[PFS] 0807 From the Tome of the Righteous Repose (Inactive)

Game Master Michael_Hopkins

Travelling to Lastwall, the PCs are to meet up with the Venture-Captain Shevar Besnik at the Pathfinder Society's Uscalin Lodge, the Ace of Dreams.

Map Thingie, with Handouts!

[Dice=Crios]d20+5 [/dice]
[Dice=Eldon]d20+6 [/dice]
[Dice=Kivuli]d20+6 [/dice]
[Dice=Necress]d20-2 [/dice]
[Dice=Orophin]d20+1 [/dice]
[Dice=Waki]d20+6 [/dice]

The Game Master has not yet created a description for this campaign.