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@Corsario, how is everything coming along?
@Arthur Cannon, from what I can see you are going for the "leadership" position with some combat utility (focused on non-lethal and knocking people unconscious). If that is the case, it looks pretty good from a quick glance.
One thing I noticed is that you put the elven chain as only giving +4 AC, but it actually gives +6. Which would bring you to 19 AC.

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It's alright. I understand that something like this takes some preparation and if other things interfere that goes slowly. And I'd rather you prepare well, than start it half-prepared due to the fact you feel obligated to get the thing going as fast as possible.
As I stated before, I am a very patient person.

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I think Irene still needs some editing... right?
About Aldras Vayne...
Shouldn't be:
- CMD 29 (1 more)?
- Disable Device 29 instead of 28 (with MW Tools)?
- Disguise 22 instead of 20 (with Disguise kit)?
- Rapier and Crossbow +17?
- Diplomacy seems low, but ok, he has a "manager" to deal with negociations
- Knowledges seems very low, especially (Local)
Nice background and Organizations, love them...

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- CMD 29 (1 more)?
I indeed forgot to add Dodge, but seeing as I haven't focused on combat for this character, I hadn't thought that it added to CMD :)
- Disable Device 29 instead of 28 (with MW Tools)?
- Disguise 22 instead of 20 (with Disguise kit)?
I usually don't add the bonuses from Kits to my character, but then again, without MW thieves' tools I would have a penalty. I do believe they give a +2, not a +1. Will add it to the sheet. Will also update it with the bonuses I get from my mythic feat once we actually become mythic ;)
- Rapier and Crossbow +17?
Forgot I had taken weapon finesse, and the crossbow is most likely a copy/paste error where I didn't replace the attack modifier :)
- Diplomacy seems low, but ok, he has a "manager" to deal with negociations
Well, I had been thinking about that. Similarly his profession(Merchant/Trader) isn't that high either, but I kind of figured those skills have gotten in disuse due to not being that actively busy with the business himself (with which I mean he might have had them slightly higher in his younger years, but "retrained/lost" them in favor of other skills). That combined with the fact that I figured his +15 in appraise could help when he was busy with valuables when trading.
- Knowledges seems very low, especially (Local)
What would you think is a more reasonable number? And do you think he also should have some ranks in other knowledges?
Concerning Knowledges, he has access to certain items that can temporarely boost his knowledges when necessary, namely :
Adventurer's Chronicles on all Knowledges (10 books), Blue Book (Korvosa) and several puzzle books. which can give circumstance bonuses or "rerolls" on various knowledges & other skills after having consulted the book/solved the puzzle for the appropriate amount of time.
In the Damiano Manor, he has 2 book repositories (1 on knowledge(local), 1 on knowledge(engineering)). If he has a question pertaining to one of these knowledge domains. He can spend 1 hour researching in there to gain a +3 (untyped) bonus on the check concerning that question.
I looked over my sheet and I think I found some places where I could shift some skill points away from into knowledges & possibly diplomacy.
Nice background and Organizations, love them...
Thanks, I really enjoyed making them. So thank you for giving me that opportunity :)
If you have more questions/feedback, just let me know :)

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Yes, the Masterwork Thieves tools give a +2, and that should take you to 29... the 28 value you had I think is incorrect. Can you check?
About the Knowledge's (thinking he is more "doer" than a "knower"):
Knowledge(Arcana): As a thief to know the basics, at least, would be advised, also as a magician. Or does he actively rejects magic?
Knowledge(Dungeoneering): He lived in Janderhoff with the dwarfs, ain't him? Has he forgot what little could he have learned there?
Knowledge(Engineering): Ok
Knowledge(Geography): He traveled somewhat, I think...
Knowledge(History): Ok
Knowledge(Local) [1]+3+2=6: That means he barely knows about town... He has contacts, has been around, should be higher, at least 8 ranks, I think, unless hi is somewhat an hermit.
Knowledge(Nature): Ok
Knowledge(Nobility): He knows people, right? I mean, he is a mover... Or do he actively avoids or ignores or opposes the Noble's? I could work with that!
Knowledge(Planes): Ok
Knowledge(Religion): Ok
I would think except Local a couple ranks is good for the other Knowledges I mentioned.

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About disable device :
10 ranks
+ 3 from class skill
+ 5 from Dex
+ 6 from Skill Focus (normally +3, but +6 because of 10 ranks)
+ 4 from Deft Hands (normally +2, but +4 because of 10 ranks)
+ 2 from MW thieves' tools
= 30
About the knowledges, he didn't live in Janderhoff. He did travel there often due to his family's business and the fact they have a warehouse there.
Changed some skills around a bit, just tell me if you think it's better now :)

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About Ashimar Weilin:
- As a fellow "teacher" what is his opinion on Vencarlo Orisini?
- Shouldn't Initiative be +6?
- I think you only get two +2 upgrades, so Human would be +4 and Gnome +4, or Human +6 leaving Gnome and Halfling in +2.
- There are several omissions/errors in the Alias. For example Stealth is wrong and Trap Spotter is nowhere to be found
- I got 25 in disable Device, including the Masterwork Thieve's Tools and ranger bonus
- In the Mythweavers sheet the Dex ability bonus has +7 instead of +6 and Wisdowm +3 instead of +2 in skills, Disable Device is wrong and I stop checking. The ones in the alias look ok. Initiative is +6
- Emma Talon Attack 1d3+3
- I think Emma should have 10 and not 13 tricks

Ashimar Weilin |

About Ashimar Weilin:
- As a fellow "teacher" what is his opinion on Vencarlo Orisini?
- Shouldn't Initiative be +6?
- I think you only get two +2 upgrades, so Human would be +4 and Gnome +4, or Human +6 leaving Gnome and Halfling in +2.
- There are several omissions/errors in the Alias. For example Stealth is wrong and Trap Spotter is nowhere to be found
- I got 25 in disable Device, including the Masterwork Thieve's Tools and ranger bonus
- In the Mythweavers sheet the Dex ability bonus has +7 instead of +6 and Wisdowm +3 instead of +2 in skills, Disable Device is wrong and I stop checking. The ones in the alias look ok. Initiative is +6
- Emma Talon Attack 1d3+3
- I think Emma should have 10 and not 13 tricks
1) Excellent question. I will read up on Vencarlo Orisini and have Ashimar form an opinion about what I learn.
2) I've changed Init to +6 for the regular and left it at +7 for geared up (belt of dexterity)
3) Fixed favored enemy to +6/+2/+2
4+5) When geared up, wis and dex bonuses become +3 and +7 because of the equipment. Trap Spotter is there in the alias sheet (first column, a little below halfway mark).
6) Disable Device was a hard one. In everyday mode it's +25 for traps, and in fact may be lower (he doesn't walk around with his thieve's kit - it's just not something normal citizens need). It becomes +28 when geared, since he'll have the extra dex bonus and the mw tools handy.
7) Fixed Emma's Talon Attack stats
8) Fixed Emma's tricks set
I think that leaves question 1, which I'll respond to in a followup. Please let me know if you have any other items I should look into. Thanks!

Ashimar Weilin |

I get the same ones, too. It's just the Thieves' Tools(Masterwork) are with the magical gear in his secret stash, and Ashimar won't typically have it with him. So, I'll leave it at +23, and there is an entry at the bottom of the skills list to show the +23 for disabling traps (+25 when he takes the tools with him, and +26 when he has the dex belt and the tools).

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About Arthur Cannon:
I haven't finished yet, but I have some questions:
- I think you are missing an Ability Point
- The Tactical Expertise ability of the Divine Strategist uses your Intelligence bonus
- For Snake Style you need Improved Unarmed Strike. How did you get it?
- For Snake Fang you need Combat Reflexes
- I think you are missing a trait
- I got 12 in your Reflex save

Arthur Cannon |

-Yeah, looked like I was missing one ability point. I put it towards CHA
-I know. I didn't want to focus on that ability too much though.
-I used Rogue Talent: Ninja Trick: Unarmed Combat Training to get Improved Unarmed Strike.
-I removed Cosmopolitan and replaced it with Combat Reflexes. I must've completely overlooked that.
-I added World Traveler as a trait, picking the Knowledge (Local) option
-Whoops! Forgot to add the +1 for the Unhappy Childhood trait.
This may be obvious, but does Nondetection cover magic equipment from detect magic? Would it protect from See Invis? I was really worried about gearing up with a bunch of magical items but I plan on having Nondetection up 24/7. It would be a great relief if thats how it worked.

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The warded creature or object becomes difficult to detect by divination spells such as clairaudience/clairvoyance, locate object, and detect spells. Nondetection also prevents location by such magic items as crystal balls. If a divination is attempted against the warded creature or item, the caster of the divination must succeed on a caster level check (1d20 + caster level) against a DC of 11 + the caster level of the spellcaster who cast nondetection. If you cast nondetection on yourself or on an item currently in your possession, the DC is 15 + your caster level.
If cast on a creature, nondetection wards the creature's gear as well as the creature itself.
Yes, it would help against detect magic (it grants the Caster level check).
No, it won't protect you from See invisibility.No, don't gear up with a lot of magic items. The whole point of the campaign is for you not to depend on magiks.
If I may ask: How do you plan to have it up 24/7?
Sorry for the delay

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Well there's the Tier 1 Mythic Trickster path ability called
Your mythic nature is a cloak that can shield you from the minds and memories of others. Creatures struggle to recognize you, recall your appearance, remember the nature of conversations they had with you, and recount the actions you took when you were in their presence. If a creature makes a deliberate attempt to recall details about time spent with you, it must succeed at a Will save (DC 10 + your tier + your Charisma modifier) to recall anything beyond vague details. In addition, you're under a permanent nondetection effect with a caster level equal to your character level plus your tier. You can end this effect at any time, and can resume it as a swift action.
Had thought about that ability myself (and than specifically for the very good protection vs divination spells), but seeing as we only become mythic after our meeting with Alika it would have been weird how I evaded detection up to this point + I have my eye on some other path abilities I want before something like that ;)
And as had been asked by the GM, I specifically avoided to load up on Magical items. These are the ones I do have :
+1 Merciful Rapier, Pathfinder Pouch, Muleback cords (mostly carried in the Pathfinder Pouch, only comes out if he needs to lift something really heavy), concealing pocket, Bag of holding type I (not on person, mostly used to transport items between 2 locations my character owns) and Amulet of proof against detection and location (the thing he has been using up to this point to avoid most detection via divination),
5 Potions of Cure Serious Wounds, 2 Potions of Water Breathing, 1 Potion of Invisibility , 2 Potions of Disguise Other (CL3), 1 Wand of Comprehend Languages (50 charges), 4 Keys of lock jamming, 2 Snapleaf, 2 Universal Solvent