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DM CrazyComic |
Your latest orders have sent you to Vellumis, the largest city and most important port in the crusader nation of Lastwall, on the shores of Lake Encarthan. The waterfront and city center boast impressive architecture, with many buildings marble- clad, domed, and colonnaded in the once-popular Chelish Old White style, characterized by whitewashed walls, ornately decorated eaves, and massive arched windows.
Though there are an exceptionally large number of soldiers, most wearing Iomedaean iconography, roaming the streets, most are civilians. Flags of a dozen nations, and churches of at least as many faiths, can be seen as you navigate the city streets, leaving the elegant city center and heading into a seedier neighborhood that greatly resembles the dockside areas of Absalom.
When you arrive at the address you were provided, you discover a busy gambling hall. Raucous conversation fills the room, as men and women gather around a number of tables, playing various card and dice games.

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Eldon looks back at the address noted then smiles "For once they decided we can have some fun" The slender bald elf wears little more than a comfortable light armor and a rapier. He looks around still a bit confused looking for his contact or mission companions.
Finding neither of them, he gets interest on the games being played and starts pondering which one he might join.
Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (8) + 9 = 17

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Nearby stands a fellow Pathfinder, a beautiful lithe female with long, straight black hair and pale skin. She wears scale armor and carries a large mithral shield, in addition to a club made from the femur of some large humanoid creature.
Despite her attractive appearance, something seems...off. There is an eerie feel about her, almost like fingers on a chalk board. Someone accidentally knocks a tankard from the bar behind her, but she does not react. It is suddenly clear that the woman is deaf.
She observes the other Pathfinders, then turns and looks at no one in particular, scowls, and rolls her eyes.
"Shut up," she whispers to no one.

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Late to the gathering, a hooded figure in a black cloak steps out of the shadows. You can tell that he is humanoid, but bears the talons of a bird of prey instead of feet, and has several exotic blades on belts.
Waki, seeing Necress and accostomed to her odd behavior will approach her and bow.
Lady Necress, great honor to travel with you again it is. More consistent hoping this mission will be than our last.

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Orophin smiles as he takes in the scene.
"Not exactly the kind of place I normally play but.."
He looks around for a stage and then starts to play for the room while he keeps a keen eye out.
"On a warm summers evening on a stage bound for Vellumis,
I met up with The Gambler, we were both too tired to sleep..."
He eyes up the lovely looking lady, obviously out of place, but ...there is something just not quite right about her.

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Walking up to the gambling hall is an unusual looking fellow holding an ornate walking staff that is carved and dyed to resemble entwined asps, one white and one black. His clothing is a vibrant mix of reds and yellows layered over a shimmering blue satin and trimmed with gold and copper feathers. He has raven black hair, blue grey skin, and sharp features that are vaguely reminiscent of an an eagle crossed with an elf.
"Excuse me." he says with an easy smile, his quiet and calm voice directed at the other pathfinders. "My name is Crios and I believe we are all members of the same organization and here for a meeting. Would that be incorrect?"

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Stealth: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (8) + 19 = 27
Deciding the time is right, a small grey clad figure with a veil emerges from the crowd and approaches the staff wielder.
"Me am heading you mouthing the truth. We all seeming to be on clock. Please forgive talking. Me am still learns how hard human tonguing is."

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Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23 Crios is completely surprised by Kivuli's entrance.
After taking a moment to ponder the small grey figure's words, Crios seems to understand their meaning and says several different language names to the creature, each in their own respective language, hoping one would be easier to converse in than common. "Celestial, Common, Draconic, Elven, Sylvan, Tien?"

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Over the next few moments from Elven to Tien and others in between, the wayang continues the conversation. "Ah yes! The language of elves, dragons and even the far eastern lands are far better organized than that of the human "common" tongue. Kivuli Greyfeather, a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

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"And the night got deathly quiet, And his faced lost all expression
He said, "If you're gonna play the game, boy, You gotta learn to play it right"
It wasn't much of a song, but one suitable for the audience. The song finished he gets down and wanders over to the other pathfinders.
"Good day, or evening rather, to all of you. Has anyone seen Shevar Besnik, or have you heard what old lore the society will have us search for next?" he asks in a beautiful sing-song voice.

DM CrazyComic |
Loud and raucous conversation filters through the door from the common room of the Uscalin Lodge, which doubles as the Ace of Dreams gambling house. “I know it’s here. I had it just a moment ago.” Venture-Captain Shevar Besnik lifts piles of papers and numerous boxes off of his desk, stacking them on various side tables and chairs in his clean but overly cluttered office. The tall, Varisian man’s face parts in a toothy grin as he lifts up a solid oak box. “Found it!” As if to punctuate his discovery, a crowd of players in the gambling hall erupts in cheers. Distracted for a moment, Besnik stares at the closed office door that leads to the common room. “Desna laughs. Well, she laughs at me, but she smiles on them.” The venture-captain shrugs. “All they have is gold; what I have in here is far more valuable.”
Besnik opens the box’s lid painstakingly slowly, careful to keep the contents out of sight. With reverence, he lifts a large tome from the box and gently sets it on the table. “Careful, the binding hasn’t held up well. This is one of the few Tomes of Righteous Repose left in the world. I’m pretty sure there’s one in the library of the Sancta Iomedaea in Vigil, but I’m—well, let’s just say I’m no longer welcome there. That’s a story for another time.
“Up until today, I’ve only skimmed the pages. I didn’t want to damage it, but now that you’re here, I can’t wait any longer. Care to plumb the depths of this most ancient and wonderful storybook? Oh, the marvelous adventures we will soon read! This tome is a collection of tales describing how various crusaders died gloriously and honorably. I’m hoping to find some clues in the text that will lead us to an as-of-yet undiscovered site or relic. Maybe we can trade a bit of what we find with the Knights of Ozem and earn ourselves some goodwill. After what happened last time, we need it.
“Care to peruse the pages with me?”
Gather Information(Diplomacy), Knowledge (Local), or Linguistics

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diplomacy: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (14) + 16 = 30
religion: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17
history: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20
"Ahh, a poet. Rellakarabee - famous for his slightly off colour work. Tended to concentrate on heroic deaths rather than celebration of the protagonists life. A pitty he did not try his hand at song. Why I heard once that he had shared footsteps with Iomedae herself! That is a sight I would have seen."
He thinks a bit more about Lastwall itself.
"This country is focused on keeping the Whispering Tyran locked away, and the orcs confined to the mountains. In fact it was settled by members of the Shining Crusade who ever went home."
He peers at the ancient book to see what secrets it may reveal.

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Necress does her best to read the lips of the group, and though she has trouble following the words from Waki's beak, she has worked with him before and nods to him. It is difficult for her to keep up with all the rest of the chatter.
She looks around the room as if listening to something, which seems strange coming from a deaf woman.
"The spirits have whispered to me about this Fustbickle fellow," she says, then shares what she knows. Feel free to read the diplomacy spoilers.
diplomancy (gather info): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (11) + 9 = 20
knowledge religion: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13

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Linguistics: 1d20 + 11 + 1d6 ⇒ (7) + 11 + (3) = 21
Kivuli listens to others as they disseminate information. This team seems to be very well informed. This should prove valuable shouldwe actually find ourselves investigating a tale from this 'Tome'.

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diplomacy: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8
local: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17
history: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19
religion: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26
Eager to read from the tome, but not wanting to fight off the others for a turn, Crios waits patiently for a spot to open up. As he mulls over the idea of trading with the Knights of Ozem...
"Interesting...from what I recall, lately, Lastwall has had to recruit less pious individuals to fill its ranks. On the borders, followers of Gorum and Kurgess are more common than paladins of Iomedae and Sarenrae, or at least that is what I have heard around the Vaults."

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Orophin, realising the beautiful if...empty.. lady has trouble hearing, slows down his speaking.
"Ahh, gossip! The lifeblood of the theater, and if rumour is to be believed, the cloister too!"
He turns to the captain. "And what have you discovered now? An ancient doomed hero's last stand against impossible odds, that oddly enough were clearly witnessed by the poet who managed to get away?"

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Waki also ponders all conveyed by the Venture-Captain. Not being a scholar or acolyte, his memory of such events is limited to myths and lessons from his childhood.
kn:religion: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
More time with books and less with blades in my youth, wiser would have been.

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Waki continues to watch to see if others have better luck or share their info.

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Crios will share his spoiler(Religion 20+), but he is quiet and reserved when he does so.

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"What does the tome say?" asks Orophin in a curious manner.
"We have all come a long way... perhaps there is an ancient song hidden in there somewhere."
Just sneaking a post in from my wifes laptop.

DM CrazyComic |
Clasping his hands as he and the Pathfinders read the tome, the Venture Captain can hardly keep his excitement contained. Time passes, with cheers and sighs coming from the main gambling hall, the reading of the book is uneventful until Bensik jolts up to his feet! Minkai art! Let’s see, the Minkai Empire was founded in 3619, and the empire’s first explorers didn’t reach the west coast of the continent until at least 3691 ar, which leaves only sixty years before the beginning of the Shining Crusade itself. These women could have been among the first Minkai citizens to reach the Inner Sea! Let’s see, what secrets does the poem on this page hold?” Hurridly reading the poem, Bensik passes the book around. [b]"So she died in battle, victim to orcs’ treachery. If we can locate this ruin and retrieve the samurai’s remains and her blade, we can present them to the Knights of Ozem for proper burial. Any ideas on where this might be? Looks like there are some clues in the poem.”
Artwork and Maps slide has been updated
which is a barren wasteland with terrifying creatures and
very few resources.
when traveling in Belkzen, as there are very few natural
sources available.
[spoiler=Most major orc settlements and fortresses are in the
ruins of castles and keeps built by the Shining Crusade or
the dwarves before them.
charged into battle alone
against a horde of orcs.
Before dying, the crusader
fought through the ranks and
slew the chieftain, sending
his clan running. This story
is often used to teach faith in
the face of impossible odds.
Clan was under the control
of Tar-Baphon.
hero died, the crusaders
buried her and her sword,
which had shattered against
the orc’s bones, in a dwarven
ruin. After the orc chief
perished, his hordes fled.
Without this victory, the
Shining Crusade would have
suffered major losses.
following information, which is sufficient to pinpoint the
location: the Stranglegut clan was a prominent horde of
orcs allied with the Whispering Tyrant; in their day, they
controlled the orc’s largest settlement, Urgir. Kala’s Rage
was the name of a massive waterfall in Belkzen, 40 miles
east of Urgir. Over time, the mountains became dry and
the waterfall slowed to a trickle, earning the waterfall the
name Kala’s Tears.

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K. local: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (2) + 9 = 11
K. local: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (11) + 9 = 20
K. local: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (12) + 9 = 21
"Hordes of orcs live in the Hold of Belkzen, most of which is a barren wasteland with terrifying creatures and very few resources." explains Eldon "A shining crusader charged into battle alone against a horde of orcs. Before dying, the crusader fought through the ranks and
slew the chieftain, sending his clan running. This story is often used to teach faith in the face of impossible odds."
Eldon continues "The vast Stranglegut Clan was under the control of Tar-Baphon. When the sonnet’s hero died, the crusaders buried her and her sword, which had shattered against the orc’s bones, in a dwarven ruin. After the orc chief perished, his hordes fled. Without this victory, the Shining Crusade would have suffered major losses." the elf smiles "So it seems the Stranglegut Clan and the Tar Baphon is where the sword lays"
Eldon patiently studies the poem and tries to make links with information his contacts have given to him "A thorough analysis of the poem reveals enough information to pinpoint the location people" he smiles once more pointing at the proper places "The Stranglegut clan was a prominent horde of orcs allied with the Whispering Tyrant; in their day, they controlled the orc’s largest settlement, Urgir. Kala’s Rage was the name of a massive waterfall in Belkzen, 40 miles east of Urgir. Over time, the mountains became dry and the waterfall slowed to a trickle, earning the waterfall the name Kala’s Tears."
"Kala's Tears... so it seems we have the place..." the elf smiles witty once more.

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Know Local: 1d20 + 8 + 1d6 ⇒ (8) + 8 + (1) = 17
Know Local: 1d20 + 8 + 1d6 ⇒ (19) + 8 + (3) = 30
Know Local: 1d20 + 8 + 1d6 ⇒ (7) + 8 + (3) = 18
"Eldon mouthing truths. Me am heading they needed find puddles for drinkings. Falling water hears like a gooding answer."

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Riddles again solved must be. Scholars in our midst we have. Our destination determined is.
Waki is ready to depart on the travel, secretly pondering the meaning of this long dead samurai.

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K.Local: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22
K.History: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (13) + 8 = 21
K.Local: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22
Careful to make sure the lovely Necress can read his lips as he speaks...
"Well done my learned friends! From what I have gathered in my own studies, you are quite correct." Crios says happily.
"Considering the nature of the land in which we will travel, we should be cautious with our own supplies, for there will be scant few places to gather more. Fresh water is our most important commodity while we are there, should that become a factor. I am hopeful that one or more of you can create water in that event. I am very excited about this excursion!"

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"Water is a key element to life, of course I can create it." agrees Orophin.
"I can also freshen up food that has gone a bit past its prime, although I am no chef! Let us see if we can find this fallen hero and their shattered sword."

DM CrazyComic |
"Now, since we have a location discerned, I would ask for you all to travel there and see as to what can be found out, and hopefully reported. I have prepared some items to help out in in your travels as there are few settlements in the area that aren't hostile towards humans." Grabbing a nearby box, the Venture Captain opens it and pulls out the contents.
wand of cure moderate wounds (5 charges)
wand of protection from evil (7 charges)
traveler’s any-tool
The journey towards the ruins is lengthy and difficult, but no surprises or attacks happen to the group. As they get close to the site, the air is hot and filled with ash blowing through the air, collecting in piles on the walls of the ancient structure. Four stone columns mark the entrance, where a fifteen-foot-wide stair descends into darkness.
You can place yourselves on the map in the upper left corner. The dungeon delve will begin shortly. If you want to buy items, I would do it now.

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Crios buys two spring loaded wrist sheaths(5gp each) for his own wands. He is done after that. He can put the traveler's any-tool in his pack unless someone else wants to carry it, but the wands from the VC should go with someone else.
As the group arrives at the site...
"I suggest we take our time moving through the environs, particularly being on the lookout for any traps the creators of the tomb may have placed to guard the dead. I hope I am not considered overly cautious in my views." Crios says as he surveys the columns outside the tomb for anything of interest. He raises his smoked goggles to get a better view and he just leaves the goggles perched there upon his forehead before turning his gaze to the darkness of the entrance.
He casts detect magic as he scans the entrance. minor edit here
Then, almost offhandedly, he says "I wonder, given the open nature of the entrance, if anyone else may have thought to take shelter here? It seems quite sturdy and with just one way in, at least from what we can see, it would be very defensible."
...and with that he lowers the wand of shield into his waiting hand, while his staff remains solidly in his other.

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"Need a time please."
With his estoc out, the wayang cautiously moves up to the steps and looks for and traps or signs of potential resistance.
stealth: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (5) + 19 = 24
Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (20) + 9 = 29
60' Darkvision

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Stealth: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (3) + 11 = 14
Eldon nods and moves next to Kivuli looking for traps.
Perception (+1 vs traps): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (12) + 9 = 21
1d20 + 17 ⇒ (7) + 17 = 24

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Seeing the first two cover stealth and searches in the front, Waki takes up a defensive position at the party flank, trying to stay in the shadows.
Stealth : 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11

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Orophin takes a spot in the middle, his morning star out and a song humming under his breath.
"I agree, there is no rush. Although the acoustics in places like this are terrible. I'd not want to spend longer than necessary down here."

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If needed, Waki will continue slowly in the shadows to make sure Orophin does not get too far ahead (stay within 20' of Orophin or whomever is leading our merry band).

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Well, we have not heard any results on traps yet. However, I think one of the stealthy rogue types should be point. Or at least someone with high perception.

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Agreed, I thought Oro meant to take the middle, meaning between those hanging back and the scouts ahead, but the map position surprised me. I was waiting to hear from the GM on your search results and then your movements after that before Crios moves further in, so as not to ruin any stealth actions you were trying. He will keep scanning for magic as he goes and he has dark vision as well. If we need light, for any reason, he can cast dancing lights and send it ahead so as not to draw attention to our group but still illuminate an area.

DM CrazyComic |
No traps are to be found by the party as they stealthily make their way into the darkness of the old dwarven temple. At their feet, seems to be the charred remains of large insect carcasses, some of which have been ground into a fine dust. Etchings on the hallway walls depict old dwarven stories, but most have been worn away through time and weather, yet there seem to be some scorch marks where the insect carcasses lay.
Half of you do have darkvision, but Waki, Eldon, and Necress have normal/low light vision, so some form of light will be needed the further into the fortress/temple you go.

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Keeping silent, and towards the back, Waki considers using his wayfinder as a light source, but will only use it if no other light is available
even to the point of handing it to another). It is hard to stealth while carrying the torch (maybe not mechanically, but seems it should). :(

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Crios briefly tucks his wand into his belt, then utters arcane syllables and gestures with an outstretched hand and 4 dancing globes of light appear 30 feet ahead of the lead members of the group. He then retrieves his wand, once again holding it at the ready. He will keep moving them ahead of the group maintaining that approximate distance unless told otherwise.
-Posted with Wayfinder

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Necress casts light on her shield and prepares to enter the complex.
She says little to her companions, but watches them for clues as to what is happening.

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Crios turns to face Necress when her shield illuminates, smiles briefly at her before mouthing the words "We are just being quiet and cautious. So far nothing to worry about." and he turns back to face the rest of the group ahead.

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The wayang places a hand Orophin's arm, "Pleasing to let I going fristly." The rogue starts to move down the passage, eyes alert for danger as he heads to the northeast passageway.
Stealth: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (3) + 19 = 22
Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (11) + 9 = 20