MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE - The Korvosa Files (Inactive)

Game Master Corsario

Echos Myron

Devargo Barvasi
Arthur Cannon

Human Rogue Liberator 8/Divine Strategist Cleric of Besmara 8
(23 posts)


The Rake
Damiano, Duke of Deception

HP: 132/132 | AC: 20 T: 16 FF: 14 CMD: 29 | Fort: +5, Ref: +15, Will: +7 | Init: +5 Senses: darkvision 60ft | Effects: Non Detection
Male Human Rogue 10 (Burglar/Underground Chemist)/Shadowdancer 6 Mythic Trickster 1
Acro 30, Appraise 15, Bluff 25, Climb 8, Craft(Cloth) 6, Craft(Alchemy) 11, Diplo 6, DD 32(37), Disguise 22, EA 9, Intimidate 2, Know(Arcana) 4, Know(Dungeoneering) 6, Know(Engineering) 4, Know(Geography) 4, Know(History) 3
Skills Cont.:
Know(Local) 13, Know(Nobility) 4, Linguistics 6, Perception 20(25), Perform(Dance) 7, Perform(Oratory) 7, Prof(Merchant/Trader) 7, Sense Motive 10, SoH 30, Spellcraft 3, Stealth 30, UMD 12

(20 posts)


Ashimar Weilin

Male Human Ranger 12 / Rogue 4
(36 posts)