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79 posts. Organized Play character for TobiasBlues.
Taelbin Morro
Common, Infernal
Character Sheet
Magus (Eldritch Scion) 1
PFS #: 108064-6 XP: 1 PP: 0 Fame: 2
Gear: Magus Kit(Minus backpack & torches), Masterwork Backpack, 50' Silk Rope, 40 gold
Class Abilities: Bloodline - Arcane Eldritch Pool (SU) - 4 points Spell Combat - Only usable while in a state of mystic focus (see Eldritch Pool)
Spells Known: Cantrips - Detect Magic, Prestidigitation, Read Magic, Spark 1st - Shocking Grasp, Infernal Healing
Feats: 1st: Toughness
Traits: Dueling Cloak Adept Unpredictable
Favored Class Bonus - Magus 1 - Skill