[PFS] 2-13 Murder on the Throaty Mermaid (subtier 1-2) (Inactive)

Game Master chadius

Ship Map

Locations of importance:

  • Aft Deck (Area 1): Ulamon is manning the steering wheel.
  • Main Deck (Area 2): First Mate Marzack Malilk is cleaning up damage from the aquatic elf attack.
  • Fore Deck (Area 3): Anera is on the lookout for signs of more attackers.
  • Captain's Cabin (Area 4): Azuretta and Captain Veane are usually here. The
  • Captain is usually looking through his logbooks, while Azuretta is entertaining someone.
  • Main Hold (Area 6): Shira Acidaxe is the ship's cook.
  • Crew's Cabin (Area 7): Killik is on his cot, waiting for someone to pay him enough to leave.
  • First Mate's Cabin (Area 8): Thanzeril is right outside the murder scene, lamenting his failure.
  • Cargo Hold (Area 9): Velagon keeps track of the company inventory and cargo.
  • Forward Cargo Hold (Area 10): Ol' Snig is usually there.

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2-23 (Thread|Slides) ◆◇↺ |

For the last two months, you have travelled across Golarion aboard a smuggler's ship, the Throaty Mermaid. An Elven diplomat named Sephriel has been the guest of honor aboard the ship, and you have helped ensure his safety.

Two weeks remain, and then you're off this boring job. It's not like anything exciting could happen here...

Liberty's Edge

Female Dwarf Warpriest/1 | AC 20/11/19 | F+4, R+1, W+5 | Per +3, Init +3 | HP 14/14 | Blessings 4/4

Dotting for when we start.

Febida, the sandstone haired Warpriest of Torag, finds herself looking out over the ocean, the smell of seasalt on the breeze. She sighs to herself. "I hope we get home soon. I miss the forge..." She fiddles with the iron holy symbol of Torag around her neck nervously.

Liberty's Edge

F Human (Qadrian Keleshite) Sorcerer (Elemental: fire) 2 ~ AC 12 (t 12) (ff 10) | F+1, R+3, W+3 | CMD 12 | Init +4, Per +0 | HP 10/10


The past few months have been nice. Without the constant need to look over her shoulder, Sahba has become a bit more talkative. She's still not comfortable around men, and especially the sailors, but the time with the men of the party has led her to trust them a bit more.

"I am in no hurry to finish. I have no home to return to anymore. It has been nice to have someone to call friend." ...and I'm not sure I wish to give that up.

Sahba idley dances a tiny flame from finger to finger as she looks out over the water, turning to keep the sailors from noticing the fire. The water still makes her uncomfortable, but the journey hasn't been too unbearable. Even sea rations have been better than what she had been eating. More blessedly, the meals had been consistent. It wasn't the rich fare of her childhood, but it wasn't the empty wanting from her time on the run either.

Liberty's Edge

Female Dwarf Warpriest/1 | AC 20/11/19 | F+4, R+1, W+5 | Per +3, Init +3 | HP 14/14 | Blessings 4/4

If you look at a list of games or threads, there will be a large dot next to the ones you have posted in. That way you can spot them immediately in a large list.

Febida looks around the deck of the ship. "I wonder where our other companions are?"

Seriously, is it just the two of us?

Liberty's Edge

M NG Human Two-Weapon Warrior (Fighter)/3 - HP 26/26- AC 18/T:14/FF:14 (+1 vs. melee while two-weapon fighting) - Perception: +7 - Fort: +4, Ref: +4, Will: +1- (+1 vs. Fear) CMB: +7 CMD 20 - Speed 30 ft. - Init. +3

Although his face looked old to you when you first met him, your time with Kelsier revealed that he is actually very young. No older than 21 at most, although you're unsure of the exact number. He seems to feel very at home aboard the ship, occasionally pitching in with this or that shipboard task. He seems to carry an inordinate quantity of various weapons and adventuring gear. Although he doesn't avoid other people (it's impossible to do on a ship anyway) he doesn't say much.

2-23 (Thread|Slides) ◆◇↺ |

After fifty days at sea, the Pathfinder lodge at Heidmarch Manor in Magnimar is a welcome place to spend the night on dry land. In the shade of the gazebo on the shore of the manor’s exotic carp pond, the resident venture-captain, Sheila Heidmarch, speaks to the assembled Pathfinders in a low, breathy voice.

“I hope you’ve found your brief stay here in the City of Monuments relaxing. The Pathfinder Society owes you a debt of gratitude for engaging in such an important and lengthy mission. When you set out from Absalom nearly two months ago, I’m sure you never anticipated the monotony of a life at sea, but I’m happy we can put you up as the ship restocks before the final leg of the journey to the Mordant Spire."

“Thus far, you have done an excellent job of representing the Society as the escorts of the Mordant Spire’s envoy, the distinguished Sephriel, whom we hope had a productive meeting with the Decemvirate regarding the Azlanti ruins over which the Mordant Spire elves hold such a protective position. If he was pleased with the meeting and doesn’t find you too reprehensible, perhaps we can launch full expeditions into the lost continent of Azlant from this very lodge in the near future.” She winks, and her eyes glance around the assembled agents. With a wry smirk, shecontinues.

“Keep up the good work, and ensure that Sephriel’s final two weeks on the Throaty Mermaid are as pleasant and event-free as they can be on as disreputable a smugglers’ ship as it is. Thus far, it’s provided an unassuming cover for such an important dignitary. Let’s hope the unscrupulous crew delivers their current cargo on time and in pristine condition. When you arrive at Riddleport after dropping Sephriel at the Mordant Spire, a chartered boat will be waiting to take you back to Absalom. May Desna’s blessings be upon you.”

"Are there any questions I can answer for you before you depart?"

You are in the town of Magnimar. Feel free to purchase items and equipment before starting, you won't have a chance to restock once the ship sets sail.

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Feel free to roll Knowledge(History) and Knowledge(Local)/Diplomacy checks to get some background info.

Knowledge(History), DC 10 (can be untrained):

The Mordant Spire holds the remains of the lost Azlant civilization (and its untouched treasures and wealth.) It is also guarded by a society of masked elves.

Knowledge(History), DC 15:

Every few generations, the Decemvirate envoy from the Mordant Spire travels to the Grand Lodge in Absalom to discuss a possible arrangement to allow them access to Azlant’s treasures.

Knowledge(Local) or Diplomacy, DC 10 (can be untrained):

The Throaty Mermaid is a smuggler's vessel of ill repute. Captain Veane is the captain.

Knowledge(Local) or Diplomacy, DC 15:

The Throaty Mermaid's name comes from the ship's figurehead, a mermaid smoking an oversized tobacco pipe.

For those with faction cards, there are additional goals. You find a letter, based on your faction that describes an additional goal.

Andoran Faction:

Defender of Freedom,

Though your current mission puts you at sea for months, you may still be of use to the Eagle Knights and the nation of Andoran. We have obtained a list of the Throaty Mermaid’s crew and believe several of them have information or skills we can use in our efforts to gain control of Absalom.

First, the ship’s navigator, Ulamon, has served on many ships, including the Polished Barnacle, which the Mordant Spire elves destroyed. The Polished Barnacle was among the fleet of Sargavan vessels that defeated Cheliax’s navy in 4643 ar. All of the Barnacle’s crew since received special rings from the Sargavan government that I believe may serve us well in our ongoing feud with the Chelish fleet. Do what you need to in order to gain this from Ulamon.

Additionally, a not-so-secret stowaway on the ship, a wererat named Snig Lacorse, could be used as an asset on another vessel were he spying on Andoran’s behalf. Convince him to disembark in Riddleport where we will place him aboard a more strategically beneficial ship.

For Democracy, Captain Colson Maldris

Cheliax Faction:

Loyal Lovely,

Though your journey at sea will take you through a number of Chelish ports between Absalom and the Mordant Spire, your mission involves tasks I need performed at sea.

Ithas come to my attention that among the Throaty Mermaid’s crew is a half-elven woman with a most curious background and certain exceptional “talents.” She is currently in the employ of the ship’s captain, but I would be ever so grateful if you could negotiate her employment on my behalf. Given her pedigree it would please me greatly to have such an asset among my court.

Additionally, I need you to hide the enclosed coin somewhere on Sephriel’s person. Cheliax has much to gain by learning the secrets of the Mordant Spire and the lost continent of Azlant. Her Majestrix’s best diviners are set to scry on the elven dignitary once he has returned to his island citadel. Do not disappoint me by failing in this.

May Cheliax be ever in your thoughts,
Paracountess Zarta Dralneen

Osirion Faction Handout:

Keeper of Lore,
the waters of the open ocean are quite the contrast to the dry sands of the Osirian desert. Enjoy your time at sea, but serve the Ruby Prince during the voyage.

First, find enclosed a special cabochon from the Ruby Prince himself, which he wishes to be given to Sephriel’s bodyguard, an elf named Thanzeril. He is a vocal proponent for the opening of Azlant ’s ruined shores to the world. the Ruby Prince shares this view of our own desert ruins. Ensure Thanzeril knows he isn’t alone in his desire to see the secrets of the past open to modern man.

Additionally , I’d like you to retrieve the iconic pipe from the throaty Mermaid’s figurehead. With all the ancient relics smuggled by Captain Veane and his crew, having a scrying focus to further
monitor the vessel’s activit ies would be invaluable.

With dedication to knowledge,
Otoneraphim, Humble Scribe of the Ruby Prince

Qadira Faction Handout:

Servant of the Satrap,

Your upcoming assignment on a smugglers’ ship as notable as the Throaty Mermaid is quite a blessing for the mighty Kelesh Empire’s coffers. There are several contacts I wish you to make during your voyage to the Mordant Spire.

First, find a man named Killik, the ship’s medic. He once served aboard a very successful slaving vessel out of the Katapeshi port of Okeno and may have information to offer regarding smuggling in and out of this important city. See what you can glean from him and report it back to me.

It has come to my attention that there is an exotic animal smuggler on board as well, taking a pair of rust monsters to Riddleport. See if he might be open to working with us to bring magical beasts in and out of Katheer and establish a line of communication in the event we may use his services in the future.

In the spirit of profit,
Pasha Muhlia Al-Jakri

Taldor Faction Handout:

Esteemed Agent of the Empire,
I am glad it’s you who will be spending so much time at sea and not me. The salty air is bad for my complexion. Also, while you’re there, you’ll be able to help the Empire maintain our power and glory.

Among the Throaty Mermaid’s crew is a skilled assassin from the Woodbane Hunters guild. I want to hire this woman, named Anera, to eliminate a particularly annoying elven problem I’ve been having. Enclosed is a sealed letter to Anera; ensure that she gets it. If she accepts the assignment, she’ll sign and return the letter to you. In this case, get it to me as soon as you reach land.

I’ve also received a tip that the ship’s cook owns a rare tome on disguising poisons in everyday foods. If you can, bring me her copy of Concocted Libations to Die For. I’ve an upcoming dinner party where it may be useful.

For the Grand Prince,
Baron Jacquo Dalsine

Liberty's Edge

Female Dwarf Warpriest/1 | AC 20/11/19 | F+4, R+1, W+5 | Per +3, Init +3 | HP 14/14 | Blessings 4/4

Uh, none of those factions really exist anymore. Should we go with what they used to be? Liberty's Edge being Andoran? And what if we don't have a faction card? Should we still partake in the extra faction info?

Know: History (Untrained): 1d20 ⇒ 9
Know: Loca (Untrained): 1d20 ⇒ 14

"When do we plan on leaving port tomorrow?"

With her question as well as her companion's questions answered, Febida departs for the night, grateful to have her feet on solid ground once more. She partakes in local brew, as is custom for a dwarf, and finds the local blacksmith. There, she has a new suit of armor fitted for her.

After the fitting, she heads to the nearest Temple of Torag, and if that isn't available to her, she asks the blacksmith if she can pray near the forge.

The next morning, Febida returns to the ship with her new armor, a suit of banded mail topped with her tunic, symbolizing her devotion to Torag and her profession: War Priest.

I'm ready.

Sovereign Court

Male Human Skald (Spell Warrior) 6
HP: (42/42) AC 22 (FF 22, Touch 12) CMD 18 FS +8, RS +6, WS +6, Initiative: +7 Perception: +8

Rolando, though having no sailing experience to speak of, took to the sailor's life well enough. What he lacked in nautical, he made up for with enthusiasm and the ability to carry a tune. Though two months in, his repertoire of songs is nearly exhausted and, after a moment's rest on dry land, he longs for the end of his first-ever assignment.

Knowledge History DC 10: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9

Knowledge History DC 15: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 = 14

Diplomacy DC 10: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18

Diplomacy DC 15: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26

In response to Venture Captian Heidmarch's question, the singer replies: Captain Veane's ship is disreputable to those who get hoodwinked by him, sure, but he's quite reputable if you need important cargo smuggled, which we do. Did you know that the ship's name comes from its figurehead? It's a mermaid smoking an oversized tobacco pipe. Had to get one of the riggers well drunk before I learned that tidbit...

My character hails from Taldor, and he is in the Sovereign Court faction. Does it apply?

And I'm ready as well.

Liberty's Edge

F Human (Qadrian Keleshite) Sorcerer (Elemental: fire) 2 ~ AC 12 (t 12) (ff 10) | F+1, R+3, W+3 | CMD 12 | Init +4, Per +0 | HP 10/10

This will be my first time using the dice ... wish me luck!

Know: History (untrained): 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20
Know: Local (untrained): 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11
Diplomacy (untrained): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17

I too am in the Liberty's Edge faction, ... should I use Andorran?

Shaba wonders whether Ulamon keeps a specific schedule. Had she noticed that during the recent voyage? She can't remember. She also attempts to recall whether he wears any jewelry.

Liberty's Edge

F Human (Qadrian Keleshite) Sorcerer (Elemental: fire) 2 ~ AC 12 (t 12) (ff 10) | F+1, R+3, W+3 | CMD 12 | Init +4, Per +0 | HP 10/10

Happy to have something to add, Sahba speaks up. "So this elf we have been 'protecting' this envoy of the Mordant Spire, right? For all that we have done no more than get wet salt in our clothes and hair," Saba says, shuddering at the thought of being damp. "One of the sailors mentioned the Mordant Spire holds the remains of the lost Azlant civilization. He kept going on about its untouched treasures and wealth, and tried to frighten my with tales of its secret guardians: a society of masked elves."

Sahba looks around after eating a light meal, and notices Febida has already left. It's too bad. The woman was good company, and made her feel safe. Besides, it seems they shared a faction, and could, perhaps, cooperate, if only they had a chance to speak together.

This is the further West Sahba has ever been, and it's all a bit overwhelming. Far from home, the world seems awash with strange languages and peoples. The bazaars of Qadria were eclectic, to be sure, but these streets lack the familiarity of home. Home ... a place she can't return to.

Sahba spends the evening visiting merchants in their shops and stalls, but it isn't the same as home. It smells different here, and everything is so ... foreign. After purchasing a new set of clothes in a local (gleefully discarding the now very tattered—and very sheer—Qadiran cloth), an extra dagger (the shopkeeper seemed reluctant to sell a dagger to a girl so young and alone), and some adventuring gear with the little pouch of money she won gambling with the sailors (starting gold), she spends the rest of her evening alone in her room. And feeling safe. This new life is quite different from her youth, but she is ready.

Grand Lodge

halfling cavalier 1 HP 11/11 AC 20/T14/FF17 F3 R3 W0 Init 3 Per 2/4 stealth 6 cmb +2 cmd 15

diplomacy: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (11) + 9 = 20 using adaptable luck on both rolls
k history untrained: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11

Wilm is an out-going big talking halfling, wearing a jacket of vivid red and green over his armour he hefts an axe the same size as him, though not quite as big as his smile.

During the journey he full of his (and kelsiers) recent exploits where they saved an entire region from an evil curse. Some might be curious whether kelsier would tell it the same way (good luck trying!)

Wilm enjoys hanging out with Ronaldo, sharing songs and stories, although wilm seems pretty untrained and mainly relying on enthusiasm.

He tries to concentrate at the briefing but seems distracted by the mention of mysterious elves. A darker look coming across his eyes and he steals a glance at Kelsier. sounds a bit too similar to what happened last time...

wilm picks up a few odds and ends. nothing major

2-23 (Thread|Slides) ◆◇↺ |

This is what I get for using season 2 faction goals. Please ignore the faction goals.

Liberty's Edge

M NG Human Two-Weapon Warrior (Fighter)/3 - HP 26/26- AC 18/T:14/FF:14 (+1 vs. melee while two-weapon fighting) - Perception: +7 - Fort: +4, Ref: +4, Will: +1- (+1 vs. Fear) CMB: +7 CMD 20 - Speed 30 ft. - Init. +3

faction goals are still fun for flavor. But no, we don't need to do them for prestige or anything mechanical or Crunch-related.

Kelsier keeps quiet through the briefing.

Whenever asked about his exploits with Wilm, he'd just shrug and make a sheepish grin that neither confirmed nor denied Wilm's claims.

no purchases.

-Posted with Wayfinder

2-23 (Thread|Slides) ◆◇↺ |

"I expect you leave port tomorrow afternoon. Be ready by then." Sheila nods at Febida.

“The Envoy, Sephriel, is a representative of the isolationist Mordant Spire elves who have stood guard over the ruins of ancient Azlant for millennia.”

"Of course, to make this difficult he decided to forgo a millitary escort or even a reputable merchant vessel and choose a smuggler's vessel." She rolls her eyes in disbelief. "Make sure those thieves and vagabonds don't cause any trouble. The ship is about 10 days' travel from the Mordant Spire, so ensure his safety for that long."

Everyone dotted into the discussion thread, so we're good to go. Qillian, any purchases or questions you want to make?

Once you finish with questions, Sheila makes some small talk with the group, then eventually excuses herself and wishes you luck.

The next day, you all board The Throaty Mermaid and set sail. Captain Veane mentions he cleaned up the forward cabin (Area 5 on the map), where you have called home for the last 2 months.

Map Details: There are 4 levels to the ship, where the bottom image is the top of the ship. Doesn't make sense to me why the top would be on the bottom, but I'm not a sailor.

A week out from Magnimar in the middle of the Arcadian Ocean, the full moon is out and the deck is empty of crewmen.

Add your icons to the map. You should either be on watch on the main deck (Areas 2) or in your bunks quarters (Area 5).

Liberty's Edge

M NG Human Two-Weapon Warrior (Fighter)/3 - HP 26/26- AC 18/T:14/FF:14 (+1 vs. melee while two-weapon fighting) - Perception: +7 - Fort: +4, Ref: +4, Will: +1- (+1 vs. Fear) CMB: +7 CMD 20 - Speed 30 ft. - Init. +3

Kelsier stands at ease by the bulwark on the main deck, looking out over the ocean.

Placed Kelsier on the map

Liberty's Edge

F Human (Qadrian Keleshite) Sorcerer (Elemental: fire) 2 ~ AC 12 (t 12) (ff 10) | F+1, R+3, W+3 | CMD 12 | Init +4, Per +0 | HP 10/10

Saba remains quietly below, writing in her journal.

On map.

The Exchange

Male Half-Orc Brawler 3 | HP: 27/27 | AC: 18 (12 Tch, 16 Fl) | CMD: 19 / 20 vs trip | F: +5, R: +6, W: +3 | Init: +3 | Perc: +7, SM: +1 | Active conditions: none

"Aye, the Mermaid's a fine ship, and the subterfuge may be more protection than a flashy escort could ever be."

Quillian seems a little less at ease on shore than he did during the entire voyage so far. I wonder if anyone suspects that I once worked on this ship before?

A big, brutish sort of deck hand, he easily could be one of the crew - and even spent many of his days critiquing the deck hands work and showing them other methods for tying down this sail, scrubbing this deck, and so on. A few times, he even reached for one of the whips at his side, but then would catch himself and shake his head. Not my job anymore.

While on board, Qillian spends his time trying to get to know the various members of the crew, both to form some camaraderie, but also as if he is trying to make contacts as well.

Know, local: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15

Qillian will go ahead with the Qadirian faction if your are ok with it. It fits the flavor of his character pretty well, and he has been recently recruited as a member of The Exchange

Liberty's Edge

Female Dwarf Warpriest/1 | AC 20/11/19 | F+4, R+1, W+5 | Per +3, Init +3 | HP 14/14 | Blessings 4/4

Febida finds herself on the topdeck as well. She finds herself alone this time, the breeze of the sea a little more calming than before now that she's used to it.

I really need to preview my posts before I post them. I got ninja'd twice!

Sovereign Court

Male Human Skald (Spell Warrior) 6
HP: (42/42) AC 22 (FF 22, Touch 12) CMD 18 FS +8, RS +6, WS +6, Initiative: +7 Perception: +8

Rolando emerges from belowdecks, smiling at the others.

Smooth sailing so far, huh? I knew this assignment would be a piece of cake. You guys seen anything interesting?

The Taldan is a strange sight, bearing a large flag with the Glyph of the Open Road on it. Not too subtle, is it? he asks.

The Exchange

Male Half-Orc Brawler 3 | HP: 27/27 | AC: 18 (12 Tch, 16 Fl) | CMD: 19 / 20 vs trip | F: +5, R: +6, W: +3 | Init: +3 | Perc: +7, SM: +1 | Active conditions: none

"Um, no. Not so subtle at all..."

Liberty's Edge

F Human (Qadrian Keleshite) Sorcerer (Elemental: fire) 2 ~ AC 12 (t 12) (ff 10) | F+1, R+3, W+3 | CMD 12 | Init +4, Per +0 | HP 10/10

Sahba appreciates the privacy. My, these ship quarters can be cramped!

There were two of me on the map, somehow. I replaced the one that I didn't position with Qillian, as it appears he marked the map, but I didn't see his token.

Hope I didn't overstep.

Also, it appears that the two areas marked #2 are the same level (messy 3-d mapping to account for upper levels of fore and aft of ship). So... Maybe consolidate?

As with QIllian, I would appreciate some more information about the crew: how many, what rotation, who are the named personnel (captain, first mate, navigator, etc.), where does the skinny elf sleep, and other details that we might have noticed during our several months.

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Jeez, this map... Area 2 is indeed shown twice. I'll scrunch you guys onto the 3rd "level" for now.

Many guests have taken voyage upon The Throaty Mermaid, most of them keeping to themselves and taking their leave in Magnimar. It's time to drop off the esteemed guest. The people on this ship are:


Sephriel is the elven Diplomat here on route to the Mordant Spire. He almost always wears an intricate mask. He's taken over Area 8, normally the First Mate's sleeping quarters as his own.


Thanzeril is an elven bodyguard from the Mordant Spire here to protect Sephirel.

Captain Veane:

Captain Veane's cabin is Area 4, full of maps, logbooks and rum. He keeps a tight schedule.

First Mate Marzack Mallick:

First Mate Marzack Mallick is a middle-aged human male who is loyal to his captain, always on the lookout for mutiny.


Azuretta is a charming half-elf dancer who usually hangs out in the Captain's Cabin in Area 4. She maintains morale among the crew members, although the Captain is her number priority.


Killik is the ship's medic dedicated to the Pirate Queen Besmara. His number one priority is gold. His number two priority is finding new contacts so he can make more gold. He usually stays in the Crew's Cabin (area 7) unless requested.


Ulamon is the ship's navigator. This human druid has the power to manipulate the weather and predict geological patterns.


Anera enjoys playing with knives and keeps to herself, staying far away from the elves. She's the scout of the crew, usually on the crow's nest with a osprey she calls Keeneye.


Occasionally you may have heard the crew speak of "Ol' Snig." The crew says he stays in the Forward Cargo Hold (area 10) and it's best to leave him alone. You haven't seen him yet in the past two months.


Velagon Dorhay keeps watch over the cargo in area 9. He's been especially careful after you departed from Magnimar.


Area 6 is the main hold and is the kitchen where Shira Acidaxe cooks for the crew. She doesn't like to talk to anyone, just shut up and enjoy the food.

The Exchange

Male Half-Orc Brawler 3 | HP: 27/27 | AC: 18 (12 Tch, 16 Fl) | CMD: 19 / 20 vs trip | F: +5, R: +6, W: +3 | Init: +3 | Perc: +7, SM: +1 | Active conditions: none


During the months of travel, Qillian attempts to meet the medic, Killig, and discuss the ins and outs of the port at Okeno.

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The human man known as Killik is resting on his cot. Something about you reminds him of his "old" days as a pirate. Now he's an entrepreneur of the seas, thanks to the Pirate Queen Besmara.

Over the weeks, you've managed to make small talk with him about his travels around Golarion.

"Okeno? Lots of ships there. Travelled on a few, myself. Before I met Captain Veane, anyway. He knows how to speak to an entrepreneur like myself. Gold, gold and more gold." He laughs before coughing a bit. "Used to be a lot healthier before I met this paladin during one of my business trips." He shakes his head.

"Nothing out of the ordinary happened there, anyway." He shrugs, clearly uninterested in talking about Okeno's ports in detail.

You'll need to make a DC 20 Diplomacy or Intimidate check to get him to open up and go into detail.

Grand Lodge

halfling cavalier 1 HP 11/11 AC 20/T14/FF17 F3 R3 W0 Init 3 Per 2/4 stealth 6 cmb +2 cmd 15

Hey! Ronaldo, love the flag! It's great... And some how i feel really confident as you get it out, how cool is that.

Wilm seems pretty blase about the whole ship business. He pokes and prods around, trying to get the sailors to teach him the ropes, which on balance he's pretty appalling at.

Wilm is happy enjoying the night breeze.

Liberty's Edge

F Human (Qadrian Keleshite) Sorcerer (Elemental: fire) 2 ~ AC 12 (t 12) (ff 10) | F+1, R+3, W+3 | CMD 12 | Init +4, Per +0 | HP 10/10


I'd like to continue with the Adoran faction sub-plot, if that's okay.

To that end, Sahba attempts to befriend the navigator. (The following assumes Ulamon is male or is otherwise attracted to women.) It would be most comfortable for her to attempt a father–daughter type of relationship (she's only 16, after all): asking questions about his work, learning about his schedule, asking for advice on dealing with the more licentious sailors.

If that doesn't work, perhaps minor flirtation to get him interested and talking. She's young and pretty, after all, and as loathsome as the idea is, Sahba knows men will do things for a pretty face they might otherwise not. She has no interest in a physical relationship, but sometimes men are men, and there's no help for it.

I don't know which skill you'd prefer. I prefer Bluff to Diplomacy (your call), and added a Sense Motive just in case you find it useful.

Bluff: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11
Diplomacy (untrained): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10
Sense Motive (untrained): 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (6) - 1 = 5

Lastly, does the navigator, Ulamon have an animal companion? She doesn't know much of druids, but that sounds right.

The letter mentioned a ring. Does he wear it? Does he keep a set schedule?

Where does he sleep?

These questions weigh on her mind. Perhaps foolishly, she notes them in her journal (in native Kalesh), which she tries to keep private. The faction instructions don't sound easy, but her escape from slavery was aided by the faction, so Sahba feels obligated to return a favor.

Eventually, she'll muster up the courage to seek out Snig. ... but that likely hasn't happened by the time events begin to unravel.

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Ulamon is delighted to speak to someone about not only navigation, but also weather patterns and cloud formations. He gives a few basic tips about how to spot thunderstorms before they throw you off course.

You are finally able to get him to talk a bit about the ring he wears. "This? I was part of the Polished Barnacle, back when it was part of the Sargavan navy. We taught those Chileax bastards a lesson." He frowns. "The crew got this ring as a reward for our bravery. Didn't help us against those Mordant Spire..." He grumbles and trails off.

You aren't completely sure what to say to get him to open up more about it.

To get the ring, you can try a Sleight of Hand check to take it from him when he's not paying attention, or you can try a Stealth check to sneak into his cabin in the middle of the night. You may also be able to mention a topic of interest to him, but you haven't guessed it yet.

Liberty's Edge

M NG Human Two-Weapon Warrior (Fighter)/3 - HP 26/26- AC 18/T:14/FF:14 (+1 vs. melee while two-weapon fighting) - Perception: +7 - Fort: +4, Ref: +4, Will: +1- (+1 vs. Fear) CMB: +7 CMD 20 - Speed 30 ft. - Init. +3

Kelsier gives a small smile at the pathfinder society flag, then returns to looking at the ocean.

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This map...I need to move everyone to the bottom slice except for Sahba.


Febida: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11
Sahba: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (3) - 1 = 2
Kelsier: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15
Rolando: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14
Wilm: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 = 16
Qillian: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 1 = 11

Febida: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 3 = 18
Sahba: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 4 = 24
Kelsier: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10
Rolando: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8
Wilm: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22
Qillian: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22
THEM: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 1 = 13

The night is clear, and the seas are still. It seems like the perfect time to relax and enjoy the sea. Unfortunately no one notices the four aquatic elves climb up on the boat, tridents drawn. They point at the party and scream in elven before dipping applying some kind of liquid to their tridents.


"Kill them all! Protect the Spire's purity!"

Round 1

- Sahba, Qillian, Wilm, Febida
- Enemy
- Kelsier, Rolando

Those in bold may act!

For those who are bolded, write in what your character will do this round and I'll resolve it as we go on. Feel free to move your icons around, too.

Sahba, it's clear there is a commotion outside but you're not sure what.

Sovereign Court

Male Human Skald (Spell Warrior) 6
HP: (42/42) AC 22 (FF 22, Touch 12) CMD 18 FS +8, RS +6, WS +6, Initiative: +7 Perception: +8

Everybody, +1 morale to attack, weapon damage, and saves vs fear and charm due to Flagbearer

Liberty's Edge

Female Dwarf Warpriest/1 | AC 20/11/19 | F+4, R+1, W+5 | Per +3, Init +3 | HP 14/14 | Blessings 4/4

Turning to see these elves, Febida draws her axe and shield, moving up to the closest one to her. "Get off our boat!!" I'd charge, but you guys are in the way.

Prepared action: When one of them gets close enough, swing. They're on the level above me, so I guess once they get to roughly in my

To Hit+Flag: 1d20 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 4 + 1 = 18
Damage+Flag: 1d10 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 3 + 1 = 14 Booyah! MAX!! Fear the Dwarf!

Liberty's Edge

F Human (Qadrian Keleshite) Sorcerer (Elemental: fire) 2 ~ AC 12 (t 12) (ff 10) | F+1, R+3, W+3 | CMD 12 | Init +4, Per +0 | HP 10/10

Hearing the commotion, Sahba puts down her pen and moves to the door, leaving her journal open on the table. She heedlessly swings the door wide and says "What's wrong? I thought I heard a yell?"

"Oh. Oh, dear." Sahba stand stunned with indecision. This wasn't supposed to happen! This voyage should be safe!

I'm guessing that this point that actions are exhausted. In any case, Sahba is likely surprised for at least half a round after opening the door. When she finally recovers her composure (next round?), she intends move within 30' and Elemental Ray the nearest enemy visible with a clear line of fire, preferring anyone battling Fabida, should everyone be engaged or not an otherwise easy target. Let's see how things progress!

Grand Lodge

halfling cavalier 1 HP 11/11 AC 20/T14/FF17 F3 R3 W0 Init 3 Per 2/4 stealth 6 cmb +2 cmd 15

During the voyage the others and the crew have a somewhat tricky time negotiating Wilm's 'friend' Max an adult wolf, weighing in at 400 lbs and standing shoulder high to a man, possibly even more concerning is the way the halfling treats it like a cross between a puppy and his best friend.

As the Elves board the boat Wilm spins from his wave watching.

Enemies, ahoy! More elves Oh well, c'mon Kelsier lets make short work of these like we did the last ones...

Wilm moves forward to the Bulwark (or whatever it's called) Readying his axe and waiting for them to come forward.

attack: 1d20 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 3 + 1 = 18
dam: 1d10 + 6 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 6 + 1 = 17
readied action for when they move forward. using power attack and including flag bearer. Using adapatle luck on hit roll +2 making a total of 20

fear the halfing even more ;-)

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With those rolls there may not be a round 2, haha.

I've tried marking the "floors" of the boat to make the map easier to read. The difference between the top level and main level is the main level shows the inside of the rooms 4 and 5.

The Exchange

Male Half-Orc Brawler 3 | HP: 27/27 | AC: 18 (12 Tch, 16 Fl) | CMD: 19 / 20 vs trip | F: +5, R: +6, W: +3 | Init: +3 | Perc: +7, SM: +1 | Active conditions: none

Qillian moves closer, and throws a dagger at one of elves.

Attack: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5

"Waste of a perfectly good dagger..."


Regarding the side quest, Qillian tries to talk nice, but doesn't seem to be getting him anywhere.
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
When the medic starts to blow him off, Quillian changes tactics. "Listen, we both know you know more about the ins and outs of that port. I am not looking to hurt you, but I need that information, and yer gonna give it to me!"
Intimidate: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22

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Killik grins as Qillian gets tough. "Hmm. That's the way to do it. Talk with the sword, not with honey. I was worried an entrepreneur of the sea like you had gotten soft." He nods and gets a sheet of paper.

"Now listen up. The Katapeshi port in Okeno is where you go to peddle servants and other profitable goods. I have a few 'rumors' about who to talk to there for some discounts. Now I of course don't know anything about these contacts, or their daily routines, or taverns they frequent, but I'm just repeating rumors here." He pauses, nods to make sure you understand, and then starts talking about the trade in Okeno.

Mission complete!

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Sahba, surprised by the shouts, gets out of her cot and opens the cabin door.
Qillian's dagger falls on the deck, nowhere close to the elven attackers.

The purple and red elves ready their tridents and charge. Febida's axe almost cuts Purple in a single blow. Wilm shows her how it's done, however and cuts down Red before he can react.

Green and Blue haven't lost their resolve and press the attack. Purple continues his assault against Febida. Assuming you don't have Combat Reflexes.

Purple vs Febida: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 20
Damage: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9
Make a DC 13 Fort Save or be staggered for 1 round.

Green vs Febida: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17
Damage: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8

Blue vs Wilm: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 20
Damage: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
Make a DC 13 Fort Save or be staggered for 1 round.

Green misses, but Purple and Blue's tridents hit. The poisonous prongs sink in, and Febida and Wilm feel their blood burn.

The elves have reach weapons, but I'll rule they had to get close to actually see the targets and reach down. You'll provoke an AoO if you run up the stairs or run up to blue, though.

Round 1
- Kelsier, Rolando

Round 2
- Sahba, Qillian, Wilm, Febida
- Purple Elf (14 damage), Green Elf, Blue Elf

Those in bold may act.

Liberty's Edge

M NG Human Two-Weapon Warrior (Fighter)/3 - HP 26/26- AC 18/T:14/FF:14 (+1 vs. melee while two-weapon fighting) - Perception: +7 - Fort: +4, Ref: +4, Will: +1- (+1 vs. Fear) CMB: +7 CMD 20 - Speed 30 ft. - Init. +3

"I'll take the one on the right!" Kelsier shouts.

delaying to see if Rolando starts up a Skald song to apply to my attacks.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Sovereign Court

Male Human Skald (Spell Warrior) 6
HP: (42/42) AC 22 (FF 22, Touch 12) CMD 18 FS +8, RS +6, WS +6, Initiative: +7 Perception: +8

Good thinking! I just got to my computer and saw there was JUST a post and I was thinking: "I hope Kelsier doesn't miss by one..."

Rolando moves towards the center of the ship, for a moment considering how quickly things erupted into violence.

They've all heard him sing before, but this time it's different. There is a resonance to the music, and the song causes the singer's allies' weapons to glow with arcane power.

to those who can speak Dwarven:
The song tells of an elf maiden and dwarf warrior who fall in love, but both die to the horrors of war before their love can be realized.

Move 10 ft

Standard: Start an Enhance Weapon Rage song. Everyone's weapons are now +1 weapons. If you already have a +1 weapon, you may enchant it with a +1 weapon ability (listed in my profile). Note that my archetype does not have Inspired Rage, so you don't need to rage to benefit.

Liberty's Edge

M NG Human Two-Weapon Warrior (Fighter)/3 - HP 26/26- AC 18/T:14/FF:14 (+1 vs. melee while two-weapon fighting) - Perception: +7 - Fort: +4, Ref: +4, Will: +1- (+1 vs. Fear) CMB: +7 CMD 20 - Speed 30 ft. - Init. +3

Kelsier moves along the bulwark, drawing his long-handled, spiked hammer as he goes. Once he gets close to the elf, he hoists it over his head and swings it at the elf.

trying out this template for more consistent posting. Let me know what you think.
Unfortunately, Rolando, my weapon of choice is MWK, which means I already have the +1 attack but can't gain the +1 weapon ability. But the +1 damage is appreciated, and overall should be a big boon to the party. Although, if Kelsier starts TWFing...

Round 1 action:
move action to get within reach of the blue elf, drawing Lucerne Hammer as he goes
Standard action to attack the blue elf

MWK Lucerne Hammer, attack, inspired, weapon rage: 1d20 + 7 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 7 + 1 = 19 for bludgeoning: 1d12 + 6 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 6 + 1 + 1 = 17

Alternate action condition:
Alternate action:

Active Status effects:
Rolando's Flagbearer for +1 morale bonus to attack and damage
Rolando's Inspired Weapon Enhance song for +1 weapons
AC is 18 because Shield is not in use

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Inspired by Rolando's words, Kelsier quickly runs in and clobbers one of the elves off the edge of the ship.

Round 2
- Sahba, Qillian, Wilm, Febida
- Purple Elf (14 damage), Green Elf
- Kelsier, Rolando

Those in bold may act.
Don't forget those Fort Saves, Febida and Wilm

Liberty's Edge

Female Dwarf Warpriest/1 | AC 20/11/19 | F+4, R+1, W+5 | Per +3, Init +3 | HP 14/14 | Blessings 4/4

Febida feels the sting of the trident into her side, the poison they applied seeping into her blood.

Fort Save: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6 Ouch.

When the second trident swings, it bounces off her shield. "That....hurt...." Saying a quick prayer to Torag, she readies herself for her next move. Activating her Protection Blessing: Increased Defense. I gain a +1 to AC and Saves (as noted in my info stats) for the next minute. Combat should be over by then, but we'll see.

Febida, in her bloodburning state, can only muster up one more swing, but she tries to make it count. She's had hangovers that hurt worse than this.

To Hit+Flag+Skald vs Purple: 1d20 + 4 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 4 + 1 + 1 = 17
Damage+Flag+Skald: 1d10 + 3 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 3 + 1 + 1 = 6 Yes, that was personal.

On another note, since the entry doesn't state how long it takes to activate it, I'm assuming it's a free action, but just to be safe, I'll say it takes a Swift action. If you have another ruling, we can run by that on instead.

Liberty's Edge

F Human (Qadrian Keleshite) Sorcerer (Elemental: fire) 2 ~ AC 12 (t 12) (ff 10) | F+1, R+3, W+3 | CMD 12 | Init +4, Per +0 | HP 10/10

As the situation sinks in, Sahba wonders briefly where the crew are. Isn't there usually someone on watch and someone steering?

For my own benefit, to react on the above: Wis: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (20) - 1 = 19

She had planned to join the battle, but she's too far away to strike with her Elemental Blast this round. "The crew!" she yells. "Are they okay?"

Their primary mission is to protect Sephirel, what of him?

Again, for my own benefit: Wis: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (17) - 1 = 16

"And the elf! This is a distraction!" she screams, hoping her yell isn't lost in the noise of the battle and the wind.

Seeing her allies have this battle well in hand, Sahba leaves the fo'c's'le (Those silly sailors and their silly names for everything!) and races across the main deck. (double move)

Sands! she swears. The blasted stairs are on the other side of the ship!

If it's faster to drop to area 6 through a grating, she'll do that instead. Otherwise, double move as close to the stairs down as she can. I think where I've moved my token to is about the limit.

Grand Lodge

halfling cavalier 1 HP 11/11 AC 20/T14/FF17 F3 R3 W0 Init 3 Per 2/4 stealth 6 cmb +2 cmd 15

fort: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7

Wilm' triumphant axe blow see's his spirits sour, although he's soon brought down to earth with the searing pain of the elven venom.
ha- dwarf v halfling axe-off!

post ninja'ing afoot. thanks renaldo...

fort: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17

thanks to renaldo's inspiring tune Wilm is able to shake of the venom.

Great song rolando, i feel better already! Seeing his new found companions embroiled he moves around the deck to line up a blow at the last elf.

moving thru quillians square so no AoO triggered (i think)

axe: 1d20 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 3 + 1 = 23
dam: 1d10 + 6 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 6 + 1 = 13

renaldo's buffing included.

Upon hearing Sahba's call. Good point, someone better go check that out!

Sovereign Court

Male Human Skald (Spell Warrior) 6
HP: (42/42) AC 22 (FF 22, Touch 12) CMD 18 FS +8, RS +6, WS +6, Initiative: +7 Perception: +8

When Rolando sees Wilm reeling from the spear strike he stops the song instantly on a loud note, and Wilm feels himself resolved to action.

Saving Finale says go ahead and reroll that failed save Wilm!

performance ended, for now

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Even as Febida's strength falters, she manages to finish off Purple.
Wilm gets a second wind and cuts into the green elf, not finishing him off.

A flash of brilliance streaks across Sahba as she runs towards the stairs.

Round 2
- Sahba, Qillian, Wilm, Febida
- Green Elf (13 damage)
- Kelsier, Rolando

Those in bold may act.

Liberty's Edge

F Human (Qadrian Keleshite) Sorcerer (Elemental: fire) 2 ~ AC 12 (t 12) (ff 10) | F+1, R+3, W+3 | CMD 12 | Init +4, Per +0 | HP 10/10

What was that?!

"Flash of brilliance"?

The Exchange

Male Half-Orc Brawler 3 | HP: 27/27 | AC: 18 (12 Tch, 16 Fl) | CMD: 19 / 20 vs trip | F: +5, R: +6, W: +3 | Init: +3 | Perc: +7, SM: +1 | Active conditions: none

Qillian steps back to use his whip to try to disarm the elf.

Disarm: 1d20 + 4 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 4 + 2 + 1 = 19

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Sahba Mandyra wrote:

What was that?!

"Flash of brilliance"?

Figure of speech, not literal.

Qillian quickly disarms the elven attacker, throwing the trident aside.
The remaining elf grabs his trident and throws it at Qillian, shouting in elven.


"Get your dirty hands away from my trident, half-orc scum!"

Javelin vs Qillian: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8
Damage: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2

The javelin sails off the ship into the sea.

Round 2
- Kelsier, Rolando

Round 3
- Sahba, Qillian, Wilm, Febida
- Green Elf (13 damage, unarmed)

Those in bold may act.
Febida, I'll need another Fort Save, DC 13 or you are staggered again.

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