On the Razor's Edge, A Razor Coast Campaign (Inactive)

Game Master Feral

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Xentik, you are correct on both grounds! And yes, Mori's background works well. The Tulita are a much-oppressed people, so a tragic background is a likely necessity. I will allow the trait, but change the name a bit so it doesn't stand out of place lol. Adding those sections you speak of to your story would be great!


TWO favoured class bonuses?! And 5th level?! My gods, what do you have in store? :)

And I can't take credit for the Dancing Lights signalling - Rich Burlew got there first...

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Nah, we just need a spell called Speech bubble. You cast it on yourself and everytime someone talks you see a speech bubble over their head showing you what they said. Doesn't translate languages but could help. ^.^

yes, I'll need the read google docs thanks.

Just want to post that I think I will pull out of this recruitment. I really like the Razor Coast setting and would love to play a buff Gestalt character. However, with all the strange 3rd party classes and races of which I have no knowledge, I think I would have a tough time creating a good submission and enjoying the game.

Thanks for the chance GM Queen and good luck all.

Dark Archive

GM Queen of the Razor Coast wrote:

Whoops. Gonna have to fix that after work tonight, then. Another level of spells to go through. D:

Jazzai Moonbreaker wrote:
Nah, we just need a spell called Speech bubble. You cast it on yourself and everytime someone talks you see a speech bubble over their head showing you what they said. Doesn't translate languages but could help. ^.^

I'm down with this. Make it a Target: Personal so it's not sticking speech bubbles in everybody's faces.

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

That's why I said cast it on yourself. I wasn't getting to specific on how it manifests but figured it is limited in range .

And here I was worried about making it to 5th level... Done. Improved Uncanny Dodge, here I come! Wading through the unsavory hoards! That's right, don't like how they taste... The fear makes'em game-y.

If you're deaf, isn't there a verbal component issue, where spells can fail? Vague memory.

More character details later.

Good luck, everyone!

deafness and spellcasting

Darkness Rising, wouldn't you like to know? :P This AP can be downright brutal at many points, so I think extra options and little bonuses are good. The messageboards take a lot of diligence and devotion and, personally, I don't want to risk a TPK in regular encounters more than I have to and I don't want people to do a cookie-cutter power build for a single class, hence my reasoning. Yes, there may still be a death or two, but hopefully we can all avoid those bumming-out wipes caused by bad rolls or one of the other reasons. Don't worry, enemy 'boss' NPCs and 'named' monsters will be boosted a bit as well to keep the best fights challenging!

TSP should be ready soon. He messaged me and changed his concept so he doesn't stick out a 'Mr.Spotlight' as he put it... he's now using a Reaper, a 3PP race that's the Human/Psychopomp equivalent of a Tiefling or Aasimar. He is planning on being a full caster, split between arcane and divine magic.


So the wizard gets all spells known, while the sorcerer gets more spell slots to cast with.

Nice. I would have just accepted that I still get two free spells if I take a prestige class.

Are you placing any limits on the number of spells we will start the game with?

That fact that the thought crossed his mind speaks volumes.

@GM Queen - Would a Barbarian with the Ghost Rager (Su) rage power be able to Sneak Attack incorporeal creatures? The power allows them to do "normal damage" much like a ghost touch weapon. Ghost Touch weapons also allow sneak attack damage.

Just applying Aristotelian logic, wondering how you see it.

Looking for a peripheral connection to the spirit/otherworld. With Superstitious & Ghost Rager. Bad juju.

Aww, man. I came here with my crunch all done. And now I'm 5th level? Fiiiiiiiiiiiine.

Level 5 huh? That changes things... Means that Stumpy is on the same level as Dag and will be combat ready! Interesting.

Also, I was thinking either bowser or a student of the Turtle Hermit school for the joke. XD But yes, bowser definitely crossed my mind.

Edit: *Coughs*. (Note- Stumpy does not -actually- look like that. XD)

Fnord72, nope. No real point besides hassling players saying 'nope, you've been a wizard for X time and all wizards like you are only smart enough for X spells'. I don't like that logic, because prep casters only edge against sponts are their versatility.

S'kar, it only makes sense to allow it. Otherwise it's being nitpicky and 'well it doesn't explicitly state, so I can't allow it'. Some things are implicit, so it is allowed! :)

Dag, ha! Also, the only turtle armor I found was what you PM'd me.

I'm just going to go with a breastplate stylized to look like a turtle shell on Stumpy then. A magic one too, so its worth the effort to stylize. XD Stumpy isn't much right now, not counting his AC, but geez can he can get powerful thanks to gestalting. (There's actually an ability that lets him get rage too! It costs 3 rounds worth of Dag's rage a round but still!)

Okay, I think Oros is all caught up for level 5.

I remembered to include his Wild Shaped attacks now, because it is apparently not nearly as easy to track them as I thought. I fully expect comments of "Clever girl..." and I will probably even laugh at them. Probably.

Liberty's Edge

That means Ruul will be naturally large-sized. Sweet.

Wait. Does that mean wizards automatically have all of their spells in their spellbook as they reach the appropriate level? Or do they still have to find them?

And what does that mean for similar mechanics - namely, the fact that my first submission will have both a formula book and an invention book, both of which function as a spellbook?

Good news! Kind of. XD I finally have an idea - a Druid/Shaman (ACG - may update when the full book is out... later this month, isn't it?), who I'm statting up now.

Rednal: The PDF is supposedly available next week according to Paizo. I'm looking forward to it to see how they tweaked the shaman.

RVT: Good to know. Will bump Mori to five tomorrow, and add in the expanded background then.



The world is a bigger place than most people realize - and in the rough, grimy territory of the Razor Coast, this is especially true. However, there are those who have a greater connection to the waves than others, and Myrrh is one of these people. Her heart lies with the sea, and her mystical abilities are a much-valued addition to any ship she sets her feet on. Spirits of wind and water are drawn to her, further strengthening her talents.

Myrrh usually spends her days close to or on the ocean, occasionally going so far as to dance on top of it as a way of earning money - many sailors can appreciate a good show, and she has trained hard to make herself useful. Her diverse selection of magic only adds to this, and she's been known to incorporate castings into her show.

Of course, there are those who are... slightly less than totally impressed at the attempts of anyone who wants a positive side. Myrrh isn't gorgeous, but she is relatively nice-looking, and the world is a dangerous place for those moving on their own... particularly if their heads are knocked in, allowing kidnappers the chance to do as they will. Yeah, that's unfortunate...


Note: The ACG is coming out soon, and may have Archetypes / Options for replacing the Shaman's Arcane Familiar. I'll probably take that if available, so consider this a draft for now. XD

Human Druid 5/Shaman 5/Gestalt 5
NG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +8; Senses hexes (water sight); Perception +14
AC 18, touch 12, flat-footed 16 (+6 armor, +2 Dex)
hp 55 (5d8+10)
Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +10; +4 vs. fey and plant-targeted effects
Speed 20 ft.
Special Attacks wild shape 1/day
Druid Spells Prepared (CL 5th; concentration +11):
. . 3rd—sea of fire (DC 20), sleet storm, water walk{super}D{/super}
. . 2nd—defy depth, lesser restoration, riptide, slipstream{super}D,APG{/super} (DC 19), summon nature's ally ii
. . 1st—cure light wounds, endure elements, entangle (DC 17), obscuring mist{super}D{/super}, pressure spray (DC 17), touch of the sea{super}APG{/super} (DC 17)
. . 0 (at will)—create water, detect magic, purify food and drink (DC 16), thunderclap
. . D Domain spell; Domains Oceans, Water
Shaman Spells Prepared (CL 5th; concentration +11):
. . 3rd—{super}S,APG{/super} (DC 19), ice spears (DC 20), stone shape, {super}S{/super}
(1/day) cloak of winds or water breathing
. . 2nd—chilling mist (DC 19), fog cloud, {super}S{/super} (DC 18), {super}S,APG{/super} (DC 19), summon nature's ally ii, warp wood (DC 18)
(1/day) gust of wind or slipstream
. . 1st—{super}S,APG{/super} (DC 17), {super}S,APG{/super}, leaf spray (DC 18), summon nature's ally i (3), windy escape{super}ARG{/super}
(1/day) alter winds or hydraulic push
. . 0 (at will)—create snow, know direction, light, mending
Str 12, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 23, Cha 12
Base Atk +3; CMB +4; CMD 16
Feats Augment Summoning, Improved Initiative, Natural Spell, Spell Focus (conjuration)
Traits reactionary, touched by the sea
Skills Fly +7, Handle Animal +9, Heal +11, Knowledge (nature) +12, Perception +14, Perform (dance) +5, Spellcraft +10, Survival +15, Swim +7
Languages Aquan, Common, Druidic, Sylvan
SQ nature bonds (oceans domain), shocking touch, spirits (waves), surge, trackless step, wandering spirits (wind), wave strike, wild empathy +6, woodland stride
Other Gear masterwork living steel oil shark, headband of inspired wisdom +2, ring of sustenance, 1,850 gp
Special Abilities
Arcane Familiar Nearby You gain the Alertness feat while your familiar is within arm's reach.
Augment Summoning Summoned creatures have +4 to Strength and Constitution.
Deliver Touch Spells Through Familiar (Su) Your familiar can deliver touch spells for you.
Druid Domain (Oceans)
Empathic Link with Familiar (Su) You have an empathic link with your Arcane Familiar.
Natural Spell You can cast spells while in Wild Shape.
Ring of sustenance Immune to hunger and thirst, and only sleep two hours a night.
Share Spells with Familiar Can cast spells with a target of "You" on the familiar with a range of touch.
Shocking Touch (4/day) (Su) Melee touch deals 1d6+2 electricity dam.
Speak With Familiar (Ex) You can communicate verbally with your familiar.
Spell Focus (Conjuration) Spells from one school of magic have +1 to their save DC.
Surge (CMB +5, 9/day) (Su) Create a wave that can bull rush or drag a target.
Touched by the Sea Underwater attack penalties are lessened by 1.
Trackless Step (Ex) You do not leave a trail as you move through natural surroundings.
Water Sight (5 rounds/day) (Su) See through fog and mist.
Wave Strike (4/day) (Su) Melee touch drenches and pushes 5 ft.
Wild Empathy +6 (Ex) Improve the attitude of an animal, as if using Diplomacy.
Wild Shape (1/day) (Su) Shapeshift into a different creature one or more times per day.
Woodland Stride (Ex) Move through undergrowth at normal speed.



Orin Oakhammer, the Kegsbane, is a seadog of no small note. His clan long ago realized that there could be more coin to be made sailing trading ships than grubbing for it i the ground and Orin grew up in, on and around the sea.

Under the guise of looking for new markets, for the last few decades Orin has been indulging in a bit of wanderlust. Signing on as a crewman on all manner of sailing vessels, Orin has crisscrossed the oceans on all sorts of endeavours both legal and less than so. Orin isn't big on scruples, so the nature of the work doesn't really matter to him as long as there is a chance for adventure, but he wont leave port without a signed contract outlining the terms of his employment.

Up until recently he had been serving on the Thunderstriker under Captain Tomas Garell, but the ship and her crew were severely mauled in a bit of a navel disagreement and were fortunate to be able to limp in Port Shaw in one piece. With the ship barely seaworthy and the Captain having lost the fire of high seas adventure, Orin currently finds himself with out employment. Having tucked a fair bit of coin away for such an occasion, he has been storming the Port's taverns and brothels with equal abandon, but is always on the prowl for a new bit of work for fun or profit.

Personality: Saltiest of saltdogs. Having sailed the seas longer than most humans have been alive, Orin has seen it all before, except more so. Nothing is every as dangerous, large or challenging as the last time he did it. True to his dwarven roots, Orin is slow to make friends or enemies, but those he does are for life. Having been at this for quite some time now, Orin is starting to get an itch to make his way back to his clan and as such is on the lookout for that one last big score to carry him over into retirement.

Party role:

Scout, massive amount of ranged DPS, Party face, swim, help sail a ship, Orin a (almost) do it all. I envision Orin up in a ship's crow's nest raining down death on enemies at ridiculous distances as ships close in on each other. Mechanically he's pretty solid and should be able to contribute both in and out of combat.

Crunch is in his profile, but TLDR: He's a Zen archer monk/inquisitor

Since we are 5th level, does that mean starting gold is increased to 10.5k?

There we are. Fluff and crunch can all be found in the alias. Let me know if you have any questions.

Thanks for the consideration!

Fnord72, yes... can't believe I didn't post it! :(


El Ronza, yes on the first count, for it is automatically assumed you have been writing down new spells and formulae before you hit the new level, even if only during downtime before you dinged. Your formula and invention books are seperate though!

When should our final post be in by?

Also, would there be room in the story for the Liberator Story Feat?

Linkified >>> Liberator (story)

Backstory has disappearances later discovered to be individuals taken for their reptilian hide or as slaves.

Thinking he pays for info regarding Lizardfolk/Crocmen slaves, either buying their freedom or for the purposes of this feat, forcibly liberates them.

It's not a must have, and it will be his drive regardless. I can't decide if imposing a mechanic helps in this case.

almost done with her crunch and just need to update her backstory to reflect change in campaign. I have about 1000 gp left and am thinking about using it to buy and train an elephant.

GM Queen of the Razor Coast wrote:
El Ronza, yes on the first count, for it is automatically assumed you have been writing down new spells and formulae before you hit the new level, even if only during downtime before you dinged. Your formula and invention books are seperate though!

So just to clarify... does that mean my tinker 5/alchemist 5 would begin play with all 1st- and 2nd-level alchemist formulae in his formula book; and all 1st- and 2nd-level tinker inventions in his invention book? And upon reaching tinker 7/alchemist 7, he'd begin that level with all 3rd-level formulae and inventions in their respective books?

Invention book:
Invention Books: A tinker must study his invention book each day to refresh his daily uses of the deploy automaton class feature (see below). He cannot place inventions not recorded in his invention book into a blueprint. A tinker begins play with an invention book containing 3 + the tinker's Intelligence modifier 1st-level inventions. At each new tinker level, he gains two new inventions of any invention level or levels that he can understand (based on his new tinker level) for his invention book. At any time, a tinker can also add inventions found in other invention books to his own. The process of copying inventions from another tinker's invention book tends to result in professional disagreements between two tinkers. Whether by adding a number of "corrections" or by getting so excited that an inkwell tips, the original copy of the invention is essentially ruined. As such, wise tinkers produce copies of their inventions for each others' consumption rather than trade invention books.

Dark Archive

@GM: Since we're gonna have more funds than I had expected, is there a way I can go about getting an Ironwood Breastplate? I honestly don't even know how to go about it.

You need a druid on tap. The spell ironwood doesn't have an option for permanent.

breastplate: 200g

11th level druid casting 6th level spell every 11 days: 11x6x10=660g.

At 5th level, having anything made with higher level spells is likely out of our price range.

On the otherhand, a dragonhide breastplate would cost you: breastplate 200g + 150g masterwork x2 dragonhide = 700g. another 1000 gold gives it a +1.

So for 1700 gold you have +1 dragonhide breastplate.

For 880 gold you have +1 ironwood breastplate, for 11 days.

Another way to attempt it, assuming that custom crafting is allowed, is to take a masterwork breastplate (made of wood) 350 gold, and craft a continuous ironwood spell onto it.

This would cost spell level 6 x caster level 11 x 2000 gold = 132,000 gold, total cost 132,350 gold. The base spellcraft check would be 5 + caster level + 5 missing component (you can't cast the spell) = 21.

Ok, background expanded! I've also reworked her stats for fifth level. The background is below, but I updated the crunch in her profile.

A couple questions:

-- I'd like to reflavor a Roc as a Dire Osprey for her animal companion. Is this alright? Also if she can speak to Ospreys (Speak with Animals Hex), is it ok to extend this to her re-flavored animal companion?

-- I wanted to give her darkleaf studded armor. Is it ok to pay for darkwood studs (Darkwood adds 10gp/lb to the cost, no mechanical benefit other than not having metal on the armor) to make it druid usable? If not I'll switch things around to use leaf armor instead.

Edit: Expanded the Expanded background. Marko and Jazzai: I tied in briefly to y'all's backgrounds, including Captain Taylor and the Salty Siren. Hope that's alright. I figured it made sense given Mori's personal quest of vengeance on slavers. I'll leave it to y'all as to whether they know each other, are merely acquainted or just happen to know the same people.

Background and Appearance:

Introduction Story

We are the Ng'ihaze, a tribe of fishers, hunters and warriors living in the furthest reaches of the Aizanes islands. A green-haired girl runs down a passage between two straw and mud huts amidst a variety of tropical plants. She bursts into a clearing in the middle of a busy village, men and women going about their daily business. Our tribe has lived here generations uncounted, in harmony with nature and peace with our neighbors as demanded by the Loa. As the young girl continues her sprint through the village, she passes an elderly woman kneeling down to place offerings in front of shrine consisting of a carved totem depicting an osprey. Our lives are not always easy, nor are we strangers to disaster. The girl runs through pouring rain and fierce winds, taking shelter inside one of the huts. Safe for the moment, she peeks out and watches in shock as a gust of wind uproots a tree nearby, toppling it onto one of the other houses across from her. But we have always survived, rebuilt and continued on. As the wise women say, 'So has it always been, and so shall it always be'.

And so it was, until they came. The girl, now in her early teens and with shoulder-length hair, stands among palms on the beach staring off at the horizon. Far in the distance a dark mass with white above it looms ever closer. They first arrived seeking trade and assistance, and our elders took them at their word and showed them the same respect we show the other tribes. Men load baskets of fruit and and two large boars into a landing craft that has been dragged up on to the beach. Several bronze-skinned warriors with spears and shields watch as they load the goods, and two village elders take a basket of various items back inland. In the distance a mighty sailing vessel stands anchored in the bay. Further up the beach the girl turns and runs to the village as she sees the elders approaching. Then they came for tribute, and our elders offered them riches so they would leave us in peace. The landing craft lays on the beach again, a different sailing vessel anchored in the distance behind it. Several men bearing muskets and wearing breastplates watch as villagers load baskets of fruits and game, pearls, precious metals aboard the boat. Off in the village, the girl lays with her head on a young man's chest crying, her waist-length hair splayed across his body. Blood runs profusely from several holes in his side and chest, staining her hair. They took what little we had, but it was not enough. Eventually they came again, but this time for us. Men in armor with muskets run through the village chasing down women and children. Others stand over those already caught, binding them together with ropes. The bodies of warriors lay piled haphazardly in the clearing at the center of the village. Off to the side, several men drag a younger woman screaming and kicking into one of the huts. Hidden in the dense foliage nearby, a green-haired woman forces herself to watch, her eyes filled with tears and her hand clasped firmly over her mouth.

I am Ng'ihaze, all that is left of my once-proud tribe. They have killed our warriors and taken my brothers and sisters into slavery. The village lies in ruins, remnants of huts stand smoldering off in the distance and much of the space in the periphery of the village is filled with hastily dug graves. At the clearing in the center, a funeral pyre lies unlit, the remains of an old elven woman atop it. In front of the pyre, a circle of white powder marks the ground. Within the circle lie offerings at varius points, themselves surrounded by strange white symbols. On the side nearest the pyre lies a bowl filled with a thick red liquid. My grandmother was Pakeha, an honorable outsider living within the tribe, and eventually high shaman. She was also E'kelha, one of the elven folk from beyond the great sea. She lived among the village for half a century before she married my grandfather. The green-haired woman walks into the clearing bearing a lit torch and wearing a ceremonial robe. She walks to the pyre and lays a hand upon the old elven woman, bowing her head reverently. She thrusts the torch in the bottom of the pyre and then turns, walking slowly into the ritual circle. She gave all she had for the village, her wisdom guided us and her strength shielded us. The flames slowly spread along the base of the pyre from the torch. The woman reaches the center of the circle and turns to face the pyre, shrugging off the robe and allowing it to fall away, leaving her bare. They say she arrived on the back of a giant osprey spirit. Ni'guh, Wisdom, he was named, and the elders declared him Loa-khi, an emissary of the Loa. As the flames continue to work their way up the pyre, a raptor's cry pierces the still dusk air. A gust of wind lifts the woman's hair aloft as she raises her arms skyward and looks up. The wind fans the flames, causing them to leap further up the mound. A giant hawk, with black wings, a white chest and a wingspan almost as large as the clearing itself lands behind the pyre. Its golden eyes pierce the growing darkness, examining the woman before it.

I know now that he will pass beyond this world soon as well, without her anchoring his spirit here. I cannot allow that to happen, his strength and wisdom are needed still. My brothers and sisters cry for freedom, the elders call for justice, and the dead demand vengeance. Slightly shivering in the cooling night air, the woman kneels before the bowl of blood. Grinding the offerings with a mortar and pestle, she pours the paste into the blood and stirs it before dipping her fingers into it. The Osprey watches intently as she traces lines along her body, starting at the arms and working up to the shoulders and then down from there. The lines cross her chest, and over her heart she traces a mysterious rune. I am all that is left, so it falls to me to answer these cries. The Loa demand it. Since I have neither strength nor wisdom, I shall borrow what I can from Ni'guh. The Osprey seems to nod in the woman's direction as his form wavers and vanishes. The flames of the pyre finish their climb, engulfing the body of the elven woman. The green-haired woman falls forward, her arms crossed over her stomach as she cries out in pain. Her skin begins to blister and takes on a pale grey hue, the beginnings of black quills protruding from the blisters. Tonight I am reborn. No longer a child, no longer a woman, no longer Ng'ihaze. I am winged vengeance, I am a predator, and now the hunt begins. Where the green-haired woman laid a large Osprey rests on the ground. Stretching its wings, it gives a mighty flap once, twice and then launches into the air, grazing the flames of the bonfire as it flies off into the night.


Mori's Appearance
Ni'guh's Appearance

Despite being a third-generation descendant of the only known Elf in the Aizanes islands, Mori has inherited a surprising amount of her grandmother's features. Her ears retain the elven points and her facial features are sharper than those of an average Aizanes-Tulita. Her most distinctive features are her flowing waist-length hair, the color of which resembles the leaves of a mature oak, and the copper color of her eyes. In the days before the slaver raids on her tribe, she dressed no different than any other member of the tribe. In the aftermath, however, she took up her grandmother's darkleaf armor, shield and scimitar, heirlooms she'd brought with her on her travel across the great sea. Ritual markings painted in a deep red adorn Mori’s skin, tracing unbroken lines from the markings on the backs of her hands to the one on her forehead, permanently set as a part of the ritual binding Ni'guh to her. In addition to her features, Mori has also taken up her grandmother's elven name so as to further hide her Ng'ihaze heritage.

Shortly after her departure from the village she was joined by a small osprey, the reincarnation of Ni'guh who now serves as her spirit guide and advisor. In addition she has tamed one of the few Dire Osprey of the region, naming it Ni'num, or Strength. When needed she uses magic to reduce Ni'num to a more managable size, and occasionally sends him away if she needs to enter more civilized regions.


Ng'ihaze (ing ih-haz-uh) are a tribe of Aizanes-Tulita who have made their place on the island of Ikkali and the small islets surrounding it on the far western edge of the Aizanes islands. They are primarily fishermen, but as Ikkali is one of the larger islands in the Aizanes, they supplement that with hunted boars and small game as well as gathered fruits and root vegetables. Like all Aizanes-Tulita, they revere all the Loa. Given their island often bears the brunt of any hurricanes which hit the Aizanes, however, they venerate and provide offerings to Damballa primarily, as her pleasure or displeasure determines how well they'll fare in such storms.

They maintain cordial relations with all the other tribes within the Aizanes, and some trade flows back and forth among them. While open wars between the Aizanes-Tulita tribes are uncommon, there are often skirmishes and clashes over territory. These tend to be shows of strength more than anything, and usually one side or the other will retreat before any significant casualties are had by either side. In the oral histories of the tribe there are only two mentions of all-out wars, both of which involved Tulita tribes coming to the Aizanes.

Mori the E'kelha

According to the tribe's history, and corroborated by the stories told by Mori herself, just over a century ago an elf named Mori Fallenoak landed on the shores of Ikkali. She was first encountered by the tribe walking along the shore of one of the northern islets of Ikkali by several Ng'ihaze fishing in the shoals there. According to Mori she'd been living there for a few months at that point. After making contact, she traded with the tribe occasionally, partly for the few things she needed, and partly to have someone to interact with.

She lived as a hermit for almost a decade until a band of Tulita cannibals came to raid the tribe's village. That day as their canoes approached the shore and the outnumbered warriors rallied to defend the village, she appeared to aid them. Riding a gigantic osprey, wearing finely crafted leather armor and carrying a scimitar and shield, she swooped down upon the unsuspecting Tulita. Her companion tore into them as she called out to nature to aid her. Vines rose up from the ground, binding the Tulita, leaving them vulnerable to the Ng'ihaze warriors. Terrified at her appearance, the Tulita routed, fleeing back to the ocean, pursued by the Giant Osprey. Confident in her companion's abilities, she stayed behind on the beach to tend the wounds of those who could be saved.

The High Shaman declared the appearance of the great bird spirit a sign from Damballa herself, and that Mori should be ever known as Pakeha. When the battle was over, Mori accepted the tribe's invitation to live among them. She became a respected member of the village and eventually ascended to High Shaman herself. In time she wed one of the warriors and had two children, a son, Eni, and a daughter, Ailani, both half-elves. While Eni appeared much like his kin in the village, Ailani inherited her mother's complexion, green-hair and eyes.


After Mori's death attempting to fight off the slavers, Ni'guh told Auralia the remainder of Mori's history. She was once a well respected druid within a circle in lands far across the great sea. The coastal forests they tended were overrun by a barbarian horde, who intended to proceed south to raid the human lands there. The circle was of the opinion that the barbarians should be ignored as long as they left the forest untouched, but Mori did not agree. Using a forbidden ritual, she bound the Kami of the forest, a great Osprey, to her permanently and went to battle against the barbarians. Attempting to fight the Kami in it's home forest was futile, and the barbarians were routed by Mori.

For going against the will of the Heirophant and the circle, Mori was sentenced to exile. The circle had planned to break the connection between Mori and the Kami in an effort to restore it to its place as guardian of the coastal lands. Before they could do so, however, Mori and the Kami fled. Fearing the druids would pursue her, she decided to flee over the ocean, and began an arduous journey across the near endless expanse of water. A couple months later they spotted land in the form of several small islands surrounding a larger one. Exhausted and desparate to rest somewhere solid for once, she landed and made home in caves on one of the smaller islands.

The Kami, while initially incensed at being bound to Mori, would eventually come to respect her. He aided in the battle against the barbarians because he had no choice and aided in her flight from the forest despite his overwhelming urge to stay within his home territory. The connection they shared, however, allowed him to experience her motivation and conviction intimately, slowly altering the way he saw the world. Over the course of their journey he began to understand the sacrifice she'd made in order to save people she'd never known, gaining an admiration for her selflessness. By the time they'd settled on the island and the Ng'ihaze were threatened by the Tulita raiders he'd come to accept her view that their power should be used to aid those who need it.

Now bound to Auralia, and though still a shadow of his former self, he strives to counsel her with his wisdom and that which he learned from Mori.


Auralia was the daughter, and first of three children of Ailani. Like her mother, Auralia inherited Mori's distinct hair and eyes. She was the favored grandchild of Mori, and spent much time aiding her in her duties as High Shaman of the tribe. Thus her childhood, at least the parts where she wasn't playing with her brothers and cousins, was filled with learning the ways of druids from her grandmother.

She grew up during the arrival of the foreigners, learning first-hand of their treachery and the suffering they brought to the Ng'ihaze. When slavers came and began slaughtering the warriors, Mori told her to go hide. Her grandmother then went to battle herself along with Ni'guh, slaying several dozen of the invaders before she herself was brought down by their firearms. Auralia hid and forced herself to watch as her relatives and tribemates were bound and dragged off to be sold into slavery. Unable to do anything to aid them, she stayed hidden until they departed, at which point she took it upon herself to bury the dead warriors and pray to the Loa for help.

A day later, Ni'guh arrived in the village bearing Mori's corpse. The giant raptor spoke to Auralia for the first time then, telling her his story and how he would soon fade away himself due to the nature of the bond he'd formed with her grandmother. Seeing Ni'guh as her only hope to do something to aid her friends and family, she offered herself to him that he might not fade away. He taught her what he knew, and she performed a binding ritual, allowing part of the great spirit to reside within her. The ritual, while not perfect, granted her the ability to change form into a raptor herself (and eventually into other animals as well), and shortly afterwards Ni'guh was reborn as her spirit guide.

Auralia was guided by Ni'guh to the caves where Mori had originally settled, and there she found her grandmother's old battle gear in remarkable condition. After donning it she walked out to a pool near the cave and for a brief moment saw not her own reflection, but her grandmother's. At that point she decided to take up her grandmother's name until she had completed her quest to free her tribe from slavery and wreak vengeance upon those who took them, hoping it would grant her the strength and courage she'd need.

In the two years after the attack, she travelled from island to island along with Ni'guh, looking to find the names of the vessels the Slavers travelled upon. Early on in her travels she witnessed hunters killing a dire osprey who was returning with food for its young. Auralia, now Mori, and Ni'guh intervened, but not in time to save the bird. Comforting it in its dying moments, the bird spoke of its child and Mori swore she would take it and ensure it survived. She found the nest and spent several weeks aiding the young creature, teaching it to hunt and becoming close to it. When she departed to continue her hunt for the slavers, the bird, Ni'num as she had named it, followed faithfully, joining her and Ni'guh on their journey.

In her search she spoke to many of the Aizanes-Tulita tribe and learned of the great calamity that had befallen the Tulita, the first Tulita war, and of the rise of Port Shaw. One of the tribal chiefs introduced her to a group of foreigners led by a Captain Taylor who were also hunting slavers. With their aid she travelled to Port Shaw, and was directed to the Salty Siren Inn there to speak with Besarana who would be able to help get her further information about the whereabouts of her kin. The last few months have consisted of her using her abilities to scout around the Port looking for known slavers and relaying that information through Besarana to aid those seeking to thwart them. In exchange Besarana has continued to help her gather information on the captured Ng'ihaze, which she has begun compiling into a journal for when she finally sets out to free them.

Not too pry, but doesn't your wisdom suffer the same max 'dex' bonus from armor? The Studded leather armor only has a +5.

fnord72 wrote:
You need a druid on tap.

Hello. ^^

(Admittedly, she's a druid of the ocean, but... XD)

Marko: Darkleaf Cloth Armor increases max Dex by 2 and reduces ACP by 3. So Darkleaf Studded would be +3/+7 instead of +3/+5.

Ah, missed that part.

No worries!

Also I added a bit in the background tying to Dag and Ma Hiwa (Jazzai) through Cap'n Taylor and the Salty Siren. I liked both your backgrounds and figured that given Mori's hatred of slavers it'd be appropriate. I'll leave it to y'all to decide how much or little you've dealt with Mori if that's alright.

Hrm... The only problem I see is that Besarana wasn't meant to be that connected. She knew a couple of people to get Dag a job, but by and large she's just a regular citizen of the port who has a soft spot for people with half-blood or diverse nature's thanks to the trouble she's gone through because of hers. She's the kind of character that can help someone integrate into the port and while she might be connected -in- the port to a fair degree thats kind of the idea I was going with. The DM might have other plans for her of course, but... If I may suggest, Captain Taylor would likely be a much better candidate as far as helping someone, especially when it comes to dealing with pirates.

Other then that, it depends on the time frame. Dag was brought to the port about six years ago, so if Mori was saved before that, it's possible Dag met her when he was brought in every once in a while. If it was after and Mori spent any length of time at the Salty Siren, she'd definitely have met him. He used to live there, still lives nearby, and visits every night he's in port.

Dark Archive

fnord72 wrote:

On the otherhand, a dragonhide breastplate would cost you: breastplate 200g + 150g masterwork x2 dragonhide = 700g. another 1000 gold gives it a +1.

So for 1700 gold you have +1 dragonhide breastplate.

Derp, why didn't I think of that?! Thanks fnord!

It likely would've been afterwards, given it's been about two years since Mori left her village in search of the slavers.

So she encountered Captain Taylor and he directed her to other contacts of his in Port Shaw in the same district. She's been staying in the Salty Siren because Taylor and several others recommended it as a safe place, and uses it as a base of operations when she's in town. She's met Dag a few times when he's been in port (hard to miss him really, and Mori doesn't exactly blend in either). As Aizanes-Tulita she doesn't quite share the same prejudices as the Tulita, so she'd not be quite so taken aback by a Dajobasu.

Dag might not be too keen on meeting someone that gave up the worship of the Three, considering he's a Ranger of old angry face himself, but he wouldn't hold it against them if they were good people. He's got a cha of 7 though and ontop of being ugly as sin, he's not very good at socializing. Blunt and direct. If that wouldn't turn someone like Mori away, then its possible they could be drinking buds.

Question! Do the islands we'll be landing on count as forests or jungles? I think its technically jungles, but I can't be certain.. XD

Heh - finally putting in an appearance (Darkness Rising here) - I'd just finished the crunch when I saw we were getting another 4.5K in gold (really, DM, you are spoiling us)... took me a little longer to finish up. All crunch, description, backstory etc. now in this profile.

Mori/Dag: as far as joining backstories go, if you need the help of someone who's spent the last 30-something years in Port Shaw (and has the points in Knowledge: local to prove it!), you could do a lot worse. On the other hand, given your ... 'distinctive' appearances, maybe she's become aware of you already.

@Rigel Well, I don't have any particular person planned for the connection Besarana used to get Dag a job. Maybe it was Rigel? Could be interesting if for about the first year or so Dag worked with Rigel as a partner and built his reputation as a reliable sort?

It looks like Rigel is a bounty hunter now, so that might not work entirely since Dag is more of a guide and a guard these days. Perhaps Rigel was his employer for a year instead? He guided her through the jungles so that she could reach tough bounties hiding on some of the bigger islands.

@Queen DM: As a heads up, Dag is finally done mechanically. Well. he's been done. But now he and Stumpy are both on here instead of on Mythweavers and everything is written out in the proper format. XD
Three things of note.
-First, I dropped 1,000 gp from onto a small stable where Dag and Stumpy live. It -was- an old, rundown place, but a lot of the 1k went to fixing it up. It's basically a one room office big enough for a bed and little else and a stable that could fit about five horses, but has no dividers now, and now has a small area without a roof for Stumpy to sunbathe in. Gives the guy a lot of leg room and paves the way for Stumpy to have a spot in the Port that's not scaring the crap out of people. XD There's more info on it in his profile.
-I chose the Bodyguard Archetype for Stumpy. The Charger one works better as a mount archetype, I know, but he has to live long enough to get there and I'd rather him be a bit more sturdy. XD
-Stumpy's bonus attribute at level 4 went into his Intelligence score. He is now a dino-lassy with his 3 int and 15 wisdom. XD I chose Tulita as the language he understands, though doesn't speak it of course since he doesn't have the proper equipment for it, because that's the language Dag used to train Stumpy.

If there's any problem with any of that please let me know and I'll change it. If you spot anything that's wrong, same deal!

RVT, I was playing with options for my cleric of thieves, was thinking about gods, and realized this is a great campaign for a Cleric/Swashbuckler of Besmara.

...except then I realized this isn't actually Golarion, is it? Does Besmara exist here? Or an equivalent god/dess?


for my second class, i am thinking of either rogue, or steamwright (going for the high-tech party slot)

do we have a lot of rogue submissions already?

also, i am looking hard at that Catch Them Napping feat.

Dag: That's an interesting point. I can see the Aizanes-Tulita not having issues with the totem gods, but it hadn't occurred to me that there might be some prejudice in the other direction. Apparently I also missed the part where it explains that's exactly the case with the relations between the Aizanes-Tulita and the Tulita.

Lets say that the two are acquainted but the combination of appearances and religious friction has limited their interaction beyond that for now.

Rigel: Mori would probably be happy to get your help. She'd definitely have sought out assistance when she arrived in Port Shaw. Morally she's only really against slavery and killing/injuring innocents. Killing people of questionable morality, especially foreigners, doesn't bother her. She's expecting to kill quite a few before she's done, after all. She'd probably even be willing to aid in a few jobs if there's information to be had about her abducted tribe members.

At the very least, she'd certainly have talked to Rigel in the Salty Siren if only to ask exactly what she was. :p

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I've been following and sounds good. The friction would be less there for Ma Hiwa because she wasn't traditionally raised. But it might be there a little.

That being said Internet had a bad day should have mechanics done tomorrowish

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