[Name Redacted] (Inactive)

Game Master Shadowtail24

Pharast 6, 4707 A.R.
Ranks (WaW): Thrune->Charthagnion->Henderthane->Jeggare->Narikopolus->Ler oung->Sarini

Fight Map

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Map Female Aasimar Inactive

Don't be ashamed if you do not want to participate. We are not assassins. Sydney, Glifdore, Alden, Dante, Antonio... You can go now if you like. I'll leave sealed messages for you with the bartender here about our next meeting tomorrow night. It won't be here, because we need to stay ahead of whoever is hunting us, and Tarken knew about this spot.

After they leave (if they choose to), she continues

Payk, I could use your help gathering as much information as possible about Dice Drem and where his loyalties lie before the meeting in the morning. I think you and I will be sticking with our friend to make sure he keeps his end of the bargain, and only join in the actual assassination if everything goes to hell... as it might. Can you do that?

If Payk agrees, she tells him where they will meet near Leroung in the morning, and what time, and also sends him off to get what information he can before tomorrow.

Then she sits down with the remaining people and says Okay, does anyone know how Leroung is laid out, and do we have any sort of a plan other than the very general one I just told Payk?

Male Human NG Vigilante(Warlock) 7 | HP 56/56 | AC 18 T 13 FF 15 | Fort +6 Ref +10 Will +7 | CMB +4 CMD 17 | Init +4 Perc +7

"I am no assassin, as you say, but I shall stay if only to offer some measure of my knowledge." Antonio responds.

"We should consider the worst when it comes to Alana. She may have some form of magic up her sleeve that will hinder one's ability to kill her, from some form of protection to teleportation. We should be wary of all such situations. If she gets away, we may never get this opportunity again."

Antonio thinks for a few moments. "We can find out how Leroung's house is built by asking around, or perhaps there was some form of blueprint made for it. We can secure both quite easily."

Forgot Sydney, she would have waved away the request so she is out.

Quick note to make sure everyone is on the same page. House Leroung the Manor House is where the ball was held. It has the ballroom, small library where you met Dice, as well as lodgings for the many of the nobles. The Leroung Library, where Dice said he would meet you, is a separate building. It’s very close to the Manor House, but is a separate building that is almost as large. Dice also did not specify the assassination prior to the information reveal.

Alden decides to stay, but Dante and Glifdore both head out. Sydney collects her familiar from Payk before heading out.

Male Half-Elf Slayer (Sniper) 5 HP (22/34) AC 20|F+4|R+9|W+1|P+8|Init+7

Payk perks up and salutes Ziera. “Yes, sir. I’ll find him, learn absolutely everything i can and report tomorrow. ” He scampers out of the room.

Now present: Adrien, Alden, Vince, Antonio, Edmund, Gray, Ziera.

Human (Taldan) Fighter 3/Ranger 2 HP (25/49) AC 20| F+7 | R+8 | W+4 | P+6 | Init+4

Vince shakes his head as Payk leaves. He raises an eyebrow at Ziera “Dice is going to find that tail in seconds. He might notice Payk before Payk notices him!

HP 38/38 | AC 20 T 15 FF 15 | F +4 R +8 W +8 (+10 vs non-Zon Kuthon divine) | Perception +12 | Init +8

Gray shrugged. "Only a fool would follow such a lead blindly. If that is the case, hopefully he won't be too hard on Payk." The inquisitor yawned, for it had been a long day. Then he started talking strategy with those that remained.

"I have the ability to become invisible, so I shall do so when we get into the library, waiting for your lead to strike the b+~%! when she least expects it." The young man looked around at the others, wanting to hear their offered contribution to the assassination attempt. If each knew what the others were doing, it would result in a more seamless effort.

Map Female Aasimar Inactive

Ziera, already frustrated, gets angry at Vince's words

I didn't tell him to tail him... only to gather information *about* him. He is supposed to be good at that. Let's trust that he is, and that he won't get himself killed.

If you know without any memories that he *isn't* good at information gathering, then you know way more than I do. I am just going off the information that I was given about the expertise of each person... so save your guilt trips for someone else.

Not exactly like you are the poster boy for good judgment today, are you?

Human (Taldan) Fighter 3/Ranger 2 HP (25/49) AC 20| F+7 | R+8 | W+4 | P+6 | Init+4

Vince waves away the comment with a smirk. “I was going to hit Alana while she was in Thrune. Since that’s not an option, what are our options? With Thrune not attending the Balls, we don’t have a known time and place for her. This is going to get a lot more complicated without a place and time. And an unknown number of guards. And unknown terrain. And... well you see where I’m going with this. ” He turns his neck to the side and it cracks

Map Female Aasimar Inactive

You guys are the ones that took the job. Did he give you an idea of when and where? I thought this meeting at Leroung meant that she would be there somewhere... if not, what is this additional meeting for?

HP 38/38 | AC 20 T 15 FF 15 | F +4 R +8 W +8 (+10 vs non-Zon Kuthon divine) | Perception +12 | Init +8

Gray's brow furrowed in irritation. "I was under the impression that the woman would be there at the library tomorrow morning." The inquisitor's expression was angry, but calm. He supposed this Drem would want to speak more extensively of the boon he offered in exchange for Alana's death, since as Ziera said they had already agreed to the assassination attempt.

Typically patient, Gray's was running out with the situation. While he felt closer to his Dark Lord than ever before, he didn't understand why that was, and it bothered him. What had he done to earn Zon-Kuthon's favor? He wanted to know, and that meant getting the memories back. And killing Thrune. Two for the price of one.

Human (Taldan) Fighter 3/Ranger 2 HP (25/49) AC 20| F+7 | R+8 | W+4 | P+6 | Init+4

Vince shook his head. “He wasn’t even going to go be us the name at the party; he must have meant this to iron out the deal. No matter, when Dice and Payk meet up tonight he can find out.

Vince frowns. “Actually, we should ask Dice. If he really wants Alana dead, he’s probably imagined ways to kill her.

Map Female Aasimar Inactive

You guys were at the *same* meeting, right?

And why do you think that Payk is meeting with Dice? I just told him to gather information.

Ugh. ... So, what now? Do you need to talk to Dice tonight? There doesn't seem to be any reason for the meeting tomorrow at all, so I think I'll skip it.

If we're going to do something evil anyway, I'd rather torture Dice until he tells us what we need to know. Not that I will, but I feel like strangling the guy right now.

HP 38/38 | AC 20 T 15 FF 15 | F +4 R +8 W +8 (+10 vs non-Zon Kuthon divine) | Perception +12 | Init +8

Gray frowned at both Vince and when Ziera asked her question, brow furrowing once again. He guessed he hadn't understood quite as well as he had hoped. Still, when the elven woman mentioned torturing Drem the inquisitor perked up, glad she was finally on board the pain train. Choo choo! "Yes, let's catch the little bastard and make him beg to tell us. Then we can kill the Thrune b&&&@ later on just to spite him!" Gray's grin at the end of his rant was rather ghastly, though the handsome face he wore at the moment softened it slightly.

Map Female Aasimar Inactive

Antonio, you are the closest thing we have to an impartial observer. What do you think is the better plan? Going along with Dice, coming up with a plan, and killing Alana Thrune, or taking Dice and making him talk?

... Or is there a third option that I can't think of because this is all making my brain explode?

Honestly, I think 5 years ago I would have jumped at the killing Alana Thrune idea, but right now it seems like the most complicated thing that we could do.

Edmund, do you have an opinion?

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AC 11 (T 11 FF 10); CMD: 15; Maximum HP: 42; Current HP: 42 F +6, R +6, W +9

”Can there be any doubt as to Alana’s evil? If not, then it matters not whether we do this to get information or do it to better life on this plane if existence. If we take Drem and torture him, there is the chance that we may have need of his assistance in the future, and that chance would be list. It seems unlikely that we will ever need Alana Thrune’s assistance for anything.”

Map Female Aasimar Inactive

You make an excellent point. Ziera looks thoughtful and waits for the others to offer their opinions.

Male Human NG Vigilante(Warlock) 7 | HP 56/56 | AC 18 T 13 FF 15 | Fort +6 Ref +10 Will +7 | CMB +4 CMD 17 | Init +4 Perc +7

Antonio mulls over the room, wary of the confusion and aggression that echo about. Ziera is right. Each of us have our own opinions: I have to shuffle through them and find an agreeable solution.

"Torturing Drem... could be a bad idea. I don't approach that from a moral perspective, but a tactical one. While he may not be the face of it, he still belongs to Leroung. No sense in making more enemies than we have, and remove the chance of turning the houses against one another. And I highly doubt he will hold back much about Alana anyway - if he truly wants us to kill her, there would be no point. "

Antonio sighs. "But trusting Drem is not much better. He strikes me as someone with quite a bit of pride, enough he would readily drop anyone for his own benefit. But -" Antonio holds up his finger. "- He is clever, and confident in that trait. He will try to play us further, most likely. He will act as the snake charmer, his strange tunes enchanting us. Or so he believes. For this snake will bite its master." Antonio finishes, smiling.

"Our relationship with Drem is that of a partnership. If he attempts to betray us, we will return it to him twofold. This is a gamble - one we will have to take. Without this chance, we may never find out the true nature of the contracts and the animagi."

HP 38/38 | AC 20 T 15 FF 15 | F +4 R +8 W +8 (+10 vs non-Zon Kuthon divine) | Perception +12 | Init +8

Gray listened to the two caster companions speak, and calmed himself. What they said made sense logically, even if it went against his desires. "Very well, then. Let us go and speak with Drem at the Library tomorrow, then. The possibility of the return of the memories and the opportunity to strike against Thrune is too great to risk."

Map Female Aasimar Inactive

Ziera nods, glad she didn't have to make the decision.

I suppose there isn't anything else to talk about since we don't actually know where we can find Alana. And I'm tired and stressed. I need a break. I'll see you guys outside Leroung in the morning, where I told Payk to meet me. I'll decide whether to accompany you inside at that point, since I can't think straight right now. Feel free to continue without me, as you wish.

She excuses herself, and with as much extra care as possible, changing outfits and hair style and color several times, she retires to her new place to get some sleep.

Alden, Vince, and Adrien nod, and the commence small talk as everyone files out.

The night passes without any interruptions, and morning dawns.

AC 11 (T 11 FF 10); CMD: 15; Maximum HP: 42; Current HP: 42 F +6, R +6, W +9

Before they leave...


Edmund hurries after Ziera as she leaves. "Before you go, please accept my apologies for messing things up so rather badly with Tarken earlier. I just cannot abide the thought of killing a man when there is even a chance he is innocent. My concern was that if he wasn't a traitor and just a fool, we likely had another of our number who was a traitor and we needed to know for certain. Clearly, I am not meant for thinking these nefarious strategies out on the fly, and I will refrain from taking such initiative in the future. Here is your potion back."

He returns the elixir of truth.

Map Female Aasimar Inactive


Ziera gives Edmund a tired smile. Oh, Edmund... no need to apologize. I can't stomach all of this either. I don't know how all of this got to be such a mess. I just want to get our memories back. Once we do that, perhaps all of this will make more sense. I've been trying to be a good "cell leader" because I was told that is what I was... but how can I do that if I don't know my people, and I don't even know myself for the past 5 years?

Why don't you keep the potion for now. It might be useful on Drem later, if he will agree to it. We'll find a way out of this somehow.

Map Female Aasimar Inactive

In the morning, Ziera gets ready and goes (sneakily, as usual) to the prearranged place to meet up with Payk and see if he learned anything valuable.

HP 38/38 | AC 20 T 15 FF 15 | F +4 R +8 W +8 (+10 vs non-Zon Kuthon divine) | Perception +12 | Init +8

Gray awakened early the next morning, feeling his gifts and abilities from the Dark Lord replenished. Good, he had a feeling he would need them before the day was out. The young man went to the common area of the inn, supping on breakfast casually as he awaited the others. He nodded to Ziera as she slipped out the door, knowing to wait until her return. She might have valuable information when she got back that would assist them with Drem.

Male Half-Elf Slayer (Sniper) 5 HP (22/34) AC 20|F+4|R+9|W+1|P+8|Init+7


Payk is a little jittery as he arrives at the meeting place afternoon you. He talks quickly at first, enough so that you have to tell him to slow down and start over. “Dice didn’t do much last night. He went straight from where he lives to an inn. I’m pretty sure he saw me though, and just shook his head when he did so when he went to his room i paid an orphan to watch the building and i went and found the nice dwarf Morgrim. He said that Dice’s vendetta against Alana is personal; she killed his parents or something. He’s let it be known several times that he is willing to pay to have her killed, but no one will take the offer. Alana apparently knows the threat exists, but she doesn’t seem to think it’s enough of a threat to do anything. I followed him to the library when he got up, and then just left to get here in time.

I will note that yes, it should be surprising that Payk did a competent job at this considering his memory lack. Likely conclusion being he has some knack / aptitude for this that isn’t diminished by his lack of memory.

Map Female Aasimar Inactive

To clarify, Ziera did not stay at the inn where they had their meeting, but went home to her new place where she moved during the execution. She was expecting you guys to meet her outside Leroung (where she is meeting with Payk). Sorry if I wasn't clear. I can have her go over to find you guys and fill you in if you don't show up, if that works better... I just arranged to meet him here so we all had a close place to the Library to meet before going in.

Thanks, Payk. Well done. I don't see anyone else here, so let's go look for them. I wonder if they stayed at the inn where we were last night rather than returning to their own homes.

She starts walking back, away from Leroung towards the inn where they had their meeting.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
AC 11 (T 11 FF 10); CMD: 15; Maximum HP: 42; Current HP: 42 F +6, R +6, W +9

Edmund would have gone back to his home for the night for a fitful night of sleep with all manner of early-warning systems rigged to all the doors and windows.

He uses his hat of disguise to make himself appear an elderly grungy beggar with a battered valise and umbrella, who alternates between shuffling from place to place outside the library and sitting in doorways calling for alms. He asks Ziera and Payk for alms as well before winking at them.

Map Female Aasimar Inactive

Ziera is about to hand Edmund a coin when he winks, and she laughs. I definitely should have been paying closer attention. You got me. she says.

Male Half-Elf Slayer (Sniper) 5 HP (22/34) AC 20|F+4|R+9|W+1|P+8|Init+7

Payk notices the wink as well, though he was not about to give a coin to the elderly beggar.

Do you want me to jump to a point? Everyone meets at the inn? Or everyone is at Leroung library?

Map Female Aasimar Inactive

Yep, I think we're stuck. Why don't we just jump to the library?

HP 38/38 | AC 20 T 15 FF 15 | F +4 R +8 W +8 (+10 vs non-Zon Kuthon divine) | Perception +12 | Init +8

I concur.

Two votes for, that’s good enough for me.

Leroung Library, early morning on Pharast 5. Present: Antonio, Ziera, Edmund, Gray, Payk, Vince.

If the library in the Leroung Manor House was impressive, the standalone Leroung Library is overwhelming. Even this early in the morning it is bustling, with liveried servants moving trays of books around, and uniformed librarians (there’s a clear difference) helping guests or stocking books. There are only a few patrons at this point, and the librarian behind the main reference desk is available. Payk though, takes the lead and starts leading the way through the stacks. You quickly move into areas the lights (sunrise or enchantments, not torches) are spread out further and the people are scarce. After a few turns the half-elf steps sideways into an alcove you might have overlooked. There is a sitting area there with several chairs around a table, and a few comfortable chairs. The only light is a hooded lantern that hangs above a chair in the corner opposite the entrance.

Dice is curled up in the chair, a book closed on his lap. He was clearly expecting you, as he was watching the entrance as you appeared. He flips his hand up to the lantern and opens it to let the sunrod illuminate the entire area. He waits for everyone to file into the area.

You’ve considered my offer then?

Vince looks like he is about to speak but stops and looks around, letting someone else speak up first.

AC 11 (T 11 FF 10); CMD: 15; Maximum HP: 42; Current HP: 42 F +6, R +6, W +9

Edmund, who has by this time dispelled the beggar disguise for his ordinary appearance, is in real danger of just wandering off into the nirvana of literature. Antonio and Gray both have to, on occasion, give him a gentle shove to keep going past some title that catches his eye.

As such, he’s too jittery to speak first at Drem’s question: besides, he promised not to try running the intrigue any longer.

Male Human NG Vigilante(Warlock) 7 | HP 56/56 | AC 18 T 13 FF 15 | Fort +6 Ref +10 Will +7 | CMB +4 CMD 17 | Init +4 Perc +7


Map Female Aasimar Inactive

Why don't you go back to the beginning for my benefit. I wasn't present at the last... "negotiation." What exactly are you offering us, and why are you asking this particular price?

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (11) + 15 = 26

Dice frowns for a moment, looking over Ziera who he has not seen before. “Any and all information you can think to ask about contracts or animagi, and maybe even some information you don’t think to ask about. Considering how much i know, the asking price is fair.

Edmund, Antonio, Vince, Gray:

That was a much harder sell about his services than last time, where he basically just noted he knew stuff.

Map Female Aasimar Inactive

Ha. For that price you might not have to give us any information at all. We'll be hunted down like rabbits and you know it. Luckily we're already being hunted down like rabbits, so we're in the market. I'm not convinced that this is a good use of our time though. You must know that we are not assassins. Why come to us rather than the thieves' guild?

Ziera waits for the answer to that question, and then comes to the crux of her bargain.

I would like you to prove your worth beforehand by giving us some actionable information. We need to find all of the houses' founding contracts in order to remove a ... kind of curse. Tell us the location of House Leroung's contract and allow us access, including overcoming or allowing us to overcome any animagi impediments, and we will take your word that you will deliver the rest of the information after we have fulfilled your request.

Rolling Bluff instead of Diplomacy because there are some subtle not-the-whole-truth moments in there, but she isn't outright lying to him at any point. She intends to fulfil their side of the bargain if he will fulfil his, especially since Vince is going to try anyway because of his mysterious and unholy agreement.

Bluff: 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (11) + 20 = 31

HP 38/38 | AC 20 T 15 FF 15 | F +4 R +8 W +8 (+10 vs non-Zon Kuthon divine) | Perception +12 | Init +8

The inquisitor contained his irritation as he and Antonio both had to nudge the old bookseller along at times, the man's lusty eyes roaming over the written material as a younger man might eye the fleshly offerings of a whore house. Maybe they should have requested Edmund to stay outside.

Gray stayed back a few paces as the elf started to speak for them, preferring to let Ziera lead this time as they spoke with Drem. He kept his expression neutral, though he really just wanted to throttle the halfling until he told them all he knew, and then added some embellishments for good measure. His eyes turned to Ziera as she countered the man, the blue orbs narrowing as he then regarded Dice to hear his answer.

Dice speaks up quickly to Ziera’s question. “I have. No one will take a job against Thrune.

Dice’s face falls as Ziera lists her demands. “I was hoping to make you negotiate up to those terms. No matter.” He lowers his voice. “It will be a betrayal of my House, but only a small one. Many of the leaders have started doubting if we need a contract at all. I can tell you how to get to ours, and how to destroy them, and any other question you might have.

He pauses. “You might play this off as trickery, but i need to have Alana killed, and i know the cost of that request.

Human (Taldan) Fighter 3/Ranger 2 HP (25/49) AC 20| F+7 | R+8 | W+4 | P+6 | Init+4

Vince, who had sunk into one of the armchairs, stands. “Dice Drem, I will kill Alana Thrunee for you; and my word is binding.

Dice smiles. He stands and puts the book on the table, and then sits in one of the hard backed chairs. “Good. Now what specifically do you want to know?

If you want you can drop straight RPing here and list questions.

Map Female Aasimar Inactive

We need the location of all the contracts and animagi, with information about how to defeat them, right? As I understand it, our memories are contained in or linked to the animagi?

I imagine we need all that he knows about how to kill Alana Thrune as well, because despite Vince's boasting, if he goes in alone he'll likely just be slaughtered.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
HP 38/38 | AC 20 T 15 FF 15 | F +4 R +8 W +8 (+10 vs non-Zon Kuthon divine) | Perception +12 | Init +8

Info on the defenses surrounding Alana would help, as well, if that is available. Also, if Drem knows why exactly we were mind-blasted to begin with instead of just terminated, that would be great, as well.

Dice does not know about your memory issues, do you want to bring those up?

Male Human NG Vigilante(Warlock) 7 | HP 56/56 | AC 18 T 13 FF 15 | Fort +6 Ref +10 Will +7 | CMB +4 CMD 17 | Init +4 Perc +7

Antonio is not going to bring it up, simply because it gives Drem an edge he doesn't need. Since the contracts and animagi are connected, finding one will lead to the other. While I would like to know more about the animagi and how to get rid of them, I don't know if Drem knows anything about them.

Grey brings up some good points - does Drem know much about our group?

Im waiting on confirmation from Gray, and then a post from Edmund and then I’ll start responding.

AC 11 (T 11 FF 10); CMD: 15; Maximum HP: 42; Current HP: 42 F +6, R +6, W +9

Edmund is still staying silent, leaving these matters to those better equipped to handle them successfully.

He does cast detect magic and scan the room repeatedly for scrying sensors.

HP 38/38 | AC 20 T 15 FF 15 | F +4 R +8 W +8 (+10 vs non-Zon Kuthon divine) | Perception +12 | Init +8

Oh, sorry...I kind of thought Antonio had answered for me. If he's ignorant of the matter, no need to delve into it.

Dice is a willing participant in the conversation. He starts with Alana. He notes the following:

-She, and all of Thrune, are making fewer public appearances, likely for political reasons.

-She is heavily guarded when she leaves the House Thrune complex. She sees it as a show of strength in her House, not a sign of weakness to be protected.

-He gives you a layout of the Thrune complex, or at least a partial layout. It includes a side entrance, suggested guard to bribe, and a path to Alana's quarters. He describes the path as solidly under control, but even as he gives descriptions you can tell he is making it sound easier than it will be.

As pertains to contracts:

-House Founding Contracts at their core are their core, are agreements with the devils. They vary in nature, with some requesting pure fighting strength, and others trades in magic and information. They are jealously guarded, and likely only a few of the highest nobles know about the location of them.

-He is pretty sure that Thrune's is beneath it's complex. Sarini's location is well known, behind a statue in their common room. Thrune has spread that location as a way to keep Sarini in check. He believes that both Charthagnion and Henderthane are worried about Thrune's might, and have hidden their contracts outside of their properties. Jeggare's contract would likely be stored in their bank vault, though he's tried to determine that many times and has not had it confirmed. He had a lead on Narikopolus' contract, but the recent change in nobility caused it to be moved and he doesn't have a fresh lead.

-Contracts are also protected by their own magic. Destroying them requires at least Dispel Magic, Greater and then a acid or fire spell of level 4 or greater. Hellfire can destroy the contract without needing a casting of dispel magic.

-He will give you the location of Leroung's contract, which he himself is not supposed to know. But he will do that as the conversation is closing. It doesn't fit as a betrayal though, many within Leroung think the contract is unnecessary.

As pertains to animagi:

-The animagi are recent, though he is not sure how widespread the constructs are. He stumbles over the word constructs, but can't come up with a better one. He knows that Leroung bought the magic for animagi and immediately installed it in defense of their contract. They believe that they know more about animagi than anyone in Cheliax, and thus have this as their best opportunity for defending their contract.

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