Nearly gods... (Inactive)

Game Master BloodWolven

Nearly Gods-monastery

Upper and lower

Rough Map

Gnoll Tower

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Silver Crusade

Nearly Gods Upper and lower

Dashki tries to regain his thoughts from the accusation, then finally says, "Well I have my guesses at who is at the fort, likely another gnoll tribe that would prefer these favorable lands."

HP 34/38 Sirocco-born
HP: 38/38, AC: 23 _ T: 16 _ FF: 17 _ Perception +10*, Darkvision 60 ft., Initiative: +3, Fort +6* _ Ref +9* _ Will +8* (+X vs trap, enchant, poison, sun), CMB: +9, CMD: 23*, Speed: 30*
Investigator 5 // Monk (MoMS) 3 / Rogue (Investigator) 2

OK, just to confirm what i think i know: our quarry is in the valley, along with the chief we must dispose of. there is a possible enemy-of-my-enemy on the mountainside, and both parties have received/are receiving howling messages from the Carrion King. is that correct?

Silver Crusade

Nearly Gods Upper and lower

On horses or camels it would take about an hour to get to town. With the elevated status of the monastery you can see further than those in the town.

Midnight has come and gone. Each of you have rested as you needed and now begin to make preparations to make a strike on the town.

HP 34/38 Sirocco-born
HP: 38/38, AC: 23 _ T: 16 _ FF: 17 _ Perception +10*, Darkvision 60 ft., Initiative: +3, Fort +6* _ Ref +9* _ Will +8* (+X vs trap, enchant, poison, sun), CMB: +9, CMD: 23*, Speed: 30*
Investigator 5 // Monk (MoMS) 3 / Rogue (Investigator) 2
Arasmes the Eye wrote:
OK, just to confirm what i think i know: our quarry is in the valley, along with the chief we must dispose of. there is a possible enemy-of-my-enemy on the mountainside, and both parties have received/are receiving howling messages from the Carrion King. is that correct?

I don't feel as if my previous post was answered. If you answered it, i misunderstood.

Silver Crusade

Nearly Gods Upper and lower

Well I answered it in the discussion thread because that is where this belongs. You are not asking anyone in game, just clarifying what you know.

'Arasmes, yes your target is the town. It could be easily said is in a valley, but more accurately just between mountains. The call of the carrion king from the Pale mountain is cried out and a responding cry comes from the town, nowhere else.'

To add to the clarification that I may have missed, yes the lights that were seen could be enemy-of-my-enemy then again it could be all sorts of things you don't know. I would suggest go investigate.

Do you speak with anyone? What preparations do you make? What do you do?

There is a bit of a rukcus down in the monastery, perhaps from the center?

Most people are asleep right now, so it is strange that there is sounds coming from the monastery, then again it is the first night.

HP 34/38 Sirocco-born
HP: 38/38, AC: 23 _ T: 16 _ FF: 17 _ Perception +10*, Darkvision 60 ft., Initiative: +3, Fort +6* _ Ref +9* _ Will +8* (+X vs trap, enchant, poison, sun), CMB: +9, CMD: 23*, Speed: 30*
Investigator 5 // Monk (MoMS) 3 / Rogue (Investigator) 2

"We should go check out those lights" Arasmes says to Alton.

sorry, i read that days ago and have since forgotten that it did indeed answer my question. also, maybe the new gnoll character is in this possible enemy-of-my-enemy camp?

Silver Crusade

Nearly Gods Upper and lower

Do you want to head out a bit early, perhaps after the call of the carrion king around midnight to go investigate the lights.

The ruckus happens before you leave either at midnight or early morning.

HP: 33/33 _ AC: 18_ T: 13 _FF: 15_ Perception +5_ Lowlight _ Sense Motive +9 _ Diplomacy +10 _ Init: +2_Fort: +5_Ref: +3_Will: +7_CMB: +6_CMD: 18_Speed: 30
Acrobatics +6_Bluff +4 _ Climb +6 _ Escape Artist +5 _ Handle Animal +10 _ Heal +8 _ Intimidate +8 _ K +7 _ Linguistics +4 _ Ride +10 _ Spellcraft +7 _ Stealth +9 _ Survival +7 _ Swim +6 _ Use Magic Device +10

"Sounds like a plan, shall I go get the horses ready?" She asks almost eager to be doing something rather than waiting.

HP 34/38 Sirocco-born
HP: 38/38, AC: 23 _ T: 16 _ FF: 17 _ Perception +10*, Darkvision 60 ft., Initiative: +3, Fort +6* _ Ref +9* _ Will +8* (+X vs trap, enchant, poison, sun), CMB: +9, CMD: 23*, Speed: 30*
Investigator 5 // Monk (MoMS) 3 / Rogue (Investigator) 2

"Sounds good, but we'll have to ditch them before we get too close." Arasmes says, thinking about wind direction and such, not wanting to be upwind where horse stench can warn gnolls of their approach.

HP: 33/33 _ AC: 18_ T: 13 _FF: 15_ Perception +5_ Lowlight _ Sense Motive +9 _ Diplomacy +10 _ Init: +2_Fort: +5_Ref: +3_Will: +7_CMB: +6_CMD: 18_Speed: 30
Acrobatics +6_Bluff +4 _ Climb +6 _ Escape Artist +5 _ Handle Animal +10 _ Heal +8 _ Intimidate +8 _ K +7 _ Linguistics +4 _ Ride +10 _ Spellcraft +7 _ Stealth +9 _ Survival +7 _ Swim +6 _ Use Magic Device +10

"I understand, they should be fine with my guidance." She says lightly as she leaves to get the horses ready.

HP 34/38 Sirocco-born
HP: 38/38, AC: 23 _ T: 16 _ FF: 17 _ Perception +10*, Darkvision 60 ft., Initiative: +3, Fort +6* _ Ref +9* _ Will +8* (+X vs trap, enchant, poison, sun), CMB: +9, CMD: 23*, Speed: 30*
Investigator 5 // Monk (MoMS) 3 / Rogue (Investigator) 2

"Alton? You ready?"

male Grey Elf Oracle (bones, black blooded, duel cursed) 5/arcanist 3/glory rouge 2 (mageslayer)

"certainly, since this appears to be more your expertise it only makes sense that you make point in this endeavor" he says nodding

HP 34/38 Sirocco-born
HP: 38/38, AC: 23 _ T: 16 _ FF: 17 _ Perception +10*, Darkvision 60 ft., Initiative: +3, Fort +6* _ Ref +9* _ Will +8* (+X vs trap, enchant, poison, sun), CMB: +9, CMD: 23*, Speed: 30*
Investigator 5 // Monk (MoMS) 3 / Rogue (Investigator) 2

Once he had confirmed that the two of his companions were ready to head out, Arasmes led the pack. He approached as closely as he could without giving themselves away, and looked to J'lissa to ensure the horses were OK. Then, he approached stealthily in an attempt to hear what was going on in the strange camp.

Silver Crusade

Nearly Gods Upper and lower

Not taking your army with you then or the strange halfling?

This pre-morning ride you can take many routes but some of the best options are to follow the mountain foothills around to the fort, ride through the Pesh fields, follow the river back to the mountain taking basically the opposite route than following the mountain foothills.

Rough Map here

You are riding to the ruined fort.

male Grey Elf Oracle (bones, black blooded, duel cursed) 5/arcanist 3/glory rouge 2 (mageslayer)

army? No, I don't want to loose them when they may be needed later, I will however invite the halfling to see if he wishes to come, as to the rout, I'll let Arasmes decide,
When they arrive Alton snorts "Figures they'd be in a place like this.. so what's the plan? Do we use the cover of darkness, anounce ourselves and try diplomacy, frontal assault? Or something else I haven't considered yet?"

Silver Crusade

Nearly Gods Upper and lower

As Alton goes to invite the halfling he finds the camel driver having words with the halfling, "What is it in there it is keeping us up! It sounds like the horrible creatures Daski talks about."

HP: 108/108, AC: 25_T:25_FF: 12, Perception +9, Initiative: +4, F: +10 _ R: +9 _ W: +13(+15 vs. fear), CMB: +7, CMD: 21, Speed: 40 ft.
Other Skills:
Halfing Monk: Acrobatics +10, Bluff -1, Climb +8, Escape Artist +7, Handle Animal -1, Religion/History +6, Perform +3, Ride +3, Sense Motive +6, Stealth +11, Survival +3, Swim +6

The halfling responds and with excellent grace keeps the man away from the door, obviously outclassing the man even without him knowing it, "Sir stop, go to bed I will take care of it... Ah here comes the master now. Alton please tell him this is off limits for his own good and to keep his nose where it belongs."

Once Alton tells the camel driver off however he does it, the halfling tells him, "Well I can tell you that sounds fun, but unless you take these vermin with you or at least outside of the monastery, there will be trouble. Too much trouble keeping them here, perhaps we can take 'em and find a good place for 'em?"

HP 34/38 Sirocco-born
HP: 38/38, AC: 23 _ T: 16 _ FF: 17 _ Perception +10*, Darkvision 60 ft., Initiative: +3, Fort +6* _ Ref +9* _ Will +8* (+X vs trap, enchant, poison, sun), CMB: +9, CMD: 23*, Speed: 30*
Investigator 5 // Monk (MoMS) 3 / Rogue (Investigator) 2

Arasmes leads them through the pesh fields, hoping the pungent smell of the plant will mask their scent regardless of wind direction.

"My plan was to watch, learn, and then decide. No idea what to expect, so I wanted to listen in."

When he gets close, he will prepare an extract of comprehend languages, and take it.

Silver Crusade

Nearly Gods Upper and lower

Through the pesh fields the group goes staying at least 100 feet away from the town of Kalamare. Listening and watching as they slowly traveled.

Your success depends on who comes with you. So before we move any further please state who is coming with you.

HP 34/38 Sirocco-born
HP: 38/38, AC: 23 _ T: 16 _ FF: 17 _ Perception +10*, Darkvision 60 ft., Initiative: +3, Fort +6* _ Ref +9* _ Will +8* (+X vs trap, enchant, poison, sun), CMB: +9, CMD: 23*, Speed: 30*
Investigator 5 // Monk (MoMS) 3 / Rogue (Investigator) 2

Alton, J'lissa if she chose to leave the horses. Also the little grey f***ers if Alton decided to bring them (i think he still has to decide that) but i wouldnt want them near me.

male Grey Elf Oracle (bones, black blooded, duel cursed) 5/arcanist 3/glory rouge 2 (mageslayer)

Alton grudgingly decides to bring the undead and gremlins figuring that the possibility of them being discovere while he was away was worse than their demise.

Silver Crusade

Nearly Gods Upper and lower

Luckily nothing happens as the group of four adventurers, and their little army of gremlins with skeltons, travels through the pesh fields. They make less noise when they know trouble is a brewing.

Now a mere 200 feet away from the fort, you can see there are still lights, or perhaps a fire within the old fort.

HP: 108/108, AC: 25_T:25_FF: 12, Perception +9, Initiative: +4, F: +10 _ R: +9 _ W: +13(+15 vs. fear), CMB: +7, CMD: 21, Speed: 40 ft.
Other Skills:
Halfing Monk: Acrobatics +10, Bluff -1, Climb +8, Escape Artist +7, Handle Animal -1, Religion/History +6, Perform +3, Ride +3, Sense Motive +6, Stealth +11, Survival +3, Swim +6

"I am going with you guys, well... yes!" Says the halfling a bit hesitantly but then energetically to end though still in a whisper.

HP: 33/33 _ AC: 18_ T: 13 _FF: 15_ Perception +5_ Lowlight _ Sense Motive +9 _ Diplomacy +10 _ Init: +2_Fort: +5_Ref: +3_Will: +7_CMB: +6_CMD: 18_Speed: 30
Acrobatics +6_Bluff +4 _ Climb +6 _ Escape Artist +5 _ Handle Animal +10 _ Heal +8 _ Intimidate +8 _ K +7 _ Linguistics +4 _ Ride +10 _ Spellcraft +7 _ Stealth +9 _ Survival +7 _ Swim +6 _ Use Magic Device +10

"Send your minions off to be a distraction, I will be about and ready to take down any scouts they might have once the horses are settled." She says simply.

HP 34/38 Sirocco-born
HP: 38/38, AC: 23 _ T: 16 _ FF: 17 _ Perception +10*, Darkvision 60 ft., Initiative: +3, Fort +6* _ Ref +9* _ Will +8* (+X vs trap, enchant, poison, sun), CMB: +9, CMD: 23*, Speed: 30*
Investigator 5 // Monk (MoMS) 3 / Rogue (Investigator) 2

"be careful not to burn the pesh field. The results could be... interesting."

male Grey Elf Oracle (bones, black blooded, duel cursed) 5/arcanist 3/glory rouge 2 (mageslayer)

"I had intended for the gremlins and skeletons to be a distraction for our known enemies, instead of those we are still trying to ascertain their status"

HP 34/38 Sirocco-born
HP: 38/38, AC: 23 _ T: 16 _ FF: 17 _ Perception +10*, Darkvision 60 ft., Initiative: +3, Fort +6* _ Ref +9* _ Will +8* (+X vs trap, enchant, poison, sun), CMB: +9, CMD: 23*, Speed: 30*
Investigator 5 // Monk (MoMS) 3 / Rogue (Investigator) 2

"I, too, thought we were scouting these guys, not attacking them right away" Arasmes whispers.

HP: 33/33 _ AC: 18_ T: 13 _FF: 15_ Perception +5_ Lowlight _ Sense Motive +9 _ Diplomacy +10 _ Init: +2_Fort: +5_Ref: +3_Will: +7_CMB: +6_CMD: 18_Speed: 30
Acrobatics +6_Bluff +4 _ Climb +6 _ Escape Artist +5 _ Handle Animal +10 _ Heal +8 _ Intimidate +8 _ K +7 _ Linguistics +4 _ Ride +10 _ Spellcraft +7 _ Stealth +9 _ Survival +7 _ Swim +6 _ Use Magic Device +10

"Just offering my normal options, do as you will and be obvious if you need help." She says as she goes to settle the horses.

HP: 108/108, AC: 25_T:25_FF: 12, Perception +9, Initiative: +4, F: +10 _ R: +9 _ W: +13(+15 vs. fear), CMB: +7, CMD: 21, Speed: 40 ft.
Other Skills:
Halfing Monk: Acrobatics +10, Bluff -1, Climb +8, Escape Artist +7, Handle Animal -1, Religion/History +6, Perform +3, Ride +3, Sense Motive +6, Stealth +11, Survival +3, Swim +6

"What should I do? Don't you dare leave me in charge of those gremlins again! Honestly worse than goblins!" He says nastily but stays near Arasmes.

HP 34/38 Sirocco-born
HP: 38/38, AC: 23 _ T: 16 _ FF: 17 _ Perception +10*, Darkvision 60 ft., Initiative: +3, Fort +6* _ Ref +9* _ Will +8* (+X vs trap, enchant, poison, sun), CMB: +9, CMD: 23*, Speed: 30*
Investigator 5 // Monk (MoMS) 3 / Rogue (Investigator) 2

"Stay near us, be sneaky. I want to get a closer look. Don't worry, i don't want to leave anyone with those things."

perception: 1d20 + 1 + 1d6 ⇒ (9) + 1 + (5) = 15

Arasmes peers at the village looking for signs of life and intent.

Silver Crusade

Nearly Gods Upper and lower

As the group advances towards the ruined tower, please do stealth and perception checks.

Around on the East side of the tower there is pesh down in the dried moat, and a cracked and old drawbridge that spans the 20 foot moat. Other debris, is piled up at the entrance. Voices and barks can be heard coming from the tower.

Perception DC 15:
The sounds of canines can be heard coming from the tower, though you are sure that the voices won't carry far. The lights are not that revealing and all the lights that would have been seen are on the second level of the tower.

Perception DC 20:
You can hear that there are both canine barks and humanoid laughter, perhaps a dozen of them.

Perception DC 25:
You are sure that all are upstairs that are making a ruckus. Though you see two canines behind the makeshift barrier, they are chained to something beyond the wall one to each side, they appear to be asleep right now.

HP: 108/108, AC: 25_T:25_FF: 12, Perception +9, Initiative: +4, F: +10 _ R: +9 _ W: +13(+15 vs. fear), CMB: +7, CMD: 21, Speed: 40 ft.
Other Skills:
Halfing Monk: Acrobatics +10, Bluff -1, Climb +8, Escape Artist +7, Handle Animal -1, Religion/History +6, Perform +3, Ride +3, Sense Motive +6, Stealth +11, Survival +3, Swim +6

perception: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (5) + 12 = 17

Stealth: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (4) + 14 = 18

He stealthily stays beside Arasmes, then quietly asks, "Do you hear that ruckus coming from within, you sure these are civilized folk?"

HP 34/38 Sirocco-born
HP: 38/38, AC: 23 _ T: 16 _ FF: 17 _ Perception +10*, Darkvision 60 ft., Initiative: +3, Fort +6* _ Ref +9* _ Will +8* (+X vs trap, enchant, poison, sun), CMB: +9, CMD: 23*, Speed: 30*
Investigator 5 // Monk (MoMS) 3 / Rogue (Investigator) 2

just realized i put +1 instead of +10 on my last perception check...

stealth: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (18) + 7 = 25
perception: 1d20 + 10 + 1d6 ⇒ (18) + 10 + (3) = 31

"No, not sure at all. Let me try to listen in."

Arasmes drinks an extract of Comprehend Languages, and listens in on them.

Silver Crusade

Nearly Gods Upper and lower

you hear several voices speaking:
"Oh shove it we won't be doing any major hunting for a while, like I said before, some things need to come into place before we do anything, our little brother is setting them now."
Voice 2, "Right right but why can't I just-"
Voice 1, "No! I have told you we leave them alone, now go to sleep or knaw on a bone."

They continue in similar fashion. The first voice telling the others to settle down and that the hunt will come to them soon enough.

HP 34/38 Sirocco-born
HP: 38/38, AC: 23 _ T: 16 _ FF: 17 _ Perception +10*, Darkvision 60 ft., Initiative: +3, Fort +6* _ Ref +9* _ Will +8* (+X vs trap, enchant, poison, sun), CMB: +9, CMD: 23*, Speed: 30*
Investigator 5 // Monk (MoMS) 3 / Rogue (Investigator) 2

"Hmm, they are talking about a hunt coming up, but someone's little brother has to set things up first. No immediate plans to move out, it seems. Make any sense to you all?" Arasmes asks, looking at the others (particularly the NPCs, as they would know best who the "little brother" in this piece might be).

male Grey Elf Oracle (bones, black blooded, duel cursed) 5/arcanist 3/glory rouge 2 (mageslayer)

"Hmm given they probably don't know we're here it's unlikely to be code, perhaps the other encampment?"

Silver Crusade

Nearly Gods Upper and lower

Both of them look at you and shake their heads, not sure what to add. The halfling shakes his head at Alton's response.

HP 34/38 Sirocco-born
HP: 38/38, AC: 23 _ T: 16 _ FF: 17 _ Perception +10*, Darkvision 60 ft., Initiative: +3, Fort +6* _ Ref +9* _ Will +8* (+X vs trap, enchant, poison, sun), CMB: +9, CMD: 23*, Speed: 30*
Investigator 5 // Monk (MoMS) 3 / Rogue (Investigator) 2

kinda not really sure what to do here. i am not sure i see reason to raid them. we could try to talk first, any advantage we would get from ambushing them is likely to be small anyway. what do you all think?

Silver Crusade

Nearly Gods Upper and lower

Perception DC 20:
You see a strange man garbed in furs, coming towards the tower. He looks to be doing a pretty good job being stealthy buy your eyes still saw him.

HP: 108/108, AC: 25_T:25_FF: 12, Perception +9, Initiative: +4, F: +10 _ R: +9 _ W: +13(+15 vs. fear), CMB: +7, CMD: 21, Speed: 40 ft.
Other Skills:
Halfing Monk: Acrobatics +10, Bluff -1, Climb +8, Escape Artist +7, Handle Animal -1, Religion/History +6, Perform +3, Ride +3, Sense Motive +6, Stealth +11, Survival +3, Swim +6

"I could stumble my way in there and find out what they know, and if hostile you guys can come rescue me as I retreat." The halfling offers.

HP 34/38 Sirocco-born
HP: 38/38, AC: 23 _ T: 16 _ FF: 17 _ Perception +10*, Darkvision 60 ft., Initiative: +3, Fort +6* _ Ref +9* _ Will +8* (+X vs trap, enchant, poison, sun), CMB: +9, CMD: 23*, Speed: 30*
Investigator 5 // Monk (MoMS) 3 / Rogue (Investigator) 2

"Wait, another player in this game has appeared. This exchange ought to tell us what they're up to. Question is, should we save him if things go south? I think... yes?"

male Grey Elf Oracle (bones, black blooded, duel cursed) 5/arcanist 3/glory rouge 2 (mageslayer)

"Sounds reasonable, but for now we should watch and wait"

Silver Crusade

Nearly Gods Upper and lower

Assuming you got the check this as well:
The new comer is actually tracking up to the front of the tower as well, thus he is near you and watching your group, rather than moving farther forward.

See the spoiler above and the previous one, we are talking about you. Feel free to act as you wish. I am just setting it up.

HP 34/38 Sirocco-born
HP: 38/38, AC: 23 _ T: 16 _ FF: 17 _ Perception +10*, Darkvision 60 ft., Initiative: +3, Fort +6* _ Ref +9* _ Will +8* (+X vs trap, enchant, poison, sun), CMB: +9, CMD: 23*, Speed: 30*
Investigator 5 // Monk (MoMS) 3 / Rogue (Investigator) 2

oh, thought he was moving independently of us.

"Hold that thought, looks like we have company." Arasmes says nothing to the newcomer on the off chance that maybe his looking in Arasmes' direction was coincidence, and that Arasmes had not been spotted.

Silver Crusade

Nearly Gods Upper and lower

At least at first and for a minute or so the man who thought he was hidden stays where he is in the underbrush.

Male CN human _ HP: 41/45, AC: 19_T: 16_ FF: 16 _ Perception +11, Initiative: +1, Fort +5 _ Ref +5 _ Will +7, CMB: +11(genrally), CMD: 23, Speed: 40 Acrobatics +9, Bluff +10, Acrobatics +9, Intimidate +16, Swim +14.

the man squints for a moment, before he stands up straight and bushes himself off before calmly walking towards you. The man has a rather pleasant demeanor, despite the fact that he is garbed in animal hides and and has several small scars. A larger scar is present over his left eye. The make on his clothes is surprisingly good considering it's primitive material, giving him a half-cultured appearance. He has a backpack that seems somewhat weighty, what seem to be fur gauntlets, a tightly tied brown belt made of some sort of hide, a thin, deep red undershirt under his hide shirt, and a empty scabbard at his side, that seems to have a not entirely subtle blade running down it.
"Well, hello there."
says the man, in a calm tone.
"Are you travelers?"
upon him getting closer, some of you may notice he wears a odd ring.

male Grey Elf Oracle (bones, black blooded, duel cursed) 5/arcanist 3/glory rouge 2 (mageslayer)

Alton pauses before standing up and says "yes I suppose you can say that"

HP 34/38 Sirocco-born
HP: 38/38, AC: 23 _ T: 16 _ FF: 17 _ Perception +10*, Darkvision 60 ft., Initiative: +3, Fort +6* _ Ref +9* _ Will +8* (+X vs trap, enchant, poison, sun), CMB: +9, CMD: 23*, Speed: 30*
Investigator 5 // Monk (MoMS) 3 / Rogue (Investigator) 2

"Yes. You?"

Male CN human _ HP: 41/45, AC: 19_T: 16_ FF: 16 _ Perception +11, Initiative: +1, Fort +5 _ Ref +5 _ Will +7, CMB: +11(genrally), CMD: 23, Speed: 40 Acrobatics +9, Bluff +10, Acrobatics +9, Intimidate +16, Swim +14.

the man smiles.
"I'm here to hunt and kill gnolls that have wronged me."
he is entirely blatant in what he's doing, seeing no issue with it.

male Grey Elf Oracle (bones, black blooded, duel cursed) 5/arcanist 3/glory rouge 2 (mageslayer)

"I assume you referr to these gnolls, not the ones over that way" he says point in the direction of the other encampment, "in what have they wronged you?"

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