0 nonlethal) | AC/Tch/FF: 32/17/27 28/17/23 | CMB: +8, CMD: 25 | F/R/W: +15/13/11 +15/13/11 | Init: +11(7) | Speed 30 ft | Acrobatics+14, DDev+4, Escape Artist +15, Fly+16, Kn Arcana+11, Kn Dung+11, Kn Geog+11, Kn Planes+11, Perc+13, Ride+7, SoHand +11, Spellcraft+21, Stealth+16 | Active Conditions: Ablative Barrier (50/50)

"Bauble help!"

Bauble rushes up and taps him with a wand of infernal healing.

The Exchange

LN Half Ef Cleric 10 Init +2/4 if there is a surprise round | HP 83/83 | AC29, T14, FF28 | Fort +13, Ref +7, Will +13 | CMD 24 | Perception +31
Temp Buffs:
Shield of Faith, Barkskin

Wait! Torvald shouts, all too late as he follows Bauble so he doesn't get himself killed.

I have moved Bauble and myself into the corridor but I am not quite sure where the body is. I assume the rest are somewhere close by but people might want to move themselves on the map.

Liberty's Edge

hp 68/76 Ac 24 T 15 FF 19 (incl +3 from Barkskin)| Init +9 (+4 in forest / +2 underground) | F+10 R+15 W+6 (+2 vs enchantments +3 vs evil outsiders, evasion)| Perception +16 (+4 in forest, +2 underground, +2 vs humans&undead, +6 vs evil outsiders) | Reroll 1/1

Eolowyn follows the others. At the sight of the still living body she hesitates, combat instincts taking over.

"Who or what did that to them?

Perception: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (20) + 18 = 38 Add 2 for humans or undead, 6 for evil outsiders

As bauble stars to rush towards the fallen cultist, the lids of six of the sarcophagi slam open, and a mummy steps out of each.

Bauble: 1d20 + 7 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 7 + 4 = 26
Eolowyn: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (12) + 9 = 21
Naur: 1d20 + 14 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 14 + 4 = 32
Shel: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (5) + 9 = 14
Torvald: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6
Vladek: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 3 = 18
1d20 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9

Combat Round 1
Bold may act
Bauble, Eolowyn, Naur, Shel, Vladek

Scarab Sages

CG male Elf Witch 15
|AC 18, T 18, FF 15|HP: 85/85|F+9, R+12, W+13 (+4 vs death,+2 vs gaz/poi/elc/chm/cmp,+1 vs Tran/fea/cnf/aci/cld/fir/glyph)|Init +7, Per +26|CMB +7 CMD 20 (+2 vs grp)|15/15 Fly, 1/1 Lev, 1/1 Spx, 1/1 SoR, 3/3 Blt, 1/1 Wng

Hearing the other shoe finally drop (so to speak), Vladek rushes forward as quickly as he can...


Scarab Sages

male Faerie Dragon Familiar 15
|AC 29, T 19, FF 25 SR 20|HP: 42/42|F +11, R +13, W +15|Init +3, Perc +23|CMB +8 CMD 18 (22 vs trip)|greater invisibility 3/3, 1st-level spells 6/6

...and Qadathra, upon seeing the hall of mummies, conjures a dense layer of soap bubbles!

Grease, DC 14.

The Exchange

N/N Male Human Magus (Bladebound)/12| HP: 111/111 (0 nonlethal) | AC/Tch/FF: 32/17/27 28/17/23 | CMB: +8, CMD: 25 | F/R/W: +15/13/11 +15/13/11 | Init: +11(7) | Speed 30 ft | Acrobatics+14, DDev+4, Escape Artist +15, Fly+16, Kn Arcana+11, Kn Dung+11, Kn Geog+11, Kn Planes+11, Perc+13, Ride+7, SoHand +11, Spellcraft+21, Stealth+16 | Active Conditions: Ablative Barrier (50/50)

Please let me know which of Bauble's buffs are still active. It is crucial to determining his action.

Sovereign Court

Ranger 2/Rogue 10 | HP 85/99| AC 29/ 22(23) touch/23(24)flatfooted | Sneak Attack +5d6 | Resiliency 1/day F+16,R+22,W+13 ((1/day can reroll Will save)| Init. +10(+12)| Perc +19/24*(+21/26)| Evasion | Trap Sense +4 | Improved Uncanny Dodge

"No way to fight them in there! It's too tight. Bring them out to us and set up a choke point," Shel calls out.

Silver Crusade

Elf Wizard (Evoker/Admixture) 10/Sorcerer (Crossblooded/Orc/Brass) 1 | AC 13 | T 13 | FF 10 | HP: (86)74/(90)78 | CMD 15 | Fort +11 | Ref +12 | Will +13 | Init +14 | Perception +23

kn Religion: 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (9) + 21 = 30 Vulnerabilities, defenses, Special qualities.

"I prefer this."

Nuar will pull out his Selective metamagic rod and select out the living cultist. He will then use a level 4 slot to Fireball. Centering it on the spot with the body should hit all 6 mummies.

Fireball with saltpeter: 14d6 ⇒ (6, 6, 2, 2, 2, 1, 3, 5, 6, 3, 4, 1, 4, 6) = 51
51 +50% =76 +47 +1 = 124 Fire DC 23 Ref for half.

If they are vulnerable to something other then Fire then Nuar would convert it to 100 points total of that element.

If 2 or more mummies survive the fireball:
Nuar will then use a swift action to cast Quickened Fireball again selecting out the living cultist and again converting it if appropriate. Fireball with saltpeter: 10d6 ⇒ (4, 3, 6, 1, 4, 5, 5, 4, 1, 6) = 39 39 +31 = 70 fire DC 23 Ref for half.

The Exchange

LN Half Ef Cleric 10 Init +2/4 if there is a surprise round | HP 83/83 | AC29, T14, FF28 | Fort +13, Ref +7, Will +13 | CMD 24 | Perception +31
Temp Buffs:
Shield of Faith, Barkskin

If they are mummies then I think some will saves may be needed first. Also, as a burst I am not sure you can hit all of them in the alcoves.

Liberty's Edge

hp 68/76 Ac 24 T 15 FF 19 (incl +3 from Barkskin)| Init +9 (+4 in forest / +2 underground) | F+10 R+15 W+6 (+2 vs enchantments +3 vs evil outsiders, evasion)| Perception +16 (+4 in forest, +2 underground, +2 vs humans&undead, +6 vs evil outsiders) | Reroll 1/1

"Let them come to us! We will fight them in that chamber with the masks!"

Eolowyn retreats to that room double move

@Bauble: Keen Edge and Mirror Image are still up.
Mumble, grumble... I always forget the auras...

A bunch o' Will saves:
Will, Vladek: 1d20 + 10 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 10 + 1 = 27
Will, Vladek: 1d20 + 10 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 10 + 1 = 17

Will, Bauble: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23
Will, Bauble: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (18) + 7 = 25
Will, Bauble: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9
Will, Bauble: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (18) + 7 = 25

Will, Torvald: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (5) + 13 = 18
Will, Torvald: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (2) + 13 = 15
Will, Torvald: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (11) + 13 = 24
Will, Torvald: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (17) + 13 = 30

The mummies' unnatural aura gets to Vladek, Bauble and Torvald, and they are paralyzed by fear.

Reflex, pink: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23

Qadathra's conjuration doesn't knock the mummy over as planned.

@Torvald: I double checked, and Fireball is actually a spread, so it'll hit them all.

Reflex, blue: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14
Reflex, green: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14
Reflex, white: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21
Reflex, yellow: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16
Reflex, red: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5
Reflex, pink: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13

Where the dragon's spell failed, Nuar's inferno purges the alcoves of the undead.

----Combat Over----

A few moments later, the paralyzing fear subsides.

The Exchange

N/N Male Human Magus (Bladebound)/12| HP: 111/111 (0 nonlethal) | AC/Tch/FF: 32/17/27 28/17/23 | CMB: +8, CMD: 25 | F/R/W: +15/13/11 +15/13/11 | Init: +11(7) | Speed 30 ft | Acrobatics+14, DDev+4, Escape Artist +15, Fly+16, Kn Arcana+11, Kn Dung+11, Kn Geog+11, Kn Planes+11, Perc+13, Ride+7, SoHand +11, Spellcraft+21, Stealth+16 | Active Conditions: Ablative Barrier (50/50)

"Scary fireball more scary than scary rugs!"

Liberty's Edge

hp 68/76 Ac 24 T 15 FF 19 (incl +3 from Barkskin)| Init +9 (+4 in forest / +2 underground) | F+10 R+15 W+6 (+2 vs enchantments +3 vs evil outsiders, evasion)| Perception +16 (+4 in forest, +2 underground, +2 vs humans&undead, +6 vs evil outsiders) | Reroll 1/1

Eolowyn comes back after she is not followed by the others and looks at the burn marks on the walls "I guess that also works..."

Sovereign Court

Ranger 2/Rogue 10 | HP 85/99| AC 29/ 22(23) touch/23(24)flatfooted | Sneak Attack +5d6 | Resiliency 1/day F+16,R+22,W+13 ((1/day can reroll Will save)| Init. +10(+12)| Perc +19/24*(+21/26)| Evasion | Trap Sense +4 | Improved Uncanny Dodge

"Yep, that's a fine strategy as well," Shel nods. Once the fire subsides, she checks the room for any treasure.

Perception 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (14) + 17 = 31

Silver Crusade

Elf Wizard (Evoker/Admixture) 10/Sorcerer (Crossblooded/Orc/Brass) 1 | AC 13 | T 13 | FF 10 | HP: (86)74/(90)78 | CMD 15 | Fort +11 | Ref +12 | Will +13 | Init +14 | Perception +23

"I let the cultist live. If anyone wants to ask him questions we may want to make sure he stays that way."

Remember the nearly dead robed figure that set off the encounter?

The scorched remains of bandages are all that remain of the mummies, and there are no valuables here. Shel does however spot yet another secret door behind he sarcophagus at the far end of the hall, and as Naur rightly points out, the cultist is still alive.

The Exchange

LN Half Ef Cleric 10 Init +2/4 if there is a surprise round | HP 83/83 | AC29, T14, FF28 | Fort +13, Ref +7, Will +13 | CMD 24 | Perception +31
Temp Buffs:
Shield of Faith, Barkskin

Torvald moves up, crunching incinerated bonus beneath his booted feet.

So, do we revive this cultist, see if he can tell us anything more? If he is as talkative as the last lot it may not be worth the bother. Does the secret door look safe Shel?

The Exchange

N/N Male Human Magus (Bladebound)/12| HP: 111/111 (0 nonlethal) | AC/Tch/FF: 32/17/27 28/17/23 | CMB: +8, CMD: 25 | F/R/W: +15/13/11 +15/13/11 | Init: +11(7) | Speed 30 ft | Acrobatics+14, DDev+4, Escape Artist +15, Fly+16, Kn Arcana+11, Kn Dung+11, Kn Geog+11, Kn Planes+11, Perc+13, Ride+7, SoHand +11, Spellcraft+21, Stealth+16 | Active Conditions: Ablative Barrier (50/50)

Bauble is indifferent to the fate of the cultist and is not much on questioning people. He's much more interested in the secret door and looks it over.

Sovereign Court

Ranger 2/Rogue 10 | HP 85/99| AC 29/ 22(23) touch/23(24)flatfooted | Sneak Attack +5d6 | Resiliency 1/day F+16,R+22,W+13 ((1/day can reroll Will save)| Init. +10(+12)| Perc +19/24*(+21/26)| Evasion | Trap Sense +4 | Improved Uncanny Dodge

Perception vs traps 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (10) + 21 = 31

"Hold on one second. It looks safe, but I want to be sure," Shel whispers as she looks the secret door over.

The Exchange

N/N Male Human Magus (Bladebound)/12| HP: 111/111 (0 nonlethal) | AC/Tch/FF: 32/17/27 28/17/23 | CMB: +8, CMD: 25 | F/R/W: +15/13/11 +15/13/11 | Init: +11(7) | Speed 30 ft | Acrobatics+14, DDev+4, Escape Artist +15, Fly+16, Kn Arcana+11, Kn Dung+11, Kn Geog+11, Kn Planes+11, Perc+13, Ride+7, SoHand +11, Spellcraft+21, Stealth+16 | Active Conditions: Ablative Barrier (50/50)

"Just looking."
Then murmurs again "Bauble just looking."

Shel concludes that the door is not trapped.

The Exchange

LN Half Ef Cleric 10 Init +2/4 if there is a surprise round | HP 83/83 | AC29, T14, FF28 | Fort +13, Ref +7, Will +13 | CMD 24 | Perception +31
Temp Buffs:
Shield of Faith, Barkskin

In which case Torvald will move up and open it, moving ahead while remaining alert for danger.

Stay close everyone, we don't know what else might be in here...

Taking 10 on Perception for 41

Scarab Sages

CG male Elf Witch 15
|AC 18, T 18, FF 15|HP: 85/85|F+9, R+12, W+13 (+4 vs death,+2 vs gaz/poi/elc/chm/cmp,+1 vs Tran/fea/cnf/aci/cld/fir/glyph)|Init +7, Per +26|CMB +7 CMD 20 (+2 vs grp)|15/15 Fly, 1/1 Lev, 1/1 Spx, 1/1 SoR, 3/3 Blt, 1/1 Wng

"Isn't somebody going to try to talk to the live one??? Torvald, you're good with people...."

The Exchange

N/N Male Human Magus (Bladebound)/12| HP: 111/111 (0 nonlethal) | AC/Tch/FF: 32/17/27 28/17/23 | CMB: +8, CMD: 25 | F/R/W: +15/13/11 +15/13/11 | Init: +11(7) | Speed 30 ft | Acrobatics+14, DDev+4, Escape Artist +15, Fly+16, Kn Arcana+11, Kn Dung+11, Kn Geog+11, Kn Planes+11, Perc+13, Ride+7, SoHand +11, Spellcraft+21, Stealth+16 | Active Conditions: Ablative Barrier (50/50)

*chuckle* I guess this crew don't much care for cultists, even good ones :)

The Exchange

LN Half Ef Cleric 10 Init +2/4 if there is a surprise round | HP 83/83 | AC29, T14, FF28 | Fort +13, Ref +7, Will +13 | CMD 24 | Perception +31
Temp Buffs:
Shield of Faith, Barkskin
Vladek Odradek wrote:
"Isn't somebody going to try to talk to the live one??? Torvald, you're good with people...."

They are a group of crazy fanatics who murdered harmless lodge servants and tried to burn our venture captain alive. I have nothing to say to them...

Scarab Sages

2 people marked this as a favorite.
CG male Elf Witch 15
|AC 18, T 18, FF 15|HP: 85/85|F+9, R+12, W+13 (+4 vs death,+2 vs gaz/poi/elc/chm/cmp,+1 vs Tran/fea/cnf/aci/cld/fir/glyph)|Init +7, Per +26|CMB +7 CMD 20 (+2 vs grp)|15/15 Fly, 1/1 Lev, 1/1 Spx, 1/1 SoR, 3/3 Blt, 1/1 Wng

Vladek can't believe his pointy ears.

"Fool. You have a golden opportunity to learn something you don't know - indeed, perhaps something you don't even know you don't know - from a source we could never have counted on having at our disposal, and you stomp right over it all in the comfort of some half-informed judgment. Shel? Bauble? Kindly keep close watch over us lest negotiations with our...person of interest here go awry...."

Vladek approaches and kneels over the struggling cultist, Qadathra on his shoulder as usual, and beckons Shel and Bauble to flank the cultist as a precaution....

Healing Hex on surviving cultist if necessary to get it in talking condition: 2d8 + 10 ⇒ (2, 4) + 10 = 16

Using Fortune Hex on Qadathra.

aid Qadathra's Diplomacy by trying to look generally helpful and friendly: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 1 = 15

Did I just go full Chaotic Good on your ass? Yes, I think I did.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.
male Faerie Dragon Familiar 15
|AC 29, T 19, FF 25 SR 20|HP: 42/42|F +11, R +13, W +15|Init +3, Perc +23|CMB +8 CMD 18 (22 vs trip)|greater invisibility 3/3, 1st-level spells 6/6

Qadathra thrusts his endearing face straight into the cultist's as the latter's eyes creak open, and begins 'speaking' telepathically.

"Ah, wakey-wakey...this may come as a shock to you, but your compatriots are all quite dead around you and you've been spared and revived by a some very nice - well, comparatively nice - people who would like to at least get a better understanding of just what goes on around here, if only for our own safety. There's been a bit of a misunderstanding, you see. You like to keep secrets, we prefer to think that sunlight is the best disinfectant, that sort of thing, but nobody likes an arrogant merchant, so why can't we cooperate, at least for a bit?"

Diplomacy, Fortune, aid: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (9) + 11 = 20
Diplomacy, Fortune, aid: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (6) + 11 = 17

The Exchange

N/N Male Human Magus (Bladebound)/12| HP: 111/111 (0 nonlethal) | AC/Tch/FF: 32/17/27 28/17/23 | CMB: +8, CMD: 25 | F/R/W: +15/13/11 +15/13/11 | Init: +11(7) | Speed 30 ft | Acrobatics+14, DDev+4, Escape Artist +15, Fly+16, Kn Arcana+11, Kn Dung+11, Kn Geog+11, Kn Planes+11, Perc+13, Ride+7, SoHand +11, Spellcraft+21, Stealth+16 | Active Conditions: Ablative Barrier (50/50)

"Bauble not like talk, talk with nasties. Nasties not nice."

Scarab Sages

CG male Elf Witch 15
|AC 18, T 18, FF 15|HP: 85/85|F+9, R+12, W+13 (+4 vs death,+2 vs gaz/poi/elc/chm/cmp,+1 vs Tran/fea/cnf/aci/cld/fir/glyph)|Init +7, Per +26|CMB +7 CMD 20 (+2 vs grp)|15/15 Fly, 1/1 Lev, 1/1 Spx, 1/1 SoR, 3/3 Blt, 1/1 Wng

"Would that it were always that simple, Bauble..." Vladek mutters.

Sovereign Court

Ranger 2/Rogue 10 | HP 85/99| AC 29/ 22(23) touch/23(24)flatfooted | Sneak Attack +5d6 | Resiliency 1/day F+16,R+22,W+13 ((1/day can reroll Will save)| Init. +10(+12)| Perc +19/24*(+21/26)| Evasion | Trap Sense +4 | Improved Uncanny Dodge

"Out with it. Tell us what your plans were. I say were, because you are the only one left alive that we've found so far. Talk to us and let's keep it that way, okay?"

Diplomacy 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (17) + 18 = 35

The fallen cultist blinks blearily at you, but he gathers himself rather quickly when the situation dawns on him.

"If you seek to destroy Zuberi, then our goals are not at odds. My order wishes the same, as to bring balance to the he divine cycle of life and death."

Scarab Sages

CG male Elf Witch 15
|AC 18, T 18, FF 15|HP: 85/85|F+9, R+12, W+13 (+4 vs death,+2 vs gaz/poi/elc/chm/cmp,+1 vs Tran/fea/cnf/aci/cld/fir/glyph)|Init +7, Per +26|CMB +7 CMD 20 (+2 vs grp)|15/15 Fly, 1/1 Lev, 1/1 Spx, 1/1 SoR, 3/3 Blt, 1/1 Wng

"Wonderful! We can debate the particulars of metaphysics and ethics at a later date. For the time being, that is indeed our aim. I welcome whatever aid you are willing to share going forth, but let's start with the simple question of, what happened to your brethren? Something wicked this way obviously went. Following that, what do you know about this tomb and the way ahead?"

How much more healing does this guy need? My healing wand's only got 27 charges left.

@Vladek: He's nearly 50 Hp from full still, and not exactly willing to join you at this point even if he was at full health.

"My brothers in faith and I were cut down by the mummified guardians, but the undead abominations were joined by Zuberi's personal guard; Living Monoliths who have have been "blessed" by sphinxes with eternal life."

Scarab Sages

CG male Elf Witch 15
|AC 18, T 18, FF 15|HP: 85/85|F+9, R+12, W+13 (+4 vs death,+2 vs gaz/poi/elc/chm/cmp,+1 vs Tran/fea/cnf/aci/cld/fir/glyph)|Init +7, Per +26|CMB +7 CMD 20 (+2 vs grp)|15/15 Fly, 1/1 Lev, 1/1 Spx, 1/1 SoR, 3/3 Blt, 1/1 Wng

"Living Monoliths, interesting! Do you know anything else about what's ahead?"

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