DM Kludde |


DM Kludde |

Still waiting for cuatroespada, but posting the first gameplay item.
You have been stationed at the Grand Lodge in Absalom, awaiting assignment for a mission of utmost importance. Things finally seemed in motion when Venture-Captain Drandle Dreng sent out a summons for available agents. Specialized in the history of Absalom, Dreng is known for putting off-duty agents to work on sundry tasks when he finds them resting within the city’s limits.
Coming to the meeting place—an odd choice of venue, as it is a street corner far from the Grand Lodge—a lone beggar garbed in baggy robes approaches. The only figure visible in the constant drizzle, the beggar sticks out his hands for currency. “Have you any coin to spare, fine folk?”
The question hangs in the air for only a scant moment before the figure pulls back his hood to reveal the wizened face of Venture-Captain Drandle Dreng. He gives a crooked smile, soaked head to toe from his unprotected time in the rain. His clothes smell faintly of cabbage.
“Sorry about that,” he says with a wink. “I always like to play a little joke on agents when I stumble across them during my jaunts into town. Now, why did I summon you fine folk here again...?” Dreng shakes his head from side to side, as though trying to knock water out of his ears, despite the constant downpour.
Ah yes, the Wounded Wisp! I’m undercover now and can’t stray far from the site I’m watching, but I need someone to retrieve a package for me from that fine establishment. It’s among Absalom’s most storied taverns, you see, and one that holds a special place of privilege in the Society’s lore as the place where the organization began. Well, I could drone on and on about it, but standing out in the rain is doing none of us any favors.” As if anticipating agreement, the bedraggled venture- captain produces a small slip of folded paper from one of his many stitched pockets. Dreng quickly shows a glimpse of the page’s contents: a map detailing the location of the Wounded Wisp bar.
“The bartender is a woman by the name of Heryn Gale, a fine lady who came to own the Wisp after the passing of her father from—oh, bah, it’s really getting too cold for me to give a proper history lesson! If you could just go to the Wisp, and tell Heryn you’re there to pick up my parcel, it would be most appreciated. I’ll be around here for several more hours at least.”
Ask your questions, but don't catch a cold! K(history) is appropriate too, for knowledge on the Wounded Wisp

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A short, reed-thin form freezes in alarm as the grubby beggar speaks to him. The figure is visible as little more than a shadow in the rainy afternoon, his dark grey skin matching the gloom of the day perfectly. He wears an odd armored coat, small discs of steel and miniature plates of leather and horn sewn onto it piecemeal, and a closer look reveals that his skin is similarly scattered with odd designs. White dots on his dark skin form spirals, jagged zigzags, and other odd geometric patterns, though these patterns are marred in places by scar tissue. One particularly large patch of scar, a lighter grey than the surrounding skin, obliterates all but the edges of an intricate dot-pattern on the small person’s left cheek.
”Are you Dreng?” the figure asks quietly as he realizes the beggar is not what he seemed. ”I am Kesuraman,” he says, his voice barely audible above the splash and patter of rain. A glance around shows him that others have gathered to meet this pretend beggar. Must be other Pathfinders. Is this how they always meet? This organization will take some getting used to.
He shifts a belt that runs diagonally across his scrawny chest, its burden of small bottles, flasks and vials shifting and rattling slightly as he does so. ”If you don’t mind my asking, what’s this package we’re to pick up? And should we bring it back to you here? Anything we should know about this Heryn, aside from her having inherited a tavern?”

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Knowledge History: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19
A well dressed Elf steps forward. By the bow and sword she wears so casually, you would guess that she were just another ranger, but she gives off an aura of power that belies her arcane specialties.
"There should not be any problem with this. Just retrieve the package and meet you here, right?"

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A tall, athletically built teifling pushes himself away from the wall he had been leaning against as the beggar moved over and spoke. His movements exude an almost feline quality. A long sinewy tail whips around and up into a pouch at his belt before depositing a pair of coins into his hand just as the Venture Captain reveals himself.
The man's chest is wrapped in fitted armor made up of what looks to be leather plates or stripes. A long tapered sword rests at his hip, and just under the white cloak he wears on his back, there appears to be the tattered remains of another darker colored cloak.
Ah well not quite the adventure I had hoped for, but even in the small tasks one can find great adventure. I am Taelbin Morro.

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A powerfully built half elf stands to the side calmly listening to Drengs instructions. He casually puts the coins he was about to give the beggar back in his pouch.
He bears the Symbol of Iomedae upon his chest, an Elven blade at his side and a spiked gauntlet on his hand.
"Sounds to me like a test, lets get this done so we can move onto greater tasks"

DM Kludde |

Dreng responds to Kesumaran's question: “Before you judge, despite my current attire, I’m still a man of taste. The parcel is actually a special vintage of wine from the cellar of the Wounded Wisp. I’ve been sampling their finer wines in descending order of bottling. I dare not disappear from my current role in this district, but I also would appreciate some comfort items. After all, I doubt anyone would judge a supposed beggar sipping from a bottle of wine.”
The Wounded Wisp was a bar once frequented by the original members of the Pathfinder Society before the Society was even formed. Inside the Wisp, acquaintances would share stories about their adventurous exploits with one another. Many volumes of the Pathfinder Chronicles came together under the Wisp’s roof. Famous Pathfinders like Eando Kline and the Seeker Osprey often stopped by for a drink while they relaxed in Absalom between assignments. Though not officially affiliated with the Society, the bar maintains good relations with Pathfinders, offering discounts and prompt service. The owners have always kept themselves and the Wisp afloat through the generosity of Society agents who spend coin at the establishment.

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A tall, golden-haired half-orc woman carrying a well-worn scythe reaches for her coin pouch as the apparent beggar speaks. After listening to the Venture Captain's request, and her new companion's comments, she replies, "Well, the last time I was asked to fetch an item for the Society it ended up being... a little more complicated."
As the party heads off toward the Wounded Wisp, she tosses a handful of copper pieces to Dreng, with a wink of her own.

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I think I have all the necessary information down. I completely changed what I was going to do. Anyway dotting and going to bed, but I'll post in the morning.

DM Kludde |

Haha. Drengle manages a laugh despite the cold rain. Well, this time there won't be an imp guarding it. Heryn is not that scary.

DM Kludde |

Built from dark, discolored wood, the exterior of the Wounded Wisp is the image of an iconic dive bar. Stained and barred windows obscure direct vision into the establishment, though ruddy yellow light bleeds from a window in the front hall. The only distinguishing feature on the Wisp’s exterior is a thick wooden sign hanging from above the bar’s entrance. A brass ring fitted onto the sign anchors a lantern—referred to by the staff as “the wisp”— that hangs there during the evening hours.
A long wooden hallway is the entrance to the Wounded Wisp, and heads north into the building itself. The walls are covered in numerous decorations and trophies left by successful Pathfinders who’ve donated minor paraphernalia to the bar. A teenager half-elf works a coat check on the side of the hallway, for those who do not want to lug their equipment in. Coats and mantles hang on the racks, and various items lie scattered on the shelves: backpacks, bags, and even a large shield embossed with the face of a lion.
The smell of smoke and spilled ale assails the senses in this wide-open area. Walls of dark-stained wood make up the sides of the Wounded Wisp, while well-used wooden tables are spread throughout the space. A raised area in the back of the establishment houses several additional tables and eating areas for groups seeking more than just a good drink. An austere bar supported by kegs instead of wooden panels commands the northern end of the room. A stained-glass cabinet stands behind the bar, its dark panes cracked in several spots, yet not so opaque as to conceal the several dozen types of hard liquor within.
The bar is staffed by a single woman, who is cleaning some glasses at the moment.
From a table in the corner, a halfling woman is waving enthusiastically. Zlata! Fancy you here!

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Kesuraman makes his way into the Wisp, moving nearly as quietly as the shadow he so resembles and studying the place without speaking.
He approaches the bar and says to the barkeep, "Wine, red. The darkest you've got. " Laying a few coins on the bar, he's about to ask her about Heryn when the halfling calls out to Zlata. Hmm, seems one of us has a connection here, that could be useful. I'll let this play out before asking to talk to the owner of the place. Folk don't always welcome inquiries from my kind.

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As Amelia enters the bar, he hears someone call for Zlata, and looks over at him "You should see what she wants.. I will get the package while you do that."
She walks up to the bar and waits for the barmaid to fill Kesuramans order before calling her over.

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A tall Varisian woman smiles softly as the beggar asks for coin and begins to check her person. Despite her regal posture, she seems unperturbed by the downpour perhaps even reveling in the exposure. She is about to produce some spare change for the man when he reveals himself to be the Venture-Captain who summoned her.
She listens attentively as he explains their mission, a simple retrieval, accepting the map when no one else does.
"Ready when all of you are," she announces.
* * * * *
When they arrive at the Wounded Wisp, the mysterious stranger follows the Wayang to the counter. "Red wine sounds delicious, friend," she says; then, giving the bartender a friendly smile, "I'll have some as well."

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Kesuraman looks up quickly, his eyes wide in alarm, as the tall Varisian woman appears at his side, towering over him and…offering to join him in a drink? I must remember that not everyone shuns my people, and that Pathfinders are more likely to be open to strangeness than most. It’s why I joined their Society, after all.
Calming down, he smiles tentatively back at the woman, his smile twisted slightly on the left side by the large patch of scar tissue on his cheek, and says, ”Hello. We didn’t get to meet each other, back there in the rain. I am Kesuraman Api.” What do I do now? Is this when they shake hands? Or should I raise my glass to her? Or would that be flirting? Fitting into this place may be harder than I thought.

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Seeing the discomfort of the Wayang, Amelia gives him an impish little grin "Well met. I have not had the pleasure of meeting a Wayang yet. I look forward to getting to know you! I am Amelia Rose." She says as she extends a hand to both kesuraman and laetshi in turn.

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Asterion walks in assesses the room and then walks to the Bar, he slides his mask off his face, he has a grin under there you, as if he is in wonderment at the paraphenalia filling this place. He orders a mead.

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The pleasure of meeting a Wayang? Kesuraman thinks in surprise. Perhaps what they told me as a child was not true, that I would surely be regarded as bizarre or worse...though I have not seen others of my kind in this place either.
He reaches out a hand to Amelia Rose, his fingers extremely long and stick-thin and shakes her hand, first very loosely, then slightly too firmly, as he tries to figure out this custom while engaging in it. "Thank you," he says to her, "meeting you is nice."
Is that right? Is that what one is supposed to say?

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Taelbin moves through the bar with an casual pace, checking his small backpack and bow with the half-elf before continuing his way to the bar. He stops for a moment at the shout, but continues on to stand near the rest.
A drink sounds like a great start. So have any of you been with the Society for long?

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"Only a short time, I'm recently from Kenabres by way of Kyonin, seems I need to get out there and get myself more seasoned so that I can serve the Inheritor more effectively"

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Laetshi laughs lightly at the wayang's awkwardness. "My name is Laetshi, and it is nice to meet the two of you as well," she says raising her glass.

DM Kludde |

Amelia, Kesuraman and Laetshi are joined by Taelbin and Asterion at the bar, where the bartender - who everyone addresses as 'Heryn' - serves wine and mead to the Pathfinders.
Zlata is distracted for a moment, and then sees the familiar face of Janira waving as her. Zlata, how are you doing. I was just telling the new confirmers about you, and our mission the Kortos mounts. There's indeed a group of junior-looking pathfinders at her table, and a particularly young half-elf can be seen to barely suppress an 'ooh'.
Love the roleplaying, guys!

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On hearing Taelbin's question, Kesuraman lowers his glass from his lips and replies shyly, "This is my first assignment with the Society. I don't really know how this all works, and we didn't get much chance to ask the Venture-Captain questions. Are you all senior Pathfinders? I hope I can be helpful." And not blow anyone up...
He turns to the bartender, clears his throat to bolster his courage, and says somewhat nervously, "It seems you are Heryn. A friend, name of Dreng, asked us to come and pick something up from you. From your cellar, he said. When you have a moment, could we collect it?"

DM Kludde |

Kesuraman asks Heryn about the package. Yes, Drengle's package. I'll bring you to the wine cellar to pick it up, once I have a moment to leave the bar. My replacement will be in soon, so if you just have a couple of minutes of patience? I see your friends have some acquaintances here, so make yourself at ease.
Janira and her group are not the only patrons of the wisp at this moment. Clearly recognisable in one corner are the Boartusk twins: a male and female half-orc, Garl, and Shrade "There's nothing an axe can't fix" Boartusk got field commissions when they saved the lives of some pathfinders in Lastwall, and they're now sharing a mug of ale with some other members of the society.
The other patrons of interest may be less familiar faces to the society: The military historian Yargos Gill bears no direct affiliation with the Society. Despite this, Gill has often found himself wrapped up in the Society’s affairs and he has come to accept the Pathfinders as allies. The older man is sipping from an oversized flagon of ale while reading through a large and ominous- looking tome.
A devout inquisitor of Sarenrae, Aram bin Kaleel owns Kaleel’s Curiosities, a shop in the Coins district. At least once a month, Aram comes to the Wounded Wisp to chat with fellow Pathfinders, discussing matters of adventure and faith in equal measure.

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"We would be happy to await your convenience, ma'am!" Amelia tells Heryn, then turns back to the others "I have only been on one mission so far but I spent the entirety of the mission as an ape because of some really messed up mist! I do hope that this one goes better...

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As an ape? Taeblin is unable to keep the surprise off of his face. Now that is a story that must be heard. If not now, another time. As for myself, I more or less stumbled into the Society. Helping what turned out to be some members with a local problem of a town I was passing through. They pointed me toward Absalon and just recently I completed my first mission as an official Pathfinder.

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Amelia laughs at the surprised revulsion that Taelbin displays at her statement. "Yep. As an ape. I got a summons to go see a man, and well, long story short, there was some bad stuff going on, and some of it turned me into an ape until we could fix everything.. it was quite unpleasant!"

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Zlata breaks into a wide grin as she sees her old supervisor. "Janira! So good to see you again. That was an interesting mission; I wasn't expecting to have to defeat a dragon so soon in my career," she says mischievously, following it up with a laugh at the new recruits' expressions. "But I'm sure this one will go much smoother. Watch out for minotaurs!" she continues with a smile, also giving a cordial nod to her fellow Silver Crusader bin Kaleel before heading back to rejoin her own party at the bar in time to catch the end of Amelia's story.
"Well, I'm sure you made a very... uh, pretty ape," she says uncertainly. "Nothing quite that strange has happened in either of my official missions, though I did very nearly meet Pharasma."

DM Kludde |

Haha, Zlata. Ever the jester. Yes, we'll be sure to watch out for minotaurs, you watch out for little blue fey, will you? I'll be around here, so if you ever need some healing, don't be a stranger, ok? Aram bin Kaleel nods back at Zlata as she passes by.
The tavern is abuzz about a rumour about a Mendevian crusader, Sir Reinhart of Kenabres, who recently arrived from the north. As rumour has it, he plans on attempting the Test of the Starstone, the legendary trial by which one might ascend to godhood.
After some time, a replacement for Heryn shows up and takes over the bar. Heryn patiently wraps up her work, and looks to be ready to escort to the adventurers to the basement.
You can finalise your chats with the npc, start new ones, or head downstairs. By now I've linked a map (found at the top of the page: "Map and Handouts". Please take a moment to jot down your initiative, and add your avatar to the drawing

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Kesuraman quiets down a bit, unaccustomed to so much conversation and content to let the others chat for a bit. When Heryn indicates she's ready to go, he nods and gestures for her to lead the way.
DMK - Looks like avatars and initiative are already on the map page. Is there something more you want us to do? If it's about marching order, Kesuraman will not go first. Last is a possibility.

DM Kludde |

Heryn escort the adventurers down into the basement. The basement of the Wounded Wisp is a stonework affair, and Heryn explains that it has had its foundation strengthened following a significant donation by a Society member (Selmius Foster’s assistant Adolphus) only to suffer damage during the quake of 4698.
A set of wooden stairs descends from the main floor into this tightly packed storeroom. Barrels, boxes, and crates of assorted foodstuffs and drink garnishes are pushed against the walls or under the stairs.
A door leads to the next room. Formerly a meeting room where the staff of the Wounded Wisp could converse or take time off between shifts, this chamber suffered significant damage during the earthquake of 4698 ar. Several fissures split the floor, leading down to an equally damaged section of the city’s sewer system. We had that plank - eh - installed after the quake. You'll have to be very careful, if you move too fast it might break and dump you into the pit below.
You can move at quarter speed past the plank. If you have disable device, you can try to reinforce it, removing the threat
Finally, the last room holds the wine cellar, where Heryn points out Dreng's vintage wine. As soon as one of the party grabs the bottle, a panel slide away, revealing a room beyond.
A sturdy silver chain jutting from the ceiling ends in a glowing orb that radiates yellow light across the rectangular room. A simple desk of polished wood, stacked with documents and scattered notes, shelters a pair of wooden chests against the south wall. A series of cracks along the eastern and western walls form makeshift entrances into exposed caverns.

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Amelia laughs at Zlatas comment about being a "pretty ape". "Well, pretty would be in the eye of the beholder, but all that hair! And not being able to cast.. I was reduced to just hooting and throwing stuff. Not to mention all the itching.." Amelia trails off into silence as the bartender approaches and follows the group downstairs. She carefully maneuvers over the plank and then follows Heryn to the back. When the panel slides back, she jumps in surprised alarm, looking about to see if that was what was supposed to happen. She then peers through the panel at the room beyond.
Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22

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Well that is quiet the story, Amelia. Sounds like a great adventure. Hopefully I will get a chance at an adventure like that.
Taelbin can't hide the excitement in his feline-like eyes as he imagines the adventure possibilities.
Once Heryn leads the group down to the cellar, Taelbin eagerly follows listening to the history of the place, moving across the plank slowly.
In the wine room, Taelbin will move to to grab the bottle, his eyes widening as the door slides open.
Well, well, well. What do we have here?
Taelbin's free hand idly slips down near the hilt of his sword.

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Kesuraman is more comfortable down in the shadowy basement than he was in the crowded taproom above, but he startles when the panel slides away, not expecting such a thing in a wine cellar. "Um, Heryn," he asks, "is this part of picking up Dreng's bottle? Are we supposed to go in there?"
He looks around at his new-found companions, noting that Taelbin seems eager to see where the hidden door leads, though cautious as well. "You want to take a look in there, don't you, Taelbin? I admit, I'm a little curious as well."

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Asterion carefully maneuvers over the plank and makes his way to the wine cellar. He has been listening to the conversation of his companions and stands beside Kes.
He looks towards Heryn awaiting her answer

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Taelbin glances back at the small Wayang, looking slightly confused.
Don't you? This has to be part of what Venture-Captain Dreng wanted us to do. This is some sort of test, right Heryn?
You can tell there is no sarcasm, contempt, or guile in his voice, it seems Taelbin truly believes that there would be no other explanation for this secret door to be here other than you all to check it out.
Sorry if Taelbin comes out a little strange. I'm trying to do the newbie that looking for adventure around every turn.

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Zlata follows the group down to the cellar, moving carefully across the plank. As the panel opens, she utters a small, resigned sigh. "Like I said," she mutters, "a little more complicated."
Scythe in hand, she cautiously enters the concealed room and looks around.
Perception: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 1 = 10

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Asterion follows Zlata into the room. Drawing his Elven Curved Blade as he goes, he tries to mimic and co-ordinate with Zlata's tactics for room coverage.
Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (4) + 9 = 13

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Kesuraman peers curiously into the opening, then follows the others through it, his hand straying absently to the belt of flask and vials strung across his chest.
Perception : 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18

DM Kludde |

Repeatables: 1d6 ⇒ 3
init, Amelia: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19
init, Asterion: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 = 15
init, Kesuraman: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16
init, Laetshi: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22
init, Taelbin: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7
init, Zlata: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (1) + 0 = 1
Init, mooks: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6
While the adventurers move into the newfound room, Heryn stands back, completely perplexed. Suddenly, a chittering sound emerges from the passages that lead out to the chamber, and two spiders emerge!
Heryn screams This is not my things guys, I'll just be in the main storeroom...

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I placed myself in the room next to Zlata where I stated I was
Move action -> Studied target spider on my side (+1 Th and Damg)
"Lets see how we work as a team, those who can come in beside me and Zlata to support"
5 foot step to the spider and then attack it.
Elven Curved Blade attack and damage: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 111d10 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9