[PFS/DMK/EMS] The Emerald Spire Superdungeon - Table II

Game Master Kludde


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Sovereign Court

F Human Monk (Sacred Mountain/Qinggong)/11 (HP 123/102 | DR1/- | AC:25 33 [+1 when adjacent to a single foe] | T:24 | FF:20 28 | CMB:16 | CMD:35 [+2 vs Grapple/Reposition/Trip] | Fort:+14 | Ref:+16 | Will:+16 [+2 vs Enchant] | Init:+5 | Perc:+11 | Speed:60) PFS#: 115025-9
Ki Pool: 9/9 | Ring of Ki Mastery: 2/2 | Elemental Fist: 11/11 | Stunning Fist: 13/13 | Slippers: 10/10

Ilya takes just a few steps forward. "That's... very nice... but now I can't reach him anymore."

She decides to just ready an attack, in case the goblin escapes and moves into her direction.

Readied attack:
Temple Sword: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11 Damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8

| AbadarCorp Entertainment Official GM | How is my flying? | DICEBOT LOVES YOU |Starship combat cheat sheet | STEAL THIS TEMPLATE | Traveling until Jan 3, reduced posting frequency expected

Vayu lunges toward his opponent, who is unable to retaliate, having only a bow in hand. Very manage to grab a hold of the tiny creature, making him a much easier target to hit. Unfortunately, Ilya cannot take advantage of that. Perhaps Zen'yr can?


Goblin (1)

Grand Lodge

Spells: (1) 6/6 | (2) 6/6 (3) 5/5 (4) 3/3 | Tricks per day 6/9 | CLW 45/50, MM 43/50, Touch Treatment 7/7 (fascinated, shaken, confused, dazed, frightened, sickened) HP: 83/83 | AC 18 | TCH 13 | FF 17 | Fort +8 | Rex +13 | Will +14 | Init +5 | Per +13 Kitsune Mesmerist 11

Zen'yr easily dodges the arrow this time and stabs at the creature once again. She hopes it falls.

1d20 ⇒ 191d6 ⇒ 5

crit?: 1d20 ⇒ 161d6 ⇒ 3

| AbadarCorp Entertainment Official GM | How is my flying? | DICEBOT LOVES YOU |Starship combat cheat sheet | STEAL THIS TEMPLATE | Traveling until Jan 3, reduced posting frequency expected

Perhaps emboldened by the dire straits of the goblin, Zen'yr decidedly drives her knife through the little b**tard's heart, making the way free for an un hindered escape from the tunnel.

Ooph. Quite the fight.

Through battle, the party has explored most of what was left of the ground floor of the tower.

Exploring the southwest portion of the tower and the fallen commandos:

The goblin commandos carried horse choppers and a potion of cure moderate wounds each. The tower to the southwest contains piles of rags and bones are piled up into nest-like beds around the room. From the smell of it, this is where the goblin kept those dog/rat-like creatures.

| AbadarCorp Entertainment Official GM | How is my flying? | DICEBOT LOVES YOU |Starship combat cheat sheet | STEAL THIS TEMPLATE | Traveling until Jan 3, reduced posting frequency expected

The adventurers have one more door they didn't go through - the double doors on the east side, leading to the central tower...

Just sayin'

Silver Crusade

Tiefling F tiefling Magus (Fiend Flayer/Bladebound/Hexcrafter) 11 | HP 91/91 (14 TEMP) | AC 23 27, T 15, FF 18 | Fort +10, Ref +8, Will +6 | Pool Points 5/8 | Talon Pool 1/3 | Pendant of Blood Scarab 1/1 | Init +6 | Perception +2

"Did you take care of that little bugger? Is anyone hurt?"

Kellan will offer charges from her wand of cure light wounds if anyone doesn't have one of their own, though she can't cast it herself... Redke has UMD right? Perhaps offering healing to the group will make him less hostile toward her. :-P

Dark Archive

Human; Kineticist 5; 69693-20
HP 55/55 (5 NL); AC 18 (R) /16 (T) /12 (FF); CMD 17; Saves 11 (R) / 9 (F) / 0 (W); Initiative +6; Perception +3;
1/7 Burn; 0/50 CLWand
TK Blast 1d20+10 3d6+10

Redke turns up his nose with a sniff at the Tiefling,

"I remember somebody saying something about weak eyes? Well, let's see you try to use that."

He says this right before promptly stumbling over a chair and walking into a wall.

He's still a jerk, but he can't see anything :D

Silver Crusade

Tiefling F tiefling Magus (Fiend Flayer/Bladebound/Hexcrafter) 11 | HP 91/91 (14 TEMP) | AC 23 27, T 15, FF 18 | Fort +10, Ref +8, Will +6 | Pool Points 5/8 | Talon Pool 1/3 | Pendant of Blood Scarab 1/1 | Init +6 | Perception +2

"I cast light just so that you could see, you ungrateful man. But fine, you can find your own healing. Can anyone else use this thing?"

Oh Redke, what a jerk LOL. I kinda love him. This should be fun... we should try to get through the whole superdungeon with him and Kellan at each others' throats. LOL

| AbadarCorp Entertainment Official GM | How is my flying? | DICEBOT LOVES YOU |Starship combat cheat sheet | STEAL THIS TEMPLATE | Traveling until Jan 3, reduced posting frequency expected

Loving every bit of it :)

Grand Lodge

Spells: (1) 6/6 | (2) 6/6 (3) 5/5 (4) 3/3 | Tricks per day 6/9 | CLW 45/50, MM 43/50, Touch Treatment 7/7 (fascinated, shaken, confused, dazed, frightened, sickened) HP: 83/83 | AC 18 | TCH 13 | FF 17 | Fort +8 | Rex +13 | Will +14 | Init +5 | Per +13 Kitsune Mesmerist 11

This is awesome lol

I took a couple arrows, nothing serious. I could go through the final doors, but may need some healing before we head to the next level

Sovereign Court

F Human Monk (Sacred Mountain/Qinggong)/11 (HP 123/102 | DR1/- | AC:25 33 [+1 when adjacent to a single foe] | T:24 | FF:20 28 | CMB:16 | CMD:35 [+2 vs Grapple/Reposition/Trip] | Fort:+14 | Ref:+16 | Will:+16 [+2 vs Enchant] | Init:+5 | Perc:+11 | Speed:60) PFS#: 115025-9
Ki Pool: 9/9 | Ring of Ki Mastery: 2/2 | Elemental Fist: 11/11 | Stunning Fist: 13/13 | Slippers: 10/10

Love it :)

Ilya doesn't pay any attention to Redke's stumbling, but asks him to renew the light spell on her temple sword when it's about to run out.

Make yourself useful, will you?

"I expect the double doors we haven't yet checked to reveal the way upstairs," Ilya says. "But before we proceed upstairs, where we know the main body of the Spire is, we may want to check out what's downstairs first?"

I expect the stairs down lead to the last covered bit of the map, which I expect to be a small basement of sorts. Since we're running this dungeon as part of PFS we'll have to finish all of this floor/module before we proceed to the next, which is why I want to go there next. I guess it's chronicle sheet time after clearing that last bit?

The Exchange

36007-5 - Sylph - Pistolero 7/Inquisitor 4 | 67/67 HP | Grit 1/6 | Fort: +8 Refex: +10 Will: +9 | Initiative: +11 | Perception: +14 | AC: 22/18/15

"I just have a nick ... I will forgo healing ... let's see what is behind those doors ..."

Dark Archive

Human; Kineticist 5; 69693-20
HP 55/55 (5 NL); AC 18 (R) /16 (T) /12 (FF); CMD 17; Saves 11 (R) / 9 (F) / 0 (W); Initiative +6; Perception +3;
1/7 Burn; 0/50 CLWand
TK Blast 1d20+10 3d6+10

Redke heaves a sigh as he waves his hands and mutters his secret incantations and Ilya's Sword lights back up.

"Ilya, Second Rule of Adventuring, NEVER EVER LEAVE THE ATTIC FOR LAST." Redke finishes his statement by shouting, "Last time you didn't listen to me, what happened? We got ambushed by a whole tribe of Goblins. I vote for going up first."

Muttering under his breath, you can hear Redke say, "I mean, it's like some of the people here are actively trying to get me killed. First, the B@stard runs off and starts insulting me, and then she convinces the rest of this group to desert me... I must be rid of this Tiefling!

And now, it's like Ilya's trying to off us all... 'Monk', uhhuh, I'm thinking she's a bandit."

| AbadarCorp Entertainment Official GM | How is my flying? | DICEBOT LOVES YOU |Starship combat cheat sheet | STEAL THIS TEMPLATE | Traveling until Jan 3, reduced posting frequency expected

So, upstairs then?

If you do go up:

The double doors reveal a staircase around that same glowing green core, leading up this time. After winding around the spire a number of times, it ends in a locked door with an arrow slit.

Liberty's Edge

male Angelkin (aasimar) Summoner / 1, HP 12/12, Init +2, Perc +4, AC 17, T 12, FF 15, Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +1

Brayden stands back, relaxing against the wall, amused by the exchange between Redke, Kellan, and Ilya. Finally, he offers his side. "Being so divided does make us easy to overwhelm. It would be prudent to stay a bit closer together in the future. And I do agree with Redke, lets deal with what's above before we descend into the undetermined depths... who knows how deep they stretch..."

Silver Crusade

Tiefling F tiefling Magus (Fiend Flayer/Bladebound/Hexcrafter) 11 | HP 91/91 (14 TEMP) | AC 23 27, T 15, FF 18 | Fort +10, Ref +8, Will +6 | Pool Points 5/8 | Talon Pool 1/3 | Pendant of Blood Scarab 1/1 | Init +6 | Perception +2

Kellan walks over at Brayden and quietly says "Since Redke is being such an @$$ about it, you look like you might be able to use this thing. Would you be willing to hold on to it and use it on the party as needed? Even on... him." At the last word she rolls her eyes toward the muttering arcanist. "Given that 'cooperate' is part of our mission statement, I'll ignore his racism as much as I can."

Sovereign Court

F Human Monk (Sacred Mountain/Qinggong)/11 (HP 123/102 | DR1/- | AC:25 33 [+1 when adjacent to a single foe] | T:24 | FF:20 28 | CMB:16 | CMD:35 [+2 vs Grapple/Reposition/Trip] | Fort:+14 | Ref:+16 | Will:+16 [+2 vs Enchant] | Init:+5 | Perc:+11 | Speed:60) PFS#: 115025-9
Ki Pool: 9/9 | Ring of Ki Mastery: 2/2 | Elemental Fist: 11/11 | Stunning Fist: 13/13 | Slippers: 10/10

Ilya sighs and shrugs. "Whatever, let's go up then."

Once she arrives at the locked door, Ilya tries to not stand in front of the arrow slit. "Be careful," she whispers, then tries to take the door down with force.

Strength: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6

Agh! My shoulder! Okay, let me try that again...

Strength: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 20

If the door doesn't open after her second attempt, Ilya will turns around and ask "We didn't happen to find a key, did we?"

| AbadarCorp Entertainment Official GM | How is my flying? | DICEBOT LOVES YOU |Starship combat cheat sheet | STEAL THIS TEMPLATE | Traveling until Jan 3, reduced posting frequency expected

Ilya throws herself at the door, gets bounced back and busts in for another effort. As the door swing open under her strong effort, she is immediately face-to-face with a large armoured bugbear, who doesn't hesitate to fire an arrow from the bow he's holding.

Attack, Ilya: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 161d8 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3 I don't understand your status bar. Is this a hit versus FF?

GM rolls:

Init, Ilya Akyll: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11
Init, Redke Orefall: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4
Init, Kellan Demonbane: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22
Init, Brayden Baxon: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 = 15
Init, Zen’yr: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16
Init, Vayu: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15

Init, Grulk: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10

Halt! What are you doing here? Did Klarkosh send you? the bugbear shouts in straight up common.



Silver Crusade

Tiefling F tiefling Magus (Fiend Flayer/Bladebound/Hexcrafter) 11 | HP 91/91 (14 TEMP) | AC 23 27, T 15, FF 18 | Fort +10, Ref +8, Will +6 | Pool Points 5/8 | Talon Pool 1/3 | Pendant of Blood Scarab 1/1 | Init +6 | Perception +2

@Kludde, Ilya has in her stats that she used a potion of mage armor, that's probably what the +4 AC is about.

Kellan uses an arcane point to boost her weapon, then moves in and attacks the bugbear.

+1 rapier: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21
damage: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6

| AbadarCorp Entertainment Official GM | How is my flying? | DICEBOT LOVES YOU |Starship combat cheat sheet | STEAL THIS TEMPLATE | Traveling until Jan 3, reduced posting frequency expected

Aaaah. It's a miss, then

Kellan scores a touche on the increasingly bewildered bugbear.


Grulk (6)

Sovereign Court

F Human Monk (Sacred Mountain/Qinggong)/11 (HP 123/102 | DR1/- | AC:25 33 [+1 when adjacent to a single foe] | T:24 | FF:20 28 | CMB:16 | CMD:35 [+2 vs Grapple/Reposition/Trip] | Fort:+14 | Ref:+16 | Will:+16 [+2 vs Enchant] | Init:+5 | Perc:+11 | Speed:60) PFS#: 115025-9
Ki Pool: 9/9 | Ring of Ki Mastery: 2/2 | Elemental Fist: 11/11 | Stunning Fist: 13/13 | Slippers: 10/10

Yup, that's true! I always leave the original numbers, but crossed out. That way it's still visible what my original stats are when my stats are altered by something.

So my FF AC is 13 +4 +1 (adjacent to just 1 foe) = 18.
My AC is 16 +4 +1 = 21.

"No idea who you're talking about!" Ilya announces, and moves forward.

Ilya moves her fist back, and it catches on fire. "Eat this!" she yells, and throws her fist at the bugbear.

Unarmed Strike, Elemental Fist: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 20 Damage: 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4 Fire Damage: 1d6 ⇒ 3

Grand Lodge

Spells: (1) 6/6 | (2) 6/6 (3) 5/5 (4) 3/3 | Tricks per day 6/9 | CLW 45/50, MM 43/50, Touch Treatment 7/7 (fascinated, shaken, confused, dazed, frightened, sickened) HP: 83/83 | AC 18 | TCH 13 | FF 17 | Fort +8 | Rex +13 | Will +14 | Init +5 | Per +13 Kitsune Mesmerist 11

Zen'yr will move to the top of the stairs, and seeing the log jam will wait for an opening.

i move behind Ilya

The Exchange

36007-5 - Sylph - Pistolero 7/Inquisitor 4 | 67/67 HP | Grit 1/6 | Fort: +8 Refex: +10 Will: +9 | Initiative: +11 | Perception: +14 | AC: 22/18/15

I think with his move of 35 Vayu can make it to the room ... if the Bug Bear is standing he'll let off a shot...

"Heads down!", BLAM!

Ranged Touch in Melee: 1d20 + 4 - 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 - 4 = 14
Damage: 1d8 ⇒ 8

| AbadarCorp Entertainment Official GM | How is my flying? | DICEBOT LOVES YOU |Starship combat cheat sheet | STEAL THIS TEMPLATE | Traveling until Jan 3, reduced posting frequency expected

The hallway erupts in a frenzied traffic jam. Ilya manages to strike the bugbear with a fist of flame as a shot rings out and flings back the bugbear.

Grulk (21)

Liberty's Edge

male Angelkin (aasimar) Summoner / 1, HP 12/12, Init +2, Perc +4, AC 17, T 12, FF 15, Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +1

Brayden smiles at the beast as he walks into the room, though lets his smile turns to a stern expression as he speaks rather forcefully. "Silly fool, but of course Klarkosh sent us. Now, stand down, stop attacking my men, and tell us the status of things."

Bluff: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21

Seeing the bow still in the bugbear's hands, Brayden's companion uses the opportunity to close in around the startled goblinoid.

full action move for the eidolon, as bugbear is equipped with bow should be no AoO on eidolon, who is now flanking with Ilya

| AbadarCorp Entertainment Official GM | How is my flying? | DICEBOT LOVES YOU |Starship combat cheat sheet | STEAL THIS TEMPLATE | Traveling until Jan 3, reduced posting frequency expected

As soon he realises he is outclassed, the bugbear tries to flee out of the tower.

The eidolon can make a single AoO

| AbadarCorp Entertainment Official GM | How is my flying? | DICEBOT LOVES YOU |Starship combat cheat sheet | STEAL THIS TEMPLATE | Traveling until Jan 3, reduced posting frequency expected

The bugbear moves away from the adventurers, past the eidolon to the west end of the tower, where he opens a hidden passage. Behind it is nothing but open air, a sheer drop to the rubble below. Still the bugbear jump, and seems to fall only softly, rather than crashing down.

Unless that eidolon manages to hit, of course

| AbadarCorp Entertainment Official GM | How is my flying? | DICEBOT LOVES YOU |Starship combat cheat sheet | STEAL THIS TEMPLATE | Traveling until Jan 3, reduced posting frequency expected

The tower is empty, and a trapdoor is open on the westside, which lets sunlight into this tower covered by magical darkness. At the base, the bugbear has made a soft landing on the rubble of the tower - which seems to be the roof of the half the party was just a moment before fighting in.

Combat over. The level is almost done - searching the tower chamber reveals little of value (Grulk was wearing everything he had of value). Only the way down remains.

Liberty's Edge

male Angelkin (aasimar) Summoner / 1, HP 12/12, Init +2, Perc +4, AC 17, T 12, FF 15, Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +1

Eidolon AoO: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13

assuming miss

Sovereign Court

F Human Monk (Sacred Mountain/Qinggong)/11 (HP 123/102 | DR1/- | AC:25 33 [+1 when adjacent to a single foe] | T:24 | FF:20 28 | CMB:16 | CMD:35 [+2 vs Grapple/Reposition/Trip] | Fort:+14 | Ref:+16 | Will:+16 [+2 vs Enchant] | Init:+5 | Perc:+11 | Speed:60) PFS#: 115025-9
Ki Pool: 9/9 | Ring of Ki Mastery: 2/2 | Elemental Fist: 11/11 | Stunning Fist: 13/13 | Slippers: 10/10

Ilya doesn't trust her descend will be the same as it was for the bugbear. After sheathing her sword, she takes out her rope and grappling hook, attaches them to each other, and searches a good place for the hook to go.

Once the hook and rope are in place, Ilya starts her descend.

Taking 20 on Climb if possible, otherwise taking 10. +3 from Ilya's Strength modifier.

"Let's take a quick look down below. I'd like to go back to town soon though, I want to purchase some new items."

| AbadarCorp Entertainment Official GM | How is my flying? | DICEBOT LOVES YOU |Starship combat cheat sheet | STEAL THIS TEMPLATE | Traveling until Jan 3, reduced posting frequency expected

Ilya looks out of the window, and sees the bugbear slowly reaching the ground, falling not much faster than a feather would. When he finally makes it to the rubbled roof of the emerald spire, he starts traversing it, though his progress is somewhat slow. He's clearly trying to get away.

With a rope and hook in place, climbing down is an easy effort. DC 5, so I'm assuming you're taking 10, as it is faster.

At the bottom, Ilya finds some dead goblins - apparently thrown out from above - while Grulk, the heavily wounded bugbear, turns around at a safe distance and says If Klarkosh didn't send you, why are you here?

Silver Crusade

Tiefling F tiefling Magus (Fiend Flayer/Bladebound/Hexcrafter) 11 | HP 91/91 (14 TEMP) | AC 23 27, T 15, FF 18 | Fort +10, Ref +8, Will +6 | Pool Points 5/8 | Talon Pool 1/3 | Pendant of Blood Scarab 1/1 | Init +6 | Perception +2

Kellan will follow Ilya down. Taking 10 on climb for an 11.

"We are explorers, and we meant you no harm. If you hadn't attacked us the moment you saw us, we may have left you in peace. Who is Klarkosh?"

Diplomacy aid Ilya: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (13) - 2 = 11

She's really not very charismatic... lol

| AbadarCorp Entertainment Official GM | How is my flying? | DICEBOT LOVES YOU |Starship combat cheat sheet | STEAL THIS TEMPLATE | Traveling until Jan 3, reduced posting frequency expected

Klarkosh. Some high-and-mighty wizard from up land. Thinks he can invade our little home and establish himself. He hides somewhere deep down in the dungeon, and thinks he can lord it over us. If you're not working for him, have you come to kill him?

Silver Crusade

Tiefling F tiefling Magus (Fiend Flayer/Bladebound/Hexcrafter) 11 | HP 91/91 (14 TEMP) | AC 23 27, T 15, FF 18 | Fort +10, Ref +8, Will +6 | Pool Points 5/8 | Talon Pool 1/3 | Pendant of Blood Scarab 1/1 | Init +6 | Perception +2

"Well, we might not need to KILL him, but if he attacks us, we'll take him out. We're here to explore the spire, and clear out any threats in the name of the Pathfinder Society. If you don't intend to make trouble for us, you can go... we have no interest in killing you in cold blood."

Haven't seen anything from Redke since Monday... we didn't lose him, did we?

| AbadarCorp Entertainment Official GM | How is my flying? | DICEBOT LOVES YOU |Starship combat cheat sheet | STEAL THIS TEMPLATE | Traveling until Jan 3, reduced posting frequency expected

He posted his number in the discussion thread yesterday, so I'm sure he's still around. Maybe you don't aggravate him enough ;-)

Well good. I have no interest in being killed in cold blood. And Klarkosh is sure to attack you. How did you get up in my tower, why didn't my goblins stop you?

Silver Crusade

Tiefling F tiefling Magus (Fiend Flayer/Bladebound/Hexcrafter) 11 | HP 91/91 (14 TEMP) | AC 23 27, T 15, FF 18 | Fort +10, Ref +8, Will +6 | Pool Points 5/8 | Talon Pool 1/3 | Pendant of Blood Scarab 1/1 | Init +6 | Perception +2

"Your goblins... well, they tried. The little buggers sure did try...."

| AbadarCorp Entertainment Official GM | How is my flying? | DICEBOT LOVES YOU |Starship combat cheat sheet | STEAL THIS TEMPLATE | Traveling until Jan 3, reduced posting frequency expected

Lazy bastards. They didn't try hard enough, obviously.

Sovereign Court

F Human Monk (Sacred Mountain/Qinggong)/11 (HP 123/102 | DR1/- | AC:25 33 [+1 when adjacent to a single foe] | T:24 | FF:20 28 | CMB:16 | CMD:35 [+2 vs Grapple/Reposition/Trip] | Fort:+14 | Ref:+16 | Will:+16 [+2 vs Enchant] | Init:+5 | Perc:+11 | Speed:60) PFS#: 115025-9
Ki Pool: 9/9 | Ring of Ki Mastery: 2/2 | Elemental Fist: 11/11 | Stunning Fist: 13/13 | Slippers: 10/10

Diplomacy: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (18) - 1 = 17

"Yes... Well, if you have any more followers could you tell them to not come after us anymore?" Ilya asks the bugbear as politely as possible.

"You don't hurt us, we don't hurt you."

Dark Archive

Human; Kineticist 5; 69693-20
HP 55/55 (5 NL); AC 18 (R) /16 (T) /12 (FF); CMD 17; Saves 11 (R) / 9 (F) / 0 (W); Initiative +6; Perception +3;
1/7 Burn; 0/50 CLWand
TK Blast 1d20+10 3d6+10

Not much for a stuck-up/can't-see-in-the-dark-arcanist to do... other than magic missile... and right now the group wouldn't seem to keen on that.

Redke stews alone in the dark for a minute, left alone. Again.

Turning, he casts light on his crossbow and makes his way out through one of the entrances and ends up behind the bugbear.

Seeing the huge opponent, Redke hides behind some rubble.

Sovereign Court

F Human Monk (Sacred Mountain/Qinggong)/11 (HP 123/102 | DR1/- | AC:25 33 [+1 when adjacent to a single foe] | T:24 | FF:20 28 | CMB:16 | CMD:35 [+2 vs Grapple/Reposition/Trip] | Fort:+14 | Ref:+16 | Will:+16 [+2 vs Enchant] | Init:+5 | Perc:+11 | Speed:60) PFS#: 115025-9
Ki Pool: 9/9 | Ring of Ki Mastery: 2/2 | Elemental Fist: 11/11 | Stunning Fist: 13/13 | Slippers: 10/10

Ilya glances over her shoulder. "Hey, Redke! You still here?"

Dark Archive

Human; Kineticist 5; 69693-20
HP 55/55 (5 NL); AC 18 (R) /16 (T) /12 (FF); CMD 17; Saves 11 (R) / 9 (F) / 0 (W); Initiative +6; Perception +3;
1/7 Burn; 0/50 CLWand
TK Blast 1d20+10 3d6+10

Redke tries being stealthy on the other side of the bugbear letting Ilya know that he's no longer trapped in darkness...

stealth?: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 1 = 11

Being not so stealthy, Redke hides a little more & readies a spell if the bugbear heads his way, otherwise, if the bugbear leaves in peace, Redke will rejoin his companions

readied spell:
magic missile! magic missile: 2d4 + 2 ⇒ (1, 4) + 2 = 7

The Exchange

36007-5 - Sylph - Pistolero 7/Inquisitor 4 | 67/67 HP | Grit 1/6 | Fort: +8 Refex: +10 Will: +9 | Initiative: +11 | Perception: +14 | AC: 22/18/15

Vayu is still standing up in the tower, gun loaded and casually pointing towards the bugbear.

| AbadarCorp Entertainment Official GM | How is my flying? | DICEBOT LOVES YOU |Starship combat cheat sheet | STEAL THIS TEMPLATE | Traveling until Jan 3, reduced posting frequency expected

If you go after Klarkosh, you can pass to the lower level. You'll need the secret cipher...

The secret cipher is: "Lasst uns durch, oder Grulk wird ihr weicheier mal die Fresse polieren"


"Let us through or Grulk will smash your weakling faces in"

Sovereign Court

F Human Monk (Sacred Mountain/Qinggong)/11 (HP 123/102 | DR1/- | AC:25 33 [+1 when adjacent to a single foe] | T:24 | FF:20 28 | CMB:16 | CMD:35 [+2 vs Grapple/Reposition/Trip] | Fort:+14 | Ref:+16 | Will:+16 [+2 vs Enchant] | Init:+5 | Perc:+11 | Speed:60) PFS#: 115025-9
Ki Pool: 9/9 | Ring of Ki Mastery: 2/2 | Elemental Fist: 11/11 | Stunning Fist: 13/13 | Slippers: 10/10

"I have no idea what that means, but I'll be sure to tell them just that!"

Ilya motions at Redke to come over, and turns to Kellan. "Shall we go back for now, to rest and buy some new items?"

She then yells the same question up at the tower, for those who didn't descend.

| AbadarCorp Entertainment Official GM | How is my flying? | DICEBOT LOVES YOU |Starship combat cheat sheet | STEAL THIS TEMPLATE | Traveling until Jan 3, reduced posting frequency expected

That pretty much settles our activities here. There is one more (small) encounter as you head down, but we can also do that as part of the next level.

Grand Lodge

Spells: (1) 6/6 | (2) 6/6 (3) 5/5 (4) 3/3 | Tricks per day 6/9 | CLW 45/50, MM 43/50, Touch Treatment 7/7 (fascinated, shaken, confused, dazed, frightened, sickened) HP: 83/83 | AC 18 | TCH 13 | FF 17 | Fort +8 | Rex +13 | Will +14 | Init +5 | Per +13 Kitsune Mesmerist 11

Zen'yr, will make her way down the rope, when she hears Ilya yelling up towards her.

I am ready to head back to town. I could use a good bath if nothing else. Maybe pick up a few things as well.

Silver Crusade

Tiefling F tiefling Magus (Fiend Flayer/Bladebound/Hexcrafter) 11 | HP 91/91 (14 TEMP) | AC 23 27, T 15, FF 18 | Fort +10, Ref +8, Will +6 | Pool Points 5/8 | Talon Pool 1/3 | Pendant of Blood Scarab 1/1 | Init +6 | Perception +2

"Sounds like a plan to me."

Kellan levels up, but is saving her gold for next level. :)

| AbadarCorp Entertainment Official GM | How is my flying? | DICEBOT LOVES YOU |Starship combat cheat sheet | STEAL THIS TEMPLATE | Traveling until Jan 3, reduced posting frequency expected

Description for the first room of the second level - assuming that's where you want to go

The steep stair descends through solid bedrock for fifty feet before ending in a stone-lined room. A large stone door stands directly south of the stair, a small alcove lies to the east, and another door to the southeast is slightly ajar. An extinguished torch rests on the floor of the alcove.

Sovereign Court

F Human Monk (Sacred Mountain/Qinggong)/11 (HP 123/102 | DR1/- | AC:25 33 [+1 when adjacent to a single foe] | T:24 | FF:20 28 | CMB:16 | CMD:35 [+2 vs Grapple/Reposition/Trip] | Fort:+14 | Ref:+16 | Will:+16 [+2 vs Enchant] | Init:+5 | Perc:+11 | Speed:60) PFS#: 115025-9
Ki Pool: 9/9 | Ring of Ki Mastery: 2/2 | Elemental Fist: 11/11 | Stunning Fist: 13/13 | Slippers: 10/10

I thought most agreed to head back for today. So we had a quick trip to the fort to rest and purchase stuff, and now we're back and it's the next day?

| AbadarCorp Entertainment Official GM | How is my flying? | DICEBOT LOVES YOU |Starship combat cheat sheet | STEAL THIS TEMPLATE | Traveling until Jan 3, reduced posting frequency expected

That seems the simplest solution, yes.

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