Trinia Sabor

Zen'yr's page

489 posts. Organized Play character for Gilthanis.

Full Name



HP: 83/83 | AC 18 | TCH 13 | FF 17 | Fort +8 | Rex +13 | Will +14 | Init +5 | Per +13


Kitsune Mesmerist 11


Spells: (1) 6/6 | (2) 6/6 (3) 5/5 (4) 3/3 | Tricks per day 6/9 | CLW 45/50, MM 43/50, Touch Treatment 7/7 (fascinated, shaken, confused, dazed, frightened, sickened)


Chatoic Neutral


Goblin, Osirion, Undercommon, Kitsune, Fey, Infernal


PFS # 63386-13

Strength 10
Dexterity 16
Constitution 14
Intelligence 13
Wisdom 10
Charisma 18

About Zen'yr

HD: D8

HP: 83
BAB: +8/+3
Base Saves: 3/7/7
Total Saves 7/11/13


[dice=dagger]1d20+8[/dice] for [dice=P/S damage]1d4[/dice]
[dice=gauntlet]1d20+8[/dice] for [dice=B damage]1d4[/dice]
[dice=longspear]1d20+8[/dice] for [dice=P damage]1d8[/dice]
[dice=ranged dagger]1d20+11[/dice] for [dice=P/S damage]1d4[/dice]
[dice=+1 light crossbow]1d20+12[/dice] for [dice=P damage]1d8+1[/dice]


+1 Chain Shirt / 1250 gp / 25 lbs / +5 ac, +4 dex, -1 acp


Spells Known: (0) 6 | (1st) 6 | (2nd) 5 | (3rd) 4 | (4th) 3
Spells Per Day: (1) 5+1 (2) 4+1 (3) 4+1 (4) 2+1

(0) Daze (will DC 17), Detect Magic, Light, Open/Close, Read Magic, Unwitting Ally (will DC 17),

(1st) Bungle (will DC 18), Hideous Laughter (will DC 18), Murderous Command (will DC 18), Sleep (will DC 18), Grease (ref DC 15), Heigtened Awareness

(2nd) Invisibility, Daze Monster (will DC 19), Blindness/Deafness (fort DC 16), Qualm (will DC 19, sr), Placebo Effect

(3rd) Dispel Magic, Deep Slumber, Crushing Despair (will DC 20), See Invisibility

(4th) Greater Forbid Action (will DC 21), Greater Invisibility, Enervation (sr)

class abilities:

Consummate Liar: Add this new class feature at 1st level. The mesmerist adds 1/2 his mesmerist level (minimum 1) on all Bluff skill checks.

Towering Ego (Su): At 2nd level, a mesmerist gains a bonus equal to his Charisma bonus (minimum 0) on Will saving throws. If the mesmerist is under any effect that would prevent him from providing the emotional component of psychic spells, he also loses this bonus on saving throws

Hypnotic Stare (Su): The mesmerist can focus his stare on one creature within 30 feet as a swift action. That creature takes a –2 penalty on Will saving throws. This penalty increases to –3 at 8th level. A mesmerist can maintain his stare against only one opponent at a time; it remains in effect until the opponent dies, the opponent moves beyond 30 feet away, or the mesmerist stares at a new target. The mesmerist can remove the memory of his stare from the target’s mind, so a creature doesn’t remember that he affected it (or that he is currently affecting it) unless he wants it to. The hypnotic stare is a psychic effect, and relies more on the mesmerist’s focus than the target’s perception of his stare; it can’t be avoided in the same ways a gaze attack can. The mesmerist can use this ability even while blinded, but must succeed at a DC 20 concentration check to do so. Effects from multiple mesmerists’ stares don’t stack. This is a mind-affecting effect.

Painful Stare: Once per round when the target of the mesmerist's stare is hit by an attack that deals damage, the target of a mesmerist’s stare takes additional damage equal to 1/2 the mesmerist’s class level (minimum 1). The mesmerist can use this ability as a free action, and can use it even if it isn't his turn. If the mesmerist uses this to increase his own damage, increase the damage by 1d6 for every 3 mesmerist levels. This damage is precision damage and is not multiplied on a critical hit.

Bold Stare (Su): At 3rd level and every 4 levels thereafter, a mesmerist’s hypnotic stare imposes a further effect upon its target. The mesmerist chooses one additional effect each time, and can’t choose the same improvement more than once unless otherwise noted. All of the mesmerist’s bold stare improvements affect the target (or targets, if the mesmerist can affect multiple creatures) as long as it’s under
the mesmerist’s hypnotic stare.

** Allure: The target takes a –4 penalty on initiative checks, Perception checks, and Sense Motive checks. This penalty doesn’t stack with the penalty from being fascinated.

** Disorientation: The hypnotic stare penalty also applies on attack rolls

** Psychic Inception: The hypnotic stare and its penalty can affect creatures that are mindless or immune to mindaffecting effects (such as an undead or vermin). The mesmerist can also partially affect such a creature with his mind-affecting spells and abilities if it’s under his hypnotic stare; it gains a +2 bonus on its saving throw (if any), and if affected it still has a 50% chance each round of ignoring the effect. Ignoring the effect doesn’t end the effect, but allows the creature to act normally for that round.

** Sluggishness: The target of the hypnotic stare has all its speeds reduced by 5 feet, and the hypnotic stare penalty also applies to its Reflex saving throws.

** Susceptibility: The hypnotic stare penalty also applies on the target’s Sense Motive checks to oppose Bluff checks, and to the DCs of Diplomacy and Intimidate checks made against the target.

** Timid Strike: The hypnotic stare penalty also applies on damage rolls

Touch Treatment (Su): At 3rd level, the mesmerist can help allies shake off harmful conditions, especially those that affect their minds, by channeling psychic energy through his healing hands. He can use touch treatment a number of times per day equal to 3 + his Charisma modifier.

Using the ability is a standard action (or a swift action if the mesmerist uses it on himself ), and the mesmerist must be able to touch his target. He can remove one condition from one target each time he uses this ability. At 3rd level, he can remove any condition on the minor conditions list. At 6th level, he can remove the conditions on the moderate conditions list, and at 10th level he can remove the greater conditions.

** Minor: Fascinated, shaken.
** Moderate: Confused, dazed, frightened, sickened.
** Greater: Cowering, nauseated, panicked, stunned.

Mesmerist Tricks: (1/2 level + cha) = 9

1) False Flanker (A duplicate of the mesmerist appears momentarily, as though he were fighting in tandem with an ally. The mesmerist can trigger this trick when the subject moves into a square adjacent to an enemy. This trick can also trigger when the subject begins its turn adjacent to an enemy. An illusory duplicate of the mesmerist appears in any unoccupied space adjacent to that enemy. This duplicate counts as threatening the enemy for determining flanking, but can’t actually make attacks. The duplicate disappears at the end of the turn. This is an illusion (figment) effect.)

2) Mesmerist Mirror (An illusory image appears around the subject to throw off attackers. The mesmerist can trigger this trick when the subject is attacked or becomes the target of a spell that requires an attack roll. One duplicate of the subject appears, and the attacker must determine randomly which it hits (as mirror image). For every 5 caster levels the mesmerist possesses, one additional image appears, to a maximum of five images at 20th level. This is an illusion (figment) effect.) The mirror image lasts 1 minute per mesmerist level or until destroyed.

4) Misdirection: The enemy’s perception of an ally’s attack shifts, making the foe unprepared to defend against it. The mesmerist can trigger this trick when the subject makes an attack or uses a spell that requires an attack roll. The mesmerist attempts a Bluff check to feint against a single target of that attack, using the mesmerist’s combat maneuver bonus (including any bonuses specific to feinting). If the feint succeeds, that target of the attack is denied its Dexterity bonus to AC against the triggering attack. The target doesn’t suffer any additional effects that the mesmerist or the triggering ally would cause on a normal feint or Bluff check. This is an illusion (glamer) effect.

6) Psychosomatic Surge: Psychic magic soothes the subject, alleviating her wounds temporarily. The mesmerist can trigger this trick when the subject takes damage. The subject gains a number of temporary hit points equal to 1d8 + 1/2 the mesmerist’s level. If the damage from the triggering attack would have reduced the subject to 0 hit points or fewer, this trick grants an additional 1d8 temporary hit points. These temporary hit points last for 1 hour or until discharged

8) Spectral Smoke: A cloud of smoke pops up around the subject, foiling attacks. The mesmerist can trigger this trick when the subject is targeted by an attack or by a spell that requires an attack roll. A smoke cloud appears in the subject’s square and in a 10-foot radius around it. This cloud lasts for 1 round per mesmerist level. The cloud functions as fog cloud, but is an illusion (figment) effect that can’t be dispersed by wind and can be used underwater. A creature that interacts with the cloud can attempt a saving throw to disbelieve the effect. The radius of the cloud increases by 5 feet for every 5 caster levels the mesmerist possesses, to a maximum of 30 feet at 20th level.

10) Mask Misery: The subject can shrug off a condition for a short time before succumbing to it. The mesmerist can trigger this trick when the subject becomes affected by a minor condition listed under the touch treatment ability. The subject can ignore the effect of that condition for 1d4 rounds, after which the subject takes the full effect. This has no effect on any conditions affecting the subject other than the triggering condition, even if those other effects are also listed under touch treatment. The rounds during which the subject ignores the triggering effect still count against that effect’s duration; if the duration of mask misery is longer than the effect lasts, the subject isn’t affected by the condition at all. If an effect that imposes more than one condition triggers this trick, the subject ignores all eligible conditions. If the mesmerist is 6th level or higher, he adds the moderate conditions to the conditions he can ignore with this trick, and this trick ends minor conditions entirely instead of suppressing them temporarily. The mesmerist doesn’t need to have touch treatment to choose or use this trick.

Manifold Tricks: a mesmerist can have two tricks implanted at once. Gain an additional every 4 levels after 5th

Mental Potency: increase the HD affected by 1, when casting illusion/enchantment spells

Glib Lie: At 11th level, a mesmerist can deceive truthdetecting magic. A creature using this sort of magic against the mesmerist must succeed at a caster level check against a DC of 15 + the mesmerist’s class level to succeed (as if the mesmerist were under the effect of a glibness spell); failure means the magic doesn’t detect the mesmerist’s lies or force him to speak only the truth. This ability does not give the mesmerist the glibness spell’s bonus on Bluff checks.


1) Spell Focus Enchantment
3) Greater Spell Focus Enchantment
5) Skill Focus - Use Magic Device
7) Spell Penetration
9) Greater Spell Penetration
11) Arcane Blast


Reactionary & Brevoy Bandit


Acrobatics +14
Bluff +18
Diplomacy +14
Disguise +7
Escape Artist
Intimidate +12
Knowledge Arcana +7
Knowledge Dungeon +5
Knowledge History +5
Knowledge Local +8
Knowledge Nobility +5
Knowledge Religion +5
Linguistics +7
Perception +17
Profession Jeweler +10
Sense Motive
Sleight of Hand
Spellcraft +14
Stealth +12
Use Magic Device +27(10 rank + 4 cha + 6 focus + 3 class + 3 circlet)

Gear: 16192 gp 3 sp 5 cp - 750gp + 11792 -375-750

Longspear / 5 gp / 9 lbs
Dagger / 2 gp / 1 lbs
Dagger / 2 gp / 1 lbs
+1 Light Crossbow / 35 gp / 4 lbs
(10) Crossbow Bolts / 1 gp / 1 lbs
(10) Salt Blanched Crossbow Bolts / 201 gp / 1 lbs
(20) cold iron bolts / 4 gp / 2 lbs
(10) silver blanched bolts / 6gp / 1 lbs
Antitoxin / 50gp
Feather Token (whip)
Circlet of Persuasion (head, +3 charisma checks)
Cloak of Resistance +3 (shoulder)
Boots of Escape (feet, teleport 30’ when grappled, pinned)
First Aid Gloves (hands)
Lupine Robe (body, +1d6 to dex/int/cha 4/day or 1d10 w/ 2 used)

Lesser, Rod of Metamagic Piercing
Lesser, Rod of

+1 Chainshirt

** Acid Flask
** Acid Flask
** Cure Light Wounds
** Alchemist Fire
** Cure Moderate Wounds
** Potion Lesser Restoration
** Potion Touch of Sea (x2)
** Air Crystal (x3)
** Potion Lesser Restoration

Spring Loaded Wrist Sheath
1) Lesser Rod of Metamagic Piercing
2) Scroll Heal

Scrolls/Wands/Other in Handy Haversack:

Scroll Heightened Awareness (+2 perception, +2 trained knowledge checks, 10 min)

Scroll Comprehend Languages (The spell enables you to understand or read an unknown language, not speak or write it, 10 min)

Scroll Obscuring Mist (20' radius, centered on self, 1 minute)

Scroll Color Spray (DC 12)

Scroll Solid Fog

Scroll Blur (3 minutes, 20% miss chance)

Scroll Knock

Scroll Glitterdust (Will DC 12)

Scroll Tongues (speak an understand any language, 50 minutes)

Scroll Fireball (x4) (Ref DC 14, 5d6 fire damage, UMD DC 25)

Scroll Dimension Anchor (UMD DC 27)

Scroll Lightning Bolt (5d6 electrical damage, UMD 25)

Scroll Haste (UMD DC 25)

Scroll Haste (UMD DC 25)

Scroll Arcane Eye

Scroll Glibness (CL 5th, lasts 50 minutes, +20 bluff check to pass lies off as truth)

Scroll Honeyed Tongue (CL 3rd, lasts 30 minutes, roll diplomacy twice & taker better result)

Scroll Remove Blindness/Deafness

Scroll Heal (UMD DC 31 for WIS + UMD DC 31 for scroll)

Scroll Invisibility Sphere (CL 3rd, lasts 6 minutes)

Wand Longstrider (44 charges)

Wand Cure Light Wounds (28 charges)

Wand Cure Light Wounds (50 charges)

Wand Magic Missile (43 charges)

Wand Infernal Healing (100 charges)

Wand Lucky Number (50 charges)



PP: 36 / Fame: 44

Emerald Spire I: Tower Ruins / 3 xp / 2 pp / +1418gp
Access to: "clanky's arm" (masterwork club, cannot be enchanted, limit 1), potion cure mod, wand cure light (20 charges, 300 gp, limit 1), ring feather falling (2500gp)

Emerald Spire II: The Cellars / 3 XP / 4 pp / +1586gp
Access to: horn of fog (2000gp), potion cure moderate (300gp), scroll fireball (375gp), scroll fly (375gp), belt of mighty constitution +2 (4000gp), silversheen (250gp), spire transport token (600gp, limit 1, use token to transport to surface)

Emerald Spire III: Splinterden / 3 XP / 4 pp / +3711gp
Access to: greenblood oil (100gp, limit 2), potion invisibility (300gp), spire transport token (600gp, limit 1)

Emerald Spire IV: Godhome / 1 XP / 1 pp / +1600gp
Access to: nothing

bought: potion cure moderate wounds, wand of cure light (20 charges), scroll glitterdust, 2 spring loaded wrist sheath

Temple of Empyreal Enlightenment / 1 XP / 1 pp / +1880gp
Access to: +1/+1 Spell storing quarterstaff (10600, inflict moderate wounds stored), bag of holding type I (2500gp), manual of calm reflection (4000gp, +1 vs mind-effect spells), potion lesser restoration (150gp)

Storming the Diamond Gate / 1 XP / 1 pp / +1293gp
Access to: +1 seeking arrows, diamond of demon seeking, lesser extend metamagic rod, potion cure moderate, scroll dimensional anchor, scroll see invisibility, scroll magic circle against chaos

Bought: scroll fireball, scroll blur, scroll dimensional anchor, scroll see invisibility

Emerald Spire V: The Drowned Level / 1.5 XP / 2 pp / +2400gp
Access to: headband of inspired wisdom (4000gp), potion water breathing (750gp), ring of protection +1 (2000gp)

Bought: scroll fireball (750gp), wand magic missile (750gp)

Emerald Spire VI: Clockwork Maze / 1.5 XP / 2 pp / +3378gp
Access to: amulet natural armor +1, belt of mighty constitution +2, spire transport token (limit 2), Western Star ioun stone

Bought: scroll tongues, scroll comprehend languages, scroll fireball, scroll lightning bolt

Emerald Spire VII: Shrine of the Awakener / 3 XP / 4 pp / +8706gp
Access to: minor ring of fire resistance (12000) spire transport token (600)

Emerald Spire VIII: Circle of Vissk-Thar / 3 XP / 4 pp / +11807gp
Access to: +2 dagger, necklace of adaption, wand of cure moderate wounds

Bought: lesser metamagic rod piercing (3000gp)

Emerald Spire IX: Spire Axis / 1.5 XP / 2 pp / +7441gp
Access to: morlock hide, potion of barkskin (CL 12th, 1200gp, limit 1), spire transport token (limit 2), western star ioun stone (4000gp)

Bought: scroll heightened awareness (25gp), scroll glibness (525gp, CL 7th), scroll honeyed tongue (200gp, CL 4th), handy haversack (2500gp), wand of CLW (750gp), 2 scroll communal resist energy (750gp)
Sold: masterwork backpack (25gp)

Emerald Spire X: Magma Vault / 1.5 XP / 4 pp / +8883gp
Access to: chaotic outsider slaying arrow (2282gp), belt of giant strength +2, wand of shield (CL 1, 22 charges, 33gp, limit 1)

Bought: 2 spire transport tokens (1000gp),

Emerald Spire XI: Tomb of Varrix / 1.5 XP / 2 pp / +8933gp
Access to: heavy steel shield +3, +2 ring of protection (8000gp), spire transport token (500gp), staff of fire (18950gp)

Bought: scroll of fireball (375gp)

Emerald Spire XII: Autotamon Forge / 1.5 XP / 2 pp / +11787gp
Access to: +1 anarchic greatsword, bracers of armor +4, scarlet & blue ioun stone, western star ioun stone, spire transport token

Bought: boots of escape (8000), scroll fireball (375), scroll heal (1125), wand infernal healing x2 (1500), wand clw (750), scroll arcane eye (700), scroll haste (375), scroll

Emerald Spire XIII: Pleasure Gardens / 1.5 XP / 2 PP / +11807gp
Access to: +2 Frost Longsword, +3 Cloak of Resistance, Figurine of Wonderous Power Bronze Griffon, Necklace of Fireballs VI, Wand of Lightning Bolt

Bought: scroll fireball (375gp), scroll haste (375gp), scroll haste (375gp), scroll arcane eye (700gp), increased cloak resistance from +2 —> +3 (5000gp), Wand Lucky Number (750gp)

Emerald Spire XIV: Throne of Azlant / 1.5 XP / 2 PP / 11787 gp

Access to: blessed book (12500), dark blue rhomboid ioun stone (10000), Eastern Star ioun stone (6000), spire transport token (600), staff of swarming insects (

Bought: scroll haste (750gp), scroll lightning bolt (375gp), scroll (22800)

Land Rush Buys:

A: starting spot
B2: +1 prestige/fame point
D2: regain 2 spent prestige points
B5: +1 prestige/fame point
B6: +1 prestige/fame point