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The blind girl turns in the general direction of Damiano.
"Alike let me know there is another thing she needs from Aldras Vayne... there is a new noble girl in the city. Her name is Ileosa Arvanxi. She needs for him to befriend her. He will need to become her confidante..."
The girls turns red...
"... and her lover."

Damiano, Duke of Deception |

"A peculiar task indeed, I wonder for what purpose...
Damiano noticed the girl turning red.
"...but I assume we will get more details as we play out our parts. I bid you farewell."
Damiano swiftly made his way back to the manor, Umbræ following in the shadows along the rooftops.

Damiano, Duke of Deception |

Should have done this some time ago, but here we go with the first part of my mission. Gathering knowledge
Damiano spent the better part of the day doing some research in his library and pouring through his adventurer's chronicles looking for anything relevant. He then checks his blue book before heading out into the city to gather some more information amongst the populace of Korvosa.
At the same time he will let Umbræ stake out the court. Mostly to see if anything is happening there right now.
Knowledge(Local) on the court: 1d20 + 13 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 13 + 3 = 31 using my library on Local Knowledge
Knowledge(Nobility) on the court: 1d20 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 4 + 2 = 15 using my Adventurer's Chronicle (Nobility)
Knowledge(Local) on Ileosa Arvanxi: 1d20 + 13 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 13 + 2 = 29 using my Blue Book(Korvosa) to visit some places where I might learn more about her (Not using the library here, as I would find it weird that it already would contain any information about her).
Knowledge(Nobility) on Ileosa Arvanxi: 1d20 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 4 + 2 = 26 using my Adventurer's Chronicle (Nobility)
Using my Library takes 1 hour, but I personally think it will take slightly longer as he has no specific question about the court and just wants to find as much information as he has on it. Referencing the adventurer's chronicle takes 1d4 rounds, so is negligible when it comes to time spent. Consulting the blue book takes 1 hour and gives me a +2 bonus on knowledge(local), bluff & diplomacy for the purpose of gathering/using information in Korvosa. And I'm assuming he spent most of the evening gathering information in a variety of places in Korvosa.

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Arthur crew gives the information he has about the crime in Old Korvosa:
The Cerulean Society (the Official Thieves' Guild in Korvosa) has a small presence in Old Korvosa, preferring the other parts of the city for their extortions. But twice a year a blue wearing member of the Society goes to Old Korvosa to collect payment for the local gangs. Their guildmaster is know as Boule, a towering man feared by many, especially the guild members.
There are rumors about House Arkona working for, or with, or under control of the Cerulean society on Old Korvosa. But nothing has been substantiated. In fact no investigation has been officially made about it. Or if somebody has tried to investigate, has not lived to tell about his discoveries. The head of House Arkona is Glorio Arkona, a known philanthropist.
The Sczarni has the most visible influence in Old Korvosa, organized Sczarni gangs frequently prowl the streets and sewers of Korvosa. They form, fight briefly against the Cerulean Society, and then melt again into the Varisian population. The Cerulean Society and other gangs in the city struggle against these Sczarni uprisings, but they cannot afford genocidal sweeps of Varisians (or even known Sczarni) among them, as so many of their own members (and leaders) hail from that large and influential family. Rumors state that the Sczarnis want to take control of Old Korvosa, but the Varisians hold so little power in the city that such an occurrence seems impossible.
As much a shadowy rumor as a truly known gang, the Rat’s Teat Boys supposedly consists exclusively of wererats. This group apparently works its trade under the streets of Old Korvosa, although circumstantial evidence of its handiworks occasionally appears on the mainland. Every so often, the rumors say, the boys go on a “recruitment drive.” During these frightening times people suddenly disappear throughout the district, thought to be claimed by the Rat Teat’s Boys and made into foul lycanthropes. That people frequently disappear in the district even during the best of times doesn’t quell the near-panic these rumored enlistment periods engender.
Another gang are the Dusters: Taking its name from the distinctive overcoats worn by its members, the Dusters gang specializes in armed robbery, kidnappings, and harassing innocents. A spineless and dimwitted Shoanti bully named Kynndors Thok acts as the leader of this ham-fisted gang. The entire underworld community—with the exclusion of Kynndors himself—knows that the Dusters’ true leadership lies with Kynndor’s Varisian girlfriend, who goes by the singular name of Marlessa. Rumors whisper that Marlessa has ties to the Sczarni and uses the Dusters as goons whenever one of the dons requires.
Finally Catsdew Lofties: This all-female cat burglar gang specializes in traveling across the Shingles of Korvosa, slipping into homes through chimneys, third-story balconies, and attic windows. The Lofties have perhaps the most cosmopolitan of all memberships, accepting into the ranks any female of any race able to prove herself in a test of acrobatics, coordination, and loyalty. The Lofties take pride in their stealth and only carry weapons to protect themselves from the predators who lurk in the Shingles. To date, not a single job performed by the Catsdew Lofties—successful or botched—has required a Lofty to attack anyone.
Also there is a rumor of a secret cell of Red Mantis assassins hidden somewhere in Korvosa in a shadow war with the Cerulean Society.
Devargo Barvassi, known to some as the “King of Spiders,” Devargo runs Eel’s End, a collection of ships that double as a brothel, drug den, and gambling hall.
Pilts Swastel owns and runs Old Korvosa’s Exemplary Execrables, a playhouse that caters to those seeking perverse and morally-questionable entertainment.
Gaedren Lamm, a despicable low-life who missed his chance at being somebody big in Korvosa’s murky underworld. Well past his prime, the decrepit thief abducts orphans and forces them to support his despicable lifestyle with petty crime. Many of Korvosa’s lower class have had dealings with Lamm, and even a few of the city’s middle class and nobility have had their lives complicated by this foul old man. Yet no matter what he does, he always seems to slip away from the guards and avoid answering for his crimes.

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Basically Damiano finds that Ileosa Arvanxi was born to one of Cheliax's most powerful families in Westcrown. Instead of marrying a wealthy Chelish nobleman, as was expected of her, she rejected her family's authority and moved to Korvosa, scandalizing her family by the abandonment. She is supposed to be looking for a noble to marry her.
She is said to have red hair, alabaster skin and really nice features. She is young, around 16 years old, in her prime for courtship and marriage.

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I forgot to say... In Westcroen some say it's the final nail in the coffin for her family, and she has few means here in Korvosa (for a noblewoman, that's it, not that she is destitute).