Minkai Sengoku Jidai (Inactive)

Game Master Loup Blanc

Adventure, intrigue, romance, in the height of Minkai's warring states.

The year is 2601 in the Imperial Calendar, and the great northeastern peninsula is embroiled in war. 'Minkai' is still the beginnings of an idea, and no single government reigns; instead, a multitude of warlords wrestle for power, as they have for almost a hundred years. Barely a year has passed since five clans--Amatatsu, Higashiyama, Shojinawa, Sugimatu, and Teikoku--first proclaimed they had been blessed to rule by divine mandate of the goddess Shizuru. As they have slowly banded together, a new shift is coming in this period of unending conflict. Perhaps someday soon, the wars will come to an end, and one ruler will unite this land of blood and fire. But for now, the battles continue, and even if the five families are destined to control the nation, there are many rivals they must face before taking the throne.

This is a closed game (at least for now). I'm running this as a side project for some folks from another campaign.

For the players: The basic premise of the campaign is above, but I'll boil it down even further. We'll be playing in the period just before the Teikoku Shogunate is formed and Minkai is established as a single nation, in what I have to imagine is a period much like the Warring States in Japan before the Tokugawa Shogunate was established. According to official timelines, Shizuru visited the Imperial families in 2600, but it wasn't until 2612 that the Teikoku Shogunate was formed, so what happened in that dozen years? There isn't a ton of information on this era as far as I can tell, so I'll be putting together some stuff on my own, and we'll be making some of it up as we go. I like the prospects of collaborative world-building in games, but it's very good to have a groundwork to tie yourselves to, and this seems like a great way to get the best of both worlds.

Character Creation--Mechanics:
Starting Level: 3
Races: Stick to races that are fitting for this region and time period. Humans are the most common by far, with aasimars and tieflings potentially having some representation; the genie-kin planetouched are less likely to appear, but it's plausible. The racial tensions between the nagaji and humans died down some thousand years before this point, so a nagaji character wouldn't be impossible. I'd rather avoid kitsune to place emphasis on kami and other spirits being otherworldly creatures, but I won't rule them out. Most of the core races aren't very common or even present in Minkai at this point; keep in mind we're well before any contact has occurred between Tian Xia and the Inner Sea.
Classes: I'm not going to rule anything out, and we are doing gestalt. I'd suggest that at least one of your classes give you mechanics to support a strong flavor that fits the game--whether that means monk, or an appropriate archetype, or whatever, is up to you.
Ability Scores: 20 points on a point-for-point spread, with abilities starting at 10; this means a 14 costs 4 points, a 16 costs 6, and so forth. I'd like at most one score at 18 and at most two scores at 8 after racial modifiers, to give you guys plenty of room to grow.
Traits: 2 base, you can take a drawback for a third, and of course the Additional Traits feat for two more on top of anything else. Campaign traits aren't off-limits if they make sense (other than Finding Haleen), but please ask first.
Starting Wealth: 3,000 gp, plus one masterwork weapon and one masterwork armor of your choice. If you're playing a character who wouldn't benefit from either of these, let me know and we'll work something out (I also have some houserules that could change things). Note that you should primarily use Eastern weapons and armor (including those specific lists as well as thematic options from the overall lists).
HP: Max for these levels. We'll take half+1 after this point most likely.
Optional Rules/Houserules:
--Background Skills from Unchained (including the new skills introduced)
--Stamina and Combat Tricks from Unchained. Fighters get the feat for free, everyone else has to take it.
--Automatic Bonus Progression from Unchained at your level+2, albeit with some important changes to make it better that I'll get into as it comes up. This is negotiable, but I like the thematic idea of heroes who are inherently skilled with their chosen equipment and style, rather than relying on magic items. It also frees you to use that 3000 gp on interesting things instead of the obligatory +1 armor and cloak of resistance.
--Strain and Injury, a simpler variant of the Wounds and Vigor idea. This is mostly for the purpose of flavor, since unless you play a swashbuckler there aren't realy mechanics for parrying in sword duels like you typically see, but it's also useful mechanically and fits the idea. And this way the group doesn't really need a dedicated healer as much, leaving you free to focus on, y'know, badass samurai stuff.
--Duels from Ultimate Combat, when they come up.
--Intrigue from Ultimate Intrigue, as appropriate if/when it comes up. There's usually courtly intrigue at least in the background of wuxia and jidai geki films, so having some in our game feels fitting.
--Honor from Ultimate Campaign (and the Dragon Empires Gazetteer), because it's incredibly fitting. I'm also open to potentially using Honor in the alignment system from Dragon Tiger Ox, if people like.
(Wow, that was a lot. We're almost through.)
Available Material: Pretty much everything Paizo as long as it can be found online--I mostly use d20pfsrd and Archives of Nethys, so between them I have access to most of what's been published. For 3rd-party, we'll mainly be doing Path of War from Dreamscarred Press, and Dragon Tiger Ox and the Heroes of the East series from Little Red Goblin Games. Other things are potentially open if you ask, as long as I have access to the stuff in question. If you need anything I've mentioned, PM me an email and I'll get them to you.

Character Creation--Fluff:
Backstory: I don't need a novella, although the more the merrier. As long as it gives me a good sense of your character and where they come from, that's all I need. However, I'd love to hear a couple of things in particular.
--Allegiance: In a period of civil war like this, very few can survive on their own, and who you know is often at least as important as what you know or how skilled you are as a warrior. In this campaign you'll be mainly working as agents of the five Imperial Families, at least to start. Which of the families are you mainly allied with? Maybe it isn't one of the central five, but another clan related to one of them somehow. Think about how you know them as well: are you a member of the family, are you a vassal samurai who works for them, are you a ronin who's been hired on? It's up to you. If you want to come up with some information on your character's clan, especially if it's not one of the main families, feel free; if you want to see any notes I've come up with, feel free to ask.
--Style and Training: It's often an interesting facet of characters in this kind of setting to look at where they trained, who they trained with, what kind of style they use to fight. Obviously we're starting at 3rd level, so you won't be masters of the greatest sword style in the land, but you may well be journeyman students under a famed master. What's the name of your style of combat? What were the circumstances of your training?
--History and Ancestors: These are some of the most important elements of an individual in the culture, as there's huge emphasis on respect for family of the past as well as the present. How much has history affected your character's current circumstances, and do they have any famous ancestors? Maybe they're named after a famous swordsman who fought in the armies that raised Imperial Lung Wa. Maybe your lineage is traced back to a dragon or an emissary of a god who visited a righteous ancestor.
Appearance: I just want the basics of what your character looks like, in terms of physical appearance and bearing. It would also be worthwhile to discuss things like the appearance of their armor and weapons, if any, as those are a big part of how your character is viewed by others.
Personality: Again, I just need some basics, nothing huge. Your character's alignment, ability scores, and honor and such can help form a basis for your character's personality, but they definitely aren't everything, so a deeper look at their life outlook and all that can be useful for defining them further. This is also a decent spot to discuss any religions or philosophies your character follows, and any other aspects that alter the way they view the world.

Whew. That was... more than I'd expected to type out. If you've got any questions post here or message me. I'm really looking forward to this.

Few questions:

1.) Are we doing anything that cuts down on Feat taxes? Ex. my games usually make Power Attack, Combat Expertise, etc. base options for everyone that qualifies.

2.) How do you feel about completely SAD characters? I have a way to make my character almost completely Wis based (Wis to AC, DCs, attack, and damage), but wanted to run it by you first.

3.) Dragon Tiger Ox races fair game? A Gaiwu would be neat.
--3a.) Any of the other alternate rules? Off Balance status, unarmed damage changes, all Monk weapons are Martial proficiency, etc.?

I'd love to use Honor/Dishonor BTW.

Edit: Also, wow, good timing on my part. You posted this right before I got home from work.

Alright, so here's the basic mechanical build of my character. As you can probably tell, he's a member of the Amatatsu clan. Specifically, he's the third son of the clan head, giving him decent rank, but not overly important unless both of his older brothers die somehow. More details of his background will be filled in eventually, but I wanted to get this done first.

Hey! Dot for now, I'm greatly amused that each one of us will be using a different PoW 'base' class, as well as each one being a Int, Wis or Cha class.

The little things in life, guys, the little things...

Anyway, I'm still trying to get around which class could be flavourful for the style of this campaing, while still providing some measure of synergy with Intelligence and being a future quick-drawing Iaijutsu master.

I will come back later today with the results!

EDIT: Just decided to tell Int synergy to screw itself. Imma be a katana wielding samurai elemental bender.

Woops, Sundakan, you actually reminded me of a couple things I meant to post myself in the realm of actual house rules...

Feats and Feat Taxes: I don't like feat taxes either, so yeah, I cut down on them where possible. Power Attack and Combat Expertise are free, as is Weapon Finesse (and Agile Maneuvers with it, why they're different feats to begin with I don't understand). If there are other annoying taxes you notice that are bothering your character, let me know and I'll think on them.

SAD/Ability Synergy: I don't mind characters who focus a lot on one ability score, it's something I've done and it can be very fun and thematic (plus limiting ability scores to 18 at character creation keeps things from being too crazy). On that note, there's actually a mechanical option I meant to include in the first post and forgot...

Ki Armor:
While armor is a huge part of some images of the classic samurai, we also see a lot of heroes in media with these themes who aren't wearing any armor at all--instead, they survive by reflexes, awareness, knowledge of battle, or something like that. In Pathfinder, that isn't easy to replicate without altering rules a little bit, so altering the rules is what I'm going to do.

If you're playing a class that has armor proficiency, you can give it up to instead gain an AC Bonus class feature similar to the monk's. It applies when you aren't wearing any armor and aren't encumbered, it doesn't apply if you're immobilized or helpless. It does apply to both touch and flat-footed AC.

The bonus is equal to one mental ability modifier of your choice, so Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma. (This might seem powerful, but classes that get an ability like this always get it with a score they use for other things anyway). If your class is normally proficient with medium armor, this bonus increases by +1 at 6th level and every 6 levels thereafter. If your class is normally proficient with heavy armor, the bonus increases by +1 at 4th level and every 4 levels thereafter.

The choice to take this option, as well as the choice of what ability score to use, is made at character creation, using the "better" of the two classes in question to determine the bonus. (So if you're a fighter/barbarian, and you decide to take this, it's based off the fighter's heavy armor proficiency). This bonus does not stack with any similar bonuses to AC, using common sense and the GM's judgment. (So obviously no stacking it with the monk's ability, but also no stacking with a kensai's canny defense, although you can use this setup instead of canny defense if you want.)

Hopefully that's clear enough in my intentions.

DTO Races: While some of the races in Dragon Tiger Ox are interesting, since this is set in Golarion, I'd say let's stick with standard races for this one. Oni-spawn tiefling fill a very similar role both thematically and mechanically to the guaiwu; I suppose if you really dislike the mechanics of tieflings, you could use the guaiwu stats to represent them.

DTO Options: I'll have to keep going through the book to double-check everything, because it has been a bit since I did an extensive read, but I'd say yes to the unarmed strike options and the off-balance condition. I won't make all Monk weapons martial weapons, because they aren't all totally fitting, but I will say this: feel free to assume that many of the exotic weapons with Eastern flavor are martial. I'll go through a full list at some point soon when I have the chance.

I'm sure there's more I'll think of as time goes on, but for now it looks like people are checking in and brainstorming. Haruto looks very interesting, I'll refrain on passing final judgment for a little while now that I've mentioned some new house rules.

Excellent. I'll be able to get down into it tomorrow. Need to build Emissary's character while I'm at it too.

I have an absolutely insane number of bonus feats with this character...

Human, 1st level warlord combat feat, 3rd level warlord teamwork feat, martial tradition feat, power attack

Seven god d*mn feats at 3rd level.

In the middle of building my character, have a vague outline on personality/appearance/fighting style and build is slowly coming together. Struck by a flash of inspiration on something that could be way cool.

One side of the gestalt Aegis/Soulknife, aiming for the Metaforge prestige class. Could be covered in a jade protective skin and fly around and stuff. Of course, that is two classes you haven't pre-approved, which may be pushing it. I'm not sold on it yet anyway (it would take at least two Feats to make it worthwhile, probably more), but figured I'd run it by you.

Hmm... Aegis and Soulknife I'm okay with, I'm familiar with them and they can easily be reflavored to work through ki rather than psionics. I don't know the Metaforge, I'll have to check it out. The flavor you're building there certainly seems neat though.


It basically combines Aegis and Soulknife progression, but only for Customizations and the Enhanced Mind Blade. No Blade Skills or DR progression, for example.

Looking at it again...it's not very good. Might work for my purposes but after that second glance I'm not sure it's worth the trade-off.

Then again, I have basically no use for Blade skills after 2nd level, so...

If I wasn't so enamored with using Wis for attack/damage I'd probably drop Soulknife entirely. ABP makes basically everything else about it redundant. Deadly Fist doesn't even give the Monk AC Bonus like I thought it did, so I may be better of going with a Dex or Str (Brutal Slayer to make muscles bulge to deflect swords) character and picking a class that gives more fun stuff (like Inquisitor, or just straight up Aegis).

I also kinda want to use a Tetsubo instead of fists, because tetsubos are awesome.

If Jade Superman doesn't work out, Oni-man might.

Hmm. After review, I'm alright with the Metaforge. It seems like a neat class to really focus on, in this game, harnessing your ki to improve your combat ability.

As far as ABP goes, I'm alright with you choosing your mind blade for the weapon bonuses, although even then there's some overlap and it may not be totally worth it. Either way, whatever you end up choosing. Not sure if I can help with the Wisdom to attack/damage thing outside of the blade skill for it, yeah...

Tetsubos are indeed a good time, and in this, I'll even make them martial weapons, as I'm going to do with a bunch of the exotic eastern weapons. I'll have a full list up at some point soon-ish. I'm also working on information on the major clans, with their family heads, weapons, and styles, as well as some general info and the major players of each. Look for that in the Campaign Info tab once I've got it done.

I'm still deciding on a lot of things with the character, but I'm definitely going to go with a (Monk or Brawler)/Kineticist, though I'm not sure which when it comes to the brand of punching. Also not decided on the element for my Kineticist; I'm torn between going for Air/Water or really focusing on Aether. My Air/Water character has a really "North Wind" kind of feel going on, while Aether is more up in the air as for concepts. I also don't have a race yet.

If you guys have any opinions, let me know! This character is still pretty rough, so I appreciate your ideas.

Hey! I'm right now building and writing my character -from whom I'll only mention his name is Ryushi Ishimoto-.

In the end I took a complete different approach and concept from the one I said first, a different japanese hero archetype... but one I fell in lobe as soon as it crossed my mind.

I will post it soon, so bear with me: I'm excited.

Anybody know a way I can Flurry with a Tetsubo without being a Warpriest or dipping Cleric?

Sovereign Court

Sundakan wrote:
Anybody know a way I can Flurry with a Tetsubo without being a Warpriest or dipping Cleric?

The sohei monk archetype, at level 6, can pick weapon training with a group and use flurry with any weapon in that group.

Jesse Heinig wrote:
Sundakan wrote:
Anybody know a way I can Flurry with a Tetsubo without being a Warpriest or dipping Cleric?
The sohei monk archetype, at level 6, can pick weapon training with a group and use flurry with any weapon in that group.

True, but the tetsubo isn't in any of the groups that archetype offers. I don't know of any way to do it off the top of my head, although I'd be willing to work a feat or something to allow it.

Actually, I just recalled a feat I was going to alter anyway: I open up Ascetic Style to more weapons than just the monk weapon group. (Most of those weapons are ones you can use with your monk things anyway. Why restrict things?) I wouldn't allow it with every weapon, because that could get strange fast, but I'd absolutely let it roll with a tetsubo for fun times, at least in a game like this. It's still a couple of feats to get there, and you don't qualify for the flurry option just yet, but it's something.

Noice. I realized I haven't actually tried to play an Unchained Monk yet, but really am liking the tetsubo/nyoibo imagery. I think I can wait two levels to actually get to use my tetsubo for rapid strikes. I can use it for Maneuvers and punch/kick off of it for full attacks. Fighting style is starting to come together, but it looks like I'm not going to have the Feats to spare after Weapon Focus, Weapon Group Adaptation, and Ascetic Style to do much for a few levels.

After that, taking Improved Trip and Vicious Stomp into the Brute Style line of Feats could end up pretty brutal. Alternately, as a Stalker I have the ability to VERY easily induce the Staggered condition, so Medusa's Wrath would actually be good once I get to 10th level.

Now I just need to settle on whether I'm a Str based brute or Dex based brute. I basically have my pick of Str to AC, or Dex to damage (with any weapon). The latter costs me a lot less, but the former is cooler.

Did they ever release any good archetypes for the Unchained Monk? None seem to be listed on the SRD. I know there's a Cha based one that's dragon themed, and a poisoner, but neither really fit.

There's a third-party book of Unchained Monk archetypes, adapting the ones for the original monk to work. I've seen a few of the archetypes from the book and they look balanced and good to me, but I don't actually have access to it, at least not right now. I'll look into getting it and if I do, I'm happy to share anything from it as needed.

There's a few, which one were you looking at? If it's under $10 I may buy it myself. The Everyman Unchained one(s) I imagine are the ones you mean?

I've actually been looking mainly at the Purple Duck Games version, which I believe is also what I've seen in action from people using. It seems fairly comprehensive and has pretty good reviews. I'm honestly about to just spring for it myself because it's pretty cheap and I'll probably get a lot of mileage out of it, if only for this game. (Although I've been looking at doing other games in Tian Xia and it'll be helpful for those as well.)

EDIT: Just downloaded it. I'll start looking through.

Nice. I was hoping for unique archetypes, but opening up backwards compatibility is the next best thing.

On that note, I'm looking at doing a Successor States game in the future. Probably not until next year, depending on different stuff. I'm considering adapting Ironfang Invasion in to Kaoling invading the Shokuro (replacing Nirmathus) and Lingshen (replacing Molthune), but I might just drop that depending on how difficult reworking the setting specific elements will be. I'll have to wait until the AP is done to know I guess.

So if people are interested, that will be a thing you can look forward to.

Just about done. Going to just toss out what should probably be my last mechanical question: Anything from Heroes of the East you can think of that fits my proposed fighting style of the brutal, Oni-like fighter? I'd love something that lets me break opponent's limbs or knock the wind out of them and such.

Actually, in sort of the same vein, are Called Shots a thing in this game?

I took a look through the books, and I didn't see anything of note for that kind of style. Most of the Heroes of the East line is archetypes and new classes, and the feats are mainly just for unarmed and sword fighting. Otherwise, there's good old Cudgeler Style, although it mainly revolves around nonlethal damage--which can be very useful, still.

As for Called Shots... I'm torn on them, because while I like the idea behind calling your shot on an attack and it potentially having a greater effect, I don't love how Paizo actually did it mechanically. I'll take a look again, think about it, and get back to you, but if anyone has any thoughts on that I'm obviously opening to hear them.

I don't really like Paizo's version either, but something like it would be cool. I'll spitball ideas later.

By the by, dunno if anyone's looked, but I've been putting some stuff in the Campaign Info tab. At this point there's the weapon proficiency changes in one spoiler, and a (very much) work-in-progress series of spoilers on the major clans. I'll be adding more to it as people add info of their own, as I have time to type up my own work and put it in there, and the like. Feel free to let me know anything you're thinking of for your own chosen family, whether it's an extra clan or one of the main five.

Also, would you rather we keep this in the tab as it is, or create a separate document (probably using Google) and link to it? They each have their ups and downs.

I like it in the Campaign Info currently, but it would be easier for everyone to edit in Google Docs so we can paste our own clans/families in there.

Onimazoku Clan:

Clan Head: Onimazoku Hamada (M), Harbinger/Monk (Martial Artist) 10
Family Weapon: Bo (Staves)
Clan Style: Kukishin-ryu The Onimazoku use a combination of brutal crushing blows and unarmed techniques to wear down their opponent with overwhelming force.

As the name implies, the Onimazoku are, though not primarily, significantly comprised of the spawn of evil outsiders. While there is a core family lineage, the clan adopts wayward tieflings where they can, giving them a home where their heritage and abilities are accepted, appreciated, and even honed. In return for shelter and training, the adoptees serve as soldiers in the Onimazoku army.

I had pictured Haruto's sister as a cleric more than an oracle, but this works too.

I went with Oracle because at least one of the books on Minkai (and Tian Xia as a whole) mentions that clerics are much rarer than oracles are, or at least oracles are much preferred and better-trusted when it comes to having diviners around. I also may switch her to one of the straight Eastern classes from Heroes of the East; I updated the tab while working on some other things at the same time, so I didn't have time to go through and check what would be best. As I said, it's all a work in progress, so expect some change.

If you have them, can we get a few more setting/story details? In particular, what is the justification for all of us from varying clans banding together?

Yeah, I'll try and get that sort of stuff solidly (and understandably) typed up today and post it on here. Short version is that the heads of the five families are gathering in the same place for the first time since Shizuru's Mandate, and you'll be guarding a group making their way there--probably not an actual clan head, but a family member or the like.

Also, after some debate, I've decided that for this game I do want to use the Honorable/Dishonorable alignment change from Dragon Tiger Ox. To put simply, Good=Honorable and Evil=Dishonorable and everything works the same mechanically, it's just a change of name (so paladins detect dishonor, and so on). I went back and forth on it, but ultimately I want this campaign to explore the ideas of honor, honorable conduct, and so on, and there's also a good chance that you guys will have to go up against decent people who happen to be in your way, and Honorable vs. Honorable feels a lot more justifiable and interesting than Good vs. Good, which always ends up coming off as... unnecessary?

Did someone say honor?

First thing first, I love Sundy's concept. Man, Oni style is cool.

Second thing, sorry for the waiting. Both in terms of submission and the Clan ideas I should be sending Loup. It's been an awfully long and bad week.

And finally, I like the alignment thing. I mean, I was going for Lawful Good despite picturing Ryushi as not so Lawful because NG and CG didn't feel just right... but Chaotic Honorable and Neutral Honorable feels a lot better.

In continuing to work on things for this and checking in, a feat from Path of War Expanded that I previously wasn't aware of was brought to my attention: Daisho Expertise. Part of the feat is already sort of done away with by my house rules, and I don't like the part about increasing damage dice, but it's a neat thematic feat, so I want to keep it in somehow.

Thus, my homebrew hotfix to this feat:
Daisho Expertise (Combat)
Your grace and skill while wielding the daisho together is as marvelous as it is deadly.

Prerequisites: Exotic Weapon Proficiency (katana), Martial Weapon Proficiency (wakizashi)

Benefit: While wielding a katana or wakizashi, you may add your Dexterity modifier to your damage rolls instead of your Strength modifier, reducing the bonus by half as usual for off-handed weapons. In addition, you can apply the benefits of any feats, class features, or similar effects that would normally require you to choose one weapon to both the katana and the wakizashi; for example, Weapon Focus (katana) would also give a +1 bonus to attack rolls with a wakizashi.

Note: This feat was originally focused on in terms of providing a functional feat in our game, but also specifically looking at building a character who wields the daisho together in combat, using Two-Weapon Fighting with a katana and wakizashi. That said, I didn't want to make it focus entirely on dual-wielding, so I opened it up to all katana and wakizashi use. This does make it a relatively powerful feat, but since it's very restrictive in its weapons, I think overall it's not too terrifying.

I am of course still working on other things, and the full campaign info/premise should be up soon. I will warn that this is midterms week for my college, though, so some things may be pushed back a bit. (I think I'll have enough time to get a lot done, though, especially this evening into tomorrow.)

Grand Lodge

Hey guys! Gotta finish everything and add the backstory and descriptions, specially choose my maneuvers.

Godammit, I wish there were more boost maneuvers at first level, my style doesn't mix well with strikes.
Well, none of my styles. The three of them.

Okay, I finished working out and typing up some more info on exactly what's going on at the start of this campaign and what you guys will be doing. As you can probably guess, you'll be part of one of the groups that's protecting a clan head on their way to the meeting; I haven't decided exactly which group just yet, because I'd like to see all your characters and their allegiances before picking. Hopefully this is enough to get some things clearer, though.

The Current State of Affairs:
Shizuru issued her proclamation, her Divine Mandate of the Minkai, just over twelve months ago. While the mandate was certainly welcome, at least by the five families and their allies, no one was prepared for it. The Sengoku Jidai has been a constant factor of life for over a century, with all the clans embroiled in civil war in hopes of claiming superiority over the others. If the five families do join together in alliance against the rest, they may well have the strength to take some control, but they weren't ready a year ago. They were maintaining their own lands, fighting off other clans and bandits, trying to consolidate their holdings. The Shojinawa and Sugimatu had even been in direct conflict against one another. A mandate from the heavens was enough to get everyone's attention, and get them in contact with one another, but it didn't immediately bring them together in full, active alliance. The time for that action is now.

The five families' holdings are spread throughout the land. The Amatatsu live on the edge of the Seseragi Forest. The Higashiyama make their home on the Osogen Grasslands to the north. The Shojinawa and Sugimatu are based in the southeastern plains, waging war in the rice fields. And the Teikoku control a section of the southwestern peninsula, and their grand city of Uddo on the river. Although allied through their mutual divine elevation, the clans have been hesitant to throw in their lot with one another entirely. Now, though, they have consolidated power enough to spare forces for a joint meeting of the clan heads.

The location for this meeting is not within any of the clans' domain, nor, in fact, is it currently held by any clans. The first meeting of the Minkai will be held in an ancient castle near the peak of Mount Yogan, a volcano in the Kyojin Mountains that divide the region west from east. The fortress itself belonged to a fire yai lord who was slain centuries ago, but in the last months vassals of the five clans have engaged in extensive renovations of the building. Now it stands as a free, defensible fort in neutral territory, and it seems a near-perfect locale for the clans to hold their conference.

The clans have made several provisions to ensure peaceful cooperation and mutual interest in avoiding conflict during this period, and in the meeting itself is no different. The honor guards defending each family head as they make their way are comprised of vassals from all five clans, meaning any treachery will be obvious and swiftly avenged. Most of these guards involve at least one scion or other important ally of each other clan in the midst, so all are invested in every group's safety. The clans have also sworn on their ancestral honor to uphold this alliance and work in peace at least to the meeting itself, and the hope is truly that all will reach the site safely. But there are more dangers than simple treachery within the five families themselves...

What You Know About the Meeting:
What: The first true meeting between the five families given the Divine Mandate of the Minkai: the right to rule this fractured land. Although some clan heads have met with one or two others, this is the first gathering when all five will be present together to discuss their plans for uniting the nation.

Where: Moekami no Kaori Castle. An ancient fortress that once belonged to a fire yai lord and its oni vassals, this location is a neutral meeting place roughly centered between the domains of the various clans. Appropriately historic, dramatic, and practical, there's already talk that this may become the joint fortress of the five clans, a home-away-from-home where they might oversee the coming war.

When: Soon. Assuming there are no issues with the clan heads arriving, the conference is scheduled to begin in a week, at the beginning of the new month. It's likely the conference will begin informally once multiple clan heads are present, and will begin formally once everyone is there and ready. The meeting is expected to last for some time, although no set schedule exists as of yet.

Who: The Minkai: Amatatsu, Higashiyama, Shojinawa, Sugimatu, and Teikoku. Obviously some of their vassal families and clans will be present as well, mostly as servants and soldiers, but few if any other powerful clans will be present. Specifically, the clan heads and their spouses are arriving, as well as other members of their immediate family. Each head is sure to bring a retinue of advisors and important courtiers as well, although most have left a particularly trusted advisor in control of their domain while away.

Why: The meeting is to discuss plans and ideas for the coming war, where the Minkai will attempt to unify the warring states and install themselves as the leaders of a new nation. It seems more focused on military planning and political strategy than concerns over how exactly a new government will be formed; for now, that still seems a distant goal, even if commanded by a goddess.

Any word here, guys? I'm sure you've all just been busy, I know I have, but I figured it'd be good to check in.

Grand Lodge

I finished everything regarding the crunch, except for the remaining gold... which I totally don't know what to do with.

Concerning the background, I gotta put it all in background format. As of now I got bullet points with the most important atuff plus what I PMed you.

I've finished everything but background skills. Also need to put pen to paper on character write-up, but it's pretty well hashed out.

I've been pretty busy, haven't had time to really put the pen to paper and make the character, so to speak. I'll get on it this weekend, probably.

I'm ready to go just about whenever with Yasei Onimazoku.

Ready steady go?

Uhm, it looks like we have three characters set and ready to go. Jon's still working on his, I'm assuming, so I'll go ahead and open up Discussion and Gameplay, go ahead and post there, although I'd prefer you give Gameplay the old dot-and-delete so you're tracking it, but the first five posts don't look all like dotting or something.

I'll try to have mine up soon, hopefully tomorrow or Thursday. I've had a lot of shit to do, recently.

Grand Lodge

I will dot, having a... well, not exactly a writer's block but the complete opposite regarding backstory.

I got too much I would like to say, but it simply doesn't feel right as a blob of text.

I will try to condense the most basic stuff and save the rest for interparty and NPC rping moments.

I don't suppose you'd let me use the original, unerrata'd version of the Crane Style feat chain? I'd much prefer it to the current version if I can use it. I was hoping to combine it with Panther Style to block attacks while moving around the battlefield and returning them in kind. If that's alright with you, I'd be interested in pursuing those feat chains.

I'm fine with that, actually. Honestly there are many errata changes I don't love, so if anyone has any questions on that just ask and I'll consider it. Unless I feel strongly one way or the other I'll probably be okay with it.

This character isn't quite finished, but I've got a lot of the info down. I'm gonna finish him up tonight... I'm sorry I've been holding everyone up. Real life has been killer lately.

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