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Use this thread for out of character discussions and off topic conversations. This way, we can keep the Gameplay tab in character, and reading like a story.
Also, please give me the following information:
Player Name:
Character Name:
PFS # :
Faction :
Day Job Roll :
Standard Advancement or Slow?:
When you have time, please skim my profile to see my expectations and what you can expect from me. They are all fairly standard, but good to review.
Finally, what is special/unique about your character? This includes both crunch and fluff.
I haven't received the scenario yet, so the plan is still to begin on the 5th. I will add a link to the maps when I get that.

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I will make a basic action for you if you are silent more than 24 hours during combat or an important skill challenge.
If you make a BotMe! Spoiler in your profile, that will tell me what to do. Otherwise, I will attempt to choose an action which fits with your posting history so far.

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Player Name: Skorn (Harry)
Character Name: Dolamite
PFS # : 3387-18
Faction : GA
Day Job Roll : Profession Soldier: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23
Day Job, Shirt Roll : Profession Soldier: 1d20 + 8 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 8 + 3 = 26
Standard Advancement or Slow?: Standard
Master of Many Styles lets me have two styles active:
Pummelign Style allows Pummeling Charge (like Pounce) Pummeling Bully adds a reposition or trip attempt at the end if I hit.
Dragon Style lets me charge through difficult terrain and add 1.5X strength for my first attack each round.
Ki Points - normal stuff
Warpriest Blessings and Ferver
Dolamite is an Oread of crystal form - Just waiting for someone to shoot a ray at him so he can reflect it. Has not happened yet.

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Player Name: GM PDK
Character Name: Jeydahvu
PFS # : 4456-6
Faction : Scarab Sages
Day Job Roll : None
Standard Advancement or Slow?: Standard
Special Crunch: this is a bloodrager with earth bloodline and Tyranny of Winds (Part 1) boon; therefore - starting at level 4 - his Charisma is considered 2 higher for purposes of bloodrager spells.
Special Fluff: there is no fluff on this character - just rock hard granite skin! He goes by the name of 'Jeydahvu of the Scorpion Coast.' One day, his secluded village met with a Pathfinder team. They acted honorably and helped the oread against their enemies. Since then, Jeydahvu has been traveling, learning and sharing. He wishes to serve the Society as a way to thank them, so that one day, when he is much older, he can retire to his village and rest his bones against the Deepstones and teach what he learned to the young ones.

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This is the character I was planning to bring, but I may have something else available in tier that is a better fit for the party. I will post again when everyone else has checked in.

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Player Name: Amazing Red(Peter)
Character Name: Warden Jax
PFS # : 20056-22
Faction : Sovereign Court
Day Job Roll : Perform(Stringed): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (19) + 8 = 27
Standard Advancement or Slow?: Standard
Special: Mechanically, he's pretty standard inquisitor, but he's also a laid back rock star who calls everyone man. However, when he needs to be un-excellent to people, he can take 10 on intimidate checks.

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If Race for the Runecarved Key finishes up by the 5th I should be able to bring my Archer. Otherwise it looks like it will be Arion for me. I have a stable full of level 3s, but they're all front liners as well.

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I've been reading the recruitment threads and I still missed all of my mustering calls... ugh.
Player Name: Chadius
Character Name: Aquavius
PFS # : 133608 - 13
Faction : Grand Lodge
Day Job Roll : Profession(Sailor): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18
Standard Advancement or Slow?: Standard
Finally, what is special/unique about your character? This includes both crunch and fluff.
As a skald, Aquavius can use her bardic performance to give Raging Song. 3 times a day, anyone who accepts the song can add 1d6 cold damage to all of their strikes for 1 day per round.
Aquavius was a pirate by trade and the only reason she isn't is because the Pathfinder Society is keeping a good eye on her.

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Thanks for posting, everybody. I will get the first post going this weekend, so you can chat in character a bit before we start in earnest on Monday.
One more question: I know this is new, but has anyone played or GM'd this scenario before? If so, did you travel to the Scintillating Hall, the Shining Deep or the Sparklegrim Passage?
Also, have any of these characters encountered Sheila Heidmarch before? (It's a super tiny connection, don't change characters to make it happen.)

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GM, I am thinking of bringing Fingalad, but I'm curious if he would get less gold as a 5th level character than he would at a tier 5-6 table? On the one hand I'm eager to play him, on the other hand I want him to be earning as much $$ as he can so he can get some other purchases sooner. He just leveled up after Runecarved Key, and it would be nice to have some range and arcane in this mostly divine/melee party.

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you'd get out of tier gold so less, yes

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Played it last weekend; we went to the Scintillating Hall.

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GM, I am thinking of bringing Fingalad, but I'm curious if he would get less gold as a 5th level character than he would at a tier 5-6 table? On the one hand I'm eager to play him, on the other hand I want him to be earning as much $$ as he can so he can get some other purchases sooner. He just leveled up after Runecarved Key, and it would be nice to have some range and arcane in this mostly divine/melee party.
Hmmm.. my initial thought was to agree with Jeydahvu. BUT, if I'm reading the subtier rules right, a Level 5 character earns the same out of tier gold whether they are playing up or down. I will ask around to double check!

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that's what I meant GM Ewok; out of tier 5 is less gold than high tier 6-7
caps confused me with his talk of "tier 5-6" :)

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Player Name: caps
Character Name: Fingalad Eldahir
PFS # : 137974-5
Faction : Grand Lodge
Day Job Roll : craft, bows: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23
Standard Advancement or Slow?: Standard!

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Player Name: caps
Character Name: Fingalad Eldahir
PFS # : 137974-5
Faction : Grand Lodge
Day Job Roll : 20 GP
Player Name: Helikon
Character Name: Steinfaust
PFS # : 50731-13
Faction : Scarab Sages
Day Job Roll : 20 GP
Standard Advancement or Slow?: Slow
Player Name: Chadius
Character Name: Aquavius
PFS # : 133608 - 13
Faction : Grand Lodge
Day Job Roll : 10 GP
Player Name: Amazing Red(Peter)
Character Name: Warden Jax
PFS # : 20056-22
Faction : Sovereign Court
Day Job Roll: 50 GP
Player Name: GM PDK
Character Name: Jeydahvu
PFS # : 4456-6
Faction : Scarab Sages
Day Job Roll : -
Player Name: Skorn (Harry)
Character Name: Dolamite
PFS # : 3387-18
Faction : GA
Day Job Roll : 50 GP
APL: 4, so we'll be running Low-Tier
Alright, everybody is checked in! Let's talk dungeons. In case you didn't know, this scenario is very similar to a traditional dungeon crawler. Dungeons can be very fun, or very slow in PbP. So, we are going to set up a few standard operating procedures to speed up the slow parts!
First: Hallways. Where do you want to be in the party order? On Slide 3 is an example hallway. Please place yourselves on that hallway in a pre-agreed upon order. Discussion encouraged.
Second: Traps. Who is going to check for traps? (Can be multiple people) Who is going to attempt to disable them? Will anyone aid that person?
Third: Light. Dungeons are dark. Who is going to be providing light to the party? Who has darkvision?
Fourth: Room entrances. Are there any spells or abilities you want to use before every door? (Detect Magic, Detect Evil, Heightened Awareness, etc.)
Finally, if you want to get tricky and do any stealthing or scouting into the next room, let me know before we resolve the current room. Dungeons have encounters very close together, and I follow the rule of two for moving on. Which means if two people choose a direction or vote to move on, I'll follow their lead. So if you want to do something tricky or planned, please let us all know ahead of time.
Any questions about any of those policies? If not, please discuss how you would like to go about exploring this dungeon!

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First: I recall our party consisting mostly of melee characters, so presumably Fingalad will be at the back. That's fine.
Second: Fingalad has +8 perception. I think the highest bonus character should take 10 and the rest of the party should aid.
Third: Fingalad will be keeping Light going on his bow.
Fourth: Fingalad will be casting detect magic on each room and can use [I]open/close[/i<] to open doors if the party would like.

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Jax uses a glaive so 2nd rank works for him unless someone thinks otherwise. He also has +8 Perception and Darkvision though he can cast light if people need it. He will cast guidance on whoever looks for traps/opens the door.

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Jeydahvu will be in the second row behind heavily armored characters but once combat starts he will advance to face the threat with measured steps, gauging the enemy I.e. no charge unless extreme circumstances... sometimes he will buff in the first round.

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Party Order: Dolamite is happy to be up front even though he has no armor. He will be more happy if someone can use his wand of Mage Armor on him.
Traps: No help here, but Perception is decent as a wisdom based character.
Since he is up front he will always help look for traps.
Light: Dolamite has darkvision.
Room entrances: Dolamite can cast buffs as a swift on his turn but will seldom buff before a door, unless its to re-establish Mage Armor.
Nothing tricky here, except pummeling charges through difficult terrain.

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By the way, I live on the Pacific Coast. I tend to post once in the morning and once in the afternoon/evening. Unless something bad happens, I will always make a major update post and will usually make a small update post.
The player expectation is 1 post every day, but I find a small GM update mid-day usually helps keep everything on track.

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Player Name: GM PDK
Character Name: Jeydahvu
PFS # : 4456-6
Faction : Scarab Sages
Day Job Roll : None
Standard Advancement or Slow?: Standard
Faction : The Concordance - effective immediately with this module. Thanks!

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Probably not as the faction is brand new - however it fits my character 100% better.

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Sorry for the delay!The following apply to those switching to the Concordance faction:
This change costs no Prestige Points.
You keep any benefits earned on your previous faction's Faction Journal Card, but after changing factions, you are no longer able to fulfill goals on the previous faction's cards.
You keep any faction-specific boons earned on Chronicle sheet as part of your previous faction.
If you have a faction trait for your former faction, you have two choices: either keep the trait or replace it with any one of the Concordance faction traits.
You lose access to any purchased faction-specific vanities.
You should perform this change either by August 2nd, 2018 or at the beginning of the next adventure the character plays, whichever occurs last. If during this time you play a scenario that includes a Concordance faction-specific objective and reward, you may switch to this faction at the end of the scenario and potentially earn that reward. This allows a PC to experience what the Concordance values firsthand, make an informed choice, and switch to the faction without missing out on the reward.

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Concordance Faction Card:
INURED TO THE ELEMENTS (2+ goals): Once per adventure before rolling a saving throw against an effect with the acid, air, cold, earth, fire, electricity, or water descriptor, you can gain a bonus on the save equal to 1 + half the number of goals you have completed.
ELEMENTAL RAY (4+ goals): Once per adventure, you can shoot a ray of elemental energy at a target within 30 feet as a spelllike
ability. This is a touch attack that deals a number of points of acid, cold, electricity, or fire damage equal to 1d6 × half your
character level.
ELEMENTAL AEGIS (7+ goals): You begin each day with a shield that functions as protection from energy. Whenever you or
an ally within 30 feet of you would take acid, cold, electricity, or fire damage, the shield absorbs the damage. The shield can
absorb a number of points of damage equal to 3 × the number of goals you have completed, after which the shield dissipates.
Once per adventure when you accomplish one of the following goals, you can check a box that precedes it. Once all of a goal’s boxes are checked, the goal is complete. You earn special rewards based on the number of goals you have completed.
2 - Adventure either on another plane or in the Mana Wastes, the Shackles, or the Worldwound.
2 - Peacefully resolve an encounter with a creature with the air, earth, fire, or water subtype.
2 - Help grow the Concordance by recruiting a named figure with either a significant connection to the natural world (such as a druid) or a significant connection to elemental forces (such as a creature with an elemental subtype). Recruitment requires a successful Diplomacy or Knowledge (local) check with a DC equal to 15 + your character level.
2 - Forgo your Downtime to map ley lines attuned to the elements. Doing so requires a successful Craft (maps), Knowledge (geography), Knowledge (planes), or Profession (cartographer) check with a DC equal to 15 + your character level.
1 - Restore balance to an area by closing a planar portal or removing a significant elemental disturbance.
1 - Recover a valuable magic item that produces an effect that is strongly tied to air, earth, fire, or water during the course of an adventure. To qualify, this item must be worth at least 400 gp plus 100 gp × your character level.
1 - Have a number of ranks in one of the following skills equal to your character level (minimum 4): Diplomacy, Knowledge (nature), or Knowledge (planes).
3/2 - Serve as the GM for an adventure that grants 1 or more XP, and apply credit and the Chronicle sheet to this
character. Checking 3 boxes counts as one goal for the purpose of earning faction rewards; checking all 5
counts as two goals.

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I am leaving for a 10 day trip tomorrow. My posting will be limited to shorter posts from an iPad and likely only in the evenings. Please bot me if I get behind. I travel home on the 17th and should be back to normal on the 18th.

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I would recommend you include some dice rolls in your bot me spoiler tag. I'll do the same tomorrow.

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Dolamite had an existing BotMe! spoiler already. I did not include in D20 role because random is random and I will be happy with any random rolling. Happy to add some d20s if you would like Gm Ewok, but I personally don't see the value.

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Bot me box added to Jeydahvu. Two scenarios: rage or rage+power_attack (melee only; range is possible but complicated and not suitable for botting as he needs to cast magic stone first... would only do that to soften very dangerous undead at a distance)

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I'll try to remember to add a Bot Me box. I really need to come up with a standard format for my PFS characters. I'm using a template for my SFS characters. Does anyone know of a template for PFS characters?

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Heads up: I may not be able to post much in the next 24-48 hours.

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Hi everyone - I just want to reiterate that while I'm here for the ride to happily whack any creature encountered with Jeydahvu's sharp stick, I've already played this Evergreen, and as such I will take a bit of a backseat on the RP in this one, so not as to reveal overmuch.

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Jeydahvu's purchases so far: potion of cure light wounds x2, antitoxin x4, antiplague x2, soothe syrup x2, scrolls: protection from evil x2, enlarge person x4, line in the sand x2, shield x4, stone fist x2, touch of the sea x2.

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Jeydahvu's purchases so far: potion of cure light wounds x2, antitoxin x4, antiplague x2, soothe syrup x2, scrolls: protection from evil x2, enlarge person x4, line in the sand x2, shield x4, stone fist x2, touch of the sea x2.
Jeydahvu's purchases so far: potion of cure light wounds x2, antitoxin x4, antiplague x2, soothe syrup x2, scrolls: protection from evil x6, line in the sand x2, shield x4, stone fist x2, touch of the sea x2.
Enlarge Person doesn't work on oreads so switched those scrolls for additional pro vs. evil ones