[PFS] 6-10 The Wounded Wisp - Table 2 (Inactive)

Game Master Scott Young


I have room for 1 more player in my second table of this game, starting ASAP. Post your PFS-legal 1st level PC here, with more than just stats but including some background. This is a roleplay-heavy, team scenario; please don't submit a silent loner-type or murderhobo sociopath. Preference given to a PC that fits the existing group and GM best.

It would be helpful if we knew what was already in the group. So far all I see is a swashbuckler and a warpriest. Also some indication of how these characters see themselves developing (ranged, support, melee, switch, etc.).

Liberty's Edge

Inquisitor 2 ready and willing, if you are willing to accept a second level character.

Fargrim is a people-person, with an interest in subterfuge that is matched only by her lack of coordination.

(in context, aside from The Confirmation she as also completed The Disappeared and Library of the Lion)

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Scott, I have an idea for a character who starts out something of an odd duck in the Society: Lu was a scout and appraiser for a River Kingdoms bandit gang, sister to the bandit leader. The signifiers of Fort Inevitable tried to inflict a curse on her brother, but it landed on her instead: infused with the power of Moloch, she's now an ifrit oracle of metal. She's useless to her gang of ambush-bandits, and has come to the Pathfinders, volunteering to be a strong arm for the team.

Initial quote: "Every team needs archaeologists, yeah. But you also need muscle, to fend off the gnolls and the zombies. I'm not much for finding lost cities or writing clever reports once we get back, but I can watch your back when you're unsealing the vaults, and I can help make sure you get back home to report."

I'm interested to see how her attitude might change.

She's already played through the first level of the Emerald Spire. (I'm likely making her my Emerald Spire PC.) She'll be taking 2nd level at slow progression.

I've played in a handful of PbP games, years ago, but I've only GMed PFS by PbP.

Existing group is divine warrior, nature-type, panache-type, divine hunter type, and arcane caster type. Submit the PCt you want to play; I also have 2 spaces in Table 3, so there's room for all of you.

Fargrim - 2nd level is fine, but I'll move you to a different table to avoid doubling up in this group. See thread here.

Lu - sounds cool, post the PC so I can see it and we'll put you into this table or table 3.

It seems Table 2 could use a Skill Monkey. So Id like to submit a couple for consideration.

- Segtikk 'Whisper' Erfow, A Gnome Beguiler (straight port of the 3.5 class). A cunning, boisterous little Gnome with a penchant for telling tales, writing stories, and claiming he could disappear with but a thought.

- Raul Corsa, A Samsaran Investigator. On a personal quest to explore the past lifes she actively interacts with, as well as find answers as to what memories are hers, and which ones belong to someone else.

Thanks Tyeal, I will put you on the waiting list... I have a couple of others on there as well. End of today we'll see what spaces are left, and whether Table 4 starts as well.

EDIT: This is a Pathfinder Society game, so no 3.5 material is legal. Check out the Guide to Organized Play for character creation rules for PFS.

The Exchange

Smiley want to play! You put Smiley on waiting list, yes?


Grand Lodge

Eh, figured the Beguiler would be a long shot. It being a pretty niche class. Hopefully Raul gets picked; Been very curious to try out Investigator!

Do you have a boon that allows a Samsaran race to be played? It's not normally allowed for PFS either.

Grand Lodge

Hmm, guess I wouldn't for a level 1 character. Well, there goes that character out the window. Was lookin' forward to playing as her too.

Liberty's Edge

Has 1 Cert for The Confirmation...

Wearing leather and smelling of the forest, a man enters the tavern looking uncomfortable, glancing towards the outside every few seconds. As he get to the bar, he turns and watches the window, peering intently outward. The barman moves towards the man, "can I help? Or are you just standing here getting off the street." Turning back, the tatoo of a wolf, showing on through his shirt and jerkin, the man looks at the barman like a fish out of water. After an uncomfortable delay, he speaks in a full deep and sonorous voice, "Mead?" he asks as he gets some coin from his pocket.

As the barman comes back, he asks "looking for some friends or maybe they left a notice. You got a notice tree?" he asks, before scanning the customers should any have a pathfinder on show.

Sorry, Corrum, but we'll full up now.

Liberty's Edge

No worries, was a long shot ... have a good game..

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